July 2022, Volume 47, Issue 5
- 598-610 Soldiers in the garden: managing the US military training landscape
by Emily Rabung & Eric Toman - 611-627 A national study of playground professionals universal design implementation practices
by Alice Moore & Helen Lynch & Bryan Boyle - 628-647 Infrastructure territories as moving landscapes: using digital media to narrate a Montreal highway corridor (Canada)
by Emile Forest & Sylvain Paquette - 648-663 Social media for landscape planning and design: a review and discussion
by Shujuan Li & Bo Yang - 664-678 Restorative experiences across seasons? Effects of outdoor walking and relaxation exercise during lunch breaks in summer and winter
by Svein Åge Kjøs Johnsen & Marin Kristine Brown & Leif Werner Rydstedt - 679-694 Examining PhD modes in the Australian landscape architecture academy
by Beau B. Beza & Joshua Zeunert & Simon Kilbane & Sara Padgett Kjaersgaard - 695-711 Assessing ecological conditions for landscape management: a comparative analysis of field measurements and perceptions
by Angela Mallette & Ryan Plummer & Julia Baird - 712-714() The Tree Experts: A History of Professional Arboriculture in Britain
by Patricia D. Wilson - 714()-716 Multispecies households in the Saian Mountains: ecology at the Russia-Mongolia border
by Thomas O’Brien
May 2022, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 435-439 Introducing David Lowenthal’s archipelagic and transatlantic landscapes
by Kenneth R. Olwig - 440-451 David Lowenthal, 1923-2018, renowned academic and public intellectual
by Hugh Clout - 452-463 David Lowenthal on geography and its past
by Trevor J. Barnes - 464-476 Transatlantic landscapes: Gottmann and the roots of Lowenthal’s intellectual heritage
by Luca Muscarà - 477-487 David and Max Lowenthal – and Marsh: public intellectuals and advocates in the political landscape. A personal view
by Kenneth R. Olwig - 488-495 David Lowenthal and the genesis of critical conservation thought
by Laura Alice Watt - 496-507 Lowenthal, the Caribbeanist
by Elizabeth Thomas-Hope - 508-521 David Lowenthal’s archipelagic landscape of learning
by Sverker Sörlin
April 2022, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 285-299 The resurgence of urban foraging under COVID-19
by Carey Clouse - 300-315 Agencies of the present: landscape-making and the herders of lower Mustang, Nepal
by Dane Carlson - 316-332 Barrier and corridor effects in cost-distance-based accessibility approximation for LUCC modelling: a case study of Slovakia from 2000 to 2018
by Adam Rusinko & Michal Druga - 333-353 Hierarchical access to the edible landscape: the Akbarieh Garden in Iran
by Majid Amani-Beni & Mohammad Reza Khalilnezhad & Sara Mahdizadeh - 354-369 Characteristics of novel urban vegetation in two Portuguese urban regions
by Estêvao Portela-Pereira & Carlos Neto & Eduardo Brito-Henriques & Ana Luísa Soares & Sónia Talhé Azambuja - 370-387 Landscape design in infrastructure projects - is it an extravagance? A cost-benefit investigation of practices in dams
by Romanos Ioannidis & G.-Fivos Sargentis & Demetris Koutsoyiannis - 388-399 Effects of seasonality on visual aesthetic preference
by Wenyan Xu & Bin Jiang & Jingwei Zhao - 400-413 Vernacular healing landscapes in Australian aged-care gardens
by Mimi Tsai - 414-433 Ecosystem services and green infrastructure planning of peri-urban lakes: the multifunctionality of Situ Jatijajar and Situ Pengasinan in Depok, Indonesia
by Wiwik Dwi Pratiwi & Anastasia Widyaningsih & Medria Shekar Rani
February 2022, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 137-141 Landscape and education: Politics of/in practices
by Margherita Cisani & Benedetta Castiglioni & Anne Sgard - 142-154 The complexity of landscape ideas and the issue of landscape democracy in school and non-formal education: exploring pedagogical practices in Italy
