January 2018, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 69-83 Bringing the Effects of Occupational Licensing into Focus: Optician Licensing in the United States
by Edward J Timmons & Anna Mills - 84-96 Seniority Wages in the National Hockey League
by James A. Brander & Edward J. Egan - 97-116 FDI and Trade Policy Openness in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Godfred William Cantah & Gabriel William Brafu-Insaidoo & Emmanuel Agyapong Wiafe & Abass Adams - 117-134 Banking Concentration and Financial Stability. New Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries
by Mohamed Sami Ben Ali & Timoumi Intissar & Rami Zeitun - 135-152 Ideology and Dissent among Economists: The Joint Economic Forecast of German Economic Research Institutes
by Ha Quyen Ngo & Niklas Potrafke & Marina Riem & Christoph Schinke - 153-171 Rational Bias in Inflation Expectations
by Robert G Murphy & Adam Rohde - 172-173 Housing and the Financial Crisis
by Rachel Bogardus Drew - 174-176 Bank Stability, Sovereign Debt and Derivatives
by Jia Liu
September 2017, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 563-579 Do Relational Goods Raise Well-Being? An Econometric Analysis
by Simona Rasciute & Paul Downward & William H Greene - 580-603 Significant Placebo Results in Difference-in-Differences Analysis: The Case of the ACA’s Parental Mandate
by David J G Slusky - 604-620 The Returns to College Education — An Analysis with College-Level Data
by Philip R P Coelho & Tung Liu - 621-648 Maternal Life Satisfaction, Marital Status, and Child Skill Formation
by Dimitrios Nikolaou - 649-659 Fracking and Labor Market Conditions: A Comparison of Pennsylvania and New York Border Counties
by Kelly Hastings & Lauren R Heller & E Frank Stephenson - 660-676 It’s My Party and I’ll Vote How I Want to: Experimental Evidence of Directional Voting in Two-Candidate Elections
by Thomas Knight & Fan Li & Lindsey Woodworth - 677-698 On the Nominal and Real Currency Devaluation Nexus in European Transition Economies
by Salah A Nusair - 699-714 Missing Men: Determinants of the Gender Gap in Education Majors
by J Farley O Staniec - 715-726 Formula Scoring Reconsidered
by Ellen Sewell - 727-728 An Introduction to Understanding and Teaching Within-Cluster Correlation in Complex Surveys
by Humberto Barreto & Manu Raghav - 729-733 Economists Should Stop Doing It with Models (and Start Doing It with Heuristics)
by David Colander - 734-736 The Solution is Better Science, Not Less Science
by Diego C. Nocetti - 737-739 Book Review of Economics Rules by Dani Rodrik
by Nicholas Mangee - 740-741 Getting a Ph.D. in Economics
by Derek Pyne - 742-744 What Have We Learned? Macroeconomic Policy after the Crisis
by Cindy Jacobs
June 2017, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 377-390 Heterogeneity in the Labor Market: Ability and Information Acquisition
by Solomon W. Polachek - 391-405 Natural Capital and Wealth in the 21st Century
by Edward B. Barbier - 406-425 How the Wealth and Credit Channels in Monetary Transmission Affect Consumer Durables and Housing: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach
by Menelik Geremew - 426-450 The Native-Born Occupational Skill Response to Immigration within Education and Experience Cells
by Emily Gu & Chad Sparber - 451-471 Religion and Labor: An Examination of Religious Service Attendance and Unemployment Using Count Data Methods
by Neil R Meredith - 472-495 Do Smoking Bans Improve Infant Health? Evidence from U.S. Births: 1995–2009
by Jia Gao & Reagan A. Baughman - 496-519 Changes Over Time in the Relationship of Obesity to Education Accumulation
by Tim Classen - 520-529 Eliminating the Fractional Part of Currency from Circulation (Pennies, Cents, Paras, Kopeikas). An Analytic Study
by Marko Rašeta - 530-551 The Classics, Keynes, and the Keynesians: A Unified Formalization
by Lucas Llach & Pablo Schiaffino - 552-553 Playing at Acquisitions. By Han Smit and Thras Moraitis. Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 2015. 172pp., $55.00. ISBN: 978-0-691-14000-1
by Jennifer W. Kelber - 554-556 Planetary Economics: Energy, Climate Change, and Three Domains of Sustainable Development. Edited by Michael Grubb, Jean-Charles Hourcade, and Karsten Neuhoff. Routledge, New York, 2013. 548pp. $70.00. ISBN: 970-0-415-51882-6
by Mimi Houston - 557-559 The Evolution of the Property Relation: Understanding Paradigms, Debates, and Prospects. By Ann E. Davis. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2015. 271pp., $120.00. ISBN: 978-1-137-35210-1
by Melvin L. Cross - 560-562 What Does the Minimum Wage Do?
