2000, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 485-508 The effects of development on migration: Theoretical issues and new empirical evidence
by Ralph Rotte & Michael Vogler - 509-525 How much did immigrant "quality" decline in late nineteenth century America?
by Timothy J. Hatton
2000, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 173-188 A modified hurdle model for completed fertility
by Francisco Covas & J.M.C. Santos Silva - 189-203 Modeling female fertility using inflated count data models
by Maria Melkersson & Dan-Olof Rooth - 205-220 Grouped zero-inflated count data models of coital frequency
by Peter G. Moffatt & Simon A. Peters - 221-239 The effects of female employment status on the presence and number of children
by Adriaan S. Kalwij - 241-261 Fertility assimilation of immigrants: Evidence from count data models
by Regina T. Riphahn & Jochen Mayer - 263-278 Uncertainty about children's survival and fertility: A test using indian microdata
by Vincenzo Atella & Furio Camillo Rosati - 283-303 Male-female differences in labor market outcomes during the early transition to market: The cases of Estonia and Slovenia
by Milan Vodopivec & Peter F. Orazem - 305-329 Economic transformation and the gender earnings gap in urban China
by Björn Gustafsson & Shi Li - 331-352 Sectoral gender wage differentials and discrimination in the transitional Chinese economy
by Xin Meng & Junsen Zhang & Pak-Wai Liu - 353-386 The gender gap in wages in Russia from 1992 to 1995
by Elena Glinskaya & Thomas A. Mroz
2000, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 3-19 Analysis of child labour in Peru and Pakistan: A comparative study
by Ranjan Ray - 21-34 Transitions from employment among young Norwegian workers
by ûivind Anti Nilsen & Alf Erling Risa & Alf Torstensen - 35-44 Poland on the dole: The effect of reducing the unemployment benefit entitlement period during transition
by Patrick A. Puhani - 45-55 The effect of work absence on wages and wage gaps in Sweden
by JÃrgen Hansen - 57-79 Returns to returning
by Catherine Y. Co & Ira N. Gang & Myeong-Su Yun - 81-98 IRCA's impact on the occupational concentration and mobility of newly-legalized Mexican men
by Sherrie A. Kossoudji & Deborah A. Cobb-Clark - 99-112 Estimating the effects of immigration in one city
by Wing Suen - 113-126 Altruism and international labour migration
by Damien Gaumont & Alice Mesnard - 127-146 Time preference, international migration, and social security
by Volker Meier - 147-157 Of rotten kids and Rawlsian parents: The optimal timing of intergenerational transfers
by Hendrik JØrges - 159-162 A note on the rate of intergenerational convergence of earnings
by Eric R. Eide & Mark H. Showalter
1999, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 503-521 The cost of children: May the collective approach to household behavior help?
by FranÚois Bourguignon - 523-545 Family leave policies and women's retention after childbirth: Evidence from the United States, Britain, and Japan
by Yoshio Higuchi & Jane Waldfogel & Masahiro Abe - 547-565 The socioeconomic consequences of young women's childbearing: Reconciling disparate evidence
by David C. Ribar - 567-590 Banking on fewer children: Financial intermediation, fertility and economic development
by Carol Scotese Lehr - 591-606 The sectoral labor supply of married couples in Brazil: Testing the unitary model of household behavior
by Jill Tiefenthaler - 607-623 Social security, social welfare and the aging population
by Kelvin R. Utendorf & Rowena A. Pecchenino - 625-640 Pay-as-you-go financed public pensions in a model of endogenous growth and fertility
by Berthold U. Wigger
