March 1973, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 197-202 A statistic for random model testing
by P. Krishnan & Nico Stehr
December 1972, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 193-238 Toward a theory of research which is neither logical reconstruction nor psychology or sociology of science
by Gerard Radnitzky - 239-252 Social space and social distance: Some remarks on metric methods in data analysis
by Giandomenico Majone - 253-272 Multivariate analysis and categorised data
by Patrick Doreian - 273-287 Inteedependent systems and factor analysis
by Carl-Gunnar Janson - 289-302 Choix d'un indice de similarité en classification automatique
by Pierre Achard - 303-325 A further note on the classification of political regions according to electoral behavior
by Vincent Mc Hale & John Mc Laughlin - 327-351 Delinquent generations revisited
by Roy Carr-Hill & Keith Hope & Nick Stern - 353-383 The attitudes of students towards scholarships, graduate income, and freedom of study: An attempt at empirical construction of a social welfare function
by Hans Aage
June 1972, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 3-16 On philosophical aspects of the system conception in contemporary sociological knowledge
by František Charvát - 17-35 A note on social immobility and inequality measurement
by Raymond Boudon - 37-97 Status, expectations, and situation: A formulation of the structure theory of status characteristics and expectation states
by Tom Fararo - 99-135 On linear association: Exercises around some fallacies
by Jacqueline Feldman - 137-151 A cognitive system approach to methodology: An outline
by Henning Transgård - 153-157 The costner-blalock approach to measurement error reconsidered
by Erich Weede - 157-169 Observation by informants in institutional research
by H. Becker - 170-190 Michael Dion: Une analyse marxiste du “Suicide” de E. Durkheim
by Michel Dion
December 1971, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 239-241 Editorial note
by Stefan Nowak - 243-264 Social zoology and cultural differentiation
by Stanisław Ossowski - 265-279 The need for and principles of systematizing the teachings of Karl Marx
by Aleksandra Jasińska - 281-295 On the so-called historicism in the social sciences
by Jerzy Szacki - 297-310 Postulates of behavioural terminological empiricism
by Adam Stanowski - 311-337 The problem of explanation in Karl Marx's “capital”
by Leszek Nowak - 339-352 The operation of “Verstehen”
by Edmund Mokrzycki - 353-368 Meaning and functional reason
by Jerzy Kmita - 369-388 The logic of functional analysis in sociology and social anthropology
by Piotr Sztompka - 389-391 The logic of reductive systematizations of social and behavioural theories
by Stefan Nowak
June 1971, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 3-37 The use of typological procedures in qualitative macrosociological studies
by Helga Nowotny - 39-85 Elément pour une théorie formelle de la mobileté sociale
by Raymond Boudon - 87-129 Nouvelles perspectives sur la mobilité sociale en france
by Daniel Bertaux - 131-140 Metropolitan social mobility 1850–1950. The case of Copenhagen
by Tom Rishøj - 141-178 Progress in social mobility research?
by Karl Mayer & Walter Müller - 179-208 Different approaches to the measurement of social differentiation of the Czechoslovak Socialist Society
by Zdeněk Šafář - 209-223 Face au synchronocentrisme, la sociologie est-elle l'histoire emmédiate de l'ére audio-visuelle?
by G. Ankerl - 224-227 Simulating structural parameters of graphs: First results
by Nils Gleditsch & Tord Høivik - 228-235 A note on a general theory of actions, treestructures and language
by Fernand Vandamme
December 1970, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 243-253 Theories of the middle range as a strategy for the construction of a general sociological theory
by Karl-Dieter Opp - 255-297 A study of Coleman's linear model for attributes
by Jacqueline Feldman - 299-324 Qualitative analysis, determinacy and stability
by Giorgio Lunghini - 325-353 On the theory of social dependence
by František Charvat & Jaroslav Kučera - 355-363 The use of taxonomic measures in target setting based on international comparisons
by Zygmunt Gostowski - 365-373 On the possibility of pattern recognition methods utilization in sociological research
by N. Zagoruiko & T. Zaslavska - 375-383 A method for measuring latent variables of social objects by means of pattern recognition theory
by I. Istoshin - 385-422 Scenarios for political metamorphosis
by Manfred Schmutzer
June 1970, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 3-38 The justification of formalisation
by Leo Apostel - 39-54 The experimental method in the social sciences
by Karl-Dieter Opp - 55-94 Diachronic correlation, process analysis and causal analysis
by Johan Galtung - 95-116 Socioeconomic position, religious behavior, and voting in the Swedish electorate
by Bo Särlvik - 117-152 Quelques aspects du probleme de la determination automatique des classifications
by W. Vega - 153-164 Distance-based cluster analysis and measurement scales
by Giandomenico Majone - 165-191 The conceptual representation of choice behavior and social interaction
by Kullervo Rainio - 193-209 Structural parameters of graphs. A theoretical investigation
by Tord Høivik & Nils Gleditsch
January 1969, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 5-22 The Marxist conception of the sociological method
by Miloš Kalàb - 23-61 On the relation between theory and research in sociology
by Hans Hummel & Karl-Dieter Opp - 62-79 Contribution to the validation problem
by Alena Vodáková & Frantisek Vodàk - 80-124 On the logic of classification
by Giorgio Sandri - 125-152 Dutch-American comparisons of the “sense of political efficacy”
by Robert Mokken - 153-167 Model construction in multilevel-multivariate analysis
by Theodor Harder - 168-175 Simulation models and the problem of relating social systems to individual behavior
by Georg Karlsson - 176-200 Towards a simulation of urban sprawl
by Roger Malm & Gunnar Olsson & Olof Wärneryd
January 1968, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 9-30 On the definition of typology and classification in sociology
by Vittorio Capecchi - 31-43 Toward a taxonomic approach in economics
by Giorgio Lunghini - 44-62 Toward a theory of model principles in social sciences: Introduction of the index of classification (of structure)
by Miroslav Soukup & František Charvát - 85-88 Comment on the problem of information and typology
by Přemysl Pergler - 89-115 A typology of voters in Austria and West Germany
by Klaus Liepelt - 116-123 A classification of Italian regions according to electoral behavior
by Vittorio Capecchi & Giorgio Faini - 124-134 Application de la theorie des graphes a l'analyse du territoire
by Anna Pizzorno - 135-148 Pattern recognition applications in the biometrical science
by Nicola Montanaro & Giuseppe Gallus - 149-161 A study of the economic trend in Italian industries from 1962 to 1966
by Erank Möller - 162-175 A classification of marine microorganisms by numerical taxonomy
by Frank Möller & Corrado Peroni - 176-198 Classification et analyse des expressions plastiques non figuratives de malades mentaux
by Simon Regnier
January 1967, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 13-23 Quelques observations sur l'anthropomorphisme et la causalite
by Enzo Maccagnolo - 32-52 Scientific explanation and causality
by Alberto Pasquinelli - 53-89 Causal interpretation of statistical relationships in social research
by Stefan Nowak - 90-115 Methodes d'analyse causale
by Raymond Boudon - 116-152 Linear causal models and typologies
by Vittorio Capecchi - 153-165 Functional relations in causal analysis
by Giandomenico Majone - 166-191 Causal ordering and dependence in linear economic structures
by Mario Arcelli - 192-205 The concept of structure in economic analysis
by Giorgio Lunghini