September 2018, Volume 26, Issue 2-3
- 181-203 China’s 16+1 and Belt and Road Initiative in Central and Eastern Europe: economic and political influence at a cheap price
by Astrid Pepermans - 205-223 The transformative power of foreign direct investment in Ukraine’s market for corporate control
by Julia Maisenbacher - 225-245 Epistemology of empirical research: the case of the consequences of the Romanian neo-liberal “Healthcare” law
by Ana Bazac - 247-265 Evaluating competing perspectives towards undeclared work: some lessons from Bulgaria
by Colin C. Williams & Junhong Yang - 267-275 Gender equality and electoral corruption: some insights from the local elections in Macedonia
by Daniel Stockemer - 277-282 Considering “non-capitalist modernities”
by Craig Brandist - 283-298 Gender and class: female workers, female resistance and female history in the communist system in Poland
by Piotr Żuk & Paweł Żuk - 299-300 East German intellectuals and the unification of Germany: an ethnographic view
by Ben Gook - 301-302 The road: an ethnograpy of (im)mobility, space, and cross-border infrastructures in the Balkans
by Florin Faje - 303-304 Beyond Mosque, Church, and the state: alternative narratives of the nation in the Balkans
by Miladina Monova - 305-306 Subversive stages: theatre in pre- and post-communist Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria
by Bryce Lease - 306-308 Secret police files from the eastern bloc: between surveillance and life writing
by Anselma Gallinat - 308-310 Disrupted landscapes. State, peasants and the politics of land in postsocialist Romania
by Stefan Voicu - 310-311 Hungary’s crisis of democracy. The road to serfdom
by András Bozóki - 312-313 State capitalism: how the return of statism is transforming the world
by Seongjin Jeong
January 2018, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-31 The wounds of post-socialism: a systematic review of the social determinants of mortality in Hungary
by Gábor Scheiring & Darja Irdam & Lawrence King - 33-49 The peace-making process in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: why did Iran fail in its mediation effort?
by Ceyhun Mahmudlu & Shamkhal Abilov - 51-68 Post-Soviet developments: reflections on complexity and patterns of political orders
by Li Bennich-Björkman - 69-85 The Slovak NGDO Pontis Foundation’s depoliticizing development discourse
by Tomáš Profant - 87-103 The role of entrepreneurial organizations in organizing collective action against administrative corruption: evidence from Russia
by Yulia Krylova
September 2017, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 289-305 Training, labour and migratory trajectories of skilled Romanians in Spain: key elements explaining successful careers
by Alisa Petroff - 307-329 Building the Czechoslovak nation and sacralizing peoples’ health: the vicissitudes of disability discourse during the 1920s
by Victoria Shmidt & Karel Pančocha - 331-343 Alexander Dugin’s views of Russian history: collapse and revival
by Dmitry Shlapentokh - 345-366 The identity of smallness and its implications for foreign policy – the case of Hungary and Slovakia
by Máté Szalai - 367-374 Anti-military protests and campaigns against nuclear power plants: the peace movement in the shadow of the Warsaw Pact in Poland in the 1980s
by Piotr Żuk - 375-379 Who really cares about Kosovo? Failures and successes of local and international authorities
by Branislav Radeljić - 381-383 Wall flower: life on the German border
by Joyce Marie Mushaben - 383-385 Queer stories of Europe
by Linda Roland Danil - 385-387 In the name of the great work: Stalin’s plan for the transformation of nature and its impact in Eastern Europe
by Adam Mayer - 387-388 Worker protests in post-communist Romania and Ukraine: striking with tied hands
by Teppo Eskelinen - 389-390 The value of labor: the science of commodification in Hungary, 1920–1956
by Ágnes Gagyi & Tamás Gerőcs - 390-392 Radicalism and indifference: memory transmission, political formation and modernization in Hungary and Europe
by Ágnes Fernengel - 393-394 The economic struggle for power in Tito’s Yugoslavia. From the Second World War to non-alignment
by Florin Poenaru
May 2017, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 163-180 The Alternative for Germany’s radicalization in historical-comparative perspective
by David F. Patton - 181-198 Citizens as peers complementing government functions: The case of new governance modes in public housing in Warsaw, Poland
by Katarzyna Gajewska - 199-217 Integration processes in knowledge-intensive industries of the Russian economy (using the aircraft industry as an example)
by Elena Ustyuzhanina & Sergey Evsukov & Irina Komarova - 219-235 The fairy tales of early warning research
