March 2000, Volume 404, Issue 6777
- 424-424 German researchers seek legal backing for stem cell work
by Alison Abbott - 424-424 Balance is returning after US biotechnology shares scare
by Meredith Wadman - 425-425 The worm's turn to claim Internet fame
by Declan Butler - 425-426 Radical changes urged for Spanish universities
by Xavier Bosch - 426-426 Giant tortoises come home
by Natasha Loder - 426-426 Modified reforms end two years of deadlock at CNRS
by Heather McCabe - 427-427 Is starting simple the path to complexity?
by Paul Smaglik - 427-427 India and US bring collaboration out of the freezer
by K. S. Jayaraman - 428-429 Chemists ‘volunteered for nerve gas tests’
by Natasha Loder - 429-429 Cuts may force cancellation of Austrian research grants
by Quirin Schiermeier - 431-431 No pie in the sky, thanks
by Brian Charlesworth - 431-431 Ancient Chinese had their fingers on the pulse
by P.-L. Chau - 431-431 Local farmers would be able to feed Africa if they were given the chance
by Willy H. Verhye - 433-433 Scientist, social reformer, soldier, spy
by John Meurig Thomas - 434-434 Fingering the brain's past
by Ian Glynn - 434-435 Before the great binary divide
by Bruce Mazlish - 435-436 Ill-served inventions
by David Jones - 436-436 A view of figures through the ages
by Ludmilla Jordanova - 437-437 The Big Bang and the genetic code
by Gino Segrè - 439-439 Eternal verities, eternal questions
by Ben Bova - 441-442 Survival of the clearest
by Steven Pinker - 442-443 A view of Mount Drosophila
by Jonathan Hodgkin - 443-445 Peeking into the obscured Universe
by Günther Hasinger - 446-447 Bats about the Arctic
by Peter D. Moore - 447-449 Doubly magic nickel
by Philip Walker - 449-450 Not just an active site
by David W. Banner - 450-451 A new twist to an old story
by George Pickett - 451-452 ABC of meningococcal diversity
by Ian M. Feavers - 452-453 Backyard exotica
by Frank Wilczek - 453-454 Neanderthal population genetics
by Matthias Höss - 454-454 Direct illumination
by David Jones - 455-456 Finger-length ratios and sexual orientation
by Terrance J. Williams & Michelle E. Pepitone & Scott E. Christensen & Bradley M. Cooke & Andrew D. Huberman & Nicholas J. Breedlove & Tessa J. Breedlove & Cynthia L. Jordan & S. Marc Breedlove - 456-457 A unique circadian-rhythm photoreceptor
by Patrick Emery & Ralf Stanewsky & Jeffrey C. Hall & Michael Rosbash - 457-457 Colour mixing in wing scales of a butterfly
by P. Vukusic & J. R. Sambles & C. R. Lawrence - 459-464 Resolving the extragalactic hard X-ray background
by R. F. Mushotzky & L. L. Cowie & A. J. Barger & K. A. Arnaud - 465-470 Peptide exosite inhibitors of factor VIIa as anticoagulants
by Mark S. Dennis & Charles Eigenbrot & Nicholas J. Skelton & Mark H. Ultsch & Lydia Santell & Mary A. Dwyer & Mark P. O'Connell & Robert A. Lazarus - 471-473 Double-quantum vortex in superfluid 3He-A
by R. Blaauwgeers & V. B. Eltsov & M. Krusius & J. J. Ruohio & R. Schanen & G. E. Volovik - 473-476 Imaging of localized electronic states in the quantum Hall regime
by N. B. Zhitenev & T. A. Fulton & A. Yacoby & H. F. Hess & L. N. Pfeiffer & K. W. West - 476-478 Anisotropic spinodal dewetting as a route to self-assembly of patterned surfaces
by A. M. Higgins & R. A. L. Jones - 478-481 A soluble and air-stable organic semiconductor with high electron mobility
