2008, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 129-147 Addiction to work: An Inelastic Wage Elasticity of Labour Supply Equals Long Hours of Work
by Donatella Cavagnoli - 149-161 The Labour Force Participation of Young Mothers Versus Older Mothers
by Marcia Keegan & Michael Corliss - 163-185 Economic Evaluation of the Training Opportunities Programme in New Zealand
by Geoff Perry & Tim Maloney
2008, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 7-25 Travail to No Avail? Working Poverty in Australia Since 2000
by Joan Rodgers & Douglas Robson - 27-46 Low Pay, Compressed Schedules and High Work Intensity: A Study of Contract Cleaners in Australia
by Iain Campbell & Manu Peeters - 47-70 Occupational Skill Level and Hazardous Exposures among Working Victorians
by Anthony LaMontagne & Deborah Vallance - 71-96 Low Paid Jobs and Unemployment: Churning in the Australian Labour Market, 2001 to 2006
by Ian Watson - 97-114 Improving Employment Retention and Advancement of Low-Paid Workers
by Daniel Perkins & Rosanna Scuttella
2007, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 205-225 Time-varying equilibrium rates of unemployment: an analysis with Australian data
by Robert Dixon & John Freebairn & Guay Lim - 227-252 Health status and labour force status of older working-age Australian men
by Lixin Cai & Guyonne Kalb - 253-277 Relationship break-down and the economic welfare of Australian mothers and their children
by Matthew Gray & Bruce Chapman - 279-294 Public sector workers' willingness to pay for education and training: a comparison
by Sue O'Keefe & Lin Crase - 295-318 Health status and labour force status of older working-age Australian men
by Tim Maloney
2007, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 149-165 Time or money: impact of parental employment on time that 4 to 5 year olds spend in language building activities
by Jude Brown & Michael Bittman - 167-184 Mutual obligation, unemployment and wellbeing
by Peter Saunders - 185-202 The cumulative causation and the productivity commission’s framework for overcoming Indigenous disadvantage
by Boyd Hunter
2007, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 59-60 Introduction to the Special issue on Retirement incomes
by Siobhan Austen & Therese Jefferson - 61-77 The 2006 Federal Budget: A Gender Analysis of the Superannuation Taxation Concessions
by Siobhan Austen & Rhonda Sharp - 79-97 Population Ageing, Taxation, pensions and Health Costs
by Patricia Apps & Ray Rees - 99-114 Time Use Among new mothers, the Economic Value of Unpaid Care work and gender aspects of superannuation tax concessions
by Julie Smith - 115-127 Decision Making Clusters in Retirement Savings: Preliminary Findings
by Marilyn Clark-Murphy & Craig P. Speelman - 129-145 Discussing Retirement: Insights from a Qualitative Research Project
by Therese Jefferson
2007, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-15 Policy Evaluation, welfare weights and value judgements: a Reminder
by John Creedy - 17-37 Who are the low paid?
by Seamus McGuinness & John Freebairn - 39-57 The effect of an alternative childcare subsidy on labour supply: a policy simulation
by Guyonne Kalb & Wang-Sheng Lee
December 2006, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 321-341 An Analysis of the Internal Migration of Indigenous and Non-indigenous Australians
by Nicholas Biddle & Boyd Hunter - 343-370 Does Maternity Leave Encourage Higher birth Rates? An Analysis of the Australian Labour Market
by Leonora Risse - 371-393 Personal and Job Characteristics Associated with Underemployment
by Roger Wilkins - 395-416 Changes in the Labour Force Status of Lone and Couple Australian Mothers, 1983-2005
by Matthew Gray & Lixia Qu - 417-445 Non-standard Work Schedules and Health Outcomes in Australia: Some Evidence from the HILDA Panel
by Aydogan Ulker
September 2006, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 257-268 A Cohort Analysis of the Private Rate of Return to Higher Education in Australia
by Anne Daly & Don Fleming - 269-286 Unemployment Rate Dispersion in Melbourne: The ‘Regional’ Dimension
