September 2012, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 551-571 Generalized canonical correlation analysis with missing values
by Michel Velden & Yoshio Takane - 573-584 Smoothing splines using compactly supported, positive definite, radial basis functions
by Guoyi Zhang
June 2012, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 191-201 Permutation tests using least distance estimator in the multivariate regression model
by Sooncheol Sohn & Byoung Jung & Myoungshic Jhun - 203-218 A boosting method with asymmetric mislabeling probabilities which depend on covariates
by Kenichi Hayashi - 219-235 On the choice of a noninformative prior for Bayesian inference of discretized normal observations
by Clemens Elster & Ignacio Lira - 237-249 A new Bayesian procedure for testing point null hypotheses
by Yuliang Yin - 251-267 Specification tests for the response distribution in generalized linear models
by Bernhard Klar & Simos Meintanis - 269-283 Efficient construction of a smooth nonparametric family of empirical distributions and calculation of bootstrap likelihood
by Bruce Worton - 285-298 Empirical properties of forecasts with the functional autoregressive model
by Devin Didericksen & Piotr Kokoszka & Xi Zhang - 299-317 Improved omnibus test statistic for normality
by Shigekazu Nakagawa & Hiroki Hashiguchi & Naoto Niki - 319-341 Multi–regime models for nonlinear nonstationary time series
by Francesco Battaglia & Mattheos Protopapas - 343-357 Testing for no effect via splines
by Chin-Shang Li - 359-380 Bayesian analysis of quantile regression for censored dynamic panel data
by Genya Kobayashi & Hideo Kozumi
March 2012, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-12 Inference for Cox’s regression models via adjusted empirical likelihood
by Yichuan Zhao & Ali Jinnah - 13-28 Efficient simulated maximum likelihood estimation through explicitly parameter dependent importance sampling
by Christian Brinch - 29-49 Computing multiple-output regression quantile regions from projection quantiles
by Davy Paindaveine & Miroslav Šiman - 51-67 A generalized log-normal distribution and its goodness of fit to censored data
by Bhupendra Singh & K. Sharma & Shubhi Rathi & Gajraj Singh - 69-82 Goodness-of-fit for a concentrated von Mises-Fisher distribution
by Adelaide Figueiredo - 83-102 Functional outlier detection with robust functional principal component analysis
by Pallavi Sawant & Nedret Billor & Hyejin Shin - 103-125 A graphical tool for selecting the number of slices and the dimension of the model in SIR and SAVE approaches
by Benoît Liquet & Jérôme Saracco - 127-148 Reusable components in decision tree induction algorithms
by Milija Suknovic & Boris Delibasic & Milos Jovanovic & Milan Vukicevic & Dragana Becejski-Vujaklija & Zoran Obradovic - 149-176 Variational Markov chain Monte Carlo for Bayesian smoothing of non-linear diffusions
by Yuan Shen & Dan Cornford & Manfred Opper & Cedric Archambeau - 177-190 A short note on parameter approximation for von Mises-Fisher distributions: and a fast implementation of I s (x)
by Suvrit Sra
December 2011, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 561-565 Data Viz VI
by Adalbert Wilhelm & Lars Linsen - 567-584 Quality-aware visual data analysis
by Matthew Ward & Zaixian Xie & Di Yang & Elke Rundensteiner - 585-612 Graphs as navigational infrastructure for high dimensional data spaces
by C. Hurley & R. Oldford - 613-633 Eulerian tour algorithms for data visualization and the PairViz package
by C. Hurley & R. Oldford - 635-654 Visual software analytics for the build optimization of large-scale software systems
by Alexandru Telea & Lucian Voinea - 655-678 Visualizing high density clusters in multidimensional data using optimized star coordinates
by Tran Van Long & Lars Linsen - 679-697 Linked treemap: a 3D treemap-nodelink layout for visualizing hierarchical structures
by Lars Linsen & Sabine Behrendt - 699-710 Exploratory analysis of benchmark experiments an interactive approach
by Manuel Eugster & Friedrich Leisch - 711-731 Interactive visualization in multiclass learning: integrating the SASSC algorithm with KLIMT
by Claudio Conversano
September 2011, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 371-379 Statistics in the computer age: personal reflections
by Tue Tjur - 381-393 iPlots eXtreme: next-generation interactive graphics design and implementation of modern interactive graphics