by Benedetta Castiglioni & Margherita Cisani - 155-166 Landscape controversy: a tool and educational device
by Anne Sgard - 167-178 Teaching landscape architecture: a discipline comes of age
by Karsten Jørgensen & Richard Stiles & Elke Mertens & Nilgül Karadeniz - 179-194 Incompleteness: landscapes, cartographies, citizenships
by Ed Wall - 195-210 Landscape education in planning experiences: The case of the regional landscape plan of Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy)
by Enrico Michelutti & Andrea Guaran - 211-226 Photographic dissemination of historic landscape as a tool for citizenship
by Maria-Josep Mulet Gutiérrez & Joan Carles Oliver Torelló & María Sebastián Sebastián - 227-243 Educating future landscape professionals about climate change and climate-wise design: current status, priorities, and information needs
by Michael Volk & Belinda B. Nettles & Gail Hansen - 244-255 The landscape as a learning space. The experiential approach of a ‘landscape school’ in Trentino, Italy
by Gianluca Cepollaro & Bruno Zanon - 256-270 The role of urban greenspace in children’s reward and punishment sensitivity
by Eirini Flouri & Dongying Ji & Jonathan P. Roiser - 271-284 ‘Picture perfect’ landscape stories: normative narratives and authorised discourse
by Laura Hodsdon
January 2022, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-9 Thinking and writing with care
by Emma Waterton & Vanesa Castán Broto & Graham Fairclough & Karen Jones & Laura Alice Watt - 10-24 A biographical approach to Ireland’s landscape: creating a new methodology
by Emily Shakespeare & Jane Russell-O’Connor - 25-34 Trajectories of practice across time: moving beyond the histories of landscape architecture
by Dane Carlson & Mariel Collard-Arias - 35-48 The canal and the pool: infrastructures of abundance and the invention of the modern desert
by Danika Cooper - 49-67 Towards sustainability evaluation of urban landscapes using big data: a case study of Israel’s architecture, engineering and construction industry
by Hatzav Yoffe & Pnina Plaut & Yasha J. Grobman - 68-86 Urban collage: how can affective dynamics shape waterfront landscapes?
by Sang-Ju Yu - 87-101 The submersion and adaptation of routines in the Somerset Levels and Moors
by Daniel Keech & Mike Ricketts - 102-124 Agricultural landscapes and rural spatial configurations in the Peruvian Central Rainforest
by Emily Yarin & Cristian Yarasca-Aybar - 125-136 The Meanings of Landscape: Essays on Place, Space, Environment and Justice
by Laura Menatti & Emma Waterton & Shelley Egoz & Vanessa Whittington & John Wylie & Catherine De Almeida & Kenneth Olwig & Shelley Egoz & Vanessa Whittington & John Wylie & Catherine De Almeida & Kenneth Olwig
November 2021, Volume 46, Issue 8
- 1041-1056 Integrating sense of place into participatory landscape planning: merging mapping surveys and geodesign workshops
by Sarah Gottwald & Jana Brenner & Christian Albert & Ron Janssen - 1057-1070 How researchers shape the construction of landscape change – insights from a scenario study
by Andrea Knierim & Claudia Bieling & Peter Zander - 1071-1088 ‘The Charm of a Thousand Years’: exploring tourists’ perspectives of the ‘culture-nature value’ of the Humble Administrator’s Garden, Suzhou, China
by Rouran Zhang & Jianing Wang & Steve Brown - 1089-1105 Landscape architecture in rural India - lessons for developing countries from Dhamori village
by Alpa Nawre & Tsz Wai (Astrid) Wong & Leslie Boyle-Milroy - 1106-1120 The planning and design of good quality urban parks in China: the perspectives of technical professionals
by Yangnan Guo & Ian Mell - 1121-1139 Infrascape – how coevolving infrastructure and landscape shape water systems