by Veronika Dolar
March 2017, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 189-191 Introduction to the Symposium on Agent-based Modeling
by Christopher S. Ruebeck & Leanne J. Ussher & Jason M. Barr - 192-216 Elements of Dynamic Economic Modeling: Presentation and Analysis
by Leigh Tesfatsion - 217-241 Matching Impacts of School Admission Mechanisms: An Agent-Based Approach
by Shu-Heng Chen & Connie Houning Wang & Weikai Chen - 242-259 The Consequences of Social Pressures on Partisan Opinion Dynamics
by Shyam Gouri Suresh & Scott Jeffrey - 260-270 The Complexity of Coordination
by Davoud Taghawi-Nejad & Vipin P. Veetil - 271-287 The Future of Agent-Based Modeling
by Matteo G. Richiardi - 288-317 Property Tax Limits, Balanced Budget Rules, and Line-Item Vetoes: A Long-Run View
by John A. Dove - 318-351 Liquidity, Price Behavior, and Market-related Events
by Ran Lu-Andrews & John L. Glascock - 352-361 Abortion, Contraception, and Non-Marital Births: Re-Interpreting the Akerlof-Yellen-Katz Model of Pre-Marital Sex and Shotgun Marriage
by Saul D Hoffman - 362-367 How to Market the Market: The Trouble with Profit Maximization
by David Colander - 368-369 Response to How to Market the Markets: The Trouble with Profit Maximization
by Aswath Damodaran - 370-371 Model Building in Economics: Its Purpose and Limitations
by Jason Barr - 372-374 Experimenting with Social Norms: Fairness and Punishment in Cross-Cultural Perspective
by Pierre Lacour - 375-376 The Rise and Fall of Global Austerity
by Nina Quinn Eichacker
January 2017, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-16 Foreign Entry into US Manufacturing by Takeovers and the Creation of New Firms
by Zadia M Feliciano & Robert E Lipsey - 17-36 The Immediate Hardship of Unemployment: Evidence from the US Unemployment Insurance System
by Mark Stater & Jeffrey B Wenger - 37-42 Estimates of the Frisch Elasticity of Labor Supply: A Review
by Charles Whalen & Felix Reichling - 43-63 Charitable Contributions of Time and Money: A Multivariate Sample Selection Approach
by Steven T Yen & Ernest M Zampelli - 64-77 Predicting First-year Law School Performance: The Influences of Race, Gender, and Undergraduate Major
by John Fordyce & Lisa K Jepsen & Ken McCormick - 78-103 Inflation Persistence Before and After Inflation Targeting: A Fractional Integration Approach
by Giorgio Canarella & Stephen M Miller - 104-127 Dissimilar Relations Between Income and Environmental Quality for Open Economies in a Growth Model
by Bidisha Lahiri - 128-154 Educational Quality Matters for Development: A Model of Trade, Inequality, and Endogenous Growth
by Joshua D Hall - 155-172 Trade and Environmental Quality in African Countries: Do Institutions Matter?
by Mina Baliamoune-Lutz - 173-179 Reforming the Affordable Care Act
by David Colander - 180-182 Health Care: Multi-Payer or Single-Payer?
