- 31462 Electronic governance, premise for implementation of electronic democracy
by Matei, Ani & Grigorovici, Iulia - 31461 Breaks, bubbles, booms, and busts: the evolution of primary commodity price fundamentals
by Enders, Walter & Holt, Matthew T. - 31460 Optimal foreign direct investment in the presence of human capital formation
by Asali, Muhammad & Cristobal-Campoamor, Adolfo - 31455 Cross-border bank lending to selected SEACEN economies: an integrative report
by Pontines, Victor & Siregar, Reza Yamora - 31447 Foreign direct investment, environmentally sound technology and informal sector
by Chaudhuri, Sarbajit & Mukhopadhyay, Ujjaini - 31443 Adverse selection and moral hazard among the poor: evidence from a randomized experiment
by Spenkch, Jörg L. - 31439 The impact of trade preferences on exports of developing countries: the case of the AGOA and CBI preferences of the USA
by Cooke, Edgar F A - 31434 Scientific project, Sciences Po | LIEPP laboratoire interdisciplinaire d'evaluation des politiques publiques or in english, interdisciplinary research center for the evaluation of public policies
by Wasmer, Etienne & Woll, Cornelia - 31413 The poverty-inequality relationship in Malawi: A multidimensional perspective
by Mussa, Richard - 31400 Indice de Precios de Viviendas Nuevas para el Gran Santiago
[Hedonic pricing models to calculate price indexes for new houses in the Santiago province]
by Idrovo Aguirre, Byron & Lennon S., Joaquín - 31397 Causal misspecifications in econometric models
by Itkonen, Juha - 31395 Would emerging market pension funds benefit from international diversification: investigating wealth accumulations for pension participants
by Kumara, Ajantha Sisira & Pfau, Wade Donald - 31394 Family planning, growth and income distribution in Rwanda: SAM multiplier and graph-theoretic path analysis
by Temel, Tugrul - 31393 Common factors of the exchange risk premium in emerging European markets
by Byrne, Joseph P & Nagayasu, Jun - 31392 Education and fertility: an investigation on Italian families
by Aldieri, Luigi & Vinci, Concetto Paolo - 31389 Lifecycle and fixed portfolio allocation strategies: a performance comparison for emerging market countries
by Kumara, Ajantha Sisira & Pfau, Wade Donald - 31387 The deteriorating labour market conditions and crime: An analysis of Indian states during 2001-2008
by Abraham, Vinoj - 31386 Global financial crisis and return of South Asian Gulf migrants: patterns and determinants of their integration to local labour markets
by Abraham, Vinoj & Rajan, Irudaya S - 31383 Where is an oil shock?
by Engemann, Kristie & Owyang, Michael T. & Wall, Howard J. - 31369 Pakistan's trade competitiveness & complementarities in South Asia
by Mamoon, Dawood & Paracha, Sohail & Mughal, Hammad & Ayesha, Anam - 31368 Trade facilitation for economic corridors in South Asia: the perspective of Pakistan
by Vaqar, Ahmed & Ghulam, Samad - 31363 Regional deposits and demographic changes
by Nagayasu, Jun - 31354 Valuation of Latin-American stock prices with alternative versions of the Ohlson model: An investigation of cointegration relationships with time-series and panel-data
by Duran-Vazquez, Rocio & Lorenzo-Valdes, Arturo & Ruiz-Porras, Antonio - 31344 Detecting big structural breaks in large factor models
by Chen, Liang & Dolado, Juan Jose & Gonzalo, Jesus - 31343 Intergenerational complementarities in education, endogenous public policy, and the relation between growth and volatility
by Palivos, Theodore & Varvarigos, Dimitrios - 31341 The euro sovereign debt crisis, determinants of default probabilities and implied ratings in the CDS market: an econometric analysis
