- 30670 The price puzzle and monetary policy transmission mechanism in Pakistan: Structural vector autoregressive approach
by Javid, Muhammad & Munir, Kashif - 30664 China’s Trade in Asia and the World: Long run Relation with Short run Dynamics
by Dinda, Soumyananda - 30659 The determinants of poverty transitions in Europe and the role of duration dependence
by Andriopoulou, Eirini & Tsakloglou, Panagiotis - 30654 Human Capital and Economic Growth: Time Series Evidence from Pakistan
by Faisal Sultan Qadri, Faisal & Dr. Abdul Waheed, Waheed - 30653 Quantum Bayesian implementation and revelation principle
by Wu, Haoyang - 30652 Does the Kyoto Protocol Agreement matters? An environmental efficiency analysis
by Halkos, George & Tzeremes, Nickolaos - 30646 The dynamics of Italian public debt: Alternative paths for fiscal consolidation
by Casadio, Paolo & Paradiso, Antonio & Rao, B. Bhaskara - 30625 Anticipation, learning and welfare: the case of distortionary taxation
by Gasteiger, Emanuel & Zhang, Shoujian - 30621 Consumer’s perceptions regarding Dacia cars prices, insights and lessons to be learned
by Cruceru, Gheorghe & Micuda, Dan - 30620 Present challenges and future opportunities for Dacia cars on the Romanian automobile market
by Cruceru, Gheorghe & Micuda, Dan - 30619 International migration and new mobility trends
by Abramuszkinova Pavlikova, Eva - 30618 Romanian SME’s sector trough crisis: the effectiveness of government policies and the present situation
by Visinescu, Sorin & Micuda, Dan - 30611 Les rendez-vous manqués de l'économie de la Tunisie 7-Novembriste
[The missed opportunities of the Tunisian economy under the 7 November regime]
by Mabrouk, Mohamed B.R. - 30600 Testing the law of one price in gram markets of Pakistan
by Hussain, Babar - 30597 Schooling, employer learning, and internal labor market effect: Wage dynamics and human capital investment in the Japanese steel industry, 1930-1960s
by Nakabayashi, Masaki - 30596 On the calculation of price sensitivities with jump-diffusion structure
by El-Khatib, Youssef & Abdulnasser, Hatemi-J - 30595 Estimates of the Steady State Growth Rates for Ireland
by Casadio, Paolo & Paradiso, Antonio & Rao, B. Bhaskara - 30581 Construction of a Spatial Housing Price Index by Estimating an Almost Ideal Demand System
by Iturra, Victor & Paredes - Araya, Dusan - 30580 A Spatial Cost of Living Index for Colombia using a Microeconomic Approach and Censored Data
by Atuesta, Laura & Paredes, Araya - 30574 FDI in the Service Sector – Propagator of Growth for India?
by Sen, Chitrakalpa - 30571 Productivity Growth and Ownership Change in China: 1998-2007
by Liu, Jing & Cao, Shutao - 30570 Economic Security, Well Functioning Courts and a Good Government
by mamoon, dawood - 30563 Benoit Mandelbrot (1924 - 2011 ) : A Greek among Romans
by Estrada, Fernando - 30562 ‘Export Led Growth’ x ‘Growth Led Exports’: What Matters for the Brazilian Growth Experience after Trade Liberalization?
