October 1973, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 412-413 Book Review: South Wales
by Brinley Thomas - 413-414 Book Review: Towns Against Traffic
by Bill Cross - 414-415 Book Review: City Planning and Aerial Information
by W. Gordon Collins - 416-417 Book Review: Education for Planning: The development of Knowledge and Capability for Urban Governance edited by CYNTHIA COCKBURN. Report of a Working Group at the Centre for Environmental Studies. Oxford: Pergamon. 1973. £1.75 (paperback)
by Roger Zetter - 417-419 Book Notes
by N/A - 419-421 Books Received
by N/A
June 1973, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 129-143 The Evaluation of Urban Motorway Schemes: A Case Study Southampton
by David Pearce & Christopher Nash - 145-162 City Size Systems
by Edwin vön Boventer - 163-188 Urbanisation and Development—the Temporal Interaction between Geographical and Sectoral Clusters
by J.R. Lasuen - 189-198 Costs and Financing of Urban Development in France
by Remy Prud'homme - 199-211 A Two-stage Model of Tenure Choice in the Housing Market
by J.F. Doling - 213-233 Recent Empirical Work on the Determinants of Relative House Prices
by Michael J. Ball - 235-258 A Model for Individual Travel Behaviour
by Eckhard Kutter - 259-270 A Comment on Some Uses of Mathematical Models in Urban Economics
by Harry W. Richardson - 271-275 The Development Value Tax
by Louis A. Rose - 277-278 Book Review: The Framework of Regional Economics in the United Kingdom by A. J. BROWN. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1972. pp.350. £4
by James L. Sundquist - 278-279 Book Review: New Towns: The British Experience edited by HAZEL EVANs with Introduction by PETER SELF. London: Charles Knight for Town and Country Planning Association. 1972. pp. xi x 196. £4·50 Hardback; £2·80 Paperback
by Roger Smith - 279-280 Book Review: Office Dispersal and Regional Policy
by N/A - 280-281 Book Review: Entropy in Urban and Regional Modelling
by J. Paelinck - 281-282 Book Review: Freight Flows and Spatial Aspects of the British Economy
by W.F. Lever - 282-284 Book Review: Italy: The New Domestic Landscape. Achievements and Problems of Italian Design
by Joyce Lyndon - 284-285 Book Review: Geographical Perspectives on American Poverty Geography of American Poverty edited by RICHARD PEET. Antipode. Vol. 2, No. 2. Dec. 1970. pp. 106. $2. Geography of Poverty in the United States by RICHARD MORRILL and ERNEST WOHLENBERG. McGraw-Hill. 1971. pp. 148. Paper, £1.40 Geographical Perspectives on American Poverty edited by RICHARD PEET. Antipode Monographs in Social Geography, No. 1, 1972. pp. 106. $2.50
by John G. Carney - 285-286 Book Review: Soulside : Enquiries into Ghetto Life and Culture
by Séan Damer - 286-287 Book Notes
by N/A
February 1973, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 3-18 The Quality of Life: Toward a Microeconomic Definition
by Lowdon Wingo - 19-37 An Outsider Looks at Urban Economics
by Roland N. McKean - 39-68 Time Lags in the Rental Housing Market
by Frank De Leeuw & Nkanta F. Ekanem - 69-81 Spatial Patterns and Influences On Voting in Multi-Candidate Elections: the Christchurch City Council Elections, 1968
by R.J. Johnston - 83-86 Accessibility and Rent: Applying Becker's 'Time Price' Concept To the Theory of Residential Location
by Robert H. Nelson - 87-90 The Location Choices of Students in Lodgings and Flats
