April 1984, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 241-261 A system of social indicators for the CMEA countries and for Hungary
by Rudolf Andorka - 263-274 Welfare production: Public versus private
by Wolfgang Zapf - 275-285 On functional types of indicators in social planning
by M. Illner - 287-293 Indicators for interrelated study of living standard and life style
by L. Khakhulina - 295-311 Social support and the quality of life following myocardial infarction
by Bernhard Badura & Millard Waltz - 313-331 Social indicators and social management
by Velichko Dobrianov - 333-349 Regional indicators in social planning
by Maria Ciechocińska - 351-362 Problems of zonal differentiation of specific rural development programmes
by T. Zaslavskaya & I. Muchnik & M. Muchnik - 363-384 African urban life: Components of satisfaction in Sierra Leone
by Margaret Peil
February 1984, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 115-139 Well-being and ill-being: Different dimensions?
by Bruce Headey & Elsie Holmström & Alexander Wearing - 141-163 Multiplicative and additive models of job and life satisfaction
by Arne Mastekaasa - 165-175 Consistency in subjective evaluations of community attributes
by B. Anderson & V. Ryan & W. Goudy - 177-194 Alternative technology and quality of life: An exploratory survey of British Columbia smallholders
by Merlin Brinkerhoff & Jeffrey Jacob - 195-203 A community viability indicator for determining comprehensive planning policy
by John Keczmerski & Bruce Sorter - 205-225 Reviews
by Stuart Schoenfeld & James Shockey & Lore Scheer & Lauri Perman & Hal Kendig & Abbott Ferriss
January 1984, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-27 Social indicators: Actual and potential uses
by Henri Verwayen - 29-52 Respondent characteristics in citizen evaluation of municipal services
by Gabriel Tan & Stanley Murrell - 53-67 Objective indicators, personal characteristics, and satisfaction with safety from crime and violence: An interaction model
by Joe Stevens - 69-81 Life philosophy and Life style
by Howard Kamler - 83-97 Level and correlates of perceived quality of life for Lao Hmong refugees in Nebraska
by William Meredith - 99-108 Predicting overall life satisfaction: The role of life cycle and social psychological antecedents
by O. Martinson & E. Wilkening & D. McGranahan - 109-114 Reviews
by Ronald Terchek & Hans Hoffmann-Nowotny & Rudolf Rezsohazy
November 1983, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 339-379 The growth of the service sector in the Canadian economy
by U. Ranga Chand - 381-393 Technophobia: Incidence and potential causal factors
by J. Frideres & S. Goldenberg & J. Disanto & U. Fleising - 395-417 Life-course effects on marital disruption
by A. Wade Smith & June Meitz - 419-424 Social factors as predictors of internal migration patterns in Israel
by Yitzhak Berman & A. Eaglstein - 425-441 Reviews
by John Leslie & Kao-Lee Liaw & J. Grove & Neil Guppy & R. Andorka & David Mosey
October 1983, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 225-252 Satisfaction and happiness in a rural northern resource community
by Alex Michalos - 253-279 Measurement of poverty and equity: Some Asean social indicators experience
by Mahar Mangahas - 281-309 A cross-national comparison of contraception and abortion laws
by Ira Wasserman - 311-329 Area-based social indicators: Signed chi-square as an alternative to ratios
by M. Visvalingam - 331-333 Reviews
by Hugh Lehman & Jan Drewnowski
August 1983, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 109-130 The methodology of early social indicator research: William Fielding Ogburn and ‘Recent social trends’, 1933
by Martin Bulmer - 131-170 On constructing and implementing an extended goal variable for economic policy
by Wolfram Elsner - 171-184 The moral mosaic: Sexuality in the Canadian 80s
by Reginald Bibby - 185-212 Spatial inequalities in Western cities: A comparison of North American and German urban areas
by John O'Loughlin - 213-223 Reviews
by Hugh Lehman & Donald Poochigian & F. Dahms & John Dennison
July 1983, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-16 Religionless Christianity: A profile of religion in the Canadian 80s
by Reginald Bibby - 17-38 Old fashioned families as an endangered species
by A. Smith - 39-58 Prisons and their perceived impact on the local community: A case study
