August 2014, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 417-432 Eye-tracking Analysis in Landscape Perception Research: Influence of Photograph Properties and Landscape Characteristics
by Lien Dupont & Marc Antrop & Veerle Van Eetvelde - 433-454 Safeguarding Cultural Heritage in the Urban Fringe: The Role of Legibility
by Gro Bj�rnstad Jerp�sen & Mari Sundli Tveit - 455-479 Landscapes, Vegetation, and Folklore in Late Medieval Art: An Iconographic Study Based on Selected Austrian and South German Panel Paintings
by �lle Sillasoo
June 2014, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 219-236 Landscape Character Assessment as an Approach to Understanding Public Interests within the European Landscape Convention
by Andrew Butler & Ulla Berglund - 237-254 Leveraging Community Capacity for Nature Conservation in a Rural Island Context: Experiences from Brier Island, Canada
by Ryan Hennessey & Karen Beazley - 255-266 When the Everyday and the Sacred Collide: Positioning Płasz�w in the Krak�w Landscape
by Danielle Drozdzewski - 267-286 Blank Space: Exploring the Sublime Qualities of Urban Wilderness at the Former Fishing Harbour in Tallinn, Estonia
by Anna-Liisa Unt & Penny Travlou & Simon Bell - 287-304 The Need for Advocating Regional Human Comfort Design Codes for Public Spaces: A Case Study of a Mediterranean Urban Park
by Tali Hatuka & Hadas Saaroni - 305-323 Assessing the Landscape Value of Public Works: Validation of the Methods in the Lowlands of the Middle Section of the Tajo River, Spain
by Ana Bel�n Berrocal Men�rguez & Pedro Molina Holgado - 324-326 An Introduction to Landscape
by Ian Thompson - 326-329 The Historic Urban Landscape. Managing Heritage in an Urban Century
by Ken Taylor - 329-331 A Life Spent Changing Places
by Helen Armstrong - 331-332 James Dickson Innes 1887-1914
by Gareth Roberts - 333-334 Meaning in Landscape Architecture & Gardens
by Ian Thompson
April 2014, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 101-106 Editorial: Pathways towards Local Scale Policy Integration in Agricultural Landscapes
by Simon Swaffield & J�rgen Primdahl - 107-122 Landscapes of Intersecting Trade and Environmental Policies: Intensive Canadian and American Farmlands
by Robert Corry - 123-140 Agricultural Landscape Sustainability under Pressure: Policy Developments and Landscape Change
by J�rgen Primdahl - 141-157 Urban Food Security and Landscape Change: A Demand-side Approach
by Gianluca Brunori & Francesco Di Iacovo - 158-173 Preservation and Development: The Cultural Landscape and Heritage Paradox in the Netherlands
by Arnold Van Der Valk - 174-189 Policy Integration for Sustainable Agricultural Landscapes: Taking Stock of UK Policy and Practice
by Janet Dwyer - 190-204 Sustainability Practices in New Zealand Agricultural Landscapes under an Open Market Policy Regime
by Simon Swaffield - 205-217 The Landscape as an Asset in Southern European Fragile Agricultural Systems: Contrasts and Contradictions in Land Managers Attitudes and Practices
by Teresa Pinto-Correia & Helena Menezes & Luis Filipe Barroso
February 2014, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-6 Editorial: Looking Backwards, Looking Forwards
by Anna Jorgensen - 7-20 Strategies for Enhancing Landscape Architecture Research
by Adri van den Brink & Diedrich Bruns - 21-39 Sacred Landscapes: Albany and Anzac Pilgrimage
by John R. Stephens - 40-52 Peaceful, Pleasant and Private: The British Domestic Garden as an Ordinary Landscape
