February 2011, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 63-65 Introduction
by Andrea Gibbons - 66-68 The spatial perspective in action
by Núria Benach - 69-72 Spatial justice: Where/when it all comes together
by Abel Albet - 73-77 The words and the things
by Marcelo Lopes de Souza - 78-80 Great title, wrong book
by Peter Hall - 81-84 The spatial metaphorics of justice: on Edward W. Soja
by Eduardo Mendieta - 85-86 Spatial causes, social effects: A response to Soja
by Fran Tonkiss - 87-95 Mapping (in)justice
by Gilda Haas - 96-102 Spatializing justice—Part II
by Edward Soja - 103-104 Introduction
by Rachael Unsworth - 105-119 The Urbal Fix
by Tom Bliss - 120-122 Theorizing the urban from the 'south’?
by Christopher Harker - 123-125 Pitting morality against the harms of market freedom
by Pablo Mendez - 126-132 Is it all coming together? Thoughts on urban studies and the present crisis: (21) Work and action: from The Wire to Hamlet
by Bob Catterall
December 2010, Volume 14, Issue 6
- 601-603 A new ontology for the era of the New Economy: On Edward W. Soja’s Seeking Spatial Justice
by Martin Woessner - 604-606 Rights, politics and strategy: A response to Seeking Spatial Justice
by David Cunningham - 607-611 Seeking Spatial Justice : Some reflections from Sydney
by Kurt Iveson - 612-615 In Virginia … desperately Seeking Spatial Justice
by Jon Liss - 616-618 Academic agents for change
by Jane Wills - 619-621 Bridging theory and practice
by Andrea Gibbons - 622-624 Confronting the geographies of enmity
by Andrew Davey - 625-628 Seeking the urban common: Furthering the debate on spatial justice
by Paul Chatterton - 636-705 Code unknown: Roma/Gypsy montage
by Kevin Robins & Kevin Robins & Rüdiger Benninghaus & Nejla Osseiran & Elena Marushiakova & Vesselin Popov & Huub van Baar & Monika Metyková & Kostadin Kostadinov & Jan Hanák & interviewed by Monika Metyková, Brno, May 2009 & Hedina Tahirović Sijerčić & Juliette de Baïracli Levy & Adrian Marsh & Matthieu Chazal & T.G. Ashplant & Ilona Tomova & Mariella Mehr & Thomas Busch & Tímea Junghaus & Thomas Busch & Tímea Junghaus & Garth Cartwright & Carol Silverman & Sonia Tamar Seeman - 706-708 Introduction: welcome to the urban desert of the real, Part II
by Simon Parker - 709-729 Where do Bunnys come from? From Hamsterdam to hubris
by Antony Bryant & Griselda Pollock
October 2010, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 487-490 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 491-496 Introduction: Welcome to the urban desert of the real
by Simon Parker - 497-528 Things pictures don’t tell us: In search of Baltimore
by Elvin Wyly - 529-544 The ivorine tower in the city: Engaging urban studies after The Wire
by Rowland Atkinson & David Beer - 545-557 From soft eyes to street lives: The Wire and jargons of authenticity
by Simon Parker - 558-565 Going outside The Wire : Generation Kill and the failure of detail
by Roy Scranton - 566-585 Two world urban forums. What happened in Rio? Where does it lead? A discussion
by Adrian Atkinson & Barbara Lipietz & Marcelo Lopes de Souza & Shipra Narang Suri - 586-591 A poetic urbanism: Recreating places, remade to measure, but from the inside out
by Daryl Martin
August 2010, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 353-354 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 355-369 The need for critical theory in everyday life: Why the tea parties have popular support
by Peter Marcuse - 370-389 Petrified ruin: Chernobyl, Pripyat and the death of the city
by Paul Dobraszczyk - 390-405 Sustainability as ideological praxis: The acting out of planning’s master‐signifier
by Mark Davidson - 406-424 Cosmopolitanism and good‐enough cosmopolitanism: Encounter with Robin Denselow and Charlie Gillett
by Kevin Robins - 425-426 Introduction
by Bob Catterall - 427-433 Critical thinking about the Right to the City: Mapping garbage routes
by Sharon M. Meagher - 434-441 Some critical reflections on being critical: Reading for deviance, dominance or difference?
