October 2006, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 426-448 Author Index
by N/A
July 2006, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 227-230 The Politics of Small Numbers and Transactions
by Stuart H. Sweeney - 231-246 Pandora’s Box: The Potential and Peril of Migration Data from the American Community Survey
by Rachel S. Franklin & David A. Plane - 247-263 On the State of the Geography in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Covered Wages and Employment (ES-202) Series
by Edward Feser & Stuart H. Sweeney - 264-277 Integrated Employer-Employee Data: New Resources for Regional Data Analysis
by Julia Lane & Bryce Stephens - 278-296 Regional Analysis Using Census Bureau Microdata at the Center for Economic Studies
by James C. Davis & Brian P. Holly - 297-310 Is There Really an Export Wage Premium? A Case Study of Los Angeles Using Matched Employee-Employer Data
by Sébastien Breau & David L. Rigby - 311-335 1.5 Million Missing Numbers: Overcoming Employment Suppression in County Business Patterns Data
by Andrew M. Isserman & James Westervelt
April 2006, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 115-134 The Measurement of Capital and the Measurement of Productivity Growth and Efficiency in State Manufacturing
by Bruce R. Domazlicky & William L. Weber - 135-158 “Running Down the Up Escalator†: A Revisionist Perspective on Decentralization and Deconcentration in the United States, 1970-2000
by Paul D. Gottlieb - 159-198 A Generalized Space-Time ARMA Model with an Application to Regional Unemployment Analysis in Italy
by Valter Di Giacinto - 199-223 Internal Migration, Asymmetric Shocks, and Interprovincial Economic Adjustments in Canada
by Serge Coulombe
January 2006, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 3-34 The European Regional Convergence Process, 1980-1995: Do Spatial Regimes and Spatial Dependence Matter?
by Cem Ertur & Julie Le Gallo & Catherine Baumont - 35-63 Convergence and Mobility: Personal Income Trends in U.S. Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Regions
by George W. Hammond & Eric Thompson - 64-80 Regional Convergence in the European Union: A Stochastic Dominance Approach
by Anca Carrington - 81-107 Multinationals' Location Choice, Agglomeration Economies, and Public Incentives
by Salvador Barrios & Holger Görg & Eric Strobl - 108-110 Acknowledgment of Referees
by N/A
October 2005, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 379-380 Poverty, Policy, and Place: A Symposium
by Bruce Weber - 381-414 A Critical Review of Rural Poverty Literature: Is There Truly a Rural Effect?
by Bruce Weber & Leif Jensen & Kathleen Miller & Jane Mosley & Monica Fisher - 415-440 High-Poverty Nonmetropolitan Counties in America: Can Economic Development Help?
by Mark D. Partridge & Dan S. Rickman - 441-464 Poverty, Policy, and Place: How Poverty and Policies to Alleviate Poverty Are Shaped by Local Characteristics
by Rebecca M. Blank - 465-499 In the National Interest: Defining Rural and Urban Correctly in Research and Public Policy
by Andrew M. Isserman - 500-501 Index to International Regional Science Review
by N/A
July 2005, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 271-301 Continuity amidst Restructuring: The U.S. Gender Division of Labor in Geographic Perspective, 1970 and 1990
by Lawrence A. Brown & Sang-Il Lee & Linda Lobao & Su-Yeul Chung - 302-329 Price Convergence on World Commodity Markets: Fact or Fiction?
by James O. Bukenya & Walter C. Labys - 330-346 Neural Network Modeling as a Tool for Forecasting Regional Employment Patterns
by Simonetta Longhi & Peter Nijkamp & Aura Reggianni & Erich Maierhofer - 347-372 Nonprofit and For-Profit Competition with Public Alternatives in an Urban Setting with Congestion
by H. Shelton Brown III
April 2005, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 107-118 New Urbanism and Smart Growth: A Few Words from the Academy
by Gerrit Knaap & Emily Talen - 119-145 Information Technology and Urban Form: Challenges to Smart Growth
by Ivonne Audirac - 146-167 Smart Growth and the Transportation-Land Use Connection: What Does the Research Tell Us?
