November 1993, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 421-438 Multiple ranking tasks in a semantic domain: An investigation of task order effects
by Devon Brewer
August 1993, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 219-247 Explaining interviewer effects and respondent behavior: Theoretical models and empirical analysis
by Jost Reinecke & Peter Schmidt - 249-270 Industrial segmentation, the ethnic economy, and job mobility: the case of Cuban exiles in Florida
by JosÉ Cobas & Mikel Aickin & Douglas Jardine - 271-289 The paradox of gender voting: An exploratory analysis
by Robert Smith - 291-301 Some comments on the possibility of “Methodological indeterminacy”
by Steven Miller - 303-324 Scales of measurements: An introduction and a selected bibliography
by Anwer Khurshid & Hardeo Sahai
May 1993, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 117-137 Logic from space
by Bernd Schmeikal-Schuh - 139-155 A semiparametric random effects approach to unobserved heterogeneity in count data models of organizational founding
by Alessandro Lomi - 157-170 The wording of questions in a CATI-based lifestyle survey: Effects of reversing the polarity of AIDS-related questions in continuous data
by Stefano Campostrini & David McQueen - 171-193 Power and the dynamics of behavior
by Johan Vree - 195-200 The influences of society on suicide
by David Lester - 201-209 Multidimensional scaling reliability in similarity judgments about environmental sentences
by Ana-Delia Correa & José Díaz & Ernesto Suárez & Bernardo Hernández - 211-215 External validity abandoned?
by Peter Swanborn - 217-218 Abandoning internal and external validity: A response to Swanborn
by Martyn Hammersley
February 1993, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-17 Scoring functions for ordered classifications in statistical analysis
by A. Fielding - 19-30 Making measurement errors and interpreting path coefficients: a practical perspective
by Wayne Francis & Edward Carmines - 31-45 Measurement in the ex post evaluation of forecasts
by Ed Dammers - 47-71 Causality in economics: Rhetorical ethic or positivist empiric?
by Grahame Thompson - 73-93 Time dependency of trade union membership
by Coen Rij & Willem Saris - 95-101 Condorcet efficiency of two stage constant scoring rules
by Williams Gehrlein - 103-115 Nash equilibrium reconsidered and an option for maximin
by Manfred Holler
November 1992, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 337-365 A methodology for cluster analysis of citation histories
by Vesna Luzar & Vesna Dobrić & Siniša Maričić & Greta Pifat & Jagoda Spaventi - 367-381 Procedures for controlling reference frame effects in the measurement of multidimensional processes
by Joseph Woelfel & George Barnett - 383-394 A comparative examination of structural models of ability tests
by Aharon Tziner - 395-408 Question sequence effects in the measurement of reciprocity
by Theo Tilburg - 409-425 The effects of sampling on measures of association between variables based on sample means
by Robert O'Brien & William Burns & Paul Slovic - 427-434 Determining implied relationships on incomplete ordinal data
by Elliot Noma - 435-442 Concatenated exploration: notes on a neglected type of longitudinal research
by Robert Stebbins
August 1992, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 233-244 The effect of questionnaire length on survey response
by Brendan Burchell & Catherine Marsh - 245-258 An instrument for collecting informed opinions
by Peter Neijens & Jan Ridder & Willem Saris - 259-276 Globals, mutables, and immutables: a new look at the micro-macro link
by Kenneth Bailey - 277-290 The sample estimation
by V. Shvyrkov - 291-305 The reliability of constructs derived from attitude-behavior theories: an application of generalizability theory in the health sector
by Pierre Valois & Gaston Godin & Richard Bertrand - 307-322 Multilevel theory and the underspecification of multilevel models
by Pieter Eeden - 323-335 Nash equilibrium reconsidered and an option for maximin
by Manfred Holler
May 1992, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 113-126 Effects of U.S. equal employment opportunity and affirmative action programs on women's employment stability
by Noel Uri & J. Mixon - 127-146 A new measurement procedure for attitudinal research. Analysis of its psychometric and informational properties
by Joan Batista-Foguet & Willem Saris - 147-155 In search of one set of categories
by Roel Popping - 157-168 Unobserved heterogeneity in event history models
by Hans-Peter Blossfeld & Alfred Hamerle - 169-180 Varieties of methodological intersubjectivity — the relations with qualitative and quantitative research, and with objectivity
by Adri Smaling - 181-204 Action embedded in social structure: A systematic theory Part I, theory and evidence
by Robert Smith - 205-230 Action embedded in social structure: A systematic theory Part II, explanations
by Robert Smith
February 1992, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-17 Use of typologies for ‘measuring’ self-identity change: methodological issues in longitudinal qualitative research
