2008, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 171-176 Basic Aspects of Effective Business Writing
by Gabriela Dumbravă & Adriana Koronka - 171-176 Basic Aspects of Effective Business Writing
by Gabriela Dumbravă & Adriana Koronka - 177-182 Analysis of the Relationship between the Romanian Exports and Imports
by Ramona Dumitru & Costel Nistor & Răzvan Ștefănescu - 177-182 Analysis of the Relationship between the Romanian Exports and Imports
by Ramona Dumitru & Costel Nistor & Răzvan Ștefănescu - 183-194 Career Management in Modern Companies - Methodological Aspects
by Codruța Dura & Claudia Isac - 183-194 Career Management in Modern Companies - Methodological Aspects
by Codruța Dura & Claudia Isac - 195-200 Considerations Regarding the Causes and Consequences of Labor External Migration
by Alina Fleșer - 195-200 Considerations Regarding the Causes and Consequences of Labor External Migration
by Alina Fleșer - 201-204 The Role and Importance of the Social Insurances National Public System in Romania
by Maria Mirabela Florea Ianc - 201-204 The Role and Importance of the Social Insurances National Public System in Romania
by Maria Mirabela Florea Ianc - 205-212 Theoretical Aspects of Sustainable Development Strategy of Romania
by Florin Frant & Mirela Minica - 205-212 Theoretical Aspects of Sustainable Development Strategy of Romania
by Florin Frant & Mirela Minica - 213-218 Contemporary Economic Theories Regarding the Labor Market
by Silvia Gherghel - 213-218 Contemporary Economic Theories Regarding the Labor Market
by Silvia Gherghel - 219-222 Activity Based Management - Efficiency Method of the Management Control Systems
by Mihaela Chicajanu - 219-222 Activity Based Management - Efficiency Method of the Management Control Systems
by Mihaela Chicajanu - 223-230 Viral Marketing
by Sorina Raula Gîrboveanu & Silvia Puiu - 223-230 Viral Marketing
by Sorina Raula Gîrboveanu & Silvia Puiu - 231-236 Increasing Economic Potential of Venture Capital for European Firms
by Laura Giurca Vasilescu - 231-236 Increasing Economic Potential of Venture Capital for European Firms
by Laura Giurca Vasilescu - 237-242 Promotion Of Employment Among Youth - Remarks For Next Initiatives
by Janus Grabara & Sebastian Kot - 237-242 Promotion Of Employment Among Youth - Remarks For Next Initiatives
by Janus Grabara & Sebastian Kot - 243-246 The Benefits Of The Socially Responsible Practices
by Georgeta Grigore - 243-246 The Benefits Of The Socially Responsible Practices
by Georgeta Grigore - 247-252 Quantitative And Structural Tendencies In International Services Trade
by Corina Grigorovici - 247-252 Quantitative And Structural Tendencies In International Services Trade
by Corina Grigorovici - 253-258 Brand Orientation: An Integrated Marketing Communication Approach
by Ramona Gruescu & Gheorghe Pîrvu & Roxana Nanu - 253-258 Brand Orientation: An Integrated Marketing Communication Approach
by Ramona Gruescu & Gheorghe Pîrvu & Roxana Nanu - 259-266 Increase of Competitivity of Production Management by Utilization of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System
by Anca Jarmila Guță & Ana Petrina Stanciu - 259-266 Increase of Competitivity of Production Management by Utilization of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System
by Anca Jarmila Guță & Ana Petrina Stanciu - 267-272 Economic Analysis Of E-Business Investment Projects
by Mirela Iloiu & Sorin Iloiu - 267-272 Economic Analysis Of E-Business Investment Projects
by Mirela Iloiu & Sorin Iloiu - 273-284 Market and Impact Study Setting Up MMX Discount Store
