October 1995, Volume 22, Issue 5
- 509-525 Land Development in the Vicinity of Hazardous Facilities: A Compromise Assignment Procedure
by H Briassoulis - 527-546 An Exploration of Probable Viewsheds in Landscape Planning
by P F Fisher - 547-562 The Fortunate Dimensions of Taiwanese Traditional Architecture
by S-C Chiou & R Krishnamurti - 563-580 Critical Realism, and Urban and Regional Studies
by R Banai - 581-602 Is Congestion Pricing a First-Best Strategy in Transport Policy? A Critical Review of Arguments
by R H M Emmerink & P Nijkamp & P Rietveld - 603-622 Choosing a House: The Effect of Cost Constraints on Single-Family House Design and Construction
by L Day - 623-628 Mistrusting Hermeneutics
by R Coyne - 629-630 Review: Crime in Europe
by C Brunsdon
August 1995, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 379-382 Editorial
by M Batty - 383-406 Difference in Similarity: Interpreting the Architectural Design Process
by P Lloyd & P Scott - 407-418 The Compromise Criterion in MCDM: Interpretation and Sensitivity to the p Parameter
by E Karni & E Werczberger - 419-450 Constructive Symmetry
by T W Knight - 451-460 Diversity Scorned: Why Buildings are Getting More Alike
by C Powell - 461-474 A Cognitive Theory of Style
by C-S Chan - 475-498 Spatial Types in Traditional Turkish Houses
by D Orhun & B Hillier & J Hanson - 499-504 Review: Spirited Cities: Urban Planning Traffic and Environmental Management in the Nineties, Transport for a Sustainable Future: The Case for Europe, Health and Community: Holism in Practice
by P McManus & D McLaren & G Moon
June 1995, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 253-255 Visualization in Urban Analysis and Design
by R Langendorf - 257-268 The Virtual Reality of GIS
by N L Faust - 269-290 The Visualization of Local Urban Change across Britain
by D Dorling - 279-297 Urban Morphological Fingerprints
by C J Webster - 291-302 An Integrated Environment for Urban Simulation
by R S Liggett & W H Jepson - 303-314 Sensory Spatial Systems Simulation (S4) Applied to the Master Planning Process: East Coast and West Coast Case Studies
by C R Bragdon & J M Juppé & A X Georgiopoulos - 315-330 Towards an Improved Information Utilization in Design Decisionmaking: A Case Study of the Hurricane Andrew Recovery Efforts
by R Langendorf - 331-342 A Computer-Aided System for Town Planning Which Uses CD-ROM Town Maps
by H Yamanaka & K Yoshikawa & H Morimoto - 343-358 Visualization of Urban Alternatives
by R M Levy - 359-372 Environmental Review with Hypermedia Systems
by M J Shiffer - 373-378 Review: Town and Country Planning in Britain, Geographical Information Handling—Research and Applications, Industrial Property: Policy and Economic Development, English House Condition Survey 1991
by H W E Davies & V Mesev & F W Peck & P Longley
April 1995, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 127-129 Editorial
by P Longley - 131-148 A Spreadsheet Approach to GIS
by S Cole - 149-174 On the Evaluation of Residential Lots: With a Focus on Their Shape
by Y Asami - 175-190 Expert Support for Problem Formulation in Urban Planning
by R V George - 191-212 An Edge Vector Representation for the Construction of Two-Dimensional Shapes
by M A Rosenman - 213-236 A General Construct for the Zonally Constrained p-Median Problem
by R A Gerrard & R L Church - 237-252 Review: Innovative Approaches to Urban Management: The Integrated Urban Infrastructure Programme in Indonesia, Direct Investment and European Integration: Competition among Firms and Governments, Planning at the Crossroads, Facadism, the Argumentative Turn in Policy Analysis and Planning, Applications of Fractals and Chaos: The Shape of Things, Reactive Data Structures for Geographic Information Systems, the Politics of Local Economic Policy: The Problems and Possibilities of Local Initiative, Divided Cities: New York and London in the Contemporary World, the Eclipse of Council Housing
by H T Dimitriou & N A Phelps & H W E Davies & S M Romaya & A Faludi & P Longley & P Fisher & D Valler & V Preston & B J Franklin
February 1995, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-4 The Planner as Impresario?
