Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 25-09 Policy Opportunities for Achieving Maryland’s Clean Energy Goals
by Burtraw, Dallas & Palmer, Karen & Roy, Nicholas - 25-07 Conservation and Distributional Consequences of Pricing Scarce Water During Droughts
by Brent, Daniel A. & Wietelman, Derek & Wichman, Casey - 25-06 Finding the Right Fit: What Jobs Offer a Good Match for Fossil Fuel Workers’ Skills?
by Raimi, Daniel & Greenspon, Jacob - 25-05 Where Does the Marginal Methane Molecule Come From? Implications of LNG Exports for US Natural Gas Supply and Methane Emissions
by Prest, Brian C. - 25-04 Integrating Variable Renewable Energy and Storage for Green Hydrogen Production
by Burtraw, Dallas & Palmer, Karen & Shih, Jhih-Shyang - 25-03 The Costs of Achieving Forest Resilience in California
by Wibbenmeyer, Matthew & Zhu, Yuqi & Wear, David N. - 25-02 Opportunities to Improve Department of Energy Community Benefits Plans to Deliver Regional Benefits from Federal Energy Investments
by Russo, Suzanne & Holmes, Brandon - 25-01 The Cost of Species Protection: The Land Market Impacts of the Endangered Species Act
by Auffhammer, Maximilian & McLaughlin, David W. & Spiller, Beia & Sunding, David L. & Frank, Eyal G.
- 24-25 From Catastrophe to Caution: The Effect of Wildfires on Community Hazard Mitigation Investments
by Sølvsten, Simon & Whitlock, Zachary & Liao, Yanjun (Penny) - 24-24 Climate Clubs, Competitiveness Concerns, and Alternative Correction Measures
by Bosello, Francesco & Parrado, Ramiro - 24-23 Accounting for Biodiversity Loss Raises the Social Cost of CO2
by Rennels, Lisa & Rennert, Kevin & Errickson, Frank & Anthoff, David & Wingenroth, Jordan & Prest, Brian C. - 24-22 Consideration of Environmental Justice in EPA’s Regulatory Analyses: A Review and Assessment
by Morgenstern, Richard D. & Ünel, Burçin & Wolverton, Ann & DeAngeli, Emma - 24-21 Changing Hazards, Exposure, and Vulnerability in the Conterminous United States, 2020–2070
by Wear, David N. & Warziniack, Travis & O’Dea, Claire & Coulston, John - 24-20 Alternative Fuels for Reducing the Contribution of Aviation to Climate Change
by Toman, Michael A. & Joiner, Emily & Lohawala, Nafisa - 24-19 Developing a Carbon Dioxide Removal Program in California
by Krupnick, Alan & Russo, Suzanne & Burtraw, Dallas & Holmes, Brandon & Roy, Nicholas & Toman, Michael A. - 24-18 Efficiency, Equity, and Cost-Recovery Trade-Offs in Municipal Water Pricing
by Wichman, Casey - 24-17 Offshore Wind Power Examined: Effects, Benefits, and Costs of Offshore Wind Farms Along the US Atlantic and Gulf Coasts
by Robson, Sally & Russell, Ethan & Shawhan, Daniel - 24-16 What Is “Mineral Security” and What Policies Are Needed to Achieve It? Lessons from Oil Security
by Bohi, Douglas R. & Toman, Michael A. - 24-15 Policies for Reducing the Impacts of Power Sector Air Pollution on Disadvantaged Americans
by Robson, Sally & Russell, Ethan & Varela Varela, Ana & Shawhan, Daniel - 24-14 Equity in Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
by Spiller, Beia & Wilwerding, Rachel & Russo, Suzanne - 24-13 Is Broader Always Better? Preexisting Distortions, Emissions Elasticities, and the Scope of Emissions Pricing
by Hafstead, Marc & Williams III, Roberton C. & Goulder, Lawrence H. - 24-12 A Tale of Two Investments: Charging Stations and Purchase Subsidies for EV Adoption
by Liao, Yanjun (Penny) & Luo, Bei & Spiller, Beia - 24-11 Trade-Friendly Climate Policies: The Promise of "Interoperability"
by Elkerbout, Milan & Nehrkorn, Katarina - 24-10 Modeling Industrial Sector Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Policies with Plant-Level Data
