June 1976, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 220-220 Book Review: Recreation in the Countryside: A Spatial Analysis
by Robert Hall - 220-220 Book Review: Recreation in the Countryside: A Spatial Analysis
by Robert Hall - 223-226 Book Notes
by N/A - 227-229 Books Received
by N/A
February 1976, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-12 Interjurisdictional Spillovers, Political Fragmentation and the Level of Local Public Services: A Re-Examination
by Andrew M. Isserman - 13-25 The Myth of Non-Partisan Cartography: A Study of Electoral Biases in the English Boundary Commission's Redistribution for 1955-1970
by Peter J. Taylor & Graham Gudgin - 27-34 The Arguments for Very Large Cities Reconsidered
by Alan Gilbert - 35-44 Regional Elasticities of Substitution in the United Kingdom in 19681
by Michael J. Tooze - 45-50 The Interpretation of Property Price Changes for a Measure of the Welfare Benefits of Pollution Control: Two Simple Models
by John G. Gibson - 51-54 New Towns In-Town for Developing Countries: A Comment
by Ralph Gakenheimer - 55-58 The Family Life Cycle and Housing Choice
by J. Doling - 59-65 Reconciliation of Purchases and Sales Estimates in an Input-Output Table
by R.C. Jensen & D. McGaurr - 67-70 Settling-In Costs in Mobile Plants
by P.M. Townroe - 71-73 The Development Value Tax: Reply
by Louis A. Rose - 75-79 Assisted Labour Mobility Policy in Scotland 1973-19741
by Phillip B. Beaumont - 81-82 Population Size and the Extent of Industrial Diversification: A Comment
by John P. Blair - 83-86 Employment Structure and the Stability of Urban Growth During the Urbanisation Process
by Bertrand Renaud - 87-88 Book Review: Simulating the Urban Economy
by G.J.D. Hewings - 88-89 Book Review: An Introduction to Regional Planning
by Keith Grime - 89-90 Book Review: Perspectives on Housing and Urban Renewal
by Chris Paris - 90-90 Book Review: Swindon: A Town in Transition—A study of urban development and overspill policy
by Ray Thomas - 90-90 Book Review: Swindon: A Town in Transition — A study of urban development and overspill policy
by Ray Thomas - 91-92 Book Review: Local Authorities and the Attraction of Industry (Progress in Planning, Vol. 3. Part 2)
by R. O'Leary - 93-94 Book Review: Symbolic Communities: The Persistence and Change of Chicago's Local Communities
by Howard Newby - 94-95 Book Review: Economics and Transport Policy
by H. Gillender - 95-96 Book Review: From Shantytown ... to Township
by A. Lemon - 96-97 Book Review: Urbanization in Australia: The Post-War Experience
by R.C. Jensen - 98-101 Book Notes
by N/A - 102-106 Books Received
by N/A
October 1975, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 263-272 The Age of Innocence is Past: Some Ideas about Urban Research and Planning'
by David Donnison - 273-284 Residential Burglary and Urban Form
by Patricia L. Brantingham & Paul J. Brantingham - 285-294 Postal Screening for a Minority Group: Young West Indians in Leeds
by Bridget Leach - 295-302 The Role of the Building Society Manager in the Urban Stratification System; Autonomy versus Constraint
by Janet Ford - 303-308 Alternative Models of Rent Control
by Mark Frankena - 309-314 Urban Concentration and Structural Change: The American Middle West, 1850-1930
by J.A. Swanson - 315-318 Long-run Equilibrium in Urban Housing-A Note
by C.M.E. Whitehead & J.C. Odling-Smee - 319-324 The Use of Landmarks in Recalling Retail Stores
by Arieh Goldman - 325-328 Optimality in City Size and Systems of Cities: A Comment
by Eli Borukhov - 329-333 Economic Rules for Planners: A Reconsideration
