June 2015, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 239-245 Walking in the Shoes of Patients, Not Just in Their Genes: A Patient-Centered Approach to Genomic Medicine
by Neeraj Arora & Bradford Hesse & Steven Clauser - 247-255 Improving the Validity of Stated-Preference Data in Health Research: The Potential of the Time-to-Think Approach
by Semra Ozdemir - 257-267 Patient-Reported Outcomes After a Switch to a Single-Tablet Regimen of Rilpivirine, Emtricitabine, and Tenofovir DF in HIV-1-Positive, Virologically Suppressed Individuals: Additional Findings From a Randomized, Open-Label, 48-Week Trial
by Jason Brunetta & Santiago Moreno Guillén & Andrea Antinori & Patrick Yeni & Barbara Wade & Margaret Johnson & Peter Shalit & Ramin Ebrahimi & Bethsheba Johnson & Ivan Walker & Shampa De-Oertel - 269-281 Unmet Needs Associated with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Eight European Countries as Reported by Caregivers and Adolescents: Results from Qualitative Research
by Vanja Sikirica & Emuella Flood & C. Dietrich & Javier Quintero & Val Harpin & Paul Hodgkins & Klaus Skrodzki & Kathleen Beusterien & M. Erder - 283-291 Patient Perspectives and Experience with Dalfampridine Treatment in Multiple Sclerosis-Related Walking Impairment: The Step Together Program
by Heidi Crayton & Matthew Sidovar & Stanley Wulf & Amy Guo
April 2015, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 119-126 The Development of Capability Measures in Health Economics: Opportunities, Challenges and Progress
by Joanna Coast & Philip Kinghorn & Paul Mitchell - 127-143 Involvement of Patients with Lung and Gynecological Cancer and Their Relatives in Psychosocial Cancer Rehabilitation: A Narrative Review
by Bente Hoeck & Loni Ledderer & Helle Hansen - 145-153 Intravenous versus Subcutaneous Drug Administration. Which Do Patients Prefer? A Systematic Review
by Kelly Stoner & Helena Harder & Lesley Fallowfield & Valerie Jenkins - 155-163 Constant-Sum Paired Comparisons for Eliciting Stated Preferences: A Tutorial
by Chris Skedgel & Dean Regier - 165-170 Test–Retest Reliability of an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Version of the EORTC QLQ-C30
by J. Lundy & Stephen Coons & Neil Aaronson - 171-177 Use of a Web-Based Survey to Facilitate Shared Decision Making for Patients Eligible for Cancer Screening
by Charles Brackett & Stephen Kearing - 179-185 Effect of Internet on Chinese Patients Undergoing Elective Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
by Xiequn Xu & Tao Hong & Binglu Li & Wei Liu - 187-197 The Association between Patient-Centered Attributes of Care and Patient Satisfaction
by Hyojung Tak & Gregory Ruhnke & Ya-Chen Shih - 199-206 Technology-Based Patient Consultations: Research Findings from Haematology Patients in Regional, Rural and Remote Queensland
by Pam McGrath - 207-216 Patient-reported Outcomes for Multicentric Castleman’s Disease in a Randomized, Placebo-controlled Study of Siltuximab
by Frits Rhee & Margaret Rothman & Kai Ho & Sarah Fleming & Raymond Wong & Alexander Fosså & Angela Dispenzieri & James Cavet & Nikhil Munshi & Jessica Vermeulen & Corey Casper - 217-227 Preference Elicitation Tool for Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial
by Lisa Hess & Abigail Litwiller & John Byron & John Stutsman & Kelly Kasper & Lee Learman - 229-238 Investigating Patient Perspectives on Medical Returns and Buying Medicines Online in Two Communities in Melbourne, Australia: Results from a Qualitative Study
by Bianca Brijnath & Josefine Antoniades & Jon Adams
December 2014, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 343-364 Measuring the Symptoms of Pediatric Constipation and Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation: Expert Commentary and Literature Review
by Robert Arbuckle & Robyn Carson & Linda Abetz-Webb & Jeffrey Hyams & Carlo Lorenzo & Barbara Lewis & Elizabeth Gargon & Caroline Kurtz & Steven Shiff & Jeffrey Johnston - 365-386 A Systematic Review of Stated Preference Studies Reporting Public Preferences for Healthcare Priority Setting
by Jennifer Whitty & Emily Lancsar & Kylie Rixon & Xanthe Golenko & Julie Ratcliffe - 387-395 A Systematic Review of the Impact of Patient and Public Involvement on Service Users, Researchers and Communities
by Jo Brett & Sophie Staniszewska & Carole Mockford & Sandra Herron-Marx & John Hughes & Colin Tysall & Rashida Suleman - 397-401 Improving Communication in the Primary Care Setting: Perspectives of Patients with Speech Disabilities
by Megan Morris & Kathryn Yorkston & Marla Clayman - 403-411 The Incontinence Impact Questionnaire-7 (IIQ-7) Can Be Applicable to Chinese Males and Females with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
by Edmond Choi & Cindy Lam & Weng-Yee Chin - 413-426 Evaluation of Patient Preference and Willingness to Pay for Attributes of Maintenance Medication for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
by Ariane Kawata & Leah Kleinman & Gale Harding & Sulabha Ramachandran - 427-436 Characteristics and Experiences of Patients with Localized Prostate Cancer Who Left an Active Surveillance Program
by Zackary Berger & Jonathan Yeh & H. Carter & Craig Pollack - 437-450 Barriers to Initiating Insulin in Type 2 Diabetes Patients: Development of a New Patient Education Tool to Address Myths, Misconceptions and Clinical Realities
by Meryl Brod & Suzanne Alolga & Luigi Meneghini
September 2014, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 231-233 Time to Embrace a New Patient-Centered Care Rallying Cry: “Why Not?”