by Dhaval Dave - 183-184 West African Agriculture and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Analysis
by Richard B Dadzie - 185-187 Worldly Philosopher: The Odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman
by Robert Prasch
September 2016, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 499-502 Adam Smith at 240: A Symposium
by Jeffrey T. Young - 503-513 “Adam Smith did Humanomics: So Should We”
by Deirdre Nansen McCloskey - 514-527 Group Analytics in Adam Smith’s Work
by David M. Levy & Sandra J. Peart - 528-556 Experimental Economics, Game Theory and Das Adam Smith Problem
by Amos Witztum - 557-580 Ethical Utilitarianism and The Theory of Moral Sentiments: Adam Smith in Relation to Hume and Bentham
by Samuel Hollander - 581-593 Benefits and Costs of the Erie Canal: A New View
by Donald F Vitaliano - 594-610 Pump up the Volume: Income Risk and Counter-cyclical Asset Trading
by Gian Domenico Sarolli - 611-629 Long-Term Trends in Intra-Financial Sector Lending in the United States (1950–2012)
by Juan Antonio Montecino & Gerald Epstein & Iren Levina - 630-662 School Size and Student Achievement: Does One Size Fit All?
by Laura M Crispin - 663-665 A Note On Piketty’s Logic
by Frederic L Pryor - 666-669 A Minimum Guaranteed Jobs Proposal
by David Colander - 670-673 Response
by David Neumark - 674-675 The Status Quo Crisis: Global Financial Governance after the 2008 Meltdown
by Marcella Lucchetta - 676-678 The IMF and Global Financial Crises: Phoenix Rising?
by Miguel D Ramirez - 679-681 After Occupy: Economic Democracy for the 21st Century
by Aaron Pacitti
June 2016, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 317-334 Are Pornography and Marriage Substitutes for Young Men?
by Michael Malcolm & George Naufal - 335-348 Marriage and Men’s Earnings: Specialization and Cross-Productivity Effects
by Sonia Dalmia & Claudia Smith Kelly & Paul Sicilian - 349-372 Relationship between Positive Attitude and Job Satisfaction: Evidence from the US Data
by Madhu S Mohanty - 373-386 Impact of Futures Trading on Spot Markets: An Empirical Analysis of Rubber in India
by Akanksha Gupta & Poornima Varma - 387-398 Comparing Standard Regression Modeling to Ensemble Modeling: How Data Mining Software Can Improve Economists’ Predictions
by Joyce P Jacobsen & Laurence M Levin & Zachary Tausanovitch - 399-414 Lotteries in Dictator Games: An Experimental Study
by David Owens - 415-427 House Prices and Bequests
by Edward C Hoang - 428-440 Intertemporal Incentives, Equilibrium Selection, and Rational Investment Collapse
by Maciej K Dudek - 441-463 The Adoption of Constitutional Home Rule: A Test of Endogenous Policy Decentralization
by Jessica Hennessey - 464-482 Schools of Thought and Economists’ Opinions on Economic Policy
by Luca De Benedictis & Michele Di Maio - 483-487 The Economics Major is Not a Pipeline to Finance
by David Colander - 488-490 An Alternative Model
by Brian Chezum - 491-493 Predatory Pricing in Antitrust Law and Economics: A Historical Perspective
by Jenny R Hawkins - 493-495 Behavioral Economics: A History
by John F Tomer - 496-497 Social Security and Pension Reform: International Perspectives
by John R Moreau
March 2016, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 163-168 Tools, Not Rules: Are We Teaching the Wrong Principles of Economics in the Introductory Course?
by David Colander - 169-170 The Tradeoff between Nuance and Clarity
by N Gregory Mankiw - 171-192 A Comparison of Inequality and Living Standards in Canada and the United States Using an Extended Income Measure
by Edward N Wolff & Ajit Zacharias & Thomas Masterson & Selcuk Eren & Andrew Sharpe - 193-214 Globalization and the Labor Share in the United States
by Juann H Hung & Priscila Hammett - 215-231 Third-Province Effects on Inbound FDI: Evidence from Chinese Provinces
by Mingming Pan - 232-251 Family Composition and the Benefits of Participating in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
by Christina Robinson - 252-269 Improved Targeting of Social Programs: An Application to a State Job Coaching Program for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
by Melayne Morgan McInnes & Orgul Demet Ozturk & Suzanne McDermott & Joshua Mann - 270-287 The Impact of Retirement on Smoking Behavior
by Padmaja Ayyagari - 288-301 Are Fulbright Applicants Idealists or Opportunists?