by Melville McMillan - 335-338 The Calibration of Trip Distribution Models-A New Philosophy
by J.G. Rose - 339-342 An Ordinal Method of 'Evaluation': A Rejoinder to Nowlan
by J.C. Holmes - 343-344 Book Review: West Central Scotland Plan Consultative Draft Report plus seven Supplementary Reports: 1. The Regional Economy; 2. Strategy for Urban Growth and Change; 3. Public Expenditure; 4. Social Issues; 5A. The Environment; 5B. Landscape; 5C. The Distribution of Air Pollution in West Central Scotland. (All 1974.) Glasgow: West Central Scotland Plan
by Peter Hall - 344-345 Book Review: Regional Policy and Planning for Europe by MORGAN SANT. Famborough: D. C. Heath Ltd., Saxon House. 1974. pp. 268. £6-25
by Gavin Mccrone - 345-346 Book Review: Social Theory for Planning by JoE BAILEY. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1975. pp. 167. £4·25 (cloth), £1·95 (paperback)
by R.E. Pahl - 346-348 Migration Policy in Europe by L. H. KLAASSEN and P. DREWE. Farnborough: D. C. Heath Ltd., Saxon House. 1973. pp. 134
by Leland S. Burns - 348-349 Book Review: Social and Political Consequences of the Motor Car Edited by P. M. TOWNROE. Newton Abbot: David and Charles. 1974. pp. 189. £5·25 Instead of Cars by TERENCE BENDIXSON. London: Temple Smith. 1974. pp.235. £3·50
by Mayer Hillman - 349-351 Book Review: The Provisional Towns of Georgian England: A Study of the Building Process 1740-1820 Studies in Urban History 3 by C. W. CHALKIN. London: Edward Arnold. 1974. pp. 367. £10
by Sidney Pollard - 351-351 Book Review: The Scope of Local Initiative. A Study of Cheshire County Council 1961-1974 by J. M. LEE and B. WOOD. London: Martin Robertson & Co. Ltd. 1974. pp. 208. £5·95 (boards edition only)
by Royston Greenwood - 351-353 Book Review: Urbanisation as a Social Process: An Essay on Movement and Change in Contemporary Africa by KENNETH LITTLE. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1974. pp. 153. £3·20 (cloth edition), £1·80 (paperback)
by David Boswell - 353-355 Book Review: Psychology and the Built Environment by DAVID CANTER and TERENCE LEE. London: The Architectural Press Ltd. 1974. pp. 213. £7·50
by Peter Bycroft - 355-355 Book Review: Measurement of Urban Land Use by R. C. FoRDHAM. Cambridge: University. Department of Land Economy Occasional Paper No. 1. 1975. pp. 72. £1·20
by A.G. Champion - 356-356 Book Review: An Economic History of Transport in Britain by T. C. BARKER and C. I. SAVAGE. London: Hutchinson Educational. 1975. pp.280. £5.50 (cased), £3·25 (paper)
by M.C. Reed - 356-357 Book Review: Amenity and Urban Planning
by Trevor Roberts - 357-359 Book Review: The Large City: A World Problem
by David R. Norsworthy - 359-361 Book Review: Suburban Growth: Geographical Processes at the Edge of the Western City Edited by JAMES H. JOHNSON. London: John Wiley and Sons Ltd. 1974. pp. 257. £5.50
by John Giggs - 361-361 Book Review: The Dynamics of Urbanism by PETER F. SMITH. The Built Environment. London: Hutchinson Educational. 1975. pp. 256. £4·45 net (hardback), £2·60 net (paperback)
by David Canter - 362-365 Book Notes
by N/A - 366-368 Books Received
by N/A
June 1975, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 135-149 A Model of Housing Preferences
by R. Baxter - 151-168 Overspill Theory: a Metropolitan Case Study
by Elspeth Farmer & Roger Smith - 169-176 The Use of Criteria Weights in Rank Ordering Techniques of Project Evaluation
by David M. Nowlan - 177-191 Centrism and the Provision of Services in Residential Areas
by Nicholas Low - 193-204 Housing Price Determination in Urban Ghettos