by Witold Mucha - 237-254 Western Trotskyists and subversive travelling in Soviet Bloc countries, 1956–1989
by Bent Boel - 255-270 Turning to history, appraising diversity and recasting democratization studies: some proposals
by Maxmilian Strmiska & Jan Prouza - 271-272 Decoding Albanian organized crime: culture, politics and globalization
by Kelly Hignett - 272-275 Velvet revolutions: an oral history of Czech society
by Dan Swain - 275-276 Revolution and counterrevolution in Poland, 1980–1989: solidarity, martial law, and the end of communism in Europe
by Jack M. Bloom - 276-279 Destruction and sorrow beneath the heavens: reportage
by Thorsten Botz-Bornstein - 279-281 Postcolonial Europe? Essays on post-communist literatures and cultures
by Ioana Luca - 281-283 Coming of age under martial law: the initiation novels of Poland’s last communist generation
by Irene Sywenky - 283-285 Politics in color and concrete: socialist materialities and the middle class in Hungary
by Adam Fabry - 285-288 The EU enlargement and gay politics: the impact of eastern enlargement on rights, activism and prejudice
by Peter Drucker
January 2017, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 3-22 Palimpsests of the romantic
by Christian Karner & Marek Kaźmierczak - 23-44 Emergence, development and resistance: the temporary staffing industry in the Czech Republic
by Jennifer Ferreira - 45-61 Building the neighbours: the EU’s new Association Agreements and structural power in the Eastern neighbourhood
by Andriy Tyushka - 63-84 Non-alternative reality? On the misery of the Left in Eastern Europe: the case of Poland
by Piotr Żuk - 85-102 Trans-border trafficking of victims for sexual exploitation in Poland
by Siddhartha Sarkar - 103-115 I will survive: regional chief executives (governors) and the principal-agent paradigm after the abolition of gubernatorial elections in Russia
by Vitalii Gorokhov - 117-134 Keeping alive the “Imaginary West” in post-Soviet countries
by Oleksandra Seliverstova - 135-148 Soviet history, Red Globalization and the political economy of global capitalism
by Michael Haynes - 149-150 Informal economies in post-socialist spaces: practices, institutions, and networks
by Eeva Kesküla - 150-152 Post-communist mafia state: the case of Hungary
by Adam Fabry - 152-154 Humor and nonviolent struggle in Serbia
by Georgia Sarikoudi - 154-156 Urban grassroots movements in Central and Eastern Europe
by Jiří Navrátil - 156-157 Social failures of EU enlargement: a case of workers voting with their feet
by Olga Cretu & Claudio Morrison - 158-159 The politics of Europeanization and post-socialist transformations
by Jokubas Salyga - 160-161 Frontline Ukraine: crisis in the borderlands
by Ruslan Dzarasov - 161-162 Negotiating Armenian-Azerbaijani peace: opportunities, obstacles, prospects
by Nariné Ghazaryan
September 2016, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 181-190 “States” of informality in post-socialist Europe (and beyond)
by Abel Polese & Jeremy Morris & Borbala Kovács - 191-206 Informality currencies: a tale of Misha, his brigada and informal practices among Uzbek labour migrants in Russia
by Rustamjon Urinboyev & Abel Polese - 207-221 End to informality? Examining the impact of institutional reforms on informal institutions in post-Euromaidan Ukraine
by Huseyn Aliyev - 223-237 Informality as an interpretive filter: translating ubleha in local community development in Bosnia
by Karla Koutkova - 239-254 Socio-economic deficits and informal domestic childcare services in Romania: the policy drivers of the commodification of care from a micro-level perspective
by Borbála Kovács - 255-272 Counterbalancing marketization informally: Georgia’s new-institutionalist reform and its discontents
by Lela Rekhviashvili - 273-291 Regional security governance in the former Soviet space? Researching institutions, actors and practices
by Alessandra Russo - 293-306 The art of not seeing like a state. On the ideology of “informality”
by Rune Steenberg - 307-320 Accomplishing public secrecy: non-monetary informal practices and their concealment at the emergency department
by Marius Wamsiedel - 321-338 Evaluating the multifarious motives for acquiring goods and services from the informal sector in Central and Eastern Europe
by Colin C. Williams & Ioana A. Horodnic
May 2016, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 111-112 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 113-129 RETRACTED ARTICLE: Bridging the gap: the Serbian struggle for good governance
by Teresa Cierco - 131-148 European Union approaches to human rights violations in Kosovo before and after independence
by Branislav Radeljić - 149-167 Sa(f)ve Bosnia!
