August 2013, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 517-522 Encounters with law and critical urban studies
by Ayona Datta - 523-525 Post-conflict Belfast
by Adele Lee - 526-546 Three narratives in search of a city
by Liam O'Dowd & Milena Komarova - 547-547 Alternatives Agency of the street
by Antonis Vradis - 548-557 Agency of the street
by Yannis Kallianos - 558-559 Forum NGOs and Social Movements: Convergences and Divergences: Part Two
by Barbara Lipietz - 560-566 Urban movements and NGOs
by Yves Cabannes - 567-569 If the Revolution is not tweeted but choreographed
by Andrea Pollio - 570-575 Towards the Great Transformation: (8) Relocating Egypt and the West
by Bob Catterall
June 2013, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 271-273 Editorial: Making Cities Shift
by Bob Catterall - 274-278 Reclaiming the right to the city: Reflections on the urban uprisings in Turkey
by Mehmet Bariş Kuymulu - 279-298 On the way to being middle class
by AbdouMaliq Simone & Achmad Uzair Fauzan - 299-311 Class analysis for whom?
by Mark Davidson & Elvin Wyly - 312-324 Austerity urbanism and the makeshift city
by Fran Tonkiss - 325-342 Mapping urban space
by Nate Gabriel - 343-360 Concrete geographies
by Andrew Harris - 361-364 Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture: Part Four
by Adrian Atkinson - 365-381 Farmers, not gardeners
by Adriana Allen & Alexandre Apsan Frediani - 382-383 'Emerging cities of the third wave' Revisited: Part One
by Anna Richter - 384-386 Retrospect
by Allen J. Scott - 387-394 The city of cognitive-cultural capitalism
by Elvin Wyly - 395-398 The darker underside of Scott's third wave
by Sharon M. Meagher - 399-399 Alternatives Introduction
by Antonis Vradis - 400-408 We won't move
by Shannon Walsh - 409-410 For the Possibility of Another World: Tributes to Neil Smith (1954-2012): Part Two
by David Wachsmuth - 411-413 Urban constellations yesterday and today
by Ola Söderström - 414-418 Perspectives and contingencies
by Emma Cummins - 419-422 Towards the Great Transformation: (7) Locating Gezi Park
by Bob Catterall
April 2013, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 127-129 Editorial: 'We stay'
by Bob Catterall - 130-148 Discourse and dystopia, American style
by Alex Schafran - 149-163 The persistence of bohemia
by Kirsten Forkert - 164-178 The eventization of leisure and the strange death of alternative Leeds
by Karl Spracklen & Anna Richter & Beverley Spracklen - 179-196 Being-in-Hull, Being-on-Bransholme
by Mark Featherstone - 197-208 Re-classifying London: a growing middle class and increasing inequality
by Chris Hamnett & Tim Butler - 209-233 From the ruins of time and space
by Charles Travis - 234-234 Introduction
by Adrian Atkinson - 235-250 Peri-urban agriculture, social inclusion of migrant population and Right to the City
by Yves Cabannes & Isabel Raposo - 251-252 Introduction
by Barbara Lipietz - 253-257 NGOs and urban movements
by Richard Pithouse - 258-261 NGOs and social movements
by Marcelo Lopes de Souza - 262-264 Justice and the politics of urban development
by Kate Driscoll Derickson - 265-270 Towards the Great Transformation: (6) Three ecologies
by Bob Catterall
February 2013, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-4 Editorial: “It's not for us…”?
by Bob Catterall - 5-19 First world urban activism
by Margit Mayer - 20-36 The planetary urbanization of non-work
by Andy Merrifield - 37-51 Local border practices and urban citizenship in Europe
by Henrik Lebuhn - 52-67 Sense of place and place-based activism in the neoliberal city
by Joshua Long - 68-68 Introduction
by Adrian Atkinson - 69-84 Which way for UPA in Africa?
by Diana Lee-Smith - 85-96 Readjusting to reality
by Adrian Atkinson - 97-98 Introduction: Full circle to London
by Andrea Gibbons & Nick Wolff - 99-118 'It's not for us’
by Paul Watt - 119-121 Global perspectives on urban gating
by Zia Salim - 122-125 Towards the Great Transformation: (5) Materialisms, old and new: theory, sources, and praxis (an introduction)
by Bob Catterall
2012, Volume 16, Issue 6
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 621-625 Editorial: Reform and/or Transformation?