by Mark Bhatti & Andrew Church & Amanda Claremont - 53-69 Pastoral Abandonment, Shrub Proliferation and Landscape Changes: A Case Study from Gorkha, Nepal
by Lila Nath Sharma & Ole Reidar Vetaas & Ram Prasad Chaudhary & Inger Elisabeth M�ren - 70-81 Promoting Youth's Physical Activity through Park Design: Linking Theory and Practice in a Public Health Perspective
by H. S. Gardsjord & M. S. Tveit & H. Nordh - 82-99 Entangled Landscapes and the 'Dead Silence'? Humphry Repton, Jane Austen and the Upchers of Sheringham Park, Norfolk
by Jonathan Finch
December 2013, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 691-694 Editorial: Living Landscape: The European Landscape Convention in Research Perspective
by Bas Pedroli & Marc Antrop & Teresa Pinto Correia - 695-706 Landscape Fieldwork: Scientific, Educational and Awareness-Raising Requirements in the Context of the European Landscape Convention
by Pascual Riesco-Chueca & Jos� G�mez-Zotano - 707-728 Planning Rural Landscapes: A Participatory Approach to Analyse Future Scenarios in Monferrato Astigiano, Piedmont, Italy
by Federica Larcher & Silvia Novelli & Paola Gullino & Marco Devecchi - 729-749 Landscape Quality in Farmyard Design: An Approach for Italian Wine Farms
by Patrizia Tassinari & Daniele Torreggiani & Stefano Benni & Enrica Dall'Ara - 750-767 The Value of an 1827 Cadastre Map in the Rehabilitation of Ecosystem Services in the Křemže Basin, Czech Republic
by Jan Hendrych & Vojtěch Storm & Nic Pacini - 768-798 Policy Change and ELC Implementation: Establishment of a Baseline for Understanding the Impact on UK National Policy of the European Landscape Convention
by Maggie Roe - 799-817 Intersecting Dynamics of Agricultural Structural Change and Urbanisation within European Rural Landscapes: Change Patterns and Policy Implications
by J�rgen Primdahl & Erling Andersen & Simon Swaffield & Lone Kristensen
October 2013, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 561-575 Green Space as Classroom: Outdoor School Teachers' Use, Preferences and Ecostrategies
by Peter Bentsen & Jasper Schipperijn & Frank S. Jensen - 576-592 Nearby Nature and Experiential Farming: How are their Roles Perceived within the Rural-Urban Fringe?
by Reija Hietala & Harri Silvennoinen & Be�ta T�th & Liisa Tyrv�inen - 593-606 Historical Changes in the Distribution and Abundance of Constructed Ponds in Response to Changing Population Density and Land Use
by George Winfield Fairchild & Christopher Robinson & Andrew S. Brainard & Gary W. Coutu - 607-624 The Delphi Method as a Useful Tool to Study Governance and Protected Areas?
by Nora Mehnen & Ingo Mose & Dirk Strijker - 625-648 Spatiotemporal Landscape Pattern Change in Response to Future Urbanisation in Maricopa County, Arizona, USA
by Sohyun Park - 649-667 Recording Manifestations of Cultural Ecosystem Services in the Landscape
by Claudia Bieling & Tobias Plieninger - 668-682 Landscape and Infrastructures: Design Issues for the Integration of Parking Areas in Non-urban Contexts
by Enrica Dall'Ara & Daniele Torreggiani & Patrizia Tassinari - 683-684 Landscapes, Identities and Development
by Stuart Burch - 685-686 Construction for Landscape Architecture
by Andy Clayden - 686-689 Goon, Hal, Cliff and Croft: The Archaeology and Landscape History of West Cornwall's Rough Ground
by Dave Hooley - 689-690 Contested Common Land: Environmental Governance Past and Present
by Kenneth Olwig
August 2013, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 401-403 Animals and Landscape
by Maggie Roe - 404-420 Placing Livestock in Landscape Studies: Pastures New or Out to Graze?