by Araujo, Ricardo Azevedo & Soares, Cristiane - 30555 The impact of science and technology parks on firms´ product innovation: empirical evidence from Spain
by Vásquez Urriago, Ángela Rocio & Barge-Gil, Andrés & Modrego Rico, Aurelia & Paraskevopoulou, Evita - 30554 Beyond Identities: Support for Decentralisation Across Regions in Spain
by Cesena, Marc Guinjoa & Casarramona, Toni Rodon - 30553 Innovating like China: a theory of stage-dependent intellectual property rights
by Chu, Angus C. & Cozzi, Guido & Galli, Silvia - 30551 Trend inflation and Monetary policy rules: Determinacy analyses in New Keynesian model with capital accumulation
by Elena, Gerko & Kirill, Sossounov - 30538 Carrots without Bite: On the Ineffectiveness of 'Rewards' in sustaining Cooperation in Social Dilemmas
by Stoop, Jan & van Soest, Daan & Vyrastekova, Jana - 30534 Coherent Asset Allocation and Diversification in the Presence of Stress Events
by Rebonato, Riccardo & Denev, Alexander - 30529 Paying for prominence
by Armstrong, Mark & Zhou, Jidong - 30521 Monetary and fiscal policy should be merged, which in turn changes the role of central banks
by Musgrave, Ralph S. - 30519 Noncausality and Asset Pricing
by Lof, Matthijs - 30511 Do Schooling Years Improve the Earning Capacity of Lower Income Groups?
by Mamoon, Dawood - 30507 Multi-period credit default prediction with time-varying covariates
by Orth, Walter - 30500 Have credit rating agencies become more stringent towards Japanese regional banks?
by Kondo, Kazumine - 30492 History of the economics department at University of Missouri-Kansas City
by Lee, Frederic - 30491 Heterodox microeconomics and the foundation of heterodox macroeconomics
by Lee, Frederic - 30490 Old controversy revisited: pricing, market structure, and competition
by Lee, Frederic - 30488 Good versus Bad Political Institutions and Economic Welfare
by Mamoon, Dawood - 30486 Transforming Uncertainties into Risks and Poverty Alleviation: Lessons Learnt from the Successful Rescuing of Miners in Chile
by Driouchi, Ahmed & Malki, Karim - 30485 Integrity, respect for others, and ethics – three essential leadership qualities
by Ojo, Marianne - 30481 A game theoretical analysis of economic sanction
by Shidiqi, khalifany ash & Pradiptyo, rimawan - 30480 Evidence of homo economicus? Findings from experiment on evolutionary prisoners' dilemma game
by Pradiptyo, Rimawan & Sasmitasiwi, Banoon & Sahadewo, Gumilang Aryo - 30478 The effects of capital market openness on exchange rate pass-through and welfare in an inflation targeting small open economy
by Mukherjee, Sanchita - 30475 A Vector Auto-Regressıve (VAR) Model for the Turkish Financial Markets
by Bayraci, Selcuk & Ari, Yakup & Yildirim, Yavuz - 30472 Simulating the impacts of cash transfers on poverty and school attendance: The case of Cambodia
by Meng, Channarith & Pfau, Wade Donald - 30469 Use of put options as insurance
by Bell, Peter - 30468 All-Pay Auctions with Budget Constraints
by Kotowski, Maciej & Li, Fei - 30467 A nonparametric analysis of the Greek renewable energy sector
by Halkos, George & Tzeremes, Nickolaos - 30466 Prevention of stock accumulation by restricting polluters’ resources
by Halkos, George - 30465 Social transfers and chronic poverty: objectives, design, reach and impact
by Barrientos, Armando & Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel - 30463 Coordination structures
by Rosa-García, Alfonso & Kiss, Hubert Janos - 30455 Sources of International Economic Spillovers to Ghana's Economic Growth
by Ofori, F. - 30454 Child Labour and Inequality
by D'Alessandro, Simone & Fioroni, Tamara - 30446 Measuring the willingness to pay for houses in a sustainable neighborhood
by Tan, Teck Hong - 30443 Primary Seat Belt Laws and Offsetting Behavior: Empirical Evidence from Individual Accident Data
by Bae, Yong-Kyun - 30440 Motivations and strategies for a real revaluation of the Yuan
by Dai, Meixing - 30431 Patterns of industrial specialisation in post-Unification Italy
by Ciccarelli, Carlo & Proietti, Tommaso - 30429 Does Military Spending Explode External Debt in Pakistan?