by Laszlo van der Wal & Mark Zandvoort & Hilde Tobi & Maarten van der Vlist & Adri van den Brink - 1140-1141 Landscape economics
by Avner Offer
October 2021, Volume 46, Issue 7
- 897-915 Older adults’ domestic green environments: the preference for flowers
by Claire Freeman & Yvette Buttery & Debra L. Waters & Yolanda Van Heezik - 916-931 Historic construction of diffuse cultural landscapes: towards a GIS-based method for mapping the interlinkages of heritage
by Marina López Sánchez & Mercedes Linares Gómez Del Pulgar & Antonio Tejedor Cabrera - 932-944 Land-use modifications and ecological implications over the past 160 years in the central Apennine mountains
by Arianna Ferrara & Marianna Biró & Luca Malatesta & Zsolt Molnár & Stefano Mugnoz & Federico Maria Tardella & Andrea Catorci - 945-958 Towards the identification and mapping of traditional agricultural landscapes at the national scale: an inventory approach from Italy
by Laura Zavattero & Raffaella Frondoni & Giulia Capotorti & Riccardo Copiz & Carlo Blasi - 959-974 Metropolitan mountains: Sainte-Victoire as a public park in Aix-Marseille Provence Metropolis, France?
by Benoit Romeyer & Ruth Mpozagara & Jean Noël Consales - 975-991 Barefoot walking, nature connectedness and psychological restoration: the importance of stimulating the sense of touch for feeling closer to the natural world
by Sophie C. Rickard & Mathew P. White - 992-1003 ‘We live and die in chestnut’: remaining and adapting in the face of pest and disease outbreak in Turkey
by Jeffrey Robert Wall & Nesibe Köse & Elif Başak Aksoy & Coşkun Köse & Taner Okan & Shorna Allred - 1004-1016 Decolonizing landscape
by Tiffany Kaewen Dang - 1017-1037 The restorative potential of commercial streets
by Paula Barros & Vikas Mehta & Paul Brindley & Razieh Zandieh - 1038-1039 Defining landscape democracy: a path to spatial justice
by Ed Wall
August 2021, Volume 46, Issue 6
- 749-765 The influence of satellite imagery on landscape perception
by Daisy San Martin Saldias & Karin Reinke & Blythe Mclennan & Luke Wallace - 766-781 Therapeutic environments as a catalyst for health, well-being and social equity
by Bruno Marques & Jacqueline McIntosh & Chelsea Kershaw - 782-792 Ideas relating to humanity–nature relationships in Korean folk narratives reflecting geomantic values
by Hong-key Yoon - 793-810 Cycles of defence on the Piedras Negras kingdom periphery: landscape patrimony at the fortified hilltop community of El Infiernito, Chiapas
by Whittaker Schroder - 811-827 Interpreting protohistoric societies through place names of landscape features: a case study in València, Spain
by Joan Carles Membrado-Tena - 828-844 Perceptions of Cultural Ecosystem Services: spatial differences in urban and rural areas of Kokemäenjoki, Finland
by E. Seda Arslan & Paulina Nordström & Asko Ijäs & Reija Hietala & Nora Fagerholm - 845-859 Site user participation: the solution to challenging modernist architectural planning and design
by Béatrice Plottu & Eric Plottu - 860-877 Participatory school ground design: play behaviour and student and teacher views of a school ground post-construction
by Angela Kreutz & Anna Timperio & Jenny Veitch - 878-893 Constructing the green wedge in the planning discourse - a case study of Central Park in Helsinki, Finland
by Ranja Hautamäki - 894-895 Renewable energy and landscape quality
by Gerd Lintz
July 2021, Volume 46, Issue 5
- 589-604 Edgelands of practice: post-industrial landscapes and the conditions of informal spatial appropriation
by Imogen Humphris & Ward Rauws - 605-617 The post-socialist school camp: a story of dereliction at Bogda, Romania
by Lucian Vesalon & Ciprian Nițu - 618-637 Complex landscape biographies: palimpsests of Fort-Liberté, Haiti
