- 656 Cities as Spatial Clusters
by Ferdinand Rauch - 655 Beyond Correlation: Measuring Interdependence Through Complementarities
by Margaret Meyer & Bruno Strulovici - 654 Semi-automatic Non-linear Model selection
by Jennifer Castle & David Hendry - 653 Learning in a Black Box: Trial-and-Error in Voluntary Contribuitons Games
by H Peyton Young & H.H. Nax & M.N. Burton-Chellew & S.A. Westor - 652 Welfare-increasing third-degree price discrimination
by Simon GB Cowan - 651 Integration and Search Engine Bias
by Alexandre de Corniere & Greg Taylor - 650 Online Advertising and Privacy
by Alexandre de Corniere & Romain De Nijs - 649 Search Advertising
by Alexandre de Corniere - 648 Vertical Relational Contracts and Trade Credit
by Marta Troya-Martinez - 647 Political Accountability and Policy Experimentation: Why to Elect Left-Handed Politicians?
by Tim Willems - 646 Estimating the Impact of Means-tested Subsidies under Treatment Externalities with Application to Anti-Malarial Bednets
by Debopam Bhattacharya & Pascaline Dupas & Shin Kanaya - 645 Does Anything Beat 5-Minute RV? A Comparison of Realized Measures Across Multiple Asset Classes
by Kevin Sheppard & Lily Liu & Andrew J. Patton - 644 Martingale unobserved component models
by Neil Shephard - 643 Some Fallacies in Econometric Modelling of Climate Change
by David Hendry & Felix Pretis - 642 How Likely is Contagion in Financial Networks?
by H Peyton Young & Paul Glasserman - 641 Cognitive ability and learning to play equilibrium: A level-k analysis
by David Gill & Victoria Prowse - 640 Gaming and Strategic Opacity in Incentive Provision
by Margaret Meyer & Florian Ederer & Richard Holden - 639 Competition in Posted Prices With Bargaining
by David Gill & John Thanassoulis - 638 Task Specialization in U.S. Cities from 1880-2000
by Ferdinand Rauch & Guy Michaels & Stephen J. Redding - 637 Do the Biggest Aisles Serve a Brighter Future? Global Retail Chains and Their Implications for Romania
by Beata Javorcik & Yue Li
- 636 Bank Pay Caps, Bank Risk, and Macroprudential Regulation
by John Thanassoulis - 635 The Limits to Compensation in the Financial Sector
by H Peyton Young & Thomas Noe - 634 Relational Incentive Contracts with Productivity Shocks
by James Malcomson - 633 Relational Incentive Contracts with Persistent Private Information
by James Malcomson - 632 Some Economics of Banking Reform
by John Vickers - 631 The Role of Consumer Leverage in Generating Financial Crises
by Dilyana Dimova - 630 Matching with Contracts: An Efficient Marriage Market?
by Chloe Qianzi Zeng - 629 Human Capital and Competition: Strategic Complementarities in Firm-based Training
by Margaret Stevens - 628 When to Favour Your Own group? The Threats of Costly Punishments and In-group Favouritism
by Donna Harris & Benedikt Herrmann & Andreas Kontoleon - 627 Subjective Well-Being: Weather Matters; Climate Doesn't
by Robert Metcalfe & John Feddersen & Mark Wooden - 626 Rapid Innovation Diffusion in Social Networks
by H Peyton Young & Gabriel E. Kreindler - 625 Consume Now or Later? Time Inconsistency, Collective Choice and Revealed Preference
by Abi Adams - 624 A More General Theory of Commodity Bundling
by Mark Armstrong - 623 When is a housing market overheated enough to threaten stability?
