September 2024, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 513-531 Law, labour, sovereignty: one century of anti-communism in Romania
by Adrian Grama - 533-549 The German left, identity politics and political correctness
by Christoph Jünke - 551-578 Meme-Ing Waves: unpacking political narratives in the Romanian context
by Mihaela-Georgiana Mihăilescu - 579-598 Understanding the concept of the nation by Georgian Marxists and their influence on the process of Georgian nation-building in the Years 1893–1917
by Nino Maisuradze - 599-617 Street protest in the first decade of illiberal Hungary: the case of Budapest
by Balázs Szabó & Ágnes Erőss - 619-644 Highly educated Ukrainian migrants in Poland prior to 2022: education, work and integration efforts
by Sabina Kubiciel-Lodzińska & Eva A. Duda-Mikulin - 645-662 Malaysia and the Balkan conflict, 1992-1995
by Wan Shawaluddin Wan Hassan & Ramli Dollah & Diana Peters & Adi Jafar & Ali Maksum - 663-680 Research on political participation in contemporary Albania – an overview
by Joakim Ekman & Gilda Hoxha - 681-694 The Soviet legacy in education and culture: Albania from 1949 to 1961
by Hajdi Xhixha & Dritero Arifi & Augusto Ferreros - 695-710 Fame seeking mass shooters in Eastern Europe
by Alexei Anisin - 711-732 The influence of students’ personality traits and their parents’ parenting style on Romanian students’ performance in science subjects from secondary to doctoral level
by Mirela Moldoveanu & Eva Milkova - 733-740 Ten years of PEGIDA: a reflection on “deutsche Zustände”
by Seongcheol Kim - 741-746 The weight of events: on charm, disenchantment, and the heritage of soviet socialist dreams
by Stanislav Khudzik - 747-748 If cars could walk: postsocialist streets in transformation
by Max Holleran
May 2024, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 207-238 Making or faking capitalism? Socialist dreams and postsocialist experiences in East-Central Europe
by Eszter Bartha & Tibor Valuch - 239-256 Normalizing capitalism: East Germans experiencing the market economy during the 1990s
by Clemens Villinger - 257-277 Legal, illegal, either way informal: examining continuities of small-scale entrepreneurship between late socialism and postsocialism in Czechia
by Veronika Pehe & Petr Kupka - 279-292 Post-1989 women’s struggle between career growth and everyday duties
by Lenka Krátká - 293-309 The role of the socialist second economy experience in an entrepreneurial career after 1989
by Katalin Kelemen - 311-331 Changed life worlds and survival strategies in disintegration after the regime change in Hungary: a former industrial town in the shadow of the factory giant
by Péter Alabán - 333-353 The Gypsy condition in Kiskunhalas: work, consumption, and indebtedness after socialism
by Chris Hann - 355-369 CEEC stock markets in the post-communist era: evolutions and convergences
by Sophie Nivoix & Sandrine Boulerne & Daniel Rajmil - 371-404 Class versus climate? Transformation conflicts in the automotive industry
by Klaus Dörre & Steffen Liebig & Kim Lucht & Johanna Sittel - 405-421 Growing-up young adults and their social agency in migration: how Ukrainian children initiate and mediate their own migration within the family unit
by Luděk Jirka - 423-437 Is sciencepreneurship the 21st century’s new skill? Understanding the complex interplay between business and science from the perspective of university students studying economics
by Katalin Csekő & Tímea Juhász & Péter Berta - 439-458 Achieving an adequate minimum wage in Czechia with a little help from the EU directive
by Jan Bittner - 459-475 “East, East, East Germany!” The (other) reunification of football fan culture and the roots of an east german exceptionalism
by Alexander Leistner & Alexander Mennicke - 477-498 “The revolution born out of a swear”: populist humour, carnivalization, and mass protest in Romania
by Camil Ungureanu - 499-512 The civilization state in the war against Ukraine
by Gergely Egedy
January 2024, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-1 Notice of duplicate publication: Untruthful claims, real war, dire consequences: understanding the narrative of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
by The Editors - 1-11 A Cold War legacy of student politics and anti-communism: the contingency of Poland’s illiberal turn
by Tom Junes - 13-24 The banning of political parties in post-Yugoslav states. Croatian and Serbian experience in using militant democracy
by Maciej Skrzypek - 25-36 The electoral system and political parties in the municipal council elections of St. Petersburg