by Susan Frampton & Sara Guastello - 235-241 Measuring Patient Experience: Concepts and Methods
by Faraz Ahmed & Jenni Burt & Martin Roland - 243-260 Making Decisions About Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators from Implantation to End of Life: An Integrative Review of Patients’ Perspectives
by Krystina Lewis & Dawn Stacey & Dan Matlock - 261-270 Involving Patients in a Multidisciplinary European Consensus Process and in the Development of a ‘Patient Summary of the Consensus Document for Colon and Rectal Cancer Care’
by Petra Boelens & Claire Taylor & Geoffrey Henning & Perla Marang-van de Mheen & Eloy Espin & Theo Wiggers & Jola Gore-Booth & Barbara Moss & Vincenzo Valentini & Cornelis Velde - 271-282 Assessing Stated Preferences for Colorectal Cancer Screening: A Critical Systematic Review of Discrete Choice Experiments
by S. Wortley & G. Wong & A. Kieu & K. Howard - 283-300 The Patient Perspective of Diabetes Care: A Systematic Review of Stated Preference Research
by Lill-Brith Arx & Trine Kjær - 301-312 Examining Patients’ Perceptions of Care to Identify Opportunities for Quality Improvement in Psychiatric Inpatient Hospitals
by Glorimar Ortiz - 313-318 New Insight into the Role of Patients During Medical Appointments: A Synthesis of Three Qualitative Studies
by Ludmila Marcinowicz & Teresa Pawlikowska & Jerzy Konstantynowicz & Slawomir Chlabicz - 319-327 Development and Validation of the AFSymp™: An Atrial Fibrillation-Specific Measure of Patient-Reported Symptoms
by Jennie Medin & Rob Arbuckle & Linda Abetz & Katarina Halling & Karoly Kulich & Nils Edvardsson & Karin Coyne - 329-337 Does Diabetes Have an Impact on Health-State Utility? A Study of Asians in Singapore
by P. Wang & E. Tai & J. Thumboo & Hubertus Vrijhoef & Nan Luo
June 2014, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 123-127 The Potential of Crowdsourcing to Improve Patient-Centered Care
by Michael Weiner - 129-140 Group Decision Making with the Analytic Hierarchy Process in Benefit-Risk Assessment: A Tutorial
by J. Hummel & John Bridges & Maarten IJzerman - 141-150 Sourcing Quality-of-Life Weights Obtained from Previous Studies: Theory and Reality in Korea
by SeungJin Bae & Eun Bae & Sang Lim - 151-170 Risk as an Attribute in Discrete Choice Experiments: A Systematic Review of the Literature
by Mark Harrison & Dan Rigby & Caroline Vass & Terry Flynn & Jordan Louviere & Katherine Payne - 171-176 Linguistic Validation into 20 Languages and Content Validity of the Rheumatoid Arthritis-Specific Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire
by Jérémy Lambert & Brian Hansen & Benoit Arnould & Géraldine Grataloup & Isabelle Guillemin & Lise Højbjerre & Martin Strandberg-Larsen & Margaret Reilly - 177-185 Patient Perceptions of Generic Medicines: A Mixed-Methods Study
by Suzanne Dunne & Bill Shannon & Colum Dunne & Walter Cullen - 187-195 Using Photovoice to Explore Patient Perceptions of Patient-Centered Care in the Veterans Affairs Health Care System
by Salva Balbale & Megan Morris & Sherri LaVela - 197-205 Association Between Glycated Hemoglobin and Health Utility for Type 1 Diabetes
by R. McQueen & Samuel Ellis & David Maahs & Heather Anderson & Kavita Nair & Anne Libby & Jonathan Campbell - 207-217 An Environmental Scan of Advance Care Planning Decision Aids for Patients Undergoing Major Surgery: A Study Protocol
by Rebecca Aslakson & Anne Schuster & Judith Miller & Matthew Weiss & Angelo Volandes & John Bridges - 219-229 Outcome of Supportive Talks in a Hospital Setting: Insights from Cancer Patients and Their Relatives
by Loni Ledderer & Karen Cour & Helle Hansen
March 2014, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-3 Aligning Research and Practice: Implications of Patient-Centered Care for Placebo Effects
by Andrew Geers & Jason Rose & Jill Brown - 5-21 Segmenting Patients and Physicians Using Preferences from Discrete Choice Experiments
by Ken Deal - 23-35 An Introduction to Item Response Theory for Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement
by Tam Nguyen & Hae-Ra Han & Miyong Kim & Kitty Chan - 37-45 Hostile Sexist Male Patients and Female Doctors: A Challenging Encounter
by Christina Klöckner Cronauer & Marianne Schmid Mast - 47-54 Patient Perspectives of Dabigatran: Analysis of Online Discussion Forums
