September 2016, Volume 128, Issue 3
- 1085-1101 Exploring the Nexus Between Tourism and Output in Cook Islands: An ARDL Bounds Approach
by Ronald Ravinesh Kumar & Peter Josef Stauvermann & Arvind Patel & Nikeel Kumar & Selvin Prasad - 1103-1119 The Impact of Unemployment on Well-Being: Evidence from the Regional Level Suicide Data in Finland
by Sanna Huikari & Marko Korhonen - 1121-1146 A Regional Account of Flexibilization Across the EU: The ‘Flexible Contractual Arrangements’ Composite Index and the Impact of Recession
by Stelios Gialis & Michael Taylor - 1147-1169 Subjective Well-Being and the Welfare State: Giving a Fish or Teaching to Fish?
by Alexander Jakubow - 1171-1192 Measurement of Women’s Agency in Egypt: A National Validation Study
by Kathryn M. Yount & Kristin E. VanderEnde & Sylvie Dodell & Yuk Fai Cheong - 1193-1216 City Indicators on Social Sustainability as Standardization Technologies for Smarter (Citizen-Centered) Governance of Cities
by Maria-Lluïsa Marsal-Llacuna - 1217-1238 Retirement and Intra-Household Labour Division of Italian Couples: A New Simultaneous Equation Approach
by Marcantonio Caltabiano & Maria Gabriella Campolo & Antonino Pino - 1239-1258 Multidimensional Similarities at a Global Scale: An Approach to Mapping Open Society Orientations
by Massimo Buscema & Pier Luigi Sacco & Guido Ferilli - 1259-1272 Revisiting Worst-Case DEA for Composite Indicators
by Stergios Athanassoglou - 1273-1298 Post-materialism, Religiosity, Political Orientation, Locus of Control and Concern for Global Warming: A Multilevel Analysis Across 40 Nations
by Mohamed M. Mostafa - 1299-1318 Horizontal and Vertical Equity Objectives of Child Benefit Systems: An Empirical Assessment for European Countries
by Gerlinde Verbist & Wim Van Lancker - 1319-1346 Trends in Inequality in Food Consumption and Calorie Intake in India: Evidence from the Last Three Decades, 1983–2012
by Ashish Singh & Kaushalendra Kumar & Abhishek Singh - 1347-1363 Impact of Income Inequality on Workers’ Life Satisfaction in the U.S.: A Multilevel Analysis
by Haksoon Ahn & Susan J. Roll & Wu Zeng & Jodi Jacobson Frey & Sarah Reiman & Jungyai Ko - 1365-1385 Interactions Between Policy Effects, Population Characteristics and the Tax-Benefit System: An Illustration Using Child Poverty and Child Related Policies in Romania and the Czech Republic
by Silvia Avram & Eva Militaru - 1387-1404 Predictive Factors for Voluntary and/or Paid Work among Adults in their Sixties
by Thomas Akintayo & Niina Häkälä & Katja Ropponen & Elsa Paronen & Sari Rissanen - 1405-1423 Direct Democracy and Subjective Well-Being: The Initiative and Life Satisfaction in the American States
by Benjamin Radcliff & Gregory Shufeldt - 1425-1447 Medical Personnel and Life Expectancy: New Evidence from Taiwan
by Ya-Hui Huang & Chien-Chiang Lee & Chun-Ping Chang
September 2016, Volume 128, Issue 2
- 467-480 Gender or Occupational Status: What Counts More for Well-Being at Work?