by Carrie Gill & Corey Lang - 302-310 Returns on Indian Art during 2000–2013
by Jenny R Hawkins & Viplav Saini - 311-312 Mass Flourishing — How Grassroots Innovation Created Jobs, Challenge and Change
by Anusua Datta - 312-314 Legacies of the War on Poverty
by Sophie Mitra - 314-316 Handbook of Research on Gender and Economic Life
by Erin E George
January 2016, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-6 Liberal Arts Macro Economists are Becoming an Endangered Species
by David Colander - 7-28 Global Evidence on Obesity and Related Outcomes: An Overview of Prevalence, Trends, and Determinants
by Nadia Doytch & Dhaval M Dave & Inas Rashad Kelly - 29-45 The Macroeconomics of Emission Permits: Simple Stylized Frameworks for Short-Run Policy Analysis
by Arslan Razmi - 46-62 The House Vote to Overturn the Moratorium on Offshore Drilling: Jobs, PACs, Ideology, and Spills
by Leo H Kahane - 63-79 An Evaluation of Tax Credits for Residential Energy Efficiency
by Andre R Neveu & Molly F Sherlock - 80-103 Discrimination and Information: Geographic Bias in College Basketball Polls
by Andrew W Nutting - 104-134 The Effect of Public Transportation Accessibility on Food Insecurity
by Deokrye Baek - 135-156 Lonely Highways: The Role of Social Capital in Rural Traffic Safety
by Matthew G Nagler & Nicholas J Ward - 157-159 The Great Escape: Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality
by Scott Carter - 159-161 Climate Change and International Trade
by Jonathan F Cogliano
September 2015, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 461-465 Economic Theory Has Nothing to Say about Policy (and Principles Textbooks Should Tell Students That)
by David Colander - 466-469 The College Fed Challenge Competition
by Alexandre Olbrecht - 470-483 The College Fed Challenge: An Innovation in Cooperative Learning
by Cynthia Bansak & Julie K Smith - 484-503 Teaching a Class Dedicated to the College Fed Challenge Competition
by O David Gulley & Aaron L Jackson - 504-512 Teaching an Economics Capstone Course Based on Current Issues in Monetary Policy
by Dean Croushore - 513-526 The Educational Value of the College Fed Challenge Competition
by Vera Brusentsev & Jeffrey Miller - 527-536 The Financial Biography of an Economist: Income, Saving, and Wealth (Mostly Pension Wealth)
by Ronald G Bodkin & Kathleen M Day - 537-546 Banks as Accelerators of the Circulation of Money
by Laurent Le Maux - 547-570 Exploring Job Satisfaction by Sexual Orientation, Gender, and Marital Status
by Karen Leppel & Suzanne Heller Clain - 571-591 Multipartner Fertility and Child Support
by Terry-Ann L Craigie - 592-611 Student-Athletes? The Impact of Intercollegiate Sports Participation on Academic Outcomes
by P Wesley Routon & Jay K Walker - 612-614 What’s Right with Macroeconomics?
by Peter M Summers - 615-617 International Handbook on the Economics of Migration
by Roger White
June 2015, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 295-297 An Economist with Attitude on Steroids: Remembering Gordon Tullock
by David Colander - 298-328 Benefits of Education at the Intensive Margin: Childhood Academic Performance and Adult Outcomes among American Immigrants
by Deniz Gevrek & Z Eylem Gevrek & Cahit Guven - 329-345 Does Month of Birth Affect Individual Health and Educational Attainment in Iceland?
by Thorhildur Ólafsdóttir & Tinna Laufey Ásgeirsdóttir - 346-369 Who Takes Advanced Placement (AP)?