by Gray, Wayne & Linn, Joshua & Morgenstern, Richard D. - 24-09 A Comparative Analysis of Forest Harvesting, Timber Supply, and Tree Planting across Regions of the United States
by Wear, David N. & Coulston, John W. - 24-08 Community Responses to Flooding in Risk Mitigation Actions: Evidence from the Community Rating System
by Liao, Yanjun (Penny) & Sølvsten, Simon & Whitlock, Zachary - 24-07 Effects of Wood Products Markets and Forest Policies on Land Use Change
by Wear, David N. - 24-06 Adaptive Systems for Climate-Ready Fisheries Management
by Reimer, Matthew N. & Rogers, Anthony & Sanchirico, James - 24-05 Sorting Over Wildfire Hazard
by Wibbenmeyer, Matthew & Joiner, Emily & Lennon, Connor & Walls, Margaret A. & Ma, Lala - 24-04 Wildfire Smoke in the United States
by Gellman, Jacob & Wibbenmeyer, Matthew - 24-03 Spending and Pricing to Deter Arbitrage
by Salant, Stephen - 24-02 China’s Nationwide CO2 Emissions Trading System: A General Equilibrium Assessment
by Goulder, Lawrence H. & Long, Xianling & Qu, Chenfei & Zhang, Da - 24-01 The Energy Transition and Local Government Finance: New Data and Insights from 10 US States
by Raimi, Daniel & Davert, Elena & Neuenfeldt, Haley & Van Zanen, Amy & Whitlock, Zachary
- 23-46 Widening the Scope: The Direct and Spillover Effects of Nudging Water Efficiency in the Presence of Other Behavioral Interventions
by Bonan, Jacopo & Cattaneo, Cristina & D'Adda, Giovanna & Galliera, Arianna & Tavoni, Massimo - 23-45 Adding Solar: The Role of the National Environmental Policy Act in Solar Development
by Bellefontaine, Andre & Rich Steinmetz, Lindsay & Buffa, Valkyrie & Storment, David & Fraas, Arthur G. - 23-44 Managed Retreat and Flood Recovery: The Local Economic Impacts of a Buyout and Acquisition Program
by Guo, Wei & Liao, Yanjun (Penny) & Miao, Qing - 23-43 Daily Temperature and Sales of Energy-using Durables
by Bonan, Jacopo & Cattaneo, Cristina & D'Adda, Giovanna & Tavoni, Massimo - 23-42 Leveraging the IRA to Achieve 80x30 in the US Electricity Sector
by Domeshek, Maya & Burtraw, Dallas & Palmer, Karen & Roy, Nicholas & Shih, Jhih-Shyang - 23-41 Disentangling the Roles of Growth Uncertainty, Discounting, and the Climate Beta on the Social Cost of Carbon
by Prest, Brian C. - 23-40 The Persistence of Volumetric Pricing
by Brennan, Tim - 23-39 Land-Use Change, No-Net-Loss Policies, and Effects on Carbon Dioxide Removals
by Wear, David N. & Wibbenmeyer, Matthew - 23-38 Strategy for Promoting Interdisciplinary Solar Geoengineering Research in India
by Bala, Govindasamy & Sushma, B.S. & Murthy, Indu K. & Ravindranath, N.H. - 23-37 Uncertain Remedies to Fight Uncertain Consequences: The Case of Solar Geoengineering
by Traeger, Christian P. & Meier, Felix D. - 23-36 International Climate Agreements under The Threat of Solar Geoengineering
by McEvoy, David & McGinty, Matthew & Cherry, Todd & Kroll, Stephan - 23-34 Climate Change Salience and Electricity Consumption: Evidence from Twitter Activity
by Bonan, Jacopo & Curzi, Daniele & D'Adda, Giovanna & Ferro, Simone - 23-33 New Passenger Vehicle Demand Elasticities: Estimates and Policy Implications
by Leard, Benjamin & Wu, Yidi - 23-32 SRM on the Table: The Role of Geoengineering for the Stability and Effectiveness of Climate Coalitions
by Emmerling, Johannes & Tavoni, Massimo & Pezzoli, Perguiseppe - 23-31 Welfare Losses from Wildfire Smoke: Evidence from Daily Outdoor Recreation Data
by Gellman, Jacob & Walls, Margaret A. & Wibbenmeyer, Matthew - 23-30 Revisiting the Environmental Protection Agency's Value of a Statistical Life
by Cropper, Maureen L. & Joiner, Emily & Krupnick, Alan - 23-28 Assessing the Future of Oil and Gas Production and Local Government Revenue in Five Western US Basins
