2009, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 21-28 Revaluation of Assets - Accounting and Fiscal Implications
by Gheorghe Holt & Alina Georgiana Holt - 29-32 The Influence of Certain Factors upon Business Communication
by Lavinia Hulea - 33-38 Project Risk Evaluation Methods - Sensitivity Analysis
by Mirela Iloiu & Diana Csiminga - 39-42 Innovation - The Positive Effect of the Crisis
by Mihaela Ioneci - 43-50 Risk Management in Electronic Data Transmission
by Alin Isac & Mihaela Belu & Imola Drigă - 51-56 Competitiveness and Strategy for Automobile Industry in Europe
by Nicoleta Isac - 57-66 Money Laundering Through Offshore Areas
by Roxana Ispas - 67-72 Development of Privately Managed Pension Funds in the Context of Pension Reform
by Liliana Ivănuş & Claudia Isac & Ilie Răscolean - 73-82 Formal Financial Services for Rural Small Savers: A Case Study of Orissa, India
by Jyotirmayee Kar & Prafulla K. Dash - 83-102 Growth and Forecasts of FDI Inflows to North and West Africa - An Empirical Analysis
by Gulshan Kumar & Neerja Dhingra - 103-106 Strategies For Financing Of The Romanian Higher Education In The Context Of Performance Increment In Education
by Adrian Măcriş & Maria Măcriş - 107-114 Characteristic Features of the System of Health Social Insurances in Romania after 1990
by Maria Măcriş & Gabriela Slusariuc & Flavius Bohoi - 115-120 Economic Value Added - Index of Companies’ Internal Performance
by Mariana Man & Emilia Vasile - 121-126 The Inconsistency and the Imperative Change in Romanian Tourism
by Mirela Mazilu - 127-136 The Cash-Flow Statement - Between True and Manipulation
by Ovidiu Megan & Camelia Haţegan & Leonora Caciuc & Bogdan Cotleţ - 137-144 Financial Ratios - Reveal How a Business Is Doing?
by Mirela Monea - 145-152 The Demand for Economic Goods
by Claudia Mungiu-Pupăzan - 153-160 Exploratory Study on Romanian Educational Services in the Context of UE Postintegration. The Needs for Professional Development of the Staff of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
by Claudia-Mihaela Nicolau - 161-172 Factors Influencing the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Performance (2002-2007)
by Kosmas Njanike & Pension Katsuro & Michael Mudzura - 173-184 The Impact of Effective Credit Risk Management on Bank Survival
by Kosmas Njanike - 185-190 Treatments Specific to Intra-Community Commercial Transactions - Triangular Operations
by Lucia Paliu-Popa - 191-194 The Development Premises of the Banking System in Romania
by Nicoleta-Georgeta Panait - 195-202 Social-Economic Aspects Related to the Contemporary Village within Sarmizegetusa Area
by Ion Pârvulescu & Raluca Ridzi & Roxana Ghiţă-Pleşa & Oana Dobre-Baron - 203-208 Distributed Databases Management Using Remote Access Method
by Mircea Petrini - 209-214 Boutique Hotels - New Appearances in Hotel Industry in Romania
by Cecilia Irina-Răbonţu & George Niculescu - 215-220 The Migration of the Work Force from Romania Abroad: Reasons, Possibilities, Chances, Implications
by Cecilia Irina-Răbonţu & Amelia Georgiana Boncea - 221-226 Making the Invisible Visible: the Intangible Assets Recognition, the Valuation and Reporting in Romania
by Nicoleta Radneantu - 227-236 Derivatives on the Capital Market in Romania
by Ilie Răscolean & Liliana Ivănuş & Robert Szabo - 237-244 Free Movement within the EU - A Fundamental Right
by Oana Carmen Răvaş - 245-254 Considerations Regarding the Ways to Reduce the US Trade Deficit
by Sabin Rizescu & Cristian Stanciu & Cristi Spulbăr & Raluca Drăcea - 255-262 About Increasing Our System Performance in Economical Application by Speeding up the System Boot with Windows XP
by Sorin Mihail Sav - 263-274 The Importance of ABC Models in Cost Management
by Miroslav Škoda - 275-286 Understanding Accounting Practices on Card Based Banking Operations
by Adela Socol - 287-290 Will Eastern European Countries Join the Single European Currency Rapidly?
