May 2007, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 294-297 Anticipating change – the contribution of the European Monitoring Centre on Change
by Barbara Gerstenberger - 297-301 Restructuring and trade union education. Trade unions anticipating and managing change – the TRACE project
by Jeff Bridgford & John Stirling - 301-305 Anticipating and managing change in the services sectors: UNI-Europa's network on services in the internal market
by Judith-Kirton Darling - 305-309 Cross-national company restructuring in a socially responsible way: the EMF approach
by Luc Triangle - 310-312 Employee involvement in restructuring – the example of the Latvian Builders' Trade Union
by Agnese Puntuža - 313-316 European Works Councils and transnational bargaining about restructuring in the auto industry
by Isabel da Costa & Udo Rehfeldt - 317-319 Participation and Democracy at Work. Essays in Honour of Harvie Ramsay
by Volker Telljohann - 320-321 Arbeitsbeziehungen im Rheinischen Kapitalismus. Zwischen Modernisierung und Globalisierung
by Reiner Hoffmann - 322-324 La SE ou Societas Europea: pour une citoyenneté européenne de l'entreprise
by Udo Rehfeldt - 325-327 European and World Works Councils and the evolution of transnational trade union collaboration: lessons from the European car industry 1 December 2006, IRES Paris
by Veronika Rott - 327-329 Industrial relations and partnership
by Kathleen Kollewe - 330-332 Quality pays off
by Claudia Funk
February 2007, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 5-6 Editorial
by Stephen Bouquin & Salvo Leonardi & Sian Moore - 7-8 Editorial
by Stephen Bouquin & Salvo Leonardi & Sian Moore - 9-10 Editorial
by Stephen Bouquin & Salvo Leonardi & Sian Moore - 11-11 The Swedish government's closure of the National Institute for Working Life
by Maria Jepsen & Marina Luttrell - 13-26 Introduction: employee representation and voice in small and medium-sized enterprises - the SMALL project
by Stephen Bouquin & Salvo Leonardi & Sian Moore - 27-53 The European system of small- and medium-sized enterprises
by Stefano Palmieri - 55-73 Determining wages in Europe's SMEs: how relevant are the trade unions?
by Monica Andersson & Christer Thörnqvist - 75-93 Working time in European SMEs
by Paulo Alves & Stephen Bouquin & LuÃs Poças - 95-113 Labour relations, collective bargaining and employee voice in SMEs in central and eastern Europe
by Miklós Illessy & Vassil Kirov & Csaba Makó & Svetla Stoeva - 115-130 Why do Europe's unions find it difficult to organise in small firms?
by Sian Moore & Steve Jefferys & Pierre Cours-Salies - 131-146 Inequalities in Europe's SMEs: the challenges for a trade union agenda
by Gill Kirton & Ian Read - 147-149 Outcome of the battle on the Services Directive
by Wolfgang Kowalsky - 149-156 Transnational collective action – already a reality?
by Wiebke Warneck - 156-159 The ‘Biedenkopf Commission’ sees no need for fundamental reform of German co-determination
by Dr Torsten Müller - 161-165 How we compete – What companies around the world are doing to make it in today's global economy
by Hedva Sarfati - 161-165 Offshoring and the Internationalization of Employment. A challenge for a fair globalization?
by Hedva Sarfati - 161-165 Mort de la globalisation
by Hedva Sarfati - 166-168 Democracy in Europe – A History of an Ideology
by Thomas Klikauer - 169-171 Conference on ‘Challenges For (Organised) Labour In Central And Eastern Europe and Russia’ University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield (UK), 28–29 March 2006 and 2nd workshop of the project ‘Trade Unions in Post-Socialist Society: overcoming the state socialist legacy?’ Moscow, 3–5 April 2006
by Guglielmo Meardi - 171-172 IG Metall goes Europe Annual meeting on ‘Market against State’, Otto Brenner Foundation, 8–9 November 2006
by Otto Jacobi
November 2006, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 493-494 Editorial
by Béla Galgóczi & Maarten Keune & Andrew Watt - 495-496 Editorial
by Béla Galgóczi & Maarten Keune & Andrew Watt - 497-498 Editorial
by Béla Galgóczi & Maarten Keune & Andrew Watt - 499-520 Relocation: concepts, facts and policy challenges
by Béla Galgóczi & Maarten Keune & Andrew Watt - 521-537 FDI patterns and trends in central and eastern Europe with particular regard to the new Member States
by Gábor Hunya & Béla Galgóczi - 539-562 The rise of China as an economic power: what impact on the EU economy and labour markets?
