November 2019, Volume 44, Issue 8
- 1014-1030 From metropolitan rivers to civic corridors: assessing the evolution of the suburban landscape
by Pere Vall-Casas & Marta Benages-Albert & Pablo Elinbaum & Xavier Garcia & Carmen Mendoza-Arroyo & Álvaro Rodrigo Cuéllar Jaramillo - 1031-1049 Traditional vs naturalised design: a comparison of affordances and physical activity in two preschool playscapes
by Llewellyn Wishart & Carolina Cabezas-Benalcázar & Anne-Marie Morrissey & Vincent L. Versace - 1050-1063 Historical perspectives on green structure development: the examples of Stockholm, Sweden and Xi’an, China
by Na Xiu & Maria Ignatieva & Cecil Konijnendijk van den Bosch
October 2019, Volume 44, Issue 7
- 783-786 The politics of rurality
by Krystallia Kamvasinou & Ben Stringer - 787-803 Interpreting vernacular space in Ireland: a new sensibility
by Deirdre McMenamin & Dougal Sheridan - 804-821 Transforming landscapes and identities in the south Wales valleys
by David H. Llewellyn & Melanie Rohse & Jemma Bere & Karen Lewis & Hamish Fyfe - 822-833 Gardening cyberspace—social media and hybrid spaces in the creation of food citizenship in the Bristol city-region, UK
by Matt Reed & Daniel Keech - 834-845 The affective economies and political force of rural wildness
by Esther Peeren - 846-856 A walk in the long grass: agriculture, aesthetics, and wildness on Hampstead Heath
by Jessica J. Lee - 857-871 ‘Something from nothing’—constructing Israeli rurality
by Elissa Rosenberg - 872-891 Landscape of time and immobility
by Yara Sharif - 892-907 Contested landscapes: territorial conflicts and the production of different ruralities in Brazil
by Bernardo Mançano Fernandes & Cliff Welch
August 2019, Volume 44, Issue 6
- 659-670 Literature and sense of place in UK landscape strategy
by Jess Edwards - 671-687 Children’s interactions with water in city centres: a case study from Sheffield, UK
by Melih Bozkurt & Helen Woolley & Nicola Dempsey - 688-701 The Seniors’ Outdoor Survey (SOS Tool): comparing ratings and reliability between Italy and the USA
by Eric Bardenhagen & Giulio Senes & Susan Rodiek & Cristina Ferrara & Adeleh Nejati & Natalia Fumagalli & Antonio Giornelli & Chanam Lee - 702-715 An exploratory approach for using EEG to examine person-environment interaction
by Shu-Chun Lucy Huang & Noelle C. Chiang & Nai-Fong Kuo & Yi-Jang Chen - 716-730 Exploring the linkages between the building, home garden and human system resilience in Lefke Region of North Cyprus
by Gulay Cetinkaya Ciftcioglu & Cemaliye Sunalp - 731-742 Dwelling and tourism: embracing the non-representational in the tourist landscape
by Solène Prince - 743-756 The role of emotions on tourists’ willingness to pay for the Alpine landscape: a latent class approach
by Sandra Notaro & Gianluca Grilli & Alessandro Paletto - 757-767 European and natural landscapes as carriers of place identity: a correlational study in Italian and Spanish regions
by Ferdinando Fornara & Renato Troffa & Sergi Valera & Tomeu Vidal - 768-781 Evaluating landscape changes using vegetation and land-use maps: an integrated approach
by A. Velli & A. Pirola & C. Ferrari
July 2019, Volume 44, Issue 5
- 507-525 ‘My wood isn’t one of those dark and scary ones’: children’s experience and knowledge of woodland in the English rural landscape
by Vivyan Lisewski-Hobson & Charles Watkins - 526-540 The self-narrated walk. A user-led method to research people’s experiences in urban landscapes
by Sandra Costa & Richard Coles - 541-556 Landscape change in Ramallah—Palestine (1994–2014)
by Samar Nazer & Rana Abughannam & Sara Khasib - 557-573 Proposing an agricultural belt to protect a city’s semi-rural characteristics: The example of Bartın, Turkey
by Sevgi Gormus & Serhat Cengiz & Sermin Tagil - 574-587 Current distribution and recent development of sessile oak forests in Montseny (1956–2015)