by Susan Handy - 168-192 The Effects of Urban Patterns on Ecosystem Function
by Marina Alberti - 193-216 Multiple Impacts of the Built Environment on Public Health: Walkable Places and the Exposure to Air Pollution
by Lawrence D. Frank & Peter Engelke - 217-238 From Good Neighborhoods to Sustainable Cities: Social Science and the Social Agenda of the New Urbanism
by David Brain - 239-265 Smart Growth and Urban Development Pattern: A Comparative Study
by Yan Song
January 2005, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 3-3 Subject and Author Indexes to 2003 Regional Science and Related Journal Literature
by Boris Dev & Mark V. Janikas & Young-Sik Kim - 4-13 List of Journals
by N/A - 14-83 Subject Index
by N/A - 84-104 Author Index
by N/A
October 2004, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 379-410 Economic-Demographic Effects of Immigration: Results from a Dynamic Spatial Microsimulation Model
by Terance J. Rephann & Einar Holm - 411-430 Rank Size Distribution of International Financial Centers
by Jessie P. H. Poon & Bradly Eldredge & David Yeung - 431-457 Is Distance Really Dead? Comparing Industrial Location Patterns over Time in Canada
by Mario Polèse & Richard Shearmur
July 2004, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 243-246 Introduction
by Robert Walker - 247-270 Theorizing Land-Cover and Land-Use Change: The Case of Tropical Deforestation
by Robert Walker - 271-296 Modeling Deforestation at Distinct Geographic Scales and Time Periods in Santa Cruz, Bolivia
by BenoÃŽt Mertens & David Kaimowitz & Atie Puntodewo & Jerry Vanclay & Patricia Mendez - 297-325 Land Use and Road Improvements: A Spatial Perspective
by Gerald Nelson & Alessandro De Pinto & Virginia Harris & Steven Stone - 326-347 Modeling the Determinants of Semi-Subsistent and Commercial Land Uses in an Agricultural Frontier of Southern Mexico: A Switching Regression Approach
by Colin Vance & Jacqueline Geoghegan - 348-373 Transferable Development Rights and Forest Protection: An Exploratory Analysis
by Kenneth M. Chomitz
April 2004, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 111-137 The Geographic Concentration of Knowledge: Scale, Agglomeration, and Congestion in Innovation Across U.S. States
by Norman Sedgley & Bruce Elmslie - 138-163 Space-Time Analysis of GDP Disparities among European Regions: A Markov Chains Approach
by Julie Le Gallo - 164-186 Establishment Growth in Small Cities and Towns
by Todd M. Gabe - 187-204 The Determinants of Employment Creation in Small Regional Firms
by Gregory T. Papanikos - 205-237 Economic Growth in Washington: An Examination of Migration Response and a Test of Model Accuracy
by JunHo Yeo & David Holland
January 2004, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 106-107 Erratum
by N/A
October 2003, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 423-446 Regional Economic Diversity and Regional Economic Stability: Research Results and Agenda
by J. C. Dissart - 447-465 On the Determinants of Regional Trade Flows
by Rosella Nicolini - 466-482 Migration Flows in Finland: Regional Differences in Migration Determinants and Migrant Types
by Sari Pekkala - 483-501 Aggregate and Sectoral Convergence among Irish Regions: The Role of Structural Change, 1960-96
by Eoin O'leary
July 2003, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 223-243 Spatial Econometric Data Analysis: Moving Beyond Traditional Models
by Raymond J. G. M. Florax & Arno J. Van der Vlist - 244-268 Specification and Estimation of Spatial Panel Data Models