by Yury Medvedev & Inessa Tarusina - 37-53 Election campaign and media exposure: explaining objective vs subjective political knowledge among first-time voters
by Sergiu Gherghina & Claudiu Marian - 55-73 There is a reason why: Baltic return migrants’ reasons for return
by Kata Fredheim & Zane Varpina - 75-94 War refugees from Ukraine in Poland: the welfare system in the face of New social challenges
by Ryszard Necel - 95-110 Ideology, war, and genocide – the empirical case of Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Goran Basic & Zlatan Delić - 111-129 National frameworks for regional paradiplomacy in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia in comparative perspective
by Alexander Duleba - 131-148 The Central European history in constitutional preambles: state narrative and governance implications
by Iván Halász - 149-168 Gift, purchase or mask diplomacy? Hesitant reception of China’s face masks during the first COVID-19 wave in Czech public discourse
by Kamila Zahradníčková & Irena Kašparová - 169-185 Positive aspects of Romania’s investment environment.French stakeholders’ perspective
by Elena Grad-Rusu - 187-199 Revisionisms revised. Does the radical right appropriate or disrupt historical narratives through revisionism?1
by Tatyjana Szafonova & Balázs Trencsényi & Juraj Buzalka & Péter Apor & Klaus Neumann & Gábor Egry - 201-203 Gender, generations, and communism in central and eastern europe and beyond
by Daria Dyakonova - 203-206 A historical alternative – analysis of the state socialist experience
by Róbert Takács
September 2023, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 483-496 The political economy of family life among Romanian Roma: re-discovering politics in economy-related family-level decision-making processes (introduction to the theme section)
by Péter Berta - 497-515 Ethnic belonging, kinship, and wealth: local politics of descent and group formation in a Roma community
by Töhötöm Szabó - 517-531 The interconnectedness of marriage politics and luxury consumption: a marital biographical perspective
by Péter Berta - 533-559 Marriage and the reproductive regime of a digitally connected Roma diaspora
by Juan F. Gamella & Vasile M. Muntean - 561-584 Migration anxieties in Eastern Europe. Material grounds for an anti-migrant turn in a global-historical perspective?
by Attila Melegh & Zoltán Csányi - 585-605 The Women’s Complaint: sociolegal mobilization against authoritarian backsliding following the 2020 abortion law in Poland
by Agnieszka Kubal - 607-627 On peoples, history, and sovereignty
by Chris Hann - 629-640 The changing world of labour in Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe before and after the 1989/90 transition
by Tibor Valuch - 641-654 “Cyber as sovereignty space: state transformation in the periphery of Europe”
by Islam Jusufi - 655-665 Sports and Physical education as servants of Politics:Physical culture in Hungary between the two world wars
by Ákos Cserny - 667-682 Italian cultural diplomacy in Estonia during the interwar period: from the de jure recognition to the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact (1921-1939)
by Rosario Napolitano - 683-701 Differences in sustainability approaches from the mission statements of museums – the case of CEE and other European contemporary art museums
by Zsuzsanna Fehér & Katalin Ásványi - 703-717 From strategic partner to co-aggressor: Russia’s attempts to lure Belarus into the war in Ukraine
by Robert Gabriel Țicălău
May 2023, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 227-240 Women and the gendered politics of work in Central and Eastern Europe, and internationally, in the twentieth century: activism, governance, and scale
by Alexandra Ghiț & Veronika Helfert & Ivelina Masheva & Zhanna Popova & Jelena Tešija & Eszter Varsa & Susan Zimmermann - 241-260 “An eight-hour day for women workers”: negotiating working time in the Bulgarian textile industry between international labour politics and the shop floor, 1890s to 1930s
by Ivelina Masheva - 261-278 The treacherous trade unionist: Paraschiva B. Ion and labour activism in the Romanian tobacco sector, 1920s to 1940s
by Alexandra Ghiț - 279-299 “The rulers are the causes of the war […] They are the reason there is no bread in our town:” women’s food riots in the Hungarian countryside, 1917–1918
by Eszter Varsa - 301-319 Polish women labour inspectors between the world wars: scrutinizing the workplace and mobilizing public opinion
by Zhanna Popova - 321-338 “Millions of working housewives”: the International Co-operative Women’s Guild and household labour in the interwar period
by Jelena Tešija - 339-362 Spurring Women to Action? Communist-led Women’s Trade Unionism Between the Hungarian Shop Floor and Top-level Internationalism, 1947 to 1959