by Chiara Rollero & Angela Fedi & Norma Piccoli - 481-497 The Role of Financial Development and Economic Misery on Life Expectancy: Evidence from Post Financial Reforms in India
by Md. Samsul Alam & Muhammad Shahbaz & Sudharshan Reddy Paramati - 499-499 Erratum to: The Social Consequences of Poverty: An Empirical Test on Longitudinal Data
by Carina Mood & Jan O. Jonsson - 501-529 Measuring Interstate Variations in the Consequences of Illegal Drugs: A Composite Indicator Approach
by Eric L. Sevigny & Michaela Saisana - 531-558 Crime Patterns between Tradition and Change: A Territorial Analysis of the Italian Provinces
by Luigi M. Solivetti - 559-587 Multidimensional Poverty in Indonesia: Trend Over the Last Decade (2003–2013)
by Wulung Hanandita & Gindo Tampubolon - 589-608 Trust Works! Sources and Effects of Social Capital in the Workplace
by Christoph Hauser & Urban Perkmann & Sibylle Puntscher & Janette Walde & Gottfried Tappeiner - 609-631 New Forms of Dualization? Labour Market Segmentation Patterns in the UK from the Late 90s Until the Post-crisis in the Late 2000s
by Yeosun Yoon & Heejung Chung - 633-633 Erratum to: The Development Hypothesis of Women Empowerment in the Millennium Development Goals Tested in the Context of Women’s Access to Land in Africa
by Ambe J. Njoh & Erick Ananga - 635-660 Youth Social Exclusion in Australian Communities: A New Index
by Annie Abello & Rebecca Cassells & Anne Daly & Gabriela D’Souza & Riyana Miranti - 661-673 Sense of Coherence, Values, Youth Involvement, Civic Efficacy and Hope: Adolescents During Social Protest
by Orna Braun-Lewensohn - 675-691 Who cares? A Counterfactual Analysis of Household Work Intensity in Households with Disabled Family Members
by Annemie Nys & Leen Meeusen & Vincent Corluy - 693-708 Rural–Urban Living and Level of Economic Development as Factors in Subjective Well-Being
by Felix Requena - 709-722 A Novel Approach for Quality of Life Evaluation: Rule-Based Expert System
by Irena Atanasova & Elena Karashtranova - 723-729 A Reconsideration of Olivera’s “Changes in Inequality and Generalized Trust in Europe”
by Eric M. Uslaner - 731-750 Religiosity Moderates the Relationship between Income Inequality and Life Satisfaction across the Globe
by Mohsen Joshanloo & Dan Weijers - 751-761 Peasants’ Poverty and Inequality in Angola
by Carlos Pestana Barros & Otavio Henrique dos Santos Figueiredo & Peter Fernades Wanke - 763-791 The Effect of Employment on the Mental Health of Lone Mothers in the UK Before and After New Labour’s Welfare Reforms
by Susan Harkness - 793-812 Education Capability: A Focus on Gender and Science
by Tindara Addabbo & Maria Laura Di Tommaso & Anna Maccagnan - 813-834 Could the EQ-5D be Used to Predict Mortality and Hospitalization Over a Long Term Period?
by Giulia Cavrini & J. Zamberletti & M. Zoli - 835-858 Partially Ordered Sets and the Measurement of Multidimensional Ordinal Deprivation
by Marco Fattore - 859-880 On the Confluence of Freedom of the Press, Control of Corruption and Societal Welfare
by Christopher L. Ambrey & Christopher M. Fleming & Matthew Manning & Christine Smith - 881-907 Can Social Capital Affect Subjective Poverty in Europe? An Empirical Analysis Based on a Generalized Ordered Logit Model
by Giuseppina Guagnano & Elisabetta Santarelli & Isabella Santini - 909-928 Social Efficiency of For-profit Organizations in Brazil: An Empirical Analysis
by Manuel Meireles & Cida Sanches & Samuel Ferreira & José Osvaldo De Sordi & Givaldo Santos - 929-955 The Index of Identity Group Institutionalization: A New Tool to Quantify the Institutionalization of Identity Groups in Democratic Societies
by Elizabeth Moorhouse-Stein & Aviad Rubin
August 2016, Volume 128, Issue 1
- 1-14 Fertility Behaviour and Wealth Situation in Nigeria: Evidence from 2013 Demographic and Health Survey
by Onipede Wusu & Emmanuel O. Amoo - 15-34 The Multidimensional Efficiency of Pension System: Definition and Measurement in Cross-Country Studies
by Filip Chybalski - 35-57 Consistency and Continuity in Material and Psychosocial Adversity Among Australian Families with Young Children
by Bina Gubhaju & Bryan Rodgers & Peter Butterworth & Lyndall Strazdins & Tanya Davidson - 59-88 On Italian Households’ Economic Inadequacy Using Quali-Quantitative Measures
by Luca Zanin - 89-104 The Development Hypothesis of Women Empowerment in the Millennium Development Goals Tested in the Context Women’s Access to Land in Africa
by Ambe J. Njoh & Erick Ananga - 105-129 School-Related Social Support and Adolescents’ School-Related Subjective Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction at School
by Lili Tian & Qinqin Tian & E. Scott Huebner - 131-146 Assessing Supportive Social Exchanges Inside and Outside Religious Institutions: Exploring Variations among Whites, Hispanics, and Blacks
by Neal Krause - 147-159 Stress Coping Strategies, Perceived Organizational Support and Marital Status as Predictors of Work–Life Balance among Nigerian Bank Employees
by Lawrence O. Amazue & Ike E. Onyishi - 161-177 Happiness and Comparison Income: Evidence from Canada
by Ehsan Latif - 179-199 Is There a Link Between Poverty and Food Security?