by Erica Hallebone - 19-38 A modified GMDH approach for social science research: exploring patterns of relationships in the data
by Tim Liao - 39-48 Urbanization effects on survey nonresponse: a test within and across cities
by John Goyder & Jean Lock & Trish McNair - 49-59 Beyond spatial representation
by Mark Groves - 61-76 Stepwise multi-criteria evaluation
by Michiel Vries - 77-84 What makes the clock tick? Time, populations, voters, and votes for the president in the United States
by Baruch Mevorach - 85-93 A positive correlation between turnout and plurality does not refute the rational voter model
by Amihai Glazer & Bernard Grofman - 95-112 On forecasting of innovations
by Kurt Brännäs & Uno Zackrisson
November 1991, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 333-344 Design matrix analysis
by Keith Hope - 345-358 Prescribed conditional interaction structure models with application to the analysis of mobility tables
by Tamás Rudas - 359-379 Measuring opinion distributions
by Arie Boon & Alexander Meurs - 381-387 A note on campbell's distinction between internal and external validity
by Martyn Hammersley - 389-392 Borda's method applied — the right to make a proposal
by Björn Stefansson - 393-405 Preferences, choices, tournaments: Alternative foundations for the evaluation of voting schemes
by Hannu Nurmi - 407-420 Preliminary negotiations as an indicator of the context and the utilization of research: A case study
by Ilja Maso - 421-438 The impact of state power on economic growth rates in OECD countries
by Erich Weede
August 1991, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 221-233 Decomposing real and deflator-based government growth: an application to the American states
by James Garand - 235-252 On the conceptualization of theoretical constructs
by Cees Middendorp - 253-269 Accuracy of self-reports to the burdensome question: survey response and nonresponse error trade-offs
by G. Warriner - 271-283 Assessing individual differences in psychophysical functions
by Maria-Teresa Coello & Ana Garriga - 285-295 Validity — the quest for reality in quantitative and qualitative research
by Klaus Kirchgässler - 297-306 On irrelevant and infeasible alternatives
by Björn Stefansson - 307-314 On the modification and predictive validity of covariance structure models
by David Kaplan - 315-320 A flexible test of symmetry
by Martin Rosenzweig - 321-326 High precision registration of complicated longitudinal and cross-sectional data
by Eva Johanson - 327-331 Influence of research design upon data analysis
by Milton Bloombaum
May 1991, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 115-136 A critique of the use of triangulation in social research
by Norman Blaikie - 137-150 Utilization of ambulatory care studies: testing the assumptions
by François Béland - 151-165 Interviewer-related measurement error in attitudinal research: a nonexperimental study
by Finn-Aage Esbensen & Scott Menard - 167-187 Recent methodological studies on survey questioning
by N. Molenaar - 189-209 A methodology for comparing predictions from many models to few data
by Stanley Wasserman & James Davis - 211-220 A neural network approach to the simulation of human society
by Miklos Szilagyi
February 1991, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-17 Argumatics: a text analysis procedure for supporting problem formulation
by Anna Vári - 19-28 The importance of being earnest in statistics
by V. Shvyrkov & A. Persidsky - 29-35 Three characteristic functions and tentative remarks on credible threats
by Manfred Holler - 37-55 Alternative procedures for macrosociological theorizing
by Kenneth Bailey - 57-68 The importance of selecting appropriate adjective pairs for measuring attitude based on the semantic differential method
by Pierre Valois & Gaston Godin - 69-83 The Kreps-Wilson monopoly-entrant game and cautiously rationalizable sequential equilibria
by Manfred Holler - 85-90 Efficiency and monotonicity of bargaining solutions
by Hannu Salonen - 91-101 The use of positively and negatively phrased items and the fit of a factor solution
by Gerard Maassen - 103-114 The standardized effect of a compound of dummy variables or polynomial terms
by Rob Eisinga & Peer Scheepers & Leo Snippenburg
November 1990, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 343-344 Preface
by Willem Saris - 345-365 Identification structure of linear structural models
by Gerhard Seidel & Cornelia Eicheler - 367-386 Robustness issues in structural equation modeling: a review of recent developments
by Albert Satorra - 387-404 New developments in LISREL: analysis of ordinal variables using polychoric correlations and weighted least squares
by Karl Jöreskog - 405-426 A panel model for political efficacy and responsiveness: an application of LISREL 7 with weighted least squares
by Anne-Marie Aish & Karl Jöreskog - 427-445 Latent state-trait models in attitude research
by Rolf Steyer & Manfred Schmitt - 447-470 Searching for parsimony: are true-score models or factor models more appropriate?
