April 2011, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 213-221 The Role of Uncertainty of Outcome and Scoring in the Determination of Fan Satisfaction in the NFL
by Rodney J. Paul & Yoav Wachsman & Andrew P. Weinbach - 222-224 Book Review: Kevin G. Quinn Sports and Their Fans: The History, Economics, and Culture of the Relationship Between Spectator and Sport Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company, 2009. 259 pp. ISBN 978-0-7864-3802-0 $35.00
by Victor Matheson
February 2011, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 3-19 Peer Effects in Team Sports: Empirical Evidence From NCAA Relay Teams
by Craig A. Depken II & Lisa E. Haglund - 20-35 Game Information, Local Heroes, and Their Effect on Attendance: The Case of the Japanese Baseball League
by Eiji Yamamura - 36-54 Does the Australian Football League Draft Undervalue Indigenous Australian Footballers?
by Heather Mitchell & Constantino Stavros & Mark F. Stewart - 55-80 Using ‘‘Dominetrics’’ to Impose Greater Discipline on Performance Rankings
by Scott Beaulier & Robert Elder - 81-105 General Ability and Specialization: Evidence From Penalty Kicks in Soccer
by Florian Baumann & Tim Friehe & Michael Wedow - 106-117 The Reverse Favorite-Longshot Bias in the National Hockey League: Do Bettors Still Score on Longshots?
by Linda M. Woodland & Bill M. Woodland - 118-121 Book Review: Placido Rodriguez, Stefan Kesenne, and Jaume Garcia Threats to Sports and Sports Participation Oviedo, Spain: University of Oviedo, 2008. 207 pp 18. ISBN: 978-84-8317-754-9
by Paul D. Staudohar
December 2010, Volume 11, Issue 6
- 587-601 Optimal Competitive Balance in Single-Game Ticket Sports Leagues
by Rodney Fort & James Quirk - 602-613 The Role of Fatigue in NBA Wagering Markets: The Surprising ‘‘Home Disadvantage Situation’’
by Thomas Ashman & R. Alan Bowman & James Lambrinos - 614-628 Determinants of Minor League Baseball Attendance
by Seth R. Gitter & Thomas A. Rhoads - 629-640 Television Broadcast Demand for National Football League Contests
by Scott Tainsky - 641-651 Brazilian Football League Technical Efficiency: A Simar and Wilson Approach
by Carlos Pestana Barros & Albert Assaf & Fabio Sá-Earp - 652-656 Book Review: Mark S. Rosentraub Major League Winners: Using Sports and Cultural Centers as Tools for Economic Development Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Price: $59.95 (from the publisher’s website) ISBN: 978-1-4398-0159-8
by Craig A. Depken II
October 2010, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 475-495 A New Test of Compensating Differences: Evidence on the Importance of Unobserved Heterogeneity
by Marios Michaelides - 496-532 Learning by Doing, Knowledge Spillovers, and Technological and Organizational Change in High-Altitude Mountaineering
by John R. Boyce & Diane P. Bischak - 533-548 Travel Costs in the NBA Production Function
by Andrew W. Nutting - 549-566 Measuring the Performance of Nations at Beijing Summer Olympics Using Integer-Valued DEA Model
by Jie Wu & Zhixiang Zhou & Liang Liang - 567-579 Returns to Stardom: Evidence From U.S. Major League Soccer
by Todd H. Kuethe & Mesbah Motamed - 580-583 Book Review: Fans of the World, Unite! A (Capitalist) Manifesto for Sports Consumers
by Raymond D. Sauer
August 2010, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 363-382 The Effects of Higher Admission Standards on NCAA Student-Athletes: An Analysis of Proposition 16
by Joshua A. Price - 383-396 Corruption in Professional Sumo: An Update on the Study of Duggan and Levitt
by Helmut M. Dietl & Markus Lang & Stephan Werner - 397-417 Voter Bias in the Associated Press College Football Poll
by B. Jay Coleman & Andres Gallo & Paul M. Mason & Jeffrey W. Steagall - 418-442 Can We Be Satisfied With Our Football Team? Evidence From Spanish Professional Football