by Robert Sugden & Alan Williams - 91-94 Reflections and Further Evidence on Population Size and Industrial Diversification
by Ronald W. Crowley - 95-99 An Ordinal Method of Evaluation: a Comment
by Peter Kettle & Michael Whitbread - 101-104 An Ordinal Method of Evaluation: a Rejoinder
by J.C. Holmes - 105-106 Book Review: Economic and Social Development: A Process of Social Learning
by Kenneth E. Boulding - 106-107 Book Review: Suburban Land Conversion in the United States: An Economic and Governmental Process
by J.B. Cullingworth - 107-109 Book Review: Metropolitan Problems—International Perspectives: A Search for Comprehensive Solutions edited by SIMON R. MiLEs. London: Methuen. 1971. pp. xx+534. £7·00
by Emrys Jones - 109-111 Book Review: An Economic Study of the City of London
by Edgar M. Hoover - 111-112 Book Review: 20th Century Coventry
by K.C. Bishop - 112-113 Book Review: The Autumn of Paris—The Defeat of Town Planning 1850-1970 by ANTHONY SUTCLIFFE. Studies in Urban History I (General Editor: H. J. Dyos). London: Edward Arnold. 1970. pp. 372. £6·00
by Berty Hornung - 113-114 Book Review: Regional Development: Experiences and Prospects in the United States of America by JOHN H. CUMBERLAND. Paris and The Hague: Mouton. 1971. pp. 170. No price stated
by Niles M. Hansen - 114-115 Book Review: Impact of Industrial Incentives: Southern Georgian Bay Region, Ontario
by R.I. Logan - 115-116 Book Review: The Demand for Housing
by A.E. Holmans - 116-118 Book Review: The Future Pattern of Shopping Distributive Trades E.D.C. London: H.M. Stationery Office. 1971. pp. 124. £1·25 Urban Models in Shopping Studies Distributive Trades E.D.C. London: H.M. Stationery Office. 1970. pp. 124. 70p Gravity Models in Town Planning Lanchester Polytechnic Department of Town Planning. Coventry: Lanchester Polytechnic. 1969. pp. 173. £1.00 Geography and Retailing by PETER SCOTT. London: Hutchinson University Library. 1970. pp. 192. £1·50
by D. Thorpe - 118-119 Book Review: The Sociology of Planning
by Barry Goodchild - 119-120 Book Review: Neighborhood Distribution of Local Public Services
by John C. Weicher - 120-121 Book Review: The Un-Politics of Air Pollution: A Study of Non-Decision-Making in the Cities
by Thomas D. Crocker - 121-122 Book Review: Political Stratification and Democracy
by K. Newton - 122-124 Book Notes
by N/A - 124-127 Book Review: Spatial Policy Problems of the British Economy
by N/A
October 1972, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 263-288 The Agglomeration Process in Urban Growth
by Joel Bergsman & Peter Greenston & Robert Healy - 289-297 The Patterns of Urbanisation Within Regions of the United States
by Benjamin Chinitz & Richard Dusansky - 299-328 Income and City Size
by Irving Hoch - 329-346 The Economics of the Form and Organisation of Cities
by P.A. Stone - 347-368 Rising Costs and Static Incomes: Some Economic Consequences of Regional Planning in London
by D.E.C. Eversley - 369-375 The Location of Economic Activity in the United Kingdom
by Gavin McCrone - 377-381 Book Reviews: The City in Communist China edited by JOHN WILSON LEWIS. London. Oxford U.P. 1971. pp. 449. £6·25 Employment and Economic Growth in Urban China 1949-1957 by CHRISTOPHER HOWE. London: Contemporary China Institute Publications, Cambridge University Press. 1971. pp. 170. £3·00
by Andrew J. Watson - 381-383 Book Review: Social Policy Research and Analysis: The Experience in the Federal Social Agencies
by Anthony H. Pascal - 383-384 Book Review: The Evangelistic Bureaucrat