by Jordi Bou & Lluís Vilar - 588-599 Conservation of historic water systems in Champaner-Pavagadh, Gujarat, India
by Amita Sinha - 600-613 Landscape memory in abandoned areas—physical and ecological perspectives (Central European mountains case study)
by Agnieszka Latocha & Kamila Reczyńska & Tomasz Gradowski & Krzysztof Świerkosz - 614-627 Hidden from the wind and enjoying the water (藏风得水): the traditional cosmology of fengshui and the shaping of Dong villages in Southwestern China
by Xuemei Li & Weiye Li & Kendra S. Smith & Albert C. Smith - 628-641 Evaluation of the ecological efficiency of landscape protection in areas of different protection status. A case study from Poland
by Marta Kubacka - 642-658 Geodesign application for bio-swale design: rule-based approach stormwater management for Ottawa Street North in Hamilton, Ontario
by Adele Pierre & Nadia Amoroso & Sean Kelly
May 2019, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 351-373 Using the past to indicate the possible presence of relics in the present-day landscape: the Western Front of the Great War in Belgium
by Hanne Van den Berghe & W. Gheyle & B. Stichelbaut & T. Saey & N. Note & M. Van Meirvenne & J. Bourgeois & V. Van Eetvelde - 374-392 Thinking of nature: associations with natural versus urban environments and their relation to preference
by Femke Beute & Yvonne A. W. de Kort - 393-403 How ordinary wildlife makes local green places special
by Akke Folmer & Tialda Haartsen & Paulus P. P. Huigen - 404-417 Multifunctional landscapes in a rural, developing country context: conflicts and synergies in Tshidzivhe, South Africa
by Adina Israel & Rachel Wynberg - 418-429 New landscapes of conflict: land-use competition at the urban–rural fringe
by David Jensen & Timothy Baird & Gary Blank - 430-443 Children’s perceptions of neighbourhood environments for walking and outdoor play
by Chuo Li & Michael Seymour - 444-457 A framework for governance of public green spaces in cities
by Andrew MacKenzie & Leonie J. Pearson & Craig J. Pearson - 458-476 Drivers of European landscape change: stakeholders’ perspectives through Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping
by Theo van der Sluis & Bas Arts & Kasper Kok & Marion Bogers & Anne Gravsholt Busck & Kalev Sepp & Isabel Loupa-Ramos & Vangelis Pavlis & Nicoleta Geamana & Emilie Crouzat - 477-492 The impact of environmental factors on benthos communities and freshwater gastropod diversity in urban sinkhole ponds in roadside and forest contexts
by Mariola Krodkiewska & Małgorzata Strzelec & Aneta Spyra & Iga Lewin - 493-505 Pretest-posttest field studies on psychological restoration: a descriptive review and reflections for the future
by Mikel Subiza-Pérez & Laura Vozmediano & César San Juan
April 2019, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 271-277 Changing landscape identity—practice, plurality, and power
by Andrew Butler & Ingrid Sarlöv-Herlin - 278-291 Universal heritage value, community identities and world heritage: forms, functions, processes and context at a changing Mt Fuji
by Kati Lindström - 292-302 Mire landscapes in Estonian fiction and identity
by Piret Pungas-Kohv & Ene-Reet Soovik - 303-319 Foraging for identity: the relationships between landscape activities and landscape identity after catastrophic landscape change
by Andrew Butler & Igor Knez & Ann Åkerskog & Ingrid Sarlöv Herlin & Åsa Ode Sang & Elin Ångman - 320-336 What matters to people? Exploring contents of landscape identity at the local scale
by Isabel Loupa Ramos & Paulo Bianchi & Fátima Bernardo & Veerle Van Eetvelde - 337-350 Transformative actions on communities and landscapes: the case of Kaldabruna village
by Joanna T. Storie & Mart Külvik
February 2019, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 117-133 Rethinking tourism narratives on the cultural landscapes of Asturias (Northern Spain) from the perspective of Landscape Archaeology: do archaeologists have anything to say?