by Andrew Watt - 563-575 Strike action to save the life of a plant is followed by its ‘honourable death’: the conflict at AEG in Nuremberg
by Ingrid Artus - 577-591 Laboratories of the new Europe: trade unions, employee interest representation and participation in foreign investment enterprises in central and eastern Europe
by Eckhard Voss - 593-607 The competitiveness and diverse performance of national economies
by Pascal Petit - 609-620 The relevance of the exit option: the challenge for European trade unions of post-Fordism, internationalisation of the economy and financial market capitalism
by Jürgen Hoffmann - 621-625 The MOOS Project: a response from trade unions to offshore outsourcing
by Monique Ramioul & Tom De Bruyn - 625-630 The European Globalisation adjustment Fund – a European-level measure to deal with relocation?
by Andrew Watt & Gintare Kemekliene - 630-636 Can industrial policy be part of the response to the challenges of relocation?
by Erik Adolfsson - 637-641 An EU framework for transnational collective bargaining: an opportunity for European trade unions?
by Maarten Keune & Wiebke Warneck - 641-643 The ETUC strategy on public services
by Wolfgang Kowalsky - 644-645 EESC opinion on European works councils – Breathing new life into revision of the EWC Directive 94/45?
by Romuald Jagodzinski - 647-657 A report from the homeland of the Ghent system: the relationship between unemployment and trade union membership in Belgium
by Kurt Vandaele - 659-661 Lehrjahre des Europäischen Betriebsrats. Zehn Jahre transnationale Arbeitnehmervertretung [The European works council's apprentice years. Ten years of transnational workers' representation]
by Holm-Detlev Köhler - 663-663 End of the Ice Age? On relations between the trade unions and the SPD
by Otto Jacobi - 664-667 Summer course on European private and labour law at the Academy of European Law (Europäischen Rechtsakademie – ERA) in Trier
by Johannes Heuschmid - 667-668 Co-determination and Europe
by Otto Jacobi - 669-673 Transfer celebrates its 12th anniversary with a conference on the future of the European Social Model and the role of trade unions Brussels, 5 October 2006
by Hedva Sarfati - 674-675 Summaries of speakers' presentations to the Transfer conference
by Richard Hyman - 676-677 Labour Re-commodification and the European Social Model or Labour in the Global Transformation: Restructuring Social Income
by Guy Standing - 678-678 The Role of Collective Bargaining in the European Social Model: Summary
by Franz Traxler - 679-679 The welfare state, trade unions and the European Social Model
by Richard Falbr
August 2006, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 309-310 Editorial
by Maria Jepsen & Marina Luttrell - 311-312 Editorial
by Maria Jepsen & Marina Luttrell - 313-314 Editorial
by Maria Jepsen & Marina Luttrell - 315-332 Targeting individuals and specific groups of employees: an emerging trade union challenge
by Hans Björkman - 333-348 The peer review procedure: some thoughts on the analysis and dissemination of good practices in the framework of the European Employment Strategy
by Florence Lefresne - 349-367 The governability of collective bargaining. The case of Spain
by Rosa Nonell & Ramón Alós-Moner & Antonio Martin Artiles & Joaquin Molins - 371-387 Dynamic neo-corporatism - regulating work and welfare in Denmark
by Mikkel Mailand - 389-406 Working time flexibility against time of life inflexibility
by Carlos Lozares & Faustino Miguélez - 407-425 Varieties of capitalism: the importance of political and social choices
by Phil Almond & Maria Gonzalez Menendez - 427-445 Interest representation between social partnership and solidarity
by Mirella Baglioni - 447-452 The ETUC's role vis-Ã -vis the European Constitution
by Wolfgang Kowalsky - 452-456 Worker participation in a globalised world
by Dr Wolfgang Weinz - 457-459 Winners and losers in globalisation
by Dr Thomas Klikauer - 459-463 Fair trade for all: how trade can promote development
by Gintare Kemekliene - 463-467 Supporting women's career advancement - Challenges and opportunities
by SÃle O'Dorchai - 467-470 Women at work. An economic perspective
by Hedva Sarfati - 470-473 Old age income support in the 21st century - An international perspective on pension systems and reform
by Hedva Sarfati - 470-473 Pension reform and the development of pension systems - An evaluation of World Bank assistance
by Hedva Sarfati - 473-475 Should Britain leave the EU? An Economic Analysis of a Troubled Relationship
by Otto Jacobi - 475-480 Euros and Europeans. Monetary integration and the European model of society
by Andrew Watt - 481-482 Global Companies - Global Unions - Global Research - Global Campaigns
by Valeria Pulignano - 482-485 European Works Councils facing delocalisation - a lost struggle?