by Renuka Mahadevan & Vincent Hoang - 201-219 How Durable are Social Norms? Immigrant Trust and Generosity in 132 Countries
by John F. Helliwell & Shun Wang & Jinwen Xu - 221-239 The Impact of Exposure to Other Countries on Life Satisfaction: An International Application of the Relative Income Hypothesis
by Benjamin Schalembier - 241-263 Why Economic Growth did not Translate into Increased Happiness: Preliminary Results of a Multilevel Modeling of Happiness in China
by Jiayuan Li - 265-283 A Measure Whose Time has Come: Formalizing Time Poverty
by Jason R. Williams & Yuta J. Masuda & Heather Tallis - 285-303 A Review of the Literature on Fuel Poverty with a Focus on Ireland
by Graeme O’Meara - 305-320 Multidimensionality of Longitudinal Data: Unlocking the Age-Happiness Puzzle
by Ning Li - 321-339 The Latent Dimensions of Poor Self-Rated Health: How Chronic Diseases, Functional and Emotional Dimensions Interact Influencing Self-Rated Health in Italian Elderly
by Natalia Golini & Viviana Egidi - 341-359 The National Work–Life Balance Index©: The European Case
by Jose Maria Fernandez-Crehuet & J. Ignacio Gimenez-Nadal & Luisa Eugenia Reyes Recio - 361-389 Effects of Objective and Subjective Income Comparisons on Subjective Wellbeing
by Byela Tibesigwa & Martine Visser & Brennan Hodkinson - 391-412 Can Corruption Erode Confidence in Political Institutions Among European Countries? Comparing the Effects of Different Measures of Perceived Corruption
by Alessandro Pellegata & Vincenzo Memoli - 413-437 Construction, Robustness Assessment and Application of an Index of Perceived Level of Socio-Economic Threat from Immigrants: A Study of 47 European Countries and Regions
by Marco Marozzi - 439-466 Income Distribution and Social Tolerance
by B. Dima & Ş. M. Dima
July 2016, Volume 127, Issue 3
- 939-957 Measuring Central and Eastern Europe’s Socio-Economic Development Using Time Lags
by Dominik Paprotny - 959-981 Classifying Human Development with Latent Class Analysis
by Ann L. Owen & Julio Videras - 983-1003 On a Generalized Non-compensatory Composite Index for Measuring Socio-economic Phenomena
by Matteo Mazziotta & Adriano Pareto - 1005-1020 Correction for Measurement Errors in Survey Research: Necessary and Possible
by Willem E. Saris & Melanie Revilla - 1021-1038 An Institutional Analysis of the Europe 2020 Strategy
by Francesco Pasimeni & Paolo Pasimeni - 1039-1056 How Poverty Indicators Confound Poverty Reduction Evaluations: The Targeting Performance of Income Transfers in Europe
by Geranda Notten - 1057-1066 PPP GDP Per Capita for Countries of the World: A Comparison of the New ICP Results with World Bank Data
by Rati Ram - 1067-1084 Does Human Development Influence Women’s Labour Force Participation Rate? Evidences from the Fiji Islands
by Suwastika Naidu - 1085-1102 Nigeria’s Government Spending on Basic Education and Healthcare in the Last Decade: What has Changed After Reforms?
by Uzochukwu Amakom - 1103-1117 Military Expenditures and Unemployment Nexus for Selected South Asian Countries
by Muhammad Azam & Faisal Khan & Khalid Zaman & Amran Md. Rasli - 1119-1134 Economic Growth and Inflow of Remittances: Do They Combat Poverty in an Emerging Economy?
