2003, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 13-18 Peace Through Aggressive Wars?
by Dieter S. Lutz - 19-38 Political Militancy And Generation Conflict In West Germany During The "Red Decade"
by Kay Schiller - 39-59 German Perceptions Of Russia And The Russians In Modern History
by Peter Brandt - 60-69 Rechtschreibreform Still Spells Controversy
by Elke Philburn - 70-92 Review Essay
by Dieter K. Buse - 93-93 Contributors To This Issue
by The Editors - 94-97 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 98-102 Documents
by The Editors
2002, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 119-122 Introduction
by Jeremy Leaman - 123-139 A Damned Close-Run Thing: The German General Election of 2002
by Ian King - 141-155 Is Market Dogmatism Driving the Red-Green Government's Budgetary Policy?
by Dieter Eissel - 157-178 Promised and Kept? An Assessment of the Modernisation Concepts of the Red-Green Coalition in relation to Economic and Employment Policy
by Arne Heise - 179-199 Innocence Lost: Texts, Economics and Relocating German-Irish relations
by Helen Kelly-Holmes - 201-219 'The Ubermensch is the Proletariat'. Marx + Neitzsche = ?
by Peter Thompson - 221-229 A Berlin Diptych
by Clive S. Kessler - 231-242 Book Reviews
by The Editors
2002, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-1 Authors in this issue
by The Editors - 7-10 Introduction
by Jeremy Leaman - 11-24 The Colour of Money: Traffic Lights And Red-Red Alliances In The Berlin Elections 2001
by Peter Thompson - 25-31 Interview with Gregor Gysi (PDS)
by Peter Thompson - 33-50 Federalism and Identity: Bremen, 1945-1960s
by Dieter K. Buse - 51-71 Representations of the East German Character since Unification
by David Clarke - 73-91 Globalisation, Microelectronics, and the Demise of the GDR
by Gareth Dale - 93-97 Off with the Austerity Straitjacket
by Arne Heise - 99-103 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 104-106 Land Election Results, March 2001 to April 2002
by The Editors
2001, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 119-122 Introduction
by Günter Minnerup - 123-155 THE LIBERAL INTERLUDE: SED youth policy and the Free German Youth (FDJ), 1963-65
by Alan McDougall - 156-172 CLOWNS, SONGS AND LOST UTOPIAS. Karls Enkel's Reassessment of the Spanish Civil War in Spanier aller Länder
by David G. Robb - 173-187 Heimat, City And Frontier In German National Cinema
by Alexandra Ludewig - 188-209 LADENSCHLUSS REVISITED: Will Germany learn to love shopping on a Sunday?
by Robert Halsall - 210-210 Contributors To This Issue
by The Editors - 211-217 Book Reviews
by The Editors
2001, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 5-8 Introduction
by Günter Minnerup - 9-38 German Higher Education On The Way To The Anglo-Saxon System
by Dieter Eissel & Alexander Grasse - 39-55 History, Memory And The Colossus Of Rügen
by Peter Monteath - 56-77 Education For Tolerance, Education For National Identity: The Unusable German Past?
by John Rodden - 78-84 New Urban Domains: Potsdamer Platz
by Paul Keating - 85-86 Poor Old Berlin
by John Milfull - 87-87 Contributors To This Issue
by The Editors - 88-95 Spring 2001 Growth Trends
by Jeremy Leaman - 96-102 Men'S And Gender Studies In Germany
by Martha Wörsching - 103-114 Book Reviews
by The Editors
2000, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 127-132 Introduction
by Jeremy Leaman - 133-148 DISCURSIVE DEMOCRACY AS THE POLITICAL TAMING OF GLOBALISATION?: On recent political essays by Jürgen Habermas
by Colin B. Grant - 149-161 The Sorbian Population Before And After German Reunification
by Martina Lindseth & Angelika Soldan - 163-176 Gender And Language In Germany
by Elisabeth Leue - 177-198 Promotional Culture In German Youth Magazines — Re/Fashioning Gender Difference?
by Martha Wörsching - 199-208 Temperamental Accountability?: Dilemmas Of Debate From Goldhagen To Walser
by Suzanne Kirkbright - 209-225 German Criminal Justice And Right-Wing Extremists: Is Justice In Germany 'Blind In The Right Eye'?