by M Breheny & M Low - 5-20 Integrated Housing Policy in South Africa: Cost Constraints on Built Form
by G Mills & D Sherwell & M Van Rooyen - 21-34 Can Decisionmakers Express Multiattribute Preferences Using AHP and MUT? An Experiment
by S-K Lai & L D Hopkins - 35-46 A Synergetic Approach to the Self-Organization of Cities and Settlements
by H Haken & J Portugali - 47-74 Design Agendas and Answering Voices
by R J King & S Rymer - 75-92 Triangle and T-Square: The Windows of Frank Lloyd Wright
by J Rollo - 93-107 Planning Decisions on Waste Disposal Sites
by K G Willis & N A Powe - 109-124 Towards a New Planning Paradigm? Reflections on New Zealand's Resource Management Act
by P A Memon & B J Gleeson - 125-126 Review: The Political Culture of Planning: American Land Use Planning in Comparative Perspective
by P Hall
December 1994, Volume 21, Issue 7
- 1-6 Lionel March—Three Sketches
by Helen Couclelis & Mike Batty & George Stiny - 7-30 Built Forms and Building Types: Some Speculations
by J P Steadman - 31-48 From Cells to Cities
by M Batty & Y Xie - 49-78 Shape Rules: Closure, Continuity, and Emergence
by G Stiny - 79-94 Squaring the Circle: Can We Resolve the Clarkian Paradox?
by P Hall - 95-105 “Let's Build in Lines†Revisited
by M H Echenique - 106-116 Get with the Program: Common Fallacies in Critiques of Computer-Aided Architectural Design
by U Flemming
December 1994, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 651-652 The World Wide Web
by M Batty - 653-673 The Shrinking Continent: New Time—Space Maps of Europe
by K Spiekermann & M Wegener - 675-704 ‘Deconstructing’ Architects' Houses
by J Hanson - 705-735 Shape Grammars and Color Grammars in Design
by T W Knight - 737-758 Networking CAD
by P W Newton & B G Wilson & J R Crawford & S N Tucker & S Clarke - 759-768 Experts and Their Interventions: A Model of the Field of Urban Improvement
by P Whitman - 769-778 Review: Technopoles of the World: The Making of Twenty-First Century Industrial Complexes, the British Planning System: An Introduction, This Common Inheritance: The Second Year Report 1992. Britain's Environmental Strategy, Restructuring Rural Areas, Volume 1. Constructing the Countryside, Enterprise and Human Resource Development: Local Capacity Building, Urban Sociology, Capitalism and Modernity, Retail Change: Contemporary Issues
by A J Scott & A Thornley & U Collier & A C Pratt & A R Townsend & J Simmie & R B Potter - 779-779 Author Index
by N/A - 781-784 Subject Index
by N/A - 785-786 Book Reviews Index
by N/A
October 1994, Volume 21, Issue 5
- 513-515 Research into Practice: The Work of the Martin Centre in Urban and Regional Modelling
by M Echenique & J Owers - 515-516 Urban Models 25 Years on
by M Batty - 517-533 Urban and Regional Studies at the Martin Centre: Its Origins, its Present, its Future
by M H Echenique - 535-553 A Model of London and the South East
by I N Williams - 555-567 Modelling the Regional Economic Impacts of the Channel Tunnel
by C Rohr & I N Williams - 569-590 Calibrating the Naples Land-Use and Transport Model
by J D Hunt - 591-602 The YEZTS Transport Model: A Discussion of the Empirical Findings on Modal Split
by Y Jin - 603-610 Integrated Land-Use and Transport Models in the Basque Country
by J L Burgos - 611-617 From Theory to Practice: The Experience in Venezuela
by T de la Barra - 619-628 The ‘Martin Centre Model’ in Practice: Strengths and Weaknesses
by D C Simmonds - 629-641 Urban/Regional Models and Planning Cultures: Lessons from Cross-National Modelling Projects
by M Wegener - 643-650 Review: Longer Term Issues in Transport: The Proceedings of a Research Conference Sponsored by the Department of Transport, Environmental Law and Citizen Action, Housing Policy in the 1990s, Transport Planning for Third World Cities, Geographic Information Systems, Spatial Modelling and Policy Evaluation, the Future of Transport and Communication: Visions and Perspectives from Europe, Japan, and the USA