by Kurt Iveson - 442-447 The city to come: Critical urban theory as utopian mapping
by Eduardo Mendieta - 448-456 Is another city possible? Towards an urbanised sustainability
by Suzanne Vallance & Harvey Perkins - 457-463 The brave new (urban) world of fear and (real or presumed) wars
by Marcelo Lopes de Souza - 464-469 Gentrification will eat itself. Taking theory to the playground: Lefebvre for kids
by Anna Richter - 470-472 Imaginary matter(s)
by Giorgio Hadi Curti - 473-475 The great outdoors: Exploring the history of New York’s preservation movement
by Ellie Miles - 476-485 Is it all coming together? Thoughts on urban studies and the present crisis: (19) There is no return?
by Bob Catterall
June 2010, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 231-233 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 234-244 The urban impossible: A eulogy for the unfinished city
by Paul Chatterton - 245-267 The emperor’s used clothes, or, places remade to measure
by Steven Flusty - 268-277 Triangulating utopia: Benjamin, Lefebvre, Tafuri
by Frank Cunningham - 278-297 A neoliberal sports event? FIFA from the Estadio Nacional to the fan mile
by Volker Eick - 298-313 Urbanism in the anthropocene: Ecological urbanism or premium ecological enclaves?
by Mike Hodson & Simon Marvin - 314-322 Where do we stand? Progress in acknowledging and confronting climate change and 'peak oil’
by Adrian Atkinson - 323-325 Not in our name! Jamming the gentrification machine: a manifesto
by NION, Brand Hamburg (Initiative Not in Our Name, Marke Hamburg) - 326-327 Colin Ward. Writer, social theorist and anarchist, 1924--2010
by Dennis Hardy - 328-330 Obituary of Colin Ward
by David Goodway - 331-333 Capitalising on social capital
by Ron Johnston - 334-338 In the end there will be little else for us to do but shop
by Vincenzo Ruggiero - 339-352 Is it all coming together? Thoughts on urban studies and the urban crisis: (18) 'Detained at her majesty’s pleasure…’ (a dialogue on the implications of a volcanic interruption to the plans of those attending a geography conference in Washington)
by Bob Catterall and others
February 2010, Volume 14, Issue 1-2
- 1-3 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 4-12 In defense of theory in practice
by Peter Marcuse - 13-24 Drifting and getting stuck: Migrants in Chinese cities
by Weiping Wu - 25-32 Introduction
by Kurt Iveson - 33-47 More to see than a canvas in a white cube: For an art in the streets
by Joe Austin - 48-62 Spot theory
by Jeff Ferrell & Robert D. Weide - 63-81 Pictures on walls? Producing, pricing and collecting the street art screen print
by Luke Dickens - 82-98 The game of fame: Mural, graffiti, erasure
by Mark Halsey & Ben Pederick - 99-114 Negotiated consent or zero tolerance? Responding to graffiti and street art in Melbourne
by Alison Young - 115-134 The wars on graffiti and the new military urbanism
by Kurt Iveson - 135-136 Introduction
by Paula Lökman & Kurt Iveson - 137-153 The call and response of street art and the city
by Scott Burnham - 154-155 The city
by Zephyr - 156-157 Our culture is your crime
by Colt .45 - 158-159 Shutters
by Eine - 160-161 Learning the city
by Tom Civil - 162-163 Aero soul city
by James Cochran (aka Jimmy.C) - 164-169 Social disorder and the criminalization of indolence
by Vincenzo Ruggiero - 170-179 Still missing Marcuse: Hamnett’s foggy analysis in London town
by Tom Slater - 180-186 'I am critical. You are mainstream’: a response to Slater
by Chris Hamnett - 189-192 Fear and hope in Brazilian cities
by Edesio Fernandes - 193-199 Asserting the nature of man as a zoon politikon —the case for a political dimension of sustainable urban development
by O.A. K’Akumu - 199-202 Unstable identities in the networked city
by David W. Hill
December 2009, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 379-382 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 383-402 Cities as Battlespace: The New Military Urbanism
by Stephen Graham - 403-417 Transparent cities: Re‐shaping the urban experience through interactive video game simulation
by Rowland Atkinson & Paul Willis - 418-431 Neo‐urbanism in the making under China’s market transition
by Fulong Wu - 432-450 Probing the symptomatic silences of middle‐class settlement: A case study of gentrification processes in Glasgow
by Kirsteen Paton - 451-465 Urban social movements and small places
by Sarah Pink - 466-470 Editor's introduction
by Bob Catterall - 471-473 Peter Marcuse and the 'Right to the City’
by Bruno Flierl - 474-475 Rescuing the 'Right to the City’
by Martin Woessner - 476-482 The new Mikado? Tom Slater, gentrification and displacement
by Chris Hamnett - 483-492 Cities for people, not for profit—from a radical‐libertarian and Latin American perspective
by Marcelo Lopes de Souza - 493-498 Cities after oil (one more time)
by Adrian Atkinson - 499-509 The bantustan sublime: reframing the colonial in Ramallah
by Nasser Abourahme - 510-516 Chicago fade : putting the researcher’s body back into play
by Loïc Wacquant - 517-530 Thinking the urban: on recent writings on philosophy and the city
by David Cunningham - 531-550 Is it all coming together? Thoughts an urban studies and the present crisis: (16) Comrades against the counterrevolutions: bringing people (back?) in
by Bob Catterall
June 2009, Volume 13, Issue 2-3
- 173-175 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 176-184 Cities for people, not for profit
by Neil Brenner & Peter Marcuse & Margit Mayer - 185-197 From critical urban theory to the right to the city
by Peter Marcuse - 198-207 What is critical urban theory?