1999, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 343-361 Welfare measurement in labour supply models with nonlinear budget constraints
by Ian Walker & Ian Preston - 363-389 Income and employment effects of health shocks A test case for the German welfare state
by Regina T. Riphahn - 391-409 An empirical analysis of the welfare magnet debate using the NLSY
by Phillip B. Levine & David J. Zimmerman - 411-430 Immigration and the public sector: Income effects for the native population in Sweden
by Jan Ekberg - 431-449 Age structure effects and growth in the OECD, 1950-1990
by Thomas Lindh & Bo Malmberg - 451-461 An analysis of reproductive behaviour in Canada: Results from an intertemporal optimizing model
by James McIntosh - 463-487 Is a significant socio-economic structural change a pre-requisite for `initial' fertility decline in the LDCs? Evidence from Thailand based on a multivariate cointegration/vector error correction modelling approach
by Abul M. M. Masih & Rumi Masih - 489-498 The effect of divorce costs on marriage formation and dissolution
by Spiros Bougheas & Yannis Georgellis
1999, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 197-213 Youth unemployment and government policy
by J. Michael Orszag & Dennis Snower - 215-272 The fortunes of one's birth: Relative cohort size and the youth labor market in the United States
by Diane J. Macunovich - 273-285 Duration dependence and heterogeneity in French youth unemployment durations
by Gerard J. van den Berg & Jan C. van Ours - 287-312 The impact of local labour markets on investment in further education: Evidence from the England and Wales youth cohort studies
by Patricia Rice - 313-326 Returns to education in the Irish youth labour market
by Alan Barrett & Tim Callan & Brian Nolan - 327-340 Do immigrants displace young native workers: The Austrian experience
by Rudolf Winter-Ebmer & Josef Zweimüller
1999, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 3-21 Creating illegal immigrants
by Avi Weiss & Arye L. Hillman & Gil S. Epstein - 23-43 The welfare economics of immigration control
by Paul Levine - 45-61 Dynamics of immigration control
by Slobodan Djajic - 63-89 Language skills and earnings among legalized aliens
by Paul W. Miller & Barry R. Chiswick - 91-116 Undocumented workers in the labor market: An analysis of the earnings of legal and illegal Mexican immigrants in the United States
by Francisco L. Rivera-Batiz - 117-134 Mobility where mobility is illegal: Internal migration and city growth in the Soviet Union
by Ira N. Gang & Robert C. Stuart - 135-154 Do immigrants working illegally reduce the natives' legal employment? Evidence from Italy
by Alessandra Venturini - 155-182 A computable general equilibrium assessment of the impact of illegal immigration on the Greek economy
by Alexander H. Sarris & Stavros Zografakis
1998, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 453-470 Gender and savings in rural India
by Anil Deolalikar & Elaina Rose - 471-493 Sibling rivalry and the gender gap: Evidence from child health outcomes in Ghana
by Ashish Garg & Jonathan Morduch - 495-516 Are simple tests of son preference useful? An evaluation using data from Vietnam
by Jonathan Haughton & Dominique Haughton - 517-534 Endogenous fertility, mortality and growth
by Keith Blackburn & Giam Pietro Cipriani - 535-550 A model on the escape from the Malthusian trap
by Alexia Prskawetz & Gunter Steinmann & Gustav Feichtinger - 551-577 Household commodity demand and demographics in the Netherlands: A microeconometric analysis
by Adriaan Kalwij & Rob Alessie & Peter Fontein - 579-588 Are migrant minorities strategically self-selected?