by H. E. Katz & A. J. Lovinger & J. Johnson & C. Kloc & T. Siegrist & W. Li & Y.-Y. Lin & A. Dodabalapur - 481-484 Molecular-scale interface engineering for polymer light-emitting diodes
by Peter K. H. Ho & Ji-Seon Kim & Jeremy H. Burroughes & Heinrich Becker & Sam F. Y. Li & Thomas M. Brown & Franco Cacialli & Richard H. Friend - 484-487 Effect of climate change relative to ozone depletion on UV exposure in subarctic lakes
by Reinhard Pienitz & Warwick F. Vincent - 488-490 Hf–Nd isotope evidence for a transient dynamic regime in the early terrestrial mantle
by Francis Albarède & Janne Blichert-Toft & Jeffrey D. Vervoort & James D. Gleason & Minik Rosing - 490-493 Molecular analysis of Neanderthal DNA from the northern Caucasus
by Igor V. Ovchinnikov & Anders Götherström & Galina P. Romanova & Vitaliy M. Kharitonov & Kerstin Lidén & William Goodwin - 493-495 Pervasive density-dependent recruitment enhances seedling diversity in a tropical forest
by Kyle E. Harms & S. Joseph Wright & Osvaldo Calderón & Andrés Hernández & Edward Allen Herre - 495-498 The evolution of syntactic communication
by Martin A. Nowak & Joshua B. Plotkin & Vincent A. A. Jansen - 498-502 Glutamate spillover suppresses inhibition by activating presynaptic mGluRs
by Simon J. Mitchell & R. Angus Silver - 502-506 Complete DNA sequence of a serogroup A strain of Neisseria meningitidis Z2491
by J. Parkhill & M. Achtman & K. D. James & S. D. Bentley & C. Churcher & S. R. Klee & G. Morelli & D. Basham & D. Brown & T. Chillingworth & R. M. Davies & P. Davis & K. Devlin & T. Feltwell & N. Hamlin & S. Holroyd & K. Jagels & S. Leather & S. Moule & K. Mungall & M. A. Quail & M.-A. Rajandream & K. M. Rutherford & M. Simmonds & J. Skelton & S. Whitehead & B. G. Spratt & B. G. Barrell - 506-510 The duration of antigen receptor signalling determines CD4+ versus CD8+ T-cell lineage fate
by Koji Yasutomo & Carolyn Doyle & Lucio Miele & Ronald N. Germain - 510-514 DNA repair protein Ku80 suppresses chromosomal aberrations and malignant transformation
by Michael J. Difilippantonio & Jie Zhu & Hua Tang Chen & Eric Meffre & Michel C. Nussenzweig & Edward E. Max & Thomas Ried & André Nussenzweig - 515-518 Yeast Sm-like proteins function in mRNA decapping and decay
by Sundaresan Tharun & Weihai He & Andrew E. Mayes & Pascal Lennertz & Jean D. Beggs & Roy Parker - 518-525 Structural basis for the anticoagulant activity of the thrombin–thrombomodulin complex
by Pablo Fuentes-Prior & Yoriko Iwanaga & Robert Huber & Rene Pagila & Galina Rumennik & Marian Seto & John Morser & David R. Light & Wolfram Bode - 525-525 Erratum: DNA-bound structures and mutants reveal abasic DNA binding by APE1 and DNA repair coordination
by Clifford D. Mol & Tadahide Izumi & Sankar Mitra & John A. Tainer - 525-525 Correction: The thymine glycosylase MBD4 can bind to the product of deamination at methylated CpG sites
by Brian Hendrich & Ulrike Hardeland & Huck-Hui Ng & Josef Jiricny & Adrian Bird
March 2000, Volume 404, Issue 6776
- 319-319 Iridium crash relieves astronomers
by Alison Abbott - 319-320 Researchers caught in dispute over transgenic mice patents
by Rex Dalton - 320-320 Computer glitch unleashes prize nomination debate
by Steve Nadis - 321-321 Space researchers protest at ‘disruptive’ export controls
by Tony Reichhardt - 321-321 Japan's cloning ban will still allow stem cell experiments
by Robert Triendl - 322-322 Could AIDS treatments slip through patents loophole?
