November 1994, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 379-392 Will Sex Selection Reduce Fertility?
by Leung, Siu Fai - 393-420 Age at Motherhood in Japan
by Ermisch, John & Ogawa, Naohiro
July 1994, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 247-270 The Declining Marital-Status Earnings Differential
by Blackburn, McKinley & Korenman, Sanders - 271-285 Gender Wage Differentials in Private and Public Sector Jobs
by Zweimuller, J & Winter-Ebmer, R - 287-306 Time Use in Child Care and Housework and the Total Cost of Children
by Gustafsson, Bjorn & Kjulin, Urban - 307-329 Teachers and the Birth Rate: The Demographic Dynamics of a Service Population
by Denton, Frank T & Feaver, Christine H & Spencer, Byron G
1994, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 99-118 Immigrant Skills and Ethnic Spillovers
by Borjas, George J - 119-131 Language Choice among Immigrants in a Multi-lingual Destination
by Chiswick, Barry R & Miller, Paul W - 133-156 Speaking Fluency, Writing Fluency and Earnings of Migrants
by Dustmann, Christian - 157-175 Labor Market Effects of Immigration in the United States and Europe: Substitution vs. Complementarity
by Gang, Ira N & Rivera-Batiz, Francisco L - 177-192 Native Wage Impacts of Foreign Labor: A Random Effects Panel Analysis
by De New, John P & Zimmermann, Klaus F - 193-215 Immigration, Human Capital and Growth in the Host Country: Evidence from Pooled Country Data
by Dolado, Juan J & Goria, Alessandra & Ichino, Andrea - 217-234 A Macroeconometric Disequilibrium Analysis of Current and Future Migration from Eastern Europe into West Germany
by Franz, Wolfgang & Oser, Ursula & Winker, Peter - 235-245 Workers Remittances and the Real Exchange Rate: A Quantitative Framework
by Faini, Riccardo
1994, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-25 The Role of Fertility and Population in Economic Growth: Empirical Results from Aggregate Cross-National Data
by Brander, James A & Dowrick, Steve - 27-48 Fertility Waves, Aggregate Savings and the Rate of Interest
by Blomquist, N S & Wijkander, H - 49-62 Capital Accumulation, Inertia of Consumption and Norms of Reproduction
by Bonneuil, Noel - 63-78 Effects of the One-Child Family Policy on Second and Third Births in Hebei, Shaanxi and Shanghai
by Ahn, Namkee - 79-98 The Welfare Effects of Labour Force Growth with Internationally Mobile Capital
by Clarke, Harry R
November 1993, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 293-315 Economic and Demographic Effects on Working Women in Latin America
by Psacharopoulos, George & Tzannatos, Zafiris - 317-336 Female-Headed Households and Family Welfare in Rural Ecuador
by DeGraff, Deborah S & Bilsborrow, Richard E - 337-352 Immigration Policy and Immigrant Quality: Empirical Evidence from Canada
by Wright, Robert E & Maxim, Paul S - 353-362 Population Growth and Optimality: When Does Serendipity Hold?
by Michel, Philippe & Pestieau, P - 363-373 Rawlsian Optimal Population Size
by Spiegel, Yossef
1993, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 199-214 Optimal Demogrants and Taxes in a Federal Welfare State
by Ray, Ranjan - 215-234 Poverty Dynamics in Eight Countries
by Duncan, Greg J & Gustafsson, Bjorn & Hauser, Richard & Schmauss, Gunther & Messinger, Hans & Muffels, Ruud & Nolan, Brian - 235-259 A Comparison of Poverty in Seven European Countries and Regions Using Subjective and Relative Measures
by Van den Bosch, Karel & Callan, Tim & Estivill, Jordi & Hausman, Piette & Jeandidier, Bruno & Muffels, Ruud & Yfantopoulos, John - 261-286 Living Conditions among the Poor in Four Rich Countries
by Mayer, Susan E
May 1993, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 105-122 Demographics and the Dynamics of Earnings
by Klevmarken, N Anders - 123-135 Public Pensions: The Role of Public Choice and Expectations
by Verbon, Harrie - 137-152 Economic Thought about Population Consequences: Some Reflections
by Simon, Julian L - 153-168 Earnings Adjustment of Temporary Migrants
by Dustmann, C - 169-180 Asymmetric Information and the Brain Drain
by Lien, Da-Hsiang Donald - 181-188 Migrant Stock vs. Lagged Migrant Flow as a Determinant of Migrant Settlement: A Comment
by Dunlevy, James A - 189-198 Time Cost, Relative Income and Fertility in Canada
by Abeysinghe, Tilak
1993, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-30 Fertility Timing, Wages, and Human Capital
by Blackburn, McKinley L & Bloom, David E & Neumark, David - 31-55 Cohort Size and Schooling Choice
by Flinn, Christopher J - 57-66 Equality and Fertility in the Kibbutz
by Danziger, Leif & Neuman, Shoshana - 67-81 On Opulence Driven Poverty Traps
by van Marrewijk, Charles & Verbeek, Jos - 83-102 Comparing Measures of Poverty and Relative Deprivation: An Example for Belgium
by Delhausse, Bernard & Luttgens, Axel & Perelman, Sergio
1992, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 251-255 Gary S. Becker
by Zimmermann, Klaus F - 257-260 Saving and Age Structure: Introduction
by Cigno, Alessandro - 261-288 Changes in Wealth in the United States, 1962-1983: Savings, Capital Gains, Inheritance, and Lifetime Transfers
by Greenwood, Daphne T & Wolff, Edward N - 289-303 Saving and Consumption Patterns of the Elderly: The German Case
by Borsch-Supan, Axel - 305-317 Inheritance and Wealth Composition
by Perelman, Sergio & Pestieau, Pierre - 319-341 The Effects of Financial Markets and Social Security on Saving and Fertility Behaviour in Italy
by Cigno, Alessandro & Rosati, Furio Camillo
August 1992, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 175-183 Children and Pensions
by Cigno, Alessandro - 185-201 Fertility and the Economy
by Becker, Gary S - 203-214 Who Signs China's One-Child Certificate, and Why?