by John Muellbauer - 622 Tobin Lives: Integrating evolving credit market architecture into flow of funds based macro-models
by John Muellbauer & John Duca - 621 The Manipulation of Basel Risk-Weights. Evidence from 2007-10
by Mike Mariathasan & Ouarda Merrouche - 619 The Economic Causes and Consequences of Social Instability in China
by John Knight - 618 Trade and the Pattern of European Imperialism, 1492-2000
by Roberto Bonfatti - 617 The Spread of Manufacturing to the Periphery 1870-2007: Eight Stylized Facts
by Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke & Agustin S. Benetrix Jeffrey G. Williamson - 616 In-group favouritism and out-group discimination in naturally occurring groups
by Donna Harris & Klaus Abbink - 615 Returns to Education in Sri Lanka: A Pseudo Panel Approach
by Rozana Himaz & Harsha Aturupane - 614 The value of domestic building energy efficiency - evidence from Ireland
by Ronan C. Lyons & Marie Hyland & Sean Lyonso - 613 Why we can't confirm the pollution haven hypothesis: A model of carbon leakage with agglomeration
by John Feddersen - 612 Investment Promotion and FDI Inflows: Quality Matters
by Torfinn Harding & Beata Javorcik - 611 Reputation in the Market for Stolen Data
by Andrew Mell - 610 Basics of Levy processes
by Neil Shephard & Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen - 609 Evaluating Treatment Protocols using Data Combination
by Debopam Bhattacharya - 608 Are University Admissions Academically Fair?
by Debopam Bhattacharya & Shin Kanaya & Margaret Stevens - 607 Evolutionary dynamics and equitable core selection in assignment games
by Heinrich H. Nax & Bary S.R. Pradelski - 606 Robust inference on parameters via particle filters and sandwich covariance matrices
by Neil Shephard & Arnaud Doucet - 605 Discount Pricing
by Mark Armstrong & Yongmin Chen - 604 Econometric analysis of multivariate realised QML: efficient positive semi-definite estimators of the covariation of equity prices
by Neil Shephard & Dacheng Xiu - 603 Dependence and Uniqueness in Bayesian Games
by Alan Beggs - 602 Almost-Rational Learning of Nash Equilibrium without Absolute Continuity
by Thomas Norman - 601 A revealed preference test for weakly separable preferences
by John Quah - 600 Forecasting by factors, by variables, or both?
by Jennifer Castle & David Hendry - 599 The Two Faces of R&D and Human Capital: Evidence from Western European Regions
by Johanna Vogel - 598 Model Discovery and Trygve Haavelmo's Legacy
by David Hendry & Soren Johansen - 597 Forecasting from Structural Econometric Models
by David Hendry & Grayham E. Mizon - 596 Rational Habits and Uncertain Prices: Simulating Gasoline Consumption Behavior
by K. Rebecca Scott - 595 Dynamic Rawlsian Policy
by Martin Ellison & Charles Brendon & Martin Ellison - 594 Multivariate Rotated ARCH models
by Diaa Noureldin & Neil Shephard & Kevin Sheppard - 593 Efficient and feasible inference for the components of financial variation using blocked multipower variation
by Neil Shephard & Kevin Sheppard - 592 Why has China grown so fast? The role of international technology transfer
by Linda Yueh & Linda Yueh & John Van Reenen - 591 Learning Within Rational-Expectations Equilibrium
by Thomas Norman - 590 Bluffing as a Mixed Strategy
by Thomas Norman
- 589 Do House Prices Affect Consumption? A Comparison Exercise
by Almudena Sevilla Sanz & Annalisa Cristini - 588 Selection Effects with Heterogeneous Firms
by Peter Neary & Monika Mrazova - 587 Regularity and Stability in Monotone Bayesian Games
by Alan Beggs & A.W. Beggs - 586 Student effort and educational attainment: Using the England football team to identify the education production function
by Robert Metcalfe & Simon Burgess and Steven Proud - 585 Leading the Way: Coalitional Stability in Technological Cooperation & Sequential Climate Policy
by Thomas Norman & Heinrich H. Nax - 584 Anthropogenic Influences on Atmospheric CO2
by David Hendry & Felix Pretis - 583 Towards a Theory of Trade Finance
by Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr - 581 Applying perturbation analysis to dynamic optimal tax problems
by Charles Brendon - 580 Wealth, Credit Conditions and Consumption: Evidence from South Africa