by Ekaterina Entina - 169-170 The Dracula dilemma. Tourism, identity and the state in Romania
by Alex Cistelecan - 170-171 Divided subjects, invisible borders: re-unified Germany after 1989
by Cynthia Miller-Idriss - 171-173 The politics of morality: the church, the state, and reproductive rights in postsocialist Poland
by Ania Zbyszewska - 173-175 Religion and politics in post-socialist Central and Southeastern Europe: challenges since 1989
by Tamara Pavasovic Trost - 175-176 NSK from ‘Kapital’ to Capital: Neue Slowenische Kunst - an event of the final decade of Yugoslavia
by Pil Kollectiv & Galia Kollectiv - 176-178 Abolishing Prague: essays and interventions
by The Editors - 178-179 Antifascism after Hitler: East German youth and socialist memory, 1949–1989
by Grit Wesser
January 2016, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 3-15 Media Impact on Youth Political Culture in Present-Day Romania
by Andrei Alexandru Babadac - 17-35 Small Countries in the EU: The Czech Republic Case
by Petr Kaniok & Robert Majer - 37-50 The Romanian Revolution of 1989 and the Veracity of the External Subversion Theory
by Eduard Rudolf Roth - 51-65 Explaining Participation in the Informal Economy in Post-Socialist Societies: A Study of the Asymmetry between Formal and Informal Institutions in Croatia
by Colin C. Williams & Josip Franic - 67-81 The Impact of the 1985 “Fassbinder Controversy” on Jewish Identity in Germany
by Joseph Cronin - 83-88 The conflict in Ukraine
by David Mandel - 89-93 What internationalism in the context of the Ukrainian crisis? Wide open eyes against one-eyed “campisms”
by Catherine Samary - 95-96 The contradictions of austerity: the socio-economic costs of the neoliberal Baltic model
by Robert Mikecz - 96-97 Critical thinking in Slovakia after socialism
by James Krapfl - 98-101 Constructing Yugoslavia: a transnational history; Remembering Utopia: the culture of everyday life in socialist Yugoslavia
by Vladimir Unkovski-Korica - 101-103 Plante Exotice: Teoria și practica marxiștilor români [Exotic plants: Romanian Marxist theory and practice]
by Dana Domsodi - 103-106 The workers’ state. Industrial labour and the making of socialist Hungary, 1944–1958
by Ulf Brunnbauer - 106-107 Debating the end of Yugoslavia
by Ivica Mladenovic - 109-110 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors
September 2015, Volume 23, Issue 2-3
- () Editorial Board
by The Editors - 99-103 25 Years of Revolution Comparing Revolt and Transition from Europe 1989 to the Arab World 2014
by Marilyn Booth - 105-150 Is Social Revolution Still Possible in the Twenty-First Century?
by Neil Davidson - 151-166 Human Rights as Myth and History: Between the Revolutions of 1989 and the Arab Spring
by Ned Richardson-Little - 167-179 From Colour Revolutions to the Arab Spring: The Role of Civil Society in Democracy Building and Transition Processes
by Anastasiia Kudlenko - 181-194 Comparing International Dimensions of Revolutionary Situations: The cases of Egypt 2011 and Turkey 2013
by Derya Göçer Akder & Zelal Özdemir - 195-211 Comparative Representations of the Middle East: National Values and Russian State-aligned Media
by Emma Heywood - 213-230 Telling the Stories of Martyrs: The Cases of the Egyptian and Lithuanian Revolutions
by Ieva Zakarevičiūtė - 231-234 Reconstructing Lenin, an intellectual biography
by Gus Fagan - 234-236 Politically unbecoming: postsocialist art against democracy
by Dave Beech - 236-238 Tailoring Truth: Politicizing the Past and Negotiating Memory in East Germany, 1945–1990
by Anna Saunders - 238-242 Conflict in Ukraine: The Unwinding of the Post-Cold War Order
by Gregory Schwartz - 242-245 Communities in Transition: Protected Nature and Local People in Eastern and Central Europe
by Enikö Baga - 247-249 Contributors to This Issue
by Anna Thompson
January 2015, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 3-8 Introduction to Special Issue on The Politics of East European Area Studies: Disputing Contemporary Identifications
by Gareth Dale & Katalin Miklóssy & Dieter Segert - 9-44 The “Orientalization” and “de-Orientalization” of East Central Europe and the Balkan Peninsula
by Robert Bideleux - 45-60 From Region to Culture, from Culture to Class
by Alex Cistelecan - 61-80 Russian and East European Studies with a Finnish Flavour
by Katalin Miklóssy - 81-96 Is There Really Something Like “Eastern Europe”? And If So, Why Do We Need Area Studies of It?