by Paul Smaglik - 322-322 Car maker joins exodus from anti-Kyoto coalition
by Meredith Wadman - 322-322 Israeli R&D grants ‘too restrictive’
by Haim Watzman - 323-323 French minister feels the heat over Soleil
by Heather McCabe - 323-323 Northern lobby attacks UK synchrotron siting
by Natasha Loder - 324-324 Japan may place gene research on summit agenda
by Asako Saegusa - 324-325 US/UK statement on genome data prompts debate on ‘free access’
by Declan Butler - 325-325 ‘The human genome itself must be freely available to all humankind’
by Bruce Alberts & Sir Aaron Klug - 329-329 Confusion over cash for Indian biotech centre…
by V. S. Chauhan - 329-329 We have touched the dust from dying stars
by Donald D. Clayton - 329-329 To create generalists, teach students how to learn by themselves
by Philippe Baveye - 329-330 … though funding states have promised to pay up
by Arturo Falaschi - 330-330 reply: … though funding states have promised to pay up
by K.S. Jayaraman - 330-330 The lasting value of Mitchell's mechanisms
by John Prebble - 330-330 People must be judged in the context of their time
by Ulrich Wobus & Ingo Schubert - 330-330 reply: People must be judged in the context of their time
by Susanne Heim - 331-332 The imperial slaughterhouse
by Roy Porter - 332-333 A meteorologist's nightmare
by Howard B. Bluestein - 333-334 Palaeobiology in mammoth form
by Michael J. Benton - 334-334 Science in culture
by Martin Kemp - 335-335 Brains, courage and integrity
by Tom Gehrels - 337-337 Bordeaux Mixture
by Charles Dexter Ward - 339-340 From forelimbs to two legs
by Mark Collard & Leslie C. Aiello - 340-341 Tricks with a single photon
by Peter Zoller - 341-343 Parkinson's pathology in a fly
by Christian Haass & Philipp J. Kahle - 344-345 A needle in a cosmic haystack
by Isabelle A. Grenier - 345-347 Making hard light sharper
by Roland Smith - 347-348 Changing partners
by Chavela M. Carr & Peter J. Novick - 348-348 Rafting vesicle
by Amanda Tromans - 349-349 Natural cunning
by David Jones - 350-350 Robert Rathbun Wilson (1914–2000)
by Alvin V. Tollestrup - 351-352 Y-chromosome variation and Irish origins
by Emmeline W. Hill & Mark A. Jobling & Daniel G. Bradley - 352-352 Fluctuations caught in the act
by Lars K. Nielsen & Thomas Bjørnholm & Ole G. Mouritsen - 352-354 Apolipoprotein E and cognitive performance
by Jacob Raber & Derek Wong & Gui-Qiu Yu & Manuel Buttini & Robert W. Mahley & Robert E. Pitas & Lennart Mucke - 354-354 A tetrodotoxin-producing marine pathogen
by Kim B. Ritchie & Ivan Nagelkerken & Sara James & Garriet W. Smith - 355-362 Three-dimensional structure of the neuronal-Sec1–syntaxin 1a complex
by Kira M. S. Misura & Richard H. Scheller & William I. Weis - 363-365 Discovery of a new population of high-energy γ-ray sources in the Milky Way
by N. Gehrels & D. J. Macomb & D. L. Bertsch & D. J. Thompson & R. C. Hartman - 365-368 Trapping an atom with single photons
by P. W. H. Pinkse & T. Fischer & P. Maunz & G. Rempe - 368-370 An algorithmic benchmark for quantum information processing
by E. Knill & R. Laflamme & R. Martinez & C.-H. Tseng - 371-373 Storage of X-ray photons in a crystal resonator
by K.-D. Liss & R. Hock & M. Gomm & B. Waibel & A. Magerl & M. Krisch & R. Tucoulou - 373-376 Soft-mode hardening in SrTiO3 thin films
by A. A. Sirenko & C. Bernhard & A. Golnik & Anna M. Clark & Jianhua Hao & Weidong Si & X. X. Xi - 376-379 Extended surface chirality from supramolecular assemblies of adsorbed chiral molecules
by M. Ortega Lorenzo & C. J. Baddeley & C. Muryn & R. Raval - 379-382 Bonding and reactivity at oxide mineral surfaces from model aqueous complexes
by Brian L. Phillips & William H. Casey & Magnus Karlsson - 382-385 Evidence that humans evolved from a knuckle-walking ancestor
by Brian G. Richmond & David S. Strait - 385-387 Predictive accuracy of population viability analysis in conservation biology
by Barry W. Brook & Julian J. O'Grady & Andrew P. Chapman & Mark A. Burgman & H. Resit Akçakaya & Richard Frankham - 388-390 Low variability in a Y-linked plant gene and its implications for Y-chromosome evolution