by Janine Aron & John Muellbauer - 579 Learning by Disinflating
by Martin Ellison & Martin Ellison & Alina Barnett - 578 Internal Geography and External Trade: regional disparities in Italy, 1861-2011
by Brian A'Hearn & Anthony J. Venables - 577 How Housing Slumps End
by Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke & Augustin S. Benetrix and Barry Eichengreen - 576 Do infrastructure reforms reduce the effect of corruption? Theory and evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean
by Liam Wren-Lewis - 575 Exploding Offers and Buy-Now Discounts
by Mark Armstrong & Jidong Zhou - 574 Bundling Revisited: Substitute Products and Inter-Firm Discounts
by Mark Armstrong - 573 Reinsuring the Poor: Group Microinsurance Design and Costly State Verification
by Daniel J. Clarke - 572 A Theory of Rational Demand for Index Insurance
by Daniel J. Clarke - 571 Industrial Structure, Executives' Pay And Myopic Risk Taking
by John Thanassoulis - 570 Stochastic Learning Dynamics and Speed of Convergence in Population Games
by Itai Arieli & H Peyton Young - 569 Fast Convergence in Evolutionary Equilibrium Selection
by H Peyton Young & Gabriel E. Kreindler - 568 A Markov Test for Alpha
by H Peyton Young & Dean P. Foster and Robert Stine - 567 A Strategy-Proof Test of Portfolio Returns
by H Peyton Young & Dean P. Foster - 566 Who Shrunk China? Puzzles in the Measurement of Real GDP
by Peter Neary & Robert C. Feenstra & Hong Ma and D.S. Prasada Rao - 565 Re-Thinking Reputation
by Andrew Mell - 564 Gender Differences and Dynamics in Competition: The Role of Luck
by David Gill & Victoria Prowse - 563 Desert and Inequity Aversion in Teams
by David Gill & Rebecca Stone - 562 The Optimal Choice of Pre-Launch Reviewer
by David Gill & Daniel Sgroi - 560 Development and Religious Polarization: The Emergence of Reform and Ultra-Orthodox Judaism
by Jean-Paul Carvalho & Mark Koyama - 559 The Colonial Origins of Divergence in the Americas:Â A Labour Market Approach
by Robert Allen & Robert C. Allen & Tommy E. Murphy and Eric B. Schneider - 558 Are "Gangstas" Peacocks? The Handicap Principle and Illicit Markets
by Andrew Mell - 557 Achieving Pareto Optimality Through Distributed Learning
by H Peyton Young & Jason R. Marden and Lucy Y. Pao - 556 Longevity, Life-cycle Behavior and Pension Reform
by Victoria Prowse & Peter Haan - 555 Discounting, Patience, and Dynamic Decision Making
by John Quah & Bruno Strulovici - 554 Depletion and development: natural resource supply with endogenous field opening
by Anthony J. Venables - 553 Ordering Ambiguous Acts
by Ian Jewitt & Sujoy Mukerji - 552 An Open-model Forecast-error Taxonomy
by David Hendry & Grayham E. Mizon - 551 Unpredictability in Economic Analyis, Econometric Modelling and Forecasting
by David Hendry - 550 Ambiguity and the historical equity premium
by Sujoy Mukerji & Kevin Sheppard & Fabrice Collard & Jean-Marc Tallon - 549 An Economic Theory of Foreign Interventions and Regime Change
by Roberto Bonfatti - 548 Technology and the Great Divergence
by Robert Allen & Robert C. Allen - 547 Trends in Time Allocation: A Cross-Country Analysis
by Almudena Sevilla-Sanz & Jose Ignacio Gimenez-Nadal - 546 Intellectual Property at the Firm-Level in the UK: The Oxford Firm-Level Intellectual Property Database
by Christian Helmers & Mark RogersPhilipp Schautschick - 545 Bankers' Pay Structure And Risk
by John Thanassoulis - 544 Relocating the value chain: off-shoring and agglomeration in the global economy
by Anthony J. Venables & Richard Baldwin - 543 Harnessing windfall revenues: Optimal policies for resource-rich developing economies
by Rick Van der Ploeg & Anthony J. Venables - 542 Debt Stabilization in a Non-Ricardian Economy
by Simon Wren-Lewis & Campbell Leith and Ioana Moldovan - 541 Do waiting times matter in primary care? GP visits and list sizes in England
by Matthew Polisson - 540 Comparing the delegation of monetary and fiscal policy
by Simon Wren-Lewis - 539 Relevance and Symmetry
by Sujoy Mukerji & Peter Klibanoff and Kyoungwon Seo - 538 On Not Evaluating Economic Models by Forecast Outcomes
by Jennifer Castle & David Hendry - 537 What should fiscal councils do?