by Joseph Sony Jean & Till Sonnemann & Corinne L. Hofman - 638-652 The built environment in a winter climate: improving university campus design for student wellbeing
by Eden McDonald-Yale & S. Jeff Birchall - 653-672 Defining public open spaces: an investigation framework to inform planning and design decision-making processes
by Laurence Pattacini - 673-692 Promoting goal-driven performance evaluation: a case study of an urban park in Florida, USA
by Yi Luo & Michael Volk & Kanglin Chen - 693-712 Assessing the adaptive resilience of twentieth-century post-industrial fishing landscapes in Siglufjörður, Iceland
by V. Camille Westmont - 713-727 Under the guidance of the eternal blue sky: cultural ecosystem services that support well-being in Mongolian pastureland
by Navchaa Tugjamba & Greg Walkerden & Fiona Miller - 728-747 Enhancing urban nature: on design, biodiversity and the construction of experience in Italy
by Alessandro Gabbianelli & Bianca Maria Rinaldi & Emma Salizzoni
May 2021, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 451-455 European mass-housing welfare landscapes
by Ellen Braae & Svava Riesto & Henriette Steiner & Anne Tietjen - 456-473 Welfare landscapes between individuality and communality: social housing in Albertslund Syd
by Lærke Sophie Keil & Svava Riesto & Tom Avermaete - 474-494 Assembling welfare landscapes of social housing: lessons from Denmark
by Asbjørn Jessen & Anne Tietjen - 495-513 Designing complete living environments: landscape in Dutch expansion districts in the 1950s and 1960s
by Imke van Hellemondt - 514-526 The good life vision on the landscape scale
by Kristen Danielle Van Haeren - 527-541 Gigantic welfare landscapes and the ground beneath Høje Gladsaxe
by Henriette Steiner - 542-557 Non-site welfare landscapes on-site: curated displays of transformed social housing estates
by Ellen Braae - 558-573 Impossible nostalgia: green affect in the landscapes of the Swedish Million Programme
by Jennifer Mack - 574-587 Urban courtyards: ideologies of domesticity and the landscape of welfare in communist Bucharest
by Iulia Stătică
April 2021, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 299-308 Multidisciplinary engagements with Port Arthur’s landscapes of in/justice
by Emma Waterton & Mary Hutchison & Hayley Saul - 309-323 Port Arthur and the spectre of ‘unnatural acts’ in Australia
by Andrea Witcomb - 324-340 Reforming and remembering: gardens and gardening in a landscape of in/justice
by Mary Hutchison - 341-361 The Bad and the Beautiful: An artist’s encounter with the image of Port Arthur, Tasmania
by Ursula K. Frederick - 362-376 Ghosts of the Anthropocene: spectral accretions at the Port Arthur historic site
by Emma Waterton & Hayley Saul - 377-389 Paradise lost — transformation of the gully landscape in South-East Norway
by Liv Norunn Hamre & Knut Rydgren & Christian Incerti & Ingrid Hjorth-Johansen & Kia Sandra Simonsen - 390-402 Known but not done: how logics of inaction limit the benefits of urban green spaces
by Julian Dobson & Nicola Dempsey - 403-416 Remembering and reconfiguring industrial heritage: the case of the digester in Moss, Norway
by Joar Skrede & Bengt Andersen - 417-434 Explaining landscape preference heterogeneity using machine learning-based survey analysis
by Xiaozi Liu & Endre Tvinnereim & Kristine M. Grimsrud & Henrik Lindhjem & Liv Guri Velle & Heidi Iren Saure & Hanna Lee - 435-449 The origins of the modern park system of the International Settlement in Shanghai (1899-1929)
by Fei Mo & Paul Selman & Jan Woudstra
February 2021, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 143-151 Making maps, making claims: the politics and practices of visualisation in environmental governance
by Synne Movik & Tor A. Benjaminsen & Tim Richardson - 152-166 Contested mappings in a dynamic space: emerging socio-spatial relationships in the context of REDD+. A case from the Democratic Republic of Congo