by Simon Urbanek - 395-404 Prospects and challenges in R package development
by Stefan Theußl & Uwe Ligges & Kurt Hornik - 405-418 Mutable objects in R
by Hadley Wickham - 419-426 Reproducible statistical analysis with multiple languages
by Russell Lenth & Søren Højsgaard - 427-442 Aspects of CXXR internals
by Andrew Runnalls - 443-458 maxLik: A package for maximum likelihood estimation in R
by Arne Henningsen & Ott Toomet - 459-476 Moments of the generalized hyperbolic distribution
by David Scott & Diethelm Würtz & Christine Dong & Thanh Tran - 477-490 Nonlinear regression modeling and detecting change points via the relevance vector machine
by Shohei Tateishi & Sadanori Konishi - 491-505 Partially smooth tail-index estimation for small samples
by Samuel Müller & Houng Chhay - 507-519 Likelihood inferences for the link function without knowing the true underlying distributions
by Tsung-Shan Tsou - 521-537 Semiparametric analysis of transformation models with left-truncated and right-censored data
by Pao-sheng Shen - 539-560 Solving genetic heterogeneity in extended families by identifying sub-types of complex diseases
by Arafat Tayeb & Aurélie Labbe & Alexandre Bureau & Chantal Mérette
June 2011, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 181-197 Estimating summary functionals in multistate models with an application to hospital infection data
by Arthur Allignol & Martin Schumacher & Jan Beyersmann - 199-218 Modelling non-stationary dynamic gene regulatory processes with the BGM model
by Marco Grzegorczyk & Dirk Husmeier & Jörg Rahnenführer - 219-239 Hands-on tutorial for parallel computing with R
by Manuel Eugster & Jochen Knaus & Christine Porzelius & Markus Schmidberger & Esmeralda Vicedo - 241-258 A primer on disease mapping and ecological regression using $${\texttt{INLA}}$$
by Birgit Schrödle & Leonhard Held - 259-277 Empirical study for the agreement between statistical methods in quality assessment and control of microarray data
by Markus Schmidberger & Esmeralda Vicedo & Ulrich Mansmann - 279-291 Feature clustering for instrument classification
by Uwe Ligges & Sebastian Krey - 293-302 The benefit of data-based model complexity selection via prediction error curves in time-to-event data
by Christine Porzelius & Martin Schumacher & Harald Binder - 303-319 Search heuristics and the influence of non-perfect randomness: examining Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing
by M. Maucher & U. Schöning & H. Kestler - 321-340 On the fusion of threshold classifiers for categorization and dimensionality reduction
by Hans Kestler & Ludwig Lausser & Wolfgang Lindner & Günther Palm - 341-353 Multi-objective selection for collecting cluster alternatives
by Johann Kraus & Christoph Müssel & Günther Palm & Hans Kestler - 355-369 Classification of repeated measurements data using tree-based ensemble methods
by Werner Adler & Sergej Potapov & Berthold Lausen
March 2011, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-30 Bayesian subset selection for threshold autoregressive moving-average models
by Cathy Chen & Feng Liu & Richard Gerlach - 31-54 Copula parameter estimation by maximum-likelihood and minimum-distance estimators: a simulation study
by Gregor Weiß - 55-76 Testing the equality of several gamma means: a parametric bootstrap method with applications
by Ching-Hui Chang & Jyh-Jiuan Lin & Nabendu Pal - 77-93 Detecting and modeling nonlinearity in the gas furnace data
by Houston Stokes & Melvin Hinich - 95-120 A multinomial tree model for pricing credit default swap options
by Yi-Ping Chang & Ming-Chin Hung & Yi-Chen Ko - 121-144 Bayesian approach to analysing longitudinal bivariate binary data with informative dropout
by Jennifer Chan & Wai Wan - 145-157 Nonparametric estimation with doubly censored and truncated data
by Pao-sheng Shen - 159-179 Prediction interval for disease mapping using hierarchical likelihood
by Youngjo Lee & Myoungjin Jang & Woojoo Lee
December 2010, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 551-554 The 2006 Data Expo of the American Statistical Association
by Paul Murrell - 555-567 Visualizing abnormal climate changes in Central America from 1995 to 2000
by Sang-Hoon Cho & Hyonho Chun - 569-586 Glaciers melt as mountains warm: a graphical case study
by J. Hobbs & H. Wickham & H. Hofmann & D. Cook - 587-601 A two-step process for graphically summarizing spatial temporal multivariate data in two dimensions