by Prest, Brian C. & Raimi, Daniel & Whitlock, Zachary - 23-27 The Economics of Forest Fuel Removals on Federal Lands
by Wibbenmeyer, Matthew & Joiner, Emily & Wear, David N. - 23-26 Risk Disclosure and Home Prices: Evidence from California Wildfire Hazard Zones
by Walls, Margaret A. & Wibbenmeyer, Matthew & Lennon, Connor & Ma, Lala - 23-25 Eliciting Mental Models for Understanding Reasoning For and Against Solar Geoengineering Research
by Rothman, Dale S. & Aminpour, Payam & Chabay, Ilan & Helgeson, Jennifer - 23-24 A Unifying Theory of Foreign Intervention in Domestic Climate Policy
by Moreno-Cruz, Juan & Harding, Anthony - 23-23 Impact of Solar Geoengineering on Temperature-Attributable Mortality
by Harding, Anthony & Keith, David & Yang, Wenchang & Vecchi, Gabriel - 23-22 Integrating Risk Perception with Climate Models to Understand the Potential Deployment of Solar Radiation Modification to Mitigate Climate Change
by Beckage, Brian & Lacasse, Katherine & Raimi, Kaitlin T. & Visioni, Daniele - 23-21 Addressing Environmental Justice through In-Kind Court Settlements
by Campa, Pamela & Muehlenbachs, Lucija - 23-20 Localizing Environmental Regulation: The Case of Boutique Fuels
by Auffhammer, Maximilian - 23-19 Environmental Regulation, Imperfect Competition, and Market Spillovers: The Impact of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments on the US Oil Refining Industry
by Sweeney, Richard L. - 23-18 Regulating Untaxable Externalities: Are Vehicle Air Pollution Standards Effective and Efficient?
by Jacobsen, Mark & Sallee, James & Shapiro, Joseph & van Benthem, Arthur A. - 23-16 Valuing Statistical Life Using Seniors' Medical Spending
by Ketcham, Jonathan & Kuminoff, Nicolai & Saha, Nirman - 23-14 The Impact of the Clean Air Act on Particulate Matter in the 1970s
by Cropper, Maureen L. & Muller, Nicholas & Park, Yongjoon & Perez-Zetune, Victoria - 23-13 Roadblock or Accelerator? The Effect of Electric Vehicle Subsidy Elimination
by Lohawala, Nafisa - 23-12 Jobs at Risk: Sea Level Rise, Coastal Flooding, and Local Economies
by Walls, Margaret A. & Ferreira, Celso & Liao, Yanjun (Penny) & Pesek, Sophie - 23-11 Estimating the Emissions Reductions from Supply-side Fossil Fuel Interventions
by Prest, Brian C. & Fell, Harrison & Gordon, Deborah & Conway, TJ - 23-10 The Value of Electricity Reliability: Evidence from Battery Adoption
by Brown, David B. & Muehlenbachs, Lucija - 23-09 Transportation Taxes and Energy Transitions: Alternative Policy Designs for Funding US Road Infrastructure and Pricing Externalities
by Linn, Joshua & McConnell, Virginia & Pesek, Sophie & Raimi, Daniel - 23-07 The Shadow Price of Capital: Accounting for Capital Displacement in Benefit–Cost Analysis
by Newell, Richard G. & Prest, Brian C. & Pizer, William - 23-06 Environmental and Natural Resource Economics and Systemic Racism
by Awokuse, Titus & Chan, Nathan W. & González-Ramírez, Jimena & Gulati, Sumeet & Interis, Matthew G. & Jacobson, Sarah & Manning, Dale T. & Stolper, Samuel & Ando, Amy - 23-05 Emissions Standards and Electric Vehicle Targets for Passenger Vehicles
by Linn, Joshua - 23-04 Vehicle Attribute Tradeoffs and the Distributional Effects of US Fuel Economy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards
by Leard, Benjamin & Linn, Joshua & Springel, Katalin - 23-03 How Local are the Local Economic Impacts of Wildfires?
by Walls, Margaret A. & Wibbenmeyer, Matthew - 23-02 Targeted Regulation for Reducing High-Ozone Events
by Linn, Joshua & Holt, Christopher - 23-01 What Are the Climate, Air Pollution, and Health Benefits of Electric Vehicles?