by Zhang, Junsen & Spencer, Byron G - 217-228 Unobserved Variables and Marital Status: The Schooling Connection
by Sander, William - 229-243 Retirement Decisions in a Discrete Choice Model and Implications for the Government Budget: The Case of Belgium
by Pepermans, G
April 1992, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 87-100 Migration Stock and the Issue of Competing and Complementary Flows in United States Interstate Migration
by Anjomani, Ardeshir & Hariri, Vida - 101-112 Modern Sector Enlargement or Traditional Sector Enrichment? GNP Effects with Induced Migration
by Fields, Gary S - 113-134 International Labor Migration and Domestic Labor Supply
by Kochhar, Rakesh - 135-144 The Choice of Factor Mobility in a Dynamic World
by Galor, Oded - 145-153 The Destination Decision of Political Migrants: An Economic Approach
by Darvish-Lecker, Tikva & Kahana, Nava - 155-172 The Timing of Maternity in the Netherlands
by Groot, Wim & Pott-Buter, Hettie A
February 1992, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-16 The Synthesis Economic Fertility Model: A Latent Variable Investigation of Some Critical Attributes
by Wolfe, Barbara L & Behrman, Jere R - 17-37 Interpreting Demographic Effects in Duration Analyses of First Birth Intervals
by Neumark, David - 39-59 Family Structure and Educational Attainment of Children: Effects of Remarriage
by Beller, Andrea H & Chung, Seung Sin - 61-85 Separate Taxation and Married Women's Labor Supply: A Comparison of West Germany and Sweden
by Gustafsson, Siv
November 1991, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 257-280 Pay-as-You-Go Social Security in a Changing Environment
by Boadway, Robin & Marchand, Maurice & Pestieau, Pierre - 281-293 Social Security Reforms and Poverty among Older Dual-Earner Couples
by Mitchell, Olivia S - 295-305 Cohort Size and Earnings in Great Britain
by Wright, Robert E
August 1991, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 177-200 Ageing and the Labor Market: Age Structure, Cohort Size and Unemployment
by Zimmermann, Klaus F - 201-216 Tax Reform, Population Ageing and the Changing Labour Supply Behaviour of Married Women
by Apps, Patricia - 217-231 United States Public Policy and the Elderly: The Disproportionate Risk to the Well-Being of Women
by Burkhauser, Richard V & Duncan, Greg J - 233-255 Life Cycle Savings and Consumption Constraints: Theory, Empirical Evidence, and Fiscal Implications
by Borsch-Supan, Axel H & Stahl, Konrad
May 1991, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 89-110 Social Security in a General Equilibrium Model with Endogenous Government Behavior
by Drissen, E & van Winden, F - 111-135 The Marginal Cost of Public Funds with an Aging Population
by Wildasin, David E - 137-154 Optimal Pension Funding with Demographic Instability and Endogenous Returns on Investment
by Blanchet, Didier & Kessler, Denis - 155-175 Public Pensions in Transition: An Optimal Policy Path
by Peters, Wolfgang
March 1991, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-12 The Impact of Differences in the Levels of Technology on International Labor Migration
by Galor, Oded & Stark, Oded - 13-36 A Temporary Equilibrium Model for International Migration
by Berninghaus, Siegfried & Seifert-Vogt, Hans Gunther - 37-51 Population Growth, Farmland, and the Long-Run Standard of Living
by Simon, J L & Steinmann, Gunter - 53-69 On Testing Easterlin's Hypothesis Using Relative Cohort Size as a Proxy for Relative Income: An Analysis of Canadian Data
by Abeysinghe, Tilak - 71-86 Home Investment in Husband's Human Capital and the Wife's Decision to Work
by Carlin, Paul S
December 1990, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 235-275 The Third Birth in Sweden
by Heckman, James J & Walker, James R - 277-290 How Have American Baby Boomers Fared? Earnings and Economic Well-Being of Young Adults, 1964-1987
by Easterlin, Richard A & Macdonald, Christine & Macunovich, Diane J - 291-302 Optimal Population Control with Uncertain Output
by Ferguson, Brian S - 303-314 Mortality and Fertility: How Large Is the Direct Child Replacement Effect in China?
