September 2021, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 708-732 On the origins and consequences of Simon’s modular approach to bounded rationality in economics
by Enrico Petracca - 733-752 Chester Barnard’s systems-theoretic approach to organisation theory: a reconstruction
by Vladislav Valentinov & Steffen Roth - 753-786 The part played by general equilibrium in the liquidity preference vs loanable funds episode (1936–1956)
by Pascal Bridel - 787-810 Money in the debt relationship: notes on the medieval conceptualisation of money in Accursius and Bartolus of Sassoferrato
by Tommaso Brollo - 811-843 Central bank independence, a not so new idea in the history of economic thought: a doctrine in the 1920s
by Adriano do Vale - 844-869 Jacques Lacan and game theory: an early contribution to common knowledge reasoning
by Pierre Courtois & Tarik Tazdaït - 870-873 Roy Harrod
by Mauro Boianovsky - 873-875 Towards an economics of natural equals. A documentary history of the early Virginia School
by Alain Marciano - 875-877 Veblen: the making of an economist who unmade economics
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 877-880 Democratising the economic debate. Pluralism and research evaluation
by Maria Cristina Marcuzzo - 880-883 Paul Samuelson: Master of modern economics
by Roger E. Backhouse - 883-886 Ricardo’s theory of growth and accumulation: a modern view
by Ajit Sinha - 886-888 Max Weber, Praktische Nationalökonomie. Vorlesungen 1895–1899
by Keith Tribe
July 2021, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 499-522 Fisher-Modigliani-Miller organisational finance theory and the financialisation of contemporary societies
by Tiago Cardao-Pito - 523-558 The economist and the secret agent. Strategies to introduce the British model of society into Sicily of 1812.1
by Fabrizio Simon - 559-576 Why the kinked demand curve may still be useful
by Gary M. Galles & Robert L. Sexton - 577-598 The 100% money proposal of the 1930s: an avatar of the Currency School’s reform ideas?
by Samuel Demeulemeester - 599-634 Analysis risk and commercial risk: the first treatment of usury in Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary on the Sentences
by Pierre Januard - 635-653 Some notes on Gossen’s “submerged and forgotten” approach to consumption and time
by Sergio Nisticò - 654-678 Andreas Andréadès: economic liberalism’s dilemmas in the interwar period
by Yorgos Stassinopoulos - 679-680 F. A. Hayek and the epistemology of politics: the curious task of economics
by Francesco Di Iorio - 680-682 Recharting the history of economic thought
by Pavel Kuchař - 683-684 Expectations. Theory and applications from historical perspective
by James Forder - 684-687 The Friedman-Lucas Transition in Macroeconomics: A Structuralist Approach
by Sylvie Rivot - 687-689 Commerce and manners in Edmund Burke’s political economy
by Biancamaria Fontana - 689-691 The first socialization debate (1918) and early efforts towards socialisation
by Roberto Lampa - 691-693 Progress Through Regression: The Life Story of the Empirical Cobb-Douglas Production Function
by Matthew T. Panhans
May 2021, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 305-323 On “effectual demand” and the “extent of the market” in Adam Smith and David Ricardo
by Alex M. Thomas - 324-351 An intellectual boost for Italy’s Europeanisation: the contribution of the influential think tanks Arel and Nomisma (1978–1993)
by Luca Sandonà - 352-374 Keynes’s state planning: from Bolshevism to The General Theory
by João Sicsú - 375-403 The Stockholm School in a new age – Erik Lundberg’s changing views of the Rehn-Meidner Model
by Lennart Erixon - 404-418 Léon Walras and The Wealth of Nations: what did he really learn from Adam Smith?