by Santos, Carlos - 31333 Fair competition: The engine of economic development
by Thomas, Alex M & Walling, Lima - 31330 Experience of technological and natural disasters and their impact on the perceived risk of nuclear accidents after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan 2011: A cross-country analysis
by Yamamura, Eiji - 31329 Banking Instability and Deposit Insurance: The Role of Moral Hazard
by Ngalawa, Harold & Tchana Tchana, Fulbert & Viegi, Nicola - 31328 Causality between FDI and Financial Market Development: Evidence from Emerging Markets
by Soumaré, Issouf & TCHANA TCHANA, Fulbert - 31319 Financial stability, new macro prudential arrangements and shadow banking: regulatory arbitrage and stringent Basel III regulations
by Ojo, Marianne - 31316 Thinking by analogy, systematic risk, and option prices
by Siddiqi, Hammad - 31312 The Underground Economy in a Matching Model of Endogenous Growth
by Lisi, Gaetano & Pugno, Maurizio - 31306 Heuristic Schelling: economy of organized crime
by Estrada, Fernando - 31303 Financial Lie groups
by Carfì, David - 31302 Game complete analysis of Bertrand Duopoly
by Carfì, David & Perrone, Emanuele - 31301 Consistencia de la evaluación de desempeño de inversiones financieras: Pruebas de dominación estocástica versus índices media-varianza
[Consistency in the evaluation of financial investment performance: Mean-variance versus stochastic dominance tests]
by Pinto, Cristian F. & Acuña, Andres A. - 31298 Open strategies and innovation performance
by Barge-Gil, Andrés - 31295 Analiza empirică a sincronizării ciclului de afaceri şi a similarităţii şocurilor între România şi zona euro
[Empirical analysis of business cycle synchronization and shock similarity between Romania and the euro zone]
by Bojeşteanu, Elena & Manu, Ana Simona - 31292 Impact assessment of interregional government transfers in Brazil: an input-output approach
by Luque, Carlos A. & Haddad, Eduardo A. & Lima, Gilberto T. & Sakurai, Sergio N. & Costa, Silvio M. - 31289 An analysis of the poor performance of recent immigrants and observations on immigration policy
by Grady, Patrick - 31288 Structural changes and convergence in EU and in Adriatic-Balkans Region
by Albu, Lucian-Liviu - 31286 The volatility trap: why do big savers invest relatively little?
by Cherif, Reda & Hasanov, Fuad - 31281 Valuation of 3G spectrum license in India: A real option approach
by Sinha, Pankaj & Mudgal, Hemant - 31280 Analysis of WIMAX/BWA Licensing in India: A real option approach
by Sinha, Pankaj & Gupta, Akshay - 31279 The wondrous effortlessness of unifying circuit-, money-, price- and distribution theory
by Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont - 31278 Applying conditional DEA to measure football clubs’ performance: Evidence from the top 25 European clubs
by Halkos, George & Tzeremes, Nickolaos - 31267 Printing and Protestants: reforming the economics of the Reformation
by Rubin, Jared - 31255 Size and The City: Productivity, Match Quality and Wage Inequality
by Yip, Chi Man - 31253 Mergers and Acquisitions: A pre-post analysis for the Indian financial services sector
by Sinha, Pankaj & Gupta, Sushant - 31247 Towards traceability in cocoa - chocolate supply chain
by Syahruddin, Normansyah - 31241 Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation in Nigeria: Beyond the Environmental Kuznets Curve
by Akpan, Usenobong F. & Chuku, Agbai - 31240 Determinants of undergraduate GPAs in China: college entrance examination scores, high school achievement, and admission route
by Bai, Chong-en & Chi, Wei - 31236 Is hike in inflation responsible for rise in terrorism in Pakistan?