by Francisco González-Gómez & Andrés J. Picazo-Tadeo - 443-455 Not So Fast, My Friend: Biases in College Football Polls
by Mark David Witte & McDonald Paul Mirabile - 456-469 Valuing Cricketers Using Hedonic Price Models
by Ajit Karnik
June 2010, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 243-260 The Effect of Incentives on Sabotage: The Case of Spanish Football
by Julio del Corral & Juan Prieto-RodrÃguez & Rob Simmons - 261-286 The Demand for Environmental Quality: An Application of Hedonic Pricing in Golf
by Frank F. Limehouse & Peter C. Melvin & Robert E. McCormick - 287-315 Estimating Production Efficiency in Men’s NCAA College Basketball: A Bayesian Approach
by Michael S. Rimler & Seongho Song & David T. Yi - 316-348 Estimating Attendance at Major League Baseball Games for the 2007 Season
by Robert J. Lemke & Matthew Leonard & Kelebogile Tlhokwane - 349-357 Designated Hitter Rule Debate: A Search for Mr. Hyde in Pitchers
by Akihiko Kawaura - 358-360 The Payoff to Leadership in Teams
by Stacey Brook
April 2010, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 115-116 Editors’ Introduction
by Brad Humphreys & Dennis Coates - 117-135 Tournament Incentives, League Policy, and NBA Team Performance Revisited
by Joseph Price & Brian P. Soebbing & David Berri & Brad R. Humphreys - 136-156 Happiness and Physical Activity in Special Populations: Evidence From Korean Survey Data
by Young Hoon Lee & Ilhyeok Park - 157-171 On the Evaluation of the ‘‘Most Important’’ Position in Professional Sports
by David J. Berri & Stacey L. Brook - 172-185 The Ebbs and Flows of the Game: Multiple Equilibria in a Sports League Model
by Duane W. Rockerbie & Stephen T. Easton - 186-202 Top Clubs’ Performance and the Competitive Situation in European Domestic Football Competitions
by Tim Pawlowski & Christoph Breuer & Arnd Hovemann - 203-213 Why Do Some Kinds of Stars Get the Calls?
by Evan Osborne - 214-226 Impact of Advance Ticket Sales on Attendance in the Finnish Football League
by Antti Iho & Jaakko Heikkilä - 227-231 Comment on Hanssen and Meehan, ‘‘Who Integrated Major League Baseball Faster Winning Teams or Losing Teams?’’
by Christopher J. Coyne & Justin P. Isaacs & Jeremy T. Schwartz - 232-235 Response to Coyne et al
by F. Andrew Hanssen & James W. Meehan Jr - 236-238 Who Integrated Major League Baseball Faster Winning Teams or Losing Teams? A Comment
by Brian L. Goff & Robert D. Tollison
February 2010, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 3-16 Observation, Replication, and Measurement in Sports Economics
by Rodney Fort - 17-28 Reflections on Salary Shares and Salary Caps
by Andrew Zimbalist - 29-47 Working in the Land of the Metricians
by David J. Berri & John Charles Bradbury - 48-59 Issues With Replicating Results in Sports Economics
by Jason A. Winfree - 60-76 Problems With Data on the Sport Industry
by Brad R. Humphreys & Jane E. Ruseski - 77-88 Competitive Balance in the National Football League After the 1993 Collective Bargaining Agreement
by Travis Lee - 89-99 Quit Behavior of Professional Tennis Players
by Hannah Geyer - 100-105 The Myth of Scheduling Bias With Back-to-Back Games in the NBA
by Yvan J. Kelly - 106-108 Book Review: Sports Economics. Theory, Evidence and Policy Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2009. 419 pp
by P. Downward & A. Dawson & T. Dejonghe & Christoph Breuer & Tim Pawlowski & Pamela Wicker
December 2009, Volume 10, Issue 6
- 563-581 Competitive Balance and Match Uncertainty in Grand-Slam Tennis
by Julio del Corral - 582-600 A Consistent Weighted Ranking Scheme With an Application to NCAA College Football Rankings
by Itay Fainmesser & Chaim Fershtman & Neil Gandal - 601-618 On the Price and Income Sensitivity of the Demand for Sports: Has Linder’s Disease Become More Serious?
by Knut Løyland & Vidar Ringstad - 619-638 Altitude or Hot Air?