by Kayoko Misaki - 419-435 Institutions, economy and politics: the debate between Commons and North
by Philippe Broda - 436-455 The dismal science down under: responses to Thomas Carlyle amongst Australasian Economists, c. 1880–1920
by Alexander Jordan - 456-477 Calculating without money. Theories of in-kind accounting of Alexander Chayanov, Otto Neurath and the early Soviet experiences
by Eric Magnin & Nikolay Nenovsky - 478-482 The most Frischian among the Norwegian Economists
by Ariane Dupont Kieffer - 483-484 The economics book: from Xenophon to Cryptocurrency, 250 milestones in the history of economics
by Astrid Van den Bossche - 485-489 The betrayal of liberal economics
by Richard Sturn - 489-491 A history of feminist and gender economics
by Agnès Le Tollec - 492-493 Measuring utility. From the marginal revolution to behavioural economics
by Thomas Müller - 493-495 Marginalism
by Guy Numa - 496-497 Narrative economics: how stories go viral and drive major economic events
by Roberto Romani
March 2021, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 179-200 Maffeo Pantaleoni on labour exchange: bridge between neoclassicism and Fascism
by Motohiro Okada - 201-228 Robert Torrens’ model of trade and growth: genesis and implications for the discovery of comparative advantage
by Michael Gaul - 229-248 The economics of trade liberalization: Charles S. Peirce and the Spanish Treaty of 1884
by James R. Wible & Kevin D. Hoover - 249-272 Bent Hansen’s theory of inflation 19511
by Claes-Henric Siven - 273-291 How speculation became respectable: early theories on financial and commodity markets
by Paolo Paesani & Annalisa Rosselli - 292-295 Economics and performativity. Exploring limits, theories and cases
by Philippe Steiner - 295-297 Méditations sur l’économie politique
by Keith Tribe - 297-299 The visionary realism of German economics: from the thirty years’ war to the cold war
by Erik Grimmer-Solem - 300-302 Adam Smith. La découverte du capitalisme et de ses limites
by Annalisa Rosselli - 302-304 A philosopher’s economist: Hume and rise of capitalism
by Christopher J. Berry
January 2021, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-30 A trilogy of debt. The emancipatory virtue of public debt in saint-simonian, liberal and socialist discourses in nineteenth century France (1825–1852)
by Clément Coste - 31-45 Paul van Zeeland, a monetary economist between two worlds
by Rebeca Gomez Betancourt & Ivo Maes - 46-82 New economic geography: history and debate
by José M. Gaspar - 83-102 On the transmission of Keynes’ and Keynesian ideas in Brazil through Eugênio Gudin’s Principles of Monetary Economics
by Victor Cruz e Silva & Marco Cavalieri & Marcelo Curado - 103-125 Sraffa on Marshall’s theory of value in the Cambridge lectures: achievements in an unfinished criticism
by Attilio Trezzini - 126-141 Frank H. Knight on social values in economic consumption: an archival note
by Luca Fiorito & Massimiliano Vatiero - 142-163 Smith’s Wealth of Nations and the economic past: setting the scene for economic history?
by Manolis Manioudis & Dimitris Milonakis - 164-168 The Elgar companion to John Maynard Keynes
by Carlo Cristiano - 168-170 The marginal revolutionaries: how Austrian economists fought the war of ideas
by Erwin Dekker - 170-172 Monopoly power and competition. The Italian Marginalist perspective
by Maxime Desmarais-Tremblay - 172-175 Histoire de la pensée économique
by Till Düppe - 175-177 Neue Perspektiven Auf Die Politische Ökonomie von Karl Marx Und Friedrich Engels: Die Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). Studien Zur Entwicklung Der Ökonomischen Theorie. Schriften Des Vereins Für Socialpolitik (SVS), Band 115/XXXIV
by Bruno Höfig
November 2020, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 815-818 Introduction
by André Lapidus & Jean-Sébastien Lenfant & Goulven Rubin & Hans-Michael Trautwein - 819-836 Orthodox versus unorthodox views on Ricardo’s theory of money
by Ghislain Deleplace - 837-852 Simon Newcomb’s monetary theory: a reappraisal
by Sofia Valeonti - 853-880 Marx and the “Minsky moment” liquidity crises and reproduction crises in Das Kapital
by Anthony De Grandi & Christian Tutin - 881-900 Threadneedle street meets Lombard street: Bagehot and central bankers in the aftermath of the great recession
by Emmanuel Carre & Sandrine Leloup - 901-918 Jacob Marschak and the Cowles approaches to the theory of money and assets
by Robert W. Dimand & Harald Hagemann - 919-937 On Keynesian Economics and the Economics of Keynes after fifty years
by Pierrick Clerc & Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira - 938-982 How macroeconomists lost control of stabilization policy: towards dark ages
by Jean-Bernard Chatelain & Kirsten Ralf - 983-1010 Turgot’s calculations on the effects of indirect taxation