by Jessica Sellick & Richard Yarwood - 421-442 "Who Milks the Cows at Maesgwyn?" The Animality of UK Rural Landscapes in Affective Registers
by Owain Jones - 443-460 Cree Hunters' Observations on Resources in the Landscape in the Context of Socio-Environmental Change in the Eastern James Bay
by Marie-Jeanne S. Royer & Thora Martina Herrmann - 461-475 Exploring Landscape in-the-Making: A Case Study on the Constitutive Role of Animals in Society-Nature Interactions
by Taru Peltola & Jari Heikkil� & Mia Veps�l�inen - 476-498 "Instead of 40 Sheep there are 400": Traditional Grazing Practices and Landscape Change in Western Lesvos, Greece
by Thanasis Kizos & Tobias Plieninger & Harald Schaich - 499-522 The Opportunity Costs of Conserving Pasture Resources for Mobile Pastoralists in the Greater Caucasus
by R. Neudert & J. Etzold & F. M�nzner & M. Manthey & S. Busse - 523-539 Low-intensity Husbandry as a Cost-efficient Way to Preserve Dry Grasslands
by Dorothea Pietzsch & Sabine Ochsner & Jasmin Mantilla-Contreras & Ulrich Hampicke - 540-552 Otters as Symbols in the British Environmental Discourse
by Karen Victoria Lykke Syse - 553-559 Assessing Grey Squirrel Dispersal Patterns within the Landscape Using Sequence Variation
by Claire D. Stevenson & Andrew D. Ramsey & Owen T. Nevin & William Sinclair
June 2013, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 273-294 Visual Perception of Agricultural Cultivated Landscapes: Key Components as Predictors for Landscape Preferences
by Orly Rechtman - 295-311 Landowners' Participation in Biodiversity Conservation Examined through the Value-Belief-Norm Theory
by Maria Johansson & Johan Rahm & Mats Gyllin - 312-328 Tracking the Use of Climbing Plants in the Urban Landscape through the Photoarchives of Two Oxford Colleges, 1861-1964
by Mary J. Thornbush - 329-346 Towards Harmonisation in Landscape Unit Delineation: An Analysis of Spanish Case Studies
by Mar�a Vall�s & Francisco Galiana & Rafael Bru - 347-367 Exploring the Quasi-naturalistic Landscaping Design of a Taiwanese Culverted Urban Stream
by Rung-Jiun Chou - 368-383 Subdivisions and Deer Uses: Conflicts between Nature and Private Property on the Urban Fringe
by Brent A. Olson - 384-393 Integrating Ecological, Social and Cultural Dimensions in the Implementation of the Landscape Convention
by Grzegorz Mikusiński & Malgorzata Blicharska & Hans Antonson & Marianne Henningsson & G�rgen G�ransson & Per Angelstam & Andreas Seiler - 394-400 Landscape Underwater, Underwater Landscapes: Kangaroo Island Diving Site Names as Elements of the Linguistic Landscape
by Joshua Nash
April 2013, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 159-159 Themed Issue: Place
by Maggie Roe - 160-178 Place Attachment and Memory: Landscapes of Belonging as Experienced Post-migration
by Clare Rishbeth & Mark Powell - 179-202 Historic Landscape Character and Sense of Place
by Stephen Rippon - 203-221 Capturing the Intangible and Tangible Aspects of Heritage: Personal versus Official Perspectives in Cultural Heritage Management
by Grete Swensen & Gro B. Jerp�sen & Oddrun Sæter & Mari Sundli Tveit - 222-242 Understanding Cultural Interfaces in the Landscape: A Case Study of Ancient Lycia in the Turkish Mediterranean
by Meryem Atik & Simon Bell & Reyhan ErdoĞan - 243-261 Socio-Economic Demands, Ecological Conditions and the Power of Tradition: Past Woodland Management Decisions in a Central European Landscape
by P�ter Szab� & Radim H�dl - 262-272 Considering the Limits of Rural Place Making Opportunities: Rural Dystopias and Dark Tourism
by Matthew Winsor Rofe
February 2013, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial: Research Excellence and Landscape Research