by Shahbaz, Muhammad & Shabbir, Shahbaz Muhammad - 31230 Estimation of Zenga's new index of economic inequality in heavy tailed populations
by Greselin, Francesca & Pasquazzi, Leo - 31229 Is There An Association Between Gasoline Prices & Physical Activity?Evidence from American Time Use Data
by Sen, Bisakha - 31226 Corruption and economic growth: A meta-analysis of the evidence on low-income countries and beyond
by Ugur, Mehmet & Dasgupta, Nandini - 31225 Household expenditure components and the poverty and inequality relationship in Malawi
by Mussa, Richard - 31223 Conduite et efficacité de la politique économique : les leçons de la crise
[Management and Efficiency of the Economic Policies : The Crisis' Lessons"]
by Landais, Bernard - 31221 Loss aversion, social comparison and physical abilities at younge age
by Nakamoto, Yasuhiro & Sato, Masayuki - 31218 Perfect numbers - a lower bound for an odd perfect number
by Berdellima, Arian - 31217 The role of NAFTA and returns to scale in export duration
by Besedes, Tibor - 31214 Turkey's response to the global economic crisis
by Turhan, Ibrahim M. & Kilinc, Zubeyir - 31202 A rational road to effectiveness attainment
by Zervopoulos, Panagiotis & Vargas, Francisco & Cheng, Gang - 31188 Impact of Monetary Policy on the Volatility of Stock Market in Pakistan
by Qayyum, Abdul & Anwar, Saba - 31186 Industrialization and technological progress with many countries under a non-homothetic preference
by Keita, Kamei - 31184 Evaluating density forecasts: a comment
by Tsyplakov, Alexander - 31180 Distribution, ‘Financialisation’ and the Financial and Economic Crisis – Implications for Post-crisis Economic Policies
by Hein, Eckhard - 31179 Keynes’s missing axioms
by Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont - 31177 What is wrong with heterodox economics? Kalecki’s profit theory as an example
by Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont - 31176 Schumpeter and the essence of profit
by Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont - 31175 Beginning, crises, and end of the money economy in three consistent steps
by Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont - 31174 The 2011 Japanese earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis: evidence of contagion from international financial markets
by Simplice A., Asongu - 31173 A non-parametric analysis of the efficiency of the top European football clubs
by Halkos, George & Tzeremes, Nickolaos - 31167 Ten years of cultural development in Sibiu: The European cultural capital and beyond
by Richards, Greg & Rotariu, Ilie - 31166 An OLG model of growth with longevity: when grandparents take care of grandchildren
by Fanti, Luciano & Gori, Luca - 31161 Embodied human capital unemployment
by Kumaraku, Klajdi & Naqvi, Nadeem & Rexhepi, Sara - 31159 Role of management control in small and medium enterprises performance assurance
by Criveanu, Maria & Iacob, Constanta - 31157 Information gathering, innovation and growth
by Parello, Carmelo Pierpaolo - 31156 Modelling profitability of Indian banks
by Sinha, Pankaj & Dutta, Dipanwita - 31153 From bounties on exportation to the natural and market price of labour: Smith versus Ricardo
by Meacci, Ferdinando - 31152 The returns to scale effect in labour productivity growth
by Mizobuchi, Hideyuki - 31150 The practice of the auction theory: The Colombian case
by Espinosa, Miguel & Forero, German & Villaneda, Felipe - 31139 Wealth, income, earnings and the statistical mechanics of flow systems
by Willis, Geoff - 31137 Pricing, liquidity and the control of dynamic systems in finance and economics
by Willis, Geoff - 31133 Job satisfaction in Italy: individual characteristics and social relations
by Fiorillo, Damiano & Nappo, Nunzia - 31132 The development of the brazilian amazon region and greenhouse gases emission: a dilemma to be faced!
by Imori, Denise & Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins & David, Leticia Scretas & Gutierre, Leopoldo Millan & Waisman, Caio - 31124 Detection and Forecasting of Islamic Calendar Effects in Time Series Data: Revisited
by Bukhari, Syed Kalim Hyder & Abdul, Jalil & Rao, Nasir Hamid - 31122 Retirement Withdrawal Rates and Portfolio Success Rates: What Can the Historical Record Teach Us?
by Pfau, Wade Donald - 31117 Democracy or videocracy? An econometric analysis of the role of television in the Italian political arena
by Sabatini, Fabio - 31115 The calendar regularity of earnings and volatility distribution on the Ukrainian stock market
by Petrushchak, Bohdan - 31110 Small retailing, town centres and inland territories: An “Extended Town Centre Management” perspective
by Musso, Fabio - 31109 Immigration and the Canadian Welfare State 2011
by Grubel, Herbert & Grady, Patrick - 31107 Analytical approximation of the transition density in a local volatility model
by Pagliarani, Stefano & Pascucci, Andrea - 31102 On wage formation, wage flexibility and wage coordination : A focus on the wage impact of productivity in Germany, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and the United States