by Richard van den Berg & Daniel Russell - 1011-1032 Loose ends? Discussing human capital and the economic value of education in the first half of the twentieth century1
by Pedro N. Teixeira
September 2020, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 661-681 On the political economy of fines. Rusche and Kirchheimer’s Punishment and Social Structure revisited
by Patricia Faraldo-Cabana - 682-711 Two views on neutral money: Wieser and Hayek versus Menger and Mises
by Joseph T. Salerno & Carmen Elena Dorobat & Karl-Friedrich Israel - 712-734 Against the orthodox: Walras and Laveleye’s reluctant alliance
by Thomas Michael Mueller - 735-761 The “community of labour” in troubled times (1926–1944): François Perroux’s irrational foundations of economic expertise
by Nicolas Brisset & Raphaël Fèvre - 762-791 Lord William Wyndham Grenville’s manuscript notes on the first edition of David Ricardo’s Principles
by Christophe Depoortère & Arnold Heertje - 792-793 Gli economisti e la costruzione dell’Europa
by Fabio Masini - 794-796 The Routledge companion to literature and economics
by Raphaël Fèvre - 797-799 The economic thought of William Petty – exploring the colonialist roots of economics
by Renee Prendergast - 799-801 A contemporary historiography of economics
by Louise Villeneuve - 801-803 Great economic thinkers. An introduction – from Adam Smith to Amartya Sen
by Daniela Donnini Macciò - 803-805 Routledge handbook of the history of women’s economic thought
by Frances Woolley - 806-807 Politics and the Anthropocene
by Antoine Missemer - 807-810 Ideas in the history of economic development: the case of peripheral countries
by Adriana Calcagno - 810-812 Britain’s political economies. Parliament and economic life, 1660–1800
by Keith Tribe - 812-814 Irving Fisher
by David Laidler
July 2020, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 471-475 Macroeconomic statics and dynamics in a historical perspective
by Sylvie Rivot & Hans-Michael Trautwein - 476-499 Richard Cantillon’s stabilizing market dynamics
by John Berdell & José M. Menudo - 500-522 Images of competition and their impact on modern macroeconomics
by Bruna Ingrao & Claudio Sardoni - 523-548 Keynes’ treatment of dynamics and stability in a monetary economy: the role played by expectations from the Tract on Monetary Reform to the General Theory
by Sylvie Rivot - 549-563 Looking for the rationale of the instability principle in Harrod’s Essay in dynamic theory: who is adjusting what?
by Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira - 564-581 Macroeconomic dynamics at the Cowles Commission from the 1930s to the 1950s
by Robert W. Dimand - 582-605 (In)stability at the Cowles Commission (1939–1948)
by Michaël Assous & Vincent Carret - 606-634 Paul Samuelson’s ways to macroeconomic dynamics
by Mauro Boianovsky - 635-660 From dynamics to stabilisation: Albert Ando and Franco Modigliani’s contributions to the theory of economic growth and fluctuations (1959–1970)1
by Antonella Rancan
May 2020, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 361-367 Introduction to ‘Economists and Saint-Simonism’
by Michel Bellet - 368-387 Auguste and Léon Walras and Saint-Simonianism
by Gilles Jacoud & Jean-Pierre Potier - 388-409 Pareto and Saint-Simonianism. The history of a criticism
by Thierry Demals & Alexandra Hyard - 410-427 Industrialism in the mirror: Edward S. Mason, reader of the Saint-Simonians
by Ludovic Frobert - 428-459 Piero Sraffa’s St. Simonian temptations. An examination of the Sraffa Papers
by Michel Bellet & Adrien Lutz - 460-462 Capital and Ideology and Capital et idéologie
by Nicolas Brisset - 463-465 Capitalism, Alone
by Federico D’Onofrio - 465-467 Essays in Keynesian Persuasion
by Constantinos Repapis - 467-468 Adam Smith: Sytematic Philosopher and Public Thinker
by Robin Paul Malloy - 468-470 Sophie de Grouchy’s Letters on Sympathy – A Critical Engagement with Adam Smith’s the Theory of Moral Sentiments
by Biancamaria Fontana
March 2020, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 163-193 The Standard Narrative about DSGE Models in Central Banks’ Technical Reports
by Francesco Sergi - 194-208 Rationalising the supply-and-demand cross, 1838–1890
by Tony Aspromourgos - 209-229 A road not taken? A brief history of care in economic thought
by John B. Davis & Robert McMaster - 230-247 Marx on alienation and employee capital participation
by Tobias Henschen - 248-275 A reappraisal of Galbraith’s challenge to Consumer Sovereignty: preferences, welfare and the non-neutrality thesis
by Alexandre Chirat - 276-297 Donum, exchange and common good in Aquinas: the dawn of civil economy
by Paolo Santori - 298-323 Marxism before Marxism: Nikolaj Sieber and the birth of Russian social-democracy