by Ted Kitchen - 384-385 Book Review: The Economics of the Ghetto
by John F. Sleeman - 385-387 Book Review: The Classic Slum: Salford Life in the First Quarter of the Century
by C.A. Woolfson - 387-388 Book Review: Urban Residential Patterns : an Introductory Review by R. J. JOHNSTON. London: G. Bell & Sons. 1971. pp.383. £3.50
by John Edwards - 388-388 Book Review: Modern Management in Local Government
by Lawrence Boyle - 388-388 Book Review: Modern Management in Local Government
by Lawrence Boyle - 389-391 Book Review: Irvine New Town Plan
by R.E. Nicholl - 391-392 Book Review: A Proposal to Change the Structure of City Planning: Case Study of New York City
by Tony Eddison - 392-393 Book Review: Towns in the Making
by Roger Smith - 393-394 Book Review: Combinatorial Programming, Spatial Analysis and Planning
by M. Cordey-Hayes - 394-395 Book Review: Aerial Photo-Ecology
by Joy Tivy - 395-397 Book Notes
by N/A - 398-401 Books Received
by N/A
June 1972, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 151-177 Recent Developments in Land-Use Modelling: a Review of British Research
by Michael Batty - 179-191 An Ordinal Method of Evaluation
by J.C. Holmes - 193-214 Attitudes To the Housing Environment: an Analysis of Private and Local Authority Households in Batley, Leeds and York
by R.K. Wilkinson & E.M. Sigsworth - 215-220 Patterns of Retail Location and the Shopping Trips of Low-Income Households
by Brian P. Holly & James O. Wheeler - 221-222 A Linear Programming Solution To the Shopping Problem Posed By R. W. Bacon
by Alan W. Evans - 223-228 Problems and Progress in Recreation Research: a Review of Some Recent Work
by H.B. Rodgers - 229-233 The Industrial Development Certificate System and Employment Creation
by J.W.J. Moxon - 234-237 Book Review: Coventry-Solihull-Warwickshire: A Strategy for the Sub-region
by N/A - 237-239 Book Review: Metropolitan Plan Making: An Analysis of Experience with the Preparation and Evaluation of Alternative Land-Use and Transportation Plans
by Judith Allen - 239-240 Book Review: Automatic Cartography and Planning
by Michael Wood - 240-241 Book Review: Continuity and Change: Preservation in City Planning by ALEXANDER PAPAGEORGIOU. London: Pall Mall Press. 1971. pp. 185. £10·00
by T.C. Cantell - 241-242 Book Review: Architecture versus Housing by MARTIN PAWLEY. New Concepts in Architecture Series. London: Studio Vista. pp.128. £1.40 Existence, Space and Architecture by Christian NORBERG-SCHULZ. New Concepts in Architecture Series. London: Studio Vista, pp. 120. £1·40 Equipotential Space: Freedom in Architecture by RENATO SEVERINO. London: Pall Mall Press. pp. 141. £1·75
by William Steer - 243-244 Book Review: Greater London Research Publications of the Intelligence Unit of the Greater London Council, County Hall, London. Quarterly Bulletins (No. 6, March 1969; No. 7, June 1969; No. 8, September 1969; No. 9, December 1969; No. 10, March 1970; No. 11, June 1970; No. 12, September 1970; No. 13, December 1970.) each 25p The Census of Population as a source of information for Local Authority Planning Department Occasional Paper No. 2, 1969. pp. 28. 25p
by Wallls Taylor - 245-246 Book Review: The Private City: Philadelphia in Three Periods of Its Growth
by H.J. Dyos - 246-247 Book Review: The Industrial Urban Community: Historical and Comparative Perspectives