by Peeters, Marga & Den Reijer, Ard - 31101 Demographic pressure, excess labour supply and public-private sector employment in Egypt - Modelling labour supply to analyse the response of unemployment, public finances and welfare
by Peeters, Marga - 31097 An investigation into the positive effect of an educated wife on her husband’s earnings: the case of Japan in the period between 2000 and 2003
by Yamamura, Eiji & Mano, Yukichi - 31096 Capital, liquidity standards and macro prudential policy tools in financial supervision: addressing sovereign debt problems
by Ojo, Marianne - 31091 Gendered effects of work and participation in collective forest management
by Naidu, Sirisha C. - 31090 Geographical information systems technologies for spatial visualization of statistical data
by Dardala, Marian & Reveiu, Adriana - 31086 Integrarea pietei bursiere europene in contextul UEM
[European stock market integration under EMU]
by Avadanei, Andreea - 31080 Safe withdrawal rates from retirement savings for residents of emerging market countries
by Meng, Channarith & Pfau, Wade Donald - 31069 On Variable Discounting in Dynamic Programming: Applications to Resource Extraction and Other Economic Models
by Jaśkiewicz, Anna & Matkowski, Janusz & Nowak, Andrzej S. - 31068 Capital, liquidity standards and macro prudential policy tools in financial supervision: addressing sovereign debt problems
by Ojo, Marianne - 31060 Rural Livelihoods, Forest Access and Time Use: A Study of Forest Communities in Northwest India
by Naidu, Sirisha C. - 31059 Should Economists Listen to Educational Psychologists? : Some Economics of Student Motivation
by Donze, Jocelyn & Gunnes, Trude - 31041 On mission drift in microfinance institutions
by Armendáriz, Beatriz & Szafarz, Ariane - 31015 The effects of terrorist activities on foreign direct investment: nonlinear Evidence
by Omay, Tolga & Takay Araz, Bahar & Ilalan, Deniz - 31012 Western guilt and Third World Development : Part 2
by Baafi Antwi, Joseph - 31007 Economic crisis and taxation in Europe
by Luigi, Bernardi - 31006 Patterns in U.S. urban growth (1790–2000)
by González-Val, Rafael & Lanaspa, Luis - 31005 Tendenze dei prelievi tributari ed effetti fiscali della crisi finanziaria nell'Unione europea e in Svizzera
[Tax trends and tax effectcs of the economic crisis in European Union and in Switzerland]
by Luigi, Bernardi - 31004 Heterogeneous expectations, Taylor rules and the merit of monetary policy inertia
by Gasteiger, Emanuel - 31003 Commodity ETFs in the Japanese Stock Exchanges
by Yamori, Nobuyoshi - 31002 Service innovation and the proximity-concentration trade-off model of trade and FDI
by Fulvio, Castellacci - 30998 It is time to re-think on environment, energy and economics (E3)
by Buscemi, Antonino & Yallwe, Alem Hagos - 30993 Does timing of decisions in a mixed duopoly matter?
by Balogh, Tamás L. & Tasnádi, Attila - 30992 The causes of childhood obesity: A survey
by Papoutsi, Georgia & Drichoutis, Andreas & Nayga, Rodolfo - 30990 The relationship between absence from work and job satisfaction: Greece and UK comparisons
by Drakopoulos, Stavros A. & Grimani, Aikaterini - 30986 Spatial organization of production in India: contesting themes and conflicting evidence
by Roy, Satyaki - 30977 Identi�cation of jumps in �financial price series
by Hellström, Jörgen & Lönnbark, Carl - 30968 Wage bargaining and quality competition
by Bhattacharyya, Ranajoy & Saha, Bibhas - 30963 Keep to sustain or keep to exploit? Why firms keep hard evidence
by Agisilaou, Panayiotis - 30958 Impact of adverse economic shocks on the Indian child labour market and the schooling of children of poor households
by Karan Singh, B - 30955 On the mathematical form of CVA in Basel III
by Geurdes, Han / J. F. - 30954 Effect of transparency on changing views regarding nuclear energy before and after Japan’s 2011 natural disasters: A cross-country analysis
by Yamamura, Eiji - 30953 How costly are debt crises?
by Furceri, Davide & Zdzienicka, Aleksandra - 30951 A variant of radial measure capable of dealing with negative inputs and outputs in data envelopment analysis
by Cheng, Gang & Zervopoulos, Panagiotis & Qian, Zhenhua - 30948 The relationship between happiness and health: evidence from Italy
by Sabatini, Fabio - 30946 Optimal decisions on pension plans in the presence of financial literacy costs and income inequalities
by Corsini, Lorenzo & Spataro, Luca - 30943 Political competition in hard times
by Zudenkova, Galina - 30942 National economic and environmental development study: the case of Pakistan
by Ahmed, Vaqar & Malik, Amin Aslam Khan & Ramay, Shakeel & Munawwar, Zuhair & Pervaiz, Amir - 30937 The effect of Walmart on the tax base: evidence from New Jersey
by Vandegrift, Donald & Loyer, John & Kababik, David - 30932 Institutional credit and agricultural production nexus
by Sial, Maqbool Hussain & Awan, Masood Sarwar & Waqas, Muhammad - 30931 How applicable are the new keynesian DSGE models to a typical low-income economy?