by J. Paul Elhorst - 269-288 Spatial Patterns and Processes in a Longitudinal Framework
by Brigitte Waldorf - 289-312 Unit Roots and Deterministic Trends in Spatial Econometric Models
by JesúS Mur & F. Javier TrÃvez - 313-341 Differential Regional Effects of Monetary Policy: A Geographical SVAR Approach
by Valter Di Giacinto - 342-362 Spatial Econometric Modeling of Regional Convergence in Continuous Time
by Giuseppe Arbia & Jean H. P. Paelinck - 363-392 Evaluating the Markov Property in Studies of Economic Convergence
by Frank Bickenbach & Eckhardt Bode - 393-418 Growth Dynamics and Space in Brazil
by Mariano Bosch Mossi & Patricio Aroca & Ismael J. FernáNDEZ & Carlos Roberto Azzoni
April 2003, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 147-152 Spatial Externalities
by Luc Anselin - 153-166 Spatial Externalities, Spatial Multipliers, And Spatial Econometrics
by Luc Anselin - 167-174 Innovation And Spatial Externalities
by David B. Audretsch - 175-188 Strategic Interaction Among Governments: An Overview of Empirical Studies
by Jan K. Brueckner - 189-196 Modeling Population Statification Across Locations: An Overview
by Dennis Epple - 197-207 Externalities, Economic Geography, And Spatial Econometrics: Conceptual And Modeling Developments
by Bernard Fingleton - 208-217 Spatial Autocorrelation Or Model Misspecification?
by Daniel P. McMillen
January 2003, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 3-37 The Early History Of Migration Research
by Michael J. Greenwood & Gary L. Hunt - 38-67 Out-Migration, Depopulation, And The Geography Of U.S. Economic Distress
by Edward Feser & Stuart Sweeney - 68-85 Identifying Export Industries Using Parametric Density Functions
by Donald Nichols & David Mushinski - 86-116 Is The Cost Of Living Less In Rural Areas?
by James A. Kurre - 117-141 Microstates And Subnational Regions: Mutual Industrial Policy Lessons
by Harvey W. Armstrong & Robert Read
October 2002, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 331-331 Subject and Author Indexes to 2000 Regional Science and Related Journal Literature
by N/A - 332-341 List of Journals
by N/A - 342-418 Subject Index
by N/A - 419-440 Author Index
by N/A - 441-442 Index to International Regional Science Review
by N/A
July 2002, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 247-251 Community Credit
by Maureen Kilkenny - 252-275 Community Reinvestment: A Review of Urban Outcomes and Challenges
by Susan White HAAG - 276-278 Comments on the Federal Reserve Board’s Study of Community Reinvestment Act Profitability and Performance
by Jason Dietrich - 279-303 Small Commercial Banks and the Federal Home Loan Bank System
by Robert N. Collender & Julie A. Frizell - 304-306 Comments on Collender and Frizell
by Ron Feldman - 307-322 Community Reinvestment Act Enforcement and Changes in Targeted Lending
by Drew Dahl & Douglas D. Evanoff & Michael F. Spivey - 323-325 Comments on Dahl, Evanoff, and Spivey
by Maureen Kilkenny
April 2002, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 151-168 Missing Elements in the Analysis of Agglomeration Economies
by John B. Parr - 169-199 Land Use and Land Cover Change in Forest Frontiers: The Role of Household Life Cycles
by Robert Walker & Stephen Perz & Marcellus Caldas & Luiz Guilherme Teixeira Silva - 200-218 Who Moves to Depressed Regions? An Analysis of Migration Streams in Finland in the 1990s
by Merja Kauhanen & Hannu Tervo - 219-244 Immigration, Intended Settlement Patterns, and their Dynamics in the United States, 1980-1990
by K. Bruce Newbold & Nuzul Achjar