by Ken Wieand - 205-211 Zoning and Property Taxation in a System of Local Governments
by Bruce W. Hamilton - 213-218 The Anatomy of the Development Value Tax
by C.D. Foster & S. Glaister - 219-220 Substandard Housing in Central Cities: A Comment
by Richard A. Hansen & Floyd Lapp & Howard S. Quinn - 221-224 Reply to the Comment of Hansen, Lapp and Quinn: Substandard Housing
by Otto A. Davis & Charles M. Eastman & Chang-i Hua - 225-228 Density-size Rule, a further Note
by A.R. Jones - 229-233 Some Causes of the Decline of Central Business District Retail Sales in Detroit
by John F. McDonald - 235-236 Book Review: Urban and Regional Models in Geography and Planning by A. G. WILSON. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. 1974. pp. 418. £8-50
by Michael Baity - 236-237 Book Review: Town Planning Techniques. The Built Environment by MARGARET ROBERTS. London: Hutchinson Educational. 1974. pp. 406 Cased, £3-50. Paper, £2·25 An Introduction to Town and Country Planning by JOHN RATCLIFFE. London: Hutchinson Educational 1974. pp. 378. Cased, £3·50. Paper, £2-50
by David Wallace - 237-238 Book Review: Land Use Controls: Present Problems and Future Reform by DAVID LISTOKIN (editor). Centre for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 1974. pp. 398. $8.95
by Robert D. Carpenter - 238-239 Book Review: Citizens in Conflict: The Sociology of Town Planning
by Jon Davies - 239-240 Book Review: Large Scale Housing and Real Estate Finns: Analysis of a New Business Enterprise by LEO GREBLER. London : Pall Mall Press. 1974. pp. 183. £6·50
by Michael A. Goldberg - 240-241 Book Review: The City As a Centre of Change in Asia edited by D. J. DWYER. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. 1974. pp. 287. HK$50
by D.W. Drakakis-Smith - 241-242 Book Review: Multi-Storey Living: The British Working-Class Experience edited by ANTHONY SUTCLIFFE. London: Croom Helm. New York: Barnes and Noble. 1974. pp. 249. £5·50
by David Whitham - 243-244 Book Review: New Towns: Why and For Whom? by HARVEY S. PERLOFF and NEIL C. SANDBERG. New York, Washington and London: Pall Mall Press. 1973. pp.250. £7
by Roger Smtth - 244-245 Book Review: The Management of Urban Change in Britain and Germany edited by RICHARD ROSE. London: Sage Publications Ltd. 1974. pp.267. £5
by J.D. Stewart - 245-247 Book Review: Cost-benefit Analysis and Public Investment in Transport: a survey by H. GEORGi. London: Butterworth. 1973. pp. 204. £5 Urban Transport: Studies in Economic Policy by M. E. BEESLEY. London: Butterworth. 1973. pp. 413. £10
by A. Gillender - 247-249 Book Review: The Independent Commission on Transport, Changing Directions: A Report London: Coronet Books. 1974. pp. 365. 75p. Transport Organisation in a Great City: the Case of London by MICHAEL F. COLLINS and TIMOTHY M. PHAROAH. Hemel Hempstead: George Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1974. pp. 660. £12·50
by Geoffrey K. Roberts - 249-250 Book Review: Residential Mobility and Home Purchase by DANIEL R. FREDLAND. Famborough: Lexington Books, D. C. Heath Ltd. 1974. pp. 124 £5·60 Household Movement and Housing Choice by ALAN MURIE. Centre for Urban & Regional Studies, Birmingham University. Occasional Paper No. 28. 1974. pp. 131 £2·25
by M.J. Boddy - 250-251 Book Review: Japan in 1980: The Economic System and its Prospects: an Economic Report The Boston Consulting Group. London: The Financial Times Ltd. 1974. pp. 245. £50
by R.P. Sinha - 251-252 Book Review: Groceries in the Ghetto by DONALD E. SEXTON JNR. Farnborough: Lexington Books, D. C. Heath Ltd. 1974. pp. 141. £4·15