by David González Álvarez - 134-148 The interpretation of the English landscape garden between 1815 and 1840 through Xavier Kurten’s work in Piedmont (north-west Italy)
by Paola Gullino & Agnese Fornaris & Marco Devecchi & Federica Larcher - 149-161 Exploring place attachment and visions of nature of water-based recreationists: the case of the longitudinal dams
by Wessel Ganzevoort & Riyan J. G. van den Born - 162-173 Determinants of a successful public open space: the case of Dataran Merdeka in the city centre of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
by Amir Hossein Askari & Soha Soltani - 174-185 Sociocultural factors of the late Ming and early Qing Chinese garden landscape, based on philosophies seen in , , and
by Jiayan Yun & Joonhyun Kim - 186-199 A home among the gum trees: the Victorian Sanatorium for consumptives, Echuca and Mount Macedon
by Rebecca Le Get - 200-211 Managing hillside landscapes as national forest: lessons learned from the Beijing Western Hills
by Zheng Li & Xiong Li - 212-240 The Landscape Inventory of Galicia (NW Spain): GIS-web and public participation for landscape planning
by Inés Santé & Alfredo Fernández-Ríos & José María Tubío & Francisco García-Fernández & Eliska Farkova & David Miranda - 241-255 Perceptions of ecological and aesthetic quality by natural resource professionals and local people. A qualitative exploration in a mountainous landscape (La Rioja, Spain)
by Alicia López-Rodríguez & Rafael Escribano-Bombín & Verónica Hernández-Jiménez & Simon Bell - 256-269 What makes a garden in the elderly care facility well used?
by Shu Lin Shi & Chau Ming Tong & Clare Cooper Marcus
January 2019, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-5 Editorial: Changes, then and now
by Emma Waterton - 6-18 Assessing landscape composition using visual assessment: accuracy of rapid description compared to digital mapping
by Ariane Chabert & Alexandre Amossé & Jean-Pierre Sarthou - 19-34 Understanding landscape change in a former brownfield site
by Catherine Heatherington & Anna Jorgensen & Stephen Walker - 35-47 Lake extent changes in Basotu, Tanzania: a mixed-methods approach to understanding the impacts of anthropogenic influence and climate variability
by Lindsey Higgins & Martina Angela Caretta - 48-61 A renewed approach to conservation policy of historical gardens in Iran
by Sara Mahdizadeh & Lakshmi Priya Rajendran - 62-74 The phenomenon of walking: diverse and dynamic
by Stine Rybråten & Margrete Skår & Helena Nordh - 75-87 Human impact on the abundance of useful species in a protected area of the Brazilian Cerrado by people perception and biological data
by Taline Cristina da Silva & Letícia Zenóbia de Oliveira Campos & William Balée & Maria Franco Trindade Medeiros & Nivaldo Peroni & Ulysses Paulino Albuquerque - 88-98 The impact of the primary colours yellow, red and, blue on the perception of greenery
by Petra Thorpert & Jan-Eric Englund & Anders Busse Nielsen - 99-111 Landscape biographies of commemoration
by Max van der Schriek - 112-116 In memoriam: a consummate scholar, David Lowenthal (26 April 1923–15 September 2018). A personal memory
by Kenneth R. Olwig
November 2018, Volume 43, Issue 8
- 1015-1020 Special issue on pastoral landscapes caught between abandonment, rewilding and agro-environmental management. Is there an alternative future?