January 2002, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 3-7 Introduction to the Special Issue on Regional Innovation Systems
by Zoltan J. Acs & Attila Varga - 8-37 Biotechnology Clusters as Regional, Sectoral Innovation Systems
by Philip Cooke - 38-62 Specialized Markets and the Behavior of Firms: Evidence from the United Kingdom’s Regional Economies
by Suma S. Athreye & David Keeble - 63-85 Metropolitan Innovation Systems: A Comparison between Barcelona, Stockholm, and Vienna
by Javier Revilla DIEZ - 86-101 Measuring the Quality of Regional Innovation Systems: A Knowledge Production Function Approach
by Michael Fritsch - 102-131 The Evolution of Technologies in Time and Space: From National and Regional to Spatial Innovation Systems
by Päivi Oinas & Edward J. Malecki - 132-148 Geography, Endogenous Growth, and Innovation
by Zoltan J. Acs & Attila Varga
October 2001, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 427-427 Subject and Author Indexes to 2000 Regional Science and Related Journal Literature
by N/A - 428-437 List of Journals
by N/A - 438-508 Subject Index
by N/A - 509-527 Author Index
by N/A - 528-529 Index to International Regional Science Review
by N/A
July 2001, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 291-292 The William Alonso Memorial Prize for Innovative Research
by N/A - 293-301 A Portrait in Four Encounters: William Alonso
by Andrew M. Isserman & Koichi M Era & Sergio J. Rey & Mary C. Waters - 302-327 Policy Sensitivity in Dynamic Optimization Models: A Study Remembering William Alonso’s Regional Modeling Perspectives
by Carol T. West & M. S. Deepak - 328-343 Managing Urban Growth for the Efficient Use of Public Infrastructure: Toward a Theory of Concurrency
by Gerrit Knaap & Chengri Ding & Lewis D. Hopkins - 344-359 Are Very Large Cities Successful? Searching for Dynamic Externalities Versus Evidence from Population Movements
by Niles Hansen - 360-385 Alonso’s Systemic Model: A Review and Representation
by Chang-I Hua - 386-395 Regional Development and Planning: The Story of a Collaboration
by John Friedmann - 396-404 Continuity and Change in Regional Planning and Policy: Scholarship in the Style of William Alonso
by Ann Markusen - 415-423 The Future of Regional Science: Remarks Prompted by Professors Alonso and Teitz
by Walter Isard
April 2001, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 171-193 Spatial Econometric Models for Simultaneous Systems: Application to Rural Community Growth in France
by Mark S. Henry & Bertrand Schmitt & Virginie Piguet - 194-225 LM Tests for Functional Form and Spatial Error Correlation
by Badi H. Baltagi & Dong Li - 226-244 Using Input-Output Information for Bayesian Forecasting of Industry Employment in a Regional Econometric Model
by Dan S. Rickman - 245-260 Specification of a Borderplex Econometric Forecasting Model
by Thomas M. Fullerton JR. - 261-281 The Effects of Infrastructure Investment: A Two-Sector Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Analysis for Ohio
by Chang K. Seung & David S. Kraybill
January 2001, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 3-15 New Policies for a New Rural America
by Mark Drabenstott - 16-20 The Economy of Rural America
by Alan Greenspan - 21-37 The Rural Economy in a New Century
by Thomas G. Johnson - 38-58 Competitive Advantages of Rural America in the Next Century
by Andrew M. Isserman - 59-83 Rural Policy in the New Century
by Ray Marshall - 84-102 Enhancing Rural Leadership and Institutions: What Can We Learn from American Indian Nations?