by Saqlain Latif Satti & Muhammad Shahid Hassan & Fozia Hayat & Sudharshan Reddy Paramati - 1135-1156 Impact of Remittance Behaviour on Immigrant Homeownership Trajectories: An Analysis of the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants in Canada from 2001 to 2005
by Vincent Z. Kuuire & Godwin Arku & Isaac Luginaah & Teresa Abada & Michael Buzzelli - 1157-1167 Managing Institutional Evolution to Increase the Likelihood of Success: Examples of Guidance from Chinese History
by Chenchao Jiang & Di Shang & Shixiong Cao - 1169-1180 Patterns of Socioeconomic Inequality in Adolescent Health Differ According to the Measure of Socioeconomic Position
by Frank J. Elgar & Britt McKinnon & Torbjørn Torsheim & Christina Warrer Schnohr & Joanna Mazur & Franco Cavallo & Candace Currie - 1181-1191 Developing a Construct of Women’s Sexual Freedom in the Mexican Context
by Jeyle Ortiz-Rodriguez & Vijayan K. Pillai - 1193-1215 The Child Labor Problem in Turkish Agriculture: What Can We Do?
by Sevtap Guler Gumus & Gary Wingenbach - 1217-1248 Investigating Spatial Distribution of Regional Quality of Life (RQoL) in Iran Between 1996 and 2011
by Hashem Dadashpoor & Nina Khalighi - 1249-1296 Regional Estimates of Poverty and Inequality in India, 1993–2012
by Rajesh K. Chauhan & Sanjay K. Mohanty & S V Subramanian & Jajati K Parida & Balakrushna Padhi - 1297-1319 Examining Attitudes Towards Reproductive Rights in the Gauteng City-Region of South Africa
by Faraaz Mahomed - 1321-1332 The Reciprocal Relationship between Sense of Community and Social Well-Being: A Cross-Lagged Panel Analysis
by Gabriele Prati & Cinzia Albanesi & Luca Pietrantoni - 1333-1348 Reference Group Income and Subjective Well-Being: Empirical Evidence from Low-Income Transition Economies
by Armenak Antinyan - 1349-1361 Leisure-Time Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviors and Subjective Well-Being in Older Adults: An Eight-Year Longitudinal Research
by Po-Wen Ku & Kenneth R. Fox & Li-Jung Chen - 1363-1376 Gratitude and Late Adolescents’ School Well-being: The Mediating Role of Materialism
by Hongyan Jiang & Peizhen Sun & Yeyi Liu & Mengjie Pan - 1377-1389 A Double Test on the Importance of Spirituality, the “Forgotten Factor”, in Successful Aging
by J. M. Tomás & P. Sancho & L. Galiana & A. Oliver - 1391-1416 Shifting Values and Life Satisfaction: A Sequential Cross-Sectional Study of the Influence of Values on Subjective Wellbeing in Singapore
by Soo Jiuan Tan & Siok Kuan Tambyah
June 2016, Volume 127, Issue 2
- 469-503 Measuring and Monitoring the Achievements of the Millennium Development Goals Through Dynamic Composite Indices
by Margherita Sessa - 505-527 Measuring Financial and Social Outreach Productivity of Microfinance Institutions in Bangladesh
by Md Aslam Mia & V. G. R. Chandran - 529-539 Application of Social Policy Index (SPI) Amended in Three OECD Countries: Finland, Spain and Mexico
by Jorge Garcés Ferrer & Francisco Ródenas Rigla & Carla Vidal Figueroa - 541-564 Trust in Chinese Government and Quality of Life (QOL) of Sichuan Earthquake Survivors: Does Trust in Government Help to Promote QOL?