by Maggie Roe - 5-31 Eden, Earth Day, and Ecology: Landscape Restoration as Metaphor and Mission
by David Lowenthal - 33-51 What is Landscape Ecology? An Analysis and Evaluation of Six Different Conceptions
by Thomas Kirchhoff & Ludwig Trepl & Vera Vicenzotti - 53-74 Exploring the Relationship between Design Approach and Play Value of Outdoor Play Spaces
by Helen Woolley & Alison Lowe - 75-99 Landscape Quality and Brownfield Regeneration: A Community Investigation Approach Inspired by Landscape Preference Studies
by Christine Ruelle & Jean-Marie Halleux & Jacques Teller - 101-116 Tracking Restorative Components: Patterns in Eye Movements as a Consequence of a Restorative Rating Task
by Helena Nordh & Caroline M. Hagerhall & Kenneth Holmqvist - 117-140 Crossing Borders: Review of Concepts and Approaches in Research on Greenspace, Immigration and Society in Northwest European Countries
by Marjolein E. Kloek & Arjen E. Buijs & Jan J. Boersema & Matthijs G.C. Schouten - 141-150 Field Boundary Stone Walls as Exemplars of 'Novel' Ecosystems
by Marcus John Collier - 151-152 Urban Green: Innovative Parks for Resurgent Cities Peter Harnik Washington, DC, Island Press, 2010, ISBN 9781597266840
by Helen Armstrong - 152-154 The Wild Garden: A New Illustrated Edition with Photographs and Notes
by David G. Gledhill - 154-156 Process: Landscape and Text Catherine Brace & Adeline Johns-Putra (Eds) Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2010, 364 pp., ISBN 978-90-420-3075-6
by Andy Law - 156-158 The Biggest Estate on Earth: How Aborigines Made Australia
by Ken Taylor
December 2012, Volume 37, Issue 6
- 635-636 Introduction to Special Section by Guest Editors
by Henrik Vejre & J�rgen Primdahl & Lone S. Kristensen - 637-657 Revitalisation of Common Use in Management of Modern Multifunctional Landscapes
by Henrik Vejre & Jens Abildtrup & Niels Kærgaard & Bo Fritzb�ger & Anne Gravsholt Busck & S�ren B�ye Olsen - 659-672 Hunting and Landscape in Denmark: Farmers' Management of Hunting Rights and Landscape Changes
by J�rgen Primdahl & Mikkel Bojesen & Jens Peter Vesterager & Lone S�derkvist Kristensen - 673-702 The Role of Farm Advisors in Multifunctional Landscapes: A Comparative Study of Three Danish Areas, 1995 and 2008
by Jens Peter Vesterager & Klaus Lindegaard - 703-719 Countryside Preferences: Exploring Individuals' Willingness to Pay for the Conservation of the Traditional Farm Landscape
by Peter Howley & Stephen Hynes & Cathal O Donoghue - 721-726 Urbanisation Induced Landscape Change of Urban Hills in Jinan City, Karst Geological Region of North China
by Yuetong Xu & Shanzhong Qi & Guangwei Wang & Guiduo Shang
October 2012, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 519-537 Differently Designed Parts of a Garden Support Different Types of Recreational Walks: Evaluating a Healing Garden by Participatory Observation
by Carina Tenngart Ivarsson & Patrik Grahn - 539-569 An Inventory Approach to the Assessment of Main Traditional Landscapes in Sicily (Central Mediterranean Basin)
by Giuseppe Barbera & Sebastiano Cullotta - 571-589 Magnitude and Significance in Landscape Change
by Carlos L. De Pablo & Mar�a J. Rold�n-Mart�n & Pilar Mart�n De Agar - 591-611 The Algorithmic Complexity of Landscapes
by Fivos Papadimitriou - 613-634 Landscape Degradation Modelling: An Environmental Impact Assessment for Rural Landscape Prioritisation
by Forood Azari Dehkordi
2012, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 395-398 Spatial Order, Scenic Landscapes and Sprawl: Peri-urban Studies at the Interface between Landscape and Planning History