by Shahbaz, Muhammad & Shabbir, Shahbaz Muhammad & Butt, Muhammad Sabihuddin - 30423 Dove or Hawk? characterizing monetary regime switches during financial liberalization in India
by Hutchison, Michael & Sengupta, Rajeswari & Singh, Nirvikar - 30420 Neighborhood preferences of house buyers: the case of klang valley, malaysia
by Tan, teck hong - 30419 Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory and job satisfaction in the malaysian retail sector: the mediating effect of love of money
by Tan, Teck Hong & Waheed, Amna - 30417 Financial Crises and Bilateral Foreign Direct Investment Flows
by Abdelaal Mahmoud, Ashraf - 30408 An Empirical Evaluation of an Evolutionary Game Theory Model of the Labor Market
by Araujo, Ricardo Azevedo & Loureiro, Paulo Roberto & Souza, Nathalia Almeida - 30403 The effect of microaggregation on regression results: an application to Spanish innovation data
by López, Alberto - 30401 Real wage growth over the business cycle:contractual versus spot markets
by Bellou, Andriana & Kaymak, Baris - 30391 Political Crises and Risk of Financial Contagion in Developing Countries: Evidence from Africa
by Simplice A., Asongu - 30390 Coalition formation in the U.S. Supreme Court: 1969-2009
by Brams, Steven J. & Camilo, Gustavo & Franz, Alexandra D. - 30388 Narrowing the field in elections: the next-two rule
by Brams, Steven J. & Kilgour, D. Marc - 30387 Dynamics of Monetary Policy Uncertainty and the Impact on the Macroeconomy
by Herro, Nicholas & Murray, James - 30380 Hierarchical shrinkage priors for dynamic regressions with many predictors
by Korobilis, Dimitris - 30378 The Variance Profile
by Luati, Alessandra & Proietti, Tommaso & Reale, Marco - 30373 Identification of Panel Data Models with Endogenous Censoring
by Khan, Shakeeb & Ponomareva, Maria & Tamer, Elie - 30367 Календарні Закономірності Розподілу Дохідності Та Волатильності На Українському Фондовому Ринку
[The calendar regularity of earnings and volatility distribution on the Ukrainian stock market]
by Petrushchak, Bohdan - 30365 Design, effectiveness and role of visual merchandising in creating customer appeal
by Pillai, Rajasekharan & Iqbal, Azmiya & Umer, Habiba & Maqbool, Aisha & Sunil, Namrata - 30364 Are realized volatility models good candidates for alternative Value at Risk prediction strategies?
by Louzis, Dimitrios P. & Xanthopoulos-Sisinis, Spyros & Refenes, Apostolos P. - 30363 Trade liberalization and inter-provincial dumping in a spatial equilibrium model: the case of the Canadian dairy industry
by Abbassi, Abdessalem & Larue, Bruno - 30357 Using weight-for-age for predicting wasted children
by Nguefack-Tsague, Georges & Tanya K. N., Agatha - 30356 The Effects of Social Spending on Economic Activity: Empirical Evidence from a Panel of OECD Countries
by Davide, Furceri & Aleksandra, Zdzienicka - 30354 Sit down at the ball game: how trade barriers make the world less food secure
by Rutten, Martine M. & Chant, Lindsay J. & Meijerink, Gerdien W. - 30347 Buyer-Seller Relationships in International Trade: Evidence from U.S. States' Exports and Business-Class Travel
by Cristea, Anca D. - 30344 Foreign assistance and economic growth: evidence from Pakistan 1972 - 2010
by Ahmed, Vaqar & Wahab, Mohammad Abdul - 30343 Can tailored communications motivate volunteers? A field experiment
by Al-Ubaydli, Omar & Lee, Min - 30334 Are we able to capture the EU debt crisis? Evidence from PIIGGS countries in panel unit root framework
by Baumöhl, Eduard & Výrost, Tomáš & Lyócsa, Štefan - 30332 New insights from a structural economic dynamic approach to balance of payments constrained growth
by Araujo, Ricardo Azevedo - 30331 A multi-sector version of the Post-Keynesian growth model
by Araujo, Ricardo Azevedo & Teixeira, Joanílio Rodolpho - 30327 Cost benefit analysis to assess modular investment: the case of the New Turin-Lyon Railway
by Debernardi, Andrea & Grimaldi, Raffaele & Beria, Paolo - 30326 Economic Growth, Technical Progress, and Social Capital: the Inverted U Hypothesis
by Antoci, Angelo & Sabatini, Fabio & Sodini, Mauro - 30323 A la recherche des déterminants du taux de réussite de l'étudiant dans les universités du Cameroun : une analyse empirique
[In search of determinants of the success rate of the student in universities of Cameroon: an empirical analysis]
by Chassem, Nacisse Palissy - 30312 New exports from emerging markets: do followers benefit from pioneers ?