by Ying Liang - 565-576 Conceptualising and Measuring Spatial Indicators of Employment Through a Liveability Lens
by Hannah Badland & Melanie Davern & Karen Villanueva & Suzanne Mavoa & Allison Milner & Rebecca Roberts & Billie Giles-Corti - 577-600 Trust and Financial Crisis Experiences
by Carin Cruijsen & Jakob Haan & David-Jan Jansen - 601-631 Bridging Social Capital and Individual Earnings: Evidence for an Inverted U
by Katarzyna Growiec & Jakub Growiec - 633-652 The Social Consequences of Poverty: An Empirical Test on Longitudinal Data
by Carina Mood & Jan O. Jonsson - 653-670 The Quality of Society and Life Satisfaction in China
by Pamela Abbott & Claire Wallace & Ka Lin & Christian Haerpfer - 671-690 Behind the Wall: What Remains of the “Communist Legacy” in Contemporary Europe
by Matteo Migheli - 691-719 Corruption and Convergence in Human Development: Evidence from 69 Countries During 1990–2012
by Bienvenido Ortega & Antonio Casquero & Jesús Sanjuán - 721-739 Disparities in Quality of Life Among South Africans With and Without Disabilities
by Lauren Graham & Eleanor Ross - 741-759 Measuring disparities in access to water based on the normative content of the human right
by O. Flores Baquero & A. Jiménez Fdez. de Palencia & A. Pérez Foguet - 761-775 Assessing Quality of Life Dimensions in Deteriorated Inner Areas: A case from Javadieh Neighborhood in Tehran Metropolis
by Samaneh Khaef & Esfandiar Zebardast - 777-792 Domain Importance in Subjective Well-Being Measures
by Chang-ming Hsieh - 793-807 China’s Marriage Squeeze: A Decomposition into Age and Sex Structure
by Quanbao Jiang & Xiaomin Li & Shuzhuo Li & Marcus W. Feldman - 809-826 Family and Friends: Which Types of Personal Relationships Go Together in a Network?
by Jesper Rözer & Gerald Mollenhorst & Anne-Rigt Poortman - 827-849 The Costs of Being “Different”: Sexual Identity and Subjective Wellbeing over the Life Course
by Francisco Perales - 851-863 The Health Related Quality of Life of HIV Positive Respondents on Antiretroviral Treatment and HIV Negative Living in Lower Socio-Economic Housing in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
by Prishah Narsai & Champaklal C. Jinabhai & Myra Taylor & Fred Stevens - 865-885 With Health and Good Food, Great Life! Gender Differences and Happiness in Chilean Rural Older Adults
by Germán Lobos & Klaus G. Grunert & Miguel Bustamante & Berta Schnettler - 887-901 The Relationship Between Employment Equity Perceptions and Psychological Ownership in a South African Mining House: The Role of Ethnicity
by Chantal Olckers & Llewellyn Zyl - 903-917 Buddhist Good Karma of Giving, Optimism, and Happiness Among Thai Female Sex Workers
by Vanchai Ariyabuddhiphongs & Joseph Li - 919-937 Contribution of Natural and Economic Capital to Subjective Well-Being: Empirical Evidence from a Small-Scale Society in Kodagu (Karnataka), India
by Francisco Zorondo-Rodríguez & Mar Grau-Satorras & Jenu Kalla & Katie Demps & Erik Gómez-Baggethun & Claude García & Victoria Reyes-García
May 2016, Volume 127, Issue 1
- 1-38 The Colombian Multidimensional Poverty Index: Measuring Poverty in a Public Policy Context
by Roberto Angulo & Yadira Díaz & Renata Pardo - 39-53 Fuzzy Multidimensional Indicators of Quality of Life: The Empirical Case of Macedonia
by Gianni Betti & Rossella Soldi & Ilija Talev - 55-81 Structural Gender Equality in Europe and Its Evolution Over the First Decade of the Twentyfirst Century
by Eduardo Bericat & Eva Sánchez Bermejo - 83-100 Studying Income Inequality of Immigrant Communities in Italy
by Antonella D’Agostino & Andrea Regoli & Giancarlo Cornelio & Fabio Berti - 101-122 How Does Leisure Time Affect Production Efficiency? Evidence from China, Japan, and the US
by Xiang Wei & Hailin Qu & Emily Ma - 123-138 On Well-Being and Public Policy: Are We Capable of Questioning the Hegemony of Happiness?
by Annie Austin - 139-152 Cultural Endorsement of Broad Leadership Prototypes and Wealth as Predictors of Corruption
by Dejun Tony Kong & Roger Volkema - 153-178 How Do Traditional Gender Roles Relate to Social Cohesion? Focus on Differences Between Women and Men
by Marie Valentova - 179-194 Relationship Between FDI, Terrorism and Economic Growth in Pakistan: Pre and Post 9/11 Analysis
by Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad & Muhammad Zakaria & Mobeen Ur Rehman & Tanveer Ahmed & Bashir Ahmed Fida - 195-216 Enhancing the Wellbeing of Base of the Pyramid Entrepreneurs through Business Success: The Role of Private Organizations
by Syed Abidur Rahman & Azlan Amran & Noor Hazlina Ahmad & Seyedeh Khadijeh Taghizadeh - 217-241 The Impact of Public Services Expenditure on the Spanish Income Distribution
by Antonio Jurado & Jesus Perez-Mayo & Francisco Pedraja - 243-302 The Stages of Human Capital and Economic Growth: Does the Direction of Causality Matter for the Rich and the Poor?