by Catherine Windey & Gert Van Hecken - 167-181 Mapping ice in the Norwegian Arctic – on the edge between science and policy
by Ingrid Bay-Larsen & T. G. Bjørndal & E. A. T. Hermansen - 182-196 Balancing nature conservation and windpower development: the contested work that maps do in protecting Europe’s last wild reindeer
by Aase Kristine Lundberg & Tim Richardson - 197-210 Asserting authority through mapping: the politics of re-scaling coastal planning in western Norway
by Synne Movik & Knut Bjørn Stokke - 211-225 Depicting decline: images and myths in environmental discourse analysis
by Tor A. Benjaminsen - 226-245 Picturing the flag in the New South
by Mark Long - 246-260 Vascular flora of urban forests in a medium-sized city in Poland: comparison with nature reserves in the city’s surrounding
by Beata Fornal-Pieniak & Marcin Ollik & Axel Schwerk - 261-272 Co-financing green resilient infrastructures in Copenhagen: integrated or superficial design?
by Daniel Tubridy - 273-294 Contextualising a heritage assessment toolkit at the pre-planning stage of the historic urban landscape approach: the case of Mrauk-U, Myanmar
by Xihui Wang & Liwen Xu & Wei Dong & Xiaodi Zhou - 295-297 Companion to Public Space
by Mina Marino & Pavel Grabalov
January 2021, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-7 Practicing care in a global pandemic
by Vera Vicenzotti & Emma Waterton - 8-24 Landscape futures: decision-making in uncertain times, a literature review
by Nadia Bartolini & Caitlin DeSilvey - 25-35 Permafrost Politics: Toward a Relational Materiality and Design of Arctic Ground
by Leena Cho - 36-49 Beyond plans. Beyond design. Atmosphere and the lifeworld of small-street activation in Adelaide, South Australia
by Matthew W. Rofe & Myfanwy Mogford - 50-63 Landscape multifunctionality in (and around) the Kafa Biosphere Reserve: a sociocultural and gender perspective
by Ruth Jackson & Abinet Shiferaw & Befikadu Melesse Taye & Zegeye Woldemariam - 64-76 A ‘new’ walking pilgrimage: performance and meaning on the North Wales Pilgrim’s Way
by Richard Scriven - 77-95 Landscapes of calculation: the design agency of methods of assessment at the Ayalon project
by Roy Kozlovsky & Neta Feniger - 96-115 Identifying cultural heritage corridors for preservation through multidimensional network connectivity analysis — a case study of the ancient Tea-Horse Road in Simao, China
by Hui Li & Jing Jing & Honghong Fan & Yanmei Li & Yang Liu & Jiahao Ren - 116-127 Neuroaesthetics and landscape appreciation
by David Jacques - 128-141 Understanding recreational landscapes – a review and discussion
by Andreas Skriver Hansen
November 2020, Volume 45, Issue 8
- 921-933 Knowing the landscape: a theoretical discussion on the challenges in forming knowledge about landscapes
by Sofia Löfgren - 934-950 ‘These enchanted hills’: transforming cultural landscapes in the Hills Face Zone, South Australia
by Pamela A. Smith & F. Donald Pate & Susan Piddock - 951-965 Hill farmers, habitats and time: the potential of historical ecology in upland management and conservation
by Eugene Costello - 966-983 Body responses towards a morning walk in a tropical city
by Francisco Benita & Garvit Bansal & Darshan Virupaksha & Francesco Scandola & Bige Tunçer - 984-999 Conservation planning for the Ganga River: a policy conundrum
by Syed Ainul Hussain & Michelle Irengbam & Shivani Barthwal & Niladri Dasgupta & Ruchi Badola - 1000-1017 Assessing the potential impacts of bioenergy cropping on a population of the ground-breeding bird Alauda arvensis: a case study from southern Germany
by P. Schlager & C. Ruppert-Winkel & K. Schmieder - 1018-1031 Does having children or a dog influence visits to urban green spaces?