by Bob Catterall - 626-655 Austerity urbanism
by Jamie Peck - 656-671 You can't demolish your way out of a housing crisis
by Sarah Glynn - 672-685 Dispatches from ‘the frontline of gentrification’
by Alberto Duman - 686-688 For the possibility of world: Tributes to Neil Smith (1954–2012)
by Bob Catterall - 689-691 Neil Smith: A tribute from Berlin
by Margit Mayer - 692-698 Libertarians and Marxists in the 21st century
by Marcelo Lopes de Souza - 699-699 Introduction
by Adrian Atkinson - 700-712 A New World Ordure? Thoughts on the use of Humanure in Developed Cities
by Anthony Richardson - 713-724 Zurich: Urban agriculture as an economy of solidarity
by Marit Rosol & Paul Schweizer - 725-727 Introduction: Unpacking the Olympic spectacle: ‘Faster, Higher, Stronger’ from London to Rio to China
by Nick Wolff & Andrea Gibbons - 728-744 Unequal cities of spectacle and mega-events in China
by Hyun Shin - 745-747 Beyond the flash: reflections on Timon of Athens and the state of contemporary theatre
by Celine Kuklowsky - 748-757 Towards the great transformation: (4) Agrarian and urban rebellion, the 2008 crisis, art/philosophy/science, and Keiller's ‘Robinson Crusoe’
by Bob Catterall - 758-758 Erratum
by The Editors
October 2012, Volume 16, Issue 5
- 495-499 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 500-518 The new urban enclosures
by Stuart Hodkinson - 519-534 'Hosting the world’
by Christopher McMichael - 535-545 Beyond Spontaneity
by Dimitris Dalakoglou - 546-556 Athens 2012
by Myrto Tsilimpounidi - 557-557 Introduction: Moving On
by Bob Catterall - 558-559 Beyond austerity urbanism and creative city politics
by Margit Mayer - 561-562 Introduction: Spotlight on Olympic Rio: Critical implications of 'Faster, Higher, Stronger’
by Andrea Gibbons - 563-572 Panem et circenses versus the right to the city (centre) in Rio de Janeiro: A short report
by Marcelo Lopes de Souza - 573-575 NEOutopia: Architecture and the Politics of 'the New’: Part Two
by Emma Cummins - 576-594 New Labour—new renaissance
by Caspar Pearson - 595-606 Notes on NEOutopia
by city-bound collective - 607-609 We are all surprised by action: Writing materials from a cultural perspective
by Anna Krzywoszynska - 610-620 Towards the great transformation: (3) Research, Marx's 'Old Mole’, and 'Robinson’/Keiller's Journey
by Bob Catterall
August 2012, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 391-394 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 395-421 Class-ifying London
by Mark Davidson & Elvin Wyly - 422-430 The economic crisis seen from the everyday
by Maria Kaika - 431-438 The fire next time
by Jenna M. Loyd - 439-445 Introduction: Re-writing London and the Olympic City: Critical implications of 'Faster, Higher, Stronger'
by Andrea Gibbons & Nick Wolff - 446-451 Olympics 2012 security
by Stephen Graham - 452-460 The privatisation of urban development and the London Olympics 2012
by Mike Raco - 461-467 Athens 2004
by Kompreser Collective - 468-473 Games Monitor
by Andrea Gibbons & Nick Wolff - 474-475 Introduction: Towards a renewal of critical praxis
by Bob Catterall - 476-480 Unsettling critical urban theory
by Sharon M. Meagher - 481-483 Moving beyond 'Cities for People, Not for Profit'
by Margit Mayer - 484-485 Out on the streets
by David Storey - 486-493 Towards the great transformation: (2) Nature, Marx's 'Old Mole', and 'Robinson'
by Bob Catterall
June 2012, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 265-268 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 269-283 The politics of the encounter and the urbanization of the world
by Andy Merrifield - 284-298 The political geographies of Liberty City
by Alberto Vanolo - 299-312 Athens in the Mediterranean 'movement of the piazzas' Spontaneity in material and virtual public spaces
by Lila Leontidou - 313-314 Introduction: From a mainstream to a critical narrative