by Werner Krauß & Kenneth R. Olwig - 1021-1031 Alpine landscapes in the Anthropocene: alternative common futures
by Werner Krauß - 1032-1044 England's 'Lake District' and the 'North Atlantic Archipelago': A body of managed land contra a body politic
by Kenneth R. Olwig - 1045-1055 Heathland farm as a new commons?
by Martin Woestenburg - 1056-1067 Biodiversity, livelihoods and struggles over sustainability in Nepal
by Ben Campbell - 1068-1084 Among rewilding mountains: grassland conservation and abandoned settlements in the Northern Apennines
by Andreas Haller & Oliver Bender - 1085-1096 The effects of EU policies on preserving cultural landscape in the Alps
by Nadja Penko Seidl & Mojca Golobič - 1097-1116 Why public policies face difficulties in protecting mountain pastoral landscapes: some lessons from the history of the volcanic landscape of the Chaîne des Puys / Limagne fault, France
by Yves Michelin & Christine Montoloy - 1117-1130 Governing mountain landscapes collectively: local responses to emerging challenges within a systems thinking perspective
by Alessandro Gretter & Marco Ciolli & Rocco Scolozzi - 1131-1134 Referees 2017-2018
by The Editors
October 2018, Volume 43, Issue 7
- 891-905 Landscape and the cultural politics of China’s anticipatory urbanism
by Max D. Woodworth - 906-921 The drone’s eye: applications and implications for landscape architecture
by Karl Kullmann - 922-938 Changes and continuities in a Mediterranean landscape: a new interdisciplinary approach to understanding historic character in western Catalonia
by Sam Turner & Jordi Bolòs & Tim Kinnaird - 939-951 The transnational Gulf City: Saudi and migrant values of public open spaces in Jeddah
by Abdullah Addas & Clare Rishbeth - 952-964 Landscape dynamics of Mediterranean montane grasslands over 60 years and implications for habitats conservation. A case study in the northern Apennines (Italy)
by Daniele Viciani & Lorella Dell’Olmo & Antonio Gabellini & Daniela Gigante & Lorenzo Lastrucci - 965-983 An aesthetic approach to planting design in urban parks and greenspaces
by Serap Yılmaz & Halil Özgüner & Sema Mumcu - 984-999 The landscape taxonomic pyramid (LTP): a multi-scale classification adapted to spatial planning
by José Gómez-Zotano & Pascual Riesco-Chueca & Marina Frolova & Jesús Rodríguez-Rodríguez - 1000-1012 Systems, habitats or places: evaluating the potential role of landscape character assessment in operationalising the ecosystem approach
by Rachel Morrison & Adam Barker & John Handley - 1013-1014 Landscape theory in design, by Susan Herrington, London, Routledge, 2017, 330 pp., 18 colour illustrations, $67.95 pb, ISBN 9780415705950
by Burcu Yigit Turan
August 2018, Volume 43, Issue 6
- 751-768 Financing the future of green infrastructure planning: alternatives and opportunities in the UK
by Ian Mell - 769-783 Connecting landscapes: examining and enhancing the relationship between stakeholder values and cultural landscape management in England
by Tom Moore & Gemma Tully - 784-797 Going out into the field: an experience of the landscape architecture studio incorporating service-learning and participatory design in Taiwan
by Rung-Jiun Chou - 798-816 Urbanisation forces on the landscapes and the changing value-systems of Osun Sacred Grove UNESCO Site, Osogbo, Nigeria
by Joseph Adeniran Adedeji & Joseph Akinlabi Fadamiro - 817-830 Are World Heritage concepts of integrity and authenticity lacking in dynamism? A critical approach to Mediterranean autotopic landscapes
by Juan A. García-Esparza - 831-845 Applicability of European landscape typology in Turkey (Çakırlar Watershed case/Antalya)
by Cumhur Güngöroğlu & Ali Kavgacı & Ufuk Coşgun & Mehmet Çalıkoğlu & Erdal Örtel & Neslihan Balpınar - 846-861 Assessing landscape preferences: a visual choice experiment in the agricultural region of Märkische Schweiz, Germany
by Kati Häfner & Ingo Zasada & Boris T. van Zanten & Fabrizio Ungaro & Mark Koetse & Annette Piorr - 862-877 Continuity and discontinuity in the history of upland pastoral landscapes: the case study of Val Molinac and Val Poré (Val di Sole, Trentino, Eastern Italian Alps)
by Francesco Carrer & Diego E. Angelucci - 878-889 Landscape identity, before and after a forest fire
by Andrew Butler & Ingrid Sarlöv-Herlin & Igor Knez & Elin Ångman & Åsa Ode Sang & Ann Åkerskog
