December 2015, Volume 19, Issue 6
- 875-878 ‘Making do’
by Lily Geismer - 879-881 Street children in cities in Ghana: an insider account
by Franklin Obeng-Odoom - 882-906 City ’s holistic and cumulative project (1996--2016)
by Melissa Wilson
October 2015, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 613-617 Editorial: To 'the city of refuge'
by Bob Catterall - 618-645 Luxified skies
by Stephen Graham - 646-664 Beyond city limits
by Mark Davidson & Kurt Iveson - 665-680 Between big city and authentic village
by Paul Kendall - 681-688 Durable camps: the state, the urban, the everyday
by Giovanni Picker & Silvia Pasquetti - 689-701 The roots and implications of the USA's homeless tent cities
by Chris Herring & Manuel Lutz - 702-713 Negotiating control
by Silvia Pasquetti - 714-726 Confined to the threshold
by Elena Fontanari - 727-740 Spreading and concentrating
by Irit Katz - 741-752 Colonial refractions: the 'Gypsy camp' as a spatio-racial political technology
by Giovanni Picker & Margaret Greenfields & David Smith - 753-762 Amateur urbanism
by Andy Merrifield - 763-765 Narratives of urban life
by Caroline Knowles - 766-769 Where is home? Why home is not at the same place in the USA and Europe
by Melissa Ley-Cervantes & Jan Willem Duyvendak - 770-774 Questioning integrationist policies in Berlin: the role of neighbourhood initiatives in the city of difference
by Elena Ostanel
August 2015, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 401-407 Editorial: 'We are here'
by Bob Catterall - 408-443 From the 'right to the city' to the right to the planet
by Marcelo Lopes de Souza - 444-462 Fictions from the underground
by Matthew Harle - 463-479 Modelling urban futures
by Paul Jones - 480-485 European urban spaces in crisis
by Ulrike M. Vieten & Gill Valentine - 486-498 Everyday urban encounters as stratification practices
by Peter Dirksmeier & Ilse Helbrecht - 499-509 The struggle for public space
by Adriano Cancellieri & Elena Ostanel - 510-521 Socio-spatial stigmatization and its 'incorporation' in the centre of Athens, Greece
by Penny (Panagiota) Koutrolikou - 522-533 Ambiguity in urban belonging
by Kirsten Simonsen & Lasse Koefoed - 534-544 Encountering difference and radical democratic trajectory
by Irem Inceoglu - 545-551 Affective practices in the European city of encounter
by Brenda S. A. Yeoh - 552-563 Why gentrification theory fails in 'much of the world'
by D. Asher Ghertner - 564-573 Gentrification in the global South
by Ernesto López-Morales - 574-578 Your daily fascism: investments of desire in the modern era
by Cheryl Gilge - 579-584 Jerusalem: from a 'divided' to a 'contested' city--and next to a neo-apartheid city?
by Haim Yacobi - 585-612 City 's holistic and cumulative project (1996-2016)
by Melissa Wilson
June 2015, Volume 19, Issue 2-3
- 145-150 Editorial: 'You're surrounded...'
by Bob Catterall - 151-182 Towards a new epistemology of the urban?
by Neil Brenner & Christian Schmid - 183-191 Building a better theory of the urban: A response to 'Towards a new epistemology of the urban?'