by Mary Vaughan Sarrazin & Peter Cram & Alexandur Mazur & Melissa Ward & Heather Reisinger - 55-61 Walking Speed and Health‐Related Quality of Life in Multiple Sclerosis
by Christine Kohn & William Baker & Matthew Sidovar & Craig Coleman - 63-71 Insulin Administration and the Impacts of Forgetting a Dose
by Meryl Brod & Betsy Pohlman & Jens Kongsø - 73-84 Quality of Life in Organ Transplant Recipients Participating in an Online Transplant Community
by Paul Wicks & Katherine Sulham & Ari Gnanasakthy - 85-96 Validity and Reliability of the Assessment of Quality of Life (AQoL)-8D Multi-Attribute Utility Instrument
by Jeff Richardson & Angelo Iezzi & Munir Khan & Aimee Maxwell - 97-105 Patients’ Experience and Perception of Hospital-Treated Clostridium difficile Infections: a Qualitative Study
by Isabelle Guillemin & Alexia Marrel & Jérémy Lambert & Axelle Beriot-Mathiot & Carole Doucet & Odysseas Kazoglou & Christine Luxemburger & Camille Reygrobellet & Benoit Arnould - 107-114 Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: Results of a Survey Characterizing the Perspectives and Misperceptions of Patients and Healthcare Practitioners
by Alesia Sadosky & Joe Hopper & Bruce Parsons - 115-121 Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction with Diabetes Management Provided by Clinical Pharmacists in the Patient-Centered Medical Home
by M. Shawn McFarland & Juliet Wallace & Jessica Parra & Jennifer Baker
December 2013, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 235-239 Carer Preferences in Economic Evaluation and Healthcare Decision Making
by Hareth Al-Janabi & Nikki McCaffrey & Julie Ratcliffe - 241-255 Assessing Patient Preferences for Treatment Options and Process of Care in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Critical Review of Quantitative Data
by Meenakshi Bewtra & F. Johnson - 257-268 How Illness Affects Family Members: A Qualitative Interview Survey
by Eve Wittenberg & Adrianna Saada & Lisa Prosser - 269-280 Alternatives to Seclusion and Restraint in Psychiatry and in Long-Term Care Facilities for the Elderly: Perspectives of Service Users and Family Members
by Marie-Pierre Gagnon & Marie Desmartis & Mylène Dipankui & Johanne Gagnon & Michèle St-Pierre - 281-289 Trust and Safe Spaces: Mental Health Consumers’ and Carers’ Relationships with Community Pharmacy Staff
by Amary Mey & Kathy Knox & Fiona Kelly & Andrew Davey & Jane Fowler & Laetitia Hattingh & Jasmina Fejzic & Denise McConnell & Amanda Wheeler - 291-305 Development of a Questionnaire to Assess the Impact of Chronic Low Back Pain for Use in Regulated Clinical Trials
by Jonathan Stokes & Christopher Evans & Farrah Pompilus & Alan Shields & Kent Summers - 307-314 Night-Time Symptoms and Their Impact on Sleep in Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Who Have a Partial Response to Proton Pump Inhibitors: A Qualitative Patient Interview Study
by Anna Rydén & Mona Martin & Katarina Halling & Anna Niklasson
September 2013, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 143-159 “Not Just Little Adults”: Qualitative Methods to Support the Development of Pediatric Patient-Reported Outcomes
by Rob Arbuckle & Linda Abetz-Webb - 161-168 Patients’ Willingness-to-Pay for an Alzheimer’s Disease Medication in Canada
by Mark Oremus & Jean-Eric Tarride & Eleanor Pullenayegum & Natasha Clayton & Parminder Raina - 169-177 Evaluating the Content of the Communication Items in the CAHPS ® Clinician and Group Survey and Supplemental Items with What High-Performing Physicians Say They Do
by Denise Quigley & Steven Martino & Julie Brown & Ron Hays - 179-187 “If I Wasn’t This Robust”: Patients’ Expectations and Experiences at the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology Conference 2010
by Maarten Wit & Marije Koelewijn-van Loon & Sarah Collins & Tineke Abma & John Kirwan - 189-200 Evaluating the Utility of Existing Patient-Reported Outcome Scales in Novel Patient Populations with Pancreatic Cancer, Lung Cancer, and Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Using Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey Data
by Jasmina Ivanova & Daniel Mytelka & Mei Duh & Howard Birnbaum & Alice Cummings & Alexandra San Roman & Gregory Price & Ralph Swindle - 201-212 Feasibility of a Psychosocial Rehabilitation Intervention to Enhance the Involvement of Relatives in Cancer Rehabilitation: Pilot Study for a Randomized Controlled Trial