by Robert Dixon & Muhammad Mahmood - 287-304 Union Power and Australia’s inflation Barrier, 1965:4 to 2004:3
by Ian McDonald & Jenny Lye - 305-320 The Evolution of the Female Labour Force Participation Rate in Australia, 1984-1999
by Siobhan Austen (Author A) & Richard Seymour (Author B)
June 2006, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 99-123 The public-private sector earnings gap; in Australia: a quantile regression approach
by Elisa Birch - 125-146 Trends in child care use and cost between 1999 and 2002
by Justine McNamara & Rebecca Cassells - 147-171 Disadvantaged among Australian young mothers
by Bruce Bradbury - 173-199 Does it pay for Indigenous youth to go to school? Variation in the predicted economic benefits of High School
by Nicholas Biddle - 201-215 Measuring employment outcomes for Indigenous Australians
by Pauline Halchuk - 217-237 Further explorations of the interactions between crime and Indigenous employment
by Boyd Hunter - 239-255 Who Benefits from Growth? Disadvantaged workers from growing regions
by Bill Mitchell
March 2006, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 5-16 Some Labour Market Measurement Issues for Indigenous Australians
by Matthew Gray & Bruce Chapman - 17-32 Measuring the ‘real’ indigenous economy in remote Australia using NATSISS 2002
by Jon Altman & Geoff Buchanan - 33-50 Some Methodological Issues for the 2002 NATSISS
by Nicholas Biddle & Boyd H. Hunter - 51-64 Further Skirmishes in the Poverty War: Income Status and financial stress among Indigenous Australians
by Boyd Hunter - 65-81 Recent Evidence on Health and Employment Status for Indigenous Australia
by Russell Ross - 83-93 Indigenous employment and the hard policy choices
by Bob Gregory
December 2005, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 291-308 Is Computing Different? Comparing the Determinants of Computer-Related and Other Subject Matter Training in New Zealand
by Bridget Daldy & John Gibson - 309-329 Straight to Work or a Traineeship: A comparison of Two Pathways
by Michael Dockery & Thorsten Stromback - 331-350 Understanding the Education Choices of Public Sector Employees: The Relative Importance of Time and Money
by Sue O’Keefe & Lin Crase - 351-364 Labour Market Responses to the Abolition of Compulsory Superannuation
by Louise Carter
September 2005, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 227-243 Further Evidence on Disaggregated Wage Curves: The Case of Spain
by Esteban Sanroma & Raul Ramos - 245-260 A Two-Sector Growth Model with Labour Supply
by Wei-Bin Zhang - 261-275 The Distribution of Household Income in Marriage
by Hikaru Ogawa - 277-290 Aggregating Labour Supply and Feedback Effects in Microsimulation
by John Creedy & Alan Duncan
June 2005, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 111-119 Introduction and Perspective – Symposium Negotiating the Life Course
by Trevor Breuch & Edith Gray - 121-143 Causes of Overeducation in the Australian Labour Market
by Ingrid Linsley - 145-162 Adapting to the Lifecourse? Evaluating Men and Women’s Working-Time Preferences
by Brigid van Wanrooy - 163-179 Marriage and Money: Variations across the Earnings Distribution
by Mark Western & Belinda Hewitt - 181-201 The insider-outsider theory: some evidence of Australia
by Michael Dobbie - 203-225 Child Care and Female Decisions
by Stephen Whelan & Anu Rammohan
March 2005, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-24 Trend Analysis of Union Membership
by David Peetz - 25-42 An Examination of Net Flows in the Australian Labour Market
by Robert Dixon & John Freebairn & Guay Lim - 43-71 The Decline of Seasonality in Australian Quarterly Aggregate Strike Statistics: 1983-2003
by L.J. Perry & Patrick J. Wilson - 73-110 Behavioural Microsimulation Modelling for Tax Policy Analysis in Australia: Experience and Prospects
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb
December 2004, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 413-438 Economists and Australian Wage policy Before World War II
by Keith Hancock - 439-457 Strike Activity under Enterprise Bargaining: Economics or Politics?