by John Edwards - 247-248 Book Review: Colour and Rehousing: A Study of Redevelopment in Leeds by CHRISTOPHER DUKE. London: The Institute of Race Relations. 1971. pp. 78. £1·00 Moving Home by CLARE UNGERSON. Occasional Papers on Social Administration No. 44. London: G. Bell for The Social Administration Research Trust. 1971. pp.99. £1·50 Urban Renewal in Liverpool by DAVID M. MUCHNICK. Occasional Papers on Social Administration No. 33. London: G. Bell for The Social Administration Research Trust 1970. pp. 120. £1·75 The first of these is a study of slum clearance in Chapeltown, Leeds, an area now known for its US 9 R
by Ruth Madigan - 248-249 Book Review: The Design of Discord: Studies of Anomie
by N.C.A. Parry - 249-250 Book Review: The Urban Mosaic: Towards a Theory of Residential Differentiation
by David R. Cope - 250-251 Book Review: The Economic Development of Harlem
by Lascelles Anderson - 252-253 Book Review: Beyond the Automobile—Reshaping the Transportation Environment
by D.M. Allan - 253-254 Book Review: The Motor Car and Politics 1896-1970
by H. Gillender - 254-258 Book Notes
by N/A - 259-260 Books Received
by N/A
February 1972, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 3-27 Issues in a National Urban Development Strategy for the United States
by Lowdon Wingo - 29-48 Optimality in City Size, Systems of Cities and Urban Policy: a Sceptic's View
by Harry W. Richardson - 49-77 The Pure Theory of City Size in an Industrial Economy
by Alan W. Evans - 79-97 Public Finance Aspects of National Settlement Patterns
by C.D. Foster - 99-116 The National System of Cities as an Object of Public Policy
by Wilbur R. Thompson - 117-124 Welfare Aspects of National Policy Toward City Sizes
by Edwin S. Mills - 129-130 Book Review: Economics and Urban Problems: Diagnoses and Prescriptions
by C.D. Foster - 130-132 Book Review: Workers and Wages in an Urban Labor Market
by Fhrschel Kasper - 132-134 Book Review: Business and the Cities : A Book of Relevant Readings by NEIL CHAMBERLAIN. New York: Basic Books. 1970. pp. xiv+521. $12·50
by J.F. Baumann - 134-135 Book Review: Change and Apathy : Liverpool and Manchester during the Industrial Revolution
by W. Ashworth - 135-136 Book Review: Country Planning: The Future of the Rural Regions by R. J. GREEN. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 1971. pp. 123. £2·64
by F.P. Tindall - 136-139 Book Review: Planning Urban Growth and Regional Development: The Experience of the Guayana Program of Venezuela
by David Massey - 139-140 Book Review: The Effects of Noise on Man
by R.A. Waller - 140-142 Book Review: Environmental Design by RICHARD P. DOBER, A1P. New York and London: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. 1969. pp. 278. £8·65. Urban Design within the Comprehensive Planning Process by M. R. WOLFE and R. D. SHINN. Seattle: University of Washington, Department of Housing and Urban Development. 1970. pp. 245. No charge. Newport Village Study 1970: Consultation Plan ESSEX COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT. Chelmsford: Essex County Council. 1970. pp. 56. No price stated
by W.D. Campbell - 142-142 Book Review: Social Research Techniques for Planners by T. L. BURTON and G. E. CHERRY. London: Allen and Unwin. 1970. pp. 137. £2·00
by Andreas Fauldi - 142-142 Book Review: Social Research Techniques for Planners
by Andreas Fauldi - 143-145 Book Review: Homelessness in London by JOHN GREVE, DILYS PAGE and STELLA GREVE. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press. 1971. pp. 303. £3·25. Homeless near a Thousand Homes by BRYAN GLASTONBURY. London: Allen & Unwin, 1971. pp. 234. £3.25 (paperback £1.95)