by Linn, Joshua & Robson, Sally & Russell, Ethan & Shawhan, Daniel & Witkin, Steven & Funke, Christoph
- 22-25 Matching Geographies and Job Skills in the Energy Transition
by Raimi, Daniel & Greenspon, Jacob - 22-24 Early Warning Systems, Mobile Technology, and Cholera Aversion: Evidence from Rural Bangladesh
by Aziz, Sonia & Boyle, Kevin & Akanda, Ali S. & Hanifi, M.A. & Pakhtigian, Emily L. - 22-23 Valuing Satellite Data for Harmful Algal Bloom Early Warning Systems
by Lindley, Sarah & Albeke, Shannon & Viers, Joshua & Parsons, George & Johnston, Robert & Newbold, Stephen C. - 22-22 Estimating the Value of Near-Real-Time Satellite Information for Monitoring Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
by Biggs, Trent & Caviglia-Harris, Jill & Rodrigues Ribeiro, Jime & Ottoni Santiago, Thaís & Sills, Erin & AP West, Thales & Mullan, Katrina - 22-21 The Value of Remotely-Sensed Data in Terrestrial Habitat Corridor Design for Large Migratory Species
by Leonard, Bryan & Gigliotti, Laura & Middleton, Arthur & Kroetz, Kailin - 22-20 Examining the Value of Satellite Data in Halting Transmission of Polio in Nigeria: A Socioeconomic Analysis
by Zhou, Janet & Azelton, Krystal & Nassar, Isabelle-Yara & Borowitz, Mariel - 22-19 How Is the US Pricing Carbon? How Could We Price Carbon?
by Burtraw, Dallas & Fischer, Carolyn & Fowlie, Meredith & Williams III, Roberton C. & Cropper, Maureen L. & Aldy, Joseph E. - 22-18 A Net-Zero Target Compels a Backwards Induction Approach to Climate Policy
by Dolphin, Geoffroy & Pahle, Michael & Burtraw, Dallas & Kosch, Mirjam - 22-17 The Evolving Role of Greenhouse Gas Emission Offsets in Combating Climate Change
by Halem, Zachery M. & Aldy, Joseph E. - 22-16 The Greenhouse Gas Index for Products in 39 Industrial Sectors
by Mares, Jan & Flannery, Brian - 22-15 Learning How to Build Back Better through Clean Energy Policy Evaluation
by Aldy, Joseph E. - 22-13 Should Electric Vehicle Purchase Subsidies Be Linked with Scrappage Requirements?
by Leard, Benjamin & Ankney, Kevin - 22-12 Is Transmission Expansion for Decarbonization Compatible with Generation Competition?
by Brennan, Tim - 22-10 Between Two Worlds: Methodological and Subjective Differences in Climate Impact Meta-Analyses
by Howard, Peter H. & Sterner, Thomas - 22-09 Rising US Income Inequality and Declining Residential Electricity Consumption: Is There a Link?
by Linn, Joshua & Liang, Jing & Qiu, Yueming - 22-08 The Social Cost of Carbon with Intragenerational Inequality under Economic Uncertainty
by van der Ploeg, Frederick & Emmerling, Johannes & Groom, Ben - 22-07 Balancing Equity and Effectiveness for Electric Vehicle Subsidies
by Linn, Joshua - 22-06 Emissions-Weighted Carbon Price: Sources and Methods
by Dolphin, Geoffroy - 22-05 World Carbon Pricing Database: Sources and Methods
by Dolphin, Geoffroy & Xiahou, Qinrui - 22-04 Evaluating National and Subnational Carbon Prices: A Harmonized Approach
by Dolphin, Geoffroy - 22-03 The Fiscal Implications of the US Transition Away from Fossil Fuels
by Raimi, Daniel & Grubert, Emily & Higdon, Jake & Metcalf, Gilbert & Pesek, Sophie & Singh, Devyani - 22-02 Do Behavioral Nudges Interact with Prevailing Economic Incentives? Pairing Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Water Consumption
by Brent, Daniel & Wichman, Casey - 22-01 Global Temperature Effects on Economic Activity and Equity: A Spatial Analysis
by Dasgupta, Shouro & Bosello, Francesco & De Cian, Enrica & Mistry, Malcolm - 21-37 Intensity-based Rebating of Emissions Pricing Revenues
by Böhringer, Christoph & Fischer, Carolyn & Rivers, Nicholas
- 21-36 Mapping County-Level Exposure and Vulnerability to the US Energy Transition
by Raimi, Daniel - 21-35 Issues, Questions, and a Research Agenda for the Role of Pricing in Residential Electrification
by Borenstein, Severin & Bushnell, James - 21-34 The Air Quality Effects of Uber
by Kim, Yeong Jae & Sarmiento, Luis - 21-33 Carbon Pricing and the Elasticity of CO2 Emissions
by Rafaty, Ryan & Dolphin, Geoffroy & Pretis, Felix - 21-32 Export Rebates and Import Charges for Border Tax Adjustments Under an Upstream US GHG Tax: Estimates and Methods
by Flannery, Brian & Mares, Jan - 21-31 Determining the Greenhouse Gas Index for Covered Products of Specific Manufacturers
by Flannery, Brian & Mares, Jan - 21-30 RCTs Against the Machine: Can Machine Learning Prediction Methods Recover Experimental Treatment Effects?