by Wagner, Rodrigo & Zahler, Andrés - 30311 Gravity and extended gravity: estimating a structural model of export entry
by Morales, Eduardo & Sheu, Gloria & Zahler, Andrés - 30310 Repeated moral hazard and recursive Lagrangeans
by Mele, Antonio - 30308 Informational price cascades and non-aggregation of asymmetric information in experimental asset markets
by Shachat, Jason & Srivinasan, Anand - 30305 Knowledge-based Economic Development as a Unifying Vision in a Post-awakening Arab World
by Schwalje, Wes - 30302 A Conceptual Model of National Skills Formation for Knowledge-based Economic Development
by Schwalje, Wes - 30292 Voting rules as statistical estimators
by Pivato, Marcus - 30289 Does the level of capital openness explain “fear of floating” amongst the inflation targeting countries?
by Mukherjee, Sanchita - 30286 Subgame perfect implementation: A new result
by Wu, Haoyang - 30282 Multilevel Fiscal Governance in a Balanced Policy Environment
by Sharma, Chanchal Kumar - 30280 Hechos Estilizados de la Economía Ecuatoriana: El Ciclo Económico 1965-2008
[Stylized Facts of the Ecuadorian Economy: The Economic Chicle 1965-2008]
by Gachet, Ivan & Maldonado, Diego & Oliva, Nicolas & Ramirez, Jose - 30277 Pollution and Environmental Issues in Agriculture and the Livestock Industry: A Brief Review of the Japanese Case
by Kawata, Yukichika - 30276 The growth of two small economies in the Great Depression: GDP estimation for Cyprus and Malta during the interwar period (1921-1938)
by Apostolides, Alexander - 30274 Capital Controls: A Meta-analysis Approach
by Magud, Nicolas & Reinhart, Carmen & Rogoff, Kenneth - 30268 Cultural contingency on the antecedents of the complexity of management accounting systems: Evidence from a meta-analysis of individual data
by Ben Hamadi, Z. & Bonache, A.B. & Chapellier, Ph. & Mohammed, A. - 30263 Macroeconomic Stress Testing and the Resilience of the Indian Banking System: A Focus on Credit Risk
by Niyogi Sinha Roy, Tanima & Bhattacharya, Basabi - 30260 A Review on Liao’s Dissertation Entitled “The Solutions on Multi-choice Games” and Related Publications
by Hsiao, Chih-Ru - 30258 On core solutions in economies with asymmetric information
by Herves-Beloso, Carlos & Meo, Claudia & Moreno Garcia, Emma - 30254 Forecasting U.S. Macroeconomic and Financial Time Series with Noncausal and Causal AR Models: A Comparison
by Lanne, Markku & Nyberg, Henri & Saarinen, Erkka - 30253 Social Status, Human Capital Formation and the Long-run Effects of Money
by Chen, Hung-Ju - 30252 Effets de long terme du taux de change réel sur la balance commerciale nominale et réelle en zone Franc africaine
[Long-run effects of real exchange rate on the nominal and real trade balance in African Franc zone]
by Chassem, Nacisse Palissy - 30251 Migration, Social Security, and Economic Growth
by Chen, Hung-Ju & Fang, I-Hsiang - 30247 The Prevalence and Impact of Skills Gaps on Latin America and the Caribbean
by Schwalje, Wes - 30246 Assessing Accrual Accounting Reform in Greek Public Hospitals: An Empirical Investigation
