March 2014, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 143-145 Some Government Skin in the Game: How to Encourage New Technology
by David C Colander - 146-149 Social Capital and Health: A Concept whose Time has Come
by Richard M Scheffler & Lorenzo Rocco & Susan L Averett - 150-165 Does Associational Behavior Raise Social Capital? A Cross-Country Analysis of Trust
by Paul Downward & Tim Pawlowski & Simona Rasciute - 166-180 Older Migrants’ Social Capital in Host Countries: A Pan-European Comparison
by Caroline Berchet & Nicolas Sirven - 181-201 Friends with Health Benefits: Does Individual-level Social Capital Improve Health?
by Susan L Averett & Laura M Argys & Jennifer C Kohn - 202-225 Social Capital and Smoking Behavior
by Lorenzo Rocco & Beatrice d'Hombres - 226-248 Effects of Maternal Depression on Social Interactions
by Hope Corman & Kelly Noonan & Nancy E Reichman - 249-273 Labor Mismatch and Skill Premia
by Sherif Khalifa - 274-281 An Investigation of Editorial Favoritism in the AER
by Philip R P Coelho & James E McClure & Peter J Reilly - 282-283 Big Time Sports in American Universities
by Victor Matheson
December 2013, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-4 Should Calculus Be a Requirement for Intermediate Macro?
by David C Colander - 5-25 Subsidization and Privatization: In a Multinational Mixed Oligopoly
by Ali Dadpay - 26-55 Government Mandates and Atypical Work: An Investigation of Right-to-Work States
by Christopher J Surfield - 56-70 Price Volatility and Contract Maturity: Evidence from an Online Futures Market for Sports Tickets
by Jihui Chen & Xiaoyong Zheng - 71-95 The Trade-off between Family Size and Child Health in Rural Bangladesh
by Christina Peters & Daniel I Rees & Rey Hernández-Julián - 96-118 Asymmetric Association between Exposure to Obesity and Weight Gain among Adolescents
by Muzhe Yang & Rui Huang - 119-127 The Effect of Health Insurance Benefit Mandates on Premiums
by James Bailey - 128-137 Is America Coming Apart?
by Frederic L Pryor - 138-141 John Kenneth Galbraith
by Richard P F Holt
September 2013, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 425-438 The Superficial Morality of Color Blindness: Why “Equal Opportunity” May Not Be Enough?
by Glenn C Loury - 439-443 The Fed’s Research Mission and Measure of Success
by David Colander - 444-463 Understanding Academic Journal Market Failure: The Case of Austrian Economics
by Scott A Beaulier & J Robert Subrick - 464-492 Determinants of Illegal Mexican Immigration into the US Southern Border States
by Andreas Buehn & Stefan Eichler - 493-510 Employer-provided Health Insurance and Labor Supply of Married Women
by Merve Cebi & Chunbei Wang - 511-529 Invention, Innovation, and Wage Inequality in Developed Countries
by Kevin J Bowman & Sarinda Taengnoi - 530-546 The Evolution of Federal Reserve Transparency Under Greenspan and Bernanke
by Roger W Spencer & John H Huston & Erika G Hsie - 547-563 Could Different Retirement Benefits Result in More Effective Teachers?