by Neil Brenner - 208-218 Urban studies, critical theory, radical politics: Eight theses for Peter Marcuse
by Kanishka Goonewardena - 219-229 Critical development studies and the praxis of planning
by Katharine N. Rankin - 230-245 The urban politics of roll‐with‐it neoliberalization
by Roger Keil - 246-263 Critical theory and 'gray space’: Mobilization of the colonized
by Oren Yiftachel - 264-277 Urban policy and architecture for people, not for power
by Bruno Flierl & Peter Marcuse - 278-291 Culture industry cities: From discipline to exclusion, from citizen to tourist
by Heinz Steinert - 292-311 Missing Marcuse: On gentrification and displacement
by Tom Slater - 312-324 Is it, or is not? The conceptualisation of gentrification and displacement and its political implications in the case of Berlin‐Prenzlauer Berg
by Matthias Bernt & Andrej Holm - 325-335 Berlin’s waterfront site struggle
by Albert Scharenberg & Ingo Bader - 336-346 Taking the bus daily and demonstrating on Sunday: Reflections on the formation of political subjectivity in an urban world
by Julie‐Anne Boudreau & Nathalie Boucher & Marilena Liguori - 347-361 An in memoriam for the just city of Amsterdam
by Justus Uitermark - 362-374 The 'Right to the City’ in the context of shifting mottos of urban social movements
by Margit Mayer - 375-377 War kids
by Roy Scranton
March 2009, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-4 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 5-25 Declarations of independence
by Sharon M. Meagher - 26-52 Social movements in the face of criminal power
by Marcelo Lopes de Souza - 53-62 Introduction
by Göran Therborn & K.C. Ho - 63-70 'Runaway chickens’ and Myanmar identity
by Donald M. Seekins - 71-79 Post‐colonial projects of a national culture
by Beng‐Lan Goh & David Liauw - 80-86 Bangkok
by Douglas Webster & Chuthatip Maneepong - 87-94 Hanoi, Vietnam
by William S. Logan - 95-102 Vientiane
by John Walsh & Nittana Southiseng - 103-109 Contesting Taipei as a world city
by Jenn‐hwan Wang & Shuwei Huang - 110-119 Shifting spaces of power in Metro Manila
by Emma Porio - 120-128 Jakarta
by Wilmar Salim & Benedictus Kombaitan - 129-136 Dhaka and the contestation over the public space
by Habibul Haque Khondker - 137-138 Alternatives
by Paul Chatterton - 139-145 Cultural workers of the world unite, you’ve nothing to lose but your theatres
by Robert Hollands - 146-149 Greece’s winter of discontent
by Antonis Vradis - 150-152 Where the river meets the city: Tracing Los Angeles’ social and environmental movements
by Beth Rose Middleton - 153-156 Whiteout? Gentrification and colonialism in inner‐city Sydney
by Kari Forbes‐Boyte - 156-158 Taking small things all the way to the Bank
by Trevor J. Barnes - 159-171 Is it all coming together? Thoughts on urban studies and the present crisis: (15) Elite squads: Brazil, Prague, Gaza and beyond
by Bob Catterall
December 2008, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 279-282 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 283-302 Building the Cartesian Enlightenment
by Ken Hillis - 303-320 Will the real smart city please stand up?
by Robert G. Hollands - 321-340 Globalization, cities and the Summer Olympics
by John R. Short - 341-355 Mapping the Olympic growth machine
by Björn Surborg & Rob VanWynsberghe & Elvin Wyly - 356-371 Different but the same?