by Eriotis, Nikolaos & Stamatiadis, Filippos & Vasiliou, Dimitrios - 30243 Divorce laws and fertility decisions
by Bellido, Héctor & Marcén, Miriam - 30239 Obtaining, developing and preserving human resources
by Hasegan Mares, Gabriela Adina - 30238 Economic growth and its impact on environment: A panel data analysis
by Asici, Ahmet Atıl - 30237 A new governance for the EMU and the economic policy framework
by Schilirò, Daniele - 30231 Cronyism in Business, Public Sector and Politics
by Zudenkova, Galina - 30230 О Российской Экономической Науке Сквозь Призму Публикаций Российских Ученых В Отечественных И Зарубежных Журналах За 2000-2009 Гг
[Economic science in Russia through the lens of publications of Russian economists in national and international journals over 2000–2009]
by Muravyev, Alexander - 30221 Preference-Based Unawareness
by Schipper, Burkhard C - 30220 Prudent rationalizability in generalized extensive-form games
by Heifetz, Aviad & Meier, Martin & Schipper, Burkhard C - 30219 Strategic control of myopic best reply in repeated games
by Schipper, Burkhard C - 30218 Averting Currency Crises: The Pros and Cons of Financial Openness
by Gus, Garita & Chen, Zhou - 30211 GDP Modelling with Factor Model: an Impact of Nested Data on Forecasting Accuracy
by Bessonovs, Andrejs - 30210 « Appliquer la théorie économique de l’équilibre général » : de Walras à Leontief
[Applying general equilibrium theory: from Walras to Leontief]
by Akhabbar, Amanar & Lallement, Jerôme - 30209 Anne P. Carter: a Biographical Presentation
by Akhabbar, Amanar - 30208 Input-Output in Europe: Trends in Research and Application
by Akhabbar, Amanar & Antille, Gabrielle & Fontela, Emilio & Pulido, Antonio - 30197 Principals of the Islamic finance:A focus on project finance
by Elasrag, hussein - 30195 Economic development and environmental quality in Nigeria: is there an environmental Kuznets curve?
by Chuku, Agbai - 30191 Matching Models of Equilibrium Unemployment: An Overview
by Lisi, Gaetano - 30183 Wage-profit curves of the Finnish economy: evidence from the supply and use tables
by Soklis, George - 30157 European countries with a diagnosis of financial default: expectancy and fear of its announcement in Ukraine
by Konchyn, Vadym - 30153 Analiza inițiativelor de promovare a integrării financiare la nivelul Uniunii Economice și Monetare
[Analyzing European Initiatives for Sustaining Financial Integration within EMU]
by Avadanei, Andreea - 30140 Oil prices, exchange rates and emerging stock markets
by Basher, Syed Abul & Haug, Alfred A. & Sadorsky, Perry - 30138 Financial Development, Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions: Evidence from ARDL Approach for Pakistan
by Muhammad, Shahbaz & Faridul, Islam & Muhammad Sabihuddin, Butt - 30132 Conditional Value-at-Risk and Average Value-at-Risk: Estimation and Asymptotics
by Chun, So Yeon & Shapiro, Alexander & Uryasev, Stan - 30128 Long-term effects of population growth on aggregate investment dynamics: selected country evidence for Africa