by François Allisson & Federico D’Onofrio & Danila E. Raskov & Leonid D. Shirokorad - 324-325 A brief prehistory of the theory of the firm
by Manuela Mosca - 325-327 War in the history of economic thought. Economists and the question of war and Economists and war. A heterodox perspective
by Pepijn Brandon - 327-329 A history of Australasian economic thought
by Simon Guttmann - 329-332 Report on the agrarian law (1795) and other writings
by Adriana Luna-Fabritius - 333-334 The sovereign consumer: a new intellectual history of neoliberalism
by Luiz Felipe Bruzzi Curi - 335-337 Lionel Robbins on the principles of economic analysis – the 1930s lectures
by Pedro N. Teixeira - 337-339 Wilhelm Röpke (1899–1966) a liberal political economist and conservative social philosopher
by Charles Rose - 339-341 Wassily Leontief et la science économique
by Antoine Missemer - 341-344 The value of applied economics: the life and work of Arthur (A.J.) Brown
by Roger Middleton - 344-346 La technologie générale: Johann beckmann, entwurf der algemeinen technologie/projet de technologie générale (1806)
by Måns Jansson - 347-350 Ricardo on money. A reappraisal
by Germán David Feldman - 350-352 City of debtors: a century of fringe finance
by Mary O’Sullivan - 353-356 La politique du merveilleux. Une autre histoire du système de law (1695–1795)
by Antoin Murphy - 356-359 Development: the re-balancing of economic powers
by Davide Gualerzi
January 2020, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editors’ note
by Muriel Dal Pont Legrand & Richard Sturn & Hans-Michael Trautwein - 2-44 C. S. Peirce’s theory of abductive expectations
by James R. Wible - 45-48 A critical note on the new english title for Walras Éléments
by Michael McLure - 49-65 Guicciardini and economic (in)equality
by Nikola Regent - 66-85 The distinction between relative and positive profit: Sir James Steuart after Adam Smith and the Classics
by Ferdinando Meacci - 86-107 The controversy over intellectual property in nineteenth-century France: a comparative analysis between Proudhon and Walras
by Rémy Guichardaz - 108-130 The Marshallian demand curve revisited
by Marek Hudik - 131-153 Central banking under the gold standard: Rist versus Hawtrey on the policy of the bank of France from 1928 to 1931
by Lucy Brillant & Pierre-Hernan Rojas - 154-156 Routledge handbook of the history of global economic thought
by Daniela Donnini Macciò - 156-158 Luigi L. Pasinetti: An intellectual biography. Leading scholar and system builder of the Cambridge School of Economics
by Maria Cristina Marcuzzo - 158-160 Calculated values. Finance, politics and the quantitative age
by Antoin E. Murphy - 160-162 Das Verhältnis von Staat und Ökonomie: Walter Euckens Ordoliberalismus im Angesicht der Schwächung des nationalstaatlichen Regulierungsmonopols
by Stefan Kolev
November 2019, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 1081-1083 Introduction to the special issue devoted to the 2018 ESHET conference at Madrid
by Muriel Dal Pont Legrand & Hans-Michael Trautwein & Estrella Trincado - 1084-1106 Bringing them alive
by André Lapidus - 1107-1152 Circular reasoning. Forbonnais and the intricate history of circular flow analysis in the 1750s
by Richard van den Berg - 1153-1186 Nature and labour: theoretical approaches and metaphors of wealth before Adam Smith
by Stefano Fiori - 1187-1211 Adam Smith and Alexis de Tocqueville on the division of labour
by Jimena Hurtado - 1212-1251 John Stuart Mill on wage inequalities between men and women
by Virginie Gouverneur - 1252-1274 Altruism, sociology and the history of economic thought
by Philippe Steiner - 1275-1309 Widening Wicksell’s conception of political economy: his “thoroughly revolutionary programme”
by Léon Guillot - 1310-1340 Balance Mechanics and Business Cycles
by Johannes Schmidt - 1341-1378 Natural resources in the theory of production: the Georgescu-Roegen/Daly versus Solow/Stiglitz controversy
by Quentin Couix
September 2019, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 827-878 The dark side of capitalism – in orthodox economics?
by Milan Zafirovski - 879-910 Explanatory value in context: the curious case of Hotelling’s location model
by N. Emrah Aydinonat & Emin Köksal - 911-941 Hayek on expectations: the interplay between two complex systems
by Agnès Festré - 942-972 The puzzles of a triumvir: Friedrich von Wieser as political economist and sociologist
by Stefan Kolev - 973-1002 Semi-normative theories of bounded rationality – back to German roots
by Katharina Friederike Sträter - 1003-1026 The ontology of Sir William Petty’s political arithmetic
by Akos Sivado - 1027-1052 Is there a link between Saint-Simonian ability and the capability approach to social justice?