by A K Cross & S Elworthy & R Goodlad & A Airey & A Gatrell & D Pitfield
August 1994, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 387-391 Editorial
by R E Klosterman - 393-398 Some Thoughts on New Styles of Planning
by B Harris - 399-420 The California Urban Futures Model: A New Generation of Metropolitan Simulation Models
by J D Landis - 421-428 A Knowledge-Based System for Earthquake Risk Inventories
by S P French - 429-440 The Use of Monitoring Systems: An Evaluation of the SETIA Project Monitoring System
by I Masser - 441-451 A Methodology for Assessing Structure Planning Processes
by A Khakee - 453-476 African Shape Grammar: A Language of Linear Ndebele Homesteads
by T Herbert & I Sanders & G Mills - 477-488 Efficiency Evaluation of Retail Outlet Networks
by P V Balakrishnan & A Desai & J E Storbeck - 489-504 Crime Risk in Urban and Rural Neighbourhoods: An Experimental Analysis of Insurance Data
by M Coombes & C Wong & M Charlton & D Atkins - 505-512 Review: Hovels to High Rise: State Housing in Europe since 1850, European Urban Land and Property Markets 2. Urban Land and Property Markets in Germany, Interaction, Evolution and Chaos in Space, Visions and Strategies in European Integration: A North European Perspective
by H Priemus & R J Bennett & G Haag & D Sadler
June 1994, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 257-258 The Job Market for PhDs
by M Batty - 259-272 The Implications of Drastic Change for Infrastructure Planning Goals: Immigration Stress in Israel
by E Feitelson & I Salomon - 273-304 Weighting Land Suitability Factors by the PLUS Method
by W-N Xiang & D L Whitley - 305-322 Revisions and Modifications: The Effect of Change on French Plans D'occupation des Sols
by P Booth & T Stafford - 323-340 Integration of GIS-Based Suitability Analysis and Multicriteria Evaluation in a Spatial Decision Support System for Route Selection
by P Jankowski & L Richard - 341-352 To Plan or Not to Plan, That is the Question: Transaction Cost Theory and its Implications for Planning
by E R Alexander - 353-372 Computer Support of Architectural Sketch Design: A Matter of Simplicity?
by P Galle - 373-386 Reviews: The Greening of Rural Policy: International Perspectives, Achieving Environmental Goals: The Concept and Practice of Environmental Performance Review, Geomedical Systems: Intervention and Control, Unhealthy Housing: Research, Remedies and Reform, Regional Policy and Development 4. Regional Development in the 1990s: The British Isles in Transition, from Catastrophe to Chaos: A General Theory of Economic Discontinuities, Geographic Information 1992/93. The Yearbook of the Association for Geographic Information, Recreational Land Management, Population Matters: The Local Dimension, Landscape Ecology and GIS, the Human Factor in Rural Development
by M B Lapping & C Wood & M I Gould & M J Fisk & T Hoare & T Puu & M Barnsley & M Wood & J Reynolds & G Higgs & A Shepherd
April 1994, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 139-141 Reviving Reason
by M Breheny - 142-143 Spatial Technologies
by H Couclelis - 145-157 GIS and the Scientific Inputs to Planning. Part 2: Prediction and Prescription
by C J Webster - 159-177 The Logic of Plaza Space: Representing Design Knowledge on Shape and Function
by L B Kovács & P Galle - 179-190 The Development of a Knowledge-Based Geographical Information System for the Zoning of Rural Areas
by J Chen & R T Newkirk & G Davidson & P Gong - 191-212 Shape Emergence by Symbolic Reasoning
by J S Gero & M Yan - 213-221 Society and Architectural Education in South Africa—Are Universities Appropriate Venues for Schools of Architecture?