by Romuald Jagodzinski
May 2006, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 137-141 Mobility of services and posting of workers in the enlarged Europe — challenges for labour market regulation
by Jon Erik Dølvik & Line Eldring - 142-147 La mobilité des services et le détachement des travailleurs dans l'Europe élargie; défis pour la réglementation du marché du travail
by Jon Erik Dølvik et Line Eldring - 148-153 Mobilität von Dienstleistungen und Entsendung von Arbeitnehmern im erweiterten Europa — Herausforderungen für die Regelung des Arbeitsmarktes
by Jon Erik Dølvik & Line Eldring - 155-166 The Vaxholm case from a Swedish and European perspective
by Kerstin Ahlberg & Niklas Bruun & Jonas Malmberg - 167-181 Free movement of services and equal treatment of workers: the case of construction
by Jan Cremers - 183-196 The posting of workers in the German construction industry: responses and problems of trade union action
by Marcus Kahmann - 197-212 Posted workers in France
by Bruno Lefebvre - 213-230 Industrial relations responses to migration and posting of workers after EU enlargement: Nordic trends and differences
by Jon Erik Dølvik & Line Eldring - 231-249 The Services Directive: the legislative process clears the first hurdle
by Wolfgang Kowalsky - 251-266 The Viking case
by Thomas Blanke - 267-272 Mobile worker disputes jolt Ireland's ‘social partnership’ model
by Gerald Flynn - 272-276 Posted workers: Italian regulation and dilemmas
by Massimo Pallini - 277-281 Minimum wages in Europe
by Thorsten Schulten - 283-285 The Mushroom Covenant: Baltic Blacks among Celts
by Gintare Kemekliene - 285-289 Minimum wages in Europe
by Richard Pond - 289-292 Working and Employment Conditions in New EU Member States -Convergence or Diversity?
by Hedva Sarfati - 293-297 The ‘capability approach’ as the high road to job quality, freedom of choice and voice EUROCAP conference, Nantes, 9–10 February 2006
by Hedva Sarfati - 297-301 Transnational collective bargaining: a tool in the service of the Lisbon strategy?
by Isabelle Schömann
February 2006, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 5-6 Editorial
by Henning Jørgensen - 7-8 Editorial
by Henning Jørgensen - 9-10 Editorial
by Henning Jørgensen - 11-29 Cost competition or innovation competition? Lessons from the case of the BMW plant location in Leipzig, Germany
by Ludger Pries - 31-48 Business as usual? Employees' organisations' strategies in welfare legislation in Austria
by Clara Fritsch - 49-60 Mainstreaming gender at the social partner negotiating table in Europe
by Marianne Grünell - 61-82 Opportunities and challenges for flexicurity - The Danish example
by Thomas Bredgaard & Flemming Larsen & Per Kongshøj Madsen - 83-87 Trade union density and unemployment insurance in Finland
by Pertti Jokivuori - 87-98 The Swedish unemployment insurance - will the Ghent system survive?
by Anders Kjellberg - 99-102 European Companies (SEs): 16 months after their introduction and more interesting than many had predicted
by Norbert Kluge - 103-105 A hard climb towards company democracy in Europe. Implementation of the EU framework Directive 2002/14/EC on information and consultation at national level
by Isabelle Schömann - 107-110 Globalisation, Company Strategies and Quality of Working Life in Europe
by Hans Pruijt - 110-113 Die erschöpfte Region [The Exhausted Region]
by Holm-Detlev Köhler - 114-115 Varieties of Unionism. Strategies for Union Revitalization in a Globalizing Economy
by Mirella Baglioni - 116-119 A Comparison of the Trade Union Merger Process in Britain and Germany: Joining Forces?
by Richard Hyman - 116-119 Restructuring Representation: The Merger Process and Trade Union Structural Development in Ten Countries
by Richard Hyman - 121-122 European companies in transformation -trade unions on the defensive?
