2011, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 585-597 Insider Rent Makes Russian Capitalism: A Rejoinder to Simon Pirani
by Ruslan Dzarasov - 599-631 End of Transition? Expropriation, Resource Nationalism, Fuzzy Research, and Corruption of Environmental Institutions in the Making of the Shale Gas Revolution in Northern Poland
by Edyta Materka - 633-648 Dealing with Sovereign Debt Crises Today: Lessons from Eastern Europe and the Balkans
by Vassilis Fouskas - 649-663 Occupy the State: The Orbán Regime in Hungary
by András Bozóki - 665-673 Germany's Left Party Agrees a New Program
by Harald Werner - 675-677 Johann P. ARNASON and Natalie J. DOYLE
by Ulf Brunnbauer - 677-680 Franz WALTER, ; Oliver NACHTWEY
by Andrew Evans - 681-685 Mária PALASIK
by Nigel Swain - 685-689 Richard SAKWA
by Rick Simon - 689-692 Oliver BULLOUGH
by Alec Rasizade - 693-694 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors - 695-695 Errata
by The Editors
2011, Volume 19, Issue 1-2
- 367-368 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 369-395 Fighting Fences vs Fighting Monuments: Politics of Memory and Protest Mobilization in Ukraine
by Volodymyr Ishchenko - 397-419 Containing Militancy: Workers, Trade Unions and Factory Regimes in Ukraine
by Mihai Varga - 421-451 Russia, the US, “the Others” and the “101 Things to Do to Win a (Colour) Revolution”: Reflections on Georgia and Ukraine
by Abel Polese - 453-470 Heteronormative Constructions of Romanianness: A Genealogy of Gendered Metaphors in Romanian Radical-Right Populism 2000–2009
by Ov Norocel - 471-497 Werewolves of Stalinism: Russia's Capitalists and their System
by Ruslan Dzarasov - 499-506 What Makes Russian Capitalism: A Response to Ruslan Dzarasov
by Simon Pirani - 507-510 Repression Intensifies Against Kazakh Oil Workers’ Uprising
by Peter Salmon - 511-513 Michael E. BROWN
by Günter Minnerup - 513-516 G. B. Robertson
by David Mandel - 516-519 Martin MYANT and Jan DRAHOKOUPIL, ; Huw MACARTNEY
by Georg Menz - 519-522 Carlos Flores JUBERÍAS (ed.), [Europe, Twenty Years after the Wall]
by Gonzalo Pozo-Martin - 522-524 Tatiana ZHURZHENKO
by Marko Bojcun - 525-529 Christoph JÜNKE (ed), ?
by Gus Fagan - 530-531 Contributors to this Issue
by The Editors
2010, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 257-258 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 259-280 “Leaven” and “Yeast”: Social Capital and the Social Foundations of Democracy in Germany
by Ross Campbell - 281-298 Modes of Post-Communism: Successor Parties, Trade Unions, and the State in Russia and East Central Europe
by Veronika Pasynkova - 299-312 Path-dependent Patterns for the Discrepancy Between the Constitutional and Factual Power of Presidents after 1989
by Anna Fruhstorfer - 313-339 The Wages of Germanness: Working-Class Recomposition and (Racialized) National Identity After Unification
by Juliane Edler - 341-354 Nationalism and Economic Disparities Lessons from the Dissolution of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia and the Secession of the Baltic States
by Jörg Roesler - 355-360 Artur DOMOSŁAWSKI
by Gavin Rae - 361-363 Ulrich BUSCH/ Wolfgang KÜHN/ Klaus STEINITZ
by Jeremy Leaman - 365-365 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors - 367-367 Call for Papers
by The Editors
2010, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 123-125 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 127-143 Destalinisation and the Question of the Reformability of the Soviet Union
by Graeme Gill - 145-162 Between the Dissidents and the Regime: Young People by the End of the 1980s in Central and Eastern Europe
by Grzegorz Piotrowski - 163-184 From the Idea of Self-Management to Capitalism: The Characteristics of the Polish Transformation Process
by Miklós Mitrovits - 185-204 The Round Table Agreement in Poland as a Case of Class Compromise: An Attempt at a Model
by Krzysztof Brzechczyn - 205-221 Literature in the “Other” Europe Before and After the Transition: The Work of Blaga Dimitrova and Milan Kundera
by Velichka Ivanova - 223-236 The Political Role of East- and West-German Writers Before and After 1989
by Magdalena Latkowska - 237-240 “To live humanly–with dignity”: a new Kuzbass miners’ movement
by Simon Pirani - 241-243 Free Valentin Urusov!