by Simon Wren-Lewis & Lars Calmfors - 535 Forecasting breaks and forecasting during breaks
by Jennifer Castle & David Hendry & Nicholas W.P. Fawcett - 534 The Belle Epoque of International Finance. French Capital Exports, 1880-1914
by Rui Esteves - 533 Multivariate High-Frequency-Based Volatility (HEAVY) Models
by Diaa Noureldin & Neil Shephard & Kevin Sheppard - 532 The Case For Intervening In Bankers' Pay
by John Thanassoulis - 531 Goods Versus Characteristics: Revealed Preference Procedures for Nested Models
by Matthew Polisson - 530 Mathematical Models and Economic Forecasting: Some Uses and Mis-Uses of Mathematics in Economics
by David Hendry - 529 Empirical Economic Model Discovery and Theory Evaluation
by David Hendry - 528 Model Selection in Equations with Many 'Small' Effects
by Jennifer Castle & David Hendry - 527 Education and Household Welfare in Sri Lanka from 1985 to 2006
by Rozana Himaz & Harsha Aturupane - 526 FDI and Export Upgrading
by Torfinn Harding & Beata Javorcik - 525 Definitions of Ambiguous Events and the Smooth Ambiguity Model
by Sujoy Mukerji & Peter Klibanoff and Massimo Marinacci - 523 A Tale of 3 Cities: Model Selection in Over-, Exact, and Under-specified Equations
by Jennifer Castle & David Hendry
- 522 Multi-product firms at home and away: Cost- versus quality-based competence
by Beata Javorcik & Peter Neary & Carsten Eckel and Leonardo Iacovone - 521 Investment and financing constraints in China: does working capital management make a difference?
by John Knight & Sai Ding and Alessandra Guariglia - 519 Negative investment in China: financing constraints and restructuring versus growth
by John Knight & Sai Ding and Alessandra Guariglia - 518 Multi-tasking and the Returns to Experience
by Parama Chaudhury - 517 Oligopoly and Trade
by Peter Neary & Dermot Leahy - 516 Economists on Samuelson and Solow on the Phillips curve
by James Forder - 515 Productivity Analysis in Global Manufacturing Production
by Francis Teal & Markus Eberhardt - 514 Panel Estimation for Worriers
by Markus Eberhardt & Anindya Banerjee and J. James Reade - 513 Untested Assumptions and Data Slicing: A Critical Review of Firm-Level Production Function Estimators
by Markus Eberhardt & Christian Helmers - 512 Products, patents and productivity persistence: A DSGE model of endogenous growth
by Tom Holden - 511 Nash Bargaining, Credible Bargaining and Efficiency Wages in a Matching Model for the US
by James Malcomson & Sophocles Mavroeidis - 510 Testing the Invariance of Expectations Models of Inflation
by David Hendry & Jennifer L. Castle & Jurgen A. Doornik - 509 Model Selection in Under-specified Equations Facing Breaks
by David Hendry & Jennifer L. Castle - 508 Relational Incentive Contracts
by James Malcomson - 507 Productivity in cities: self-selection and sorting
by Anthony J. Venables - 506 Revealed Preference Tests of the Cournot Model
by James Fenske & John Quah & Andres Carvajal & Rahul Deb - 505 Saddlepath Learning
by Martin Ellison & Joseph Pearlman - 504 Self-control and debt: evidence from data on credit counselling
by Nur Ata NurcanAlena Bicakova - 503 Do managers and experts agree? A comparison of alternative sources of trade facilitation data
by Alberto Behar - 502 A new version of Edgeworth's taxation paradox
by Robert A. Ritz - 500 Dynamic Government Performance: Honeymoons and Crises of Confidence
by David P. Myatt & Torun Dewan - 499 Modelling and Forecasting UK Mortgage Arrears and Possessions
by Janine Aron & John Muellbauer - 498 Consumption, Retirement and Life-cycle Prices: Evidence From Spain
by Almudena Sevilla-Sanz & Maria Jose Luengo-Prado - 497 On the Mathematical Basis of Inter-temporal Optimization
by David Hendry & Grayham E. Mizon - 496 Information-Sharing Between Competition Authorities: the Case of a Multinational Merger
by Marta Troya-Martinez - 495 Does Culture Affect Divorce Decisions? Evidence from European Immigrants in the US
by Almudena Sevilla-Sanz & Delia Furtado and Miriam Marcen - 494 The Puzzle of Migrant Labour Shortage and Rural Labour Surplus in China
by John Knight & Deng Quheng and Li Shi - 493 Aggregating the single crossing property: theory and applications to comparative statics and Bayesian games
by John Quah & Bruno Strulovici - 492 Consumption, wealth and credit liberalisation in Australia
by David M. Williams - 491 Veiling
by Jean-Paul Carvalho - 490 Discrete-valued Levy processes and low latency financial econometrics
by Neil Shephard & David G. Pollard & Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen - 489 Coordination and Culture
by Jean-Paul Carvalho - 488 Transport Costs and International Trade
by Anthony J. Venables & Alberto Behar - 487 Credit, Housing Collateral and Consumption: Evidence from the UK, Japan and the US
by Janine Aron & John Muellbauer & Anthony Murphy - 486 The L-shaped aggregate supply curve and the future of macroeconomics
by James Forder - 485 Climate Change: Lessons for our Future from the Distant Past
by David Hendry - 484 Forecasting from Mis-specified Models in the Presence of Unanticipated Location Shifts
by David Hendry & Michael P. Clements - 483 The Time-crunch Paradox
by Almudena Sevilla-Sanz & Jose Ignacio Gimenez-Nadal - 482 Minimum Wages and Schooling: Evidence from the UK's Introduction of a National Minimum Wage
by Patricia Rice - 481 How do banks respond to increased funding uncertainty?