by Milton M. Pressley - 253-258 Book Notes
by N/A - 259-262 Books Received
by N/A
February 1975, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-29 Regional Growth Theory
by Edwin von Böventer - 31-35 Regional Growth Theory: a reply to von Boventer
by Harry W. Richardson - 37-46 The Interrelations of Urban and National Economic Planning
by Lauchlin Currie - 47-60 The Segregation of Socio-economic Groups in Urban Areas: a Comparative Analysis
by Barrie S. Morgan - 61-70 The Theory of Optimal City-Sizes: Elementary Speculations about Analysis and Policy
by C. Tisdell - 71-84 Urban Land Use Change in the United Kingdom during the Second Half of the Twentieth Century
by R.C. Fordham - 85-89 The Effects of Race and Age of Housing on Mortgage Delinquency Risk
by R. Jeffery Green & George M. von Furstenberg - 91-99 The Effects of Land Speculation on the Supply of Housing in England and Wales
by B.R. Davidson - 101-104 Perception and Commuter Modal Choice — An Hypothesis
by D.A. Hensher - 105-107 Population Size and the Extent of Industrial Diversification: an alternative view
by Christos C. Paraskevopoulos - 109-111 The Stability of Village Populations
by Colin Clark - 113-113 Book Review: The Economics of Urban Size
by Alan W. Evans - 113-114 Book Review: Handbook on Urban Planning by WILLIAM H. CLAIRE. New York, London: Van-Nostrand-Reinhold Co. 1973. 393 pp. £8
by John Sevy - 114-115 Book Review: Model Estate: Planned Housing at Quarry Hill, Leeds by ALISON RAVETZ. Croom Helm in association with the Joseph Rowntree Memorial Trust. 1974. xvi+251 pages, illus. £5·50
by S.D. Chapman - 115-116 Book Review: Exclusionary Zoning: Land Use Regulation and Housing in the 1970s by RICHARD F. BABCOCK and FRED P. BOSSELMAN. New York: Praeger Publishers. 1973. pp. 210. $15
by Robert D. Carpenter - 116-117 Book Review: Class Struggle and the Industrial Revolution, Early Industrial Capitalism in three English Towns by JOHN FOSTER. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 1974. pp. 346. £6
by Michael Sanderson - 117-118 Book Review: Growth Poles and Growth Centres in Regional Planning Edited by A. R. Kuklinski. The Hague: Mouton. 1972. pp. 306. n.p. Growth Poles and Regional Policies Edited by A. R. Kuklinski and R. Petrella. The Hague: Mouton. 1972. pp. 267. Dfl. 29
by G.A. Mackay - 118-119 Book Review: The Economic and Social Impact of Investment in Public Transit by NANCY W. SHELDON and ROBERT BRANDWEIN. Massachusetts: Lexington Books; D. C. Heath and Co. 1973. pp. 170. £6-10 Mass Transit Policy Planning by WILLIAM J. MURIN. Massachusetts: Heath Lexington Books; D. C. Heath and Co. 1971. pp. 123. £5
by Geoffrey K. Roberts - 119-121 Book Review: The World of the Urban Working Class by MARC FRIED, with ELLEN FITZGERALD, PEGGY GLEICHER, CHESTER HARTMAN and JAMES BLOSE, CHARLES IPPOLITO, EDWINA MARY BENTZ. Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press. 1974. pp. 410. £7·50
by Peter Willmott - 121-122 Book Review: The Economics of Residential Location by ALAN W. EVANS. London: Macmillan. 1973. pp. 281. £7
by Richard Baxter - 122-124 Book Review: The Spirit and Purpose of Planning by M. J. BRUTON (ed.). London: Hutchinson. 1974. pp. 233. £3.75 (hardback), £2·75 (paperback)
by E.J. Reade - 124-125 Book Review: Property Taxes, Housing, and the Cities by G. E. PETERSON, A. P. SOLOMON, H. MADJID, and W. C. APGAR, Jr. Lexington, Massachusetts: D. C. Heath and Company. 1973
by Antony G. White - 126-130 Book Notes
by N/A - 131-134 Books Received
by N/A