by Christian E Weller - 564-565 Public Investment, Growth and Fiscal Constraints: Challenges for the EU New Member States
by Anil Duman - 566-566 Editor's Note
by Carl P Kaiser
2013, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 285-308 Increasing Returns, Institutions, and Capital Flows
by Thomas Jack Snyder - 309-327 Sentiment toward Trading Partners and International Trade
by Edward M Feasel & Nobuyuki Kanazawa - 328-345 National School Lunch Program Participation and Child Body Weight
by Donka M Mirtcheva & Lisa M Powell - 346-357 A Competitive Model of (Super)Stars
by Timothy Perri - 358-386 The Role of Industry and Occupation in Recent US Unemployment Differentials by Gender, Race, and Ethnicity
by Marios Michaelides & Peter R Mueser - 387-401 Civil War, Ethnicity, and the Migration of Skilled Labor
by James T Bang & Aniruddha Mitra - 402-414 International Competition and Small-Firm Exit in US Manufacturing
by Robert M Feinberg - 415-417 Capital as Power: A Study of Order and Creorder, by Jonathan Nitzan and Shimshon Bichler
by Alan Freeman - 418-421 Money and Macrodynamics: Alfred Eichner and Post-Keynesian Economics, by Marc Lavoie, Louis-Philippe Rochon and Mario Seccareccia
by Michele I Naples - 421-423 Guaranteed to Fail: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Debacle of Mortgage Finance, by Viral V. Acharya, Matthew Richardson, Stijn van Nieuwerburgh, and Lawrence J. White
by Cynthia Bansak & Peter Carpenter - 424-424 Single Mothers’ Time Preference, Smoking, and Enriching Childcare: Evidence from Time Diaries
by Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia & Younghwan Song
2013, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 145-171 Does Money Matter in Pennsylvania? School District Spending and Student Proficiency Since No Child Left Behind
by Sean Flaherty - 172-200 Playing Well with Others: The Role of Social Capital in Traffic Accident Prevention
by Matthew G Nagler - 201-226 Relative Wage Changes and Fertility in the US
by Aliaksandr Amialchuk - 227-255 Single Mothers’ Time Preference, Smoking, and Enriching Childcare: Evidence from Time Diaries
by Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia & Younghwan Song - 256-258 Local Economic Development in the 21st Century: Quality of Life and Sustainability, by Daphne T. Greenwood and Richard P.F. Holt
by Natalia V Smirnova - 258-260 Macroeconomic Theory and Macroeconomic Pedagogy, by Guiseppe Fontana and Mark Setterfield
by Nevin Cavusoglu - 260-263 Strategic Competition, Dynamics and the Role of the State: A New Perspective, by Jamee K. Moudud
by Tazewell V Hurst - 263-265 The Thief of Time: Philosophical Essays on Procrastination, by Chrisoula Andreou and Mark White
by Jonathan B Wight - 265-267 Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People are More Successful, by Daniel Hamermesh
by Jennifer Tennant - 267-269 Game Theory: A Nontechnical Introduction to the Analysis of Strategy, by Roger A. McCain
by Myong-Hun Chang - 269-271 Economic Aspects of Obesity, by Michael Grossman and Naci Mocan
by Irina B Grafova - 271-273 Path Dependency and Macroeconomics, by Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer
by Matías Vernengo - 273-275 Money, Investment and Consumption: Keynes's Macroeconomics Rethought, by Omar Hamouda
by Pavlina R Tcherneva - 275-277 School Accountability, Autonomy, and Choice Around the World, by Ludger Woessmann, Elke Luedemann, Gariela Schuetz and Martin R. West
by Lisa M Dickson - 277-278 Health Care for Us All: Getting More for Our Investment, by Earl L. Grinols and James W. Henderson
by Frank W Musgrave - 278-280 The Fall of the House of Credit: What Went Wrong in Banking and What Can be Done to Repair the Damage?, by Alistair Milne
by William C Perkins - 280-282 Housing Market Challenges in Europe and the United States, by Philip Arestis, Peter Mooslechner and Karin Wagner
by Yongsheng Wang
2013, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-17 Cross-Sector Spillover Effects of Trade Liberalization
by Aleksandr Vashchilko - 18-27 Capital Intensity and US County Population Growth During the Late 19th Century
by Burton A Abrams & Jing Li & James G Mulligan - 28-44 Estimating Willingness to Pay for River Amenities and Safety Measures Associated with Shale Gas Extraction
by Paula Bernstein & Thomas C Kinnaman & Mengqi Wu - 45-71 Differences Do Not Matter: Exploring the Wage Gap for Same-Sex Behaving Men
by Michael E Martell - 72-92 Wealth, Human Capital and the Transition to Self-Employment
by Berna Demiralp & Johanna L Francis - 93-110 Linkage Effects, Oligopolistic Competition, and Core-periphery
by Haiwen Zhou - 111-120 Using a Difference-in-Differences Approach to Estimate the Effects of Teacher Merit Pay on Student Performance
by Mark Gius - 121-131 Are Women More Generous than Men? Evidence from Alumni Donations
by Tomas Dvorak & Shayna R Toubman - 132-133 Handbook of Research on Complexity, by J. Barkley Rosser, Jr. and Edward Elgar
by Troy Tassier - 134-137 Keynes: The Return of the Master, by Robert Skidelsky
by L Randall Wray - 137-140 Educating Economists: The Teagle Discussion on Re-evaluating the Undergraduate Economics Major, by David Colander and KimMarie McGoldrick
by Deborah M Figart - 140-142 Expectations, Employment and Prices, by Roger E.A. Farmer How the Economy Works: Confidence, Crashes and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies, by Roger E.A. Farmer
by William D Craighead - 143-144 Insufficient Funds: Savings, Assets, Credit, and Banking among Low-Income Households, by Rebecca M. Blank and Michael S. Barr
by Robert Scott
2012, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 423-427 The Servants of Obama's Machinery: F.A. Hayek's The Road to Serfdom Revisited?