by Loni Ledderer & Karen Cour & Ole Mogensen & Erik Jakobsen & René dePont Christensen & Jakob Kragstrup & Helle Hansen - 213-224 Impact of Once-Daily Versus Twice-Daily Dosing Frequency on Adherence to Chronic Medications among Patients with Venous Thromboembolism
by François Laliberté & Brahim Bookhart & Winnie Nelson & Patrick Lefebvre & Jeff Schein & Jonathan Rondeau-Leclaire & Mei Duh - 225-231 Demonstrating Measurement Equivalence of the Electronic and Paper Formats of the Urticaria Patient Daily Diary in Patients with Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria
by Emuella Flood & James Zazzali & Jennifer Devlen
June 2013, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 61-73 Systematic Review of the Psychometric Properties of the Questionnaire to Evaluate the Adherence to HIV Therapy (CEAT-VIH)
by Eduardo Remor - 75-80 Ranking Sources of Hospital Quality Information for Orthopedic Surgery Patients: Consequences for the System of Managed Competition
by Romy Bes & Bernard Berg - 81-92 The Patient Journey in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients on Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Therapies: Qualitative Insights Using a Global Ethnographic Approach
by François Guilhot & John Coombs & Tomasz Szczudlo & Oleg Zernovak & Marc Paolantonio & Christina Bender & Nancy Macdonald & Ari Shapiro - 93-101 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Patients’ Disease-Related Preferences
by Giovanni Pisa & Siegfried Freytag & Rainer Schandry - 103-111 Mapping CushingQoL Scores onto SF-6D Utility Values in Patients with Cushing’s Syndrome
by Montse Roset & Xavier Badia & Anna Forsythe & Susan Webb - 113-124 Psychometric Evaluation of the Cushing’s Quality-of-Life Questionnaire
by Lauren Nelson & Anna Forsythe & Lori McLeod & Sonia Pulgar & Mario Maldonado & Theresa Coles & Yanqiong Zhang & Susan Webb & Xavier Badia - 125-134 Community-Acquired Pneumonia: Symptoms and Burden of Illness at Diagnosis among US Adults Aged 50 Years and Older
by Kathleen Wyrwich & Holly Yu & Reiko Sato & David Strutton & John Powers - 135-141 Validation of the English Version of the Kidney Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire (KDQOL-36) in Haemodialysis Patients in Singapore
by Fan Yang & Vivian Wang & Veena Joshi & Titus Lau & Nan Luo
March 2013, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-10 Social Stigma in Diabetes
by Jasmin Schabert & Jessica Browne & Kylie Mosely & Jane Speight - 11-21 Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
by Deepa Jahagirdar & Thilo Kroll & Karen Ritchie & Sally Wyke - 23-34 Physical, Social, and Psychological Consequences of Treatment for Hepatitis C
by M. Manos & Chanda Ho & Rosemary Murphy & Valentina Shvachko - 35-43 Towards Personalizing Treatment for Depression
by Marsha Wittink & Knashawn Morales & Mark Cary & Joseph Gallo & Stephen Bartels - 45-59 Modeling Organizational Justice Improvements in a Pediatric Health Service
by Charles Cunningham & Linda Kostrzewa & Heather Rimas & Yvonne Chen & Ken Deal & Susan Blatz & Alida Bowman & Don Buchanan & Randy Calvert & Barbara Jennings
December 2012, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 215-223 Qualitative Approaches to Understanding Patient Preferences
by Rachael Gooberman-Hill - 225-237 Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process to Elicit Patient Preferences
by Marjan Hummel & Fabian Volz & Jeannette Manen & Marion Danner & Charalabos-Markos Dintsios & Maarten IJzerman & Andreas Gerber - 239-249 Long-Term Treatment Acceptance
by Claire Marant & Juliette Longin & Rémi Gauchoux & Benoit Arnould & Céderic Spizak & Alexia Marrel & Donald Patrick & Eric Ganse - 251-264 Harvesting Experiential Expertise to Support Safe Driving for People with Diabetes Mellitus
by Marika Burda & Frans Horst & Marjan Akker & Alexander Stork & Ilse Mesters & Silvia Bours & Maarten Ploeg & Bjorn Winkens & Johannes Knottnerus - 265-278 Patients’ Willingness to Accept the Risks and Benefits of New Treatments for Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection
by Teresa Kauf & Ateesha Mohamed & A. Hauber & Derek Fetzer & Atiya Ahmad - 279-294 A Comparison of Two Experimental Design Approaches in Applying Conjoint Analysis in Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