by Benjamin P Scafidi & Christopher Clark & John R Swinton - 370-386 What You Do in High School Matters: High School GPA, Educational Attainment, and Labor Market Earnings as a Young Adult
by Michael T French & Jenny F Homer & Ioana Popovici & Philip K Robins - 387-410 External Financing and the Survival of Black-Owned Start-Ups in the US
by Yunwei Gai & Maria Minniti - 411-429 Bricks, Mortar, and Wedding Bells: Does the Cost of Housing Affect the Marriage Rate in the US?
by Simon W Bowmaker & Patrick M Emerson - 430-442 Cumulative Effects on Weight Due to an Initial Occupational Choice as a Blue Collar Worker
by Bogdan Nedanov & Charles R Link - 443-458 The Relationship between Net Migration and Unemployment: The Role of Expectations
by Robert Baumann & Justin Svec & Francis Sanzari - 459-460 The Cultural and Political Intersection of Fair Trade and Justice: Managing a Global Industry
by Teresa L Cyrus
March 2015, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 155-159 Intellectual Incest on the Charles: Why Economists are a little bit off
by David Colander - 160-182 Bargaining Power, Labor Market Institutions, and the Great Moderation
by Aaron Pacitti - 183-199 Variation in Job Creation and Destruction across the States Through Boom and Bust: Could Minimum Wage Matter?
by Suzanne H Clain - 200-213 The Economics of Community Gardening
by Amelia Garrett & Michael A Leeds - 214-229 Entry Discrimination in the NHL: Evolution and the KHL Effect
by Tom Christie & Marc Lavoie - 230-250 Recent Fracturing in the US Economy and Society
by Frederic L Pryor - 251-272 Is Income Growth in the United States Pro-Poor? A State-Level Analysis
by Edinaldo Tebaldi & Jongsung Kim - 273-283 Class Size Matters: Heterogeneous Effects of Larger Classes on College Student Learning
by Timothy M Diette & Manu Raghav - 284-288 On the Go: De-Mystifying Gross Output
by Mark Skousen - 289-293 The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of a New World Order
by Brittany A Baumann - 291-293 The Great Inflation: The Rebirth of Modern Central Banking
by Robert C Winder
January 2015, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-5 Marketing Economic Ideas: The Problem with Capital
by David Colander - 6-23 “Walking ATMs”: Do Crime Rates Affect Remittances of Mexican Migrants in the United States?
by Michael Coon - 24-39 The Effect of Regulated Competition on Pharmaceutical Advertising and Promotion
by Guy David & Sara Markowitz - 40-50 Spousal Effects in Smoking Cessation: Matching, Learning, or Bargaining?
by Kerry Anne McGeary - 51-69 Non-Linearities in the Relationship between Aggregate Income and Mortality Rates
by Fidel Gonzalez & Troy Quast - 70-85 Older Americans, Depression, and Labor Market Outcomes
by Brandon C Koford & Attila Cseh - 86-101 Testing for Ethnicity Discrimination among NHL Referees: A Duration Model Approach
by Kevin Mongeon & Neil Longley - 102-125 Foreign Aid and the Culture of Contracting
by Christopher J Coyne & Claudia R Williamson - 126-151 Water Cooler Ostracism: Social Exclusion as a Punishment Mechanism
by Brent J Davis & David B Johnson - 152-154 Economics of Bankruptcy
by Erin Crockett
September 2014, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 451-455 Gross Output: A New Revolutionary Way to Confuse Students about Measuring the Economy
by David Colander - 456-458 Introduction to the Symposium on Sports Economics
by Victor Matheson & Peter von Allmen - 459-472 Passing Up Uncertainty for Attendance: The NCAA Basketball Tournament Organizers Change Direction
by Stephen G Bronars & Todd A McFall - 473-487 A Violent Response to Changing the Rules of the Game: The Case of “The Split” in Scottish Premier League Soccer
by Ryan Dansby & R Todd Jewell - 488-498 Quantifying Market Inefficiencies in the Baseball Players’ Market