by Richard Walker - 192-215 Life support: The political ecology of urban air
by Stephen Graham - 216-238 Uncertain times, contested resources: Discursive practices and lived realities in African urban environments
by David Simon - 239-246 The changing occupational class composition of London
by Chris Hamnett - 247-257 Same, but different: Within London's 'static' class structure and the missing antagonism
by Mark Davidson & Elvin Wyly - 258-273 IBM's smart city as techno-utopian policy mobility
by Alan Wiig - 274-296 The transformative power of cooperation between social movements: Squatting and tenants' movements in Poland
by Dominika V. Polanska & Grzegorz Piotrowski - 297-302 There is a politics of urban knowledge because urban knowledge is political: A rejoinder to 'Debating urban studies in 23 steps'
by David Madden - 303-305 The future of the urban academy
by Alex Schafran - 306-312 Interactions with infrastructure as windows into social worlds: A method for critical urban studies: Introduction
by Hillary Angelo & Christine Hentschel - 313-321 The birth of the urban passenger: Infrastructural subjectivity and the opening of the New York City subway
by Stefan Höhne - 322-331 Hierarchies of happiness: Railway infrastructure and suburban subject formation in Berlin and Cairo around 1900
by Joseph Ben Prestel - 332-343 Infrastructure as a divination tool: Whispers from the grids in a Nigerian city
by Eric Trovalla & Ulrika Trovalla - 344-355 Networked infrastructures and the 'local': Flows and connectivity in a postsocialist city
by Liviu Chelcea & Gergő Pulay - 356-364 Toward an infrastructural critique of urban change: Obsolescence and changing perceptions of New York City's waterfront
by Boris Vormann - 365-374 Rent gap, fluid infrastructure and population excess in a gentrifying neighbourhood
by Anant Maringanti & Indivar Jonnalagadda - 375-383 Afterword: Come on out, you're surrounded: The betweens of infrastructure
by AbdouMaliq Simone - 384-391 Afterword: Economies of infrastructure
by Fran Tonkiss - 392-395 Today and tomorrow gangs: Youth and violence at the margins of the global city
by Katherine Saunders-Hastings - 396-399 Accessing public spaces
by Tara Saharan
February 2015, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-4 Editorial: 'Go viral or die trying'
by Bob Catterall - 5-43 Where is an author?
by Elvin Wyly - 44-60 Traversing the fantasies of urban destruction: Ruin gazing in Varosha
by Paul Dobraszczyk - 61-76 Scenes from Gezi Park: Localisation, nationalism and globalisation in Turkey
by Tahir Abbas & Ismail Hakki Yigit - 77-78 Introduction: Hacking the redevelopment script
by Anna Richter - 79-101 The bold and the bland: Art, redevelopment and the creative commons in post-industrial New York
by Joseph Heathcott - 102-103 On Marshall Berman (1940-2013): A radical New York intellectual: Introduction
by David Madden - 104-108 Hurling the little streets against the great: Marshall Berman's perennial modernism
by Todd Gitlin - 109-111 Remembering Marshall Berman
by Daniel Skinner - 112-120 Remaining faithful to the city: Marshall Berman's provocative optimism
by Gareth Millington - 121-125 Adventures in the art of dissent and London's Olympic State
by Andrew Harris - 126-130 Towards the horizon of democracy: Nurturing our desires, giving space to possible path
by Francesca Governa - 131-142 City 's holistic and cumulative project (1996-2016): (1) Then and now: 'It all comes together in Los Angeles?'
by Melissa Wilson & Bob Catterall
December 2014, Volume 18, Issue 6
- 603-608 Editorial: 'We are not the dirt. We clean.'
by Bob Catterall - 609-632 Urbanisation: A brief episode in history
by Adrian Atkinson - 633-643 London: A dividing city, 2001-11?