by Edward McPhail & Andrew Farrant - 428-433 The Servants of Obama's Machinery: F.A. Hayek's The Road to Serfdom Revisited? — A Reply
by Peter J Boettke & Nicholas A Snow - 434-448 Special Interest Groups and Economic Growth in the United States
by Oguzhan Dincer - 449-459 An Inquiry into the Pay Structure of the New York Yankees: 1919–1941
by Kenneth H Brown & Paul E Gabriel & David G Surdam - 460-478 A Theory on Predatory Advertising After a Demand-Reducing Shock
by Yutian Chen & Wei Tan - 479-494 Labor Markets and National Culture: Salary Determination in Japanese Baseball
by Michael A Leeds & Sumi Sakata & Peter von Allmen - 495-511 Fluctuations, Uncertainty and Income Inequality in Developing Countries
by Fadi Fawaz & Masha Rahnamamoghadam & Victor Valcarcel - 512-524 Sleep and Student Achievement
by Eric R Eide & Mark H Showalter - 525-547 The Empirical Validation of an Agent-based Model
by Pasquale Cirillo & Mauro Gallegati - 548-550 Stuck in the Middle: Is Fiscal Policy Failing the Middle Class?, by Antonio Estache and Danny Leipziger
by Sasha Breger Bush - 551-552 Economics Versus Human Rights, by Manuel Branco
by Nancy Ruth Fox - 552-554 The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008, by Paul Krugman
by Nazneen Ahmad & M Imtiaz Mazumder - 555-557 Welfare Reform and Its Long-Term Consequences for America's Poor, by James P. Ziliak
by James A Buss - 557-559 The Hesitant Hand: Taming Self-Interest in the History of Economic Ideas, by Steven Medema
by David Colander - 559-561 Reforming the World Bank: Twenty Years of Trial — and Error, by David A Phillips
by Amyaz A Moledina - 561-563 The Provocative Joan Robinson: The Making of a Cambridge Economist, by Nahid Aslanbeigui and Guy Oakes
by Claudio Sardoni
2012, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 283-295 Dilemmas of Economic Growth
by Duncan K Foley - 296-309 Student Evaluation of Teaching, Formulation of Grade Expectations, and Instructor Choice: Explorations with Random-Effects Ordered Probability Models
by Horacio Matos-Díaz - 310-318 A Benefit from the Division of Labor that Adam Smith Missed
by Wenli Cheng - 319-330 Sectoral Growth Effects of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
by Nadia Doytch & Merih Uctum - 331-355 Women, Men, and Job Satisfaction
by Cheryl J Carleton & Suzanne Heller Clain - 356-380 Bribery and Endogenous Monitoring Effort: An Experimental Study
by Aaron Lowen & Andrew Samuel - 381-400 School, Department, and Instructor Determinants of Assessment Methods in Undergraduate Economics Courses
by Georg Schaur & Michael Watts & William E Becker - 401-416 The Impact of the Teaching High School Economics Workshop for Teachers on Student Achievement
by John R Swinton & Benjamin Scafidi & Howard C Woodard - 417-420 Capitalists, Workers and Fiscal Policy: A Classical Model of Growth and Distribution
by John McCombie
2012, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 143-166 Political Ideology and Economic Freedom Across Canadian Provinces
by Christian Bjørnskov & Niklas Potrafke - 167-188 Risk Aversion, Business Volatility and Exchange Rate Regimes in Small Open Economies
by Cristian Pardo - 189-209 Firms as Bundles of Discrete Resources – Towards an Explanation of the Exponential Distribution of Firm Growth Rates
by Alex Coad & Max Planck - 210-222 The Effect of Ticket Resale Laws on Consumption and Production in Performing Arts Markets
by Melissa Boyle & Lesley Chiou - 223-250 What is Health? A Multiple Correspondence Health Index
by Jennifer L Kohn - 251-275 The Relative Performance of Head Start
by Cory Koedel & Teerachat Techapaisarnjaroenkit - 276-278 Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why it Matters for Global Capitalism, by George A. Akerlof and Robert J. Shiller
by Martin Rapetti - 279-281 Intangible Capital: Its Contribution to Economic Growth, Well-Being and Rationality, by John F. Tomer