by Mattias Qviström & Kirsten Cadieux - 399-415 Contested Landscapes of Urban Sprawl: Landscape Protection and Regional Planning in Scania, Sweden, 1932–1947
by Mattias Qviström - 417-435 Engineering the Rural Idyll: Road Construction and the Peri-urban Landscape in Belgium, 1925–1940
by David Peleman & Pieter Uyttenhove - 437-450 The Urban West and the Rural Rest: Framing in Dutch Regional Planning in the 1950s
by Marijn Molema - 451-466 Landscapes of Challenge and Change: Contested Views of the Cairngorms National Park
by Elizabeth Dinnie & Kirsty Blackstock & Rachel Dilley - 467-482 Are There Counter-Landscapes? On Milk Trestles and Invisible Power Lines
by Hannes Palang & Helen Sooväli-Sepping - 483-500 Putting the Plan into Practice: Implementation of Proposals for Measures of Local Landscape Plans
by Wolfgang Wende & Wera Wojtkiewicz & Ilke Marschall & Stefan Heiland & Torsten Lipp & Markus Reinke & Peter Schaal & Catrin Schmidt - 501-517 Using Place Names for Mapping the Distribution of Vanishing Historical Landscape Features: The Field System in Northwest Spain
by MarÍa Calvo-Iglesias & RamÓn DÍaz-Varela & Gonzalo MÉndez-MartÍnez & Urbano Fra-Paleo
2012, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 239-256 The Promise of Wilderness Between Paradise and Hell: A Cultural-Historical Exploration of a Dutch National Park
by Koen Arts & Anke Fischer & René Van der Wal - 257-275 Network Ruins and Green Structure Development: An Attempt to Trace Relational Spaces of a Railway Ruin
by Mattias Qviström - 277-300 Land Ownership and Property Rights in the Adirondack Park of New York, USA
by Glenn Harris & Sarah Gross & Daniel Auerbach - 301-325 Effectiveness of Boundary Structures in Limiting Residential Encroachment into Urban Forests
by Wendy McWilliam & Paul Eagles & Mark Seasons & Robert Brown - 327-349 Andalusia, Spain: An Assessment of Coastal Scenery
by A. Williams & A. Micallef & G. Anfuso & J. Gallego-Fernandez - 351-364 Landscape-Recreational Value: A Resource for Local Development—First Results from a Survey in a Small Mountain Valley (Sinello Valley, Vallarsa, Northern Italy)
by Ilaria Goio & Geremia Gios - 365-382 Nature as a Model for Large-scale Planting Design: Variable Classification Method
by Ali Sepahi - 383-385 The European Landscape Convention: Challenges of Participation
by Elisabeth Conrad - 385-387 Design with Microclimate: The Secret to Comfortable Outdoor Spaces
by Andy Clayden - 387-389 The Framed World: Tourism, Tourists and Photography
by Antonia Noussia - 389-391 Unlearning the Colonial Cultures of Planning
by Emma Waterton - 391-394 Culture, Heritage and Representation: Perspectives on Visuality and the Past
by David Harvey
2012, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 147-154 Introduction: Routing Landscape: Ethnographic Studies of Movement and Journeying
by Jo Vergunst & Arnar Árnason - 155-171 The Norwegian Trekking Association: Trekking as Constituting the Nation
by Gro Ween & Simone Abram - 173-190 Farming and the Nature of Landscape: Stasis and Movement in a Regional Landscape Tradition
by Jo Vergunst - 191-206 Narrating the Road
by Tatiana Argounova-Low - 207-224 Other Ways: Landscapes of Commuting
by Eric Laurier & Hayden Lorimer - 225-237 Landscapes and Narratives: Compositions and the Walking Body
by Katrín Lund
2012, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-5 Editorial: Materiality, Association and Change
by Maggie Roe - 7-26 Ten Tenets and Six Questions for Landscape Urbanism
by Ian Hamilton Thompson - 27-49 Preferences for Landscapes: A Matter of Cultural Determinants or Innate Reflexes that Point to Our Evolutionary Background?