by Simon Pirani - 245-247 Dieter DETTKE
by Wilfried van der Will - 248-250 Simon PIRANI
by Owen Worth - 250-253 Dieter SEGERT
by Gareth Dale - 255-256 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors
2010, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-3 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 5-27 Development Trajectories in the Crisis in Europe
by Joachim Becker & Johannes Jäger - 29-51 Catch Up and Overtake the West: The Czech Lands in the World-System in the Twentieth Century
by Stanislav Holubec - 53-69 The Shallow and Uneven Diffusion of Capitalism into Everyday Life in Post-Soviet Moscow
by Colin C. Williams & John Round - 71-88 The Changing Face of Organized Crime in Post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe
by Kelly Hignett - 89-106 Poland's Underground Opposition in the 1980s: The breakdown of the “Solidarity” Movement
by Boguslaw Potoczny - 107-119 “Unwelcome Heroes”: East Germans’ Role in the Collapse of the Soviet Order
by John Milfull - 121-121 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors
2009, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 269-270 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 271-283 Of “Raisins” and “Yeast”: Mobilisation and Framing in the East German Revolution of 1989
by Gareth Dale - 285-296 Hungary in the Financial Crisis: A (Basket) Case Study
by László Andor - 297-314 Revisiting Minority Integration in Eastern Europe: Examining the Case of Roma Integration in Romania
by Corina Filipescu - 315-332 The Neoliberalized State and Migration Control: The Rise of Private Actors in the Enforcement and Design of Migration Policy
by Georg Menz - 333-333 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors - 335-341 Book Reviews
by Guglielmo Meardi & Simon Pirani
2009, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 119-120 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 121-126 Obituary: Peter Gowan
by Andrew Kilmister - 127-142 The Anglo-American Model of Economic Organization and Governance: Entropy and the Fragmentation of Social Solidarity in Twenty-first Century Latvia
by Jeffrey Sommers - 143-157 The GDR Intelligentsia and its Forgotten Political Role during the of 1989
by Dieter Segert - 159-179 Growing through Debt and Inflation: An Inquiry into the Esoteric and Exoteric Aspects of Bulgaria's Currency Board
by Maria N. Ivanova - 181-191 “The Permanent Revolution” and “the Asian Renaissance”: Parallels between the Political Conceptions of Leon Trotsky and Mykola Khvylovy
by Serhiy Hirik - 193-246 Outline History of the Ukrainian Communist Party (Independentists): An Emancipatory Communism 1918–1925
by Christopher Ford - 247-262 Memorandum of the Ukrainian Communist Party to the Second Congress of the III Communist International July-August 1920
by The Editors - 263-263 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors - 265-267 Jan DRAHOKOUPIL
by Hugo Radice
2009, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-3 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 5-39 The Social Stakes of the Great Capitalist Transformation in the East
by Catherine Samary - 41-54 The German Left, the Berlin Wall and the Second Great Crash
by Peter Thompson - 55-64 The Implications of Adaptation Discourse for Post-communist Working Classes
by Anastasia Riabchuk - 65-83 Illegitimate Wage Practices in Central and Eastern Europe: A Study of the Prevalence and Impacts of “Envelope Wages”
by Colin C. Williams - 85-97 Urbanization of Post-communist Albania: Economic, Social, and Environmental Challenges
by Dorina Pojani - 99-116 Imagining Liberation: Russian Critiques of Stalinism
by Roderic Pitty - 117-117 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors
2008, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 251-252 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 253-272 The Birth of a New Intellectual Left in Poland?
by Gavin Rae - 273-289 Germany's Shift from the Alliance for Jobs to Agenda 2010: The Role of Transnationalizing German Capital
by Ian Bruff - 291-308 Migrants and the Unequal Burdening of “Toxic” Risk: Towards a New Global Governance Regime
by Charles Woolfson & Branka Likic-Brboric - 309-330 International Financial Institutions and Post-communist Labour Reform: A Case of Utopian Liberalism?
by Martin Upchurch & David Weltman - 331-345 The Illusion of Capitalism in Post-Soviet Ukraine
by Colin C. Williams & John Round - 347-357 Post-Soviet Marxists in Russia
by Gűnter Mayer & Wolfgang Kűttner - 359-360 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors - 361-364 Book Review
by Rick Simon
2008, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 133-134 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 135-149 The Eastern Turn in Contemporary German, Swiss and Austrian Literature
by Brigid Haines - 151-169 The Borders of Orientalism: “Europeanization” in Hungary and Ukraine
by Melinda Kovács & Olena Leipnik - 171-187 10 October Commemorations in Carinthia: Promoting Unity or Division?