by Bahar Bayraktar-Sağlam - 303-322 The Impact of Ageing on the Tourism Industry: An Approach to the Senior Tourist Profile
by Elisa Alén & Nieves Losada & Trinidad Domínguez - 323-339 Bringing Affect Back in: Measuring and Comparing Subjective Well-Being Across Countries
by Filip Fors & Joakim Kulin - 341-360 Perceptions of the Economic Crisis in Europe: Do Adults in Households with Children Feel a Greater Impact?
by Yekaterina Chzhen - 361-399 Happiness and Life Satisfaction in Turkey in Recent Years
by Asena Caner - 401-412 How to Make a Newcomer Happy? The Mediating Role of Career Commitment on the Relationship Between Unmet Expectations and Job Satisfaction
by Pengyuan Wang & Jinyan Sang & Ping Li & Jian Zhao - 413-433 How the Poor Deal with Their Own Poverty: A Social Psychological Analysis from the Social Identity Perspective
by Serap Akfirat & Filiz Çömez Polat & Unsal Yetim - 435-445 Linking Social Support to Psychological Distress in the Unemployed: The Moderating Role of Core Self-Evaluations
by Lourdes Rey & Natalio Extremera & María Angeles Peláez-Fernández - 447-467 Are Happier People More Willing to Make Income Sacrifices to Protect the Environment?
by Iddisah Sulemana
March 2016, Volume 126, Issue 2
- 467-482 Multidimensional/Multisystems/Multinature Indicators of Quality of Life: Cross-Cultural Evidence from Mexico and Spain
by Marta Santacreu & Antonio Bustillos & Rocio Fernandez-Ballesteros - 483-502 A Different Perspective on Poverty in Lao PDR: Multidimensional Poverty in Lao PDR for the Years 2002/2003 and 2007/2008
by Christoph Bader & Sabin Bieri & Urs Wiesmann & Andreas Heinimann - 503-526 Economic Stress and the Great Recession in Ireland: Polarization, Individualization or ‘Middle Class Squeeze’?
by Christopher Whelan & Helen Russell & Bertrand Maître - 527-553 Level Dependence of the Adjustment for Unbalance and Inequality for the Human Development Index
by Enrico Casadio Tarabusi & Giulio Guarini - 555-569 The Characteristics of Children’s Subjective Well-Being
by Tamar Dinisman & Asher Ben-Arieh - 571-593 Work–Family Conflict Among Employees and the Self-Employed Across Europe
by Anne Annink & Laura Dulk & Bram Steijn - 595-616 Impacts of Homeownership and Residential Stability on Children’s Academic Performance in Hong Kong
by Ling Li - 617-632 Is Over-Education a Problem in Spain? Empirical Evidence Based on the EU-SILC
by Marta Pascual Sáez & Noelia González-Prieto & David Cantarero-Prieto - 633-656 Employment Flexibility and Job Security as Determinants of Job Satisfaction: The Case of Polish Knowledge Workers
by Aleksandra Wilczyńska & Dominik Batorski & Joan Sellens - 657-672 Social Inclusion and Health Conditions Among Chinese Immigrants in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom: An Exploratory Study
by Kara Chan & Peter Huxley & Marcus Chiu & Sherrill Evans & Yanni Ma - 673-687 Socioeconomic and Demographic Predictors of Potable Water and Sanitation Access in Ghana
by Ellis Adams & Godfred Boateng & Jonathan Amoyaw - 689-710 Prohibition, Regulation or Free Market: A Mapping of Colombian People’s Perspectives Regarding National Drug Policies
by Wilson López López & Claudia Pineda Marín & Paul Sorum & Etienne Mullet - 711-726 A Poisson-Based Framework for Setting Poverty Thresholds Using Indicator Lists
by Salvatore Babones & Jehane Simona Moussa & Christian Suter - 727-738 Why Do We Care About Having More than Others? Socioeconomic Determinants of Positional Concerns in Different Domains
by Murat Birdal & T. Ongan - 739-756 Happy Protest Voters: The Case of Rotterdam 1997–2009
by Piet Ouweneel & Ruut Veenhoven - 757-775 Resources and Norms as Conditions for Well-Being in Hong Kong
by Chau-kiu Cheung & Joseph Cheng - 777-793 What is Consumer Well-Being to Asians?