by Sabina Irimie & Andreea Ionică & Virginia Băleanu & Cristina Osvath - 273-284 Market and Impact Study Setting Up MMX Discount Store
by Sabina Irimie & Andreea Ionică & Virginia Băleanu & Cristina Osvath - 285-288 The Implications of the Quality Management in the Automotive Industry Development Strategy
by Nicoleta Isac - 285-288 The Implications of the Quality Management in the Automotive Industry Development Strategy
by Nicoleta Isac - 289-294 On-Line Data Transmission to the Public Administration
by Alin Isac & Alexandru Szekely - 289-294 On-Line Data Transmission to the Public Administration
by Alin Isac & Alexandru Szekely - 295-300 Manageability Comparison: Oracle Database 10g and Oracle 9i Database
by Ion Lungu & Teodora Vătuiu - 295-300 Manageability Comparison: Oracle Database 10g and Oracle 9i Database
by Ion Lungu & Teodora Vătuiu - 301-306 The Reform of Romania’s Education System within the Context Imposed by Bologna Process
by Adrian Măcriș - 301-306 The Reform of Romania’s Education System within the Context Imposed by Bologna Process
by Adrian Măcriș - 307-312 Prevision, Strategy and Politics in Concurrence Economy
by Maria Măcriș - 307-312 Prevision, Strategy and Politics in Concurrence Economy
by Maria Măcriș
2007, Volume 7
- 5-28 Aspects of the Contribution of Banking and Industrial Capital to the Development and Modernization of Gold Mining during the Existence of „Mica” Company (1920-1948)
by Mircea Baron - 29-36 The Economic Basis in Organisational Behaviour - Behavioural Theory of the Firm
by Virginia Băleanu - 37-52 A Note on Youth Unemployment in the EU
by Floro Ernesto Caroleo & Francesco Pastore - 53-58 The Analysis And Assessment Of An Ethics Management Tool - Canadian Marketing Association’s Code Of Ethics
by Ibrian Cărămidaru & Sabina Irimie - 59-64 Reflection of Labour Efficiency (Labour Productivity) within Rates of Return
by Constantin Căruntu & Loredana Mihaela Lăpăduşi - 65-72 The Ecotourism - a Strategic Alternative for Contemporany Tourism
by Ioan Cosmescu & Denisa Cosmescu - 73-82 Current Situation and Transformation of Public Health Financing Mechanisms in the Republic of Moldova
by Gheorghe Costandachi - 83-92 The Romanian Accounting Information under the Pressure of Providers and Users
by Dumitru Cotleţ & Ovidiu Megan - 93-96 Some Aspects Concerning Mergers of Public Limited Liability Companies in European Union
by Dumitru Cotleţ & Alin Monea - 97-102 Aspects Regarding the Competitive Situation of the National Pit Coal Company of Petrosani
by Diana Csiminga & Mirela Iloiu - 103-106 The Mathematical Substantiation of the Optimum Company Strategy
by Ioan Constantin Dima - 107-114 Incomes and Expenditures of the System of Social Protection in the European Union
by Oana Dobre-Baron - 115-122 Benefits of the System of Social Security in the European Union
by Oana Dobre-Baron - 123-128 Evaluating the Romanian Banking System Based on the Main Prudential Indicators
by Imola Drigă & Codruţa Dura - 129-132 The New Basel Capital Accord - an International Convergence of Capital Measurements and Capital Standards in Banking
by Imola Drigă - 133-140 Gift Symbolism in International Business
by Gabriela Dumbravă & Adriana Koronka - 141-146 Comparative Analysis over the Establishing Ways to Make Stock Companies in the European Law System
by Oana-Carmen Dumitrescu - 147-154 Aspects Concerning the Value Added Tax in Intra-Community Operations
by Nicolae Ecobici & Gabriela Buşan - 155-160 Advertising on Line - the Most Effective Way of Branding Creation
by Valentina Fetiniuc & Lilia Ghiţu - 161-166 Natural Unemployment - the Base of Full Employment
by Alina Fleşer - 167-172 The Efficiency of the Financial Investments