by Anna Adevi & Patrik Grahn - 51-71 Understanding Farmers' Aesthetic Preference for Tidy Agricultural Landscapes: A Bourdieusian Perspective
by Rob Burton - 73-90 Social Landscape Metrics: Measures for Understanding Place Values from Public Participation Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS)
by Gregory Brown & Pat Reed - 91-114 Housing Conflicts in the Irish Countryside: Uses and Abuses of Postcolonial Narratives
by Mark Scott - 115-133 Researching Militarized Landscapes: A Literature Review on War and the Militarization of the Environment
by Chris Pearson - 135-137 Woods & People: Putting Forests on the Map
by Paul Tabbush - 137-139 Via Tiburtina: Space, Movement and Artefacts in the Urban Landscape
by Graham Fairclough - 139-141 Representing Landscape Architecture
by David Haney - 142-143 Geoinformation Technologies for Geocultural Landscapes: European Perspectives
by John Boothby - 143-145 Richard Woods (1715–1793) Master of the Pleasure Garden
by Angela Phelps
2011, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 1-1 Editorial Board 2011
by The Editors - 621-624 Introduction: Methods and Content in Landscape Histories
by Susan Herrington & Thaisa Way - 625-640 Taking Turns: Landscape and Environmental History at the Crossroads
by Sonja Duempelmann - 641-655 : Using Workforce Characteristics to Understand the Cultural Landscape of New Orleans
by Lake Douglas - 657-668 Cultivating, Designing, and Teaching: Jewish Women in Modern Viennese Garden Architecture
by Ulrike Krippner & Iris Meder - 669-682 Writing with the Jardins des Floralies in Montreal: Towards an Expanded Garden History
by Erin Despard - 683-702 Public Housing Landscapes in France, 1945–1975
by Bernadette Blanchon - 703-704 Place Reinvention: Northern Perspectives
by Stuart Burch - 704-706 Parks, Plants and People: Beautifying the Urban Landscape
by Mark Johnston - 706-708 Urban Green Belts in the Twenty-first Century
by Harini Nagendra - 709-712 Referees 2010–2011
by The Editors
2011, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 535-552 The Emotional Affordances of Forest Settings: An Investigation in Boys with Extreme Behavioural Problems
by Jenny Roe & Peter Aspinall - 553-571 Local Settlement in Woodland Birds in Fragmented Habitat: Effects of Natal Territory Location and Timing of Fledging
by Jolyon Alderman & Shelley Hinsley & Richard Broughton & Paul Bellamy - 573-597 Newer Plant Displays in Botanical Gardens: The Role of Design in Environmental Interpretation
by Paula Villagra-Islas - 599-620 Cultural Differences in Attitudes towards Urban Parks and Green Spaces
by Halil Özgüner
2011, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 395-399 Introduction: Reassessing Landscape Drivers and the Globalist Environmental Agenda
by Tomas Germundsson & Peter Howard & Kenneth Olwig - 401-415 The Earth is Not a Globe: Landscape versus the ‘Globalist’ Agenda
by Kenneth Olwig - 417-434 How Do We Accommodate New Land Uses in Traditional Landscapes? Remanence of Landscapes, Resilience of Areas, Resistance of People
by Laurence Le Dû-Blayo - 435-454 Capitalizing on the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Agroforestry in Germany's Agricultural Landscapes: Realigning the Climate Change Mitigation and Landscape Conservation Agendas
by Tobias Plieninger - 455-470 Local Rights to Landscape in the Global Moral Economy of Carbon
by Dan van der Horst & Saskia Vermeylen - 471-485 The European Landscape Convention, Wind Power, and the Limits of the Local: Notes from Italy and Sweden
by Thomas Oles & Karin Hammarlund - 487-507 Landscape Democracy in a Globalizing World: The Case of Tange Lake
by Finn Arler - 509-534 Landscape as a Driver for Well-being: The ELC in the Globalist Arena
by Shelley Egoz
2011, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 269-290 Turning a Deaf Ear: Acoustic Value in the Assessment of Heritage Landscapes
by Penny O'connor - 291-302 How Useful are the Concepts of Erasure, Origination, Transformation and Migration in Teaching?