by Paul Maxim & Darryl Plecas - 59-68 A formula for determining social worker positions based upon the Pardes method
by A. Eaglstein & Yosef Pardes - 69-83 Discriminatory behavior in New York restaurants: 1950 and 1981
by Howard Schuman & Eleanor Singer & Rebecca Donovan & Claire Selltiz - 85-107 Reviews
by Hugh Lehman & Alex Michalos & Jeff Mitscherling & F. Dahms & Donald Poochigian & Rudolf Rezsohazy & Alex Michalos & William Graf & Robert Thigpen & Donald Poochigian
May 1983, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 337-391 Subjective and objective indicators of regional quality of life in Switzerland
by E. Walter-Busch - 393-416 Environmental effects on perceptions of life quality in Korea
by Doh Shin & Chung Ahn & Kyung Kim & Hong Lee - 417-438 Perceptual indicators of family well-being
by Kathryn Rettig & Margaret Bubolz - 439-447 Reviews
by Cindy Creighton & Paul Durbin
April 1983, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 225-279 Quality of life in South Africa: Towards an instrument for the assessment of quality of life and basic needs
by Valerie Møller & Lawrence Schlemmer - 281-309 A cross-cultural analysis of the structure and levels of attitudes towards acts of political protest
by Shlomit Levy - 311-320 Effect of neighborhood racial and socioeconomic composition on urban residents' evaluations of their neighborhoods
by Brian Stipak & Carl Hensler - 321-335 Reviews
by F. Dahms & John Leslie & J. Grove & Alex Michalos
February 1983, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 117-152 Labor force composition and underemployment trends, 1969–1980
by Clifford Clogg & Teresa Sullivan - 153-168 Indicators of contraceptive policy for nations at three levels of development
by Ira Wasserman & Chikako Usui - 169-181 The precarious mosaic: Divergence and convergence in the Canadian 80s
by Reginald Bibby - 183-198 Sources of neighborhood residential change: A micro-level analysis
by Alan Kirschenbaum - 199-215 Empirical indicators of educational equity and equality: A thai case study
by Gerald Fry - 217-224 Reviews
by Alex Michalos & G. Bloomfield & A. Yarmey & R. Woodrow
January 1983, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-24 On the measurement of diffuse support: Some evidence from Mexico
by Mitchell Seligson - 25-48 Objective and subjective income adequacy: Their relationship to perceived life quality measures
by Norleen Ackerman & Beatrice Paolucci - 49-63 The growing impact of marriage
by Ruut Veenhoven - 65-81 Community-level determinants of infant and child mortality in peru
by Frank Young & Barry Edmonston & Nancy Andes - 83-105 A comparison of regression and ARIMA models for assessing program effects: An application to the mandated highway speed limit reduction of 1974
by James Veney & James Luckey - 107-115 Reviews
by Alex Zautra & Tony Fuller & Nino Pagliccia
November 1982, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 341-362 Predictors of satisfaction with environmental quality in eight European countries
by Margret Fine-Davis & Earl Davis - 363-381 Urban dominance, ecology and community well-being in a Philippine region
by Chris Herman - 383-403 Social indicators of basic needs: Quantitative data for human rights policy
by Judith Neufville - 405-419 Social indicators, health policy, and the elderly
by Earle Snider - 421-436 Size of place in relation to community attachment and satisfaction with community services
by Ira Wasserman - 437-444 Reviews
by James Brown & Deborah Poff
October 1982, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 227-258 Development of Higher Education Product-Value Indexes
by Robert Rossi - 259-267 Regional disparities in Malaysia
by Sritua Arief - 269-300 The quality of land surrounding the major urban centres of Canada, the United States and Britain
by John Hansen - 301-317 Quality of life in Kwara State, Nigeria: An exploratory geographical study
by J. Oyebanji - 319-331 Life satisfaction and regional development: A case study of Oklahoma
by Orley Amos & Michael Hitt & Larkin Warner - 333-340 Reviews
by Deborah Poff & John Hundleby & Daniel Koenig & Frederick Buttel
August 1982, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 113-138 Quality of life perceptions in two cultures
by Nathalie Ostroot & Doh Shin & Wayne Snyder - 139-165 Engel functions revisited