by Cristian Stanciu & Sabin Rizescu & Cristi Spulbăr & Narcis Mitu - 291-300 Adjusting Economic of the Romania’s GDP Using Econometric Model of the System: Budget Expenditure - GDP
by Nadia Stoicuţa & Ana Maria Giurgiulescu & Olimpiu Stoicuţa - 301-306 The Electronic Commerce in the Globalisation Era
by Dragoş Stuparu & Tomiţă Vasile - 307-312 The Importance of the Web Technologies During the Communication Process between a Company and its Clients
by Naiana Ţarcă & Teodora Vătuiu & Adela Popa - 313-318 Computer - Assisted Accounting
by Sorin Ciprian-Teiuşan - 319-324 Overview by Formal and Informal Learning in the Computer World
by Mioara Udrică & Teodora Vătuiu - 325-328 Life Insurances and their Influences on Reinsurances
by Maria Văduva - 329-334 Globalisation and e-Europe Programs
by Tomiţă Vasile & Dragoş Stuparu - 335-346 Environmental Indicators for Rural Areas - Sustainable Potential in the New and Old EU Member States
by Jadwiga Ziolkowska
2009, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 5-16 Support System for Decisions Useful in Insurances Area
by Marian-Lucian Achim & Grigore Lupulescu - 17-26 Citizens' Information and the Size of Bureaucracy
by Maria Alessandra Antonelli - 27-42 Understanding Efficiency of Agrarian Organisation
by Hrabrin Bachev - 43-52 Supply Chain Management: A New Frontier of Managerial Thought and Practice
by Virginia Băleanu & Sabina Irimie & Andreea Ionică - 53-62 Relation between Education and Adaption to the Social and Economic Environment
by Eva Bócsa & Vasile Ciocodeică & Valentin Fulger - 63-68 Evolutions and Trends in the Development of Romanian Seaside Tourism after Romania’s Integration in the European Union
by Graţiela Brânză - 69-76 The Impact of Tax Regulations Regarding the Assessment of Outgoing Stocks on the Company’s Results
by Lucian Buşe & Mirela Ganea & Oana-Adriana Duţă - 77-86 Measuring Expenditure Needs and Public Safety Transfers in Mexico
by Luis Cabrera-Castellanos & Maribel Lozano-Cortés & Frederick H. Wallace - 87-92 Practical and Theoretical Issues Concerning Internal Audit Tools’ Usage
by George Calotă - 93-100 Risk Analysis - Specific Procedure of the Internal Audit
by George Calotă & Traian Iana - 101-106 Cash Accounting in the Equation of the Budget Execution and of the Public Management
by Iuliana Cenar - 107-128 Forecasting with X-12-Arima: International Tourist Arrivals to India
by Prasert Chaitip & Chukiat Chaiboonsri & N. Rangaswamy & Siriporn Mcdowall - 129-142 A Panel Cointegration Analysis: Thailand’s International Tourism Demand Model
by Prasert Chaitip & Chukiat Chaiboonsri - 143-150 Down Trend Forecasting Method with ARFIMA: International Tourist Arrivals to Thailand
by Prasert Chaitip & Chukiat Chaiboonsri - 151-156 Introducing Taxation Policy of Profit for Companies in Romania and Other European Union Member States
by Maria Felicia Chirculescu & Gabriela Dobrotă - 157-164 Problems Caused by the Integration of Romanian Economy in the European Union
by Laura Cismaş & Mihai Părean & Maria Oţil - 165-172 Managerial Objectives of the Annual Financial Statements. True and Fair View or „Users, Be Careful!”