by Senbeta, Sisay - 30930 After ten years the Russian crisis how IMF intervention might be evaluated?
by Sulimierska, Malgorzata - 30926 Daily and monthly costs of terrorism on Pakistani exports
by Mamoon, Dawood & Akhtar, Sajjad & Hissam, Saadia - 30924 The review of financial repression policies and banking system in Iran
by Dehghan Nejad, Omid - 30922 Reviewing Excess Liquidity Measures - A Comparison for Asset Markets
by Drescher, Christian - 30921 New financial intermediary development indicators for developing countries
by Simplice A., Asongu - 30914 Costly and discrete communication: An experimental investigation
by Duffy, Sean & Hartwig, Tyson & Smith, John - 30910 Life-cycle consumption: can single agent models get it right?
by Bick, Alexander & Choi, Sekyu - 30907 The making of heterodox microeconomics
by Lee, Frederic - 30905 Management of chemical and biological risks in agri-food chain
by Bachev, Hrabrin - 30902 A Note on institutional hierarchy and volatility in financial markets
by Alfarano, Simone & Milakovic, Mishael & Raddant, Matthias - 30898 Innovation decision of Tunisian service firms: an empirical analysis
by Sdiri, Hanen & Ayadi, Mohamed - 30895 Residui fiscali regionali e riforma federalista. Quanto residuerà delle politiche regionali e redistributive?
[Fiscal residua and federalist reform in Italy. Will regional and redistributive policies survive?]
by Giannola, A. & Petraglia, C. & Scalera, D. - 30894 Performance e profili delle imprese multinazionali del quarto capitalismo
[Performance and profiles of the multinational firms of fourth capitalism]
by Schilirò, Daniele - 30892 Population growth and endogenous technological change: Australian economic growth in the long run
by Banerjee, Rajabrata - 30889 The US-UK productivity gap in the twentieth century: a race between technology and population
by Banerjee, Rajabrata - 30888 Are exchange rates really free from seasonality? An exploratory analysis on monthly time series
by Cellini, Roberto & Cuccia, Tiziana - 30887 Does defence spending impede economic growth? cointegration and causality analysis for Pakistan
by Shahbaz, Muhammad & Afza, Talat & Shabbir, Shahbaz Muhammad - 30886 Addressing food self-sufficiency in Tanzania: a balancing act of policy coordination
by Msuya, E. E & Isinika, A. C. - 30885 Hiring older employees: Do incentives of early retirement channels matter?
by Ilmakunnas, Pekka & Ilmakunnas, Seija - 30880 Does Defence Spending Stimulate Economic Growth in India?
by Tiwari, Aviral & Shahbaz, Muhammad - 30877 Can We Predict the Sustainable Withdrawal Rate for New Retirees?
by Pfau, Wade Donald - 30876 Channels of risk-sharing among Canadian provinces: 1961--2006
by Balli, Faruk & Basher, Syed Abul & Jean Louis, Rosmy - 30871 Pengertian dari dan untuk ketakmengertian: Social Complexity sebagai cara pandang baru dalam memahami fenomena sosial
[Understanding from and to the inability to understand: Social Complexity as a new perspective to understand social phenomena]
by Situngkir, Hokky - 30870 Does every stone fall in the same way? new gravity evidence on world trade
by Cunedioglu, Ekrem & Yucel, Eray - 30868 Do inventories have an impact on price transmission? Evidence from the Canadian chicken industry
by Abbassi, Abdessalem & Tamini, Lota D. & Gervais, Jean-Philippe - 30865 Stock price reaction to earnings announcement: the case of an emerging market
by Iqbal, Javed & Farooqi, Faraz Ahmed - 30863 Positive externalities of congestion on health: A case study of chronic illness in Japan for the period 1988–2009
by Yamamura, Eiji - 30861 The sources of profitability
by Flaschel, Peter & Fröhlich, Nils & Veneziani, Roberto - 30859 One numerical procedure for two risk factors modeling
by Cocozza, Rosa & De Simone, Antonio - 30856 Cognitive load in the multi-player prisoner's dilemma game
by Duffy, Sean & Smith, John - 30853 The pure logic of value, profit, interest
by Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont - 30852 The Bowley Ratio
by Willis, Geoff - 30851 Why money trickles up – wealth & income distributions
by Willis, Geoff - 30820 Contextual Assessment of Women Empowerment and Its Determinants: Evidence from Pakistan
by Khan, Safdar Ullah & Awan, Rabia - 30818 Regulation, enforcement and informality: an analysis based on selected countries
by Roychowdhury, Punarjit & Dutta, Mousumi - 30812 Governance and enterprise restructuring - the case of Macedonia
by Apostolov, Mico - 30804 Is Malaysia exempted from impossible trinity: empirical evidence from 1991-2009
by Lim, Ewe Ghee & Goh, SooKhoon - 30797 Regional input-output models and the treatment of imports in the European System of Accounts
by Kronenberg, Tobias - 30791 Gender disparities in primary education across siblings: is intra household disparity higher in regions with low child sex ratios?