by Edna Douglas - 167-180 Political beliefs and subjective indicators of quality of life
by Ira Wasserman - 181-192 Further consideration of indicators of community attachment
by Willis Goudy - 193-205 Coal production and socioeconomic development in Southern Appalachia: The case of Eastern Kentucky
by Charles Perry - 207-224 Reviews
by Alan Porter & Daryl Chubin & K. Ujioto & Alex Michalos & Linda Wood
July 1982, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-30 The satisfaction and happiness of some senior citizens in rural Ontario
by Alex Michalos - 31-74 The way of life of the Hungarian society on the basis of the time budget survey of 1976–1977
by R. Andorka & B. Falussy - 75-97 Liberation groups and life philosophy
by Howard Kamler - 99-104 Economic uncertainty and family instability
by Yitzhak Berman - 105-108 The quality of life after radiation therapy: Health status
by Patrick Irwin & Allen Gottlieb - 109-112 Reviews
by Deborah Poff & James Brown
May 1982, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 341-358 Demographic determinants of perceived well-being in eight European countries
by Earl Davis & Margret Fine-Davis & Geraldine Meehan - 359-388 Dynamic patterning of concerns: A long-term comparison of the structure of hopes and fears of Israelis
by Rachel Kats - 389-405 A technique for measuring preferences for spending reductions
by Peter May - 407-422 Studying social change with survey data: Examples from Louis Harris surveys
by Stanley Presser - 423-435 Adolescent alienation: Evaluating the hypotheses
by Jonathan Shapiro & Edward Wynne - 437-448 The social structure of social problems in New York state
by Ruth Young - 449-451 Reviews
by Tissa Fernando & A. Yarmey
April 1982, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 227-271 The development of the USDA estimates of the cost of raising a child
by Carolyn Edwards & Janet Marr & Brucy Gray - 273-295 A test of the utility of social indicators for behavioral health service planning
by Jeanette Goodstein & Alex Zautra & Darlene Goodhart - 297-317 Perceptions of quality of life in an industrializing country: The case of the Republic of Korea
by Hongkoo Lee & Kyong-Dong Kim & Doh Shin - 319-335 Regional inequality and the welfare state: Convergence and divergence in levels of living in the United Kingdom, 1951–1971
by Paul Knox - 337-340 Some recent bibliographical collections for students of science, technology and society
by Paul Durbin
February 1982, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 113-132 The stability and validity of quality of life measures
by Tom Atkinson - 133-157 A conceptualization and research strategy for the study of ecological aspects of the quality of life
by Lester Milbrath - 159-174 On the definition and varieties of attitude and wellbeing
by Louis Guttman & Shlomit Levy - 175-185 Response to Guttman & Levy's article ‘on the definition and varieties of attitude and wellbeing’
by Frank Andrews & Aubrey McKennell - 187-210 Quality of life after radiation therapy: A study of 309 cancer survivors
by Patrick Irwin & Allen Gottlieb & Simon Kramer & Barbara Danoff - 211-223 Civil religion, social indicators, and public policy
by Ronald Wimberley & James Christenson - 225-226 Településhálózat
by Rudolf Andorka
January 1982, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-28 General liberalism and social change in post World War II America: A summary of trends
by Tom Smith - 29-74 Social factors of migration from rural to urban areas with special reference to developing countries: The case of Korea
by Hyung-Kook Kim - 75-102 Density, crowding, and satisfaction with the residential environment
by Willard Rodgers - 103-111 Review
by Michael Ruse
December 1981, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 395-453 The parental families of Americans in birth cohorts 1890–1955: A categorical, linear equation model estimated from the NORC general social survey
by James Davis - 455-476 On the quality of life in India: An exploratory survey
by Ramkrishna Mukherjee - 477-494 Predictors of satisfaction with housing and neighbourhood: A nationwide study in the Republic of Ireland
by Earle. Davis & Margret Fine-Davis - 495-516 Rural poverty and ecological problems: Results of a new type of baseline study
by Frank Young & Fernando Bertoli & Sandra Bertoli - 517-520 Review