by Prest, Brian C. & Wichman, Casey & Palmer, Karen - 21-29 A Retrospective Review of Retrospective Cost Analyses
by Fraas, Arthur G. & Kopits, Elizabeth & Wolverton, Ann - 21-28 The Social Cost of Carbon: Advances in Long-Term Probabilistic Projections of Population, GDP, Emissions, and Discount Rates
by Rennert, Kevin & Prest, Brian C. & Pizer, William & Newell, Richard G. & Anthoff, David & Kingdon, Cora & Rennels, Lisa & Cooke, Roger & Raftery, Adrian E. & Ševčíková, Hana & Errickson, Frank - 21-27 How Much Do Consumers Value Fuel Cost Savings? Evidence from Passenger Vehicle Leasing
by Ankney, Kevin & Leard, Benjamin - 21-26 Wetlands, Flooding, and the Clean Water Act
by Taylor, Charles A. & Druckenmiller, Hannah - 21-25 What's at Stake? Understanding the Role of Home Equity in Flood Insurance Demand
by Liao, Yanjun (Penny) & Mulder, Philip - 21-24 Effects of 2017 US Federal Tax Overhaul on the Energy Sector
by Cunningham, Brandon & Lu, Chenxi & Toder, Eric & Williams III, Roberton C. - 21-23 The International Diffusion of Climate Policy: Theory and Evidence
by Dolphin, Geoffroy & Pollitt, Michael G. - 21-22 Wildfire, Smoke, and Outdoor Recreation in the Western United States
by Walls, Margaret A. & Gellman, Jacob & Wibbenmeyer, Matthew - 21-21 Border Carbon Adjustments without Full (or Any) Carbon Pricing
by Campbell, Erin & Pizer, William - 21-20 Smart Thermostats, Automation, and Time-Varying Prices
by Blonz, Joshua & Palmer, Karen & Wichman, Casey & Wietelman, Derek C. - 21-19 The Effect of Changing Marginal-Cost to Physical-Order Dispatch in the Power Sector
by Gutiérrez-Meave, Raúl & Rosellón, Juan & Sarmiento, Luis - 21-18 Understanding the Resistance to Carbon Taxes: A Case Study of Sweden
by Ewald, Jens & Sterner, Thomas & Sterner, Erik - 21-17 The Effect of Income on Vehicle Demand: Evidence from China’s New Vehicle Market
by Shen, Chang & Linn, Joshua - 21-16 A Discounting Rule for the Social Cost of Carbon
by Newell, Richard G. & Pizer, William & Prest, Brian C. - 21-15 Macro-Financial Transition Risks in the Fight Against Global Warming
by Campiglio, Emanuele & van der Ploeg, Frederick - 21-14 The Macroeconomic Effects of a Carbon Tax to Meet the US Paris Agreement Target: The Role of Firm Creation and Technology Adoption
by Metcalf, Gilbert & Finkelstein Shapiro, Alan - 21-13 Effectiveness, Spillovers, and Well-Being Effects of Driving Restriction Policies
by Sarmiento, Luis & Wägner, Nicole & Zaklan, Aleksandar - 21-12 Effects of Climate Change on Heat- and Cold-Related Mortality: A Literature Review to Inform Updated Estimates of the Social Cost of Carbon
by Raimi, Daniel - 21-11 Establishing Utility-Scale Solar Projects: Federal Involvement
by Buffa, Valkyrie & Rich, Lindsay & Fraas, Arthur G. - 21-10 The Value of Advanced Energy Funding: Projected Effects of Proposed US Funding for Advanced Energy Technologies
by Cleary, Kathryne & Funke, Christoph & Witkin, Steven & Shawhan, Daniel - 21-09 Earth Observations Can Enable Cost-Effective Conservation of Eastern North Pacific Blue Whales: A Value of Information Analysis
by Bernknopf, Richard & Steinkruger, Andrew & Kuwayama, Yusuke - 21-08 Climate Royalty Surcharges
by Prest, Brian C. & Stock, James - 21-07 Arbitrage Deterrence: A Theory of International Drug Pricing
by Salant, Stephen - 21-06 Governing Climate Geoengineering: Side-Payments Are Not Enough
by Abatayo, Anna Lou & Bosetti, Valentina & Casari, Marco & Tavoni, Massimo & Ghidoni, Riccardo - 21-05 Price Limits in a Tradable Performance Standard
by Pizer, William & Wang, Banban & Munnings, Clayton - 21-04 Distributional Consequences of Climate Change Impacts on Energy Demand across Italian Households
by De Cian, Enrica & Campagnolo, Lorenza - 21-03 Customer-Side Energy Management: What Role Should Utilities Play?