by Maria Mirabela Florea Ianc - 173-178 Sensitivity, Uncertainty and Risk in Economic and Financial Analysis of Investment Projects
by Maria Mirabela Florea Ianc - 179-182 Investments Role in Romania in the Process of Transition to Market Economy
by Zaharica Florea Ianc - 183-188 The Economic Effects and Efforts within the Economic Efficiency of the Investments
by Zaharica Florea Ianc - 189-194 Work Relations in Public Administration Institutiones
by Anca Jarmila Guţă - 195-200 The Evolution of Factors of Money-Goods Correlation’s Equilibration
by Gheorghe Iliadi - 201-206 TLA – A Innovative Problemsolving Approach to Regional Development
by Andreea Ionică & Virginia Băleanu & Sabina Irimie - 207-210 The Strategy for the Company’s Automation
by Alin Isac & Claudia Isac - 211-216 Feedback Between Decision and Management Information Subsystem
by Claudia Isac & Alin Isac - 217-224 Computer Assisted Audit Techniques
by Ion Lungu & Teodora Vătuiu - 225-242 A Study Regarding the Re-treatment of the Balance Sheet and of the Profit and Loss Account under Circumstances of Inflation and Hyper-inflation Approached According to the Conception of International Financial Reporting Standards
by Mariana Man & Raluca Elisabeta Felea - 243-248 The Economical Effects of Mining Activity Restructuring in Jiu Valley
by Mirela Monea - 249-252 Legislative and Institutional Framework for Controlling the Romanian Labour Market
by Dorina Niţă - 253-258 The Level of Concentration of the Enterprises from the Industry, Construction and Services
by Elena Pîrvulescu Lăculeanu - 259-264 The Main Cumulated Economical and Financial Indexes of the Enterprises from Industry, Constructions and Services
by Elena Pîrvulescu Lăculeanu - 265-270 Long-Term Tendencies in the Structural Evolution of the Financial Consumption Expenses of the Population, on Categories of Households
by Marian Pîrvulescu Lăculeanu - 271-276 Consumption Expenses, the Consumer and the Consumption during the Post-Modernist Period: Theoretical Elements and Methodological Specifications
by Marian Pîrvulescu Lăculeanu - 277-282 The Evolution of Agriculture in Modern Romania (1859-1918)
by Diana-Mihaela Pociovălişteanu - 283-288 Resemblances and Differences between Financial Accounting and Management Accounting
by Lucia Popa-Paliu & Ionela-Claudia Godeanu - 289-294 Aspects Concerning on Operative Cash-Flow Planning
by Vasile Popeangă & Teodora Vătuiu - 295-304 The Analysis of Bankruptcy Risk According to the Scores Method
by Ilie Răscolean - 305-308 General Assessment of the Tourism Development in the Rural Areas
by Doru-Bogdan Răvaş - 309-314 Regional Development from European Programmes
by Gabriela Corina Slusariuc - 315-318 The Legal Settlement of Utilities and Their Privatization in Romania
by Melinda Szasz - 319-323 Scientific Research, Technological Development and Innovation as Parts of Sustainable Development
by Angela Timuş & Laura Afteni & Stela Rînja - 323-328 Technological and Scientific Evolution Incorporated in Techno Parks
by Angela Timuş & Andrei Timuş - 329-334 Necessity of Applying Restrictions on Capital Flows for the Developing Countries
by Victoria Timuş - 335-340 Durable Development of Human Settlements
by Cecilia Elena Văduva - 341-344 The Financing Sources for the Regional Development Projects
by Cecilia Elena Văduva - 345-350 The Investments and the Economic Relaunch
by Maria Văduva - 351-354 Foreign Investments and Their Evolution within the East-European Countries
by Maria Văduva - 355-362 Overview of Oracle Olap and Using SQL for Manipulate Multidimensional Data