by Hillel Rapoport & Frederic Docquier - 589-600 The effect of emigration on human capital formation
by Jean-Pierre Vidal
1998, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 307-344 Inequality in the distribution of personal income in the world: How it is changing and why
by T. Paul Schultz - 345-371 Private support and social securityPrivate support and social security
by Frans van Dijk - 373-378 A note on intergenerational risk sharing and the design of pay-as-you-go pension programs
by ûystein ThÛgersen - 379-394 The effect of housing on migrations in Israel: 1988-1994
by Boris A. Portnov - 395-411 Comparative labor market performance of visaed and non-visaed migrants: Pacific islanders in Sydney
by Richard P. C. Brown - 413-434 The impact of real wage and mortality fluctuations on fertility and nuptiality in precensus England
by Roy E. Bailey & Marcus J. Chambers - 435-452 The demand for children in Arab countries: Evidence from panel and count data models
by Sulayman Al-Qudsi
1998, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 161-183 The opportunity costs of childbearing: More than mothers' business
by Heather Joshi - 185-204 Wages, taxes and publicly provided day care
by Henry Ohlsson & Michael Lundholm - 205-222 Family structure, economic status, and educational attainment
by Scott Boggess - 223-237 The extent of labour specialization in the extended family: A theoretical and empirical analysis
by Catherine Sofer & Guy Lacroix & Michel Picot - 239-252 Immigrant quality and assimilation: A review of the US literature
by T. Paul Schultz - 253-271 Hebrew language usage: Determinants and effects on earnings among immigrants in Israel
by Barry R. Chiswick - 273-291 Immigration, assimilation and growth
by John T. Durkin Jr. - 293-303 The performance of immigrants in the Norwegian labor market
by John E. Hayfron
1998, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-20 Uncertainty and critical-level population principles
by Walter Bossert & David Donaldson & Charles Blackorby - 21-28 Fertility decisions when infant survival is endogenous
by Alessandro Cigno - 29-51 An econometric and neoclassical analysis of the timing and spacing of births in Canada from 1950 to 1990
by Yvan St.-Pierre & Philip Merrigan - 53-111 Fertility and the Easterlin hypothesis: An assessment of the literature
by Diane J. Macunovich - 113-126 A panel study of migration, self-selection and household real income
by Roger Axelsson & Olle Westerlund - 127-147 The unemployment insurance compensation experience of immigrants in Canada, 1980-1988
by Pierre L. Siklos & William L. Marr - 149-158 Time preference and capital mobility in an OLG model with land
by Jean-Pierre Vidal & Philippe Michel & Bertrand Crettez
1997, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 357-375 Child labor and the division of labor in the early English cotton mills
by Douglas A. Galbi - 377-386 Child labor versus educational attainment Some evidence from Latin America
by George Psacharopoulos - 387-405 Family size, schooling and child labor in Peru - An empirical analysis
by George Psacharopoulos & Harry Anthony Patrinos - 407-424 Child labour or school attendance? Evidence from Zambia
by Peter Jensen & Helena Skyt Nielsen - 425-442 Teenage truancy, part-time working and wages
by Christian Dustmann & Najma Rajah & Stephen Smith - 443-461 Retirement patterns in Hong Kong: A censored regression analysis
by Wing Suen - 463-486 The pension incentive to retire: Empirical evidence for West Germany
by Sikandar Siddiqui
1997, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 237-250 Running hard and falling behind: A welfare analysis of two-earner families
by Robert E. Moore & Mary Mathewes Kassis & Julie L. Hotchkiss - 251-271 A socioeconomic analysis of the determinants of fertility: The case of Vietnam
by Huan Nguyen-Dinh - 273-283 Modeling household fertility decisions with generalized Poisson regression
by Weiren Wang & Felix Famoye - 285-298 Learning-by-doing, population pressure, and the theory of demographic transition
by Holger Strulik - 299-316 Population size and environmental quality
by Till Requate & Mark B. Cronshaw - 317-334 Altruism and the macroeconomic effects of demographic changes
by Erik Canton & Lex Meijdam - 335-356 Intergenerational redistribution in a small open economy with endogenous fertility
by Martin Kolmar
1997, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 119-136 A conversation with Richard Easterlin
by Diane J. Macunovich - 137-158 Evaluating the pin money hypothesis: The relationship between women`s labour market activity, family income and poverty in Britain
by Jane Waldfogel & Susan Harkness & Stephen Machin - 159-170 How young workers get their training: A survey of Germany versus the United States
by Rainer Winkelmann - 171-196 Is the German apprenticeship system a panacea for the U.S. labor market?