by Svetlana Eden & Angel An & Jeffrey Horner & Cathy Jenkins & Theresa Scott - 603-617 Comparison of various statistical methods for detecting disease outbreaks
by Byeong Choi & Ho Kim & Un Go & Jong-Hyeon Jeong & Jae Lee - 619-632 On principal Hessian directions for multivariate response regressions
by Heng-Hui Lue - 633-643 A numerical comparison of the normal and some saddlepoint approximations to a distribution-free test for stochastic ordering in the competing risks model
by Hidetoshi Murakami - 645-662 Normal correlation coefficient of non-normal variables using piece-wise linear approximation
by Dimitris Kugiumtzis & Efthymia Bora-Senta - 663-689 A fast algorithm for robust regression with penalised trimmed squares
by L. Pitsoulis & G. Zioutas - 691-705 Genetic algorithms with shrinking population size
by Joshua Hallam & Olcay Akman & Füsun Akman - 707-723 A robust test of specification based on order statistics
by Marilena Furno - 725-732 A comparison of bootstrap and Monte-Carlo testing approaches to value-at-risk diagnosis
by Helmut Herwartz & Israel Waichman
September 2010, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 363-374 Comparing k-independent and right censored samples based on the likelihood ratio
by Pablo Martínez-Camblor - 375-389 On Bayesian estimation of a survival curve: comparative study and examples
by Victor Salinas & José Romeo & Alexis Peña - 391-407 Mode testing via higher-order density estimation
by Michael Minnotte - 409-428 An acceleration method for Ten Berge et al.’s algorithm for orthogonal INDSCAL
by Yoshio Takane & Kwanghee Jung & Heungsun Hwang - 429-440 Confidence intervals for the regression parameter based on weighted log-rank estimating functions
by Seung-Hwan Lee - 441-461 Model selection via adaptive shrinkage with t priors
by Artin Armagan & Russell Zaretzki - 463-484 A computationally efficient model selection in the generalized linear mixed model
by Takuma Yoshida & Masaru Kanba & Kanta Naito - 485-503 On the favorable estimation for fitting heavy tailed data
by Milan Stehlík & Rastislav Potocký & Helmut Waldl & Zdeněk Fabián - 505-536 Binary geometric process model for the modeling of longitudinal binary data with trend
by Jennifer Chan & Doris Leung - 537-550 A note on the prior parameter choice in finite mixture models of distributions from exponential families
by M. Rufo & J. Martín & C. Pérez
June 2010, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 183-201 Supervised learning of multivariate skew normal mixture models with missing information
by Tzy-Chy Lin & Tsung-I Lin - 203-213 Nonparametric estimation of the bivariate survival function for one modified form of doubly censored data
by Pao-sheng Shen - 215-239 Bayesian multiple change-point estimation with annealing stochastic approximation Monte Carlo
by Jaehee Kim & Sooyoung Cheon - 241-255 GEVA: geometric variability-based approaches for identifying patterns in data
by Itziar Irigoien & Concepcion Arenas & Elena Fernández & Francisco Mestres - 257-267 Probability plots and order statistics of the standard extreme value distribution
by Mir Pirouzi Fard - 269-289 A note on studentized confidence intervals for the change-point
by Marie Hušková & Claudia Kirch - 291-298 Parallel computing in the statistical system Jasp
by Yoshikazu Yamamoto & Junji Nakano & Takeshi Fujiwara - 299-316 Using one EWMA chart to jointly monitor the process mean and variance
by Michael Khoo & Zhang Wu & Chung-Ho Chen & Kah Yeong - 317-328 KmL: k-means for longitudinal data
by Christophe Genolini & Bruno Falissard - 329-340 On inference based on the one-sample sign statistic for long-range dependent data
by Zacharias Psaradakis - 341-361 Penalized regression with individual deviance effects
by Aris Perperoglou & Paul Eilers
March 2010, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-16 Modeling graphs using dot product representations
by Edward R. Scheinerman & Kimberly Tucker - 1-16 Modeling graphs using dot product representations
by Edward Scheinerman & Kimberly Tucker - 17-38 Bayesian model-based tight clustering for time course data
by Yongsung Joo & George Casella & James Hobert - 39-55 Fast computing of some generalized linear mixed pseudo-models with temporal autocorrelation
by Jay Ver Hoef & Josh London & Peter Boveng - 57-70 Computing p-values in conditional independence models for a contingency table