by Teodora Vătuiu & Vasile Popeangă - 363-368 Analyze the Motivation of Public Servants by Utilization of Informatics Applications
by Teodora Vătuiu & Vasile Popeangă - 369-374 The Informatization of the Romanian Banking System in the Context of Romania’s Integration in the EU
by Teodora Vătuiu & Vasile Popeangă
2006, Volume 6
- 5-6 Romania-Moldova. Economic Intercourse in the Regional Context
by Nicolae Badan - 7-12 About the Romanian Tourism Potential: the Natural Strengths of the Main Tourist Destinations (Part I)
by Virginia Băleanu & Andreea Ionică & Sabina Irimie - 13-20 About the Romanian Tourism Potential: the Natural Strengths of the Main Tourist Destinations (Part II)
by Virginia Băleanu & Andreea Ionică & Sabina Irimie - 21-24 Increasing of System’s Entropy on the Example of Coal Mine Operations Research
by Artem Bardas - 25-30 The Progress of the New Eight Member States (NMS) in Accomplishing the Economic Criteria for the EU Accession
by Amelia Boncea & Doru Cîrnu - 31-36 The Demerits Method Used for Assesing the Quality of Glass Products
by Amalia Venera Todoruţ & Doru Cîrnu - 37-44 Considerations Regarding the Quality Costs of the Product During Their Life Cycle
by Ioan Constantin Dima - 45-54 Tourism – a Viable Alternative of Re-Structuring Mining Industry in the Jiu Valley
by Oana Simina Dobre - Baron - 55-60 The Role of the Banking System in the Sustainable Development of the Economy
by Imola Drigă - 61-64 Writing for Business Purposes: Elements of Email Etiquette
by Gabriela Dumbravă & Adriana Koronka - 65-68 New Juridical and Economical Elements Brought by the Inovating Insolvency Law
by Oana-Carmen Dumitrescu & Doru-Bogdan Răvaş - 69-76 The Use of Markov Chains in Marketing Forecasting
by Codruţa Dura - 77-82 Theoretical and Practical Considerations about Reversed Tax
by Nicolae Ecobici - 83-90 Green Certificates – the Symbol Renewable Energy Sources (Clean Energy)
by Mihaela Ghicajanu - 91-96 European Integration - Macroeconomic Coordination Risks
by Danilea Giurescu & Laura Giurca Vasilescu - 97-104 Crisis Communication
by Anca Jarmila Guţă - 105-108 Forms of Managerial Communication
by Lavinia Hulea - 109-116 Labour Market in Change
by Sabina Irimie - 117-122 Bar Codes – a Technological Revolution in Commerce
by Alin Isac - 123-128 Comparative Analysis of the Social Insurance Systems in USA, Sweden and Germany
by Claudia Isac - 129-138 Aspects Regarding the Methods of Accounts Consolidation and the Elaboration of Consolidated Financial Reports
by Mariana Man & Loriana Zamfir - 139-146 Considerations Regarding the Evolution of Production Systems in Engineering
by Dorina Niţă - 147-154 Efficient Utilization of Higher Techenologies and Professional Culture of the Engineer
by Stanislav Pazanici & Alexandr Ponomarev & Alexandr Romanovskiy - 155-162 Aspects Concerning the Acquis in the Taxation Area within the Context of Romania’s Adhesion to European Union
by Vasile Popeangă & Teodora Vătuiu - 163-168 Aspects Concerning the Alteration of Fiscal Code within the Context of Romania’s Adhesion to European Union
by Vasile Popeangă & Teodora Vătuiu - 169-178 Russia in the World of Mining Business
by Lev Alexandrovici Puciov - 179-184 The Role of Synergetic Approach in the Educational System Improvement
by Alexandr Romanovskiy - 185-194 Synergetic Effect as a Basis of Teacher’s Personality Formation
by Alexandr Romanovskiy & N. Usyk - 195-198 The Public Administration Authorities’ Implication on the Economic Development at Regional Level
by Melinda Szasz - 199-206 The Utilization of Information and Communication Technologies in Educational Area