by David Manley & Ron Johnston - 644-654 Assembling Istanbul: buildings and bodies in a world city: Introduction
by Elizabeth Angell & Timur Hammond & Danielle van Dobben Schoon - 655-666 'Sulukule is the gun and we are its bullets': Urban renewal and Romani identity in Istanbul
by Danielle van Dobben Schoon - 667-678 Assembling disaster: Earthquakes and urban politics in Istanbul
by Elizabeth Angell - 679-690 Matters of the mosque: Changing configurations of buildings and belief in an Istanbul district
by Timur Hammond - 691-697 Cultures of assemblage, resituating urban theory: A response to the papers on 'Assembling Istanbul'
by Amy Mills - 698-700 Cities in the Arabian Peninsula: Introduction
by Pascal Menoret - 701-707 Visualizing the margins of Gulf cities
by Manuel Benchetrit & Roman Stadnicki - 708-722 Real estate and political power in 1970s Riyadh
by Paul Bonnenfant - 723-734 Public space and public protest in Kuwait, 1938-2012
by Farah al-Nakib - 735-745 Urban margins in Kuwait and Bahrain: Decay, dispossession and politicization
by Claire Beaugrand - 746-759 Searching for Nasser Square: An urban center in the heart of Dubai
by Yasser Elsheshtawy - 760-770 The environmental costs of coastal urbanization in the Arabian Gulf
by John A. Burt - 771-775 Labour and resistance across global spaces: Introduction
by Adam Elliott-Cooper & Amber Murrey & Ashok Kumar & Musab Younis - 776-788 Precarious workers in London: New forms of organisation and the city
by Jamie Woodcock - 789-807 Interwoven threads: Building a labour countermovement in Bangalore's export-oriented garment industry
by Ashok Kumar - 808-823 The economic crisis as opportunity: How austerity generates new strategies and solidarities for negotiating Roma access to housing in Rome
by Gaja Maestri - 824-836 Does school prepare men for prison?
by Karen Graham - 837-841 The civil relevance of geography between power and knowledge
by Matteo Bolocan Goldstein - 842-845 Bordered subjects
by Kate Hepworth
October 2014, Volume 18, Issue 4-5
- 381-385 Editorial: 'City makes your life happier'?
by Bob Catterall - 386-415 Vancouver's suburban involution
by Jamie Peck & Elliot Siemiatycki & Elvin Wyly - 416-426 Against accountancy governance: Notes towards a new urban collective consumption
by Andy Merrifield - 427-431 Introduction: Beyond the divided city: policies and practices of shared space
by Milena Komarova & Dominic Bryan - 432-439 'Shared space' as symbolic capital: Belfast and the 'right to the city'?
by Mary-Kathryn Rallings - 440-446 The psychological dimensions of shared space in Belfast
by Rosaleen Hickey - 447-454 Beyond the walls: Dismantling Belfast's conflict architecture
by Jonny Byrne & Cathy Gormley-Heenan - 455-462 Changing direction: Defensive planning in a post-conflict city
by Tim Cunningham - 463-465 Introduction: Ethnic and cultural diversity
by Adele Lee - 466-475 Possibilities for change?: Diversity in post-conflict Belfast
by Carey Doyle & Ruth McAreavey - 476-487 'Are you a Catholic Chinese or a Protestant Chinese?': Belfast's ethnic minorities and the sectarian divide
by Adele Lee - 488-496 Beyond Derry or Londonderry: Towards a framework for understanding the emerging spatial contradictions of Derry-Londonderry-UK City of Culture 2013
by Peter Doak - 498-501 Crisis-scapes suspended: Introduction
by Antonis Vradis - 502-508 Crisis and land dispossession in Greece as part of the global 'land fever'
by Costis Hadjimichalis - 509-516 Contesting speculative urbanisation and strategising discontents
by Hyun Bang Shin - 517-524 Unravelling false choice urbanism
by Tom Slater - 526-532 Infrastructural flows, interruptions and stasis in Athens of the crisis
by Dimitris Dalakoglou & Yannis Kallianos - 533-537 Is the crisis in Athens (also) gendered?: Facets of access and (in)visibility in everyday public spaces
by Dina Vaiou - 538-544 Strange encounters
by Jaya Klara Brekke - 546-550 Emerging common spaces as a challenge to the city of crisis
by Stavros Stavrides - 551-562 The crisis and its discourses: Quasi-Orientalist attacks on Mediterranean urban spontaneity, informality and joie de vivre
by Lila Leontidou - 563-572 Crisis, Right to the City movements and the question of spontaneity: Athens and Mexico City
by Christy (Chryssanthi) Petropoulou - 574-576 Ross Domoney and Giorgos Triantafyllou: an interview
by Ross Domoney & Giorgos Triantafyllou - 577-582 Ruinous city, ruinous time: Future Suspended and the science fiction of the present
by Nasser Abourahme - 583-588 What is to be done? Redefining, re-asserting, reclaiming and re-shaping land, labour and the city
by Bob Catterall - 589-593 Deleuze and research methodologies: The impact on planning
by Hooman Foroughmand Araabi - 594-597 For creative appropriation: John Protevi's Life, War, Earth and urban studies
by Keith Harris - 598-602 Reframing the 'creative city' through tailored and context-sensitive policies
by Eduardo Oliveira
June 2014, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 239-243 Landscape without figures?