by Simplice A, Asongu - 30124 How would population growth affect investment in the future? Asymmetric panel causality evidence for Africa
by Simplice A, Asongu - 30120 Globalization, financial crisis and contagion: time-dynamic evidence from financial markets of developing countries
by Simplice A, Asongu - 30117 The legal form of labour conflicts and their time persistence: an empirical analysis with a large firms' panel
by Malo, Miguel A. & Sanchez-sanchez, Nuria - 30116 Capital allocation in the Greek regions
by Liargovas, Panagiotis G. & Daskalopoulou, Irene F. - 30102 The Voting Behaviour of the Irish parliamentary party on social issues in the House of Commons 1881-90
by Cousins, Mel - 30100 The effect of national culture on countries’ innovation efficiency
by Halkos, George & Tzeremes, Nickolaos - 30099 Examining the influence of access to improved water and sanitation sources on countries’ economic efficiency
by Halkos, George & Tzeremes, Nickolaos - 30098 Adjusting for cultural effects on countries’ education policy efficiency:an application of conditional full frontiers measures
by Halkos, George & Tzeremes, Nickolaos - 30097 Population density and regional welfare efficiency
by Halkos, George & Tzeremes, Nickolaos - 30085 The effects of Economy, Values and Health on Happiness In Iran: the case of the Kish Island
by Torshizian, Eilya & Mehrara, Mohsen - 30076 The return-to-entrepreneurship puzzle
by Hyytinen, Ari & Ilmakunnas, Pekka & Toivanen, Otto - 30074 Demand Spillovers and Market Outcomes in the Mutual Fund Industry
by Gavazza, Alessandro - 30072 Quantum and algorithmic Bayesian mechanisms
by Wu, Haoyang - 30070 A non-cooperative Pareto-efficient solution to a single-shot Prisoner's Dilemma
by Wu, Haoyang - 30068 Two-agent Nash implementation: A new result
by Wu, Haoyang - 30067 On amending the sufficient conditions for Nash implementation
by Wu, Haoyang - 30066 Fighting poverty and child malnutrition: on the design of foreign aid policies
by Vasilakis, Chrysovalantis - 30061 Corporate Social Responsibility on the International Area.Present Developments in Romania and Bulgaria
by Matei, Ani & Tuca, Mihaela - 30059 Bifurcation Analysis of Zellner's Marshallain Macroeconomic Model
by Banerjee, Sanjibani & Barnett, William A. & Duzhak, Evgeniya A. & Gopalan, Ramu - 30058 Has the Government Lowered the Hours Worked? Evidence from Japan
by Ko, Jun-Hyung - 30048 R&D and productivity in high-tech manufacturing: a comparison between Italy and Spain
by Sterlacchini, Alessandro & Venturini, Francesco - 30046 Innovation and Corporate Dynamics: A Theoretical Framework
by Massimo, Riccaboni & Jakub, Growiec & Fabio, Pammolli - 30043 An Economic Approach to the Self : the Dual Agent
by Lotz, Aïleen - 30031 The Shapley value for airport and irrigation games
by Márkus, Judit & Pintér, Miklós & Radványi, Anna - 30027 How relevant is monetary policy to explain Mexican unemployment fluctuations?