by Stephen Cornell - 103-133 Investing in Rural Infrastructure
by William F. Fox & Sanela Porca - 134-145 Rural Policy Lessons from OECD Countries
by Mario Pezzini - 146-160 New Goals for New Rural Policies
by Geoffrey J. D. Hewings
October 2000, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 323-344 Regional Science Publication Patterns in the 1990s
by Sergio J. Rey & Luc Anselin - 345-349 The Expanded and Revised IRSR Subject and Author Index
by Luc Anselin & Sergio J. Rey & Emily Talen - 351-357 List of Journals
by N/A - 358-425 Subject Index
by N/A - 426-443 Author Index
by N/A - 444-445 Index to International Regional Science Review
by N/A
July 2000, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 235-258 The Role of Space in Public Capital Research
by Brian A. Mikelbank & Randall W. Jackson - 259-280 Infrastructure, Industrial Development, and Employment in Cities: Theoretical Aspects and Empirical Evidence
by Helmut Seitz - 281-299 The Time-Series Relatedness of State and National Indexes of Leading Indicators and Implications for Regional Forecasting
by Gary L. Shoesmith - 300-315 Estimating the Commuting Costs of Seoul’s Greenbelt
by Myung-Jin Jun & Chang-Hee Christine BAE
April 2000, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 139-159 Toward Spatially Integrated Social Science
by Michael F. Goodchild & Luc Anselin & Richard P. Appelbaum & Barbara Herr Harthorn - 160-171 Urban Sprawl: Diagnosis and Remedies
by Jan K. Brueckner - 172-200 Manufacturing Employment Change, Output Demand, and Labor Productivity in the Regions of Britain
by Daniel J. Graham & Nigel Spence - 201-226 Forecast Accuracy and Efficiency: An Evaluation of Ex Ante Substate Long-Term Forecasts
by David G. Lenze
January 2000, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 3-24 The Regional Role in Post-Cold War Military Industrial Conversion
by Ann Markusen & Michael Brzoska - 25-47 Federal Defense Industrial Policy, Firm Strategy, and Regional Conversion Initiatives in Four American Aerospace Regions
by Michael Oden - 48-65 Conversion Planning in Two Military Shipbuilding Regions: Hampton Roads, Virginia, and Bremen, Germany
by John Accordino & Wolfram Elsner - 66-80 Regional Conversion Under Conditions of Defense Industry Centralization: The French Case
by Roland de Penanros & Claude Serfati - 81-90 Regional Involvement in Defense Industry Restructuring in Belgium and the Netherlands
by Robert Hassink - 91-102 Italian Contrasts in Regional Military Industrial Conversion
by Giulio Perani - 103-119 Regional Conversion in the Russian Case
by Ksenia Gonchar & Petra Opitz - 120-131 Regional Aspects of Defense-Industrial Transformation in East-Central Europe
by Yudit Kiss
December 1999, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 251-281 Decentralization Reforms and Regionalism in China: A review
by X. B. Zhao & L. Zhang - 282-283 Subject and Author Indexes to 1998 Regional Science and Related Journal Literature
by Luc Anselin & Emily Talen & Sergio J. Rey - 284-288 List of Journals
by N/A - 289-339 Subject Index
by N/A - 340-353 Author Index
by N/A - 354-355 Index to International Regional Science Review
by N/A
August 1999, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 139-141 Challenges for the New Economic Geography in the Twenty-First Century
by Boris Pleskovic - 142-161 The Role of Geography in Development
by Paul Krugman - 162-172 Krugman’s Economic Geography of Development: Negs, Pogs, and Naked Models in Space
by Paul A. David - 173-178 The Role of Transportation Costs for People
by James E. Rauch - 179-232 Geography and Economic Development
by John Luke Gallup & Jeffrey D. Sachs & Andrew D. Mellinger - 233-237 Overcoming the Adverse Effects of Geography: Infrastructure, Health, and Agricultural Policies
by J. Vernon Henderson - 238-241 But Why Does Geography Matter, and Which Geography Matters?