by Ben Baumer & Andrew Zimbalist - 499-517 Gender Differences in Competition: Running Performance in 1,500 Meter Tournaments
by Jamie Emerson & Brian Hill - 518-534 Understanding Price Movements in Point-Spread Betting Markets: Evidence from NCAA Basketball
by Brad R Humphreys & Rodney J Paul & Andrew Weinbach - 535-559 Crime Rates and Police Efficiency
by Gregory DeAngelo & Donald F Vitaliano & Hannes Lang - 560-582 Publishing Trends in Economics across Colleges and Universities, 1991–2007
by Anne E Winkler & Sharon G Levin & Paula E Stephan & Wolfgang Gl&aauml;nzel - 583-603 Does the Hot Hand Drive the Market? Evidence from College Football Betting Markets
by Michael Sinkey & Trevon Logan - 604-605 Euro Crash: Implications of Monetary Failure in Europe
by Cathyann D Tully - 605-607 The Art and Practice of Economics Research: Lessons from Leading Minds
by Janet Spitz - 607-608 The Global Economic Crisis: A Chronology
by Anil Bolukoglu - 608-611 Alaska’s Permanent Fund Dividend: Examining its Suitability as a Model
by Evelyn L Forget - 611-612 Jane Austen, Game Theorist
by Aurelie Charles
June 2014, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 285-288 Economists Do a Lousy Job Teaching Students about Inflation
by David Colander - 289-308 The Effects of a Minimum Cigarette Purchase Age of 21 on Prenatal Smoking and Infant Health
by Ji Yan - 309-325 Merger Performance and Antitrust Review: A Retrospective Analysis
by Ralph Sonenshine & Robert Feinberg - 326-348 The Effect of New Jersey Lottery Promotions on Consumer Demand and State Profits
by Kathryn L Combs & Jocelyn Elise Crowley & John A Spry - 349-364 Centralized Wage Setting and Active Labor Market Policies in Frictional Labor Markets: The Nordic Case
by Francesco Vona & Luca Zamparelli - 365-386 Neoclassical Growth Theory and Heterodox Growth Theory: Opportunities For (and Obstacles To) Greater Engagement
by Mark Setterfield - 387-404 Testing the Effectiveness of Regulation and Competition on Cable Television Rates
by Mary T Kelly & John S Ying - 405-419 The Linkage between Fertility and Labor Productivity: A European Perspective
by Mathias Laich & Andrea Schneider - 420-439 Fiscal Stimulus and Credibility in Emerging Countries
by Magda Kandil & Hanan Morsy - 440-442 Prosperity Without Growth: Economics for a Finite Planet
by Emily Northrop - 442-443 Who Shall Live?: Health, Economics and Social Choice
by Lall Ramrattan & Michael Szenberg - 444-446 The Price of Civilization
by Mark L Wilson - 446-448 Sharing the Prize: The Economics of the Civil Rights Revolution in the American South
by Marie Christine Duggan - 448-450 Maynard’s Revenge: The Collapse of Free Market Macroeconomics
by Jesper Jespersen
March 2014, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 143-145 Some Government Skin in the Game: How to Encourage New Technology
by David C Colander - 146-149 Social Capital and Health: A Concept whose Time has Come
by Richard M Scheffler & Lorenzo Rocco & Susan L Averett - 150-165 Does Associational Behavior Raise Social Capital? A Cross-Country Analysis of Trust
by Paul Downward & Tim Pawlowski & Simona Rasciute - 166-180 Older Migrants’ Social Capital in Host Countries: A Pan-European Comparison
by Caroline Berchet & Nicolas Sirven - 181-201 Friends with Health Benefits: Does Individual-level Social Capital Improve Health?
by Susan L Averett & Laura M Argys & Jennifer C Kohn - 202-225 Social Capital and Smoking Behavior
by Lorenzo Rocco & Beatrice d'Hombres - 226-248 Effects of Maternal Depression on Social Interactions
by Hope Corman & Kelly Noonan & Nancy E Reichman - 249-273 Labor Mismatch and Skill Premia
by Sherif Khalifa - 274-281 An Investigation of Editorial Favoritism in the AER
by Philip R P Coelho & James E McClure & Peter J Reilly