by Masahiro Kuroda & Hiroki Hashiguchi & Shigakazu Nakagawa - 71-95 Comparing several population means: a parametric bootstrap method, and its comparison with usual ANOVA F test as well as ANOM
by Ching-Hui Chang & Nabendu Pal & Wooi Lim & Jyh-Jiuan Lin - 97-105 A highly efficient L-estimator for the location parameter of the Cauchy distribution
by Jin Zhang - 107-120 On the convergence of the partial least squares path modeling algorithm
by Jörg Henseler - 121-141 Penalized multinomial mixture logit model
by Shaheena Bashir & Edward Carter - 143-153 A note on variability of interval data
by Jaromír Antoch & Miroslav Brzezina & Rafaelle Miele - 155-161 Truncated stable random variables: characterization and simulation
by A. Soltani & A. Shirvani - 163-182 Empirical wavelet analysis of tail and memory properties of LARCH and FIGARCH models
by Agnieszka Jach & Piotr Kokoszka
December 2009, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 551-566 Commemorating William Playfair’s 250th birthday
by Jürgen Symanzik & William Fischetti & Ian Spence - 567-582 Comparison on five estimation approaches of intensity for a queueing system with short run
by Jau-Chuan Ke & Yunn-Kuang Chu - 583-604 An exact approach to sparse principal component analysis
by Alessio Farcomeni - 605-622 Reliability and efficiency of algorithms for computing the significance of the Mann–Whitney test
by Niranjan Nagarajan & Uri Keich - 623-639 An adaptive algorithm for estimating inclusion probabilities and performing the Horvitz–Thompson criterion in complex designs
by Lorenzo Fattorini - 641-669 On computational aspects of Bayesian spatial models: influence of the neighboring structure in the efficiency of MCMC algorithms
by Vinicius Mayrink & Dani Gamerman - 671-693 The behaviour of the modified Levene’s test when data are not normally distributed
by Isabel Parra-Frutos - 695-718 Computational methods for comparing two binary diagnostic tests in the presence of partial verification of the disease
by J. Roldán Nofuentes & J. Luna del Castillo & P. Femia Marzo - 719-731 Generation of three-dimensional random rotations in fitting and matching problems
by Michael Habeck
August 2009, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 375-392 Computationally efficient learning of multivariate t mixture models with missing information
by Tsung-I Lin & Hsiu Ho & Pao Shen - 393-408 Empirical Bayes analysis of unreplicated microarray data
by HyungJun Cho & Jaewoo Kang & Jae Lee - 409-430 Computing circadian rhythmic patterns and beyond: introduction to a new non-Fourier analysis
by Hsieh Fushing & Shu-Chun Chen & How-Jing Lee - 431-440 Thresholds of moving average of stationary processes for given on target significant levels
by F. Al-Awadhi & A. Soltani - 441-458 Bootstrap for estimating the MSE of the Spatial EBLUP
by Isabel Molina & Nicola Salvati & Monica Pratesi - 459-479 An omnibus noise filter
by Claudio Morana - 481-495 A simulation study for a class of central composite designs with nested sub-experiment
by Pao-sheng Shen - 497-512 Cross-validated wavelet shrinkage
by Hee-Seok Oh & Donghoh Kim & Youngjo Lee - 513-531 A homogeneity test for bivariate random variables
by V. Alba Fernández & D. Barrera Rosillo & M. Ibáñez Pérez & M. Jiménez Gamero - 533-550 The convergence of estimators based on heuristics: theory and application to a GARCH model
by Peter Winker & Dietmar Maringer
May 2009, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 181-182 Editorial
by Paul Murrell - 183-193 A framework for statistical software development, maintenance, and publishing within an open-access business model
by Patrick Wessa - 195-205 Extending the GGobi pipeline from R
by Michael Lawrence & Hadley Wickham & Dianne Cook & Heike Hofmann & Deborah Swayne - 207-215 The plumbing of interactive graphics
by Hadley Wickham & Michael Lawrence & Dianne Cook & Andreas Buja & Heike Hofmann & Deborah Swayne - 217-223 Code analysis and parallelizing vector operations in R
by Luke Tierney - 225-232 Open-source machine learning: R meets Weka
by Kurt Hornik & Christian Buchta & Achim Zeileis - 233-246 Visualizing hypothesis tests in multivariate linear models: the heplots package for R
by John Fox & Michael Friendly & Georges Monette - 247-254 Interacting with local and remote data repositories using the stashR package
by Sandrah Eckel & Roger Peng - 255-261 Caching code chunks in dynamic documents
by Seth Falcon - 263-269 Can we have better semantics for R’s attach mechanism?