by Bob Catterall - 315-331 Marxists, libertarians and the city
by Marcelo Lopes de Souza - 332-336 NEOutopia: Architecture and the Politics of 'the New'
by Emma Cummins - 337-344 Notes on the potential of void
by Francesco Sebregondi - 345-354 Looking backward
by Louis Moreno - 355-359 Introduction: Where do we stand? New hopes, frustration and open wounds in Arab cities
by Barbara Lipietz & Marcelo Lopes de Souza - 360-368 Urban praxis and the Arab Spring
by Ahmed Kanna - 369-376 We are not women, we are Egyptians
by Nadia Taher - 377-381 Poor man's penthouse
by David J. Madden - 382-385 Schwellenangst? Towards the city of anti-capitalist critique
by Anna Richter - 386-388 Towards the great transformation: (2) Nature, Marx's 'Old Mole', and 'Robinson'
by Bob Catterall
April 2012, Volume 16, Issue 1-2
- 4-33 The city in libertarian thought
by Marcelo Lopes de Souza - 34-56 Learning from urban revolt
by Yousuf Al-Bulushi - 57-73 Iconic architecture as a hegemonic project of the transnational capitalist class
by Leslie Sklair & Laura Gherardi - 93-111 Riding the storm: 'new Istanbul’
by Asu Aksoy - 112-128 Re-making a Landscape of Prostitution: the Amsterdam Red Light District
by Manuel B. Aalbers & Magdalena Sabat - 129-145 Placing prostitution
by Manuel B. Aalbers & Michaël Deinema - 146-157 Governmentality in Amsterdam's Red Light District
by Gail M. Zuckerwise - 195-201 Afterword: exiting Amsterdam's red light district
by Phil Hubbard - 203-206 Cities for people and people for systemic change
by William Tabb - 207-215 The 20:12 express: destination?
by Mark Davidson - 220-220 Introduction
by Paula Lökman - 221-234 Visualising the riverbank
by Andrea Mubi Brighenti & Cristina Mattiucci - 237-242 From innocence to realisation
by Sissi Korizi & Antonis Vradis - 243-248 Reflections on Occupy Wall Street, the state and space
by Stuart Schrader & David Wachsmuth - 249-252 Merry Crisis-mas (from Greece)
by Myrto Tsilimpounidi & Aylwyn Walsh
December 2011, Volume 15, Issue 6
- 613-617 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 618-624 The 'Arab Spring’ and the city
by Marcelo Lopes de Souza & Barbara Lipietz - 625-630 The will to revolt and the spectre of the Real
by Nasser Abourahme & May Jayyusi - 631-635 Beyond the return of the 'slum’
by Pushpa Arabindoo - 636-646 Rhetoric of the 'slum’
by Pushpa Arabindoo - 647-661 Mobility innovation at the urban margins
by Peter Brand & Julio D. Dávila - 662-673 The research--policy dialectic
by Sunil Kumar - 674-685 Situating slums
by David Simon - 686-695 Visual representations of poverty
by Nazia Parvez - 696-708 Slumming about
by Gareth A. Jones - 709-721 Shanties, slums, breeze blocks and bricks
by Deborah Potts - 722-726 Epilogue
by Alan Gilbert - 727-730 Assemblage and Critical Urban Praxis -- Part Four
by Dan Swanton - 731-739 Encountering, describing and transforming urbanism
by Colin McFarlane - 740-750 Between abstraction and complexity
by David Wachsmuth & David J. Madden & Neil Brenner - 751-753 Shanghai and the limits of the global-city literature
by Ugo Rossi - 754-756 Desire, disorder and design: metropolitan threats and urban sexual citizenship in post-war London
by Sarah Mills - 757-761 Re-remembering Africville
by Ted Rutland
October 2011, Volume 15, Issue 5
- 499-508 Editorial comments
by Elvin Wyly & Kurt Iveson & Peter Marcuse - 509-531 The neoliberal political--economic collapse of Argentina and the spatial fortification of institutions in Buenos Aires, 1998--2010
by Themis Chronopoulos - 532-547 A conceptual history of livability
by Harm Kaal - 548-551 Assemblage and Critical Urban Praxis: Part Three
by Dan Swanton - 552-562 Putting ANTs into the mille-feuille
by Michele Acuto - 563-569 Assemblage and the politics of thick description
by Katharine N. Rankin - 570-576 Hard-wired experience
by Hillary Angelo - 577-583 What can an assemblage do?