by John Stuart-Murray - 303-320 Trajectory Analysis of Forest Cover Change in the Tropical Dry Forest of Burkina Faso, West Africa
by Issa Ouedraogo & Patrice Savadogo & Mulualem Tigabu & Roy Cole & Per Christer Oden & Jean-Marie Ouadba - 321-339 Perspectives on Landscape Identity: A Conceptual Challenge
by Derk Jan Stobbelaar & Bas Pedroli - 341-361 Greenway Planning Context in Istanbul-Haliç: A Compulsory Intervention into the Historical Green Corridors of Golden Horn
by Zerrin Hoşgör & Reyhan Yigiter - 363-385 Landscape Representation Validity: A Comparison between On-site Observations and Photographs with Different Angles of View
by Marjanne Sevenant & Marc Antrop - 387-389 Nordic Landscapes: Region and Belonging on the Northern Edge of Europe
by Helen Armstrong - 389-392 Le Paysage en Bretagne: enjeux et défis
by Graham Fairclough - 393-393 Erratum
by The Editors
April 2011, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 127-150 Measuring Visible Space to Assess Landscape Openness
by Gerd Weitkamp & Arnold Bregt & Ron Van Lammeren - 151-171 A Wildland-Urban Interface Typology for Forest Fire Risk Management in Mediterranean Areas
by Luis Galiana-Martin & Gema Herrero & Jesus Solana - 173-188 Effects of Urban Vegetation on Urban Air Quality
by Dennis Y. C. Leung & Jeanie K. Y. Tsui & Feng Chen & Wing-Kin Yip & Lilian L. P. Vrijmoed & Chun-Ho Liu - 189-190 Editorial: Landscape & Mining
by Maggie Roe - 191-207 Cultural Landscape and Goldfield Heritage: Towards a Land Management Framework for the Historic South-West Pacific Gold Mining Landscapes
by Keir Reeves & Chris McConville - 209-230 Coal Strip Mining, Mountaintop Removal, and the Distribution of Environmental Violations across the United States, 2002-2008
by Paul B. Stretesky & Michael J. Lynch - 231-261 Geochemical Landscape Analysis: Development and Application to the Risk Assessment of Acid Mine Drainage. A Case Study in Central Sweden
by Gyozo Jordan & Andrea Szucs - 263-268 Ecological Restoration of Central European Mining Sites: A Summary of a Multi-site Analysis
by Karel Prach & Kl�ra Řehounkov� & Jiř� Řehounek & Petra Konvalinkov�
February 2011, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 3-18 Indicators for the Identification of Cultural Landscape Hotspots in Europe
by Katalin Solymosi - 19-40 Exploring the Heterogeneity of Rural Landscape Preferences: An Image-Based Latent Class Approach
by Arne Arnberger & Renate Eder - 41-62 Designing Farmland for Multifunctionality
by Christine Haaland & Gary Fry & Anna Peterson - 63-84 Amenities, Affluence, and Ideology: Comparing Rural Restructuring Processes in the US and Norway
by Paul M. Van auken & Johan Fredrik Rye - 85-109 The Creation of Play Spaces in Twentieth-century Amsterdam: From an Intervention of Civil Actors to a Public Policy
by Lianne Verstrate & Lia Karsten - 111-117 Diversity Indices as 'Magic' Tools in Landscape Planning: A Cautionary Note on their Uncritical Use
by Corrado Battisti & Longino Contoli - 119-120 Landscape and Sustainability
by Peter Howard - 120-121 Designs upon the Land: Elite Landscapes of the Middle Ages
by Kevin Gould - 122-124 Landscape of the Megaliths. Excavation and Fieldwork on the Avebury Monuments 1997-2003
by Melanie Pomeroy-Kellinger - 124-126 Zum Begriff der Natur in Stadtkonzepten
by David H. Haney