2010, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 70-87 Are Foreign and Public Capital Productive in the Mexican Case? A Panel Unit Root and Panel Cointegration Analysis
by Miguel D Ramirez - 88-106 Texas Treasury Notes and the Mexican-American War: Market Responses to Diplomatic and Battlefield Events
by Gary M Pecquet & Clifford F Thies - 107-119 Oligopolistic Competition, Firm Heterogeneity, and the Impact of International Trade
by Haiwen Zhou - 120-137 A Reevaluation of the Effect of Human Capital Accumulation on Economic Growth Using Natural Disasters as an Instrument
by Hideki Toya & Mark Skidmore & Raymond Robertson - 138-140 Marx and the Meaning of Marxism: Introduction and Analyses, by Stanley Bober
by Ronald G Bodkin - 140-141 Human Rights and Structural Adjustment, edited by M. Rodwan Abouharb and David Cingranelli
by Steve Onyeiwu - 142-144 Small Loans, Big Dreams: How the Nobel Prize Winner Muhammad Yunus and Microfinance are Changing the World, edited by Alex Counts
by Yilma Gebremariam - 144-147 Financialization and the US Economy, edited by Özgür Orhangazi
by Matthew Fung - 147-149 The Drunkard's Walk, edited by Leonard Mlodinow
by Eugene McManus
2009, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 423-432 How Do Students at Median Graduate Economic Programs Differ from Students at Top-ranked Programs?
by David Colander & Tiziana Dominguez & Gail Hoyt & KimMarie McGoldrick - 433-451 A Study of High School Economic Literacy in Orange County, California
by Chiara Gratton-Lavoie & Andrew Gill - 452-461 Public Spending, Market Imperfections, and Unemployment
by Donatella Gatti - 462-478 A Decomposition of Factors Influencing Horizontal and Vertical FDI: A Separate Analysis
by Kazuhiko Yokota & Akinori Tomohara - 479-480 Introduction to the Symposium on Mega Events
by Victor A Matheson - 481-499 Public Sector Support for Special Events
by Larry Dwyer & Peter Forsyth - 500-519 Economic impacts of the FIFA Soccer World Cups in France 1998, Germany 2006, and outlook for South Africa 2010
by Swantje Allmers & Wolfgang Maennig - 520-530 Rejecting “Conventional” Wisdom: Estimating the Economic Impact of National Political Conventions
by Robert A Baade & Robert Baumann & Victor A Matheson - 531-547 The Impact of College Football Games on Local Sales Tax Revenue: Evidence from Four Cities in Texas
by Dennis Coates & Craig A Depken - 548-549 Banking on Global Markets, Deutsche Bank and the US — 1870 to the Present
by Mark S LeClair - 550-551 Future Directions for Heterodox Economics, edited by John T. Harvey and Robert F. Garnett
by Pierre Lacour - 551-555 Queer Economics: A Reader, edited by Joyce Jacobsen and Adam Zeller
by Lisa Giddings - 555-560 Frontiers in Ecological Economic Theory and Application, edited by Jon D. Erickson and John M. Gowdy
by Michael J Radzicki
2009, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 281-296 The Current Economic Crisis and Lessons for Economic Theory
by Joseph E Stiglitz - 297-308 Wal-Mart and the US Economy
by Robert Jantzen & Donn Pescatrice & Andrew Braunstein - 309-337 The NAIRU, Demand and Technology
by Servaas Storm & C W M Naastepad - 338-366 On Cyclicality in the Current and Financial Accounts: Evidence from Nine Industrial Countries
by Jens R Clausen & Magda Kandil - 367-395 Differential Impacts of Economic Volatility and Governance on Manufacturing and Non-Manufacturing Foreign Direct Investments: The Case of US Multinationals in Africa
by Adugna Lemi & Sisay Asefa - 396-414 Institutions and Human Progress: An Analysis of International Pooled Data
by Nathan J Ashby - 415-416 Categorically Unequal
by LaTanya N Brown - 416-419 From Higher Aims to Hired Hands: The Social Transformation of American Business Schools and the Unfulfilled Promise of Management as a Profession
by Richard Marens - 419-421 Teaching Pluralism in Economics
by Robert F Garnett
2009, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 137-143 Kantian Ethics and the Prisoners' Dilemma
by Mark D White - 144-159 Mexican Migration to the US: A Comparison of Income and Network Effects
by R Todd Jewell & David J Molina - 160-173 Foreign Sourcing of Intermediate Inputs: Impacts on Unskilled Labor in US Manufacturing Industries
by John K Mullen & James Panning - 174-189 Reducing Inequities Among Worker-Owned Cooperatives: A Proposal
by Robin Hahnel - 190-208 Geography and Labor Market Performance
by Horst Feldmann - 209-231 Subsistence Savings Strategies of Male- and Female-Headed Households: Evidence from Mexico