by Monika Prützel-Thomas - 227-238 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 239-240 April 2000 To September 2000
by The Editors
2000, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-8 Introduction
by Jeremy Leaman - 9-22 Jörg Haider And The Paradoxical Crisis Of Social Democracy In Europe Today
by Jörg Michael Dostal - 39-54 'There Is A Corner That Is Forever Munich': Advertising And Anglo-German Relations
by Helen Kelly-Holmes - 55-69 DISCOMFORT VIOLENCE AND GUILT: Auto-stereotypes and ideas of Germany in the essays of 'Left-wing' authors since 1989 and the justification of the Kosovo war within the political elite in 1999
by Christian Jennerich - 71-86 SHADOW MOTIFS IN EMINE SEVGI ÖZDAMAR'S DIE BRÜCKE VOM GOLDENEN HORN: A Corrective to the Limitations of Current Debates on Inter-Cultural Issues
by Frank Krause - 87-98 Health And Safety Structures At Plant Level In Germany And The Uk From A Comparative Perspective
by Beatrice Harper - 99-107 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 109-111 CHRONOLOGY: October 1999 to March 2000
by The Editors
1999, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 115-118 Introduction
by Günter Minnerup - 119-139 Solidarity versus globalization. How to defend employment against the markets
by Michael Schneider - 140-156 The New German role in Eastern Europe: Historical continuity or historical change?
by Randall Newnham - 157-157 Authors in this issue
by The Editors - 158-174 After schleswig‐holstein: Implications of the “no” vote on the 1998 reform of German orthography
by Sally Johnson - 175-184 Eye on Germany. The new morality and the politics of memory
by Robert Conard - 185-199 Beyond criticism and crisis: On the post‐critical challenge of Niklas Luhmann
by Ingolfur Blühdorn - 200-226 “Und unverständlich wird mein ganzer text”: GDR studies in Britain post‐1989
by Beth Linklater - 227-232 Book reviews
by Ingolfur Blühdorn & Dieter Buse & Eoin Bourke & Ruth Whittle - 233-234 Chronology: April to September 1999
by The Editors
1999, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 5-8 Introduction
by Günter Minnerup - 9-23 Europapolitik and national interest: Are the Germans normal yet?
by Emil Nagengast - 24-36 The lasting legacy of fifty years of deutschmark politics
by Peter Loedel - 37-38 Authors in this issue
by The Editors - 39-55 Distribution policy in the kohl era. The impact of neo‐liberalism on wealth and poverty in Germany
by Dieter Eissel - 56-62 Economic notes: The high price of German taxation reform
by Jeremy Leaman - 63-80 Medical experimentation, racial hygiene and black bodies. Afro‐German and African‐American experiences in the 1930s
by David McBride - 81-95 East German : Between ambivalence and focused political criticism
by Joanne Mcnally - 96-107 Book reviews
by Susanne Kord & Susanne Peters & Keith Tribe & Michael Wallis & Dieter Buse & Ingolfur Blühdorn & Mike Mertens - 108-110 Chronology: November 1998 to March 1999
by The Editors
1998, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 109-114 Introduction
by Ingolfur Blühdorn & Jeremy Leaman - 115-128 Fabricating nationhood. A case study of Germany
by Dieter Haselbach - 129-147 “Eigenart” vs “das eigene”. German intellectuals in search of a concept of nationhood and national identity after unification
by Helmut Schmitz - 148-155 “Born in the GDR”. Ostrock between Ostalgia and cultural self‐assertion
by Peter Wicke - 156-156 Authors in this issue
by The Editors - 157-172 The making of boys and girls. Some thoughts on a current phenomenon of popular music
by Monika Bloss - 173-190 Life after history. How pop and politics are changing places in the Berlin Republic
by Mark Terkessidis - 191-214 Polyglot politics. Hip hop in Germany
by Tom Cheeseman - 215-223 Book reviews
by Keith Tribe & Martina Wallner & Gareth Dale & Gert Reifarth & John Theobald - 224-225 Chronology: April 1998 to October 1998
by The Editors
1998, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 5-7 Introduction
by Günter Minnerup - 8-45 The overthrow of Ulbricht in East Germany
by Peter Grieder - 46-56 Elites in the transformation process East(ern) Germany, 1989–1991
by Stefan Wolff - 57-57 Authors in this issue
by The Editors - 58-70 No difficulties with the truth?