by Marco Garrido-Cumbrera & Olta Braçe & Gina Suárez-Cáceres & José Correa-Fernández - 1032-1046 Culzean country park – how an iconic Scottish landscape used designation to secure a sustainable future
by Jan Woudstra & Phil Back
October 2020, Volume 45, Issue 7
- 789-801 From ‘Arcadia of the literati’ to ‘extravagant enclosure’: the Tianjin salt merchant gardens of the Qing Dynasty
by Yichi Zhang - 802-818 The ‘garden city’ in the green infrastructure of the future: learning from the past
by Grete Swensen & Sveinung Krokann Berg - 819-840 Critical review of landscape-based surrogate measures of plant diversity
by Barbara Sowińska-Świerkosz - 841-853 Landscape and power: the debate around ugliness in Galicia (Spain)
by Xosé M. Santos & María De Los Ángeles Piñeiro-Antelo - 854-872 Strategies for the correct contextualisation and management of drove roads in urban historic landscapes
by Rita Ruiz & Amparo Moyano & María R. García-Duque & Patricia Hernández-Lamas - 873-891 Designing water infrastructure and context-responsive housing: a case study in the Sabana de Bogotá
by Claudia Lucia Rojas Bernal & Kelly Shannon & Bruno De Meulder - 892-904 Beyond benefits: Towards a recreational ecosystem services interpretive framework
by William L. Rice & Peter Newman & B. Derrick Taff & Katherine Y. Zipp & Zachary D. Miller - 905-919 Climate adaptation, urban regeneration and brownfield reclamation: a literature review on landscape quality in large-scale transformation projects
by Dirk Oudes & Sven Stremke
August 2020, Volume 45, Issue 6
- 683-686 In search of the landscape theory of Torsten Hägerstrand
by Mattias Qviström & Anders Wästfelt - 687-698 All-ecology – Hägerstrand’s thinking about human-environment interactions
by Marie Stenseke - 699-711 Diagramming the social: exploring the legacy of Torsten Hägerstrand’s diagrammatic landscapes
by Alan Latham - 712-723 Hägerstrand as historian: innovation, diffusion and the processual landscape
by Sverker Sörlin - 724-741 Decoding infrastructural terrain: the landscape fabric along the Sincan-Kayaş commuter line in Ankara
by Funda Baş Bütüner & Selin Çavdar Sert & Ela Alanyalı Aral - 742-757 Heritage of the Finnish Civil War monuments in Tampere
by Ranja Hautamäki & Silja Laine - 758-776 The interpretation of WWII conflict landscapes. Some case studies from the Netherlands
by Max van der Schriek - 777-788 Attention restoration theory as a framework for analysis of Tweets about urban green space: a case study
by Stephanie Wilkie & Emine Thompson & Paul Cranner & Kevin Ginty
July 2020, Volume 45, Issue 5
- 547-563 The role of landscape planning in Israel’s national schemes: natural versus cultural scenery
by Tal Alon-Mozes - 564-582 Visions of landscape photography in Palestine and Israel
by Edna Barromi-Perlman - 583-600 Small and large heritage of the Great War: an archaeology of a prisoner of war camp in Tuchola, Poland
by Mikołaj Kostyrko & Dawid Kobiałka - 601-614 What future for decommissioned historic irrigation canals? Crafting new identities in the Lower Ter (Spain)
by Albert Llausàs & Anna Ribas Palom & Sandra Ricart & Dolors Roset - 615-626 The disappearance of public paths in Spain and its impact on landscape justice
by Miguel Torres García & Michela Ghislanzoni & Manuel Trujillo Carmona - 627-648 Using social media data in understanding site-scale landscape architecture design: taking Seattle Freeway Park as an example
by Yang Song & Bo Zhang - 649-661 Effects of evergreen trees on landscape preference and perceived restorativeness across seasons
by Ronghua Wang & Jingwei Zhao - 662-681 Describing and mapping where people experience tranquillity. An exploration based on interviews and Flickr photographs