by Peter Dalgaard - 271-281 A modest proposal: an approach to making the internal R system extensible
by Duncan Temple Lang - 283-293 Working with meta-data from C/C++ code in R: the RGCCTranslationUnit package
by Duncan Temple Lang - 295-302 JavaStat: a Java/R-based statistical computing environment
by E. Harner & Dajie Luo & Jun Tan - 303-311 How to talk to strangers: ways to leverage connectivity between R, Java and Objective C
by Simon Urbanek - 313-331 Asymptotic cumulants of the parameter estimators in item response theory
by Haruhiko Ogasawara - 333-344 Numerical approximation of conditional asymptotic variances using Monte Carlo simulation
by Tak Mak & Fassil Nebebe - 345-368 A process variability control chart
by Muhammad Riaz & Ronald Does - 369-370 J.J. Faraway: Extending the linear model with R: generalized linear, mixed effects and nonparametric regression models
by Andreas Rosenblad - 371-372 B. F. J. Manly: Randomization, bootstrap and Monte Carlo methods in biology, third edition
by Andreas Rosenblad - 373-374 D. Hand: Information generation (2007): how data rule our world
by Han Shang
February 2009, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-14 A predictive estimator of finite population mean using nonparametric regression
by M. Rueda & I. Sánchez-Borrego - 15-35 Likelihood stabilization for ill-conditioned vector GARCH models
by Miguel Jerez & José Casals & Sonia Sotoca - 37-66 Combined regression models
by Enrique Castillo & Carmen Castillo & Ali Hadi & José Sarabia - 67-81 The constrained Fisher scoring method for maximum likelihood computation of a nonparametric mixing distribution
by Yong Wang - 83-94 Non-crossing quantile regression via doubly penalized kernel machine
by Jooyong Shim & Changha Hwang & Kyung Seok - 95-111 Sequential and non-sequential acceptance sampling plans for autocorrelated processes using ARMA(p,q) models
by M. Aminzadeh - 113-126 The uncertainties about the relationships risk–return–volatility in the Spanish stock market
by Ricardo Cao & Alicia Heras & Angeles Saavedra - 127-144 Variable selection in multivariate methods using global score estimation
by Kaoru Fueda & Masaya Iizuka & Yuichi Mori - 145-163 Two tests for heteroscedasticity in nonparametric regression
by Mario Francisco-Fernández & Juan Vilar-Fernández - 165-179 One-mode three-way overlapping cluster analysis
by Satoru Yokoyama & Atsuho Nakayama & Akinori Okada
October 2008, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 497-517 Iterative Denoising
by Kendall Giles & Michael Trosset & David Marchette & Carey Priebe - 519-539 Computational aspects of continuous–discrete extended Kalman-filtering
by Thomas Mazzoni - 541-564 Selecting hidden Markov model state number with cross-validated likelihood
by Gilles Celeux & Jean-Baptiste Durand - 565-572 Extending lattice: using generics and methods to implement new visualization methods within the Trellis framework
by Deepayan Sarkar - 573-585 Confidence intervals for quantile estimation using Jackknife techniques
by Y. Román-Montoya & M. Rueda & A. Arcos - 587-604 Computation of reference Bayesian inference for variance components in longitudinal studies
by Miao-Yu Tsai & Chuhsing Hsiao - 605-622 Alternative interval estimation for parameters of bivariate exponential model with time varying covariate
by Jayanthi Arasan & Mary Lunn - 623-641 Penalised spline support vector classifiers: computational issues
by John Ormerod & M. Wand & Inge Koch - 643-659 A bootstrap-based aggregate classifier for model-based clustering