by Rómulo A. Chumacero - 639-650 Brazilian Football
by Regina Madalozzo & Rodrigo Berber Villar - 651-659 Identification of Segments of Soccer Clubs in the Spanish League First Division with a Latent Class Model Comments
by Young Hoon Lee - 660-666 Reply to Comment on ‘‘Identification of Segments of Soccer Clubs in the Spanish League First Division with a Latent Class Model’’
by Carlos P. Barros & Julio del Corral & Pedro GarcÃa-del-Barrio - 667-670 Book Review: Counterfeit Amateurs: An Athlete’s Journey Through the Sixties to the Age of Academic Capitalism, edited by Allen Sack, University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2008. xvi + 200 pp. $24.95. ISBN 0-27103-368-1
by Jacqueline E. McLaughlin - 670-673 Book Review: Playbooks and Checkbooks: An Introduction to the Economics of Modern Sports, edited by Stefan Szymanski, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009. 225 pp. $29.95. ISBN 978-0-691-12750-7
by Stephen J. K. Walters
October 2009, Volume 10, Issue 5
- 447-450 In Memoriam
by Philip Porter - 451-484 Do Teams Always Lose to Win? Performance Incentives and the Player Draft in the Australian Football League
by Jeff Borland & Mark Chicu & Robert D. Macdonald - 485-501 Uncertain Prospects
by John D. Burger & Stephen J. K. Walters - 502-521 Selection Biases in Sports Markets
by Néstor Gandelman - 522-542 Minority Status and Managerial Survival in Major League Baseball
by Brian Volz - 543-550 Reply to: Differences in the Success of NFL Coaches by Race
by Janice Fanning Madden & Matthew Ruther - 551-554 Book Review: The Business of Sports, edited by Brad R. Humphreys and Dennis R. Howard. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 2008. 299 pp
by Yvan J. Kelly - 555-555 ‘‘College Sports in Recessionary Times: Assessing Challenges and Opportunities’’
by N/A - 556-556 Erratum
by N/A
August 2009, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 335-350 Why Do Player Trades Dominate Sales?
by Daniel R. Marburger - 351-368 The Impact of Intercollegiate Athletics on Employment in the Restaurant and Accommodations Industries
by Bernard F. Lentz & David N. Laband - 369-390 International Soccer Success and National Institutions
by Michael A. Leeds & Eva Marikova Leeds - 391-408 The Impact of Seeding, Home Continent, and Hosting on FIFA World Cup Results
by James Monks & Jared Husch - 409-428 Pool Revenue Sharing, Team Investments, and Competitive Balance in Professional Sports A Theoretical Analysis
by Yang-Ming Chang & Shane Sanders - 429-438 The Payoff to Leadership in Teams
by Christian Deutscher - 439-442 Book Review: Russell, G. W. (2008). Aggression in the Sports World: A Social Psychological Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press
by Todd D. Kendall - 443-444 Book Review: Sandy, R., Sloane, P. J., & Rosentraub, M. S. (2004). The Economics of Sport: An International Perspective. New York: Palgrave
by Dennis Coates
June 2009, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 219-235 The Impact of Postseason Restructuring on the Competitive Balance and Fan Demand in Major League Baseball
by Young Hoon Lee - 236-255 Contests, Grand Prizes, and the Hot Hand
by Todd A. McFall & Charles R. Knoeber & Walter N. Thurman - 256-277 Determinants of Pay in the NHL
by Claude Vincent & Byron Eastman - 278-291 Strategic Free Agency in Baseball
by Duane W. Rockerbie - 292-304 Shirking in Major League Baseball Revisited
by Anthony C. Krautmann & Thomas D. Donley - 305-318 Are Three Points for a Win Really Better Than Two?