by John English - 145-145 Book Notes
by N/A - 146-149 Books Received
by N/A
October 1971, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 171-180 Air Pollution and Residential Property Values
by Robert J. Anderson JR & Thomas D. Crocker - 181-205 Tenancy Patterns and Turnover At Quarry Hill Flats, Leeds
by Alison Ravetz - 207-220 The Allocation of Police Protection By Income Class
by John C. Weicher - 221-242 An Analysis of Urban Structure Using Concepts of Algebraic Topology
by R.H. Atkin & J. Johnson & V. Mancini - 243-254 The Derived Demand for Urban Residential Land
by Richard F. Muth - 255-269 Financial Analysis and Town Centre Development
by Nigel Stocks & Graham Gleave - 271-284 A Cluster Analysis of British Towns
by Howard F. Andrews - 285-288 Profitability in a Shopping Model
by J. Parry Lewis - 289-292 Measuring Changes in Regional Industrial Structure
by James A. Chalmers - 293-294 Book Review: The Politics of Urban Education
by Malcolm Mackenzie - 294-295 Book Review: Back to Nature: The Arcadian Myth in Urban America
by David Lowenthal - 295-296 Book Review: Readings in Kinship in Urban Society
by Barbara Littlewood - 296-297 Book Review: Town Planning in its Social Context by G. E. CHERRY. London: Leonard Hill Books. 1970. pp. 181. £2·10
by R.E. Pahl - 297-297 Book Review: York by PATRICK NUTTGENS. City Building Series. London: Studio Vista. 1971. pp. 94. £2·25 Industrial Revolution in Yorkshire by FRED SINGLETON. Clapham : Dalesman Publishing Co. 1970. pp.216. £3·00
by Esher - 297-298 Book Review: The Necessary Monument by THEO CROSBY. London: Studio Vista. 1970. pp. 127. £2·25 (cloth) £1·05 (paper)
by Donald W. Insall - 298-299 Book Review: Ordinariness and Light
by Sinclair Gauldie - 299-304 Book Notes
by N/A - 304-306 Books Received
by N/A
June 1971, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 89-102 The Evaluation of Recreation Benefits: the Clawson Method in Practice
by Robert J. Smith - 103-110 A Public Good Model of Governmental Consolidation
by Michael S. Koleda - 111-120 A Geographical Study of Mortality in an Urban Area
by M. Griffiths - 121-138 Geographical Implications of the Municipal Housing Programme in England and Wales 1919-39
by John H. Jennings - 139-146 Unbalanced Growth and Intensification of the Urban Crisis
by Peter S. Albin - 147-150 House Improvement and Rateable Values
by Robert McKie & W.K. Kumar - 151-152 Book Review: Patterns of Urban Life by R. E. PAHL. Aspects of Modem Sociology series. Longman. 1970. pp. 152. £1·50 Whose City? by R. E. PAHL. London: Longman. 1970. pp.273. £2·50
by John Rex - 152-154 Book Review: Dimensions of Urban Social Structure: The Social Areas of Melbourne, Australia by F. LANCASTER JONES. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (London: Oxford University Press). 1969. pp. xii and 149. £3·75
by D.W.G. Timms - 154-154 Book Review: Readings in the Sociology of Migration
by T.H. Hollingsworth - 154-155 Book Review: Crime, Police, and Race Relations by JOHN R. LAMBERT. London: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Race Relations. 1970. pp. 308. £3·00
by Laurie Taylor - 156-156 Book Review: City Buildings Series Series editor DENNIS SHARP. London: Studio Vista Liverpool by J. QUENTIN HUGHES. 1969. pp. 143. 75p (paper) Manchester edited by DENNIS SHARP. 1969. pp. 143. 75p (paper) Birmingham by DOUGLAS HICKMAN. 1970. pp. 96. £2·25 (cloth)