by José Dias & Jeroen Vermunt - 661-666 Correction to “On the linear combination of normal and Laplace random variables”, by Nadarajah, S., Computational Statistics, 2006, 21, 63–71
by Eloísa Díaz-Francés & José Montoya - 667-668 Reply to the letter to the editor
by Saralees Nadarajah
July 2008, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 343-360 A filtered polynomial approach to density estimation
by Dominik Heinzmann - 361-379 Bayesian modeling of continuously marked spatial point patterns
by Matthew Bognar - 381-406 Comparison of presmoothing methods in kernel density estimation under censoring
by M. Jácome & I. Gijbels & R. Cao - 407-427 Classification trees for ordinal variables
by Raffaella Piccarreta - 429-442 Goodness-of-fit tests based on a robust measure of skewness
by Guy Brys & Mia Hubert & Anja Struyf - 443-453 Two noniterative algorithms for computing posteriors
by Jun Yang & Guohua Zou & Yu Zhao - 455-468 Ordinary and penalized minimum power-divergence estimators in two-way contingency tables
by Aylin Alin & Serdar Kurt - 469-486 Acceleration of the EM algorithm using the vector epsilon algorithm
by Mingfeng Wang & Masahiro Kuroda & Michio Sakakihara & Zhi Geng - 487-495 Taligent MVP in interactive statistical graphics
by Derek Law
April 2008, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 177-184 Interview with Andreas Buja
by Jürgen Symanzik - 185-196 Influence diagnostics in the varying coefficient model with longitudinal data
by Whasoo Bae & Soonyoung Hwang & Choongrak Kim - 197-216 A self-organizing state space model and simplex initial distribution search
by Koiti Yano - 217-233 A random model approach for the LASSO
by Scott Foster & Arūnas Verbyla & Wayne Pitchford - 235-251 JavaStatSoft: design patterns and features
by Wen Wei & Guan Chen - 253-276 Monitoring process variability using auxiliary information
by Muhammad Riaz - 277-289 The Monte Carlo EM method for estimating multinomial probit latent variable models
by Xingcai Zhou & Xinsheng Liu - 291-302 Bayesian selection of primary resolution and wavelet basis functions for wavelet regression
by Chun Park & Hee-Seok Oh & Hakbae Lee - 303-315 Selective association rule generation
by Michael Hahsler & Christian Buchta & Kurt Hornik - 317-335 Automatic selection of indicators in a fully saturated regression
by Carlos Santos & David Hendry & Soren Johansen - 337-339 Automatic selection of indicators in a fully saturated regression
by David Hendry & Søren Johansen & Carlos Santos - 341-342 F. Ferraty and P. Vieu: “Nonparametric functional data analysis: theory and practice”
by Wenceslao González-Manteiga
January 2008, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-18 Computational issues in parameter estimation for stationary hidden Markov models
by Jan Bulla & Andreas Berzel - 19-39 Determining p-values for systems cointegration tests with a prior adjustment for deterministic terms
by Carsten Trenkler - 41-62 Simultaneous confidence bands for the integrated hazard function
by Anna Dudek & Maciej Goćwin & Jacek Leśkow - 63-78 Plug-in method for nonparametric regression
by Jan Koláček - 79-98 Estimation of population spectrum for linear processes with random coefficients
by P. Saavedra & C. Hernández & I. Luengo & J. Artiles & A. Santana - 99-109 Empirical model selection in generalized linear mixed effects models
by Christian Lavergne & Marie-José Martinez & Catherine Trottier - 111-129 Bayesian spatial modeling of genetic population structure
by Jukka Corander & Jukka Sirén & Elja Arjas - 131-151 Testing for cointegration using induced-order statistics
by Alvaro Escribano & M. Santos & Ana Sipols