by Dieter Segert - 97-97 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors
September 2014, Volume 22, Issue 3
- () Editorial Board
by The Editors - 265-265 Editorial Note
by Ann-Mari Sätre & Ildikó Asztalos Morell - 266-268 Attitudes, Poverty and Agency in Russia and Ukraine
by Ann-Mari Sätre - 269-287 Perceptions of Poverty in Small-town Russia
by Alla Varyzgina & Rebecca Kay - 288-306 Homelessness in Ukraine: Structural Causes and Moral Evaluation
by Anastasiya Ryabchuk - 307-328 Families’ Ways of Coping with Poverty in Small-town Russia
by Ann-Mari Sätre & Alexander Soldatkin & Alla Varyzgina - 329-351 Single Men, Single Stories: Alternative Paths in the Transition from the Late Soviet to the Neoliberal Market Economy in the Light of Life Stories
by Ildikó Asztalos Morell & Irina Tiurikova - 352-378 The Ukrainian Power Elite and Poverty Reductive Efforts: An Inquiry into a Selection of Elite Members’ Legislative and Philanthropic Initiatives
by Tetiana Kostiuchenko & Hanna Söderbaum - 379-402 Policies Against Poverty in Russia – A Female Responsibility
by Ann-Mari Sätre - 403-419 Searching for a New Approach to Face Poverty on the Local Level, a Case Study in a Small Russian Town
by Nina Ivashinenko - 420-422 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors
May 2014, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 141-142 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 143-159 Russian Energy Transit Policy in the Baltic Sea Region
by Matthew Crandall - 161-180 The Regional Foreign Policies of Black Sea “New Populist” Leaders
by Theodor Tudoroiu - 181-197 A Rising Populist Star: The Emergence and Development of the PPDD in Romania
by Sergiu Gherghina & Sergiu Miscoiu - 199-239 Interviews with trade union leaders from the former Yugoslav republics
by Daniel Jakopovich & Goran Marković & Ivica Mladenović - 241-258 Explaining Cross-national Variations in the Size of the Shadow Economy in Central and Eastern Europe
by Colin C. Williams - 259-261 From Solidarity to Sell Out: The Restoration of Capitalism in Poland
by David Holland - 263-264 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors
January 2014, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-4 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 5-25 Basic Features of the Transition from Nominal Socialism to Political Capitalism: The Case of Serbia
by Ivica Mladenovic - 27-48 Ukrainian National Communism: Challenging History
by Olena Palko - 49-79 The Great Friendship: Geopolitical Fantasies About the Russia/Europe Alliance in the Early Putin Era (2000–2008) – The Case of Alexander Dugin
by Dmitry Shlapentokh - 81-102 Ignacio Rangel Visits Latvia: Crisis and the Political Economy of Duality
by Jānis Bērziņš - 103-126 The Strategies of Recent Polish Left Social Movement Organizations: Two Cases of Membership-poor Organizations
by Katarzyna Gajewska - 127-134 Right Revolution? Hopes and Perils of the Euromaidan Protests in Ukraine
by Anastasiya Ryabchuk - 135-136 Land Ohne Eltern – Country Without Parents
by Alexander Tymczuk - 137-138 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors - 139-140 Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe Seeks Editor for 2015
by The Editors
December 2013, Volume 21, Issue 2-3
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 127-141 Dissidence, Intellectuals and Lacanian Psychoanalysis: The Case of Miroslav Krleža’s The Banquet in Blitva
by Filip Kovacevic - 143-164 Going for a Safe Vote: Electoral Bribes in Post-Communist Romania
by Sergiu Gherghina - 165-181 Ukraine’s Independence and Its Geostrategic Impact in Eastern Europe
by Laura Blaj - 183-205 Is Youth Unemployment Really the Major Worry?