by Ann Hodgkinson - 459-480 Forecasting Australian Unemployment Rates using Spectral Analysis
by Patrick J. Wilson & L.J. Perry - 481-500 Year 12 Completion and Retention in Australia in the 1990s
by Chris Ryan & Louise Watson - 501-513 The Incidence of Long-term Unemployment in Australia 1978-2003
by Robert Dixon & G.C. Lim - 515-524 Can Labour-Savings, Capital-Intensive Production Techniques Reduce Unemployment Rates in Developing Countries? Evidence from Malaysia
by Ranald J. Taylor
September 2004, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 309-327 Gender Differences in Occupation of Employment within Australia
by Alison Preston & Gillian Whitehouse - 329-353 How Segregated are Australian Workplaces? Evidence from the Australian Industrial Workplace Relations Survey
by Jane Harrison - 355-374 Occupational Segregation on the Basis of Gender: the Role of Entry-level Jobs
by Paul W. Miller & Yew Liang Lee - 374-394 The Labour Market Conditions, Applications and Grants of disability support Pension (DSP) in Australia
by Lixin Cai & Robert G. Gregory - 395-410 Labour Market Conditions, Applications and Grants of disability support Pension (DSP) in Australia
by Peter Saunders & Judith Brown
June 2004, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 109-124 Introduction and Appendix: The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey Special Issue: Case Studies in Labour Economics
by Bruce Chapman & Paul Flatau - 125-150 New Estimates of Mothers’ Forgone Earnings Using HILDA Data
by Trevor Breusch & Edith Gray - 151-174 Mental Health Problems, disability and income support receipt: a replication and extension using the HILDA Survey
by Peter Butterworth & Timothy Crosier - 175-198 Looking inside the unemployment spell
by Alfred Michael Dockery - 199-229 On the risk of unemployment: a comparative assessment of the labour market success of migrants in Australia
by Prem J. Thapa - 231-254 Hourly Wages of full-time and part-time employees in Australia
by Joan R. Rodgers - 255-273 Long work hours and the wellbeing of fathers and their families
by Matthew Gray & Lixia Qu - 275-292 Paid Employment participation After Leaving Full-Time Education the First time
by Edmond Hsu & Justine Gibbings - 293-308 Sample Attrition in the HILDA Survey
by Nicole Watson & Mark Wooden
March 2004, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-12 Introduction: The Use of Simulation Models in Policy Analysis
by Guyonne Kalb - 13-37 Regional Unemployment Disparities: Can Fiscal Policy Help?
by Nicolaas Groenewold & A.J. Hagger - 39-51 Forecasting the Economic impact of an industrial stoppage using a dynamic, computable general equilibrium model
by Glyn Wittwer & Peter Dixon - 53-69 Financial incentives to work for married mothers under a new tax system
by Matthew Toohey & Gillian Beer - 71-88 Reweighting Household Surveys for Tax Microsimulation Modelling: An Application to the New Zealand Household Economic Survey
by John Creedy & Ivan Tuckwell - 89-108 The Role of the Unit of Analysis in Tax Policy Return Evaluations of Inequality and Social Welfare
by John Creedy & Rosanna Scutella
December 2003, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 497-518 Women’s Work in Australia: Trends, Issues and Prospects
by Alison Preston & John Burgess - 519-536 ‘I Mean, You Want to be There for Them’: Young Australian Professionals Negotiating Careers in a Gendered World
by Rosslyn Reed & Margaret Allen - 537-557 Training and Career Experiences of Women Part-time Workers in a Finance Sector Organisation: Persistent Remnant of the ‘Reserve Army’?
by Jenny Whittard - 559-577 The Overlap of the Federal Sex Discrimination and Industrial Relations Jurisdictions: Intersections and Demarcations in Conciliation
by Sara Charlesworth - 579-596 Women, Wages and Industrial Agreements
by Gillian Whitehouse & Betty Frino - 597-617 Determinants of Australian Mothers’ Employment: An Analysis of Lone and Couple Mothers
by Matthew Gray & Lixia Qu - 619-630 The Labour Force Participation of Married Mothers: A Tale of International Catch-Up
by Karen Mumford & Antonia Parera-Nicolau - 631-655 The Evolution of Occupational Gender Segregation in Australia: Measurement and Interpretation
by Martin Watts
September 2003, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 371-382 Are the Determinants of Intergenerational Welfare Dependency Gender-specific?