July 2018, Volume 43, Issue 5
- 575-586 Farming ruins: a landscape study of incremental urbanisation
by Mattias Qviström - 587-599 Expanding the social performance of food production landscapes: measuring health and well-being benefits
by Ellen Burke - 600-612 Walks through the multi-layered landscape of Šavrinkas’ Istria: eggs, books, backpacks and stony paths
by Špela Ledinek Lozej & Nataša Rogelja & Urša Kanjir - 613-631 Peri-urban agriculture in Barcelona: outlining landscape dynamics vis à vis socio-environmental functions
by Pere Serra & David Saurí & Luca Salvati - 632-651 Landscape fragmentation and urban sprawl in the urban region of Milan
by Claudia Canedoli & Francesco Crocco & Roberto Comolli & Emilio Padoa-Schioppa - 652-664 Assessment of landscape composition and configuration via spatial metrics combination: conceptual framework proposal and method improvement
by Rui Machado & Sérgio Godinho & Janez Pirnat & Nuno Neves & Pedro Santos - 665-678 Analysis of landscape performance assessment by key stakeholders in a transfrontier conservation area
by Munyaradzi Chitakira & Emmanuel Torquebiau & Willem Ferguson & Kevin Mearns - 679-695 Using contingent valuation and choice experiment to value the impacts of agri-environmental practices on landscapes aesthetics
by Jérôme Dupras & Jérémy Laurent-Lucchetti & Jean-Pierre Revéret & Laurent DaSilva - 696-707 Landscape heterogeneity correlates with recreational values: a case study from Swedish agricultural landscapes and implications for policy
by Thomas Hahn & Malena Heinrup & Regina Lindborg - 708-720 Utilising exotic flora in support of urban indigenous biodiversity: lessons for landscape architecture
by Amin Rastandeh & Maibritt Pedersen Zari & Daniel K. Brown & Robert Vale - 721-734 Mapping potential motorised sightseeing recreation supply across broad privately-owned landscapes of the Southern United States
by Krista Merry & Pete Bettinger & Jacek Siry & J. M. Bowker & Steven Weaver & Zennure Ucar - 735-748 Conservation of historical landscapes: What signifies ‘successful’ management?
by Susanne Fredholm & Ingegärd Eliasson & Igor Knez - 749-750 Design as democracy: techniques for collective creativity
by Andrea Conti
May 2018, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 471-475 Governance of energy landscapes between pathways, people and politics
by Markus Leibenath & Gerd Lintz - 476-488 Understanding ‘landscape governance’: the case of wind energy landscapes in Germany
by Markus Leibenath & Gerd Lintz - 489-502 New interaction paths in the energy landscape: the role of local energy initiatives
by Jessica De Boer & Christian Zuidema & Katharina Gugerell - 503-516 Energy landscape as a polity. Wind power practices in Northern Friesland (Germany)
by Edith Chezel & Olivier Labussière - 517-528 Justice, development and the land: the social context of Scotland’s energy transition
by Chris Dalglish & Alan Leslie & Kenny Brophy & Gavin Macgregor - 529-541 Conflicts and negotiation processes in the course of power grid extension in Germany
by Olaf Kühne & Florian Weber - 542-561 Co-production in distributed generation: renewable energy and creating space for fitting infrastructure within landscapes
by Maarten Wolsink - 562-573 Controversies around energy landscapes in third modernity
by Cordula Kropp
April 2018, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 275-288 There’s always the river: social and environmental equity in rapidly urbanising landscapes in India
by Nicola Dempsey & Smriti Rabina Jayaraj & Emily Redmond - 289-314 Greening Ahmedabad—creating a resilient Indian city using a green infrastructure approach to investment
by Ian C. Mell - 315-328 The relationship between exposure to natural and urban environments and children’s self-regulation
by Rebecca Jenkin & Ian Frampton & Mathew P. White & Sabine Pahl - 329-344 An ambivalent landscape: the return of nature to post-agricultural land in South-eastern Australia
by Fleur Stelling & Catherine Allan & Rik Thwaites - 345-359 Use of GIS-based analysis to explore the characteristics of preferred viewing spots indicated by the visual interest of visitors
by Koun Sugimoto - 360-379 How does perception of nearby nature affect multiple aspects of neighbourhood satisfaction and use patterns?