by Annamária Artner - 207-236 Post-Communist Transition and the Dilemmas of Young People in Central Asia: A Landscape of Uzbekistan
by Mohd Aslam Bhat - 237-258 Inside Russia’s Foreign Policy Theorizing: A Conceptual Conundrum
by Andrey Makarychev - 259-277 Paying for Favours: Evaluating the Role of Blat in Post-Soviet Ukraine
by Olga Onoshchenko & Colin C. Williams - 279-311 From the Archeology of Marxism and Communism: Two Essays in Political Epistemology
by Darko Suvin - 313-319 The Slovenian Uprising in Retrospect
by Primož Krašovec - 321-335 Between Facebook and the Picket Line: Street Protests, Labour Strikes and the New Left in the Balkans
by Goran Musić - 337-338 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors
April 2013, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 3-24 Building Social Dialogue Institutions in Bulgaria: Between EU Conditionality and Domestic Social Actors
by Slavina Spasova & Luca Tomini - 25-49 Social Inequality and the Continuing Russian Mortality Crisis
by Mike Haynes - 51-66 Beyond the Entrepreneur as a Heroic Icon of Capitalist Culture: Some Lessons from Ukraine
by Colin C. Williams - 67-85 Challenges of the Czech Radical Left
by Goran Marković - 87-106 The Present Through the Past: Polish Presidents and the Post-Communist Debate, 1989–2010
by Krzysztof Zuba - 107-111 Athens has No Voice: On the closure of Greece’s Public Broadcasting Corporation (ERT)
by Vassilis K. Fouskas - 113-116 University Solidarity Campaigns against Higher Education Cuts in Russia
by Gabriel Levy - 117-120 Prague, Capital of the twentieth century: A surrealist history
by Michael Löwy - 120-122 Gendering Post-Socialist Transition. Studies of Changing Gender Perspectives
by Chiara Bonfiglioli - 123-124 Hungary 1930 and the Forgotten History of a Mass Protest
by Péter Konok - 125-126 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors
2012, Volume 20, Issue 2-3
- 105-106 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 107-124 “Working-Class Heresies”: Ideology in Protests of Ukrainian Workers During the World Economic Crisis 2009–2012
by Mihai Varga - 125-149 “Black Holes” in the Political Economy of Ukraine: The Neoliberalization of Europe’s “Wild East”
by Yuliya Yurchenko - 151-169 Significances of an “Alternative” Health Care: The Health Column in a Romanian Post-Communist Popular Magazine
by Ana Bazac - 171-184 Scorched Earth and Subterranean Blues: Notes on the Landscape of the Democratic Left in Croatia
by Daniel Jakopovich - 185-201 The Balkan Studies: History, Post-Colonialism and Critical Regionalism
by Dunja Njaradi - 203-206 First the Transition, then the Crash. Eastern Europe in the 2000s
by Dorothee Bohle - 207-207 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors
2012, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 3-20 Explaining Undeclared Wage Payments by Employers in Central and Eastern Europe: A Critique of the Neo-liberal De-regulatory Theory
by Colin Williams - 21-35 The Burden of the Past: Flight and Expulsion as a Socio-Psychological Phenomenon
by Inge Weber-Newth - 37-71 On Class Relationships in Yugoslavia 1945–1974, with a Hypothesis about the Ruling Class
by Darko Suvin - 73-77 Police Massacre has Opened a Dark Chapter for Kazakh Workers’ Movement
by Peter Salmon - 79-82 Markets in the Name of Socialism: The Left-Wing Origins of Neoliberalism
by Matthijs Krul - 82-85 The GDR Remembered: Representations of the East German State Since 1989
by Anna Saunders - 85-89 Begegnungen mit Leo Kofler
by Gus Fagan - 89-94 Przeciw antysemityzmowi 1936–2009
by August Grabski - 94-98 The New European Left. A Socialism for the Twenty-First Century?
by Gus Fagan - 99-102 Tadeusz Kowalik 1926–2012
by Gavin Rae - 103-103 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors
2011, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 533-534 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 535-551 Evaluating the Persistence of Self-provisioning in Central and Eastern Europe: Some Evidence from Post-Soviet Ukraine
by Colin Williams & Sara Nadin - 553-564 Whose Fatherland? Which History? Reflections on Timothy Snyder's
by John Milfull - 565-584 A Moral Authority? Günter Grass as the Conscience of the German Nation
by Frank Brunssen