by G Mills & A Lipman - 223-246 Operational Definitions of Style
by C-S Chan - 247-256 Reviews: The Right Place: Shared Responsibility and the Location of Public Facilities, Passive Solar Buildings, British Urban Policy and the Urban Development Corporations, the Palladian Landscape, Computers in Architecture: Tools for Design, Tourist Organizations, European Urban Land and Property Markets 1. Urban Land and Property Markets in the Netherlands
by H Voogd & B J Brinkworth & D Valler & S Seymour & T Maver & J Alden & P Terpstra
February 1994, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-4 Decision Support Systems in Urban Planning and Urban Design
by H Timmermans - 5-19 Geoinformatics for Urban and Regional Planning
by S C Holmberg - 21-34 A GIS Approach to Spatial Modelling for Squatter Settlement Planning in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
by A B Yaakup & R G Healey - 35-52 Norm: An Expert System for Development Control in Underdeveloped Operational Contexts
by D Borri & E Conte & F Pace & F Selicato - 53-65 An Interpolating Model for Land-Price Data with Transportation Costs and Urban Activities
by Y Aoki & T Osaragi & K Ishizaka - 67-82 Modelling Intraurban Configurational Development
by R Krafta - 83-96 Information Systems for Urban Analysis and Design Development
by B Dave & G Schmitt - 97-108 Analysis and Design in Computer-Aided Physical Planning
by J Schuur - 109-120 Effectiveness of the LANDSCAD System for the Citizen-Participation Process in Traffic-Environmental Improvements in Residential Areas
by Y Kubota & H Kubota - 121-133 An Analysis of Media Integration for Spatial Planning Environments
by R M Jones & E A Edmonds & N E Branki - 135-138 Reviews: Single Market to Social Europe: The European Community in the 1990s
by S Eden
December 1993, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 615-616 The Geography of Cyberspace
by M Batty - 617-643 The “Continuous Search Space Design Method†(CSSDM)
by L Virirakis - 645-676 Wren's Language of City Church Designs: A Formal Generative Classification
by H Buelinckx - 677-691 Ministerial Decisionmaking in Environmental Planning
by I Brotherton - 693-707 Validating Contextual Urban Design Photoprotocols: Replication and Generalization from Single Residences to Block Faces
by A E Stamps III - 709-728 GIS and the Scientific Inputs to Urban Planning. Part 1: Description
by C J Webster - 729-740 Reviews: From Idea to Building. Issues in Architecture, Statistics in the Environmental and Earth Sciences, Time in Geographic Information Systems, Architectural Education: Issues in Educational Practice and Policy, Land and the City: Patterns and Processes of Urban Change
by P Roberts & D Unwin & J Raper & D J Martin & S Wigglesworth & D Burtenshaw - 741-741 Author Index
by N/A - 743-746 Subject Index
by N/A - 747-748 Book Review Index
by N/A
October 1993, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 497-498 Planning Education Toward the 21st Century
by G-C Lim - 499-510 Justifying the Value of a Formal Planning Education
by S C Orlick - 511-518 The Shape of Environmental Planning Education
by P Niebanck - 519-536 Antiplanning Undercurrents in US Planning Education: Antithesis or Ideology?