by Susan Zimmermann - 363-383 Part-time work: the co-production of a contested employment model for women in Austria and internationally, 1950s to 1980s
by Veronika Helfert - 385-408 Environmental stress, majoritarianism, and social unrest in Europe
by Nadia Eldemerdash & Christian B. Jensen & Steven T. Landis - 409-428 “Dracunculus against the dragon”: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s public vaccination as simultaneous enactment of public health and foreign policy
by Péter Marton & Tamás Matura & Csendike Somogyvári - 429-445 Work-life balance and parental coping patterns during home schooling as a result of Covid-19 lockdowns: empirical evidence from Bulgaria
by Gabriela Yordanova & Ekaterina Markova - 447-466 Instrumentalizing gender: from interwar fascism to the Alt Right in Greece
by Rosa Vasilaki & George Souvlis - 467-480 Untruthful claims, real war, dire consequences: understanding the narrative of the Russian invasion of Ukraine
by Yuriy Savelyev - 481-482 Inventing the social in Romania 1848–1914. Networks and laboratories of knowledge
by Florin Poenaru
January 2023, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-13 In memoriam: Gáspár Miklós Tamás
by Gareth Dale - 15-26 Multiple transformations: an introduction
by Maren Hachmeister & Beáta Hock & Theresa Jacobs & Oliver Wurzbacher - 27-43 Volunteering and care in old age: voices from People's Solidarity in East Germany
by Maren Hachmeister - 45-66 Biopolitics, care and the transformations of a large institution for children with disabilities in Romania from 1956 to 2015
by Leyla Safta-Zecheria - 67-81 From collective to association? Figurations of remembering and former state-owned enterprises in post-1989 Eastern Germany
by Oliver Wurzbacher - 83-94 Role models versus modes of rule: the foundation of GfZK, a public-private museum in Leipzig
by Franciska Zólyom - 95-108 Evolving networks: International sponsors of post-socialist art scenes
by Beáta Hock - 109-126 The house for Sorbian folk art: institutional change in Sorbian folk art after 1989/90
by Ines Keller & Fabian Jacobs - 127-146 It could have been different. The cultural and creative sector in transformation from the perspective of arts professionals in the Sorbian ethnic minority
by Theresa Jacobs - 147-149 Deutschland ist eins: vieles: Bilanz und Perspektiven von Transformation und Vereinigung (Germany is One Thing: Many: A Record and Perspectives of the Transformation and Unification)
by Michael Thomas - 149-151 Das umstrittene Erbe von 1989: Zur Gegenwart eines Gesellschaftszusammenbruchs (The Contested Legacy of 1989. Contemporary Traces of a Collapsed Society)
by Clemens Villinger - 151-153 The Postsocialist Contemporary: The Institutionalization of Artistic Practice in Eastern Europe after 1989
by Izabel Galliera - 153-155 The Influencing Machine: an exhibition curated by Aaron Moulton
by Beáta Hock - 157-169 Religious statistics in Poland. Legal status, problems, challenges
by Sławomir Romański-Cebula - 171-199 Geographies of quiescence? Social movements, panoramas of struggle and Baltic austerity politics
by Jokubas Salyga - 201-209 Imperial dreams and the plains of Eastern Europe
by Georg Menz - 211-225 Reflections on the Hungarian elections
by Adam Fabry
September 2022, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 1-1 Correction
by The Editors - 307-315 Introduction
by Nigel Swain & Zsuzsanna Varga - 317-334 Entering their first workplace: women in socialist agriculture. Soviet and Hungarian collective farms compared
by Alexandra Bodnár & Zsuzsanna Varga - 335-351 Patriarchy and paternalism on a Hungarian collective farm
by Nigel Swain - 353-360 Negotiating equal rights in everyday life: expectations and experiences of rural women
by Maria Hetzer - 361-367 Modernity and professional life in the GDR: women in agriculture
by Leonore Scholze-Irrlitz - 369-389 Gender and entrepreneurship in the formation of family farms during the postsocialist transformation in Hungary
by Ildikó Asztalos Morell - 391-404 From small-scale agriculture to urban agriculture: women, subsistence economy, and the question of the commons
by Elisabeth Meyer-Renschhausen - 405-416 Paradigms and narratives in the historiography on the disintegration of Yugoslavia
by József Juhász - 417-434 “With courage against the system.” The ideology of the people’s party our Slovakia
by Jakub Drábik - 435-453 The “Hungarian Model” – the dialectical relationship of the Self and the Other on the background of the 2015 refugee crisis
by Kristián Földes - 455-464 What is the nature of the war we see in Ukraine?