by Thomas J. Kane & Dietmar Harhoff - 197-217 Who gets over the training hurdle? A study of the training experiences of young men and women in Britain
by Wiji Arulampalam & Alison L. Booth - 219-233 Training and job mobility among young workers in the United States
by Jonathan R. Veum - 235-236 Corrigendum Famine, revolte, and the dynastic cycle Population dynamics in historic China
by Ronald D. Lee & C. Y. Cyrus Chu
1997, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 3-22 Population policy: Authoritarianism versus cooperation
by Amartya Sen - 23-65 Dynamic microeconomic models of fertility choice: A survey
by Cristino R. Arroyo & Junsen Zhang - 67-85 The effects of gender control on fertility and children`s consumption
by James B. Davies & Junsen Zhang - 87-95 Endogenous fertility in a model with non-dynastic parental altruism
by Robert Kollmann - 97-110 A simple endogenous growth model with endogenous fertility: Indeterminacy and uniqueness
by Chong K. Yip & Junxi Zhang
November 1996, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 365-386 Saving, Dependency and Development
by Kelley, Allen C & Schmidt, Robert M - 405-414 Bequests as a Heir "Discipline Device."
by Cremer, Helmuth & Pestieau, Pierre - 415-428 Fertility, Growth and the Financing of Public Education and Health
by Palivos, Theodore & Scotese, Carol A - 429-439 Demographic Composition of Farm Households and Its Effect on Time Allocation
by Kimhi, Ayal
1996, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 365-386 Saving, dependency and development
by Robert M. Schmidt & Allen C. Kelley - 387-403 Time preference and labour migration in an OLG model with land and capital
by Jean-Pierre Vidal & Philippe Michel & Bertrand Crettez - 405-414 Bequests as a heir "discipline device"
by Helmuth Cremer & Pierre Pestieau - 415-428 Fertility, growth and the financing of public education and health
by Theodore Palivos & Carol A. Scotese - 429-439 Demographic composition of farm households and its effect on time allocation
by Ayal Kimhi
1996, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 223-246 Women`s labor force transitions in connection with childbirth: A panel data comparison between Germany, Sweden and Great Britain
by Siv S. Gustafsson & Shirley Dex & Cécile M. M. P. Wetzels & Jan Dirk Vlasblom - 247-266 Barefoot and in a German kitchen: Federal parental leave and benefit policy and the return to work after childbirth in Germany
by C. Katharina Spiess & Jan Ondrich & Qing Yang - 267-285 Maternal employment in Scandinavia: A comparison of the after-birth employment activity of Norwegian and Swedish women
by Marit RÃnsen & Marianne SundstrÃm - 287-300 Women`s transitions in the labour market: A competing risks analysis on German panel data
by Gianna Claudia Giannelli - 301-323 Mothers in an insider-outsider economy: The puzzle of Spain
by Paula Adam - 325-348 Employment after childbearing and women`s subsequent labour force participation: Evidence from the British 1958 birth cohort
by Heather Joshi & Shirley Dex & Susan Macran - 349-361 Long run opportunity-costs of children according to education of the mother in the Netherlands
by Ben Dankmeyer
August 1996, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 223-246 Women's Labor Force Transitions in Connection with Childbirth: A Panel Data Comparison between Germany, Sweden and Great Britain
by Gustafsson, Siv S & Wetzels, Cecile M.M.P. & Dirk Vlasblom, Jan & Dex, Shirley - 247-266 Barefoot and in a German Kitchen: Federal Parental Leave and Benefit Policy and the Return to Work after Childbirth in Germany
by Ondrich, Jan & Spiess, C Katharina & Yang, Qing - 267-285 Maternal Employment in Scandinavia: A Comparison of the After-Birth Employment Activity of Norwegian and Swedish Women
by Ronsen, Marit & Sundstrom, Marianne - 301-323 Mothers in an Insider-Outsider Economy: The Puzzle of Spain
by Adam, Paula - 325-348 Employment after Childbearing and Women's Subsequent Labour Force Participation: Evidence from the British 1958 Birth Cohort
by Joshi, Heather & Macran, Susan & Dex, Shirley - 349-361 Long Run Opportunity-Costs of Children According to Education of the Mother in the Netherlands
by Dankmeyer, Ben
June 1996, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 115-130 Income prospects and age-at-marriage
by Ted Bergstrom & Robert Schoeni - 131-140 Lone mothers: A review
by Matthias Staat & Gerhard Wagenhals - 141-158 Aging and political decision making on public pensions