October 1974, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 259-275 The Case for New Cities in Australia
by G.M. Neutze - 277-288 The Evaluation of Benefits from Recreational Projects
by R.W. Vickerman - 289-299 The Determinants of Household Home Ownership
by Raymond J. Struyk & Sue Marshall - 301-313 Spatial Aspects of Urban Social Travel
by James Forrest - 315-321 A Land Use Design Model
by L. Pearl - 323-327 Spatial Clustering, Segregation and Urban Planning: a methodological approach
by Alan Kirschenbaum - 329-339 Labour Market Trends in London and the Rest of the South-East
by Carol Chapman O'Cleireacain - 341-347 Urban Growth and Problems in Metropolitan Lagos
by Josephine Olu Abiodun - 349-351 The Economic Demolition of Old Buildings
by G.C. Hufbauer & B.W. Severn - 353-354 Book Review: The Containment of Urban England by PETER HALL, RAY THOMAS, HARRY GRACEY and Roy DREWETT. Hemel Hempstead: George Allen and Unwin. 1973. Two vols. pp. 648 and 464. £12-50 and £8-45
by Peter Cowan - 355-356 Book Review: Urban Growth: An Approach by BRIAN T. ROBSON. London: Methuen and Co., Ltd. 1973. pp.260. £1·90
by L.S. Bourne - 356-357 Book Review: Urban Ethnicity (A.S.A. Monographs No. 12) by ABNER CoHEN (ed.). London: Tavistock Publications. New York: Barnes and Noble. 1974. pp. 391. £4·50
by C.G. Pickvance - 357-358 Book Review: Qualities of Community Life: Methods of Measuring Environment and Behaviour Applied to an American and an English Town
by Allan W. Wicker - 358-359 Book Review: Semi-Detached London: Suburban Development, Life and Transport, 1900-39 by ALAN A. JACKSON. London: George Allen and Unwin. 1973. pp. 381. £6·50
by Michael Carr - 359-361 Book Review: The Planner in Society : The Changing Role of a Profession by DAVID EVERSLEY. London: Faber & Faber. 1973. pp. 360. £4·75
by J.C. Holliday - 361-362 Book Review: The Victorian City—Images and Realities
by Asa Briggs - 362-363 Book Review: Governing Soviet Cities: Bureaucratic Politics and Urban Development in the USSR by W. TAUBMAN. London: Pall Mall Press. 1973. pp. 166. £6.25
by John Sallnow - 363-364 Book Review: English Local Government Reformed by LORD REDCLIFFE-MAUD and BRUCE WooD. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1974. pp. 186. £3.00 (cloth), 95p (paper)
by G.W. Jones - 364-365 Book Review: Planning the Eternal City: Roman Politics and Planning Since World War II by RoBERT C. FRIED. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 1973. pp. 346. £5·75 The Third Rome: Traffic and Glory by SpiRo KosToF. Berkeley: University Art Museum. 1973. pp. 88. n.p
by Sandor Busca - 366-368 Book Notes
by N/A - 369-371 Books Received
by N/A
June 1974, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 127-141 London's Urban Transition 1851-19511
by Dov Friedlander - 143-155 Comprehensive Planning, Public Participation and the Public Interest1
by Cliff Hague & Arthur McCourt - 157-169 Class Differences in Environmental Perception: an exploratory study
by Barry Goodehild - 171-188 Life Cycle, Housing Tenure and Residential Mobility: a Path Analytic Approach
by C.G. Pickvance - 189-199 Determinants of Urban House Prices
by Harry W. Richardson & Joan Vipond & Robert A. Furbey - 201-208 The Density-size Rule
by R.H. Best & A.R. Jones & A.W. Rogers - 209-210 The Density-size Rule: a Comment on the paper by Best, Jones and Rogers
by Jean Forbes - 211-215 Three Ways of Studying the Urban Economy
by D.B. Needham - 217-225 An Econometric Analysis of Residential Amenity
by Graham Davies - 227-230 The Determinants of Relative House Prices: a case of academic astigmatism?