by Brennan, Tim - 21-02 The Climate Decade: Changing Attitudes on Three Continents
by Kataria, Mitesh & Krupnick, Alan & Lampi, Elina & Löfgren, Åsa & Qin, Ping & Sterner, Thomas & Yang, Xiaojun & Carlsson, Fredrick - 21-01 Experience with Competitive Procurements and Centralized Resource Planning to Advance Clean Electricity
by Bishop Ratz, Heidi & Cleary, Kathryne
- 20-24 Efficiency and Equity of an Outdoor Recreation Equipment Tax to Fund Public Lands
by Walls, Margaret A. & Ashenfarb, Matthew - 20-23 The Value of Time in the United States: Estimates from Nationwide Natural Field Experiments
by Goldszmidt, Ariel & List, John A. & Metcalfe, Robert D. & Muir, Ian & Smith, V. Kerry & Wang, Jenny - 20-22 Inequality in Agency Responsiveness: Evidence from Salient Wildfire Events
by Wibbenmeyer, Matthew & Anderson, Sarah & Plantinga, Andrew J. - 20-21 Priorities and Effectiveness in Wildfire Management: Evidence from Fire Spread in the Western US
by Wibbenmeyer, Matthew & Plantinga, Andrew J. & Walsh, Randall - 20-20 Benefits of Energy Technology Innovation Part 2: Economy-Wide Direct Air Capture Modeling Results
by Hafstead, Marc - 20-19 Benefits of Energy Technology Innovation Part 1: Power Sector Modeling Results
by Shawhan, Daniel & Funke, Christoph & Witkin, Steven - 20-18 Tradable Performance Standards in the Transportation Sector
by Burtraw, Dallas & Sterner, Thomas & Greene, David & Yeh, Sonia - 20-17 Quantities with Prices: Price-Responsive Allowance Supply in Environmental Markets
by Burtraw, Dallas & Holt, Charles & Palmer, Karen & Shobe, William M. - 20-16 Supply-Side Reforms to Oil and Gas Production on Federal Lands: Modeling the Implications for Climate Emissions, Revenues, and Production Shifts
by Prest, Brian C. - 20-15 Does Energy Star Certification Reduce Energy Use in Commercial Buildings?
by Palmer, Karen & Walls, Margaret A. & Brolinson, Becka - 20-14 The Role of Flexibility and Planning in Repayment Discipline: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Pay-as-You-Go Off-Grid Electricity
by d'Adda, Giovanna & Mahmud, Mahreen & Said, Farah & Bonan, Jacopo - 20-13 The Macroeconomic Impact of Europe's Carbon Taxes
by Stock, James & Metcalf, Gilbert - 20-12 Co-Benefits and Regulatory Impact Analysis: Theory and Evidence from Federal Air Quality Regulations
by Palmer, Karen & Aldy, Joseph E. & Kotchen, Matthew & Evans, Mary & Fowlie, Meredith & Levinson, Arik - 20-11 Rolling the Dice in the Corridors of Power: William Nordhaus's Impacts on Climate Change Policy
by Stavins, Robert & Aldy, Joseph E. - 20-10 Inequality and Growth Impacts from Climate Change—Insights from South Africa
by Emmerling, Johannes & Shayegh, Soheil & Dasgupta, Shouro - 20-09 Encouraging Electrification through Energy Service Subscriptions
by Cleary, Kathryne & Palmer, Karen - 20-08 Three Prongs for Prudent Climate Policy
by Zeckhauser, Richard & Aldy, Joseph E. - 20-07 Interpreting Tradable Credit Prices in Overlapping Vehicle Regulations
by Leard, Benjamin & McConnell, Virginia - 20-06 Have US Fuel Economy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards Improved Social Welfare?