by Anthony J. Venables
April 1999, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 3-4 Inaugural Issues
by Andrew Isserman - 5-34 Estimates of Time to Economic Convergence: An Analysis of Regions of the European Union
by Bernard Fingleton - 35-53 Regional Convergence in Productivity and Productive Structure: The Spanish Case
by Juan R. Cuadrado-Roura & Begoña GarcÃa-Greciano & José Luis Raymond - 54-68 Impacts of Employed Spouses on Job-Moving Behavior
by Jos van Ommeren & Piet Rietveld & Peter Nijkamp - 69-101 Population Forecasting with Endogenous Migration: An Application to Trans-Tasman Migration
by Susi Gorbey & Doug James & Jacques Poot - 102-132 Location Matters: Comparing the Distribution of Economic Activity in the Canadian and Mexican Urban Systems
by Mario Polèse & Éric Champagne
December 1998, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 205-248 Regional Computable General Equilibrium Modeling: A Survey and Critical Appraisal
by Mark D. Partridge & Dan S. Rickman - 327-328 Acknowledgment of Referees
by N/A
August 1998, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 99-118 Family Migration and Employment: The Importance of Migration History and Gender
by Adrian J. Bailey & Thomas J. Cooke - 119-138 Regional Incentives and Industrial Location in Puerto Rico
by Paulo Guimaraes & Robert J. Rolfe & Douglas P. Woodward - 139-162 Firm Relocation Threats and Copy Cat Costs
by Darin Wohlgemuth & Maureen Kilkenny - 163-184 Foreign Investment in the Nonmetropolitan U.S. South and Midwest: A Case of Mimetic Location Behavior?
by Bill Luker Jr. - 185-204 Growth of International Exports among the States: Can a Modified Shift-Share Analysis Explain it?
by Ricardo C. Gazel & R. Keith Schwer
April 1998, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-35 The Performance of Alternative Integration Strategies for Combining Regional Econometric and Input-Output Models
by Sergio J. Rey - 37-58 A Review and Comparison of Shift-Share Identities
by Scott Loveridge & Anne C. Selting - 59-78 Measurement of Concealed Unemployment in Shanghai
by Guoping Mao & Yoshiro Higano - 79-98 A Regional Export-Weighted Dollar: An Examination of the Regional Impact of Exchange Rate Change
by Jack L. Hervey & William A. Strauss
December 1997, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 183-209 Development Models, Economic Adjustment, and Occupational Composition: Ecuador, 1982-1990
by Lawrence A. Brown & Jennifer L. Mandel & Victoria A. Lawson - 211-238 Dimensions of Decline: Industrial Regions in the United States and Europe, 1970-1990
by Carol E. Heim
April 1997, Volume 20, Issue 1-2
- 1-7 Introduction to the Special Issue on Spatial Econometrics
by Luc Anselin & Sergio J. Rey - 9-33 The Expansion Method, Mathematical Modeling, and Spatial Econometrics
by Emilio Casetti - 35-52 Does Space Matter? International Comparisons of the Prices of Tradables and Nontradables
by Bettina H. Aten - 53-75 An Empirical Evaluation of the Aggregated Spatial Choice Model
by Mark R. Ferguson & Pavlos S. Kanaroglou - 77-101 Multinomial Probit Estimation of Spatially Interdependent Choices: An Empirical Comparison of Two New Techniques
by Denis Bolduc & Bernard Fortin & Stephen Gordon - 103-111 Estimation of Spatial Regression Models with Autoregressive Errors by Two-Stage Least Squares Procedures: A Serious Problem
by Harry H. Kelejian & Ingmar R. Prucha - 113-129 Bayesian Estimation of Spatial Autoregressive Models
by James P. Lesage - 131-151 Those Taxes are all over the Map! A Test for Spatial Independence of Municipal Tax Rates in British Columbia
by Craig Brett & Joris Pinkse - 153-182 Testing for Spatial Error Autocorrelation in the Presence of Endogenous Regressors
by Luc Anselin & Harry H. Kelejian
July 1996, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 193-209 European Union Regional Policy: Sleepwalking to a Crisis
by Harvey W. Armstrong - 211-222 A Zero-inflated Poisson Model of Migration Frequency
by Alok K. Bohara & Randall G. Krieg - 223-245 Progress in Regional Science: A European Perspective
by Marina Van Geenhuizen & Peter Nijkamp - 247-251 Living in Two Worlds: Regional Scientists and Policymakers
by Monroe Newman - 253-253 Editorial Correction and Apolow
by N/A - 255-330 Subject and Author Indexes to 1995 Regional Science and Related Journal Literature
by N/A - 331-332 Acknowledgment of Referees
by N/A