July 2018, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 460-489 The Grenfell Tower atrocity
by Gordon MacLeod - 490-509 Marx in Calcutta
by John Hutnyk - 510-526 ‘This is a private-public park’
by Mara Ferreri & Kim Trogal - 527-550 Elite avenues
by Stephen Graham - 551-567 Participatory budgeting, austerity and institutions of democracy
by Mark Davidson - 568-583 Financialization interrupted
by William Kutz - 584-594 The museum of vernacular regeneration
by John Hutnyk - 595-603 Social sustainability as a challenge for urban scholars
by Jenni Cauvain - 604-608 Stretching stigmatised territory
by Alistair Sisson
May 2018, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 313-320 Editorial: Private is profit and the public is dead?
by Mark Davidson - 321-323 Other gentrifications
by Fran Tonkiss - 324-340 Growth politics from the top down
by Bruno Marot - 341-357 The role of laws and regulations in shaping gentrification
by Hisham Ashkar - 358-374 A property framework for understanding gentrification
by Mona Fawaz & Marieke Krijnen & Daria El Samad - 375-395 The remaking of Ras Beirut
by Mona Khechen - 396-411 Freedom is something people take and people are as free as they want to be, or what we learned from Gezi Park
by Kevin Robins - 412-416 Posterscapes
by Andreas Chatzidakis - 417-436 From landscapes of utopia to the margins of the green urban life
by Isabelle Anguelovski & James Connolly & Anna Livia Brand - 437-446 Gentrification and the creation and formation of rent gaps
by Marieke Krijnen - 447-450 An old art’s new clothiers
by Joe Austin
March 2018, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 183-200 Editorial: The right to assert the order of things in the city
by Luke R. Barnesmoore - 201-201 Editor-in-Chief’s note: What/whose order is to be asserted in the city?
by Bob Catterall - 202-219 Reconstructing Berlin
by Dominik Bartmanski & Martin Fuller - 220-235 Towards a new perspective on the role of the city in social movements
by Raffael Beier - 236-256 Seeing like a city through the Singapore City Gallery
by Michael R. Glass - 257-269 Urban assemblage, street youth and the sub-Saharan African city
by Wayne Shand - 270-284 Spatial responsibilities during informal public events
by Riina Lundman - 285-297 Banksy’s subversive gift
by Susan Hansen - 298-307 Constructing a universal logic of urban control?
by Seth Schindler & Simon Marvin - 308-311 Housing as Zionist nation-building
by Yael Padan - 312-312 Corrigendum
by The Editors
January 2018, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-4 Editorial: We have never been urban
by Sukriti Issar - 5-7 A note from the Editor-in-chief
by Bob Catterall - 8-25 The right to community?
by Phil Hubbard & Loretta Lees - 26-42 Growing old in a new city
by Bettina Ng’weno - 43-62 Beyond the urban–suburban dichotomy
by Yannis Tzaninis & Willem Boterman - 63-77 The politics of the visor
by Matthew Beaumont - 78-87 Introduction: The urban process under planetary accumulation by dispossession
by Louis Moreno & Hyun Bang Shin - 88-95 Planetary concerns
by Alex Loftus - 96-105 Cities in deep time
by Matthew Gandy - 106-115 Of monsters and boomerangs: Colonial returns in the late liberal city
by Nasser Abourahme - 116-129 Recovering the politics of planning
by Ilse Helbrecht & Francesca Weber-Newth - 130-151 Planetary Kantsaywhere
by Elvin K. Wyly & Jatinder K. Dhillon - 152-168 Always crashing in the same city
by Louis Moreno - 169-173 The struggles of ‘migrant-squatters’: disrupting categories, eluding theories
by Gaja Maestri - 174-177 Contrasting Jerusalem: contested urbanism at the crossroads
by Jonathan Rokem - 178-182 A sudden drop in pressure
by Anke Schwarz
November 2017, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 699-723 The security-threat-community
by David Coyles - 724-736 Territorialising social movements
by Athina Arampatzi - 737-753 ‘How do we not go back to the factory?’
by Anthony M. Jimenez & Timothy W. Collins - 754-768 Wrecking London’s skyline?
by Günter Gassner - 769-778 Designed to improve?