by Eithne Knappitsch - 189-201 1961: Germans Begin to Confront their Recent Past
by Dieter K. Buse - 203-211 An Unexpected Dawn: The Prague Spring and the Mechanism of Change in State Socialism
by Dieter Segert - 213-235 The German Democratic Republic and Australia
by Peter Monteath - 237-238 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors - 239-249 Book Reviews
by Ulf Brunnbauer & Berksoy Bilgin & László Andor
2008, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-3 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 5-29 German Influence in the Western Balkans: Hegemony by Design or by Default?
by Fotis Mavromatidis & Jeremy Leaman - 31-54 Stabilization through Europeanization? Discussing the Transformation Dynamics in Turkey
by Ilker Ataç & Andreas Grünewald - 55-71 Trajectories of Entropy and “the Labour Question”: The Political Economy of Post-communist Migration in the New Europe
by Jeffrey Sommers & Charles Woolfson - 73-86 Two Rights Make a Wrong? The Remaking of Polish Politics after the 2007 Parliamentary Elections
by Gavin Rae - 87-99 The EU-cators: Discourses of Education and Ontologies of the EU in Hungarian Handbooks
by Melinda Kovács - 101-107 Poles Reject Anti-missile Shield
by Julian Bartosz - 109-116 Czechs Oppose Military Bases
by Štěpán Steiger - 117-118 Contributors to This issue
by The Editors - 119-131 Book Reviews
by Dieter K. Buse & Alan Freeman
2007, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 277-278 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 279-306 Reconsidering the Ukrainian Revolution 1917–1921: The Dialectics of National Liberation and Social Emancipation
by Chris Ford - 307-319 A New Formation with Potential Pitfalls: The New German
by Christoph Jünke - 321-342 “Speak Out!”—Günter Grass as an International Intellectual
by Frank Brunssen - 343-364 Mitbestimmung: The Future of Co-Determination in a Hostile World
by Angela Richards - 365-365 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors
2007, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 121-122 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 123-154 Political Opportunity Structures and the Success of the German Left Party in 2005
by Oliver Nachtwey & Tim Spier - 155-175 Heimat, “Ostalgie” and the Stasi: The GDR in German Cinema, 1999–2006
by Gareth Dale - 177-193 Multinationals in the New EU Member States and the Revitalisation of Trade Unions
by Guglielmo Meardi - 195-210 Germany and the Passage from War to Peace in Eurasia
by Vassilis K. Fouskas - 211-220 The 2003 “Rose Revolution” in Georgia: A Case Study in High Politics and Rank-and-File Execution
by Dan Jakopovich - 221-232 Back to the Future: The Resurgence of Poland's Conservative Right
by Gavin Rae - 233-255 Philo-Zionism as a German Political Code: Germany and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Since 1987
by Pól Ó Dochartaigh - 257-269 Who Dug the Grave of the Polish Left?
by David Holland - 271-273 Settling Accounts for the Wrongs Done on the Left
by Józef Pinior - 275-275 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors
2007, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction
by Andrew Kilmister - 3-24 Towards a Cinema of Cultural Hybridity: Turkish-German Filmmakers and the Representation of Alterity
by Rob Burns - 25-42 “Seit der Wende hat der Mann nur Pech gehabt. Jetzt soll er auch noch Jude sein”: Theatricality, Memory and Identity in Dani Levy's (2004)
by Seán Allan - 43-63 The Protestant Churches and German Refugees and Expellees in the Western Zones of Germany after 1945
by Ian Connor - 65-86 A “Vital Feeling” of “Humanist Hatred”: Narratives of Sovereignty and Totalitarian Childhoods
by Martin Blumenthal-Barby - 87-97 Conversation with Vladimir Kabo
by Anna Taitslin - 99-105 “Managed Democracy” in Action: The 2004 Mayoral Elections in Togliatti Interview with Petr Zolotarev, President of the Union, at Avtovaz (Volga Automobile Factory)
by David Mandel - 107-114 The Rebirth of an Oxymoron: The Genesis and Functions of “Constitutional Patriotism”
by John Milfull - 115-115 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors - 117-119 Book Review
by The Editors
2006, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 195-199 Introduction
by Ruth Wittlinger & Christian Schweiger & Peter M. R. Stirk - 201-212 Collective Memory and National Identity in the Berlin Republic: The Emergence of a New Consensus?