by Sara Hadavi & Rachel Kaplan & MaryCarol R. Hunter - 380-399 A spatial analysis of the pond design to create Okufukasa, a sense of depth: a case study of Katsura Imperial Villa
by Yuan Zhang & Keita Yamaguchi & Masashi Kawasaki - 400-409 ‘Great Rides’ on New Zealand’s new national cycleway: pursuing mobility capital
by Claudia Bell - 410-427 Landscape’s physiognomic structure: conceptual development and practical applications
by Tadeusz J. Chmielewski & Andrew Butler & Agnieszka Kułak & Szymon Chmielewski - 428-442 Agricultural landscapes between intensification and abandonment: the expectations of the public in a Central-Alpine cross-border region
by Caroline Pecher & Maria Bacher & Erich Tasser & Ulrike Tappeiner - 443-454 Landscape identities in Catalonia
by Joan Nogué & Stephanie M. Wilbrand - 455-469 Towards (dis)continuity of agricultural wetlands: Latvia’s polder landscapes after Soviet productivism
by Anita Zariņa & Ivo Vinogradovs & Pēteris Šķiņķis
February 2018, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 183-198 Pushing the boundary of territory: ecomuseums as dynamic, open spaces
by Alistair Bowden - 199-210 A critical forest art practice: the Black Wood of Rannoch
by Timothy Martin Collins & Reiko Goto & David Edwards - 211-221 Island making: planning artistic collaboration
by Julie Crawshaw - 222-236 Then is diffused in now: (re)reading Bunting’s Briggflatts through landscape performance practice
by Tess Denman-Cleaver & Martine Vrieling van Tuijl - 237-247 Weathering: perspectives on the Northumbrian landscape through sound art and musical improvisation
by Bennett Hogg - 248-259 What environmental art can teach us about wind farms: exploring the boundaries of cultural aesthetics in Scottish landscapes
by Mary Kristen Layne - 260-274 A resonant architecture: Liam McCormick and the sonorities of place
by Daryl Martin
January 2018, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-7 A city is still a landscape
by Anna Jorgensen - 8-19 Everyday green space and experienced well-being: the significance of wildlife encounters
by Sarah L. Bell & Michael Westley & Rebecca Lovell & Benedict W. Wheeler - 20-36 Botanical relics of a lost landscape: herborising ‘upon the Cliffs about the Pharos’ in Genoa, March 1664
by Raffaella Bruzzone & Charles Watkins & Ross Balzaretti & Carlo Montanari - 37-49 Past anthropogenic changes in the lake ecosystems of late glacial landscapes in north-eastern Poland
by Andrzej Skwierawski - 50-63 Landscape, heritage and technological innovation: towards a framework of sustainability of cultural landscape in a desert town in India
by Chandrima Mukhopadhyay & Devika Hemalatha Devi - 64-76 Integrated and decentralised protection and development of mountain landscapes
by Terje Skjeggedal & Morten Clemetsen - 77-94 ‘This is not the jungle, this is my barbecho’: semantics of ethnoecological landscape categories in the Bolivian Amazon
by Flurina M. Wartmann & Ross S. Purves - 95-111 Perceptions and social valuations of landscape. Objectives and methodology for citizen participation in landscape policies
by Inmaculada Mercado-Alonso & Alfonso Fernández-Tabales & Olga Muñoz-Yules - 112-123 Changes in the location and function of small water bodies in the upper Sanna River catchment—case study (SE Poland)
by Łukasz Chabudziński & Dominik Szulc & Teresa Brzezińska-Wójcik & Zdzisław Michalczyk - 124-138 How does spatial organisation of gardens at care facilities for the elderly influence use patterns: a case study in Hong Kong