by Anna Richter & Hanna Katharina Göbel & Monika Grubbauer - 779-788 A critique of the new ‘social architecture’ debate
by Nina Gribat & Sandra Meireis - 789-799 In search of authenticity
by Monika Grubbauer - 800-812 The shotgun of selective belonging
by Graham Owen - 813-821 Consultant social design, austerity and citizenry
by Guy Julier - 822-835 Building social? More like designing to afford contestation
by Marcus Willcocks - 836-848 Users with/out bodies
by Hanna Katharina Göbel - 849-859 Choreographing architecture
by Sandra Uskoković - 860-871 Inoperative design
by Camillo Boano & Giorgio Talocci - 872-882 Socialising design? From consumption to production
by Fran Tonkiss - 883-893 Transitioning around the elephant in the room
by Louise Crabtree - 894-898 Towards the dis-alienation, democratisation and humanisation of housing
by Melissa Fernández Arrigoitia - 899-901 The visible, the invisible and the ‘in-between’ in the politics of city branding
by Cecilia Pasquinelli - 902-906 Commoning in the 21st-century city
by Lila Leontidou
September 2017, Volume 21, Issue 5
- 529-529 Editors' note
by Korinna Thielen & Bob Catterall - 530-549 Reframing housing struggles
by Miguel Pérez - 550-567 Quito, a World Heritage City or a city to live in?
by Diana Burgos-Vigna - 568-579 How material objects become ?
by Laura Lieto - 580-586 Constructing Asia
by Eli Elinoff & Malini Sur & Brenda S. A. Yeoh - 587-596 Concrete and corruption
by Eli Elinoff - 597-606 The blue urban: colouring and constructing Kolkata
by Malini Sur - 607-613 On the materialities of air
by Joshua Comaroff - 614-621 Distributing destruction
by Waqas H. Butt - 622-631 Phnom Penh’s vertical turn
by Sylvia Nam - 632-640 in Vasai Virar
by George Jose - 641-649 Bangladeshi construction workers and the politics of (im)mobility in Singapore
by Brenda S.A. Yeoh & Grace Baey & Maria Platt & Kellynn Wee - 650-662 Slow construction
by Victoria Nguyen - 663-671 The wrong side of the tracks
by Timothy Karis - 672-681 Between equal rights force decides?
by Katharina Bodirsky - 682-684 A Detroit story of maps, races and optimistic visions for the future
by Marco Santangelo - 685-689 Revisiting the urban cosmos—an intervention into the politics of urban assemblages
by Laura Kemmer
July 2017, Volume 21, Issue 3-4
- 249-252 Editorial: A geology of Marx?
by Pushpa Arabindoo - 253-270 Spectacular, realisable and ‘everyday’
by Erik Jönsson & Ståle Holgersen - 271-292 Transnational urban heritage?
by Maximilian Sternberg - 293-311 The social capital of urban activism
by Katherine VanHoose & Federico Savini - 312-328 On alternative smart cities
by Colin McFarlane & Ola Söderström - 329-347 #boulietacks
by Peter Chambers & Thomas Andrews - 348-366 The imaginative struggles of Europe
by Caspar Pearson - 367-387 ‘That which is not a mosque’
by Luiza Bialasiewicz - 388-404 The Calais Jungle
by Oli Mould - 405-419 Gentrification in the mesh?
by Paolo Cardullo - 420-427 Introduction: Enclosures and discontents
by Lisa Tilley & Ashok Kumar & Thomas Cowan - 428-447 The golden ‘salto mortale’ in the era of crisis
by Charalampos Tsavdaroglou & Konstantinos Petrakos & Vasiliki Makrygianni - 448-465 Farming the front line
by Ron J. Smith & Martin Isleem - 466-482 Luddites in the Congo?