by Alexander Dilger & Hannah Geyer - 319-322 Book Review: Gennaro, Vince. (2007). Diamond Dollars: The Economics of Winning in Baseball. Hingham, MA: Maple Street Press
by Allen R. Sanderson - 323-325 Book Review: Grant, Randy R., Leadly, John, and Zygmont, Zenon. (2008). Economics of Intercollegiate Sports. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific
by Brian Goff - 326-330 Book Review: Hogshead-Makar, N., & Zimbalist, A. (Eds.). (2007). Equal Play: Title IX and Social Change. Philadelphia: Temple University Press
by Kathleen A. Carroll
April 2009, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 127-140 Racial Integration of Coaching
by Brian L. Goff & Robert D. Tollison - 141-154 Who Integrated Major League Baseball Faster
by F. Andrew Hanssen & James W. Meehan Jr - 155-167 A Hybrid Individual—Zonal Travel Cost Model for Estimating the Consumer Surplus of Golfing in Colorado
by John Loomis & Omer Tadjion & Philip Watson & Josh Wilson & Stephen Davies & Dawn Thilmany - 168-179 The Postseason Value of an Elite Player to a Contending Team
by Anthony C. Krautmann & James Ciecka - 180-191 Arenas Versus Multifunctional Stadiums
by Arne Feddersen & Wolfgang Maennig - 192-203 The Impact of Team Revenues on MLB Salaries
by Kenneth H. Brown & Lisa K. Jepsen - 204-206 Comment on ``A Stadium by Any Other Name: The Value of Naming Rights''
by Roger D. Blair & Jessica S. Haynes - 207-208 Response to Blair and Haynes
by Eva Marikova Leeds & Michael A. Leeds & Irina Pistolet - 209-213 Book Review: Késenne, S. (2007). The Economic Theory of Professional Team Sports: An Analytical Treatment. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar
by Rob Simmons - 214-215 Call for Papers: First European Conference in Sports Economics
by N/A
February 2009, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 3-5 Journal of Sports Economics North American Association of Sports Economists Conference Proceedings From the Western Economic Association Meetings, Honolulu, 2008
by Dennis Coates & Brad Humphreys - 6-22 The Dynamics of Performance Over the Duration of Major League Baseball Long-Term Contracts
by Anthony C. Krautmann & John L. Solow - 23-43 Race and the Evaluation of Signal Callers in the National Football League
by David J. Berri & Rob Simmons - 44-58 Analyzing the Relationship Between Team Success and MLB Attendance With GARCH Effects
by Michael C. Davis - 59-67 NCAA ``Point Shaving'' as an Artifact of the Regression Effect and the Lack of Tie Games
by Neal Johnson - 68-87 College Football Games and Crime
by Daniel I. Rees & Kevin T. Schnepel - 88-106 Globalization and Factor Mobility
by Bernd Frick - 107-123 Bowling in Hawaii
by Robert W. Baumann & Victor A. Matheson & Chihiro Muroi
December 2008, Volume 9, Issue 6
- 571-591 Determining Economic Contributions in a Recreational Industry
by Philip Watson & Steve Davies & Dawn Thilmany - 592-605 Does Television Crowd Out Spectators?
by Grant Allan & Graeme Roy - 606-627 An Examination of NBA MVP Voting Behavior
by B. Jay Coleman & J. Michael DuMond & Allen K. Lynch - 628-643 Assessing the Economic Impact of College Football Games on Local Economies
by Robert A. Baade & Robert W. Baumann & Victor A. Matheson - 644-662 Skills, Performance, and Earnings in the Tournament Compensation Model
by Stephen Shmanske - 663-670 Differences in the Success of NFL Coaches by Race
by Keith D. Malone & Jim F. Couch & J. Douglas Barrett
October 2008, Volume 9, Issue 5
- 451-469 Identification of Segments of Soccer Clubs in the Spanish League First Division With a Latent Class Model
by Carlos Pestana Barros & Julio del Corral & Pedro Garcia-del-Barrio - 470-487 Population and Bandwagon Effects on Local Team Revenues in Major League Baseball
by Daniel Brown & Charles R. Link - 488-503 Evidence of Betting Market Intraseason Efficiency and Interseason Overreaction to Unexpected NFL Team Performance 1988-2006
by Steven G. Sapra - 504-519 Consistency on the PGA Tour
by Matthew Hood - 520-537 Economics and the Summer Olympics
by Alexander Rathke & Ulrich Woitek - 538-552 Athletics and Alumni Giving
by Jessica A. Holmes & James A. Meditz & Paul M. Sommers - 553-560 Pigskins and Politics
by David N. Laband & Ram Pandit & Anne M. Laband & John P. Sophocleus - 561-564 Book Review: The Economics of Sport and the Media, edited by Claude Jeanrenaud and Stefan Kesenne. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2006. 203 pp
by Terry Robinson
August 2008, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 339-350 The Effect of Marginal Cost Elasticity on Competitive Balance
by Martin Grossmann & Helmut M. Dietl & Urs Trinkner - 351-370 Mobility Among Employers and Assortative Matching
by Néstor Gandelman - 371-386 Line Movements and Market Timing in the Baseball Gambling Market
by Rodney J. Paul & Andrew P. Weinbach - 387-406 Big-Time College Basketball and the Advertising Effect
by D. Randall Smith - 407-424 Do Firms Have Short Memories?