by Siew Leong & Swee Ang & Joseph Cote & Yih Lee & Michael Houston - 795-812 Impact of Social Changes and Birth Cohort on Subjective Well-Being in Chinese Older Adults: A Cross-Temporal Meta-analysis, 1990–2010
by Lin Yu & Zhimin Yan & Xun Yang & Lei Wang & Yuhan Zhao & Glenn Hitchman - 813-828 Self-Control as Mediator and Moderator of the Relationship Between Social Support and Subjective Well-Being Among the Chinese Elderly
by Yangjun Tu & Zhi Yang - 829-844 Religiousness and Subjective Well-Being Among Israeli-Palestinian College Students: Direct or Mediated Links?
by Hisham Abu-Raiya & Qutaiba Agbaria - 845-861 Buffering the Negative Impact of Poverty on Youth: The Power of Purpose in Life
by Kyla Machell & David Disabato & Todd Kashdan - 863-891 Pooling Time Series Based on Slightly Different Questions About the Same Topic Forty Years of Survey Research on Happiness and Life Satisfaction in The Netherlands
by Tineke DeJonge & Ruut Veenhoven & Wim Kalmijn & Lidia Arends - 893-919 The Harmony in Life Scale Complements the Satisfaction with Life Scale: Expanding the Conceptualization of the Cognitive Component of Subjective Well-Being
by O. Kjell & D. Daukantaitė & K. Hefferon & S. Sikström - 921-934 Perceived School Performance, Life Satisfaction, and Hopelessness: A 4-Year Longitudinal Study of Adolescents in Hong Kong
by Daniel Shek & Xiang Li
March 2016, Volume 126, Issue 1
- 1-19 An Iterative Multivariate Post Hoc I-Distance Approach in Evaluating OECD Better Life Index
by M. Marković & S. Zdravković & M. Mitrović & A. Radojičić - 21-55 Beyond GDP: Using Equivalent Incomes to Measure Well-Being in Europe
by Koen Decancq & Erik Schokkaert - 57-77 The Good African Society Index
by Ferdi Botha - 79-98 Individual Income Inequality and Its Drivers in Indonesia: A Theil Decomposition Reassessment
by Aekapol Chongvilaivan & Jungsuk Kim - 99-117 The Replacement Rate: An Imperfect Indicator of Pension Adequacy in Cross-Country Analyses
by Filip Chybalski & Edyta Marcinkiewicz - 119-140 Errors in Recalling Childhood Socio-economic Status: The Role of Anchoring and Household Formation in South Africa
by Dieter Fintel & Dorrit Posel - 141-160 Social Backwardness in Mexico City Metropolitan Area
by Francisco Benita - 161-186 Urban Street Environment Design for Quality of Urban Life
by W. Wey & W. Wei - 187-197 Quality of Life of Institutionalized Elderly in Brazil
by Pricilla Almeida Moreira & Anna Roriz & Adriana Mello & Lilian Ramos - 199-223 Inclusiveness as Construction of Open Identity: How Social Relationships Affect Attitudes Towards Immigrants in European Societies
by Valeria Bello - 225-240 Flames and Debates: Do Social Media Affect Satisfaction with Democracy?
by Andrea Ceron & Vincenzo Memoli - 241-256 How Did Subjective Well-Being Change in Hungary Due to the Economic Crisis?