by Otto Jacobi - 123-125 Rudolf Meidner -trade union expert and democratic socialist
by Lars Ekdahl
November 2005, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 489-495 Innovations for union renewal
by Gregor Murray & Jeremy Waddington - 496-502 Innovations pour un renouvellement syndical
by Gregor Murray & Jeremy Waddington - 503-509 Innovationen für die Erneuerung der Gewerkschaften
by Gregor Murray & Jeremy Waddington - 511-530 International Framework Agreements: global industrial relations between rights and bargaining
by Nikolaus Hammer - 531-547 Building North-South international union alliances: evidence from Mexico
by Christian Lévesque & Mélanie Dufour-Poirier - 549-568 Trade unionism under challenge from offshoring and globalisation
by Sylvie Contrepois & Steve Jefferys - 569-588 New protest movements and the revival of labour politics - A critical examination
by Stéphane Le Queux - 589-604 The territorial social dialogue: challenges and prospects for the trade unions
by Annette Jobert - 605-616 Unions as social capital: the impact of trade union youth programmes on young workers' political and community engagement
by Nancy Brown Johnson & Paul Jarley - 617-628 Segmented labour, united unions? How unions in Canada cope with increased diversity
by Charlotte A. B. Yates - 629-632 Community unionism in a global city
by Dirk Kloosterboer & Piet Göbbels - 633-638 Wolfensohn to Wolfowitz: What does the change at the top of the World Bank mean for labour?
by Peter Bakvis - 639-640 One market, one Social Europe
by Ronald Janssen - 641-644 Strategic Unionism and Partnership: Boxing or Dancing?
by Kurt Vandaele - 645-647 Complying with Europe - EU Harmonisation and Soft Law in the Member States
by Wiebke Warneck - 647-649 Working beyond 60 - Key Policies and Practices in Europe
by N/A - 650-653 Ageing and the transition to retirement - A comparative analysis of European welfare states
by N/A - 654-657 New risks, new welfare: the transformation of the European welfare state
by Hedva Sarfati - 659-661 Between growth and stability: the consequences of the reform of the European Stability and Growth Pact
by Andrew Watt
August 2005, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 309-309 Editorial
by Otto Jacobi & Judith Kirton-Darling - 310-310 Editorial
by Otto Jacobi & Judith Kirton-Darling - 311-311 Editorial
by Otto Jacobi & Judith Kirton-Darling - 313-332 Sectoral social dialogue? A quantitative analysis
by Philippe Pochet - 333-342 Creating perspectives, negotiating social Europe
by Otto Jacobi & Judith Kirton-Darling - 345-351 Social dialogue committee in the banking sector
by Annette Holm Mikkelsen - 353-358 Social dialogue in retail and commerce
by Jan Furstenborg - 359-362 Social dialogue in the European construction industry
by Jan Cremers - 363-367 Social dialogues in the EMCEF industries
by Reinhard Reibsch - 369-373 European social dialogue in the private security service sector
by Sabrina de Marchi - 375-382 Development of social dialogue in the public sector
by Richard Pond - 383-389 The sub-sectoral social dialogue in the European shipbuilding industry
by Kathleen Kollewe - 391-396 The sectoral social dialogue — telecommunications
by Christina J. Colclough - 397-408 Europeanisation at sectoral level. Empirical results and missing perspectives
by Berndt Keller - 409-422 The European social dialogue in the 1990s: institutional innovations and new paradigms
by Janine Goetschy - 423-438 After enlargement: preconditions and prospects for bargaining coordination
by Paul Marginson & Franz Traxler - 439-448 Is the societal dialogue at the local level the future of social dialogue?
by Jean-Yves Boulin & Ulrich Mückenberger - 449-456 Coalition building: trade union dialogues with civil society
by Eberhard Schmidt - 457-461 1985–2005: Celebrating 20 years of EU social dialogue, but what about its future?
by Stefan Clauwaert - 461-464 The American lesson: problems faced by US trade unionism
by Savino Pezzotta - 465-467 Sectoral Social Dialogue in Future EU Member States: The Weakest Link
by Hedva Sarfati - 467-469 Unions in the 21st century. An international perspective
by Otto Jacobi - 469-471 Europas Wirtschaft gestalten. Makroökonomische Koordinierung und die Rolle der Gewerkschaften
by Torsten Müller & Stefan Rüb - 471-473 Globale Arbeitsbeziehungen in globalen Konzernen?