by Islas-Camargo, Alejandro & Cortez, Willy W. - 30026 Revisiting Okun's law for Mexico: an analysis of the permanent and transitory components of unemployment and output
by Islas-Camargo, Alejandro & Cortez, Willy W. - 30018 Enhancing the competitiveness of the Arab SMEs
by Elasrag, hussein - 30017 Challenge of financing physical infrastructure and services in Brihanmumbai municipal corporation
by Rode, Sanjay - 30016 Decision Making under Ecological Regime Shift: An Experimental Economic Approach
by Kawata, Yukichika - 30011 Perspectives on Fulfilling the Nominal and Real Convergence Criteria by Romania for the Adoption of Euro Currency
by Geza, Paula & Giurca Vasilescu, Laura - 30009 A influência dos factores de caracterização dos portos no desempenho, medido por indicadores operacionais, financeiros e de eficiência
[The influence of factors characterizing the performance of ports, measured by operational, financial and efficiency indicators]
by Caldeirinha, Vitor R. & Felicio, J. Augusto - 30002 Articulation of Plural Values in Deliberative Monetary Valuation: Beyond Preference Economisation and Moralisation
by Lo, Alex Y. & Spash, Clive L. - 29998 See you on Facebook! A framework for analyzing the role of computer-mediated interaction in the evolution of social capital
by Antoci, Angelo & Sabatini, Fabio & Sodini, Mauro - 29997 Poverty alleviation programs, FDI-led growth and child labour under agricultural dualism
by Dwibedi, Jayanta & Chaudhuri, Sarbajit - 29996 A small open economy New Keynesian model for a foreign exchange constrained economy
by Senbeta, Sisay - 29991 قياس الكفاءة الفنية لبنوك دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي
[Testing technical efficiency of banks in GCC countries]
by Onour, Ibrahim - 29990 Hypothèse de Thirlwall: cas des pays de la zone Franc
[Thirlwall’s hypothesis : the case of countries of the Franc Zone]
by Chassem, Nacisse Palissy - 29983 Remittances in India: Facts and Issues
by Chinmay, Tumbe - 29978 Trust and Fertility: Evidence from OECD countries
by Yamamura, Eiji & Antonio R, Andrés - 29976 Policy Rule Coefficients Driven by Latent Factors: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions in an Endowment Economy
by Gonzalez-Astudillo, Manuel - 29975 A win-win monetary policy in Canada
by Kitov, Oleg & Kitov, Ivan - 29974 Romer’s Charter Cities v. Colonization, Imperialism, and Colonialism: A General Characterization
by Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich - 29966 Pure Exporter: Theory and Evidence
by Jiangyong, Lu & Yi, Lu & Zhigang, Tao - 29960 Cumulative Causation in a Structural Economic Dynamic Approach to Economic Growth and Uneven Development
by Araujo, Ricardo - 29957 Lyapunov Stability in an Evolutionary Game Theory Model of the Labor Market
by Araujo, Ricardo Azevedo - 29956 Redistribution and Reelection under Proportional Representation: The Postwar Italian Chamber of Deputies
by Golden, Miriam & Picci, Lucio - 29932 Bretton Woods Fixed Exchange Rate System versus Floating Exchange Rate System
by Geza, Paula & Giurca Vasilescu, Laura - 29922 Crise e Território no Pensamento Econômico
[Crisis and Territory in Economic Thought]
by SOUZA, Luiz Eduardo Simões de - 29919 The Decline of the U.S. Manufacturing: An Explanation from Structural Change
by Huang, Zongye - 29915 SEE Regional Wholesale Market Design: Recommendations, Available Options and Implementation
by Sakellaris, Kostis - 29914 Business Intelligence Approach In A Business Performance Context
by Muntean, Mihaela & Cabau, Liviu Gabriel - 29905 Trade Policies, Investment Climate,and Exports
by Seker, Murat - 29900 Reporting Heterogeneity in Self-Assessed Health among Elderly Europeans: The Impact of Mental and Physical Health Status
by Pfarr, Christian & Schmid, Andreas & Schneider, Udo - 29893 Measuring economic journals’ citation efficiency: A data envelopment analysis approach
by Halkos, George & Tzeremes, Nickolaos - 29890 A Model of Party Discipline in a Congress
by Zudenkova, Galina - 29889 Dezvoltarea şi perfecţionarea relaţiei inovaţie – capital intelectual – cerinţă a performanţei organizaţionale în firmele româneşti
by Rizea (Pirnea), Ionela Carmen - 29884 Technical efficiency analysis of banks in major oil exporting Middle East countries
by Onour, Ibrahim & Abdalla, Abdelgadir - 29883 Financial stability in small open economy under political uncertainty
by Onour, Ibrahim - 29873 The Allocation of Public Goods and National Elections in Ghana
by André, Pierre & Mesplé-Somps, Sandrine - 29861 Assessment at the centre of strategies of [accountant] learning in groups, substantiated with qualitative reflections in student assessments
by Dixon, Keith