by R.K. Wilkinson - 231-233 The Determinants of Relative House Prices: a reply
by Michael Ball - 235-236 Book Review: Decision-Making in Urban Planning by I. M. RoBiNsoN. London: Sage Publications Ltd. 1972. pp. 628. £6·50
by R.D. Donnison - 236-241 Book Review: Politics, Finance and the Role of Economics by C. D. FosTER. London: Allen and Unwin. 1971. pp.232. £3.50 Public Enterprise by C. D. FOSTER. London: Fabian Society. 1972. pp. 33. £0·30
by H. Gillender - 241-242 Book Review: Migration and Race Relations in an English City: A Study of Bristol by ANTHONY H. RICHMOND, assisted by MICHAEL LYON, SYLVIA HALE and Roy KING. London: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Race Relations. 1973. pp. 344. £5·50
by C.T. Husbands - 242-243 Book Review: Unemployment in the Urban Core by S. L. FRIEDLANDER. London: Pall Mall Press. 1973. pp. 255. £7·00
by Hirschel Kasper - 243-244 Book Review: Urban Anthropology by A. SOUTHALL (ed.). London: Oxford University Press. 1973. pp.489. £2·25
by David Boswell - 244-245 Boook Review: New Towns in America: The Design and Development Process by J. BAILEY (ed.). New York: Wiley. 1973. pp. 265. £10·00
by V. Hole - 245-246 Book Review: Control and Urban Planning by J. B. McLOUGHLIN. London: Faber and Faber. 1973. pp.287. £3·95
by N/A - 246-248 Book Review: Social Patterns in Cities by B. D. CLARK and M. B. GLEAVE (eds). London: Institute of British Geographers. 1973. pp. 192. £3·50
by D.W.G. Timms - 248-250 Book Review: Urban Development in East-Central Europe: Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary
by Ian M. Matley - 250-250 Book Review: Freedom to Build by J. F. C. TURNER and R. FICHTER (eds). New York: Macmillan. 1972. pp. 301. £8·95
by John Collins - 251-254 Book Notes
by N/A - 255-257 Books Received
by N/A
February 1974, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-12 Regional Economic Disparities and Regional Policy in the Common Market
by A.P. Thirlwall - 13-26 The Shrinkage in the Stock of Low-Quality Housing in the Central City
by Otto A. Davis & Charles M. Eastman & Chang-I Hua - 27-37 Metropolitan Housing Policy and the Stress Areas
by G. McDonald - 39-46 City Size and Unemployment
by Joan Vipond - 47-59 Some Factors In the Growth of West African Market Towns
by J.O.C. Onyemelukwe - 61-79 Industrial Overspill from Glasgow: 1958-1968
by R.A. Henderson - 81-89 Coloured Immigrants within the City: An Analysis of Housing and Travel Preferences
by Gwyn Rowley & Graham Tipple - 91-92 The Development Value Tax: A Comment
by Max Neutze - 93-94 Book Review: Social Justice and the City by DAVID HARVEY. London: Arnold. 1973. pp. 336. £3·25
by R.E. Pahl - 94-95 Book Review: Fit and Proper Persons—Ideal and Reality in Nineteenth-Century Urban Government
by J. Roy Hay - 95-97 Book Review: Great Cities of the World: Their Government, Politics and Planning by W. A. RoBsoN and D. E. REGAN (eds.). London: George Allen and Unwin. 1972. (3rd edition). 2 volumes. pp. 1114. £18
by M.A. Tribe - 97-99 Book Review: Defensible Space by Oscar Newman. London: The Architectural Press. 1972. pp.264. £4·95
by Robert Sommer - 99-100 Book Review: The Urban Countryside: The Land-use Structure of Small Towns and Villages in England and Wales by RoBiN H. BEST and ALAN W. ROGERs. Faber and Faber. 1973. £3-50
by A.G. Champion - 100-102 Book Review: Problems of an Urban Society
by Roy Haddon - 102-103 Book Review: The Future of Planning edited by PETER COWAN. London: Heinemann. 1973. pp. 182. £2·50
by James Milligan - 103-104 Book Review: The Politics of Policy in Local Government by J. DEARLOVE. London: Cambridge University Press. 1973. pp. 287. £4 Nonpartisan Elections and the Case for Party Politics by W. D. HAWLEY. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 1973. pp.202. £5
by William Hampton - 104-107 Book Review: Interindustry Relations: Some Attraction Models by A. C. VAN WICKEREN. Rotterdam: Rotterdam University Press. 1973. pp. 231. Dfl. 57.50
by P.G. Sadler - 107-109 Book Review: Managed Integration : Dilemmas of Doing Good in the City by H. L. MOLOTCH. London: University of California Press. 1972. pp.239. £4