by Alina Teodora Ciuhureanu & Nicolae Balteş & Hortensia Gorski - 173-178 Possibilities in Organising an Integrated Informational Subsystem Regarding Stocks
by Anca Ciumag & Marin Ciumag - 179-186 The Control and Administration of the Risks at the Level of the Banking Companies
by Loredana Ciurlău - 187-190 Consideration Regarding the Determination and Appreciation of the Efficiency of the Financial Control
by Loredana Ciurlău - 191-198 Using Expert Systems in the Management of Industrial Equipment Maintenance
by Ioan Cucu & Codruţa Dura & Imola Drigă - 199-206 The Analysis of Social Security for Unemployed during the Period 1991-2009
by Oana Dobre-Baron & Alina Fleşer - 207-212 Impact of Tax Policy in Romania on Budget Revenues
by Gabriela Dobrotă & Maria Felicia Chirculescu - 213-216 Evaluation and Estimation in Accountancy. Concept-Evolution
by Ovidia Doinea & Claudiu Şerban - 217-230 A Comparative Analysis of Certification Schemes in the Brazilian Fruit Sector
by Andréa Cristina Dörr - 231-240 Private Banking and Wealth Management Services Offered by Banks
by Imola Drigă & Dorina Niţă & Ioan Cucu - 241-248 Romanian 2004 - 2009 E-Economy Review
by Eduard Edelhauser & Andreea Ionică - 249-252 Psihonomy - Psychology Investors
by Maria Enescu & Marian Enescu - 253-258 Romania’s Ability to Draw European Funds
by Daniela Florescu & Petre Brezeanu - 259-262 Regional Development in Sustainable Development Context
by Florin Frant - 263-268 Rural Development, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
by Florin Frant - 269-274 Triggering the Globalized Economic Crisis. Effects and Instruments to Fight It
by Silvia Gherghel - 275-278 The Kaizen Philosophy in Romania
by Mihaela Ghicajanu - 279-286 Critical Study of Informational Offer for Consolidated Financial Situations
by Daniel Goagără & Valeriu Brabete - 287-292 Methodological Delimitations for Information Quality Provided by Patrimonial Evaluation
by Daniel Goagără & Laura Giurca Vasilescu - 293-302 Research Notes on Income Inequality in Romania - A Regional Perspective
by Corina Grigore - 303-308 Short Overview on Drivers of Inequality
by Corina Grigore & Georgeta Grigore & Gheorghe Grigore - 309-324 Understanding the Marketing Chain: A Case Study of Certified and Non-Certified Grapes and Mango Farmers
by Ulrike Grote & Andréa Cristina Dörr - 325-334 The Role of Strategy, Coordination and Global Financing in Tourism
by Ramona Gruescu & Roxana Nanu & Gheorghe Pîrvu - 335-340 Forecast Regional Development Depending on Territorial Distribution of Industrial Sub-Branches
by Anca Jarmila Guţă & Claudia Adriana Isac
2008, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 5-10 The Use Of Target-Cost and Target-Price by the Company’s Management
by Maria Man & Alina Fleșer - 5-10 The Use Of Target-Cost and Target-Price by the Company’s Management
by Maria Man & Alina Fleșer - 11-16 Globalization-Quality: Inseparable Binomial in the Landscape of the Rural Touristic Destinations
by Mirela Mazilu - 11-16 Globalization-Quality: Inseparable Binomial in the Landscape of the Rural Touristic Destinations
by Mirela Mazilu - 17-24 Analysis of the Impact of Some Economic Policies on Macroeconomic Variables Using a General Equilibrium Model
by Ioana Teodora Meșter - 17-24 Analysis of the Impact of Some Economic Policies on Macroeconomic Variables Using a General Equilibrium Model
by Ioana Teodora Meșter - 25-30 Statistical Survey of the Touristic Demand in the Romanian Mountain Resorts
by Ioana Teodora Meșter & Alina Bădulescu & Olimpia Ban & Dorin Bâc - 25-30 Statistical Survey of the Touristic Demand in the Romanian Mountain Resorts
by Ioana Teodora Meșter & Alina Bădulescu & Olimpia Ban & Dorin Bâc - 31-40 The Integration of Jiu Valley’s Economy on Regional and National Level
by Dorina Niță & Imola Drigă - 31-40 The Integration of Jiu Valley’s Economy on Regional and National Level
by Dorina Niță & Imola Drigă - 41-52 Networking - The Urban and Regional Development Strategy?
by Maria Nowicka-Skowron & Piotr Pachura - 41-52 Networking - The Urban and Regional Development Strategy?