by Carol A Robbins
2012, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-17 Tournament Chasing NASCAR Style: Driver Incentives in Stock Car Racing's Playoff Season
by J Brian O'Roark & William C Wood & Benjamin Demblowski - 18-36 Financial and Product Market Integration under Increasing Returns to Scale
by Lei Wen & Haiwen Zhou - 37-56 Trade, Environment, and Welfare in a Model of Monopolistic Competition
by Monica Das & Sandwip K Das - 57-73 Real Estate Continuing Education: Rent Seeking or Improvement in Service Quality?
by Benjamin Powell & Evgeny Vorotnikov - 74-98 Ethnic Social Networks and Self-Employment of Immigrant Men in the US
by Maude Toussaint-Comeau - 99-117 The Success and Failure of Counseling Agency Debt Repayment Plans
by Daniel T Brown & Charles R Link & Michael E Staten - 118-133 The Relationship between Medicare Supplemental Insurance and Health-care Spending: Selection Across Multiple Dimensions
by David M Zimmer - 134-137 Violence and Social Orders: A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Recorded Human History, by Douglas C. North, John Joseph Wallis and Barry R. Weingast
by Solomon W Polachek - 138-140 Adam Smith, by Gavin Kennedy
by Tom Birch - 140-142 Economic Development and Transition: Thought, Strategy, and Viability, by Justin Yifu Lin
by Hasan A Faruq
2011, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 437-449 Effect of State Health Insurance Mandates on Employer-provided Health Insurance
by David N van der Goes & Justin Wang & Katharine C Wolchik - 450-469 Shipwrecks on the Great Lakes and the Lake Carriers Association
by Christopher S Decker & William Corcoran & David T Flynn - 470-487 Using Admission Tests to Predict Success in College — Evidence from the University of Puerto Rico
by James F Ragan & Dong Li & Horacio Matos-Díaz - 488-507 Inside Debt and the Stability of Inflation
by Thomas I Palley - 508-529 Inward Foreign Direct Investment in the US: An Empirical Analysis of their Impact on State Economies
by Kostas Axarloglou & William L Casey & Hsiang-Ling Han - 530-552 The Immigrants' Odds of Slipping into Poverty: Double Jeopardy?
by Jongsung Kim & Edinaldo Tebaldi - 553-570 Measuring Fishing Capacity When Some Outputs Are Undesirable
by Rolf F&aauml;re & James E Kirkley & John B Walden - 571-573 Theoretical Foundations of Law and Economics, by Mark D. White
by James R Wible - 573-576 Money, Enterprise and Income Distribution: Towards a Macroeconomic Theory of Capitalism, by John Smithin
by Ajit Zacharias
2011, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 307-312 The Profession and the Crisis
by Paul Krugman - 313-320 Fairness and Tax Policy: A Response to Mankiw's Proposed “Just Deserts”
by Jonathan Weinstein - 321-343 Financial Aid, Student Background, and the Choice of First-year College Major
by Mark Stater - 344-366 Inequalities within Couples in Europe: Market Incomes and the Role of Taxes and Benefits
by Francesco Figari & Herwig Immervoll & Horacio Levy & Holly Sutherland - 367-389 Will You Covenant Marry Me? A Preliminary Look at a New Type of Marriage
by Amanda J Felkey - 390-402 Can the Built Environment Reduce Obesity? The Impact of Residential Sprawl and Neighborhood Parks on Obesity and Physical Activity
by Deliana Kostova - 403-416 Monetary Policy and the Credit Channel, Broad and Narrow
by Torben W Hendricks & Bernd Kempa - 417-430 Ethnic and Religious Diversity and Income Inequality
by Oguzhan C Dincer & Michael J Hotard - 431-433 Multidimensional Poverty Measurement: Concepts and Applications, by Udaya Wagle
by Sylvain Weber - 433-435 Morals and Markets: An Evolutionary Account of the Modern World, by Daniel Friedman
by David Levy
2011, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 165-177 Is the Permanent Income Hypothesis Really Well-Suited for Forecasting?
