July 2007, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 245-272 Is it all coming together?
by Bob Catterall
December 2006, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 259-268 Urban social movements: from the 'right to the city’ to transnational spatialities and flaneur activists
by Lila Leontidou - 269-285 Places of resistance
by Ana Paula Beja Horta - 287-293 Urban social movements in Southern European cities
by Alex Afouxenidis - 295-304 The de‐commodification of urban space and the occupied social centres in Italy-super-1
by Nicola Montagna - 305-315 Autonomy in the city?
by Stuart Hodkinson & Paul Chatterton - 317-326 A geography of 'Notopia’
by Fivos Papadimitriou - 327-342 Social movements as 'critical urban planning’ agents
by Marcelo Lopes de Souza - 343-354 The emergence, development and limits of the alternative strategy of the urban movements in Germany
by Karolos‐Iosif Kavoulakos
2006, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 121-122 Editorial
by The Editors - 123-124 Introduction
by Eduardo Mendieta - 125-147 The postcolonial city as universal nostalgia
by Ernesto Capello - 149-166 On the global inter‐location of a postcolonial city
by Amos Nascimento - 167-182 The of Buenos Aires, 2001–2005
by Themis Chronopoulos - 183-184 Introduction
by Stuart Wilks‐Heeg - 185-196 The view
by Ian Gordon - 197-204 Whatever happened to in ?
by Michael Edwards - 205-214 Life and labour across nocturnal London
by Sukhdev Sandhu - 215-234 The meaning of place and state‐led gentrification in Birmingham’s Eastside
by Libby Porter & Austin Barber - 235-240 The City and its Writers: on Angel Rama
by The Editors - 242-256 Further thoughts on urban studies and the present crisis: (8)Dark Ages, prisons and escape routes
by Bob Catterall
December 2005, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 279-295 Urban development
by Adrian Atkinson - 297-306 Dichotomies and contemporary social movements
by Vincenzo Ruggiero - 307-320 City of God
by Bülent Diken - 321-340 Moral panics and urban renaissance
by Peter Rogers & Jon Coaffee - 341-354 Communist urbanization and conditional citizenship
by Ivaylo Ditchev - 355-369 Peckham tales
by Gareth Stanton - 371-379 Alternatives
by Oliver Ressler - 381-388 How public can public spaces be?
by Carina Listerborn
July 2005, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 161-168 Seeking shelter in Pandora’s box
by Zygmunt Bauman - 169-194 Switching cities off
by Stephen Graham - 195-204 The axle of evil
by Eduardo Mendieta - 205-214 Memory, catastrophe, destruction
by Max Pensky - 215-224 City limits
by Gail Weiss - 225-246 Theorizing urban spectacles
by Kevin Fox Gotham - 247-254 'The city’ as perverse metaphor
by Peter Marcuse
April 2005, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 3-8 Introduction to special feature
by Leonie Sandercock - 9-22 Is there regionalism after municipal amalgamation in Toronto?
by Roger Keil & Julie‐Anne Boudreau - 23-32 Resistance in the neoliberal city
by Liette Gilbert - 33-49 Urbanizing the security agenda
by Gerda R. Wekerle & Paul S. B. Jackson - 51-66 The abandoned social goals of public transit in the neoliberal city of the USA
by Joe Grengs - 67-83 The making of a mega project in the neoliberal city
by Matti Siemiatycki - 85-100 Empowerment planning in East St. Louis, Illinois
by Kenneth M. Reardon - 101-107 Neoliberalism and the urban condition
by Neil Brenner & Nik Theodore - 109-123 Religious faith in the exurban community
by Christopher Baker - 125-141 The combination of cultural and time planning
by Alex M. Deffner - 143-145 Liverpool echoes
by Stuart Wilks‐Heeg - 145-147 Touring Jozi
by Nic Coetzer - 147-149 Communities in common
by Simon Parker
December 2004, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 341-361 The political role of the everyday
by Rachel Kallus - 363-379 Rethinking urban metabolism: water, space and the modern city
by Matthew Gandy - 381-389 Poverty and social exclusion in European cities: diversity and convergence at the local level
by Enzo Mingione - 391-402 Settling in cyber city?
by Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani - 403-411 Making war with love: the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army
by Kolonel Klepto - 413-442 Recording industrial landscapes
by Anna Bowman
July 2004, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 165-196 Postmortem city
by Stephen Graham - 197-219 Political conflict, town planning and housing supply in Jerusalem
by Samer Ghaleb Saleh Bagaeen - 221-228 Re‐imagining the “White City”
by Mark LeVine - 229-235 Urban renaissance: from physical beautification to social empowerment
by Frank Moulaert & Hilde Demuynck & Jacques Nussbaumer - 235-241 Inner‐city misery
by Guy Baeten - 241-248 Integrated Area Development in fragmented cities
by Arantxa Rodríguez - 249-257 Integrated Area Development and social innovation in European cities
by Jacques Nussbaumer & Frank Moulaert - 258-265 Poverty and poverty control in Bruges between 1250 and 1590
by Alfons Dewitte - 266-273 Towards the roots of social welfare
by Gilbert Tournoy - 274-278 Identity building and cultural projects in Butetown, Cardiff
by Huw Thomas - 279-288 'The Return of the Swallows’
by Els Dietvorst - 288-294 In search of culture
by Marijke Leye & Ivo Janssens - 295-301 Arts and culture as experimental spaces in the city
by Dominique Puype - 302-306 Wijk‐Up (Wake‐up)1
by Marijke Leye - 307-335 Review
by Bob Catterall
April 2004, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-27 Imperial geographies and topographies of nihilism
by Eduardo Mendieta - 29-56 The topology of being and the geopolitics of knowledge
by Nelson Maldonado‐Torres - 57-88 Empire's entrails and the imperial geography of “Amerasia”
by David Haekwon Kim - 89-108 Urbanization in a neo‐liberal world
by Adrian Atkinson - 109-114 Prospects and Retrospects
by Davide Deriu & Luis Diaz - 127-151 Reviews
by Paul Finch
November 2003, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 269-280 Writing the city spatially-super-1
by Edward Soja - 281-299 Architecture—design in need of a compass
by Ian Ritchie - 301-326 Managing the city Flows and places at Rotterdam Central Station
by Dion Kooijman & Gerard Wigmans - 327-348 Writing the 'architexture’ of the global city Globalization and the birth of modern London
by Philip Dowdall - 349-360 Resilience, not resistance A contribution to an expanded urban conversation
by Sophie Churchill - 361-411 Screen Cities Introduction
by François Penz - 413-432 Green paradise lost An essay on Veronica Guerin, 'craic’ houses and the Celtic Tiger
by David Slattery
July 2003, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 141-152 The end of the city? “The report of my death was an exaggeration”-super-1
by Peter Hall - 153-165 What prospects for urban policy in Europe?