by Dmitry A. Filatov & Françoise Monéger & Ioan Negrutiu & Deborah Charlesworth - 390-394 Representation of a perceptual decision in developing oculomotor commands
by Joshua I. Gold & Michael N. Shadlen - 394-398 A Drosophila model of Parkinson's disease
by Mel B. Feany & Welcome W. Bender - 398-402 Interleukin-1 polymorphisms associated with increased risk of gastric cancer
by Emad M. El-Omar & Mary Carrington & Wong-Ho Chow & Kenneth E. L. McColl & Jay H. Bream & Howard A. Young & Jesus Herrera & Jolanta Lissowska & Chiu-Chin Yuan & Nathaniel Rothman & George Lanyon & Maureen Martin & Joseph F. Fraumeni & Charles S. Rabkin - 402-407 PKC-θ is required for TCR-induced NF-κB activation in mature but not immature T lymphocytes
by Zuoming Sun & Christopher W. Arendt & Wilfried Ellmeier & Edward M. Schaeffer & Mary Jean Sunshine & Leena Gandhi & Justin Annes & Daniela Petrzilka & Abraham Kupfer & Pamela L. Schwartzberg & Dan R. Littman - 407-411 Control of TH2 polarization by the chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1
by Long Gu & Susan Tseng & Renée M. Horner & Carmen Tam & Massimo Loda & Barrett J. Rollins - 411-414 Betaglycan binds inhibin and can mediate functional antagonism of activin signalling
by Kathy A. Lewis & Peter C. Gray & Amy L. Blount & Leigh A. MacConell & Ezra Wiater & Louise M. Bilezikjian & Wylie Vale - 414-417 The Gcn5 bromodomain co-ordinates nucleosome remodelling
by Popi Syntichaki & Irene Topalidou & George Thireos
March 2000, Volume 404, Issue 6775
- 213-213 Europe joins race to turn the Internet into one vast computer
by Declan Butler - 214-214 Uproar at Oxford as suspended professor returns to work
by Natasha Loder - 214-214 Homegrown computer roots out phylogenetic networks
by Henry Gee - 215-215 Irish researchers divided over how to spend huge new fund
by Alison Abbott - 215-215 Protests force primate farm to close
by Peter Aldhous - 216-216 NEON to shed light on environment research
by Rex Dalton - 216-216 Are AIDS dissidents advising South Africa?
by Michael Cherry - 217-217 German research agency stifles creativity
by Quirin Schiermeier & Patrick Weydt - 217-218 EU centres saved from ‘catastrophe’
by Natasha Loder - 218-218 New form of hydrogen power provokes scepticism
by Tony Reichhardt - 219-219 Art imitating high-energy physics
by Alison Abbott - 219-219 Older women scientists fight USGS over layoffs
by Rex Dalton - 222-222 Spanish university study ignores research
by Jorge Mira-Pérez - 222-222 There's enough food for everyone, but the poor can't afford to buy it
by Jonathan R. Latham - 222-222 DoE still involved in the Human Genome Project
by James F. Decker - 222-222 Not too late to apologize
by Bernd Wirsing - 223-224 Questions suspended in the ether
by David Hyder & Heinz Lübbig - 224-224 Sewage, motorists and more
by Henry Petroski - 224-225 Igniting interest in a broad readership
by William I. Rose - 225-226 A century of physical endeavour
by Graham Farmelo - 226-226 Science in culture
by Taketo Mizota & Mickey Zdravkovich & Kai-U. Graw & Alfred Leder - 227-227 A 1,000-year chain of thinkers
by Giovanni F. Bignami - 229-229 Reality check
by David Brin - 231-232 Push-button entanglement
by Rainer Blatt - 232-233 Pathogen-driven forest diversity
by Wim H. van der Putten - 233-235 Hopes for a flame-free future
by Kevin Kendall - 237-237 Transparent talk
by Karen Southwell - 237-239 In search of the whales' sisters
by Zhexi Luo - 239-239 Laser light splits atom
by Donald Umstadter - 240-241 The element of uncertainty
by Russell J. Hemley - 241-242 Reeling CASK into the nucleus
by David S. Bredt - 242-242 Electric flight
by David Jones - 243-243 Growth of carbon micro-trees
by P. M. Ajayan & J. M. Nugent & R. W. Siegel & B. Wei & Ph. Kohler-Redlich - 244-244 Scaling in athletic world records
by Sandra Savaglio & Vincenzo Carbone - 245-245 Gene silencing in worms and fungi
by Caterina Catalanotto & Gianluca Azzalin & Giuseppe Macino & Carlo Cogoni - 247-255 Quantum information and computation
by Charles H. Bennett & David P. DiVincenzo - 256-259 Experimental entanglement of four particles