by Andrew Healy - 425-434 Fan Substitution and the 2004-05 NHL Lockout
by Jason A. Winfree & Rodney Fort - 435-440 The Changing Hitting Performance Profile in Major League Baseball, 1966-2006
by Paul M. Sommers - 441-445 Book Review: The Baseball Economist: The Real Game Exposed, by J. C. Bradbury. New York: Dutton Penguin Group. 2007. 236 pp
by Dennis Coates
June 2008, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 231-249 Celebrity Misbehavior in the NBA
by Todd D. Kendall - 250-265 Nepotism or Family Tradition? A Study of NASCAR Drivers
by Peter A. Groothuis & Jana D. Groothuis - 266-286 Local Heroes and Superstars
by Leif Brandes & Egon Franck & Stephan Nüesch - 287-303 Testing Rosen's Sequential Elimination Tournament Model
by Keith F. Gilsdorf & Vasant A. Sukhatme - 304-317 A Contingent Valuation of the 2012 London Olympic Games
by Harry Walton & Alberto Longo & Peter Dawson - 318-327 The Performance-Enhancing Drug Game Reconsidered
by Nicolas Eber - 328-329 Review: College Football History: Records and Game Scores From the Major College Football Programs From 1869 Onward, by James P. Quirk & Quentin Quirk. [CD, 2007, 175 Microsoft Word files, 15.3 MB]. (Available from
by Kevin G. Quinn - 330-332 Review: Sports Economics After Fifty Years: Essays in Honour of Simon Rottenberg, by Placido Rodriguez, Stefan Kesenne, and Jaume Garcia (Eds.). Oviedo, Spain: University of Oviedo, 2006. 227 pp
by Paul D. Staudohar - 333-335 Review: Handbook on the Economics of Sport, by Wladimir Andreff and Stefan Szymanski. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar, 2006. 848 pp
by James Angresano
April 2008, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 115-140 Earnings, Performance, and Nationality Discrimination in a Highly Competitive Labor Market as An Analysis of the English Professional Soccer League
by Roberto Pedace - 141-159 Outlier Aversion in Subjective Evaluation
by Jungmin Lee - 160-172 The Determinants of Soccer Player Substitutions
by Julio Del Corral & Carlos Pestana Barros & Juan Prieto-RodrÃguez - 173-190 Testing for Home Team and Favorite Biases in the Australian Rules Football Fixed-Odds and Point Spread Betting Markets
by Adi Schnytzer & Guy Weinberg - 191-210 Point Score Systems and Competitive Imbalance in Professional Soccer
by Kjetil K. Haugen - 211-224 Pigou at the Plate
by John Charles Bradbury & Douglas J. Drinen - 225-226 Book Review: Baseball, Inc.: The National Pastime as Big Business, (2006). by Frank P. Jozsa, Jr. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc., 292 pp
by Paul D. Staudohar
February 2008, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 3-19 Women and Competition in Elimination Tournaments
by Thierry Lallemand & Robert Plasman & François Rycx - 20-42 Impact of Overwhelming Joy on Consumer Demand
by Jean-Marc Falter & Christophe Pérignon & Olivier Vercruysse - 43-66 The Price of Thoroughbred Yearlings in Britain
by Conor Parsons & Ian Smith - 67-87 An Economic Model of the College Football Recruiting Process
by J. Michael Dumond & Allen K. Lynch & Jennifer Platania - 88-95 Qualifications to the Rottenberg Invariance Theorem
by Anthony C. Krautmann - 96-99 A Constructive Comment on “Rematches in Boxing and Other Sporting Eventsâ€
by Shane Sanders - 100-105 Reply to Comment on “Rematches in Boxing and Other Sporting Eventsâ€
by J. Atsu Amegashie & Edward Kutsoati - 106-109 Book Review: The Bottom Line: Observations and Arguments on the Sports Business, by Andrew Zimbalist. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2006. 312 pp
by Michael Leeds
December 2007, Volume 8, Issue 6
- 563-580 Competitive Balance and Game Attendance in Major League Baseball
by James W. Meehan Jr. & Randy A. Nelson & Thomas V. Richardson - 581-595 A Stadium by Any Other Name
by Eva Marikova Leeds & Michael A. Leeds & Irina Pistolet - 596-615 Deviations From Equity and Parity in the National Football League
by William A. Hamlen Jr. - 616-632 Does the Baseball Labor Market Properly Value Pitchers?
by John Charles Bradbury - 633-641 To Race or to Place?