by Judith Verweijen - 483-502 The smell of blood
by Philip Proudfoot - 503-519 Primitive accumulation in indigenous Mexico
by Ana Julia Cabrera Pacheco - 520-523 The other side of the mountain, facing the urban landscape
by Ileana Pătru-Stupariu - 524-527 The awakening of civil society in Eastern Europe
by Dieter Rink
March 2017, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 95-103 Editorial: From margins to centres …
by Andrea Gibbons - 104-126 LIFE in a ZOO
by Matthew Thompson - 127-134 The city and its margins
by Tatiana Thieme & Michele Lancione & Elisabetta Rosa - 135-150 Going in, out, through
by Michele Lancione & Elisabetta Rosa - 151-163 The margins ‘in-between’
by Silvia Aru & Maurizio Memoli & Matteo Puttilli - 164-177 Urban ethnography and the margins at the centre
by Tung-Yi Kho - 178-189 Showing ‘heart’ through ethnography
by William Monteith - 190-206 Space as method
by Yimin Zhao - 207-218 ‘Journeys of the I and we’
by Kavita Ramakrishnan - 219-231 Navigating and negotiating ethnographies of urban hustle in Nairobi slums
by Tatiana Thieme - 232-239 Start-ups and the entrepreneurial city
by Donald McNeill - 240-244 The spaces that anti-blackness makes
by Ted Rutland - 245-248 It matters who is walking
by Andrea Gibbons
January 2017, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-5 Editorial: A catastrophic event
by David J. Madden - 6-24 Global cities at any cost
by Joshua K. Leon - 25-46 An intensifying and elite city
by Niall Cunningham & Mike Savage - 47-64 Towards a paradigm of Southern urbanism
by Seth Schindler - 65-80 Claiming the university for critical urbanism
by Jean-Paul D. Addie - 81-83 Gentrification is everywhere
by Paul Waley - 84-86 In praise of visceral urbanism
by Michele Acuto - 87-89 Urban resilience in an age of neoliberalization
by Joshua Evans - 90-94 Nurturing the tree of sustainable urban future for Kumasi, Ghana
by Stephen Kofi Diko
November 2016, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 773-778 Editorial: Trump’s inauguration of counter-revolution? More groundings
by Bob Catterall - 779-799 Urban eco-geopolitics
by Marcelo Lopes de Souza - 800-821 Unprecedented natures?
by Pushpa Arabindoo - 822-831 Infrastructural gap
by Dimitris Dalakoglou - 832-844 Urban regeneration ‘from the bottom up’
by Chiara Rabbiosi - 845-862 as seen from France
by Marie-Hélène Bacqué & Amélie Flamand - 863-879 Linking race, the value of land and the value of life
by Andrea Gibbons - 880-903 The incredible shrinking Japan
by Fernando Ortiz-Moya & Nieves Moreno - 904-910 Endpiece: From LA to Standing Rock and beyond: A holistic reading of confluences
by Andrea Gibbons & Debbie Humphry
August 2016, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 655-662 Editorial: Trumped? Some groundings
by Bob Catterall - 663-684 Revisiting the urban frontier through the case of New Kvillebäcken, Gothenburg
by Catharina Thörn & Helena Holgersson - 685-699 Bad banks and the urban political economy of financialization
by Michael Byrne - 700-718 The meaning of the park
by Nils C. Kumkar - 719-736 ‘Gentrification’ as a grid of meaning
by Alex Werth & Eli Marienthal - 737-754 Thinking against the sovereignty of the concept
by Nasser Abourahme & Omar Jabary-Salamanca - 755-771 Vanity and violence
by Stephen Graham
July 2016, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 517-522 Editorial: Grounding technical democracy and critical urban studies
by Bob Catterall - 523-538 Contortions of the unconsolidated
by Adam Bobbette - 539-548 Technical democracy as a challenge to urban studies
by Ignacio Farías & Anders Blok - 549-562 Devising hybrid forums
by Ignacio Farías - 563-580 Interfaces of informality
by Eduardo Ascensão - 581-601 Cultivating torment
by Jonathan Metzger - 602-618 Assembling urban riskscapes
by Anders Blok - 619-636 Urban accessibility issues
by Tomás Sánchez Criado & Marcos Cereceda Otárola - 637-644 Very particular, or rather universal? Gentrification through the lenses of Ghertner and López-Morales
by Matthias Bernt - 645-649 The future with Chinese characteristics
by Jonathan Crisman - 650-653 Whiter than white
by Jonathan Moses
June 2016, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 343-349 Editorial: Utopia on the edge?