by Anthony Sutcliffe - 157-157 Book Review: Manchester in 1844: Its Present Condition and Future Prospects
by W.H. Chaloner - 157-158 Book Review: East Kilbride Housing Survey pp. xv + 77 Aycliffe Housing Survey pp. xv + 68 Stevenage Housing Survey pp. xv + 73 Crawley Housing Survey pp. xv + 73 by VALERIE A. KARN. Occasional Papers Nos. 8, 9, 10 and 11. Birmingham: Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, University of Birmingham. 1970. 75p each
by Roger Smith - 158-160 Book Review: Economics of Land Use Planning : Urban and Regional
by Michael Whitbread - 160-161 Book Review: Industrial Demand for Water: A Study of South East England
by Clifford S. Russell - 161-163 Book Reviews: Challenge for Survival edited by P. DANSEREAU. New York & London: Columbia University Press. 1970. pp. 235. £3·60. The Environmental Crisis edited by H. W. HELFRICH. New Haven & London : Yale University Press. 1970. pp. 187. 90p (paper) Man and Environment by Robert Arvill. London: Penguin Books. Rev. edn. 1969. pp. 332. 52 1/2p Wilderness and Plenty by FRANK FRASER DARLING. London: BBC Publications. 1970. pp. 88. £1.05
by T. Huxley - 163-165 Book Review: Comprehensive Urban Planning: A Selected Annotated Bibliography with Related Materials
by Douglas Mccallum - 165-168 Book Notes
by N/A - 168-170 Books Received
by N/A
February 1971, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 55-64 An Approach to the Theory of Consumer Shopping Behaviour
by R. W. Bacon - 65-68 Population Size and Industrial Diversification
by Frank Clemente & Richard B. Sturgis - 69-70 Book Review: The Ministry of Housing and Local Government
by J.A.G. Griffith - 70-72 Book Review: Goals for Urban America
by W.J. Money - 72-73 Book Review: Yoruba Towns and Cities: An Enquiry into the Nature of Urban Social Phenomena
by Valdo Pons - 73-75 Book Review: Cities on the Move
by W. Kirk - 75-76 Book Review: The City in Newly Developing Countries
by Otto H. Koenigsberger - 76-77 Book Review: The City in American History by BLAKE McKELvEY. London: Allen & Unwin (New York: Barnes & Noble). 1969. pp.229. £1·75
by Sam Bass Warner JR - 77-77 Book Review: Imperial Constantinople
by James Crompton - 78-79 Book Review: Explanation in Geography
by J.W.R. Whitehand - 79-80 Book Review: Regional Economics: A Study in the Economic Structure, Stability and Growth of Regions by H. O. NouRsE. New York: McGraw Hill (Economic Handbook Series). 1968. pp. viii+247. $8.95 Regional Economic Growth: Theory and Policy by H. SIEBERT. Scranton, Pennsylvania: International Textbook Company. 1969. pp. xiii+217. £3·60
by Harry W. Richardson - 80-82 Book Review: Delimitacja aglomeracji wielkomiejsckich w Polsce [The delimitation of large urban agglomerations in Poland] by ELIŻBIETA IWANICKA-LYRA
by Leszek A. Kosinski - 82-85 Book Notes
by N/A - 85-85 Book Review: The British Iron and Steel Sheet Industry Since 1840 by KENNETH WARREN. London: G. Bell & Sons. 1970. pp.313. £2·50
by N/A
October 1970, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 239-258 A Flow Network Image of Urban Structures
by Edgar S. Dunn JR - 259-270 The Importance of Social Networks in Working Class Areas
by D.M. Toomey - 271-288 Social Area Change: an Empirical Analysis
by Lawrence A. Brown & Frank E. Horton - 289-293 On the Making of a Myth? How Capital Intensive Is Industry Investing in the Development Areas?