by Adrien Lutz & Antoinette Baujard - 1053-1080 Paul Samuelson, gender bias and discrimination
by Roger E. Backhouse & Béatrice Cherrier
July 2019, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 653-653 Editorial
by Muriel Dal Pont Legrand - 654-658 Mixing history of economic thought with cliometrics: room for debates on economic growth
by Claude Diebolt & Harald Hagemann - 659-697 Accounting for the wealth of Denmark: a case study of Smithian growth using the emergence of modern accounting in Danish dairying
by Markus Lampe & Paul Sharp - 698-737 The debate over grain in the 1750s. A cliometric point of view
by Jean-Daniel Boyer & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Sylvie Rivot - 738-774 A brief history of cliometrics and the evolving view of the industrial revolution
by Michael Haupert - 775-800 Learning outside the factory: a cliometric reappraisal on the impact of technological change on human capital accumulation
by Claude Diebolt & Charlotte Le Chapelain & Audrey-Rose Menard - 801-804 Les économistes et la fin des énergies fossiles (1865–1931)
by Cléo Chassonnery-Zaïgouche & Guillaume Noblet - 804-807 A history of macroeconomics from Keynes to Lucas and beyond
by Danilo Freitas Ramalho da Silva - 807-810 Classical economic today. Essays in honour of Alessandro Roncaglia
by Andrés Lazzarini - 810-812 Le avventure delle Aventures. Traduzioni del Télémaque di Fénelon tra Sette e Ottocento
by Keith Tribe - 812-816 Essays on Hume, Smith and the Scottish Enlightenment
by Paul Sagar - 816-817 Condorcet et Adam Smith. Réformes économiques et progrès social au siècle des Lumières
by José M. Menudo - 817-821 Unproductive labour in political economy. The history of an idea
by Bertram Schefold - 821-825 Œuvres Économiques Complètes
by Tom Hopkins
March 2019, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 231-270 Brunner and Leijonhufvud: friends or foes?
by Pierrick Clerc - 271-293 Specialization, fragmentation, and pluralism in economics
by John B. Davis - 294-326 Thorstein Veblen’s 1904 contributions to q and insider/outsider analysis
by Marion Dieudonné - 327-351 Tracing neoliberalism in Italy: intellectual and political connections
by Fabio Masini - 352-379 An inquiry into the Ramsey-Hotelling connection
by Marion Gaspard & Antoine Missemer - 380-413 Walras as an ordoliberal?
by Roberto Baranzini & Raphaël Fèvre - 414-417 The First Serious Optimist: A.C. Pigou and the Birth of Welfare Economics by Ian Kumekawa
by Karen Knight - 417-420 Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith. Ethics, Politics and Economics, by Maria Paganelli, Dennis C. Rasmussen, Craig Smith
by Claire Pignol & Benoît Walraevens - 420-422 The Politics of Commercial Treaties in the Eighteenth Century. Balance of Power, Balance of Trade
by Christine Théré - 422-425 Managing the economy, managing the people: narratives of economic life in Britain from Beveridge to Brexit, by Jim Tomlinson
by Roger Middleton
January 2019, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-22 The rent disease: Achille Loria’s criticism to the capitalistic society
by Luigino Bruni - 23-50 How Rousseau read Hume’s Political Discourses: hints of unexpected agreement in their views of money and luxury
by Ryu Susato - 51-80 Financial capital and banks in Hilferding and Sraffa: lessons for today
by Giuseppe Mastromatteo - 81-100 Marx and Ricardo on machinery: a critical note
by Miguel D. Ramirez - 101-128 Starve all the lawyers: four theories of the just price
by Åsbjørn Melkevik - 129-156 A fundamental externality in the labour market? Ragnar Frisch on the socially optimal amount of work
by Agnar Sandmo - 157-197 Adam Smith on lotteries: an interpretation and formal restatement
by Laurie Bréban & André Lapidus - 198-200 Peripheral visions of economic development. New frontiers in development economics and the history of economic thought
by Michele Alacevich - 200-206 Founder of modern economics: Paul A. Samuelson. Volume 1: becoming Samuelson, 1915–1948
by Yann Giraud - 206-209 The birth of austerity. German ordoliberalism and contemporary neoliberalism
by Raphaël Fèvre - 209-213 L’intrus et l’absent. Essai sur le travail et le salariat dans la théorie économique
by Pascal Bridel - 213-217 La cultura economica tra le due guerre
by Carlo Cristiano - 217-220 German influences on American economic thought and American influences on German economic thought/Deutsche Einflüsse auf amerikanisches wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Denken und amerikanische Einflüsse auf deutsches Wirtschaftsdenken
by Günther Chaloupek - 220-224 Cameralism in practice: state administration and economy in early modern Europe
by Koen Stapelbroek - 225-229 The new worlds of Thomas Robert Malthus: rereading the principle of population
by Ryan Walter