by Gail Pacheco & Tim Maloney - 383-408 The Irrelevance of Trade Union Recognition? A Comparison of Two Matched Companies
by William Brown & Paul Ryan - 409-433 Regional Labour Market Adjustment to Competition Policy Reforms: A Dynamic CGE Framework for Assessment
by James Giesecke & John R. Madden - 435-451 Determinants of current job tenure: a cross country comparison
by Karen Mumford & Peter N. Smith - 453-472 Employment changes and job openings for new entrants in nursing and caring occupations in Australia
by Chandra Shah & Michael Long - 473-496 The Rise of the CDEP Scheme and Changing Factors Underlying Indigenous Male Employment
by Boyd H. Hunter
June 2003, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 207-226 False promise or false premise? Evaluating the job network
by William Mitchell & Sally Cowling - 227-240 Reviewing the model behind the job network
by John Burgess - 241-251 Evaluating the Structure and Performance of the Job Network
by J.W. Nevile & Ann Nevile - 253-275 New Public Management, the Job Network and Non-Profit Strategy
by Gaby Ramia & Terry Carney - 277-291 Street Level Leniency or Unjust Inconsistency? An Examination of Brach Recommendation Decision Making in a for profit Job Network Agency
by Christine Bigby & William Files - 293-315 The Psychology, Ethics and Social Relations of Unemployment
by Greg Marston & Catherine McDonald - 317-329 Non-economic perspectives on the job network
by Tony Eardley - 331-355 Towards a Quasi-Market in Reintegration Services: first assessment of the Dutch experience
by Ludo Struyven & Geert Steurs - 357-370 Points of Comparison between Australia’s Job Network and the Dutch Market for Reintegration Services
by David Grubb
March 2003, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-4 Are Nominal Wages Downwardly Rigid? New Australian Evidence on an Old Quarrel
by Paul Flatau - 5-24 Nominal Wage Rigidity in Australia
by Jacqueline Dwyer - 25-36 Nominal Wage Rigidity in The Australian Labour Market: Evidence from household Data
by Andrew Charlton - 37-64 Why are recessions as deep as they are? The behaviour over time of the outflow from unemployment: a new perspective
by Robert Dixon & John Freebairn & Guay Lim - 65-82 Long-Run Shifts of the Beveridge Curve and the Frictional Unemployment Rate in Australia
by Nicolaas Groenewold - 83-115 Immigrant and Native-born Earnings Distributions in Australia: 1982-1996
by Roger Wilkins - 117-134 A Cost Function for Higher Education in Australia
by Rebecca.Valenzuela & John Creedy - 135-152 The New Economy and Demand for Skills
by Ross Kelly & Philip E.T. Lewis - 153-176 Gender Differences in the Likelihood of Low Pay in Australia
by Siobhan Austen - 177-193 Are Part-Time Workers poor?
by Joan R. Rodgers
December 2002, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 431-442 Introduction
by Bruce Chapman & Bob Gregory - 457-470 Welfare Reform in the US: Early Evidence of Impacts
by Barbara Wolfe - 471-487 Getting Welfare to Work: Lessons from Britain’s ‘New Deal’
by Dan Finn - 489-505 Are We Understanding the Impact of Economic Conditions on Welfare Rolls?
by Dan Black & Terra McKinnish - 507-530 The Director and Indirect Effects of Unemployment on Poverty and Inequality
by Peter Saunders - 531-547 Welfare Reform and jobless households in Australia
by Peter Dawkins - 549-568 Why an Earned income tax credit program is a mistake for Australia
by Patricia Apps - 569-585 Fertility, Dependency and Social Security
by Patricia Apps & Ray Rees
September 2002, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 303-317 Competition and Openness: to What Extent Do they Explain the decline in US Strike Activity?
by Alan Morris - 319-334 Disabilities and labour Market earnings in Australia
by Richard Brazenor - 335-350 Imputing income using occupational attainment
by Paul Miller & Yew Liang Lee - 351-371 The New Enterprise incentive Scheme: an evaluation and a test of the job network
by A.M. Dockery - 373-395 Industrial Relations in Workplaces Employing Indigenous Australians
by Boyd Hunter & A.E. Hawke - 397-417 The HILDA Survey; What’s in it for Economists?