by Jeremy T. Schwartz & Justin P. Isaacs & Anthony M. Carilli - 642-651 Comments on ``Measuring Parity''
by Rodney Fort - 652-661 French Football
by Wladimir Andreff - 662-669 Governance Failure and Financial Crisis in German Football
by Helmut M. Dietl & Egon Franck - 670-674 Belgian Football
by Stefan Kesenne - 675-677 Book Review: Handbook of Sports Economics Research, edited by John Fizel. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2005. 288 pp
by Stephen Shmanske
October 2007, Volume 8, Issue 5
- 447-448 In Memoriam: Lawrence H. Hadley 1945-2007
by Elizabeth Gustafson - 449-467 Private Financing and Sports Franchise Values
by Phillip Miller - 468-490 Evaluating Rent Dissipation in the Spanish Football Industry
by Guido Ascari & Philippe Gagnepain - 491-504 The Designated Hitter Rule and Team Defensive Strategy in Japan's Professional Baseball Leagues
by Akihiko Kawaura & Sumner J. La Croix - 505-518 Penalty Shoot-Outs
by Juan D. Carrillo - 519-529 Revenue Sharing and Owner Profits in Professional Team Sports
by Stefan Kesenne - 530-545 Penalty Kicks in Soccer
by Germán Coloma - 546-554 The Incentive Effects of Overtime Rules in Professional Hockey
by Neil Longley & Swaminathan Sankaran - 555-556 Reply to Longley and Sankaran
by Jason Abrevaya - 557-557 Acknowledgement of Priority
by Laurens Cherchye & Frederic Vermeulen
August 2007, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 335-354 The Demand for Football Pools in Spain
by Jaume GarcÃa & Plácido RodrÃguez - 355-377 Selection Bias and Peer Effects in Team Sports
by John Ashworth & Bruno Heyndels - 378-393 The Value of College
by Jason A. Winfree & Christopher J. Molitor - 394-411 Modeling the Determinants of a Professional Golfer's Tournament Earnings
by Scott J. Callan & Janet M. Thomas - 412-424 Expectations and Voting in the NCAA Football Polls
by Rodney J. Paul & Andrew P. Weinbach & Patrick Coate - 425-434 Evidence of Television Exposure Effects in AP Top 25 College Football Rankings
by Noel D. Campbell & Tammy M. Rogers & R. Zachary Finney - 435-442 Overtime Incentives in the National Hockey League (NHL)
by Stephen Shmanske & Franklin Lowenthal
June 2007, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 223-243 Early Entry in the NBA Draft
by Peter A. Groothuis & James Richard Hill & Timothy J. Perri - 244-254 An Event Study of the Economic Impact of Professional Sport Franchises on Local U.S. Economies
by Kaveephong Lertwachara & James J. Cochran - 255-265 The Labor Market Effects of High School Athletic Participation
by Bradley T. Ewing - 266-294 Player Salaries, Organizational Efficiency, and Competitiveness in Major League Baseball
by Herbert F. Lewis & Thomas R. Sexton & Kathleen A. Lock - 295-308 Playing It Safe? A Fibonacci Strategy for Soccer Betting
by Fragiskos Archontakis & Evan Osborne - 309-316 A Note on Revenue Sharing in Sports Leagues
by Matthias Kräkel - 317-331 “La Grande Boucleâ€
by Benno Torgler
May 2007, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 115-138 Sports League Expansion and Consumer Welfare
by Lawrence M. Kahn - 139-164 Sports Leagues and Parity When League Parity Generates Fan Enthusiasm
by John R. Crooker & Aju J. Fenn - 165-182 The Total Economic Value of Sporting Events Theory and Practice
by Eric Barget & Jean-Jacques Gouguet - 183-191 Can We Find It at the Concessions? Understanding Price Elasticity in Professional Sports
by Anthony C. Krautmann & David J. Berri - 192-201 Salary Determination in the National Hockey League Is Arbitration Efficient?
by James Lambrinos & Thomas D. Ashman - 202-213 Explaining International Soccer Rankings
by Peter Macmillan & Ian Smith - 214-217 Book Review: The Wages of Wins, by David Berri, Martin Schmidt, and Stacey Brook. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 2006. 304 pp
by Andrew Zimbalist
February 2007, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 3-18 College Football Rankings and Market Efficiency
by Ray C. Fair & John F. Oster - 19-38 Corruption in College Basketball? Evidence of Tanking in Postseason Conference Tournaments
by Ed Balsdon & Lesley Fong & Mark A. Thayer - 39-61 An Analysis of Attendance at Major League Baseball Spring Training Games
by Michael R. Donihue & David W. Findlay & Peter W. Newberry - 62-82 Revenue Sharing in Sports Leagues
by Phillip A. Miller - 83-98 Labor Supply on the PGA TOUR
by Thomas A. Rhoads