by Julia Paxton - 232-247 Crime and Remittance Transfers
by Carlos Vargas-Silva - 248-263 Mathematical Miscalculations and Monopoly Pricing Strategies
by Bryan C McCannon - 264-266 The Local Economic Impact of Wal-Mart, by Michael J. Hicks
by Lester Hadsell - 267-269 Obesity, Business and Public Policy, by Zoltan J. Acs and Alan Lyles
by Inas Rashad - 269-271 Dennis Robertson: Essays on his Life and Work, by Gordon Fletcher
by John Smithin - 271-273 The Illusions of Entrepreneurship: The Costly Myths That Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Policy Makers Live By, by Scott A. Shane
by Sanjay Paul - 273-275 The Decline of Latin American Economies: Growth, Institutions, and Crises, by Sebastian Edwards, Gerardo Esquivel and Graciela Marquez
by Matthew Q McPherson - 275-276 What Makes a Terrorist: Economics and the Roots of Terrorism, by Alan B. Krueger
by Siddhartha Mitra - 276-278 Imperfect Knowledge Economics: Exchange Rates and Risk, by Roman Frydman and Michael D. Goldberg
by Joseph M Santos
2009, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-1 35th Anniversary Issue of the Eastern Economic Journal
by Joyce P Jacobsen & Gilbert L Skillman - 2-9 The Economy and the Economics Profession: Both Need Work
by Barbara R Bergmann - 10-13 In Praise of Modern Economics
by David Colander - 14-23 Smart Taxes: An Open Invitation to Join the Pigou Club
by N Gregory Mankiw - 24-36 Gender Pay Gap, Productivity Gap and Discrimination in Canadian Clothing Manufacturing in 1870
by Catherine L McDevitt & James R Irwin & Kris Inwood - 37-51 What Determines Student Evaluation Scores? A Random Effects Analysis of Undergraduate Economics Classes
by Michael A McPherson & R Todd Jewell & Myungsup Kim - 52-70 How Competitive is the US Manufacturing Sector?
by Fatma Abdel-Raouf - 71-83 The Impact of 9/11 on the Persistence of Financial Return Volatility of Marine Firms
by Anthony C Homan - 84-95 Is More Always Better? Empirical Evidence on Optimal Portfolio Size
by Alla A Melkumian & Arsen V Melkumian - 96-114 The Internet's Impact on Competition, Free Riding and The Future of Sales Service in Retail Automobile Markets
by Ellen Sewell & Charles Bodkin - 115-128 NJ and PA Once Again: What Happened to Employment When the PA–NJ Minimum Wage Differential Disappeared?
by Saul D Hoffman & Diane M Trace - 129-131 Handbook on the Economics of Happiness, by Luigino Bruni and Pier Luigi Porta
by Amitava Krishna Dutt - 131-133 The Institutional Economics of Corruption and Reform: Theory, Evidence, and Policy
by Udaya R Wagle - 133-135 The Origin of Wealth: Evolution, Complexity, and the Radical Remaking of Economics
by Richard V Adkisson
2008, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 421-422 Symposium Introduction
by Jason M Barr & Troy Tassier & Leanne Ussher - 423-428 The Rise of Computationally Enabled Economics: Introduction to the Special Issue of the Eastern Economic Journal on Agent-Based Modeling
by Rob Axtell - 429-440 Referral Hiring and Gender Segregation in the Workplace
by Troy Tassier - 441-463 Adaptive Microfoundations for Emergent Macroeconomics
by Edoardo Gaffeo & Domenico Delli Gatti & Saul Desiderio & Mauro Gallegati - 464-479 The Spread of Free-Riding Behavior in a Social Network
by Dunia López-Pintado - 480-503 Segregation and Strategic Neighborhood Interaction
by Jason M Barr & Troy Tassier - 504-517 The Impact of Imitation on Long Memory in an Order-Driven Market
by Blake LeBaron & Ryuichi Yamamoto - 518-549 A Speculative Futures Market with Zero-Intelligence
by Leanne J Ussher - 550-565 The Future of Agent-Based Research in Economics: A Panel Discussion, Eastern Economic Association Annual Meetings, Boston, March 7, 20081
by Jason M Barr & Troy Tassier & Leanne J Ussher & Blake LeBaron & Shu-Heng Chen & Shyam Sunder
2008, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 281-292 The Relationship Between Health and Schooling
by Michael Grossman - 293-309 Tinbergen Rules the Taylor Rule
by Thomas R Michl - 310-324 Anticipated vs Realized Benefits: Can Event Studies be used to Predict the Impact of New Regulations
by Kara M Reynolds - 325-346 Gender Preference and Equilibrium in the Imperfectly Competitive Market for Physician Services
by Jessica Wolpaw Reyes - 347-363 Ranking of Institutions in Economic Research: a Threshold Citation Approach
by Kam C Chan & Kartono Liano - 364-374 Do Spa Visits Improve Health: Evidence From German Micro Data