by Robert A. Ritz - 480 Learning Efficient Nash Equilibria in Distributed Systems
by H Peyton Young & Bary S. R. Pradelski - 479 The Optimal Marketing Mix of Posted Prices, Discounts and Bargaining
by John Thanassoulis & David Gill - 478 The design of unemployment transfers: Evidence from a dynamic structural life-cycle model
by Victoria Prowse & Peter Haan - 477 Small world networks with segregation patterns and brokers
by Edoardo Gallo - 476 An Automatic Test of Super Exogeneity
by David Hendry & Carlos Santos - 475 Econometric Modelling of Changing Time Series
by David Hendry & Grayham E. Mizon - 474 Evaluating Automatic Model Selection
by Jennifer Castle & David Hendry & Jurgen A. Doornik - 473 Automatic Selection for Non-linear Models
by Jennifer Castle & David Hendry - 471 A Low-Dimension Portmanteau Test for Non-linearity
by Jennifer Castle & David Hendry
- 2009-W16 Monetary Policy in a Currency Union with Heterogeneous Limited Asset Markets Participation
by Fabian Eser - 2009-W16 Monetary Policy in a Currency Union with Heterogeneous Limited Asset Markets Participation
by Fabian Eser - 2009-W16 Monetary Policy in a Currency Union with Heterogeneous Limited Asset Markets Participation
by Fabian Eser - 2009-W16 Monetary Policy in a Currency Union with Heterogeneous Limited Asset Markets Participation
by Fabian Eser - 2009-W16 Monetary Policy in a Currency Union with Heterogeneous Limited Asset Markets Participation
by Fabian Eser - 2009-FE-01 Competitive IPOs
by Tim Jenkinson & Howard Jones - 469 Learning and filtering via simulation: smoothly jittered particle filters
by Neil Shephard & Thomas Flury - 468 Income, Aspirations and the Hedonic Treadmill in a Poor Society
by John Knight & Ramani Gunatilaka - 467 Directed technical change, the elasticity of substitution and wage inequality in developing countries
by Alberto Behar - 466 Two and a Half Theories of Trade
by Peter Neary - 465 A Nonparametric Analysis of the Cournot Model
by John Quah & Andres Carvajal - 464 Monetary Policy in a Currency Union with Heterogeneous Limited Asset Markets Participation
by Fabian Eser - 463 Optimal Time-Invariant Monetary Policy
by Charles Brendon - 462 Third-Degree Price Discrimination and Consumer Surplus
by Simon GB Cowan & Simon Cowan - 461 Carbon leakage under incomplete environmental regulation: An industry-level approach
by Robert A. Ritz - 460 Electoral Uncertainty, the Deficit Bias and the Electoral Cycle in a New Keynesian Economy
by Simon Wren-Lewis & Campbell Leith - 459 Measuring Inequality of Well-Being with a Correlation-Sensitive Multidimensional Gini Index
by Maria Ana Lugo & Koen Decancq - 458 Nuisance parameters, composite likelihoods and a panel of GARCH models
by Neil Shephard & Kevin Sheppard - 457 A defence of the FOMC
by Martin Ellison & Thomas J. Sargent - 456 Assessing the Impact of World War I on the City of London
by Sarah Cochrane