by John Rodden - 71-78 Fossils of hope Anna Seghers, Walter Benjamin and the search for the future in the Past
by John Milfull - 79-93 Germany's long‐running fiscal strains: Unification costs or unsustainability of welfare state arrangements?
by Christopher Flockton - 94-101 Book reviews
by John Milfull & Benjamin Bern & Gert Reifarth & Jeremy Leaman - 102-104 Chronology
by The Editors
1997, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 133-136 Introduction
by Jeremy Leaman - 137-150 Dragged along by globalization, slowed down by history
by Wilfried von Bredow - 151-165 Aspects of postmodernism in German political culture
by Martin Greiffenhagen - 166-177 Clio and German studies
by Konrad Jarausch - 178-193 Re‐creating the autonomous Volga German Republic in Russia (1989–1996)
by Michael Wallis - 194-201 Who owns GDR culture?
by John Milfull - 202-202 Authors in this issue
by The Editors - 203-219 Carl Zeiss Jena Gmbh
by Clive Edwards - 220-234 The ladenschlussdebatte: Germany's reluctant espousal of supermarket culture?
by Robert Halsall - 235-248 Economic notes
by Jeremy Leaman - 249-253 Book reviews
by Ingolfur Blühdorn & Günter Minnerup - 254-256 Chronology: May to October 1997
by The Editors
1997, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 5-8 Introduction
by Günter Minnerup - 9-24 Germany after unification: A social democracy or merely an industrial location?
by Günter Grass - 25-48 From the 1940s to the 1990s: The critical intelligentsia's changing role in the political culture of the Federal Republic
by Wilfried van der Will - 49-66 Changing shades of green: Political identity and alternative politics in united Germany
by Andrei Markovits & Stephen Silvia - 67-78 New models for managing higher education
by Andreas Keller - 79-90 The erosion of local government under the banner of modernization
by Heinz Zielinski - 91-104 Economic notes
by Jeremy Leaman - 105-118 Facing up to the past ‐ again?
by Eve Rosenhaft - 119-122 Chronology: November 1996 to April 1997
by The Editors - 123-123 Authors in this issue
by The Editors
1996, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 5-9 Introduction
by Günter Minnerup - 10-20 Between appearance and reality
by Gilbert Ziebura - 21-21 Contributors to this issue
by The Editors - 22-35 Thank you America!
by Arthur Heinrich - 36-62 The German student movement
by Ingo Cornils - 64-77 The German sonderweg revisited: “Stunde null” and reunification
by Günter Minnerup - 78-94 The last word
by Axel Reiche - 95-115 The German pension debate
by Christian Toft - 116-129 Economic notes
by Jeremy Leaman - 130-147 Promise unfulfilled?
by Rob Burns - 148-153 Book reviews
by Rob Burns & Wolfgang Deckers - 154-160 Chronology: May to October 1996
by The Editors
1996, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 5-8 Introduction
by Günter Minnerup - 9-20 Sonderweg or normality?
by Wolfram Wette - 21-40 Will fascism return? Germany and Europe in the mid‐90s
by Peter Brandt - 41-48 Pre‐modern, post‐modern, counter‐modern?
by John Milfull - 49-71 Political justice in post‐unification Germany the legal legacy of the GDR
by Georg Wiessala - 72-89 Racial discrimination in the workplace a case study
by Neil Bentley - 91-108 Architectural debates in post‐unification Berlin: An aesthetic “historians’ debate"?
by Robert Halsall - 109-122 Cinema of ruins gender and history in the postwar “rubble film”
by Erica Carter - 123-123 Authors in this issue
by The Editors - 124-144 Economic notes: Renewed growth weaknesses of the German economy
by Jeremy Leaman - 145-153 Book reviews
by Martha Wörsening & Jeremy Leaman & Karl Wilds - 154-159 Chronology: November 1995 to April 1996
by The Editors