by Shu Lin Shi & Chau Ming Tong & Yi Qi Tao - 139-149 Exploring the concept of green infrastructure in urban landscape. Experiences from Italy, Canada and Finland
by Mina di Marino & Kimmo Lapintie - 150-162 Green space context and vegetation complexity shape people’s preferences for urban public parks and residential gardens
by Virginia Harris & Dave Kendal & Amy K. Hahs & Caragh G. Threlfall - 163-179 The meaning of participation in school ground greening: a study from project to everyday setting
by Märit Jansson & Fredrika Mårtensson & Allan Gunnarsson - 180-181 How to grow a playspace: development and design
by Matluba Khan
November 2017, Volume 42, Issue 8
- 809-818 Landscape research and knowledge exchange: learning from the HERCULES research project
by Steven Shuttleworth & Hannes Palang - 819-830 Editorial annex: key findings and recommendations from the HERCULES research project, and the need for a landscape approach to enviromental governance
by Steven Shuttleworth - 831-844 Contributions of citizen science to landscape democracy: potentials and challenges of current approaches
by Brian J. Shaw & Hélène Draux & María García Martín & John Martin & Claudia Bieling - 845-861 The critical issue of knowledge transfer and dissemination: a French perspective
by Laurence Le Dû-Blayo - 862-879 Managing the future of the past: images of Exmoor landscape heritage
by Timothy J. Wilkinson & David C. Harvey - 880-890 Studying long-term changes in cultural landscapes: outlines of a research framework and protocol
by Carole L. Crumley & Jan C. A. Kolen & Maurice de Kleijn & Niels van Manen - 891-903 Traditional agricultural landscapes in Slovakia: why should we preserve them?
by Jana Špulerová & Peter Bezák & Marta Dobrovodská & Juraj Lieskovský & Dagmar Štefunková - 904-920 The potential of landscape labelling approaches for integrated landscape management in Europe
by Carsten Mann & Tobias Plieninger
October 2017, Volume 42, Issue 7
- 691-698 Shrinking cities: rethinking landscape in depopulating urban contexts
by M. Francisca Lima & Mark R. Eischeid - 699-715 Urban shrapnel: spatial distribution of non-productive space
by Galen Newman & Boah Kim - 716-727 Greening the shrinking city—policies and planning approaches in the USA with the example of Flint, Michigan
by Karina Pallagst & René Fleschurz & Franziska Trapp - 728-746 Vacancy as a laboratory: design criteria for reimagining social-ecological systems on vacant urban lands
by Kees Lokman - 747-760 Mind the gap: tools for a parcel-based storm water management approach
by Sandra L. Albro & Sean Burkholder & Joseph Koonce - 761-768 Casas Perdidas
by Filipe Condado - 769-781 Sand, silt, salt, water: entropy as a lens for design in post-industrial landscapes
by Lisa Moffitt - 782-794 The hybrid landscape of public space in Thessaloniki in the context of crisis
by Evangelia Athanassiou - 795-805 Ephemeral landscape and urban shrinkage
by Ali Madanipour - 806-807 Landscape analysis: investigating the potentials of space and place
by Andrew Butler
August 2017, Volume 42, Issue 6
- 595-600 Rethinking the landscapes of the Peak District
by Tim Edensor - 601-615 Resounding the landscape: the sonic impress of and the story of Eyam, plague village
by Julian Holloway - 616-633 Seeing with light and landscape: a walk around Stanton Moor
by Tim Edensor - 634-649 ‘The Land to Forget Time’: tourism, caving and writing in the Derbyshire White Peak
by Jess Edwards - 650-662 Festive landscapes: the contemporary practice of well-dressing in Tissington
by Rosemary Shirley - 663-676 Fragmentary landscapes: explorations through the detritus of the Peak District