by Elizabeth Kinter & Thomas Prior & Christopher Carswell & John Bridges
September 2012, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 141-145 Practicing Patient-Centered Care
by Laura Hanyok & David Hellmann & Cynthia Rand & Roy Ziegelstein - 147-162 Comparison of Expected Outcomes between Patients and Neurologists Using Kano’s Methodology in Symptomatic Migraine Treatment
by Jorge Matías-Guiu & M. Caloto & G. Nocea - 163-173 Psychometric Evaluation of an Inpatient Consumer Survey Measuring Satisfaction with Psychiatric Care
by Glorimar Ortiz & Lucille Schacht - 175-183 Patients’ Perceptions of the Interpersonal Sensitivity of Their Healthcare Providers
by Karon Phillips & David Chiriboga & Yuri Jang - 185-197 Estimating Preference-Based EQ-5D Health State Utilities or Item Responses from Neuropathic Pain Scores
by Ning Gu & Chris Bell & Marc Botteman & Xiang Ji & John Carter & Ben Hout - 199-211 A Pilot Study to Identify Areas for Further Improvements in Patient and Public Involvement in Health Technology Assessments for Medicines
by Josie Messina & David Grainger
June 2012, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 71-74 Seeking What Matters
by Musa Mayer - 75-77 Patient and Public Involvement in Developing Patient-Reported Outcome Measures
by Oliver Groene - 79-87 Patient and Public Involvement in Patient-Reported Outcome Measures
by Sophie Staniszewska & Kirstie Haywood & Jo Brett & Liz Tutton - 89-99 Cognitive Testing and Readability of an Item Bank for Measuring the Impact of Headache on Health-Related Quality of Life
by Diane Turner-Bowker & Renee Saris-Baglama & Michael DeRosa & Christine Paulsen - 101-111 Designing Family-Centered Male Circumcision Services
by John Bridges & Sarah Searle & Frederic Selck & Neil Martinson - 113-126 Content Validity of Visual Analog Scales to Assess Symptom Severity of Acute Angioedema Attacks in Adults with Hereditary Angioedema
by Carolyn McMillan & Jane Speight & Anurag Relan & Luca Bellizzi & Gerald Haase & Marco Cicardi - 127-139 Assessing Stakeholder Opinion on Relations between Cancer Patient Groups and Pharmaceutical Companies in Europe
by Susanna Priolo & Andras Fehervary & Phil Riggins & Kathy Redmond
March 2012, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-19 Patients’ Perceptions of Sharing in Decisions
by France Légaré & Stéphane Turcotte & Dawn Stacey & Stéphane Ratté & Jennifer Kryworuchko & Ian Graham - 21-26 Test-Retest Reliability of an Interactive Voice Response Version of the EQ-5D in a Sample of Cancer Survivors
by J. Lundy & Stephen Coons - 27-32 Re-Engineering the Post-Discharge Appointment Process for General Medicine Patients
by Robert Chang & David Spahlinger & Christopher Kim - 33-44 Patient Preferences for First-Line Oral Treatment for Mild-to-Moderate Ulcerative Colitis
by Paul Hodgkins & Paul Swinburn & Dory Solomon & Linnette Yen & Sarah Dewilde & Andrew Lloyd - 45-56 A Comparison of Analytic Hierarchy Process and Conjoint Analysis Methods in Assessing Treatment Alternatives for Stroke Rehabilitation
by Maarten Ijzerman & Janine Til & John Bridges - 57-69 Burden of a Multiple Sclerosis Relapse
by MerriKay Oleen-Burkey & Jane Castelli-Haley & Maureen Lage & Kenneth Johnson
December 2011, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 207-225 Societal Values in the Allocation of Healthcare Resources
by Tania Stafinski & Devidas Menon & Deborah Marshall & Timothy Caulfield - 227-240 Treatment Satisfaction Instruments for Different Purposes during a Product’s Lifecycle
by Diana Rofail & Fiona Taylor & Antoine Regnault & Anna Filonenko - 241-245 Offering Results to Participants in a Diabetes Survey
by Jeanette Ziegenfuss & Nilay Shah & James Deming & Holly Houten & Steven Smith & Timothy Beebe - 247-257 Estimation of Utilities in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder for Economic Evaluations
by Andrew Lloyd & Paul Hodgkins & Rahul Sasane & Ron Akehurst & Edmund Sonuga-Barke & Patrick Fitzgerald & Annabel Nixon & Haim Erder & John Brazier - 259-265 Comparison of Scores Derived from the Box Score-11 Scale and the Pain Attribute of the Health Utilities Index-3
by Michael Iskedjian & Barbara Jaszewski & Olivier Desjardins - 267-275 Can Patients Diagnosed with Schizophrenia Complete Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis Tasks?