by Zhang, Junsen
October 1990, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 159-177 Demographic Change and Social Security: Some Elements of a Complex Relationship
by Schmahl, Winfried - 179-192 Endogenous Fertility, Altruistic Behavior across Generations, and Social Security Systems
by Prinz, Aloys - 193-213 On Marriage-Specific Human Capital: Its Role as a Determinant of Remarriage
by Chiswick, Carmel U & Lehrer, Evelyn L - 215-229 Unemployment and Marital Dissolution
by Jensen, Peter & Smith, Nina
August 1990, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 73-87 Capital Accumulation, Endogenous Population Growth, and Easterlin Cycles
by Feichtinger, Gustav & Dockner, Englebert J - 89-104 Transfers to the Old, Government Debt and Demographic Change
by Verbon, Harrie A A - 105-123 Socioeconomic Determinants of Fertility in China: A Microeconometric Analysis
by Zhang, Junsen - 125-146 Business Cycles and Fertility Dynamics in the United States: A Vector Autoregressive Model
by Mocan, Naci H - 147-156 An Econometric Analysis of the U.S. Postwar G.N.P
by Bhargava, Alok
April 1990, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 3-18 European Women's Employment and Fertility Again
by Ermisch, John F - 19-30 A Comparison and Latent Variable Test of Two Fertile Ideas
by Behrman, Jere R & Taubman, Paul - 31-51 A Sequential Probability Model of Fertility Patterns
by Barmby, T & Cigno, A - 53-71 The Impact of Taxation on the Distribution of Wealth in an Economy with Changing Population
by Schwodiauer, Gerhard & Wenig, Alois
1989, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 237-265 The Marriage Premium and Compensating Wage Differentials
by Reed, W Robert & Harford, Kathleen - 267-280 Self-Generated Fertility Waves in a Non-linear Continuous Overlapping Generations Model
by Feichtinger, Gustav & Sorger, Gerhard - 281-299 International Factor Mobility and Production Technology
by Kondo, Hitoshi - 301-318 Subsidy Policies with Capital Accumulation: Maintaining Employment Levels
by Dutta, Bhaskar & Gang, Ira N & Gangopadhyay, Shubhashis
1989, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 165-188 Macro-effects of Changes in Household Preferences for Children: Simulated History and Future Time Paths
by Denton, Frank T & Spencer, Byron G - 189-210 Population Growth, Age Structure, and Age-Specific Productivity: Does a Uniform Age Distribution Minimize Lifetime Wages?
by Lam, David - 211-224 The Behavioural and Welfare Implications of Housing Demand under Rationing: The United Kingdom Experience
by Ray, Ranjan - 225-234 Population Growth and Economic Development: A Case Study of Yugoslavia
by Hadzivukovic, Stevan
1989, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 79-102 Purchased Child Care, Optimal Family Size and Mother's Employment: Theory and Econometric Analysis
by Ermisch, John F - 103-119 Economic Analysis of Age at First Marriage
by Matsushita, Keiichiro - 121-138 An Economic Approach to Fertility in Britain since 1860
by Tzannatos, Zafiris & Symons, James - 139-159 Complex Demoeconomic Dynamics
by Day, Richard H & Kim, Kyoo-Hong & Macunovich, Diane
1989, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 3-24 The Demographics of Inequality
by Pestieau, Pierre - 25-37 Intergenerational Effects on Fertility: Theory and Evidence from Israel
by Danziger, Leif & Neuman, Shoshana - 39-53 Married Women's Retirement Behavior
by Pozzebon, Silvana & Mitchell, Olivia S - 55-72 Two Earner Family Migration: A Search Theoretic Approach
by Mont, Daniel - 73-78 Utilitarian Pension and Retirement Policies under Population Ageing
by Jackson, William A
1989, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 237-250 Demographic Behavior and the Welfare State: Econometric Issues in the Identification of the Effects of Tax and Transfer Programs
by Moffitt, Robert - 251-268 Preschoolers with Working Mothers: An Analysis of the Determinants of Child Care Arrangements
by Lehrer, Evelyn L - 269-284 Intergenerational Transfers in Industrialised Countries: Effects of Age Distribution and Economic Institutions
by Ermisch, John - 285-301 The Old Age Security Hypothesis and Optimal Population Growth
by Bental, Benjamin
October 1988, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 157-161 Merging populations, stochastic dominance and Lorenz curves
by O. Stark & S. Yitzhaki