by Ruth Wittlinger - 213-228 The Concept of the State in German Political Thought
by Peter M. R. Stirk - 229-245 Consensus Politics in Germany Versus Adversary Politics in the United Kingdom? An Evaluation of the German and the Westminster Model of Democracy on the Basis of the Veto Players Theory
by Gerd Strohmeier - 247-269 Conflict and Consensus in Germany's Bi-cameral System: A Case Study of the Passage of the
by Thomas Saalfeld - 271-281 Germans to the Front? Attitudes Towards a German Contribution to Worldwide Military Missions
by Jörg Jacobs - 283-299 Ghosts of “Old Europe”? US-German Relations Under the Red-Green Coalition in Berlin
by Christian Schweiger - 301-314 German Ostpolitik Under the Red-Green Coalition and EU-Russian Relations
by Graham Timmins - 315-316 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors
2006, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 87-89 Introduction
by Günter Minnerup - 91-118 The 2005 Parliamentary and Presidential Elections in Poland: The Geography of Abstention
by Michael Fleming - 119-143 Socialism, Stalinism and National Liberation: Coming to Terms with a Changed World, The Ideas of the URDP ( Group) in the Post-War Era
by Chris Ford - 145-160 Soft Balancing Between Friends: Transforming Transatlantic Relations
by Franz Oswald - 161-165 Slobodan Milosevic and How the US Used Al Qaeda in the Balkans
by Michael Barratt Brown - 167-183 Transport Policy in the European Union
by Winfried Wolf - 185-186 Contributors to This Issue
by The Editors - 187-193 Book Reviews
by The Editors
2006, Volume 14, Issue 01
- 1-6 Introduction
by Günter Minnerup - 7-35 “A Very Orderly Retreat”: Democratic Transition in East Germany, 1989–90
by Gareth Dale - 37-48 The Galileo of the GDR: Robert Havemann
by John Rodden - 49-69 Working Together: The Partnership Between the Czech and German Greens as a Model for Wider Czech–German Co-operation?
by Karl Cordell & Zdeněk Hausvater - 71-76 Theatricality and Law: Or, a Cinema of Justice
by Martin Blumenthal-Barby - 77-78 Contributors to This Issue
by None - 79-86 Book Reviews
by Various
2005, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 113-115 Introduction
by Günter Minnerup - 117-136 “Managed democracy”: Capital and state in Russia
by David Mandel - 137-154 Europeanizing the Ukrainian-Russian border: From EU Enlargement to the “Orange revolution”
by Tatiana Zhurzhenko - 155-168 Dwarfs from wallachia, or being a nomad in Europe
by Vesna Madzoski - 169-172 After the French and Dutch “No” to the constitution: the EU needs a new economic and social development strategy
by EuroMemorandum Group⊃1;: European Economists for an Alternative Economic Policy in Europe (June 2005) - 173-184 Agamben, ontology, and constituent power
by Rad Borislavov - 185-200 “GDR Identity” in DEFA feature films
by Detlef Kannapin - 201-201 Contributors to this Issue
by The Editors - 203-221 Book reviews
by Various - 223-224 Books received
by None
2005, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-7 Introduction
by Günter Minnerup - 9-20 Ukraine: Beyond postcommunism
by Marko Bojcun - 21-22 The U.S. and Europe: Quasi-Allies
by Immanuel Wallerstein - 25-42 Remembering in the Berlin Republic: The debate about the central memorial in Berlin
by Gerd Knischewski & Ulla Spittler - 45-63 Normalisation in East German enterprises, 1961 to 1979
by Jeannette Madarász - 65-70 Kurt Tucholsky and the Weimar Republic
by Ian King - 73-81 Parties of the Right in East Central Europe
by Kai-Olaf Lang - 83-83 Contributors to this issue
by The Editors - 85-108 Book reviews
by The Editors - 111-112 Books received
by The Editors
2004, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 107-113 Introduction
by Günter Minnerup - 114-136 Future fitness and reform Gridlock
by Ingolfur Blühdorn - 137-153 Work-life balance
by Lore Arthur - 154-166 Economic notes
by Jeremy Leaman - 167-174 Review article
by Günter Minnerup - 175-182 Review article
by Stefan Berger - 184-202 Book reviews
by The Editors - 204-206 Documents
by The Editors
2003, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 103-106 Introduction
by Günter Minnerup - 107-163 The East German rising of June 1953
by Gareth Dale - 164-185 Germany’s Party of Democratic Socialism struggling to stay alive
by Stuart Gapper - 187-111 Postmodernism and German History
by Günter Minnerup - 212-212 Contributors To This Issue
by The Editors - 213-220 Book Reviews
by The Editors
2003, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 5-12 Introduction
by Gu¨Nter Minnerup