by Bob Catterall - 244-268 The urban process under financialised capitalism
by Louis Moreno - 269-286 Worlding cities through their climate projects?
by Anders Blok - 287-306 License to travel
by Choon Piew Pow - 307-320 Smart cities as corporate storytelling
by Ola Söderström & Till Paasche & Francisco Klauser - 321-330 Debating urban studies in 23 steps
by Alex Schafran - 331-333 Introduction
by Anna Richter - 334-348 Navigating urban standstill
by Agata A. Lisiak - 349-352 Introduction
by Adam Elliott-Cooper - 353-355 Following Stuart Hall
by Les Back & Mónica Moreno Figueroa - 356-359 Securing the security
by Ashok Kumar - 360-362 Progressive activism and activists in Chicago and Boston in the 1980s
by Euan Hague - 363-367 Polarisation and cohesion in divided cities
by Diana Martin - 368-379 Towards the Great Transformation: (11) Where/what is culture in 'Planetary Urbanisation'? Towards a new paradigm
by Bob Catterall
April 2014, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 83-86 Editorial: Re-ordering or remaking cities?
by Bob Catterall - 87-100 The wider context of austerity urbanism
by William K. Tabb - 101-103 Reading the right to the city. Part two: Organisational realities
by Peter Marcuse - 104-118 Towards a libertarian turn? Notes on the past and future of radical urban research and praxis
by Marcelo Lopes de Souza - 119-133 Insurgent citizenship practices: The case of Muungano wa Wanavijiji in Nairobi, Kenya
by Stephanie Butcher & Alexandre Apsan Frediani - 134-148 Producing force and consent: Urban transformation and corporatism in Turkey
by Erbatur C̨avuşoğlu & Julia Strutz - 149-151 Policing the Crisis thirty-five years on
by Vincenzo Ruggiero - 152-159 Exploring the continuing relevance of Policing the Crisis
by Tony Jefferson - 160-166 Moral panic(s) in the 21st century
by Adam Elliott-Cooper & Estelle du Boulay & Eleanor Kilroy - 167-174 International legal responses to uprisings in the Middle East
by Joshua Castellino - 175-190 How to change the post-crash economy
by Costas Lapavitsas & Paul Mason & Mariana Mazzucato & Seumas Milne & Ben Chew - 191-213 Reordered publics: Re-imagining the City of London
by Guy Trangoš & Ilana Adleson & Nicolas Palominos & Adriana Valdez Young & Sharifa Alshalfan - 214-225 Just Space: Building a community-based voice for London planning
by Barbara Lipietz & Richard Lee & Sharon Hayward - 226-229 Plus ça change? Remaking the city, 'one site, one app, one click at a time'
by Sarah Barns - 230-233 Migrants as scale makers: untangling the intersections of urban theory and migration research
by Shanthi Robertson - 234-238 Sociology of Delhi
by Laura Dryjanska
February 2014, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial: Writing and Righting the City
by Bob Catterall - 4-9 Reading the Right to the City
by Peter Marcuse - 10-24 The English riots of 2011: Summoning community, depoliticising the city
by Andrew Wallace - 25-40 Assemblages of care and the analysis of public policies on homelessness in Turin, Italy
by Michele Lancione - 41-49 Invoking Lefebvre's 'right to the city' in South Africa today: A response to Walsh
by Marie Huchzermeyer - 50-51 Introduction: Navigating urban fabrication
by Anna Richter - 52-68 Dancing with bulldozers: Migrant life on Beijing's periphery
by Caroline Knowles - 69-72 Treading on Naples' contact zone: anthropological encounters with the Camorra
by Pascal Menoret - 73-77 Finding meaning in alternative spaces
by Stephen Przybylinski - 78-81 Squatting in Europe
by Amy Starecheski
December 2013, Volume 17, Issue 6
- 713-715 Editorial: Beyond 'the street' and 'the slum'
by Bob Catterall - 716-728 'The street' and 'the slum': Political form and urban life in Egypt's revolt
by Nasser Abourahme - 729-747 From alterglobalization to Occupy Wall Street: Neoanarchism and the new spirit of the left
by Blair Taylor - 748-777 Re-forming the political body in the city: The interplay of male bodies and territory in urban public spaces in Tel Aviv
by Yael Allweil & Rachel Kallus - 778-791 Strange zones: Science fiction, fantasy and the posthuman city
by Debra Benita Shaw - 792-805 The financialization of capitalism: 'Profiting without producing'
by Costas Lapavitsas - 806-807 Introduction: The global revolution as one of ideas?