by Michael Chisholm - 294-297 Density Gradients and Urban Growth
by David Sibley - 298-304 Changes in Regional Industrial Structure: a Comment
by Lowell D. Ashby - 305-306 Book Review: Urban and Regional Planning: A Systems Approach by J. BRIAN McLOUGHLIN. London: Faber and Faber. 1969. pp. 331. 60/-
by Harvey Perloff - 306-307 Book Review: Local Government and Strategic Choice
by P. Cowan - 307-308 Book Review: Leicester and Leicestershire Sub-Regional Planning Study
by Malcolm Reece - 308-309 Book Review: North East Scotland: A Survey of its Development Potential
by James Milligan - 310-310 Book Review: Humberside: A Feasibility Study H.M.S.O. 1969. 60/-
by R.N. Davidson - 310-314 Book Review: Regional Studies in Ireland COLIN BUCHANAN and PARTNERS in association with Economic Consultants Ltd., Commissioned by the United Nations on behalf of the Government of Ireland. Dublin: An Foras Forbartha. September 1968. pp. 191. 30/-
by Sister Mary Annette - 314-315 Book Review: Social Networks in Urban Situations
by Ruth Madigan - 316-317 Book Review: People and Planning
by Roy Haddon - 317-319 Book Review: Urban Analysis: A Study of City Structure
by Jeff Willis - 319-320 Book Review: New Directions in American Architecture by ROBERT A. M. STERN. 1969 New Directions in Italian Architecture by VITTORIO GREGOTTI. 1969 New Directions in British Architecture by ROYSTON LANDAU. 1968 New Directions in German Architecture by GUNTHER FEUERSTEIN. 1969 New Directions in Japanese Architecture by ROBIN BoYD. 1968 New Directions in Swiss Architecture by JuL BACHMANN and STANISLAUS VON MOOS. 1969 New Directions in Latin American Architecture by FRANCISCO BULLRICH. 1969 New Directions in African Architecture by UDo KULTERMANN. 1969 London: Studio Vista. Each volume: pp. 128 incl. illustrations. 45/-
by J.H.W. Voelcker - 320-321 Book Review: The Office: A Facet of Urban Growth by PETER COWAN, DANIEL FINE, JOHN IRELAND, CLIVE JORDAN, DILYS MERCER and ANGELA SEARS. London: Heinemann Educational Books. 1969. pp. xii+280. 63/Offices in a Regional Centre: Follow-up Studies on Infrastructure and Linkages based on a report by M. J. CRoFr, Location of Offices Bureau. Research Paper Number Three. 1969. pp. 122. 15/-
by Alan W. Evans - 322-322 Book Review: Planning and Cities
by James Crompton - 322-324 Book Review: Diffusion Processes and Location. A Conceptual Framework and Bibliography by LAWRENCE A. BROWN. Bibliography Series No. 4, Regional Science Research Institute. 1968. pp. vii + 177
by H.H. Andrews - 324-325 Book Review: People and Cities
by Richard Holloway - 325-326 Book Review: British Transport: An Economic Survey from the Seventeenth Century to the Twentieth by H. J. Dyos and D. H. ALDCROFR. Leicester: Leicester University Press. 1969. pp. 473. 72/-
by J.R. Kellett - 326-326 Book Review: Regional Shopping Centres: Their Location, Planning and Design by COLIN S. JONES. London: Business Books Ltd. 1969. pp. xx+220. £5·25
by F.W. Boal - 327-329 Book Notes
by N/A - 330-332 Books Received
by N/A
June 1970, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 123-135 Noise: Economic Aspects of Choice
by C.D. Foster & P.J. Mackie - 137-152 The Uses of Occupational Data in Regional Planning
by F. Livesey - 153-188 Cost Benefit Analysis in Urban Expansion: a Case Study, Ipswich
by Nathaniel Lichfield & Honor Chapman - 189-204 Industrial Overspill in Theory and Practice: the Case of the West Midlands
by Barbara M.D. Smith - 205-208 Policy After Hunt
by A.J. Odber - 209-214 The Regional Distribution of Concealed Unemployment
by F.J.B. Stilwell - 215-217 Book Review: Urban Dynamics
by Edgar S. Dunn JR - 217-218 Book Review: The Structure and Growth of Residential Neighbourhoods in American Cities
by B.T. Robson - 218-219 Book Review: Factorial Ecology of Metropolitan Toronto:1951-1961 by ROBERT A. MURDIE. Department of Geography Research Paper No. 116. Chicago: The University of Chicago. 1969. pp. xii+212. $4.00
by Alan W. Evans - 219-220 Book Review: The American City: A Sourcebook of Urban Imagery
by Asa Briggs - 220-222 Book Review: The Urban Neighbourhood: a sociological perspective by Suzanne KELLER. New York: Random House, 1968. pp. xv + 201. $2.45
by Norman Dennis