by Rudolf Andorka
September 1981, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 265-278 Some comments on ‘the structure of subjective well-being in nine western societies’ by andrews and inglehart
by Ingwer Borg & Rene Bergermaier - 279-281 Response to Borg and Bergermaier
by Frank Andrews & Ronald Inglehart - 283-312 Design for a microcomputer-based rural development information system
by Frank Young & Fernando Bertoli & Sandra Bertoli - 313-345 Determinants of morbidity and disability trends in the united states, 1958–77
by Kenneth Land & Marilyn McMillen - 347-368 Malthus and the social limits to growth
by Lorne Tepperman - 369-385 Development indicators
by Mario Bunge - 387-392 Reviews
by Andrew McLaughlin & Michael Ruse
June 1981, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 127-153 Canadian corporate charitable contributions: Trends and policies
by Barbara Michalos - 155-181 The quality of life in Australia
by Bruce Headey - 183-195 On the use of social indicators for planning
by Ramkrishna Mukherjee - 197-223 A twist on the heisenberg principle: Or, how crime affects its measurement
by Elizabeth Martin - 225-242 Years of life lost due to genetic disease
by Marshall Jones - 243-259 Reviews
by Linda Wood & John Yuille & Lorne Tepperman & Michael Ruse & H. Adler
March 1981, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-13 Crime and punishment: A national reading
by Reginald Bibby - 15-33 Political and bureaucratic dilemmas in social indicators for policy making
by Michael Carley - 35-60 Housing progress in the seventies: New indicators
by Dowell Myers - 61-83 Quantitative output of the criminal justice system
by Marcus Felson & Lawrence Cohen - 85-110 The uses, validity, and reliability of perceived environmental quality indicators
by Eric Hyman - 111-115 Reviews
by R. Thompson - 117-126 Reviews
by A. Yarmey & Lorne Tepperman & Michael Carley
December 1980, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 385-422 Satisfaction and happiness
by Alex Michalos - 423-439 The time budget in socio-demographic statistics
by Lucjan Adamczuk & Krzysztof Zagórski - 441-452 Life satisfaction—Aspirations and alcohol use: A preliminary report
by Alan Levy & Roger Bell & Elizabeth Lin - 453-465 Social indicators for measuring residential satisfaction in marginal settlements in Costa Rica
by Peter Chi & Maryann Griffin - 467-479 Regression analysis of regional quality of life
by Stephen Coelen - 481-493 Social change and quality of life in the U.S.A
by Wayne Rohrer - 495-496 Indicadores socialis para areas urbanas
by N. Pagliccia - 497-499 Concepts and tools of computer-assisted policy analysis
by Nino Pagliccia - 501-501 Economic approaches to environmental problems
by Bruce Forster - 503-506 The structure of Marx's world-view
by Lawrence Haworth - 507-510 Analysis of happiness
by Alex Michalos - 511-517 Measuring Philippine development: Report of the social indicators project
by Abbott Ferriss
September 1980, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 257-298 Models of cognition and affect in perceptions of well-being
by Aubrey McKennell & Frank Andrews - 299-310 The quality of life in the Caribbean: A political interpretation
by Ruth Young - 311-326 Evaluating the quality of life in Belgium
by H. Bellen & C. Herbruggen - 327-340 Equality, economic resources, and structural diferentiation: Dimensions of development in the Northeast United States
by Charles Perry & Ward Bauder - 341-346 A note on the limited relevance of discounting in cost-benefit analysis
by Dieter Weiss - 347-363 On the absolute or relative basis of perception: The case for middle class identification
by Lynn Cannon - 365-381 Objective and subjective social indicators of the quality of life in American SMSA'S: A reanalysis
by Ira Wasserman & Lily Chua - 383-384 Social indicators, an annotated bibliography of current literature
by Alex Michalos
June 1980, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 127-155 Measures of self-reported well-being: their affective, cognitive, and other components
by Frank Andrews & Aubrey McKennell - 157-173 Some social indicators for multiple family housing
by Earle Snider - 175-197 Territorial social indicator construction: An alternative perspective and example
by R. Elgie - 199-221 Does rapid economic growth improve the human lot? Some empirical evidence