by John Bridges & Elizabeth Kinter & Annette Schmeding & Ina Rudolph & Axel Mühlbacher
June 2011, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 69-71 Patient Advocacy in Research
by Musa Mayer - 73-87 Analysis of Health-Related Quality-of-Life Instruments Measuring the Impact of Bariatric Surgery
by Raed Tayyem & Abdulmajid Ali & John Atkinson & Colin Martin - 89-101 Great Expectations
by E. Ernst & S. Hung - 103-113 Impact of Gastrointestinal Problems on Adherence to Low-Dose Acetylsalicylic Acid
by Christina Moberg & Jørgen Naesdal & Lars-Erik Svedberg & Delphine Duchateau & Nicola Harte - 115-123 An Instrument to Assess the Needs of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus for Health-Promotion Activities
by Anneke Dijk-de Vries & Inge Duimel-Peeters & Hubertus Vrijhoef - 125-131 Eliciting Preferences for Reimbursed Drugs Selection Criteria in Côte d’Ivoire
by Vakaramoko Diaby & Henri Kakou & Jean Lachaine - 132-132 Erratum to: Eliciting Preferences for Reimbursed Drugs Selection Criteria in Côte d’Ivoire
by Vakaramoko Diaby & Henri Kakou & Jean Lachaine - 133-141 Persistence with Prostaglandin Agonist Use with and without Adjunctive Therapy for Glaucoma Patients
by Michael Iskedjian & David Covert & John Walker
January 2011, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-10 Public and Patient Involvement at the UK National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
by Leela Barham - 11-17 Patient-Reported Outcomes, Patient-Reported Information
by Mike Baldwin & Andrew Spong & Lynda Doward & Ari Gnanasakthy - 19-30 Understanding and Assessing the Impact of End-Stage Renal Disease on Quality of Life
by Cheryl Glover & Pauline Banks & Amanda Carson & Colin Martin & Tim Duffy - 31-44 Development of an Electronic Daily Uterine Fibroid Symptom Diary
by Linda Deal & Valerie Williams & Sheri Fehnel - 45-54 Patient Preferences for Treatment of Achilles Tendon Pain
by Kent Sweeting & Jennifer Whitty & Paul Scuffham & Michael Yelland - 55-65 Family Burden after Severe Brain Injury
by Paola Mosconi & Mariangela Taricco & Mirna Bergamini & Luisella Fazzi & Cinzia Colombo & Valentina Patrucco & Marinella Corti & Dario Giobbe & Massimo Guerreschi & Maria Magnarella & Giovanni Sallemi - 67-68 A Qualitative Study on Feasibility of a Web-Based Women’s Health Portal and Information System
by Min Yang & Mark Kosinski & Rosemarie Boulanger
December 2010, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 207-208 Deborah Marshall, PhD
by Rebecca Hancock-Howard - 209-215 Feasibility of Using Modified Adaptive Conjoint Analysis Importance Questions
by Liana Fraenkel - 217-227 Patient Preferences and Linear Scoring Rules for Patient-Reported Outcomes
by Ateesha Mohamed & A. Brett Hauber & F. Johnson & Cheryl Coon - 229-248 Multi-Criteria Clinical Decision Support
by James Dolan - 249-256 Conjoint Analysis Applications in Health — How are Studies being Designed and Reported?