by Bob Catterall - 350-367 Black hole capitalism
by Japhy Wilson & Manuel Bayón - 368-388 Reimagining resilience
by Arpan Roy - 389-406 Vertical noir
by Stephen Graham - 407-411 Learning from Jerusalem
by Jonathan Rokem - 412-427 ‘Once there were Moroccans here—today Americans’
by Hila Zaban - 428-440 Between discrimination and stabilization
by Oren Shlomo - 441-454 Political infrastructure and the politics of infrastructure
by Amina Nolte - 455-471 Jerusalem as a paradigm
by Camillo Boano - 472-482 Beyond incommensurability
by Jonathan Rokem - 483-494 The Aleph—Jerusalem as critical learning
by Oren Yiftachel - 495-506 The London’s Housing Crisis and its Activisms Conference , associated with CITY’s Special Feature (issue 20.2)
by Debbie Humphry - 507-511 Occupation from below: squatting within, against and beyond
by David M. Bell - 512-516 Rethinking the urban crisis in Flint, Michigan
by Benjamin J. Pauli
April 2016, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 175-179 Editorial: ‘This place is pre-something … ’
by Bob Catterall - 180-185 Europe’s last frontier: The spatialities of the refugee crisis
by Dimitris Dalakoglou - 186-203 Singaporean ‘spaces of hope?’
by Jason Luger - 204-221 London's housing crisis and its activisms
by Paul Watt & Anna Minton - 222-237 The housing crisis and London
by Michael Edwards - 238-255 A view from the top
by Luna Glucksberg - 256-270 The housing crisis
by Anna Minton & Michela Pace & Henrietta Williams - 271-277 The London clearances
by Simon Elmer & Geraldine Dening - 278-286 Complete control
by Jerry Flynn - 287-291 ‘Regeneration’ and ‘consultation’ at a Lambeth council estate
by Pam Douglas & Joanne Parkes - 292-296 Building urban power from housing crisis
by Jacob Wills - 297-320 A nomadic war machine in the metropolis
by Paul Watt - 321-341 Speculating on London's housing future
by Joe Beswick & Georgia Alexandri & Michael Byrne & Sònia Vives-Miró & Desiree Fields & Stuart Hodkinson & Michael Janoschka
February 2016, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-9 Editorial: ‘Planetary’ urbanisation: insecure foundations, the commodification of knowledge, and paradigm shift
by Bob Catterall - 10-31 Propositions for more just urban public spaces
by Setha Low & Kurt Iveson - 32-51 Flooding the sanitary city
by Sophie Schramm - 52-60 Migration and the city
by Panos Hatziprokopiou & Yannis Frangopoulos & Nicola Montagna - 61-74 Migrant economies and everyday spaces in Athens in times of crisis
by Panos Hatziprokopiou & Yannis Frangopoulos - 75-90 Migrants’ settlement in two central neighborhoods of Athens
by Dimitris Balampanidis & Iris Polyzos - 91-100 The contestation of space in Milan's Chinatown
by Nicola Montagna - 101-115 Business activities of immigrants from Turkey and the former Yugoslavia in Vienna
by Josef Kohlbacher & Ursula Reeger - 116-129 Transitory community hubs
by Edda Ostertag - 130-141 Afro-Colombian integration in mestizo cities
by Jorge Ivan Bula Escobar - 142-142 Can resilience be redeemed?
by Zac Taylor & Alex Schafran - 143-151 Can resilience be redeemed?
by Geoff DeVerteuil & Oleg Golubchikov - 152-160 Rethinking resilience as capacity to endure
by Tim Schwanen - 161-166 Resilience is not enough
by Kate Driscoll Derickson - 167-170 The paradoxical slum
by Sukriti Issar
2016, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 171-173 Comparing relational urbanism
by Colin McFarlane
December 2015, Volume 19, Issue 6
- 775-780 Editorial: Where is the world at and where is it headed?
by Bob Catterall - 781-800 The intelligent woman's guide to the urban question
by Kate Shaw - 801-819 The politics of urban knowledge
by Sharon M. Meagher - 820-836 Rethinking urban public space
by Pablo Sendra - 837-856 Making sense of absence
by Agata A. Lisiak - 857-874 Asian urbanisation
by Adrian Atkinson