by Doh Shin - 223-255 Linguistic indicators
by J. Hubert
March 1980, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-13 Long-term social development of Hungary, measured by social indicators
by Rudolf Andorka - 15-32 Collective preferences as predictors of interstate migration
by Duncan Macrae & John Carlson - 33-46 Levels, trends and determinants of pluralism: A comparative analysis of U.S. counties
by John Foley & Homer Steedly - 47-64 Objective and subjective indicators: Effects of scale discordance on interrelationships
by Trevor Lee & Robert Marans - 65-79 Externalities of air pollution: Estimates for heart diseases
by Rajindar Koshal & Manjulika Koshal - 81-102 Developing social indicators research on the military in American society
by M. Evans & Marcus Felson & Kenneth Land - 103-114 Poverty and inequality in the United States: A non-Marxist explanation
by Ruth Young - 115-126 Reviews
by Michael Ruse & Hugh Lehman & Alex Michalos & Kevin Gilmartin
January 1980, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-46 A macrodynamic analysis of changes in mortality indexes in the United States, 1946–75: Some preliminary results
by Kenneth Land & Marilyn McMillen - 47-61 Using social indicators to forecast partisan alignments in congressional election years
by David Knoke & Anne Macke & Marcus Felson - 63-70 Rates of imprisonment and psychiatric hospitalization in the United States
by P. Grabosky - 71-89 Community program assessment: A functional approach
by J. Cunningham - 91-101 Analytical problems in the measurement of the quality of life
by Robert Gillingham & William Reece - 103-136 A human ecological approach to quality of life: Conceptual framework and results of a preliminary study
by Margaret Bubolz & Joanne Eicher & Sandra Evers & M. Sontag - 137-156 Freedom of information, privacy, and official secrecy: The evolution of federal government information policy concepts
by Harold Relyea - 157-191 Social indicators of youth development and educational performance: A programmatic statement
by Robert Rossi & Kevin Gilmartin - 193-206 Social indicators in policy planning: Applying the public marketing model in Yuba city, California
by Howard Schutz & Edward Blakely - 207-235 Objective quality of life indicators and the external validity of community research findings
by Stephen Golant & Allan McCutcheon - 237-249 A rapid survey technique for ‘Appropriate technology’ ecological indicators in developing urban areas
by William Bertrand & Arnold Levine - 251-267 The trend and pattern in attitudes toward abortion in the United States, 1965–1977
by Mark Evers & Jeanne McGee - 269-297 Social-indicator model building: A multiple-indicator design
by Richard Warren & Frank Fear & Gerald Klonglan - 299-311 Public opinion surveys as guides to public policy and spending
by Alfred Birch & Alfred Schmid - 313-336 Decision-making and informed consent: A study of the impact of disclosed information
by Ruth Faden & Tom Beauchamp - 337-351 Life domain statisfactions and personal social integration
by Lakshmi Bharadwaj & Eugene Wilkening - 353-366 Decomposition of an aggregate measure of income distribution
by D. Henderson & J. Rowley - 367-377 Measures of accessibility as social indicators: A note
by Paul Knox - 379-399 The swedish science-discussion 1965–1975
by Aant Elzinga - 401-418 Confidence in selected institutions in 1975: An attempt at replication across two national surveys
by Lawrence Santi - 419-441 Genetics and the quality of life
by Michael Ruse - 443-462 The structural context of family welfare in the regions of Italy
by Giuseppe Giampaglia & Frank Young - 463-476 Analysis of Maslow's Need Hierarchy with three social class groups
by Lynda Gratton - 477-489 Reviews
by Nathan Brett & Brian Stipak & Alex Michalos - 491-493 Reviews
by Alex Michalos - 495-509 Reviews
by Paul Durbin & Peter Wüthrich & R. Thompson - 511-513 Reviews
by R. Thompson
October 1979, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 397-419 Applied social reporting: A social indicators system for West German Society
by Wolfgang Zapf - 421-438 Are there sensible ways to analyze and use subjective indicators of urban service quality?
by Brian Stipak - 439-443 A note on changes in black racial attitudes in Detroit: 1968–1976
by Reynolds Farley & Shirley Hatchett & Howard Schuman