by Teodora Vătuiu & Vasile Popeangă - 207-214 Aspects Concerning the Acquis Implementation by the Informatisation Domain of Taxes (Chapter 10)
by Teodora Vătuiu & Vasile Popeangă
2005, Volume 5
- 5-14 Nouvelles perspectives de la recherche scientifique en economie et gestion
by Jaime Gil Aluja - 15-20 Public Management - Major Approaches
by Moise-Ioan Achim & Arcadie Hinescu & Ionela GAvrilă-Paven - 21-38 The Price Paid by the Romanian National Bank for the Precious Metals Purchased from the Local Producers between 1920–1948
by Mircea Baron - 39-44 Accounting-Applied Expert Systems
by Doina Bivolaru - 45-50 The Accuracy of the Work-In-Process Cost Determining Influence on the Endproducts and the Result
by Sorin Briciu & Sorin-Ciprian Teiuşan & Ionela Gavrilă-Paven - 51-56 Expert System for Management Diagnosis in Romanian Agriculture
by Cristina-Antoaneta Ciungu - 57-62 Investment in Education, a Major Request for the Harmonization Between the Romanian and the European Learning
by Petre Ciungu - 63-72 The Performance Measurement System and Key Perfomance Indicators
by Liviu Crăciun & Radu Cătălin Crivenu - 73-80 Methods of Evaluating Performances for Marketing Strategies
by Ioan Cucu - 81-86 Considerations Regarding Comparative Management in the European Union
by Ioan Constantin Dima & Camelia Mihai - 87-94 Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund – Financial Instruments of Solidarity Policies within the European Union
by Oana Dobre-Baron - 95-100 The Reason for Imposing Capital Requirements on Banks
by Imola Drigă - 101-106 Elements of Cosmopolitanism and Globalization in Constantin Stere’s Work
by Gabriela Dumbravă & Adriana Koronka - 107-116 Taguchi Method for Improvement in the Quality of Production Processes
by Codruţa Dura - 117-124 Romania-Eu Actual and Potential Trade
by Anna Ferragina & Giorgia Giovannetti & Francesco Pastore - 125-128 Economic and Social Effects of Mining Industry Restructuring in the Jiu Valley
by Alina Fleşer - 129-134 Cybermarketing and Business Performance in the Informational Society
by Monica Paula Flităr - 135-140 Some Elements of the Managerial Control System in New Organisation of the National Power System
by Mihaela Ghicăjanu - 141-148 Considerations Regarding the Structure of the National Power System in Romanian
by Mihaela Ghicăjanu - 149-154 Self-Financing Capacity – an Internal Funding Source
by Teodora Hada & Sorin-Ciprian Teiuşan - 155-158 Business Communication Strategies
by Lavinia Hulea - 159-164 Risk Analysis and Investment Decisions
by Mirela Iloiu - 165-168 Risk and Risk Management
by Mirela Iloiu - 169-172 Facts about the Relationship between the Project Management (PM) and the Quality Management (QM) in Compliance with the Standards in Force
by Andreea Ionică - 173-178 Performance Assessment in Public Administration
by Sabina Irimie & Rareş Munteanu - 179-184 The Company Financial Diagnosis Informatic System
by Alin Isac & Claudia Isac - 185-190 Coordinates of Production Factors Combining in order to Increase the Electrical Plants Efficiency
by Claudia Isac - 191-196 Capital Market in Romania – Evolution and Perspectives
by Liliana Ivănuş - 197-200 Some Economic Aspects Regarding the Use of Mechanized Complexes in Motru Bassin Coal Mines
by Ferenc Koronka - 201-208 Aspects Concerning the Informatization Strategy for the Control Activity at the Romanian Court of Counts
by Ion Lungu & Teodora Vătuiu - 209-216 Definite Coordinations of the Romanian Mining Industry Reorganization
by Dorina Magda - 217-222 Theoretical Considerations Regarding the Methods of Accounting Production Stocks in the Companies Belonging to the Coal Mining Industry in Romania