by Lex Meijdam & Harrie Verbon - 159-171 Unskilled labor and wage determination: An empirical investigation for Germany
by Rainer Winkelmann - 173-196 Religion as a determinant of marital fertility
by Evelyn Lehrer - 197-218 The effects of teenage fertility on young adult childbearing
by David Ribar
May 1996, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 115-130 Income Prospects and Age-at-Marriage
by Bergstrom, Ted & Schoeni, Robert F - 131-140 Lone Mothers: A Review
by Staat, Matthias & Wagenhals, Gerhard - 141-158 Aging and Political Decision Making on Public Pensions
by Meijdam, Lex & Verbon, Harrie A A - 159-171 Unskilled Labor and Wage Determination: An Empirical Investigation for Germany
by Winkelmann, Rainer - 173-196 Religion as a Determinant of Marital Fertility
by Lehrer, Evelyn L
February 1996, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Klaus Zimmermann - 3-18 The Value of Life and the Value of Population
by Broome, John - 19-35 Ethnic Networks and Language Proficiency among Immigrants
by Chiswick, Barry R & Miller, Paul M - 37-54 The social assimilation of immigrants
by Christian Dustmann - 55-63 Did the decline continue?
by Alan Barrett - 65-81 On financing the internal enforcement of illegal immigration policies
by Gabriella Bucci & Rafael Tenorio - 83-93 Immigration, investment, and real wages
by Elise Brezis & Paul Krugman - 95-113 Interregional equilibrium with heterogeneous labor
by Philippe Michel & Anne Perrot & Jacques-François Thisse
November 1995, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 329-350 Fertility of Rural China: Effects of Local Family Planning and Health Programs
by Schultz, T Paul & Zeng, Yi - 351-359 Marital Status and Earnings in Developed Countries
by Schoeni, Robert F - 361-381 Assessing Poverty: Some Reflections on the Literature
by Gustafsson, Bjorn - 383-405 Elderly Poverty Alleviation through Living with Family
by Rendall, Michael S & Speare, Alden, Jr - 407-421 Emigration and Living Standards in Ireland since the Famine
by O'Rourke, Kevin - 423-431 Fertility Control Early in Marriage in Ireland a Century Ago
by O Grada, Cormac & Duffy, Niall
August 1995, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 223-251 The Effect of Public Policies on Recent Swedish Fertility Behavior
by Walker, James R - 253-264 An Economic Analysis of Pregnancy Resolution in Virginia: Specific as to Race and Residence
by Liu, Gordon G - 265-279 Modelling Domestic Work Time
by Jenkins, Stephen P & O'Leary, Nigel C - 281-300 Deviations from the Least-Cost Diets for Infants
by Tiefenthaler, Jill - 301-313 On Age Distribution of Population, Government Expenditure and Fiscal Federalism
by Echevarria, Cruz A - 315-326 Social Security and Strategic Inter-vivos Transfers of Social Capital
by Konrad, Kai A
May 1995, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 117-134 Income Sufficiency v. Poverty: Results from the United States and the Netherlands
by Garner, Thesia I & de Vos, Klaas - 137-148 The Political Economy of Rationing in Social Health Insurance
by Breyer, Friedrich - 149-160 Market Insurance, Social Insurance, and Education
by FLam, Sjur Didrik & Risa, Alf Erling - 161-183 Public Pensions, Family Allowances and Endogenous Demographic Change
by Peters, Wolfgang - 185-203 The Desire for a Son Is the Father of Many Daughters: A Sex Ratio Paradox
by Seidl, Christian - 205-221 Public Pension Reform, Demographics, and Inequality
by von Weizsacker, Robert K
February 1995, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-21 Changes in Inequality and Unemployment over the 1980s: Comparative Cross-National Responses
by Blank, Rebecca M - 23-33 Political Instability and Illegal Immigration
by Campos, Jose Edgardo L & Lien, Donald - 35-57 Toward a General Analysis of Endogenous Easterlin Cycles
by Chu, C Y Cyrus & Lu, Huei-Chung - 59-80 Endogenous Population Growth May Imply Chaos
by Prskawetz, Alexia & Feichtinger, Gustav - 81-87 Utilitarian Tradeoff between Population Growth and Income Growth
by Razin, Assaf & Yuen, Chi-Wa - 89-105 Lifetime Income Redistribution by Social Security
by Nelissen, Jan H M - 107-109 Fertility Waves, Aggregate Savings and the Rate of Interest: Erratum
by Blomquist, N S & Wijkander, H
November 1994, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 333-350 The Measurement of Household Cost Functions: Revealed Preference versus Subjective Measures
by Kapteyn, Arie - 351-378 Famine, Revolt, and the Dynastic Cycle: Population Dynamics in Historic China
by Chu, C Y Cyrus & Lee, Ronald D - 379-392 Will Sex Selection Reduce Fertility?