by Maria Nowicka-Skowron & Piotr Pachura - 53-58 Sustainable Development Strategy
by Gabriel Vasile Oltean & Ilie Răscolean - 53-58 Sustainable Development Strategy
by Gabriel Vasile Oltean & Ilie Răscolean - 59-64 Migration Impact on the Local and EU Community Labour Market
by Cristina Osvath - 59-64 Migration Impact on the Local and EU Community Labour Market
by Cristina Osvath - 65-72 Study between the Poor and the Rich A Consequence of Globalisation and Transposing of Equal Human Rights
by Cristina Otovescu-Frăsie - 65-72 Study between the Poor and the Rich A Consequence of Globalisation and Transposing of Equal Human Rights
by Cristina Otovescu-Frăsie - 73-80 Innovation Process Modelling
by Aneta Pachura & Maria Nowicka-Skowron - 73-80 Innovation Process Modelling
by Aneta Pachura & Maria Nowicka-Skowron - 81-86 Strategic Planning of Spreading Activity on the Basis of Accountancy Information
by Monica Pătruțescu - 81-86 Strategic Planning of Spreading Activity on the Basis of Accountancy Information
by Monica Pătruțescu - 87-94 Romania’s Strategy of Attraction of Foreign Investments
by Gheorghe Pîrvu & Ramona Gruescu & Roxana Nanu - 87-94 Romania’s Strategy of Attraction of Foreign Investments
by Gheorghe Pîrvu & Ramona Gruescu & Roxana Nanu - 95-100 Some Theoretical Aspects Concerning the Strategies' Definition and Typology
by Carmen Puiu & Marieta Stanciu - 95-100 Some Theoretical Aspects Concerning the Strategies' Definition and Typology
by Carmen Puiu & Marieta Stanciu - 101-106 K-Organizations Accounting In Romania - A Field Study Perspective
by Nicoleta Radneantu & Emilia Gabroveanu & Roxana Stan - 101-106 K-Organizations Accounting In Romania - A Field Study Perspective
by Nicoleta Radneantu & Emilia Gabroveanu & Roxana Stan - 107-134 A Structural Equation Model: India’s International Tourism Demand for Tourist Destination
by N. Rangaswamy & Chukiat Chaiboonsri & Prasert Chaitip - 107-134 A Structural Equation Model: India’s International Tourism Demand for Tourist Destination
by N. Rangaswamy & Chukiat Chaiboonsri & Prasert Chaitip - 135-146 The Grounds of the Decision of Financing a Company
by Ilie Răscolean & Codruța Dura & Claudia Isac - 135-146 The Grounds of the Decision of Financing a Company
by Ilie Răscolean & Codruța Dura & Claudia Isac - 147-160 Romania’s Capital Market
by Ilie Răscolean & Robert Szabo - 147-160 Romania’s Capital Market
by Ilie Răscolean & Robert Szabo - 161-168 The Harmonization of the Relation Costs-Quality-Performance at the Tourism Units Level
by Bogdan Răvaș & Alin Monea - 161-168 The Harmonization of the Relation Costs-Quality-Performance at the Tourism Units Level
by Bogdan Răvaș & Alin Monea - 169-178 The Tourism Units Performance Control Through the Budget System
by Bogdan Răvaș & Alin Monea - 169-178 The Tourism Units Performance Control Through the Budget System
by Bogdan Răvaș & Alin Monea - 179-182 The Child Rights System in Romanian Legislation
by Oana-Carmen Răvaș - 179-182 The Child Rights System in Romanian Legislation
by Oana-Carmen Răvaș - 183-192 Equal Opportunities in Romania
by Marcel Romanescu & Amelia Georgiana Boncea & Cecilia Irina Răbonțiu - 183-192 Equal Opportunities in Romania
by Marcel Romanescu & Amelia Georgiana Boncea & Cecilia Irina Răbonțiu - 193-198 Diversification of Hydro Tourism Supply and Balneary Treatments on Romanian Seaside
by Mirela Secară - 193-198 Diversification of Hydro Tourism Supply and Balneary Treatments on Romanian Seaside
by Mirela Secară - 199-204 Statistic Non-Parametric Methods of Measurement and Interpretation of Existing Statistic Connections within Seaside Hydro Tourism
by Mirela Secară - 199-204 Statistic Non-Parametric Methods of Measurement and Interpretation of Existing Statistic Connections within Seaside Hydro Tourism
by Mirela Secară - 205-208 Results Concerning Combating Fiscal Evasion in Romania