by Husain, Zakir & Dutta, Mousumi & Saha, Manashi - 30790 Contraceptive use among illiterate women in India: does proximate illiteracy matter?
by Husain, Zakir & Dutta, Mousumi & Ghosh, Sriparna - 30788 Trade with time zone differences: factor market implications
by Kikuchi, Toru & Marjit, Sugata - 30782 Online Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: A case study of Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad
by Ahmed, Khalil - 30780 Effectiveness of HRD for developing SMEs in South Asia
by Ahmed, Vaqar & Wahab, Mohammad Abdul & Mahmood, Hamid - 30777 The Carnapian Aufbau model: epistemology of the sense-data
by Estrada, Fernando - 30775 Sozialpolitische Ziele der Gründungsförderung am Beispiel von Gründungen aus der Arbeitslosigkeit
[Social policy as a motivation for start-up subsidies: supporting start-ups out of unemployment]
by Block, Joern & Kohn, Karsten - 30770 Health related quality of life assessment in patients with hepatitis: a case of Pakistan
by Awan, Masood Sarwar & Waqas, Muhammad & Aslam, Muhammad Amir & Abbas, Faisal - 30769 Incentives through the cycle: microfounded macroprudential regulation
by di Iasio, Giovanni & Quagliariello, Mario - 30766 Developing a short-term comparative optimization forecasting model for operational units’ strategic planning
by Filippou, Miltiades & Zervopoulos, Panagiotis - 30765 Developing a step-by-step effectiveness assessment model for customer-oriented service organizations
by Brissimis, Sophocles & Zervopoulos, Panagiotis - 30758 Ethnic networks and trade: Intensive vs. extensive margins
by Coughlin, Cletus C & Wall, Howard J. - 30750 Fine-tuning the equivalent strike framework for bespoke cdo tranches pricing
by Mrad, Moez & Triki, Racem - 30749 Schooling, employer learning, and internal labor market effect: Wage dynamics and human capital investment in the Japanese steel industry, 1930-1960s
by Nakabayashi, Masaki - 30738 In the quest of macroprudential policy tools
by Samano, Daniel - 30737 Firm-Heterogeneity, Persistent and Transient Technical Inefficiency
by Mike, Tsionas & Subal, Kumbhakar - 30736 The comeback of the Swiss watch industry on the world market: a business history of the Swatch Group (1983-2010)
by Donzé, Pierre-Yves - 30720 Estimation of the competitive conditions in the Czech banking sector
by Stavarek, Daniel & Repkova, Iveta - 30716 Seasonal bias in household vulnerability to poverty stimates: insights from a natural experiment
by Chiwaula, Levison & Waibel, Hermann - 30711 The consumer empowerment index. A measure of skills, awareness and engagement of European consumers
by Nardo, Michela & Loi, Massimo & Rosati, Rossana & Manca, Anna Rita - 30707 الخيارات وإدارة المخاطر فى أسواق السلع: دعوة لرؤية جديدة
[Options as Islamic Financial Derivative: Thoughts provoking discussion]
by Onour, Ibrahim - 30705 Local Universities as Engines for Innovation and Regional Development in Southern Economies with Reference to MOROCCO
by Driouchi, Ahmed & Zouag, Nada - 30674 Spread of hoax in Social Media
by Situngkir, Hokky - 30673 The animal spirits hypothesis and the Benhabib-Farmer condition for indeterminacy
by Guerrazzi, Marco - 30671 Migrace v České republice v kontextu nových trendů
[MIgration in the Czech Republic in the context of new trends]
by Abramuszkinova Pavlikova, Eva