by Marco Hauptmeier - 473-475 New frontiers of democratic participation at work
by Otto Jacobi - 475-477 European integration and industrial relations. Multi-level governance in the making
by Otto Jacobi - 479-479 Transatlantic Social Dialogue, HBS, Cornell, ETUI-REHS, FES Third Annual Meeting, 20–21 May 2005 in Berlin, hosted by IG Metall
by Ian Greer
May 2005, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 145-147 Editorial
by Kevin P. O'Kelly & Norbert Kluge - 148-150 Editorial
by Kevin P. O'Kelly & Norbert Kluge - 151-153 Editorial
by Kevin P. O'Kelly & Norbert Kluge - 155-162 Industrial democracy and the European traditions
by Robert Taylor - 163-177 Corporate governance with co-determination — a key element of the European social model
by Norbert Kluge - 179-188 Company law and workers' interests
by Robbert van het Kaar - 189-205 Participation in European Companies: views from social partners in three Member States
by Ulke Veersma & Sjef Swinkels - 207-219 Workers' involvement in the European Company — the SE Guidelines of the European Metalworkers Federation
by Luc Triangle - 221-230 A European project for employee board-level representatives: issues, roles and responsibilities
by Kevin P. O'Kelly - 231-243 Board-level employee representatives in nine countries: a snapshot
by Mark Carley - 245-248 Forthcoming TUAC report on corporate governance — building a common trade union platform for reform
by Pierre Habbard - 249-255 Between ‘beneficial constraints’ and ‘regime competition’: The dilemmas of the transposition into national legislation of the Directive on employee involvement in the European Company (SE)
by Lorenzo Bordogna - 256-259 Theses for a European minimum wage policy
by Thorsten Schulten & Claus Schäfer & Reinhard Bispinck & Andreas Rieger & Beat Ringger & Hans Baumann & Michel Husson & Antoine Math - 260-265 The EMF European Company Policy: the GME Restructuring and Framework Agreement
by Chantal Caron & Rainer Weinert - 266-267 EMF-GME European Framework Agreement
by N/A - 268-269 Rejection of the European Constitution must prompt re-think of economic and employment policies
by Andrew Watt - 271-272 The Global Evolution of Industrial Relations — Events, Ideas and the IIRA
by Gian Primo Cella - 273-274 The Global Evolution of Industrial Relations — Events, Ideas and the IIRA
by Kevin P. O'Kelly - 275-279 Irregular Migration. The Dilemmas of Transnational Mobility
by Antonio Martón Artiles - 280-281 Metropolitan Governance without Metropolitan Government?
by Otto Jacobi - 282-285 Review of Industrial Relations in Europe 2004, report by Directorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs
by Herman Knudsen - 286-288 Dienstleistungsarbeit: Auf dem Boden der Tatsachen
by N/A - 289-292 Taking responsibility for an enterprise, but in a different way
by Norbert Kluge & Roland Köstler - 293-295 Learning from each other
by Michael Stollt & Norbert Kluge - 295-299 Political state of play concerning the Tenth Company Law Directive on cross-border mergers
by Norbert Kluge & Johannes Heuschmid
February 2005, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 005-007 Editorial
by Maria Luisa Cristovam & Kevin P. O'Kelly - 008-010 Editorial
by Maria Luisa Cristovam & Kevin P. O'Kelly - 011-013 Editorial
by Maria Luisa Cristovam & Kevin P. O'Kelly - 014-025 The future of work – what kind of work? Impacts of gender on the definition of work and research methodology
by Alexandra Scheele - 026-044 German pacts for employment and competitiveness Concessionary bargaining as a reaction to globalisation and European integration?
by Heiko Massa-Wirth & Hartmut Seifert - 045-063 Building social partnership? Strengths and shortcomings of the European Employment Strategy
by Bernard H. Casey - 064-080 The open method of coordination and the Lisbon strategy: the difficult road from potential to results
by Janine Goetschy - 081-096 The European Works Councils – a role beyond the EC Directive?
by Volker Telljohann - 97-111 Social cohesion across Europe. Does time allocation matter?
by Elsa Fontainha - 113-117 Trade unions and local developments in the Netherlands
by Dirk Kloosterboer - 119-122 Thesis on ‘Monetary Union, degree of corporatism of pay bargaining and rigidity of the real wage: a reinterpretation of the Calmfors and Driffill relationship'
by Emmanuel Mermet