by Deborah Marshall & John Bridges & Brett Hauber & Ruthanne Cameron & Lauren Donnalley & Ken Fyie & F. Reed Johnson - 257-273 Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis
by Charles Cunningham & Ken Deal & Yvonne Chen - 275-283 Using Best-Worst Scaling Choice Experiments to Measure Public Perceptions and Preferences for Healthcare Reform in Australia
by Jordan Louviere & Terry Flynn - 285-294 Analysis of Patients’ Preferences
by Axel Mühlbacher & Matthias Nübling
September 2010, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 145-157 Towards Patient-Centered Care for Depression
by Marsha Wittink & Mark Cary & Thomas TenHave & Jonathan Baron & Joseph Gallo
March 2010, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-10 Assessing Preferences Regarding Healthcare Interventions that Involve Non-Health Outcomes
by Brent Opmeer & Corianne Borgie & Ben Mol & Patrick Bossuyt - 11-23 Is it Possible to Measure What Truly Matters? The Paradox of Clinical Audit in Developing Continence Service Standards for Older People
by Patrick Brown & Jenny Billings & Adrian Wagg & Jonathan Potter - 25-32 Speaking Out! Qualitative Insights on the Experience of Mothers Who Wanted a Vaginal Birth after a Birth by Cesarean Section
by Pam McGrath & Emma Phillips & Grahame Vaughan - 33-43 Pharmacological Rhythm and Rate Control Treatment for Atrial Fibrillation
by Nils Edvardsson & Anders Westlund & Margareta Thimell & Karin Rise & Alexander Todoran & Tanja Kurén & John Kindblom & Olle Almgren - 45-58 Development and Testing of the Insulin Treatment Experience Questionnaire (ITEQ)
by Jörn Moock & Franz Hessel & Diana Ziegeler & Thomas Kubiak & Thomas Kohlmann - 59-69 Effects of HIV Medication Complexity and Depression on Adherence to HIV Medication
by Virender Kumar & William Encinosa
December 2009, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 243-255 Patients’ Preferences for Generic and Branded Over-the-Counter Medicines
by Merja Halme & Kari Linden & Kimmo Kääriä
September 2009, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 143-149 A Model of Patient Choice with Mid-Therapy Information
by William Grant & Teresa Kauf - 151-157 Use of, Satisfaction with, and Willingness to Switch Prescription and Over-The-Counter Treatments for Chronic Urticaria
by Donald Stull & Sonia Gavriel - 159-167 Using the Health Utilities Index in Routine Clinical Care: Process, Feasibility, and Acceptability
by Maria-Jose Santana & David Feeny - 169-178 Development and Validation of a Functional Health Literacy Test
by Xu-Hao Zhang & Julian Thumboo & Kok-Yong Fong & Shu-Chuen Li - 179-190 Public Involvement in Setting a National Research Agenda
by Sandy Oliver & David Armes & Gill Gyte - 191-201 Behind Closed Doors: What Happens when Patients and Providers Talk about Prostate-Specific Antigen Screening?
by Lauren McCormack & Pamela Williams-Piehota & Carla Bann - 203-208 Gender Differences in the Selection of an Action Plan for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
by Jim Nuovo & Thomas Balsbaugh & Bridget Levich
June 2009, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 69-72 Personal Health Budgets for the UK NHS
by Peter Beresford - 73-75 Jordan Louviere, PhD
by Terry Flynn - 77-84 The Impact on Patient Health Outcomes of Interventions Targeting the Patient-Physician Relationship
by Stephen Auerbach - 85-93 Upper Gastrointestinal Symptoms Experienced by Users of Low-Dose Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic Acid) [75–325 mg/day] for Primary and Secondary Coronary Artery Disease Prevention
by Mary Margolis & Katarina Halling & Elisabeth Sörstadius & Jørgen Næsdal & Stephanie Manson & Karin Coyne - 95-103 Paying for Enhanced Service
by Justin Ko & Hector Rodriguez & David Fairchild & Angie Rodday & Dana Safran - 105-112 Impact of Natalizumab on Patient-Reported Outcomes in a Clinical Practice Setting
by Siddhesh Kamat & Krithika Rajagopalan & Judith Stephenson & Sonalee Agarwal - 113-120 Healthcare Experiences of Limited English-Proficient Asian American Patients
by Quyen Ngo-Metzger & Dara Sorkin & Russell Phillips - 121-133 Health-Related Quality of Life and Quality of Life in Type 2 Diabetes
by Murali Sundaram & Jan Kavookjian & Julie Patrick - 135-141 The Effect of Item Screeners on the Quality of Patient Survey Data
by Hector Rodriguez & Ted Glahn & Angela Li & William Rogers & Dana Safran
March 2009, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 5-17 The Role of Peer Support in Diabetes Care and Self-Management
by Carol Brownson & Michele Heisler - 39-49 Patient Preferences for an Oral Anticoagulant after Major Orthopedic Surgery
by Thomas Wilke
October 2008, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 273-282 Things are Looking up Since We Started Listening to Patients
by John Bridges & Elizabeth Kinter & Lillian Kidane & Rebekah Heinzen & Colleen McCormick - 283-298 Validity and Reliability of Willingness-to-Pay Estimates
by Harry Telser & Karolin Becker & Peter Zweifel - 299-307 Survey-Design and Analytical Strategies for Better Healthcare Stated-Choice Studies
by F. Johnson & Carol Mansfield - 309-316 How Does Patients’ Quality of Life Guide Their Preferences Regarding Aspects of Asthma Therapy?