by Leard, Benjamin & Linn, Joshua & Springel, Katalin - 20-05 Mechanisms to Reduce Emissions Uncertainty under a Carbon Tax
by Hafstead, Marc & Williams III, Roberton C. - 20-04 Designing and Evaluating a US Carbon Tax Adjustment Mechanism
by Hafstead, Marc & Williams III, Roberton C. - 20-03 What Does Ridesharing Replace?
by Leard, Benjamin & Xing, Jianwei - 20-02 China’s Unconventional Nationwide CO₂ Emissions Trading System: The Wide-Ranging Impacts of an Implicit Output Subsidy
by Goulder, Lawrence H. & Long, Xianling & Lu, Jieyi & Morgenstern, Richard D. - 20-01 Looking Back at Fifty Years of the Clean Air Act
by Aldy, Joseph E. & Auffhammer, Maximillian & Cropper, Maureen L. & Fraas, Arthur G. & Morgenstern, Richard D. - 18-17 The GDP Temperature Relationship: Implications for Climate Change Damages
by Newell, Richard G. & Prest, Brian C. & Sexton, Steven
- 19-24 Environmental Regulation and Product Attributes: The Case of European Passenger Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards
by Linn, Joshua & Lin, Yujie - 19-23 The Legal and Economic Case for an Auction Reserve Price in the EU Emissions Trading System
by Reins, Leonie & Fischer, Carolyn & Burtraw, Dallas & Langlet, David & Löfgren, Åsa & Mehling, Michael & Weishaar, Stefan & Zetterberg, Lars & van Asselt, Harro & Kulovesi, Kati - 19-22 California’s Evolving Zero Emission Vehicle Program: Pulling New Technology into the Market
by McConnell, Virginia & Leard, Benjamin & Kardos, Fred - 19-21 Can We Make Social Information Programs More Effective? The Role of Identity and Values
by Cattaneo, Cristina & D’Adda, Giovanna & Tavoni, Massimo & Bonan, Jacopo - 19-20 Discretionary Exemptions from Environmental Regulation: Flexibility for Good or for Ill
by Earnhart, Dietrich & Jacobson, Sarah & Kuwayama, Yusuke & Woodward, Richard T. - 19-19 Jobs and Environmental Regulation
by Hafstead, Marc & Williams III, Roberton C. - 19-16 The Cost-Effectiveness of Satellite Earth Observations to Inform a Post-Wildfire Response
by Bernknopf, Richard & Kuwayama, Yusuke & Gibson, Reily & Blakely, Jessica & Mabee, Bethany & Clifford, T.J. & Quayle, Brad & Epting, Justin & Hardy, Terry & Goodrich, David - 19-15 Market-Based Methods for Monetizing Uncertainty Reduction: A Case Study
by Cooke, Roger & Golub, Alexander - 19-14 Building Subway Systems and Improving Air Quality in China: New Evidence from Multiple Chinese Cities
by Xie, Lunyu & Linn, Joshua & Yan, Haosheng - 19-13 Human Migration in the Era of Climate Change
by Cattaneo, Cristina & Beine, Michel & Fröhlich, Christiane J. & Kniveton, Dominic & Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada & Mastrorillo, Marina & Millock, Katrin & Piguet, Etienne - 19-12 Addressing the Urgency of More Stringent Climate Change Policy
by Goulder, Lawrence H. - 19-11 The Future of United States Carbon-Pricing Policy
by Stavins, Robert - 19-10 Transitioning to Long-Run Effective and Efficient Climate Policies
by Stavins, Robert & Schatzki, Todd & Scott, Rebecca - 19-09 What is a Fish Out of Water? The Economics Behind the Joint Management of Water Resources and Aquatic Species in the United States
by Kroetz, Kailin & Kuwayama, Yusuke & Vexler, Caroline - 19-08 The Energy Paradox in Seemingly Competitive Industries: The Use of Energy-Efficient Equipment on Heavy-Duty Tractor Trailers
by Fraas, Arthur G. & Lutter, Randall W. & Wietelman, Derek - 19-07 Pass-Through and Welfare Effects of Regulations that Affect Product Attributes
by Leard, Benjamin & Linn, Joshua & Springel, Katalin - 19-06 Reducing Risk in Merchant Wind and Solar Projects through Financial Hedges
by Bartlett, Jay - 19-05 What Does an Electric Vehicle Replace?