by Jonathan Klick & Thomas Stratmann - 375-389 To the Slimmer Go the Spoils: Heterogeneous Responses to Bodyweight Incentives in Olympic Weightlifting Tournaments
by Andrew W Nutting - 390-405 Atheoretical and Theory-Based Approaches to the Natural Equilibrium Real Interest Rate
by Philip Arestis & Georgios E Chortareas - 406-408 Targeting in Social Programs: Avoiding Bad Bets, Removing Bad Apples, by Peter H. Schuck and Richard Zeckhauser
by Amy Diduch - 408-410 The Evolutionary Foundations of Economics, by Kurt Dopfer
by William T Ganley - 410-412 African Americans in the US Economy, by Cecilia A. Conrad, John Whitehead, Patrick Mason and James Stewart
by Robin L Bartlett & Lariece M Brown - 412-414 Institutions, Globalisation and Empowerment, by Kartik C. Roy and Jörn Sideras
by Esteban Pérez Caldentey - 415-416 Reintroducing Macroeconomics: A Critical Approach, by Steven M. Cohn and M.E. Sharpe
by K Brad Stamm - 416-419 Stochastic Models of Decision Making in Arranged Marriages, by Amitrajeet A Batabyal
by Bryan C McCannon - 419-420 The Economics of Consumer Credit, by Giuseppe Bertola, Richard Disney, and Charles Grant
by Jennifer M Shand
Spring 2008, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 141-157 Tort Reform, Defensive Medicine, and the Diffusion of Diagnostic Technologies
by Alfredo G Esposto - 158-171 Joint Determination of Regulations by the Regulator and the Regulated: Commercial Bank Reserve Requirements, 1875–1979
by Jac C Heckelman & John H Wood - 172-189 Transfer College Quality and Student Performance
by Angela K Dills & Rey Hernández-Julián - 190-212 Exchange Rate Fluctuations and the Macro-Economy: Channels of Interaction in Developing and Developed Countries
by Magda Kandil - 213-222 Working and Educated Women: Culprits of a European Kinder-Crisis?
by Elizabeth A DiCioccio & Phanindra V Wunnava - 223-237 Multifactor Asset Pricing Model and Stock Market in Transition: New Empirical Tests
by Miroslav Mateev & Atanas Videv - 238-251 Monetary Policy and Labor Market Transitions
by James R Fain & Timothy O Bisping - 252-262 Exploring a US Immigrant–Intra-Industry Trade Link
by Roger White - 263-264 AIDS and the Ecology of Poverty, by Eileen Stillwaggon
by Nicoli Nattrass - 264-266 The Samaritan's Dilemma: The Political Economy of Development Aid, by Clark C. Gibson, Krister Andersson, Elinor Ostrom, and Sujai Shivakumar
by Cecilia Ann Winters - 267-269 The Economics of U.S. Health Care Policy: The Role of Market Forces, by Frank W. Musgrave and M.E. Sharpe
by Michele J Siegel - 270-271 Shaking the Invisible Hand: Complexity, Endogenous Money and Exogenous Interest Rates, by Basil John Moore
by Matías Vernengo - 272-274 Economics for Humans, by Julie A. Nelson
by Elissa Braunstein - 274-276 The Reluctant Economist: Perspectives on Economics, Economic History, and Demography, by Richard Easterlin
by Ann Davis - 276-278 Global Migration and the World Economy: Two Centuries of Policy and Performance, by Timothy J. Hatton and Jeffrey G. Williamson
by Lisa Mohanty
Winter 2008, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-13 Historic Turning Points in Real Estate
by Robert J Shiller - 14-26 Socialism vs Social Democracy as Income-Equalizing Institutions
by John E Roemer - 27-40 The Effect of Childhood Sexual Victimization on Women's Income
by John Robst & Stacy Smith - 41-55 Is Local Government Spending Converging?
by Mark Skidmore & Steven Deller - 56-73 Estimating Wal-Mart's Impacts in Maryland: A Test of Identification Strategies and Endogeneity Tests
by Michael J Hicks - 74-94 An Economic Analysis of Libel Law
by Manoj Dalvi & James F Refalo - 95-100 The Quality–Quantity Trade-off
by Bryan C McCannon - 101-102 Introduction to the Symposium on Ethics
by Sandra J Peart & David M Levy - 103-114 Inducing Greater Transparency: Towards the Establishment of Ethical Rules for Econometrics
by David M Levy & Sandra J Peart - 115-125 Why the Con Hasn't Been Taken Out of Econometrics
by Martin Zelder - 126-128 A Note on Norms in Experimental Economics
by Daniel Houser - 129-130 Post Walrasian Macroeconomics: Beyond the Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model
by Georgios Chortareas - 131-133 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
by Giuseppe Fontana - 133-135 Strategies of Commitment and Other Essays
by David George - 135-138 The Next Great Globalization: How Disadvantaged Nations Can Harness Their Financial Systems to Get Rich
by Eva Marikova Leeds - 138-140 The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce
by Tom Tolin