by Andrew Lloyd & Emma McIntosh & Angela Williams & Ad Kaptein & Klaus Rabe - 317-330 Using Conjoint Analysis to Model the Preferences of Different Patient Segments for Attributes of Patient-Centered Care
by Charles Cunningham & Ken Deal & Heather Rimas & Heather Campbell & Ann Russell & Jennifer Henderson & Anne Matheson & Blake Melnick
July 2008, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 151-163 Understanding and Assessing the Impact of Alcoholism on Quality of Life
by Matthew Reaney & Colin Martin & Jane Speight - 181-187 Preferences of Patients with Advanced Colorectal Cancer for Treatment with Oral or Intravenous Chemotherapy
by Candida Mastroianni & Caterina Viscomi & Silvia Ceniti & Rosanna Simone & Aldo Filice & Gennaro Caldarola & Stefania Infusino & Caterina Manfredi & Antonio Rea & Claudia Sandomenico & Salvatore Turano & Francesco Serranò & Giovanni Condemi & Carla Cortese & Tullia Prantera & Salvatore Palazzo - 189-200 Association of Pre-Existing Symptoms with Treatment Decisions among Newly Diagnosed Prostate Cancer Patients
by Steven Zeliadt & Scott Ramsey & Arnold Potosky & Neeraj Arora & David Blough & Ingrid Oakley-Girvan & Ann Hamilton & Stephen Eeden & David Penson
April 2008, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 73-75 Honoring the Life of a Pioneer in Patient-Centered Care
by Susan Frampton & Sara Guastello - 77-84 Making Patient-Centered Care More Visible
by Carrie Brady - 85-90 Does Behavioral Bootstrapping Boost Weight Control Confidence?
by James Rohrer & Kristin Vickers-Douglas & Robert Stroebel - 91-96 The Relationship Between Physician Friendliness and Caring, and Patient Satisfaction
by Adam Uhas & Fabian Camacho & Steven Feldman & Rajesh Balkrishnan - 97-104 Association Between Measures of Fatigue and Health-Related Quality of Life in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis
by Marita Cross & Helen Lapsley & Annica Barcenilla & Peter Brooks & Lyn March - 105-113 A Randomized Study of Electronic Diary versus Paper and Pencil Collection of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
by Alistair Ring & Kerry Cheong & Claire Watkins & David Meddis & David Cella & Peter Harper - 115-125 Psychometric Performance of the National Eye Institute 25-Item Visual Function Questionnaire
by Akinci Fevzi & Yildirim Aysegul - 127-135 The Use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Weight Elicitation Techniques in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment
by Janine Til & James Dolan & Anne Stiggelbout & Karin Groothuis & Maarten IJzerman - 137-145 Translation and Validation of the Chinese Diabetic Foot Ulcer Scale-Short Form
by Lan Hui & Daniel Fong & Michael Yam & Wing Ip
January 2008, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-3 The Role of The Patient in Promoting Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
by Michael Klag & Ellen MacKenzie & Christopher Carswell & John Bridges - 5-6 Honoring Pioneers in Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
by John Bridges & Christopher Carswell - 7-10 Lillie Shockney
by John Bridges - 11-19 Concordance of Couples’ Prostate Cancer Screening Recommendations from a Decision Analysis
by Scott Cantor & Robert Volk & Murray Krahn & Alvah Cass & Jawaria Gilani & Susan Weller & Stephen Spann - 21-26 If You Want Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis to Exercise, Tell Them about NSAIDs
by Liana Fraenkel & Terri Fried - 27-40 Age and Choice in Health Insurance
by Karolin Becker & Peter Zweifel - 41-54 Obesity Modifies the Association of Race/Ethnicity with Medication Adherence in the CARDIA Study
by Maribel Salas & Catarina Kiefe & Pamela Schreiner & Yongin Kim & Lucia Juarez & Sharina Person & O. Williams - 55-71 When Time is Not on Your Side
by N. Exel & Marion Ruiter & Werner Brouwer