by Wolfgang Jagodzinski & Steffen Kühnel & Peter Schmidt - 471-490 Common factors can always be found but can they also be rejected?
by Willem Saris & Harm Hartman
August 1990, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 231-244 Dimensions of attitude towards higher mental function curricular objectives (HMCO): a partial order scalogram analysis
by Arieh Lewy & Samuel Shye - 245-265 Contextual content analysis
by Donald McTavish & Ellen Pirro - 267-282 Stochastic dominance and statistical comparisons of income distribution functions
by John Bishop & John Formby - 283-296 Occupational prestige and sex typing in the collective conscience
by John Saltiel - 297-322 Analysis of deviance and of social classes — the impact of methodological research
by Claude Faugeron & Karl Meter - 323-341 Logit and multinomial logit models for discrete-time event-history analysis: a causal analysis of interdependent discretestate processes
by Kazuo Yamaguchi
May 1990, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 107-127 Alternative interaction structures in square contingency tables having ordered classificatory variables
by H. Lawal & G. Upton - 129-157 Classification, typology, taxonomy
by Alberto Marradi - 159-171 Why H does not measure information: the role of the “special case” legerdemain solution in the maintenance of anomalies in normal science
by Kenneth Bailey - 173-188 Mokken scale analysis for polychotomous items: theory, a computer program and an empirical application
by K. Sijtsma & P. Debets & I. Molenaar - 189-212 Modelling mobility: the use of simulation to choose between near-equivalent models
by F. Jones & Susan Wilson & Yvonne Pittelkow - 213-229 Regoo plots as a regression diagnostic tool
by Patrick Doreian & Norman Hummon
February 1990, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-16 Conceptual structures as damped harmonic oscillators
by John Foldy & Joseph Woelfel - 17-36 Inducing relations on incomplete ordinal data
by William Gehrlein & Peter Fishburn - 37-56 Qualitative multiple criteria choice analysis
by Edwin Hinloopen & Peter Nijkamp - 57-63 Confirmation and qualitative evidence-instances: justifying the use of qualitative research methods
by Steven Miller - 65-85 The statistical analysis of overidentified linear recursive models
by Edward Carmines - 87-105 Alternative measures of political efficacy: models and means
by Alan Acock & Harold Clarke
September 1989, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 225-235 International Conference on Social Science Methodology
by Anuška Ferligoj - 237-275 Operationalization, a superfluous concept
by Edw. Roskam - 277-331 Problems in the estimation and interpretation of the reliability of survey data
by Duane Alwin - 333-349 A technological revolution in data collection
by Willem Saris - 351-383 Macrosociological applications of event history analysis: state transitions and event recurrences
by Michael Hannan
June 1989, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 115-127 The application of generalizability analysis to observational studies
by George Marcoulides - 129-141 Unobserved heterogeneity in hazard rate models: a test and an illustration from a study of career mobility
by Hans-Peter Blossfeld & Alfred Hamerle - 143-159 Construct validity and second-order factorial model
by François Béland & Brigitte Maheux - 161-170 The necessity of being flexible
by Ilja Maso - 171-187 Kappa as a measure of pattern in sequential data
by Bruce Wampold - 189-203 Popularising Delphi method
by Jan Dijk - 205-220 A relative mobility table
by Antonio Cobalti - 221-223 Bias resulting from the choice of sample and results of cross-national analyses of suicide rates
by David Lester & Steven Stack
February 1989, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 3-20 Rotation to simple processes: the effect of alternative rotation rules on observed patterns in time-ordered measurements
by Joseph Woelfel & George Barnett & Robert Pruzek & Robert Zimmelman - 21-38 Log-quadratic models for the analysis of Guttman scales and their status correlates
by Kazuo Yamaguchi - 39-59 Causal models of measurement: some problems for theory construction
by Patrick Horan - 61-73 Robust estimation and prediction of economic systems: The case of partial structural variability
by Anders Westlund - 75-81 How far can a dummy go? or, Are we putting too much of a burden upon political dichotomies?