by Bob Catterall - 808-809 Why it's STILL Kicking Off Everywhere
by Paul Mason - 810-811 Introduction: on structures and conjunctures, rules and exceptions
by Marcelo Lopes de Souza & Barbara Lipietz - 812-817 Urban organisations amidst transnational pressures
by David Sogge - 818-821 The Political is Noch Nicht (not yet)!
by Eduardo Mendieta - 822-826 Around the illegal city
by Véronique Dupont - 827-834 The Stuart Hall Project : Review and reflections
by Adam Elliott-Cooper - 835-844 Towards the Great Transformation: (10) Earthing 'planetary urbanisation'
by Bob Catterall
October 2013, Volume 17, Issue 5
- 577-579 Editorial: Reversing urbanization?
by Bob Catterall - 580-605 Readjusting to reality 2: Transition?
by Adrian Atkinson & Julie Viloria - 606-627 Cultural activism and the politics of place-making
by Michael Buser & Carlo Bonura & Maria Fannin & Kate Boyer - 628-635 How to help, and how not to help, the poor in the megacities of the South
by Alan Gilbert - 636-653 EUtopia? The European Union and the Parlamentarium in Brussels
by Caspar Pearson - 654-656 Introduction: Why it's (still) kicking off everywhere
by Anna Richter - 657-660 One hundred and forty characters will not be changing the world
by Andrea Gibbons - 661-670 In the middle of a revolution ... so where the hell is Stringer Bell?
by Mark Davidson - 671-673 Still?
by Antonis Vradis - 674-682 Reporting on the unreported with Paul Mason: Scenes from Sydney, 2011
by Kurt Iveson - 683-684 Introduction: 'Emerging Cities of the Third Wave' Revisited: Part Two
by Bob Catterall - 685-687 Response to Meagher and Wyly
by Allen J. Scott - 688-694 Regional urbanization and third wave cities
by Edward W. Soja - 695-698 The city: complex, material, imagined and lived
by Therese Kenna - 699-702 Liberatory struggles for housing
by Andrea Gibbons - 703-710 Towards the Great Transformation: (9) Where is the planet in 'planetary urbanisation'?
by Bob Catterall
August 2013, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 423-425 Editorial: End without end?
by Bob Catterall - 426-432 Past the end, not yet at the beginning
by Nasser Abourahme - 433-448 Unnoticed apocalypse
by David Cunningham & Alexandra Warwick - 449-473 Hollywood as waste regime
by Stefano Bloch - 474-475 Telescopic Urbanism and the Urban Poor: Symposium
by Michele Lancione - 476-492 Telescopic urbanism and the poor
by Ash Amin - 493-497 Spectral futures
by Ananya Roy - 498-503 Metabolic inequalities in Mumbai
by Colin McFarlane - 504-509 The calculus of telescopic urbanism
by Pushpa Arabindoo - 510-516 More telescopic urbanism, please
by Robert Neuwirth