by Eszter Siposne Nandori - 257-278 The Relationship Between Adolescents’ Perceived Parental Involvement, Self-Efficacy Beliefs, and Subjective Well-Being: A Multiple Mediator Model
by Siew Yap & Rozumah Baharudin - 279-307 Development and Validation of a Self-Reported Measure of Job Performance
by Vera Carlos & Ricardo Rodrigues - 309-330 Status, National Culture and Customers’ Propensity to Complain
by Gil Luria & Asaf Levanon & Dana Yagil & Iddo Gal - 331-358 Conversion of Verbal Response Scales: Robustness Across Demographic Categories
by Tineke DeJonge & Ruut Veenhoven & Linda Moonen & Wim Kalmijn & Jacqueline Beuningen & Lidia Arends - 359-378 Measuring Women’s Empowerment at Household Level Using DHS Data of Four Southeast Asian Countries
by Ly Phan - 379-394 Knowledge Sharing and Life Satisfaction: The Roles of Colleague Relationships and Gender
by Zhou Jiang & Xiaowen Hu - 395-409 Well-Being in Older Gays and Lesbians: A Comparison of Predictors
by Omer Sagie - 411-423 How Belief in a Just World Benefits Mental Health: The Effects of Optimism and Gratitude
by Feng Jiang & Xiaodong Yue & Su Lu & Guangtao Yu & Fei Zhu - 425-441 Predictors of Loneliness Among Portuguese Youths from Returned Migrant Families
by Félix Neto - 443-465 Is it Pleasure or Health from Leisure that We Benefit from Most? An Analysis of Well-Being Alternatives and Implications for Policy
by Paul Downward & Peter Dawson
February 2016, Volume 125, Issue 3
- 713-733 Measuring Human Development: A Multi-criteria Approach
by Mariano Luque & Salvador Pérez-Moreno & Beatriz Rodríguez - 735-756 Does Relative Deprivation Matter in Developing Countries: Evidence from Six Transition Economies
by Alexandru Cojocaru - 757-770 Accumulation and Persistence of Welfare Problems over Time
by Miia Bask - 771-792 Livelihood Assets and Vulnerability Context of Marine Park Community Development in Malaysia
by Muhammad Masud & Fatimah Kari & Siti Yahaya & Abul Al-Amin - 793-812 An Apathetic Generation? Cohorts’ Patterns of Political Participation in Italy
by Mario Quaranta - 813-851 Women’s Political Empowerment and Investments in Primary Schooling in India
by Nafisa Halim & Kathryn Yount & Solveig Cunningham & Rohini Pande - 853-883 Statistical and Perceived Diversity and Their Impacts on Neighborhood Social Cohesion in Germany, France and the Netherlands
by Ruud Koopmans & Merlin Schaeffer - 885-903 The Perception of Anti-corruption Efficacy in China: An Empirical Analysis
by Hui Li & Ting Gong & Hanyu Xiao - 905-933 Using the PERMA Model in the United Arab Emirates
by L. Lambert D’raven & N. Pasha-Zaidi - 935-953 Fertility Intention, Son Preference, and Second Childbirth: Survey Findings from Shaanxi Province of China
by Quanbao Jiang & Ying Li & Jesús Sánchez-Barricarte - 955-975 Socio-economic Determinants for the Portuguese Immigration: An Empirical Discussion
by Paulo Mourao - 977-990 The Determinants of Life Satisfaction Among Adolescents: The Role of Metacognitive Awareness and Self-Efficacy
by Özkan Cikrikci & Hatice Odaci - 991-1009 Transition into Retirement Affects Life Satisfaction: Short- and Long-Term Development Depends on Last Labor Market Status and Education
by Martin Wetzel & Oliver Huxhold & Clemens Tesch-Römer - 1011-1033 Education, Intelligence, and Well-Being: Evidence from a Semiparametric Latent Variable Transformation Model for Multiple Outcomes of Mixed Types
by Ling Zhou & Huazhen Lin & Yi-Chen Lin - 1035-1051 Gender Differences in Happiness and Life Satisfaction Among Adolescents in Hong Kong: Relationships and Self-Concept
by Wing Chui & Mathew Wong - 1053-1063 Examining Mediator Role of the Social Safeness on the Relationship Between Vengeance and Life Satisfaction
by Umran Akın & Ahmet Akın - 1065-1083 Age and Gender Differences in the Relation Between School-Related Social Support and Subjective Well-Being in School Among Students
by Wang Liu & Jie Mei & Lili Tian & E. Huebner
January 2016, Volume 125, Issue 2
- 359-375 Measuring the Success of Sustainable Development Indices in Terms of Reporting by the Global Press
by Stephen Morse - 377-396 A Study of Co-variation and Convergence of Alternative Measures of Sustainability on the Basis of Panel Data
by Swati Sinha Babu & Soumyendra Datta - 397-430 The Construction of a Synthetic Index Comparing Multidimensional Well-Being in the European Union
by Enrico Ivaldi & Guido Bonatti & Riccardo Soliani