by Flurina M. Wartmann & William A. Mackaness
May 2020, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 395-411 Floating architecture in the landscape: climate change adaptation ideas, opportunities and challenges
by Edmund Penning-Rowsell - 412-427 12 years after: lessons from incremental changes in open spaces in a slum-upgrading project
by Yun Hye Hwang & Yuanqiu Feng - 428-443 Iconographical landscape warfare
by Hong-key Yoon - 444-457 A landscape and landscape biography approach to assessing the consequences of an environmental policy implementation
by E. Anne Spicer & Simon Swaffield & Kevin Moore - 458-469 Plant community composition on landfill sites after multiple years of ecological restoration
by Chun-Chiu Pang & Wing-Fung Lo & Ryan Wai-Man Yan & Billy Chi-Hang Hau - 470-483 Estimates of deforestation avoided by protected areas: a case study in Brazilian tropical dry forests and Cerrado
by Carlos Magno Santos Clemente & Mário Marcos do Espírito-Santo & Marcos Esdras Leite - 484-502 Vegetation series as a marker of interactions between rural settlements and landscape: new insights from the archaeological record in Western Sicily
by Giuseppe Bazan & Angelo Castrorao Barba & Antonio Rotolo & Pasquale Marino - 503-519 Visitors’ preferences for landscape conservation in Alpine environments:Differences across regions, conservation programmes, and socio-economic groups
by Michael Getzner - 520-533 The relationship between Mediterranean built environment and outdoor physical activity: evidence from GPS and accelerometer data among young adults in Barcelona
by Xavier Delclòs-Alió & Guillem Vich & Carme Miralles-Guasch - 534-546 Combining GPS and space syntax analysis to improve understanding of visitor temporal–spatial behaviour: a case study of the Lion Grove in China
by Tiantian Zhang & Zefeng Lian & Yannan Xu
April 2020, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 265-279 Cultural landscape protection at Lake Victoria, a managed water supply
by Jane Lennon & Katie Davis - 280-291 Borders and border people in the Greater Mapungubwe Transfrontier
by Ndidzulafhi Innocent Sinthumule - 292-309 Everyday use of urban street spaces: the spatio-temporal relations between pedestrians and street vendors: a case study in Yuncheng, China
by Ziwen Sun & Simon Bell & Iain Scott & Junchao Qian - 310-326 Exploring the ways in which campus open space design influences students’ learning experiences
by Ender Peker & Anlı Ataöv - 327-345 Urban socio-ecological dynamics: applying the urban-rural gradient approach in a high Andean city
by Santiago Bonilla-Bedoya & Anabel Estrella & Angélica Vaca Yánez & Miguel Ángel Herrera - 346-358 Conserving novel ecosystems and layered landscapes along the inter-German border
by Sonja K. Pieck - 359-376 Using chorographic sources to reconstruct past agro-forestry systems. A methodological approach based on the study case of the northern Apennines
by Giovanna Pezzi & Davide Donati & Enrico Muzzi & Marco Conedera & Patrik Krebs - 377-391 How to survey, model, and measure rockeries in a Chinese classical garden: a case study for Huanxiu Shanzhuang, Suzhou, China
by Huilin Liang & Weizheng Li & Siqi Lai & Wenli Jiang & Lingxi Zhu & Qingping Zhang - 392-393 Routledge handbook of landscape character assessment
by Andrew Butler
February 2020, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 137-151 Ecological homelands: towards a counter-ontopology of landscape design
by Mick Abbott & Cameron Boyle - 152-163 Politicising the landscape: a theoretical contribution towards the development of participation in landscape planning