by Leung, Siu Fai - 393-420 Age at Motherhood in Japan
by Ermisch, John & Ogawa, Naohiro
July 1994, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 247-270 The Declining Marital-Status Earnings Differential
by Blackburn, McKinley & Korenman, Sanders - 271-285 Gender Wage Differentials in Private and Public Sector Jobs
by Zweimuller, J & Winter-Ebmer, R - 287-306 Time Use in Child Care and Housework and the Total Cost of Children
by Gustafsson, Bjorn & Kjulin, Urban - 307-329 Teachers and the Birth Rate: The Demographic Dynamics of a Service Population
by Denton, Frank T & Feaver, Christine H & Spencer, Byron G
1994, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 99-118 Immigrant Skills and Ethnic Spillovers
by Borjas, George J - 119-131 Language Choice among Immigrants in a Multi-lingual Destination
by Chiswick, Barry R & Miller, Paul W - 133-156 Speaking Fluency, Writing Fluency and Earnings of Migrants
by Dustmann, Christian - 157-175 Labor Market Effects of Immigration in the United States and Europe: Substitution vs. Complementarity
by Gang, Ira N & Rivera-Batiz, Francisco L - 177-192 Native Wage Impacts of Foreign Labor: A Random Effects Panel Analysis
by De New, John P & Zimmermann, Klaus F - 193-215 Immigration, Human Capital and Growth in the Host Country: Evidence from Pooled Country Data
by Dolado, Juan J & Goria, Alessandra & Ichino, Andrea - 217-234 A Macroeconometric Disequilibrium Analysis of Current and Future Migration from Eastern Europe into West Germany
by Franz, Wolfgang & Oser, Ursula & Winker, Peter - 235-245 Workers Remittances and the Real Exchange Rate: A Quantitative Framework
by Faini, Riccardo
1994, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-25 The Role of Fertility and Population in Economic Growth: Empirical Results from Aggregate Cross-National Data
by Brander, James A & Dowrick, Steve - 27-48 Fertility Waves, Aggregate Savings and the Rate of Interest
by Blomquist, N S & Wijkander, H - 49-62 Capital Accumulation, Inertia of Consumption and Norms of Reproduction
by Bonneuil, Noel - 63-78 Effects of the One-Child Family Policy on Second and Third Births in Hebei, Shaanxi and Shanghai
by Ahn, Namkee - 79-98 The Welfare Effects of Labour Force Growth with Internationally Mobile Capital
by Clarke, Harry R
November 1993, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 293-315 Economic and Demographic Effects on Working Women in Latin America
by Psacharopoulos, George & Tzannatos, Zafiris - 317-336 Female-Headed Households and Family Welfare in Rural Ecuador
by DeGraff, Deborah S & Bilsborrow, Richard E - 337-352 Immigration Policy and Immigrant Quality: Empirical Evidence from Canada
by Wright, Robert E & Maxim, Paul S