by Leard, Benjamin & Li, Shanjun & Xing, Jianwei - 19-04 Green Innovation And Economic Growth In A North-South Model
by Fischer, Carolyn & Witajewski-Baltvilks, Jan - 19-03 The Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Increased US Oil and Gas Production
by Raimi, Daniel - 19-02 Discounting for Public Cost–Benefit Analysis
by Pizer, William & Li, Qingran - 19-01 Estimating Consumer Substitution Between New and Used Passenger Vehicles
by Leard, Benjamin
- 18-32 GHG Cap-and-Trade: Implications for Effective and Efficient Climate Policy in Oregon
by Schatzki, Todd & Stavins, Robert - 18-31 Key Issues Facing California’s GHG Cap-and-Trade System for 2021-2030
by Stavins, Robert & Schatzki, Todd - 18-29 Ecosystem Valuation and Hydropower Licensing Decisions: Lessons from the FERC Experience
by Stephenson, Kurt & Shabman, Leonard - 18-28 The Welfare Costs of Misaligned Incentives: Energy Inefficiency and the Principal-Agent Problem
by Blonz, Joshua - 18-27 Policy Evolution under the Clean Air Act
by Schmalensee, Richard & Stavins, Robert - 18-24 Do Markets Trump Politics? Fossil Fuel Market Reactions to the Paris Agreement and the US Election
by Mukanjari, Samson & Sterner, Thomas - 18-23 Fiscal Federalism, Interjurisdictional Externalities, and Overlapping Policies
by Coria, Jessica & Hennlock, Magnus & Sterner, Thomas - 18-22 Impacts of a Carbon Tax across US Household Income Groups: What Are the Equity- Efficiency Trade-Offs?
by Goulder, Lawrence & Hafstead, Marc & Kim, GyuRim & Long, Xianling - 18-21 Using Satellite Data to Fill the Gaps in the US Air Pollution Monitoring Network
by Sullivan, Daniel & Krupnick, Alan - 18-20 Carbon Standards Examined: A Comparison of At-the-Source and Beyond-the-Source Power Plant Carbon Standards
by Keyes, Amelia & Lambert, Kathleen & Burtraw, Dallas & Buonocore, Jonathan & Levy, Jonathan & Driscoll, Charles - 18-19 WTO-Compatible Methodologies to Determine Export Rebates and Import Charges for Products of Energy-Intensive, Trade- Exposed Industries, If There Is an Upstream Tax on Greenhouse Gases
by Flannery, Brian & Mares, Jan - 18-18 Retirements and Funerals: The Emission, Mortality, and Coal-Mine Employment Effects of a Two-Year Delay in Coal and Nuclear Power Plant Retirements
by Shawhan, Daniel & Picciano, Paul - 18-16 Recognizing Gravity as the Strong Force in Atmosphere Emissions Markets
by Burtraw, Dallas & Keyes, Amelia - 18-15 Changing Baselines, Shifting Margins: How Predicted Impacts of Pricing Carbon in the Electricity Sector Have Evolved Over Time
by Palmer, Karen & Paul, Anthony & Keyes, Amelia - 18-14 What’s in a Name? A Systematic Search for Alternatives to “Value of Statistical Life”
by Dockins, Chris & Maguire, Kelly & Newbold, Steve & Simon, Nathalie & Krupnick, Alan & Taylor, Laura - 18-13 Coal Demand, Market Forces, and US Coal Mine Closures
by Jordan, Brett & Lange, Ian & Linn, Joshua - 18-10 Who Did the Ethanol Tax Credit Benefit? An Event Analysis of Subsidy Incidence
by Bielen, David & Newell, Richard G. & Pizer, William - 18-08 Quantities with Prices
by Burtraw, Dallas & Holt, Charles & Palmer, Karen & Paul, Anthony & Shobe, William