by Pavlos Delladetsima - 167-181 Promoting social sustainability The case of Athens
by Thomas Maloutas - 183-198 Rich Europe in poor Brussels The impact of the European institutions in the Brussels Capital Region
by Etienne Christiaens - 199-211 The limits to contemporary urban redevelopment 'Doing’ entrepreneurial urbanism in Birmingham, Leeds and Manchester
by Kevin Ward - 213-225 City futures Views from the centre
by Simon Marvin & Tim May - 237-246 Debates Prostitution as 'urban radical chic’. The silent acceptance of female exploitation
by Carina Listerborn - 247-260 Reports, Interviews, Reviews Virtual journeys: finding our place/s in the city
by Sara Grivois
April 2003, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 5-21 The making of 'glocal' urban modernities
by Erik Swyngedouw & Maria Kaïka - 45-55 Fear and change in the city
by Vincenzo Ruggiero - 57-72 Designs on the urban: New Labour's urban renaissance and the spaces of citizenship
by Adam Holden & Kurt Iveson - 73-94 Telecommunications and urban design
by Scott Page & Brian Phillips - 95-105 Regeneration and community involvement
by John McCarthy - 107-111 Prospects and RetrospectsA flame immune to the wind
by Les Back
November 2002, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 277-278 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 279-289 Industrial culture in a post-industrial world: The case of the North East of England
by David Byrne - 291-315 Changing times for an old industrial city: Hard times, hedonism and corporate power in Newcastle's nightlife
by Robert Hollands & Paul Chatterton - 317-334 The North East: A journey through time
by Fred Robinson - 335-350 Birmingham (UK): Constructing city spaces through Black popular cultures and the Black public sphere
by Rajinder Kumar Dudrah - 351-368 Taking world cities literally: Marketing the city in a global space of flows
by Marcus Doel & Phil Hubbard - 369-382 Digital space meets urban place: Sociotechnologies of urban restructuring in downtown San Francisco
by Stephen Graham & Simon Guy - 383-391 The struggle for paradise
by Max Farrar - 393-402 Creating divisions: Creativity, entrepreneurship and gendered inequality - a Sheffield case study
by Elly Tams - 403-405 Public space -- Asian Pacific style
by Matthew Carmona - 405-407 A comprehensive city?
by Gary Bridge - 407-409 Complexities and contradictions of networked places
by Martin Harris
July 2002, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 165-166 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 167-172 Introduction: The City in the era of globalization
by Mark Maguire & Paul Hollywood - 173-191 Culture and the state: Institutionalizing 'the underclass' in the new Ireland-super-1
by A. Jamie Saris & Brendan Bartley & Ciara Kierans & Colm Walsh & Philip McCormack - 193-204 Exclusionary protests in urban Ireland
by Michel Peillon - 205-218 Sexing the city: The sexual production of non-heterosexual space in Belfast, Manchester and San Francisco
by Rob Kitchin - 219-228 The city in Irish culture
by Declan Kiberd - 229-249 At the heart of the Hibernian post-metropolis: Spatial narratives of ethnic minorities and diasporic communities in a changing city
by Ronit Lentin - 251-270 Forging African diaspora places in Dublin's retro-global spaces: Minority making in a new global city
by Elisa Joy White - 271-272 London: The developers' city?
by Janet Foster
April 2002, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 5-6 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 7-24 Change or turbulence
by Patrick Troy - 25-42 Wealth creation and poverty creation
by Michael Edwards - 43-59 The Bad Sheets
by Gil M Doron - 61-82 Reconstituting identity and history in post-war Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina
by Carl Grodach - 83-101 Hype and hope
by Kim Dovey & Leonie Sandercock - 103-115 Hypochondriac geographies of the city and the new urban dystopia
by Guy Baeten - 117-132 On estimating 'room for manoeuvre'
by Michael Safier - 133-136 In unexpected places
by Andrew Davey - 137-140 If only …
by Hilary Russell - 141-143 From Garden City to deck access and beyond
by Ben Campkin - 145-155 Urban studies and the present crisis
by Bob Catterall
2001, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 269-270 Editorial
by Bob Catterall - 271-280 Civic engagement and urban America
by John Rennie Short - 281-309 Community, social identity and the structuration of power in the contemporary European city Part Two: Power and identity in the urban community: A comparative analysis
by Simon F Parker - 311-324 'That kind of girl in this kind of neighbourhood …' The potential and problems of street prostitution research
by Sirpa Tani - 325-337 Urban renewal and regeneration in the Netherlands Integration lost or subordinate?
by Edward Hulsbergen & Paul Stouten - 339-349 The city as sociotechnical process Networked mobilities and urban social inequalities
by Stephen Graham - 350-362 Retext(ur)ing the city
by Gary Bridge & Sophie Watson - 363-373 Our resistance must be as local as capitalism Place, scale and the anti-globalization protest movement
by James DeFilippis - 375-379 The redefined taiga
by Panu Lehtovuori - 379-382 Thinking about things The personal stereo, the skateboard and daily activity in the city
by Russell Hitchings - 383-438 Cities Under Siege: September 11th and after
by The Editors
July 2001, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 135-168 The struggle for Jerusalem: Arena of nationalist conflict or crucible of cosmopolitan co-existence?