by Rangan Gupta & Emmanuel Ziramba - 178-196 Wage Differentials, Occupational Segregation, and Gendered Creativity Perceptions in the Chinese Science and Technology Sector: Beijing and Wuhan
by Gale Summerfield & Xiao-yuan Dong & Nahid Aslanbeigui & Jie Hu - 197-213 Why Did the Private Business Equity Share Fall in Canada?
by Jie Zhou - 214-238 Cyclical Inflationary and Contractionary Biases in Latin America and the Caribbean: Evidence and Implications
by Magda Kandil - 239-247 Tax Design in the OECD: A Test of the Hines-Summers Hypothesis
by Davide Furceri & Georgios Karras - 248-269 The Role of Non-standard Work Status in Parental Caregiving for Young Children
by Rachel Connelly & Jean Kimmel - 270-280 A Note on Trade Unions, Unemployment Insurance, and Endogenous Growth
by Luciano Fanti & Luca Gori - 281-302 Emigrant Effects on Trade: Re-examining the Immigrant-trade Link from the Home Country Perspective
by Bedassa Tadesse & Roger White - 303-304 Inequality, Consumer Credit, and the Saving Puzzle
by Zdravka Todorova
2011, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-5 Introduction to the Symposium on Agent-based Computational Economics
by Jason Barr & Troy Tassier & Leanne Ussher - 6-12 Heterogeneous Interacting Agent Models for Understanding Monetary Economies
by Joseph E Stiglitz & Mauro Gallegati - 13-19 Agent-based Modeling and Institutional Design
by Leigh Tesfatsion - 20-27 Learning in Agent-based Models
by Alan Kirman - 28-34 Agent-based Modeling and Computational Experiments in Industrial Organization: Growing Firms and Industries in silico
by Myong-Hun Chang - 35-43 Active and Passive Learning in Agent-based Financial Markets
by Blake LeBaron - 44-50 Agent-based Models for Economic Policy Design
by Herbert Dawid & Michael Neugart - 51-84 Entry, Exit, and the Endogenous Market Structure in Technologically Turbulent Industries
by Myong-Hun Chang - 85-108 Open- and Closed-Loop Supply Chain Dynamics: Specification and Exploration of an Agent-based Model
by Christopher S Ruebeck & Jeffrey O Pfaffmann - 109-133 Reinforcement Learning in Experimental Asset Markets
by Shu-Heng Chen & Yi-Lin Hsieh - 134-149 Income Distribution in a Stock-Flow Consistent Model with Education and Technological Change
by Stephen Kinsella & Matthias Greiff & Edward J Nell - 150-164 Linking Entity Resolution and Risk
by Germán Creamer
2010, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 413-422 Lineages of Crisis Economics from the 1930s: Keynes, Hayek, and Schumpeter
by Duncan K Foley - 423-449 Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Children's Health
by James M Williamson - 450-479 What Can We Learn from Education Production Studies?