by Bertie Russell & Andre Pusey & Paul Chatterton - 584-588 Template urbanism
by Fran Tonkiss - 589-590 Ten Years After 9/11: Part Two
by Kurt Iveson - 591-604 The war on teenage terrorists
by Vanessa A. Massaro & Emma Gaalaas Mullaney - 605-612 Is it all coming together? Thoughts on urban studies and the present crisis:
by Bob Catterall
August 2011, Volume 15, Issue 3-4
- 285-288 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 289-321 Emerging cities of the third wave
by Allen J. Scott - 322-342 Flânerie and the globalizing city
by Kathryn Kramer & John Rennie Short - 343-346 Assemblage and Critical Urban Praxis: Part Two
by Dan Swanton - 347-354 Uprooting critical urbanism
by Kim Dovey - 355-364 The surfacing of urban life
by AbdouMaliq Simone - 365-374 The politics of urban assemblages
by Ignacio Farías - 375-388 On context
by Colin McFarlane - 389-391 Ten Years After 9/11
by Kurt Iveson - 392-406 The tabooed after-life of 9 / 11
by Peter Marcuse - 407-413 The politics of terror and the neoliberal military minimalist state
by Eduardo Mendieta - 414-428 Protection as subjection
by Jill Williams - 429-432 From The Republic remixed
by Steven Flusty - 433-440 An era and its end
by Nasser Abourahme - 441-442 Introduction
by Paula Lokman - 443-455 Sounding the Heygate estate
by Will Montgomery - 456-472 Jerusalem: One planning system, two urban realities
by Shahd Wari - 473-481 The right to the city and beyond
by Andy Merrifield - 482-490 The spatiality of a social struggle in Greece at the time of the IMF
by Regina Mantanika & Hara Kouki - 491-497 Is it all coming together? Thoughts on urban studies and the present crisis:
by Bob Catterall
April 2011, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 133-134 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 135-153 Cities on the move: Navigating urban life
by Caroline Knowles - 155-166 Many centers: suburban habitus
by David Kolb - 167-180 Medellín and Bogotá: The global cities of the other globalization
by Eduardo Mendieta - 181-203 Building resilience and well‐being in the Margins within the City: Changing perceptions, making connections, realising potential, plugging resources leaks
by Rachael Unsworth & Sue Ball & Irena Bauman & Paul Chatterton & Andrew Goldring & Katie Hill & Guy Julier - 204-224 Assemblage and critical urbanism
by Colin McFarlane - 225-240 Assemblage urbanism and the challenges of critical urban theory
by Neil Brenner & David J. Madden & David Wachsmuth - 241-249 On 'the urbanism of nothing’
by Maros Krivy & Eduardo Mendieta & Anna Richter & Bob Catterall - 250-259 Social or spatial justice? Marcuse and Soja on the right to the city
by Kurt Iveson - 260-262 Response to Kurt Iveson: 'Social or Spatial Justice? Marcuse and Soja on the Right to the City’
by Edward W. Soja - 263-263 Introduction
by Anna Richter - 264-267 City of creative privatisation: Fly posting and the public realm in Bremen
by Ulf Treger - 268-269 Arts and culture in urban redevelopment: It's not all bad
by Jamison R. Miller - 270-272 Can we really ride the urban tiger of global capitalism?
by Stuart Hodkinson - 273-275 Planning for the unintended, unexpected and accidental
by Daniel Makagon - 276-284 Is it all coming together? Thoughts on urban studies and the present crisis: (22) Mediations, entrapment and counterrevolution
by Bob Catterall
February 2011, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 4-24 Glasgow’s new urban frontier: 'Civilising’ the population of 'Glasgow East’
by Neil Gray & Gerry Mooney - 25-41 Worlding a city: Twinning and urban theory
by Mark Jayne & Phil Hubbard & David Bell - 42-62 Speculative redevelopment and conservation: The signifying role of architecture
by Maroš Krivý