by Mark Wooden - 419-430 Changes over time in male participation rates in Australia
by Robert Dixon
June 2002, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 101-110 Creating Jobs – The Role of Government: Introduction
by Bruce Chapman & Peter Kenyon - 111-113 Creating Jobs – the Role of Government: Conference opening address
by Ken Henry - 115-142 Can Supply-Side policies Reduce unemployment? Lessons from North America
by Gary Burtless - 143-163 International Shocks and the Role of Domestic Policy in Australia
by Mardi Dungey - 165-170 Comment on International Shocks and the Role of Domestic Policy in Australia
by David Gruen - 171-173 Comment on International Shocks and the Role of Domestic Policy in Australia
by Peter M. Summers - 175-193 Long-Term Unemployment and Work Deprived individuals: issues and Policies
by A.M. Dockery & Elizabeth Webster - 195-198 Comments on ‘Long-term unemployment in Australia
by Denise Doiron - 199-202 Comment on Long-term unemployment in Australia
by Gareth Leeves - 203-230 The ‘Five Economists’ Plan: the original idea and further developments
by Peter Dawkins - 231-237 Why an EITC Program should be rejected Comments on ‘The Five Economists’ Plan: the original idea and further developments’
by Patricia Apps - 239-242 Comments on ‘The Five Economists’ Plan: the original idea and further developments’
by Jeff Borland - 243-259 Fiscal policy and the job guarantee
by William F. Mitchell & Warren B. Mosler - 261-263 Comment on ‘Fiscal Policy and the Job Guarantee’
by Tony Aspromourgos - 265-269 Comment on ‘Fiscal Policy and the Job Guarantee’
by P.N. (Raja) Junankar - 271-278 Its Full-Time Jobs That Matter - Round Table Discussion
by R.G. Gregory - 279-287 What Do We Know About Job Creation - Round Table Discussion
by Philip E.T. Lewis - 289-292 Creating Jobs: The Role of an Activist Government – Round Table Discussion
by Grant Belchamber
March 2002, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-21 Australian gross flows data: the labour force survey and the size of the population represented by the matched sample
by Robert Dixon & G.C. Lim - 23-43 Working time patterns in New Zealand in the 1990s
by Sylvia Dixon - 45-60 Enterprise Bargaining, Working time and police
by Jenny Fleming & David Peetz - 61-76 Neighbourhoods and youth employment outcomes in Melbourne
by Ross Kelly & Phil Lewis - 77-100 Factors influencing participation in post-secondary education and training ion Australia: 1989 to 1997
by Sandra Roussel
December 2000, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 232-247 The Accord and strikes: an International perspective
by L.J. Perry & Patrick J. Wilson - 248-269 An empirical examination of the impact of public enterprise reform on the South African labour market
by Brian Dollery & Booi Themeli - 270-278 Quadratic utility, labour supply and the welfare effects of tax changes
by John Creedy - 280-295 Worker turnover: hire, separations and employment growth a the employer level
by Gareth Leeves - 296-316 Wage Functions for Demographic Groups in Australia
by John Creedy & Alan S. Duncan - 318-334 Trade liberalisation and the Demand for Skilled Labour in Australia
by G. Meagher & P.D. Adams - 336-355 Withdrawal from employment of older Finnish workers
by Pasi Huovinen & Hannu Piekkola
September 2000, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 134-151 Labour supply, welfare and the earnings distribution
by John Creedy - 152-172 Labour supply estimates for married women in Australia
by Rosanna Scutella - 174-191 Unemployment traps and age-earnings profiles: estimates for Australia in 2000
by Bruce Chapman & John Quiggin - 192-205 The labour market plans of parenting payment recipients: information from a randomised social experiment
by Garry F. Barrett & Deborah A. Cobb-Clark - 206-223 Older male labour force participation: the role of social security and hidden unemployment
by Martin J. O’Brien - 224-231 Labour Market Effects of Defined Contribution Plans: An International Survey
by John A. Turner
June 2000, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 65-76 Indigenous Jobs Growth and Unemployment, 1996-2006: The Role of CDEP Scheme Jobs
by Boyd Hunter & John Taylor - 77-88 CDEP as a Stepping Stone to Employment: the Port Augusta Case
by Matthew Gray & Elaine Thacker - 89-98 Indigenous Work-for-the-Dole and Mutual Obligation: Prospects for Employment Generation in Remote Australia
by Jon Altman - 99-110 Indigenous Families, Welfare and Work: Survey Results from Two Community Case Studies
by Diane Smith & Anne Daly - 111-133 Indigenous labour force status re-visited: factors associated with the discouraged worker phenomenon
by Boyd Hunter & Matthew Gray
March 2000, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 3-17 The Profile of Labour Force Discouragement in Australia
by Liam Lenten - 19-39 Management and Industrial Relations Practices and Outcomes in Australian Workplaces
by Joanne Loundes - 41-55 Forecasting Australian Unemployment Rates
by Max Stevenson & Maurice Peat