by Mariana Man & Sergiu Calincovschii - 223-228 Tendencies Qualitative and Changes in the Automotive Industry
by Simona Manea - 229-236 Aspects Concerning Romanian’s Economic Strategy in the Prospect of the Future UE Integration
by Vasile Popeangă & Teodora Vătuiu - 237-246 Information Application for Multicriterial Optimum
by Mircea Preda - 247-250 Main Caracteristics of Regional Development in Some Countries from European Union
by Ilie Răscolean & Gabriela Slusariuc - 251-256 Training - a New Method of Improving Companies Performance
by Bogdan Răvaş - 257-260 The Evoluation of Unemployment in Jiu Valley after Restructuration of Mining Industry
by Gabriela Slusariuc - 261-266 The Concept of Crisis
by Ion Stegăroiu - 267-276 Optimization of Main Technological Parameters Afferent for the Mining Methods with Undermined Coal Bank Applied for the Conditions of Thick Coal Seams in Jiu Valley
by Daniel Surulescu & Ion Stamin Purcaru & Gheorghe Chiril & Sabina Irimie - 277-282 The Consequnces of Tax-Evasion
by Melinda Szasz - 283-288 National Electronic System and Computer Assisted Education System in Romania
by Teodora Vătuiu & Vasile Popeangă - 289-294 The Object-Oriented Technology; Process Analysis and Cost Estimation o the Software Development
by Teodora Vătuiu & Vasile Popeangă
2004, Volume 4
- 5-12 Statistical methods for time series and panel data analysis
by Ana-Gabriela Babucea - 13-26 The contribution of the „Romanian Bank” to the „nationalization” of the coal companies in the Jiu Valley
by Mircea Baron & Oana Dobre-Baron - 27-30 Foreign investments in modern economic activities
by Emil Biber - 31-36 Elements of market economy build-up strategy
by Amelia Boncea - 37-44 The effect of knowledge on the economic growth
by Florian Buşe - 45-50 Types of strategies in the field of quality
by Doru Cîrnu & Amalia Todoruţ - 51-54 Service market – the real form of existence for exchange relations
by Ioan Cosmescu & Denisa Cosmescu - 55-62 Considérations sur le contrôle en marketing
by Ioan Cucu - 63-68 The history of EURO
by Ioan Constantin Dima - 69-75 Means of reducing credit risk
by Imola Drigă - 75-82 Considerations upon sales force management
by Codruţ Dura - 83-88 Characteristics of eco – systemic management
by Alina Fleşer - 89-94 Current trends in social responsibility and ethical standards in services marketing
by Monica Paula Flităr - 95-98 Strategic planning and managerial control
by Mihaela Ghicajanu - 99-104 Break-even analysis of the enterprise at one product level
by Mihaela Ghicajanu & Manuel-Viorel Semen - 105-112 Closure of mines. Problems regarding the environment and the investment efficiency within the context of environment protection and rehabilitation in Jiu Valley
by Sabina Irimie & Rareş Munteanu & Ilie Matei - 113-116 Aspects regarding file operating systems used in management
by Alin Isac - 117-124 Consideration of decisional environment on an international scale
by Claudia Isac - 125-132 Country risk rating – importance and methodology
by Liliana Ivănuş - 133-138 Eminescu and protectionism
by Adriana Koronka & Gabriela Dumbravă - 139-146 Aspects regarding regional disparity reduction policies
by Dorina Magda - 147-150 The structure of expenses and revenues according to International Accounting Standards
by Mariana Man - 151-154 Some aspects about the administration accountancy’s history
by Emilia Mihăilă - 155-160 Considerations about exporting ware in commission
by Emilia Mihăilă - 161-176 About some decisional optimum models of the consumer
by Ilie Mitran - 177-184 Analysis of documents representing environmental awareness in company management
by Timea Molnar Siposne