by T Banerjee - 537-555 Globalization and Planning Education
by H Amirahmadi - 557-565 Bringing a Global Approach to Education: The Case of Urban Planning
by F D Zinn & T S Lyons & R C Hinojosa - 567-576 Reforming Education toward the Global Century
by G-C Lim - 577-583 A Global Planning Education Information System
by C Goldschmidt - 585-605 Country Profiles of International Planning Education in Europe
by I M Jammal - 607-614 Reviews: AIDS in Africa: Its Present and Future Impact, Fairer Subsidies, Faster Growth: Government and the Economy, Mapping the Futures: Local Cultures, Global Change, Retail Location: A Micro-Scale Perspective
by D Porter & R Forrest & P Cooke & C Guy
August 1993, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 375-377 A Small Group of Friends
by C Mitchell-Weaver - 379-390 Statement and Process: Designing ‘Good’ Arguments about the Rural Energy Problem in Developing Countries
by W W Dougherty - 391-423 How an Individual Style is Generated
by C-S Chan - 425-446 Language Fundamentals for Design-Support Architectures
by J Zucker & A Demaid - 447-457 The Choice Alternative to School Assignment
by R L Church & O B Schoepfle - 459-478 Factors of Evolution in the Content of Planning Documents: Downtown Planning in a Canadian City, 1962–1992
by P Filion - 479-480 Fractions in the Location Set-Covering Problem: A Brief Note
by J T Pastor - 481-482 Integers in the Location Set-Covering Problem
by K E Rosing & C S ReVelle - 483-496 Reviews: The Politics of Design in French Colonial Urbanism, Environmental Planning: The Conservation and Development of Biophysical Resources, Spatial Econometrics of Services, Lifestyle Shopping: The Subject of Consumption, Housing Markets and Housing Institutions: An International Comparison, Urban Low Income Housing in Zimbabwe, Environmental Dilemmas: Ethics and Decisions, Cities and Regions in the New Europe, Making People-Friendly Towns: Improving the Public Environment in Towns and Cities, Policy and Change in Thatcher's Britain
by A Sutcliffe & D Walker & G Clarke & M Lowe & M Munro & D Potts & S Eden & R Hudson & B Goodey & A Leyshon
June 1993, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 253-256 Cognitive Modelling in Design
by J Gero & T Purcell - 257-271 Cognition in Design: Viewing the Hidden Side of the Design Process
by D G Jansson & S S Condoor & H R Brock - 273-294 Architects' Reasoning with Structures and Functions
by Ö Akin - 295-306 A Study of Socially Shared Cognition in Design
by N E Branki & E A Edmonds & R M Jones - 321-332 Towards a Cognitive Model of Circuit Design
by L Colgan & M Göbel - 333-345 Fixation Effects: Do They Exist in Design Problem Solving?
by A T Purcell & P Williams & J S Gero & B Colbron - 347-357 Space Syntax: Standardised Integration Measures and Some Simulations
by J A F Teklenburg & H J P Timmermans & A F van Wagenberg - 359-362 Boolean Algebras for Shapes and Individuals
by G Stiny - 363-374 Review: Architecture, Power, and National Identity, Planning IT: Creating an Information Management Strategy, Industrial Property Markets in Western Europe, European Research in Regional Science 2: Sustainable Development and Urban Form, Housing Design in Practice, Cities of the 21st Century: New Technologies and Spatial Systems, Applications of the Expansion Method, Postcodes: The New Geography, the Staircase: History and Theories, the Staircase: Studies of Hazards, Falls, and Safer Design
by A Lipman & D E Reeve & A Hooper & D P McLaren & A Ravetz & D Burtenshaw & D A Griffith & I Bracken & W Fawcett
April 1993, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 123-124 On the Electronic Frontier: Building the Information Highway
by M Batty - 125-143 Memory, Design, and the Role of Computers
by D Sun - 145-162 Reliable Design under Conflicting Social Values
by Y Veneris - 163-174 Cooperation and Individualism in Design
by R Coyne & A Snodgrass - 175-194 Policy Planning and the Design and Use of Forums, Arenas, and Courts
by J M Bryson & B C Crosby - 195-220 A GIS/MMP-Based Coordination Model and its Application to Distributed Environmental Planning
by W-N Xiang - 221-244 Theory and Application of an Integrated Land-Use and Transport Modelling Framework
by J D Hunt & D C Simmonds - 245-252 Reviews: TERRA-1 Proceedings: Understanding the Terrestrial Environment, from Garden Cities to New Towns: Campaigning for Town and Country Planning 1899–1946, from New Towns to Green Politics: Campaigning for Town and Country Planning 1946–1990, Local Economic Development: Public—Private Partnership Initiation in Britain and Germany, Economic Activity and Land Use: The Changing Information Base for Local and Regional Studies, Housing and Social Theory