by J.G. Carney - 109-110 Book Review: Opening Up the Suburbs by ANTHONY DOWNS. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 1973. pp. 219. £3·25
by Ward Weldon - 110-111 Book Review: Community Growth and Water Resources Policy by J. M. CARSON, G. W. RIVKIN and M. D. RIVKIN. Praeger Publishers, New York and London: Published in the U.K. by Pall Mall Press. 1973. £6-25
by K. Smith - 111-112 Book Review: A Reader in Planning Theory edited by ANDREAS FALUDI. Oxford: Pergamon. 1973. pp. 399. £4·50 Hardback; £2-85 Paperback
by Jennifer Thornley - 112-113 Book Review: Estimating Local Housing Needs: A Case Study and Discussion of Methods by C. J. WATSON, P. NINER and E. VALE with B. M. SMITH. University of Birmingham, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies. Occasional Paper No. 24. 1973. pp. 137. £1·50 The Economics of Urban Residential Renewal and Improvement by R. M. KIRWAN and D. B. MARTIN with the assistance of I. BRUEGEL and M. BALL. Centre for Environmental Studies. Working Paper No. 77. 1972. pp. 171. £1 The Dynamics of Housing Rehabilitation: Macro and Micro Analyses by D. LISTOKIN. Centre for Urban Policy Research. Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey. 1973. pp.238. $10
by P. Williams - 113-114 Book Reviews: Urban Development in Eastern Europe: Bulgaria, Romania, and the U.S.S.R. by E. A. GUTKIND et al. The Free Press, New York: Collier-Macmillan Ltd, London: 1972. Volume VIII of The International History of City Development. pp. 457. £12·50
by W.H. Parker - 114-115 Book Review: New Towns: Regional Planning and Development by PIERRE MERLIN (trans. by Margaret Sparks). London: Methuen; New York: Barnes and Noble. 1973. pp. xii+276. £2.90
by Roger Smith - 115-116 Book Review: Urban Economics by DAVID W. RASMUSSEN. New York and London: Harper & Row. 1973. pp, 196. £2·50 The Modem City: Readings in Urban Economics by DAVID W. RASMUSSEN and CHARLES T. HAWORTH. New York and London: Harper & Row. 1973. pp. 302. £2
by B. Goodall - 116-116 Book Review: Exeter-University and City by F. M. M. LEwES and ANNE KIRKNESS. University of Exeter 1973. pp. 94. £1
by M. Brownrigg - 116-117 Book Review: Impact of Uncertainty on Location by MICHAEL J. WEBBER. Cambridge, Mass. and London: The M.I.T. Press. 1972. pp. 310. $15
by Duncan Maclennan - 118-122 Book Notes
by N/A - 123-126 Books Received
by N/A
October 1973, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 289-301 The Development of Urban Economics in the United States
by Harvey S. Perloff - 303-317 The Growth of the Firm within the City
by M.T. Daly & M.J. Webber - 319-333 The Need to Sustain a Viable System of Local Democracy
by W.J. Money - 335-352 Settlement Populations and the Lognormal Distribution
by John B. Parr & Keisuke Suzuki - 353-365 A Markov Approach to the Optimal Size of Cities in England and Wales
by William F. Lever - 367-372 Land Speculation and Scattered Development; Failures in the Urban-Fringe Land Market
by R.W. Archer - 373-379 An Estimate of the Age Distribution of the Dwelling Stock in Great Britain
by Kathleen M. Riley - 381-386 Oatlands : An Area of Twilight Housing in Glasgow
by John English - 387-395 The Location of the Headquarters of Industrial Companies
by Alan W. Evans - 397-397 Population Size and Industrial Diversification: A Rejoinder
by Frank Clemente & Richard B. Sturgis - 399-405 A Guide to Urban Economics Texts: A Review Article
by Harry W. Richardson - 407-408 Book Review: Town into City: Springfield, Massachusetts, and the Meaning of Community, 1840-1880 by MICHAEL H. FRISCH. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1972. pp. ix+301. £5·00 Bristol in the 19th Century edited by PATRICK McGRATH. Newton Abbot: David & Charles. 1972. pp. 227. £3·75 The Story of Toronto by G. P. DE T. GLAZEBROOK. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 1971. pp. xi+310. £6·75
by Roger Smith - 408-408 Book Review: World Urbanization, 1950-1970
by Peter A. Morrison - 408-411 Book Review: World Urbanization, 1950-1970
by Peter A. Morrison - 411-411 Book Review: Outcast London: a Study in the Relationship between Classess in Victorian Society
by John Foster - 411-412 Book Review: Outcast London: a Study in the Relationship between Classess in Victorian Society
by John Foster