by George Steve Jaramillo - 677-689 A poetic playground: collaborative practices in the Peak District
by David Cooper
July 2017, Volume 42, Issue 5
- 425-438 Garden and landscape, the spatial and the ethical: the impact of enclosure on an enclosed garden, the case of Artas, Palestine
by Shelley Egoz & Tim Williams - 439-454 The blue garden: coastal infrastructure as ecologically enhanced wave-scapes
by Roy Kozlovsky & Yasha J. Grobman - 455-470 Place names and landscape character: a case study from Otago Region, New Zealand
by Meryem Atik & Simon Swaffield - 471-481 Once in demand, now unwanted: reflections on changed attitudes towards plants introduced to Norway 1750–1900
by Ulrika Ridbäck & Annegreth Dietze-Schirdewahn - 482-497 Perception of plant species richness by people with different nationalities—an experimental study
by Petra Lindemann-Matthies - 498-507 Physical accessibility and its role in landscape development—three historical analyses from South Slovakia
by Juraj Lieskovský & Tibor Lieskovský & Veronika Piscová - 508-520 Psychological park accessibility: a systematic literature review of perceptual components affecting park use
by Keunhyun Park - 521-532 Folk classification as evidence of transformed landscapes and adaptative strategies: a case study in the semiarid region of northeastern Brazil
by Taline Cristina da Silva & Maria Franco Trindade Medeiros & Nivaldo Peroni & Ulysses Paulino Albuquerque - 533-542 The effect of neighbourhood on rodent communities: an example from Pampean agroecosystems
by Jimena Fraschina & Vanina A. León & María Busch - 543-557 Price and distributional effects of privately provided open space in urban areas
by Yanay Farja - 558-573 The cooling effect of green infrastructure on surrounding built environments in a sub-tropical climate: a case study in Taipei metropolis
by Wan-yu Shih - 574-591 Inventing modern taste at the Changgyeongwon Botanical Garden
by Jung-Hwa Kim & Kyung-Jin Zoh - 592-594 Natural burial: landscape, practice, experience
by Kate Benisek
May 2017, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 337-348 Political landscapes between manifestations and democracy, identities and power
by Ludger Gailing & Markus Leibenath - 349-360 Background information or future vision? Mapping wild reindeer landscapes in a planning process
by Eirin Hongslo - 361-374 The politics of landscape production in the history of development along Florida’s Atlantic coast
by Chad S. Boda - 375-384 Re-conceptualising political landscapes after the material turn: a typology of material events
by Martijn Duineveld & Kristof Van Assche & Raoul Beunen - 385-399 Exopolis reloaded: fragmented landscapes and no man’s lands in a North-Eastern Italian border region
by Roberta Altin & Claudio Minca - 400-411 Self-mobilisation and lived landscape democracy: local initiatives as democratic landscape practices
by Marte Lange Vik - 412-423 No interest in landscape? The art of non-participation in Danish landscape planning
by Laura Tolnov Clausen
April 2017, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 239-242 Landscape histories of urbanisation
by Mattias Qviström - 243-255 Making the single city: the constitutive landscape and the struggle for ‘Greater Boston,’ 1891–1911
by Garrett Dash Nelson - 256-276 Contested periurban amenity landscapes: changing waterfront ‘countryside ideals’ in central Canada
by Nik Luka - 277-290 A relational approach to landscape and urbanism: the view from an exclusive suburb
by Don Mitchell