by Gabriela Corina Slusariuc - 205-208 Results Concerning Combating Fiscal Evasion in Romania
by Gabriela Corina Slusariuc - 209-216 Materiality in the Context of an Audit between Professional Judgment and Subjectivism
by Adela Socol - 209-216 Materiality in the Context of an Audit between Professional Judgment and Subjectivism
by Adela Socol - 217-222 The Pressures on the Human Resources Management within the Public Sector
by Ioana Stăncescu & Vasile Popeangă - 217-222 The Pressures on the Human Resources Management within the Public Sector
by Ioana Stăncescu & Vasile Popeangă - 223-228 Tax Evasion between Legality and Illegality
by Ana-Petrina Stanciu & Anca Jarmila Guță - 223-228 Tax Evasion between Legality and Illegality
by Ana-Petrina Stanciu & Anca Jarmila Guță - 229-236 Objectives and Social - Economic Politics Conversion
by Marieta Stanciu & Carmen Puiu - 229-236 Objectives and Social - Economic Politics Conversion
by Marieta Stanciu & Carmen Puiu - 237-244 Perceptions about the Labor Market of the Bessarabian Students in Romania
by Răzvan Ștefănescu & Costel Nistor & Ramona Dumitru - 237-244 Perceptions about the Labor Market of the Bessarabian Students in Romania
by Răzvan Ștefănescu & Costel Nistor & Ramona Dumitru - 245-250 The Economic Development of Administrativ-Teritorial Areas in the Context of Actual Administrative Teritorial Organisation in Romania
by Melinda Szasz - 245-250 The Economic Development of Administrativ-Teritorial Areas in the Context of Actual Administrative Teritorial Organisation in Romania
by Melinda Szasz - 251-258 Actual Problems within the Structures of the Society of Knowledge in Romania
by Elena Toba & Dalia Simion - 251-258 Actual Problems within the Structures of the Society of Knowledge in Romania
by Elena Toba & Dalia Simion - 259-268 Impact of Tax Policy on FDI in Romania
by Alina Trandafir - 259-268 Impact of Tax Policy on FDI in Romania
by Alina Trandafir - 269-274 Strategic Diagnosis and the Part It Plays in Decision Making
by Emilia Ungureanu & Tiberiu Cristian Avrămescu - 269-274 Strategic Diagnosis and the Part It Plays in Decision Making
by Emilia Ungureanu & Tiberiu Cristian Avrămescu - 275-278 Continuing the Reforms in Major Significance Fields for Economic Increase
by Cecilia Elena Văduva - 275-278 Continuing the Reforms in Major Significance Fields for Economic Increase
by Cecilia Elena Văduva - 279-282 Economic Growth Measurement
by Maria Văduva - 279-282 Economic Growth Measurement
by Maria Văduva - 283-288 Oracle HRMS for the Human Resources Management in the Public Sector
by Teodora Vătuiu & Ion Lungu - 283-288 Oracle HRMS for the Human Resources Management in the Public Sector
by Teodora Vătuiu & Ion Lungu - 289-296 Organizational Risk in Large Audit Firms
by Sorin-Sandu Vînătoru & George Calotă - 297-302 The Role of Culture in International Negotiations
by Liminița Vochița - 297-302 The Role of Culture in International Negotiations
by Liminița Vochița - 303-310 Role of Technology in National Gain From International Trade
by Liminița Vochița & Ramona Gruescu & Andreea Ciobanu & Andra Găină - 303-310 Role of Technology in National Gain From International Trade
by Liminița Vochița & Ramona Gruescu & Andreea Ciobanu & Andra Găină - 311-316 Management System Components Related to Service Providing Organizations from Developed Countries
by Cristina Zdorovețchi - 311-316 Management System Components Related to Service Providing Organizations from Developed Countries
by Cristina Zdorovețchi
2008, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-10 The Risks and Advantages of the Decisional Process Strategically Associated to the Romanian Companies
by Tiberiu Cristian Avrămescu & Emilia Ungureanu - 5-10 The Risks and Advantages of the Decisional Process Strategically Associated to the Romanian Companies
by Tiberiu Cristian Avrămescu & Emilia Ungureanu - 11-14 The Development of Sustainable Romanian Tourism in the Black Sea Zone, a Chance for His Integration on the Touristic World Market