by Renate Hürtgen - 465-468 Collapse: the fall of the Soviet Union
by Jeffrey Sommers
May 2022, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 141-146 The politics and the music mainstream in Central and Eastern Europe: introduction
by Karel Šima & Zdeněk Nebřenský - 147-165 The music mainstream in communism revisited: a corpus analysis of Czechoslovak pop lyrics (1962–1991)
by Jan Blüml - 167-182 From discotheques to clubs: the transformation of dance venues and night life between late socialism and early capitalism in the Czechoslovakia
by Jakub Machek - 183-200 A long march on the mainstream: chronicle of Laibach’s artistic career
by Irena Šentevska - 201-215 Performing musical personae. Verka Serduchka and Slawomir as examples of critical dance music
by Dawid Kaszuba & Anna Svetlova - 217-235 “We are of one blood”: Hungarian popular music, nationalism and the trajectory of the song “Nélküled” through radicalization, folklorization and consecration
by Emília Barna & Ágnes Patakfalvi-Czirják - 237-257 Historical processes and new-left movements: exploring the divergent paths of protest politics in Southeast Europe
by Ivaylo Dinev - 259-272 An analysis of Aleksandar Vučić’s 2019 national assembly speech
by Andrej Semenov - 273-284 “We did not unleash this war. Our conscience is clear”. The Russia–Ukraine military conflict and its perception in Belarus
by Sergei A. Mudrov - 285-297 The anatomy of a war
by Eszter Bartha - 299-300 Making and Breaking the Yugoslav Working Class: The Story of Two Self-Managed Factories
by Carlos González-Villa - 301-303 The Hungarian agricultural miracle? Sovietization and Americanization in a communist Country
by Hans Jörgensen - 303-305 Historicizing Roma in Central Europe: between critical whiteness and epistemic injustice
by Angéla Kóczé
January 2022, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-9 Historicizing postsocialist privatization at the juncture of the cultural and the economic
by Veronika Pehe & Vítězslav Sommer - 11-26 Commodifying postsocialist cinema: filmmakers and the privatization of the Polish and Czech film industry after 1989
by Veronika Pehe - 27-43 Transformation as transnational process: German-Czech economic relations after 1989
by Eva Schäffler - 45-62 A strong Mittelstand as a beacon of the social market economy? How historical legacies influenced privatization strategies and outcomes in Brandenburg and Saxony
by Max Trecker - 63-81 Beating capitalists at their own game? Foreign traders and western negotiation studies in late-socialist Hungary
by Máté Rigó - 83-99 “The future is in your hands”: temporality and the neoliberal self in the Czech voucher privatization
by Martin Babička - 101-123 Presenting the results of the shadow economy survey in Ukraine while reflecting on the future(s) of informality studies
by Abel Polese & Gian Marco Moisé & Olha Lysa & Tanel Kerikmäe & Arnis Sauka & Oleksandra Seliverstova - 125-136 Radical higher education alternatives: lessons from socialist pasts and neoliberal presents
by Felipe Ziotti Narita & Natalia-Rozalia Avlona & Mariya Ivancheva - 137-139 From socialist to capitalist walls
by Gabor Scheiring
September 2021, Volume 29, Issue 2-3
- 131-132 Editorial
by Andrew Kilmister - 133-155 Post/socialist chemical research: a gendered politics of visual representation
by Blanka Nyklová & Nina Fárová - 157-175 Framing enemies by the state television: delegitimization of anti-government protest participants during the first wave of the pandemic in Poland
by Joanna Rak - 177-194 Hungarian gas flirtation and geopolitical arrangements of a post-unipolar world
by Dmitry Shlapentokh - 195-207 Russia, transition and poland’s energy security: a retrospective view
by Wojciech Ostrowski - 209-224 Exploring anti-corruption knowledge on Russia: an analysis of how the context matters
by Francesca Chiarvesio - 225-241 Understanding international migrants’ work-life balance through the prism of their working time duration: evidence from the ukrainian case
by Iryna Maidanik - 243-244 Agnieszka Kościańska gender, pleasure, and violence: the construction of expert knowledge of sexuality in Poland
by Anita Kurimay
January 2021, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-21 Potential centrifugal effects of majoritarian features in proportional electoral systems
by Christian B. Jensen & Daniel J. Lee - 23-40 Right-wing opposition to the mainstream radical right: the cases of Hungary and Poland
by Ariel Goldstein - 41-67 “Latvia a decade out from the world’s largest GDP crash: how it collapsed and how to improve its economic performance”
by Jeffrey Sommers & Kaspars Briskens - 69-84 The effect of the cabinet’s ideological composition on economic growth in the Visegrád countries