by Phil Jones - 372-382 'The post‐city being prepared on the site of the ex‐city’-super-1
by Daryl Martin - 383-390 Photographing people is wrong
by Ariadne van de Ven - 391-393 Changing urban form, with Chinese characteristics
by Laurence J.C. Ma - 394-397 Thinking neoliberalism, thinking geography
by Saraswati Raju - 398-401 Can urbanism heal the scars of conflict?
by Nasser Yassin - 402-415 Is it all coming together? Thoughts on urban studies and the present crisis: (14) Another city is possible? Reports from the frontline
by Bob Catterall
July 2008, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 145-147 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 148-153 The production of urban space in the age of transnational mega‐urbes
by Eduardo Mendieta - 154-160 Introduction
by Adrian Atkinson & Korinna Thielen - 161-170 Mr Science and Mr Democracy
by Alan Hudson - 171-182 Into space
by Marc Blecher - 183-195 Restructuring urban governance
by Leslie Shieh & John Friedmann - 196-206 The 'third tier’ of globalization
by Michal Lyons & Alison Brown & Zhigang Li - 207-216 Building Shanghai
by Edward Denison - 217-225 Architecture and China’s urban revolution
by Xuefei Ren - 226-236 'Make‐the‐Most‐of‐It’ architecture
by Li Xiangning - 237-244 Ecological citizenship and a plan for sustainable development
by Shannon May - 245-254 The reality of environmental sustainability in China-super-1
by Debra Lam - 255-265 Post‐Fordism, sound and urban space
by Robin Balliger & James DeFilippis & Luna Vives & Andrew Davey - 266-278 Is it all coming together?
by Bob Catterall
April 2008, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-4 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 5-24 Collective culture and urban public space
by Ash Amin - 25-49 Robowar™ dreams
by Stephen Graham - 50-63 London voices, 1957--2007
by Peter Hall - 64-78 Community influence and the contemporary local state
by Sara González & Geoff Vigar - 79-106 Cities after oil—3
by Adrian Atkinson - 107-114 Banlieues, the Hyperghetto and Advanced Marginality: A Symposium on Loïc Wacquant’s Urban Outcasts
by Sako Musterd - 115-125 ¡Ya Basta! The Zapatista struggle for autonomy revisited
by Paul Chatterton & Ramor Ryan - 126-131 The limits of critical approaches
by Dave O’Brien & Pablo Bose & Christopher Harker - 132-143 Is it all coming together? Thoughts on urban studies and the present crisis:
by Bob Catterall
December 2007, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 273-276 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 277-292 Walls and shadows
by Roy Scranton - 293-312 Cities after oil—2
by Adrian Atkinson - 313-356 Foucault and the Black Panthers-super-1
by Brady Thomas Heiner - 357-363 Banlieues, the Hyperghetto and Advanced Marginality: A Symposium on Loïc Wacquant’s Urban Outcasts
by Paul Chatterton - 364-369 The role of race and class in urban marginality
by Sylvie Tissot - 370-377 (Un)ghetto fabulous
by Elisa Joy White - 378-383 Putting space in its place
by Peter Marcuse - 384-390 Penalized spaces
by Eduardo Mendieta - 391-398 Marginal economies and collective action
by Vincenzo Ruggiero - 399-404 The challenge of comparative case studies
by Janet Abu‐Lughod - 405-412 Class, ethnicity, Leviathan and place
by Virgílio Borges Pereira - 413-421 Is there such a thing as 'the ghetto’?
by Mario Luis Small - 422-427 'Reclaim the City!’—a review of the special session at the 2007 Association of American Geographers’ annual meeting
by Björn Surborg - 428-432 On the eventuality of total destruction
by John Armitage & Joanne Roberts
July 2007, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 141-143 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 144-164 Megaprojects
by Gareth A. Jones & Maria Moreno‐Carranco - 165-175 Anti‐global movements reclaim the city
by Eleni Portaliou - 176-198 Jerusalem’s Road 1
by Wendy Pullan & Philipp Misselwitz & Rami Nasrallah & Haim Yacobi - 199-200 Introduction
by Shipra Narang - 201-213 Cities after oil—1: 'Sustainable development’ and energy futures
by Adrian Atkinson - 214-220 Sustainable for whom? The urban millennium and challenges for redefining the global development planning agenda-super-1
by Nicholas You - 221-228 Sustain no city: An ecological conceptualization of urban development
by O. A. K'Akumu - 229-238 Thoughtful territories: Imagining the thinking power of things and spaces
by David Beer - 239-244 Mall gluts, category‐killers and edge nodes
by David Bell