by Grațiela Brânză - 11-14 The Development of Sustainable Romanian Tourism in the Black Sea Zone, a Chance for His Integration on the Touristic World Market
by Grațiela Brânză - 15-18 Corporate Governance Models
by Petre Brezeanu & Andrei Stănculescu - 15-18 Corporate Governance Models
by Petre Brezeanu & Andrei Stănculescu - 19-22 The Particularities of the Development of the Corporations in Different Countries, as Judicial and Economic Category
by Daniel-Serafim Brotea & Marcel Răcean - 19-22 The Particularities of the Development of the Corporations in Different Countries, as Judicial and Economic Category
by Daniel-Serafim Brotea & Marcel Răcean - 23-32 Implementing XML Strategies in Business Environments
by Ion Buligiu & Anca Mehedințu & Cerasela Pîrvu - 23-32 Implementing XML Strategies in Business Environments
by Ion Buligiu & Anca Mehedințu & Cerasela Pîrvu - 33-40 The Analysis of the Green Produce Consumer’s Behaviour in Romania
by Camelia Burja & Vasile Burja - 33-40 The Analysis of the Green Produce Consumer’s Behaviour in Romania
by Camelia Burja & Vasile Burja - 41-48 Code of Ethics for Internal Auditors Harmonised with the International Standards for Internal Audit
by George Calota - 41-48 Code of Ethics for Internal Auditors Harmonised with the International Standards for Internal Audit
by George Calota - 49-58 Methodology to Determine the Enterprise's Profitability
by Genu Alexandru Căruntu - 49-58 Methodology to Determine the Enterprise's Profitability
by Genu Alexandru Căruntu - 59-64 Merger and Acquisition - A Strategic Option for Companies
by Andreea Ceausescu - 59-64 Merger and Acquisition - A Strategic Option for Companies
by Andreea Ceausescu - 65-94 A Structural Equation Model: Thailand’s International Tourism Demand for Tourist Destination
by Chukiat Chaiboonsri & Prasert Chaitip - 65-94 A Structural Equation Model: Thailand’s International Tourism Demand for Tourist Destination
by Chukiat Chaiboonsri & Prasert Chaitip - 95-124 A Panel Unit Root and Panel Cointegration Test of the Modeling International Tourism Demand in India
by Chukiat Chaiboonsri & Prasert Chaitip & N. Rangaswamy - 95-124 A Panel Unit Root and Panel Cointegration Test of the Modeling International Tourism Demand in India
by Chukiat Chaiboonsri & Prasert Chaitip & N. Rangaswamy - 124-130 Opportunities of Financing the Nature-Based Tourism
by Mirela Costencu - 124-130 Opportunities of Financing the Nature-Based Tourism
by Mirela Costencu - 131-138 Way of Evaluating the Mining Exploitations in Jiu Valley by Using the Fuzzy Analyze Method for Multi-Attribute Decisional Problems
by Diana Csiminga & Sorin Mangu - 131-138 Way of Evaluating the Mining Exploitations in Jiu Valley by Using the Fuzzy Analyze Method for Multi-Attribute Decisional Problems
by Diana Csiminga & Sorin Mangu - 139-144 Considerations on the Budgeting of Production Expenses in the Coal Mining Industry
by Ionela Claudia Dina - 139-144 Considerations on the Budgeting of Production Expenses in the Coal Mining Industry
by Ionela Claudia Dina - 145-156 Analysis of the System of Social Insurances for Pensioners in Romania
by Oana Dobre-Baron - 145-156 Analysis of the System of Social Insurances for Pensioners in Romania
by Oana Dobre-Baron - 157-160 The Interim Financial Reporting in the Spirit of the IAS 34 Norm
by Ovidia Doinea - 157-160 The Interim Financial Reporting in the Spirit of the IAS 34 Norm
by Ovidia Doinea - 161-166 Auditor Independence, Audit Committee Quality and Internal Control Weaknesses
by Sorinel Domnișoru & Sorin-Sandu Vînătoru - 161-166 Auditor Independence, Audit Committee Quality and Internal Control Weaknesses
by Sorinel Domnișoru & Sorin-Sandu Vînătoru - 167-170 The New European Payment System
by Imola Drigă & Dorina Niță - 167-170 The New European Payment System
by Imola Drigă & Dorina Niță