by Baruch Mevorach - 83-108 Conditional regression analysis
by Bas Denters & Rob Puijenbroek - 109-114 Non-work-related accidents on 2454 Swedish farms — the yield of a system for continuous and periodic injury surveillance
by Bjarne Jansson
December 1988, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 331-346 A contextual analysis of power and foreign policy behavior
by Larry Aspin - 347-364 A methodology for testing a new spatial model of elections
by James Enelow - 365-380 The various faces of scientific productivity: a contingency analysis
by Yehouda Shenhav & Yitchak Haberfeld - 381-392 Consistent estimation of correlations between observed interval variables with skewed distributions
by Jan Faber - 393-401 From cause to effect and from effect to cause
by V. Shvyrkov - 403-415 Criticizing the neoclassics economics maximization hypothesis: an epistemological note
by L. Keita - 417-433 A measurement model for psychophysical scaling
by Willem Saris - 435-438 Ratings and confirmation
by Joseph Fulda
September 1988, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 221-237 Substantive nonadditivity in social science research A note on induced collinearity and measurement and testing of effects
by Michael Miller & Frank Farmer - 239-254 The discrete sequential analysis of dynamic international behavior
by William Dixon - 255-278 Event history and survival analysis in the social sciences II. Advanced applications and recent developments
by Dougal Hutchison - 279-292 An indifference trap of voting
by Manfred Holler - 293-310 A general qualitative technique for the comparison of economic structures
by Hans Holub & Gottfried Tappeiner - 311-330 Semantic validity Testing the operationalization of ideological frames of reference
by Harry Berg & Kees Veer
June 1988, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 111-126 A core-analysis of meta-analysis
by James Bruno & Frederick Ellett - 127-137 The See-Saw Effect: a multilevel problem?
by G. Kreft & E. Leeuw - 139-150 The Mill canons and the intrinsic inference model
by Bruno Baldessari & Rosanna Memoli - 151-165 Gender and the subjective meaning of health: An integrated approach
by Kapur Ahlawat & Mohammad Subbarini - 167-189 The behavioral power of nations: an analysis of verbal conflict using the equations of statistical equilibrium
by Lewis House & Michael Ward - 191-201 Using LISREL models with crude rank category measures
by Pamela Homer & Robert O'Brien - 203-219 Event history and survival analysis in the social sciences
by Dougal Hutchison
March 1988, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 3-30 Linking quality & quantity
by Robert Smith - 31-47 Alternative conceptual frameworks for the analysis of mobility tables and the log-linear models
by Antonio Cobalti - 49-64 Extending Rosenberg's idea about conjoint effects
by Juan Sanchez Carrion - 65-97 Artificial intelligence and content analysis
by Jan Cuilenburg & Jan Kleinnijenhuis & Jan Ridder - 99-110 The reporting of gross and net earnings in a postal survey
by Brian Main
December 1987, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 335-347 What Harvard statisticians don't tell us
by Vladislav Shvyrkov - 349-360 Corrections for coarsely categorized measures: LISREL's polyserial and polychoric correlations
by Robert O'Brien & Pamela Homer - 361-375 Interaction effects in cross-national studies
by Erich Weede - 377-392 Work values as “reinforcer groupings”
by Aharon Tziner & Dov Elizur - 393-408 Using Mokken scale analysis to develop unidimensional scales
by Michael Gillespie & Elisabeth Tenvergert & Johannes Kingma - 409-423 The meaning of industrial prestige
by Ephraim Yuchtman-Yaar & Oded Shenkar - 425-432 When neutrality is negative
by Anton Nederhof
September 1987, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 209-218 Research design in total institutions: problems, pitfalls, and possible solutions