by Ivan Bielik - 85-108 Economic crisis, labour market reform and socio-economic outcomes in Eastern Europe
by Mohammad Ferdosi - 109-120 Doomed to fail? Why success was almost not an option in the 2020 protests in Belarus
by Sergei A. Mudrov - 121-122 Laboratoarele Modernitatii: Europa de est si America Latina in (co)-relatie (Modernity laboratories: Eastern Europe and Latin America in (co)-relationship)
by Hestia I. Delibas - 123-124 Budimir Lončar: od Preka do vrha svijeta [English: Budimir Lončar: From Preko to the Top of the World]
by Mirko Savković - 124-126 Russia, the EU, and the Eastern partnership. Building bridges or digging trenches?
by Karina Shyrokykh - 126-128 Towards a political economy of Ukraine
by Zakhar Popovych - 129-129 Statement of Retraction
by The Editors
September 2020, Volume 28, Issue 2-3
- 113-133 How critical are Germans of democracy? The pattern and origins of constitutional support in Germany
by Ross Campbell - 135-153 The legitimacy of informal settlements in Balkan States
by Dorina Pojani & Kenneth Baar - 155-173 In favour of censorship and propaganda: elites, media capture and the journalistic profession in the Western Balkans
by Branislav Radeljić - 175-197 Conditional endorsement and selective engagement: a perception survey of European think tanks on China’s belt and road initiative
by Xianbai Ji - 199-223 Populism in a never ending and multiple system transformation in Kosovo: the case of Vetevendosje
by Avdi Smajljaj - 225-247 Manipulative discursive constructions in British and Ukrainian reporting of the MH17 downing
by Svitlana Shurma - 249-254 Globalization under and after socialism: the evolution of transnational capital in central and eastern Europe
by Jan Drahokoupil - 251-254 Gorbachev: his life and times
by Michael Loader
January 2020, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-6 Civil society under pressure: historical legacies and current responses in Central Eastern Europe
by Wiktor Marzec & Daniela Neubacher - 7-28 Civil society and the public sphere. Historical trajectories in Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria
by Wiktor Marzec - 29-44 The traditionalism–modernism value conflict in Hungary and Slovakia – a comparative analysis from a longue durée perspective
by István Kollai - 45-59 Civil society as a counterbalance to democratic backlash? The civil society master frame and discursive opportunities of politically active civil organizations in Hungary
by Dániel Mikecz - 61-76 What difference does the European Union make? The EU as resource and partner for liberal democratic NGOs in Hungary
by Sophie Schmalenberger - 77-84 Corruption in Russian higher education
by David Mandel - 85-91 Belarus, Crimea and the Donbas: Belarusian attitudes to the post-maidan events in Ukraine
by Sergei A. Mudrov - 93-97 Review essay: political economy reclaiming the narrative of transition
by Zoltán Pogátsa - 99-112 Transformation und politische Linke. Eine ostdeutsche Perspektive
by Béla Greskovits - 101-102 “Rich Russians: from oligarchs to bourgeoisie”
by Ilya Matveev - 102-104 Hope springs eternal: French bondholders and the repudiation of Russian Sovereign debt
by Mike Haynes - 104-107 Frontiers of civil society: government and hegemony in Serbia
by Agnes Gagyi - 107-109 State and society in communist Czechoslovakia: transforming everyday life from world war II to the fall of the Berlin wall
by Vítězslav Sommer - 109-112 “Materializing difference: consumer culture, politics, and ethnicity among Romanian Roma”
by Raluca Bianca Roman
September 2019, Volume 27, Issue 2-3
- 139-154 Slovakia’s development model: contours, vulnerabilities and strategic alternatives
by Joachim Becker & Ivan Lesay - 155-171 Fractured discursivity: discursive governance in Serbia in relation to nationalism and xenophobia (2012–2016)
by Srđan Mladenov Jovanović - 173-189 Explaining and tackling unregistered employment: evidence from an employers’ survey
by Colin C Williams & Slavko Bezeredi - 191-212 Dangerous Liaisons between the Catholic Church and State: the religious and political alliance of the nationalist right with the conservative Church in Poland
by Piotr Żuk & Paweł Żuk - 213-225 Education alone does not support open societies, but the right educational content might
by Jeffrey Sommers & Cosmin Gabriel Marian - 227-254 The Stavropol’ riot: emerging civil culture and its limits
by Dmitry Shlapentokh - 255-270 Making and remaking Europe: the Czech and Slovak contribution
by Michael Kilburn - 271-277 The autocephaly of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church: a new dividing line for Ukraine?