by Camilo Calderon & Andrew Butler - 164-178 Cultural landscape meanings. The case of West Lake, Hangzhou, China
by Rouran Zhang & Ken Taylor - 179-192 Landscape perception: linking physical monitoring data to perceived landscape properties
by M Hedblom & H Hedenås & M Blicharska & S Adler & I Knez & G Mikusiński & J Svensson & S Sandström & P Sandström & D. A. Wardle - 193-213 Wadis as dryland river parks: challenges and opportunities in designing with hydro-ecological dynamics
by Sareh Moosavi & Margaret J. Grose & Philip S. Lake - 214-227 The effect of landscape colour, complexity and preference on viewing behaviour
by Angela Shi-Han Huang & Yann-Jou Lin - 228-246 Designing sustainable urban landscape and meeting the challenge of climate change: a study of plant species adaptation and fitness under different climate change scenarios in public landscape of UK
by B. Alizadeh & J.D. Hitchmough - 247-253 Possibilities and limitations of passive restoration of heavily disturbed sites
by Karel Prach & Lenka Šebelíková & Klára Řehounková & Roger del Moral - 254-264 Chronotope as a framework for landscape experience analysis
by Tiit Remm & Kadri Kasemets
January 2020, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-5 From the tens to the twenties
by Emma Waterton - 6-25 Tabula non-rasa: go-along interviews and memory mapping in a post-mining landscape designated for urban expansion
by Carlota Sáenz de Tejada Granados & Dan van der Horst - 26-43 Green infrastructure design using GIS and spatial analysis: a proposal for the Henares Corridor (Madrid-Guadalajara, Spain)
by Víctor Manuel Rodríguez-Espinosa & Francisco Aguilera-Benavente & Montserrat Gómez-Delgado - 44-62 Colour in the city: a chromatic typology for the quantitative analysis of spatial coherence
by Luan Nguyen & Jean-Jacques Embrechts & Jacques Teller - 63-80 Integrating a resilience scorecard and landscape performance tools into a Geodesign process
by Galen Newman & Matthew Malecha & Siyu Yu & Zixu Qiao & Jennifer A. Horney & Jaekyung Lee & You Jung Kim & Ryun Jung Lee & Phil Berke - 81-94 Between a dog and a green space: applying ecosystem services theory to explore the human benefits of off-the-leash dog parks
by Isaac Middle - 95-110 Designing an outdoor learning environment for and with a primary school community: a case study in Bangladesh
by Matluba Khan & Simon Bell & Sarah McGeown & Eva Silveirinha de Oliveira - 111-122 Integrating landscape services into policy and practice – a case study from Switzerland
by Roger Keller & Norman Backhaus - 123-136 The sense of place and its influence on place branding: a case study of Sanandaj natural landscape in Iran
by Hawzhin Falahatkar & Behnaz Aminzadeh
November 2019, Volume 44, Issue 8
- 909-921 From green to grey: the dynamics of land use/land cover change in urban Ghana
by Kabila Abass & Kwadwo Afriyie & Razak M. Gyasi - 922-936 Green and ecological networks in Sheffield, UK
by Ebru Ersoy & Anna Jorgensen & Philip H. Warren - 937-951 The beat of the mountain: a transdisciplinary rhythmanalysis of temporal landscapes
by Frode Flemsæter & Vegard Gundersen & Katrina Rønningen & Olav Strand - 952-965 The governance of landscape management: new approaches to urban open space development
by Märit Jansson & Nina Vogel & Hanna Fors & Thomas B. Randrup - 966-981 The use of landscape value assessment in spatial planning and sustainable land management — a review
by Iga Solecka - 982-996 Influence of Terminalia arjuna on the riparian landscapes of the River Cauvery of South India
by C. Sunil & R.K. Somashekar & B.C. Nagaraja - 997-1013 The representation of time: addressing a theoretical flaw in landscape architecture
by Noël van Dooren & Anders Busse Nielsen