by Francesca Lundström - 219-231 A comparative analysis of measures of social homogeneity
by William Gehrlein - 233-253 The constructive theory of mass behaviour
by Yu. Chernyak & A. Leonov & A. Lerner - 255-273 Evidence of sophisticated voting in a committee setting: theory and experiments
by Rick Wilson & Anne Pearson - 275-289 Salmon's critique of Hempel: an alternative view of statistical explanation and theory building
by W. Merriman & Edward Carmines - 291-311 Linking quality & quantity
by Robert Smith - 313-333 Empirical phenomenology: principles and method
by Judith Sixsmith & Andrew Sixsmith
June 1987, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 109-123 Association, agreement, and equity
by Klaus Krippendorff - 125-137 Conceptual and empirical status of mental constructs in the analysis of action
by Lennart Sjöberg - 139-151 How to examine construct validity of item banks
by Rina Doron - 153-175 A pilot study of Portuguese electoral shifts: 1976–1982
by Marc Swyngedouw - 177-197 Modeling behavior with attribute disparity: implicit relationships between attribute magnitudes and aggregated behavior
by Larry Aspin - 199-208 A new dimension to content analysis: Exploring relationships among thematic categories
by Lea Scherl & Michael Smithson
March 1987, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 3-20 Measurement error in causal analysis of panel data: Attenuated versus inflated relationships
by Anders Westholm - 21-36 The homogeneity problem in statistics
by Vladislav Shvyrkov & Arch Davis - 37-48 Air pollution-mortality models: A demonstration of the effects of random measurement error
by Kenneth Bollen & Richard Schwing - 49-57 Models for the probability of concordance in cross-classification tables
by Alan Agresti & John Schollenberger & Dennis Wackerly - 59-69 Registration of longitudinal data by means of musical notation
by Eva Johanson - 71-79 On nonparametric latent trait models
by Viera Gáfriková - 81-89 A nexus analytic approach
by Kris Merschrod - 91-102 Path analysis for mixed qualitative and quantitative variables
by A. Israëls - 103-108 Fitting in: the researcher as learner and participant
by Robert Stebbins
December 1986, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 313-325 Additional cautionary notes about the Pearson's correlation coefficient
by Zvi Maimon & Adi Raveh & Gur Mosheiov - 327-337 Philosophical foundations of sociological measurement: a note on the three level model
by Kenneth Bailey - 339-356 The logic of means-end analysis
by Jan-Erik Lane - 357-370 Methods in applied social research: special characteristics and quality standards
by Jan Dijk - 371-376 The impact of scale length on reliability and validity
by Richard Niemi & Edward Carmines & John McIver - 377-403 From father to son and from father to daughter: educational mobility in Hungary and the Netherlands for the birth cohorts from 1925 to 1955
by Jules Peschar & Els Vergert & Roel Popping - 405-417 Does democracy inevitably imply hierarchy?
by William Collins - 419-429 Randomized decision rules in voting games: a model for strict proportional power
by Sven Berg & Manfred Holler - 431-435 Two concepts of monotonicity in two-person bargaining theory
by Manfred Holler - 437-441 Measures of similarity between distributions
by Jan Vegelius & Svante Janson & Folke Johansson
June 1986, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 133-145 Effects of compound messages on global characteristics of Galileo spaces
by Joseph Woelfel & Barbara Newton & Richard Holmes & D. Lawrence Kincaid & Jong-Young Lee - 147-156 The conditional probability and the linear flow graph approaches to analyzing probabilistic causal systems
by Frederick Ellett & David Ericson - 157-168 Research in schools and the case for methodological integration
by Derek Blease & Alan Bryman - 169-180 Optimal variable weighting for ultrametric and additive tree clustering
by Geert Soete