by Sergei A. Mudrov - 279-281 Borja Lasheras “Bosnia in Limbo: Testimonies from the Drina River”
by Tijana Okić - 281-284 Towards a jurisprudence of state communism. Law and the failure of revolution
by Alex Cistelecan - 284-285 Russia in the time of cholera: disease under romanovs and soviets
by Christopher Burton - 286-288 Socialist postcolonialism: memory reconsolidation
by Kamil Piskała - 288-290 Cold war on the airwaves. The radio propaganda war against East Germany
by Christoph Classen - 290-292 Neuanfang 1945: Belegschaften und Betriebsräte setzen die Produktion in Gang
by Gareth Pritchard - 292-294 ‘Decolonial communism, democracy and the commons’
by Paul Stubbs - 295-297 Obituary - Miłka Tyszkiewicz
by Gregorsz Majewski & David Holland
January 2019, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-5 Introduction to the special issue - photo-performance, performance photography in real existing socialisms
by Katalin Cseh-Varga - 7-27 Against ephemerality: performing for the camera in Central and Eastern Europe
by Amy Bryzgel - 29-46 Traveling images and words: Czech action art through the lens of exhibitions and art criticism in Western Europe
by Juliane Debeusscher - 47-62 Of pairs and triangles: an uneasy relationship made tangible in photo-performances from Yugoslavia
by Nastasia Louveau - 63-79 Anti-mimetic performances: between traces and disfiguration (experimental positions in Yugoslav and Croatian photography)
by Andrej Mircev - 81-97 Messages in bottles: documented performance and performative photography in Romanian art during late socialism
by Cristian Nae - 99-120 Performing art history: continuities of Romanian art practices in post-communist performance
by Stefanie Proksch-Weilguni - 121-125 Review essay: the rise and fall(?) of neoliberalism in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union
by Adam Fabry - 127-128 The last Yugoslav generation: the rethinking of youth politics and cultures in late socialism
by Benjamin Stephens - 128-130 Performance art in Eastern Europe since 1960
by Pil Kollectiv & Galia Kollectiv - 130-132 The Long Hangover: Putin’s new Russia and the ghosts of the past
by Ilya Budraitskis - 132-133 Communist parties revisited. Sociocultural approaches to party rule in the Soviet Bloc 1956–1991
by Dieter Segert - 134-136 Islam and nationhood in Bosnia-Herzegovina: surviving empires
by Danijela Majstorovic - 136-138 “The politics of football in Yugoslavia: sport, nationalism and the state”
by David M. Webber
September 2018, Volume 26, Issue 2-3
- 105-107 Biopower at Europe’s eastern margins: new facets of a research agenda
by Andrey Makarychev - 109-129 Sovereign power and refugees in the Polish parliament
by Jaakko Turunen - 131-146 Biopolitics, ideology, and citizenship
by Bartosz Płotka - 147-163 “Comprehensive approximation” with the EU: biopolitical governmentality and its spill-over effects in Georgia
by Alexandra Yatsyk - 165-179 Biopolitical art and the struggle for Sovereignty in Putin’s Russia
by Andrey Makarychev & Sergey Medvedev