by Ellis Anthon Eff & Christopher C Klein - 480-499 Hate Fuel: On the Relationship Between Local Government Policy and Hate Group Activity
by Sean E Mulholland - 500-522 The Influence of a Change in Immigration Law on US Marriage Rates
by Claudia Smith Kelly - 523-538 Childhood Behavioral Problems and Dropping Out of School
by John Robst & Charlie Weinberg - 539-541 Solutions for the World's Biggest Problems: Costs and Benefits
by Daphne T Greenwood - 541-542 The Monetary Policy of the Federal Reserve: A History
by Louis-Philippe Rochon - 543-545 The Industrious Revolution: Consumer Behavior and the Household Economy — 1650 to the Present
by Zdravka Todorova - 546-548 Beyond the World Bank Agenda: An Institutional Approach to Development
by John Volpe - 548-550 The Fate of Young Democracies
by Clodagh Harrington - 550-552 Corporations and Citizenship
by Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis
2010, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 285-298 Spreading the Wealth Around: Reflections Inspired by Joe the Plumber
by N Gregory Mankiw - 299-316 Identifying the Effect of a Welfare-To-Work Program Using Program Capacity Constraints: A New York City Quasi-Experiment
by John Ifcher - 317-343 Of Altruists and Thieves
by Brian T Kench & Neil B Niman - 344-346 Introduction to the Symposium on Forensic Economics
by David Schap - 347-352 Forensic Economics: An Overview
by David Schap - 353-369 Cohort Effects in Age-Earnings Profiles for Women: Implications for Forensic Analysis
by Matthew J Cushing & David I Rosenbaum - 370-390 The Effect of the Loss of a Parent on the Future Earnings of a Minor Child
by John Kane & Lawrence M Spizman & James Rodgers & Rick R Gaskins - 391-397 The Pecuniary Value of Commuting Time
by Edward Foster - 398-406 The Practice of Forensic Economics: An Introduction
by Frank D Tinari - 407-412 Legal Requirements in the Practice of Forensic Economics in the Northeast States
by David Schap - 413-415 The Global Diffusion of Markets and Democracy
by Nicole Bissessar - 415-417 Who Really Made Your Car? Restructuring and Geographic Change in the Auto Industry
by Fatma Abdel-Raouf - 417-421 Falling Behind: Explaining the Development Gap Between Latin America and the United States
by Miguel D Ramirez - 421-423 The Subprime Solution
by Oscar T Brookins - 423-426 The Failed Welfare Revolution: America's Struggle over Guaranteed Income Policy
by Richard K Caputo - 426-428 Economic Development in India and China: New Perspectives on Progress and Change
by Richard Grabowski
Spring 2010, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 151-163 Grades, Course Evaluations, and Academic Incentives
by David A Love & Matthew J Kotchen - 164-176 Functional Impairment and the Choice of College Major
by John Robst & Jennifer VanGilder - 177-187 European Current Account Sustainability: New Evidence Based On Unit Roots and Fractional Integration
by Juncal Cunado & Luis A Gil-Alana & Fernando Pérez de Gracia - 188-197 When Are Supply And Demand Determined Recursively Rather Than Simultaneously?
by Kathryn Graddy & Peter Kennedy - 198-216 The “New Consensus” and the Post-Keynesian Approach to the Analysis of Liquidity Traps
by Alfonso Palacio-Vera - 217-228 The Economist as Dean: An Investigation of the Academic Training of Business School Deans
by M Scott Niederjohn & Sarah B Cosgrove - 229-238 Property Taxation and Density of Land Development: A Simple Model with Numerical Simulations
by Richard W England & Mohan Ravichandran - 239-254 Who Pays for Drug Quality?
by Jie Chen & John A Rizzo - 255-276 The Second Paycheck to Keep Up with the Joneses: Relative Income Concerns and Labor Market Decisions of Married Women
by Yongjin Park - 277-278 The Street Porter and the Philosopher: Conversations on Analytical Egalitarianism, edited by Sandra J. Peart and David M. Levy
by Karl Widerquist - 279-281 International Political Economy: An Intellectual History, by Benjamin J. Cohen
by Mina Baliamoune-Lutz - 281-282 A Future of Good Jobs? America's Challenge in the Global Economy, edited by Timothy J. Bartik and Susan N. Houseman
by Amy B Schmidt - 282-283 How Do We Spend Our Time? Evidence from the American Time Use Survey, edited by Jean Kimmel
by Charlene M Kalenkoski
2010, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-10 Blogometrics
by Franklin G Mixon & Kamal P Upadhyaya - 11-32 Time to Pick a Fight? Interest Group Decision Making to Enter the Hydropower Regulatory Process
by Lea Kosnik - 33-57 Gender Differences in Predispositions towards Economics
by Cynthia Bansak & Martha Starr - 58-69 Price Impacts of Small-Firm Entry in US Manufacturing
by Robert M Feinberg