by Michael Safier
April 2001, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 7-26 Invisible cities: A phenomenology of globalization from below
by Eduardo Mendieta - 47-65 Surabaya, Indonesia: Local Agenda 21 in the context of radical political reform
by Adrian Atkinson - 67-75 Transforming Shanghai: Landscapes of turbo-dynamic development in China's 'world city'
by Michael Safier - 77-105 Debates
by Kevin Robins & Michael Edwards & Doreen Massey
November 2000, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 303-315 Urban morphology and the shaping of the transmissable city
by Mike Crang - 379-389 Bigness in context: Some regressive tendencies in Rem Koolhaas' urban theory
by Jorge Otero-Pailos - 390-397 Will the real Creative City please stand up?
by Paul Chatterton - 398-415 Weak places: Thoughts on strengthening soft phenomena
by Panu Lehtovuori - 416-418 Regional wars and chances for the reconstruction of Balkan cities in a global information society: Part 2. Toward practical policies for the development of the integrative roles of urbanism and telecommunications
by Milan Prodanovic - 419-422 'To rethink the city…': A Millennium Challenge
by Andrew Davey
2000, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 173-174 Editorial
by The Editors - 175-198 Russian federalism and Siberian regionalism, 1990–2000
by Manuel Castells & Emma Kiselyova - 199-214 Literary geography: Joyce, Woolf and the city
by Jeri Johnson - 215-231 Re-imaging a post-industrial city: The Leeds St Valentine's Fair as a civic spectacle
by Tony Harcup - 233-246 Tales of the city: Situating urban discourse in place and time
by Simon Parker - 247-263 The Dead Zone and the Architecture of Transgression
by Gil M Doron - 263-270 Community regeneration in Chiapas The Zapatista struggle for autonomy
by Sophie Style - 270-277 Memories and urban places
by William Siew-Wai Lim - 277-287 Regional wars and chances for the reconstruction of Balkan cities in a global information society: Cities and citizens, urbanity and multiculture in the past, present and future of Balkan civilization
by Milan Prodanovic - 289-293 The City (La Ciudad) the experience of immigration
by Anna Bowman - 293-295 The 'new' economy: Leadbeater's unbearable lightness of being
by Martin Harris
April 2000, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 7-26 The urban periphery, myth and reality: Milan, 1950-1990
by John Foot - 27-42 European ethnoscapes and urban redevelopment: The return of Little Italy in 21st century Manchester
by Ian Taylor - 43-52 The citizenship question and the challenge of globalization: The European context
by Jordi Borja - 53-64 Whatever happened to criticism? Interpreting the London Docklands Development Corporation's obituary
by Simona Florio & Sue Brownill - 65-80 On the edge: Regenerating a Dublin suburb
by David Prichard - 81-91 Questions, Ices and Places
by John Newling - 93-100 Lefebvre and the bias of academic urbanism: What can we learn from the 'new' urban analysis?
by Mark Gottdiener - 101-105 Bodies, gender, cities
by Sophie Watson - 105-106 A response
by Alison Ravetz - 106-112 Sacred cow or sacrificial lamb? Will London's Green Belt have to go?
by Michael Edwards - 113-117 A planning microcosm: What went wrong at Cowley?
by Michael Thomas - 118-122 Urban sustainability in the information age
by Manuel Castells - 123-135 Sustainability and the Information City: A conference report
by Simon Parker - 135-144 Understanding cities
by Doreen Massey - 144-149 The people's home
by Anna Bowman - 149-151 Towards Cosmopolis
by Andrew Davey - 151-155 Further academic adventures in clubland
by Paul Chatterton - 155-161 Offdigital: Why money has always been virtual
by Leslie Budd - 161-162 On John Newling's "Questions, Ices and Places"
by Antonia Page - 162-168 Endreview: New spaces
by Bob Catterall