by G Higgs & S E Batty & R Imrie & J C H Stillwell & L McDowell
February 1993, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-4 The Last Frontier
by H Couclelis - 5-12 Optimally Directed Shape Generation by Shape Annealing
by J Cagan & W J Mitchell - 13-27 An Extensive Surface Model Database for Population-Related Information: Concept and Application
by I Bracken - 29-66 Natural Movement: Or, Configuration and Attraction in Urban Pedestrian Movement
by B Hillier & A Penn & J Hanson & T Grajewski & J Xu - 67-81 Models of Trading Behaviour and Accumulation in Stratified Housing Markets
by P Longley & H Williams - 83-104 The Communicative Work of Development Plans
by P Healey - 105-118 The Logic of Walking: Representing Design Knowledge on Pedestrian Traffic Nets
by L B Kovács & P Galle - 119-122 Review: The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants
by M Batty
December 1992, Volume 19, Issue 6
- 611-612 Visualization in Urban Analysis and Design
by R E Klosterman & R Langendorf - 613-637 Visualizing People in Time and Space
by D Dorling - 639-650 Using Computer Animation to Visualize Space-Time Patterns
by D Dorling & S Openshaw - 651-662 Application of Computer Graphics to Regional Trunk Road Network Planning
by M Odani - 663-688 Urban Modeling in Computer-Graphic and Geographic Information System Environments
by M Batty - 689-708 Visual Quality and Response Assessment: An Experimental Technique
by O M A Rahman - 709-722 Towards a Collaborative Planning System
by M J Shiffer - 723-738 The 1990s: Information Systems and Computer Visualization for Urban Design, Planning, and Management
by R Langendorf - 739-740 Reviews: Fractured Cities: Capitalism, Community and Empowerment in Britain and America, Fragmenting Societies? A Comparative Analysis of Regional and Urban Development
by A Church - 741-741 Author Index
by N/A - 743-746 Subject Index
by N/A - 747-748 Book Review Index
by N/A
October 1992, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 489-492 Visual Economics
by M Batty - 493-501 Pragmatists and Prophets: Planning History and the Third Millennium
by D Hardy - 503-523 Exploring Individual Style in Design
by C-S Chan - 525-544 Fuzzy Evaluation of Land-Use and Transportation Options
by P N Smith - 545-558 Space and Function in Small House Plans: A Case Study in South Africa
by G Mills - 559-571 A Knowledge-Based Design System for Yunnan-Style House Floor Plans
by M Yan - 573-584 The Design Implications of Social Interaction in a Workplace Setting
by A Backhouse & P Drew - 585-603 Shape Recognition in Three Dimensions
by R Krishnamurti & C F Earl - 605-610 Reviews: World Nuclear Power, Radioactive Waste: Politics and Technology, Map Generalization: Making Rules for Knowledge Representation, Industrial Change and Regional Development: The Transformation of New Industrial Spaces, Understanding Information: Business, Technology and Geography
by C E Miller & M Blakemore & N Phelps & P E Wells
August 1992, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 371-373 Plundering the 60s
by M J Breheny - 375-402 Patterns of Structural-Qualitative Changes in the Development of Complex Systems
by S Holtier - 403-412 Town Planner as Social Scientist: The Case of the LSE Programme
by M Hebbert - 413-430 Weights
by G Stiny - 431-464 The Arithmetic of Maximal Planes
by R Krishnamurti - 465-478 On the Control of Development by Planning Authorities
by D I Brotherton - 479-488 Reviews: Regional Policy and Development Series 1. Retreat from the Regions: Corporate Change and the Closure of Factories, Review of Geographic Information 1991, Rates of Urbanization in England 1981–2001, Regions Reconsidered: Economic Networks, Innovation, and Local Development in Industrialised Countries, Justice outside the City: Access to Legal Services in Rural Areas, Migration Models: Macro and Micro Approaches, Housing Management: A Guide to Quality and Creativity
by N A Phelps & G Higgs & P T Kivell & P Cooke & N K Blomley & Ian Bracken & A Evans
June 1992, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 241-242 Only Twelve Aspiring World Class Universities in Britain?
by M Batty - 243-266 Reasoning about Spatial Constraints
by K B Yoon & R D Coyne - 267-288 The Maximal Representation of a Shape
by R Krishnamurti - 289-315 The Structure of an Honors Curriculum by the Methodology of Q-Analysis
by M J King - 307-319 Meaning of Industrial Design Objects: From Designers to Users
by S Mastandrea & A Zani & M V Giuliani & G Bove - 317-336 Linking Water-Balance Simulation and Multiobjective Programming: Land-Use Plan Design in Hawaii
by M A Ridgley & T W Giambelluca