by C. A. Sackett & D. Kielpinski & B. E. King & C. Langer & V. Meyer & C. J. Myatt & M. Rowe & Q. A. Turchette & W. M. Itano & D. J. Wineland & C. Monroe - 259-262 Quantum distribution of protons in solid molecular hydrogen at megabar pressures
by Hikaru Kitamura & Shinji Tsuneyuki & Tadashi Ogitsu & Takashi Miyake - 262-264 Towards the clarity limit in optical fibre
by Gordon A. Thomas & Boris I. Shraiman & Paul F. Glodis & Michael J. Stephen - 265-267 Direct oxidation of hydrocarbons in a solid-oxide fuel cell
by Seungdoo Park & John M. Vohs & Raymond J. Gorte - 267-269 Single crystals of an ionic anthracene aggregate with a triplet ground state
by H. Bock & K. Gharagozloo-Hubmann & M. Sievert & T. Prisner & Z. Havlas - 269-273 Seismic hazard in the Marmara Sea region following the 17 August 1999 Izmit earthquake
by Aurélia Hubert-Ferrari & Aykut Barka & Eric Jacques & Süleyman S. Nalbant & Bertrand Meyer & Rolando Armijo & Paul Tapponnier & Geoffrey C. P. King - 273-275 Fine-scale heterogeneity in the Earth's inner core
by John E. Vidale & Paul S. Earle - 276-278 The oldest known anthropoid postcranial fossils and the early evolution of higher primates
by Daniel L. Gebo & Marian Dagosto & K. Christopher Beard & Tao Qi & Jingwen Wang - 278-281 Soil pathogens and spatial patterns of seedling mortality in a temperate tree
by Alissa Packer & Keith Clay - 281-285 The ecological cost of sex
by C. Patrick Doncaster & Graeme E. Pound & Simon J. Cox - 285-289 NMDA spikes in basal dendrites of cortical pyramidal neurons
by Jackie Schiller & Guy Major & Helmut J. Koester & Yitzhak Schiller - 289-293 The Ras-MAPK pathway is important for olfaction in Caenorhabditis elegans
by Takaaki Hirotsu & Satoshi Saeki & Masayuki Yamamoto & Yuichi Iino - 293-296 An RNA-directed nuclease mediates post-transcriptional gene silencing in Drosophila cells
by Scott M. Hammond & Emily Bernstein & David Beach & Gregory J. Hannon - 296-298 A genetic link between co-suppression and RNA interference in C. elegans
by René F. Ketting & Ronald H. A. Plasterk - 298-302 Nuclear translocation and transcription regulation by the membrane-associated guanylate kinase CASK/LIN-2
by Yi-Ping Hsueh & Ting-Fang Wang & Fu-Chia Yang & Morgan Sheng - 302-307 Phosphorylation of CPE binding factor by Eg2 regulates translation of c-mos mRNA
by Raul Mendez & Laura E. Hake & Thorkell Andresson & Laurie E. Littlepage & Joan V. Ruderman & Joel D. Richter - 307-310 The structure of malaria pigment β-haematin
by Silvina Pagola & Peter W. Stephens & D. Scott Bohle & Andrew D. Kosar & Sara K. Madsen - 313-315 Pushing the frontiers of interdisciplinary research: an idea whose time has come
by Diane Gershon - 315-316 Changing the face of training for science at the interface
by Diane Gershon - 316-316 Crossing the divide between theory and practice
by Diane Gershon
March 2000, Volume 404, Issue 6774
- 111-111 Genome leaders told to keep their eyes on the main prize
by Paul Smaglik - 111-111 Revamped GenBank offers extra data links
by Paul Smaglik - 112-112 … and calls for openness and transparency
by David Dickson - 112-112 GM debate must go global, says meeting…
by David Dickson - 113-113 Unesco ‘worse than I imagined,’ says new director
by Natasha Loder - 113-113 China looks to west for economic growth
by Tian Xuewen - 114-114 Expensive space crystal programme has produced little of scientific value, says panel
by Tony Reichhardt - 114-115 Geneticists oppose consent ruling
by Meredith Wadman - 115-115 Panel will seek ‘appropriate’ AIDS goals for South Africa
by Michael Cherry - 115-116 $350m gift boosts MIT brain power
by Steve Nadis - 116-116 Indian research budget favours defence
by K. S. Jayaraman - 117-117 Biology back issues free as publishers walk HighWire
by Declan Butler - 117-117 Rival demands sink genome alliance plans
by Natasha Loder - 120-120 Opportunism knocks?
by Ingo Schubert & Ulrich Wobus - 120-120 Why private institutions alone will not do enough to protect biodiversity
by Alexander James & Kevin J. Gaston & Andrew Balmford - 120-120 Alzheimer's research is vital in work on ageing
by Joseph M. Erwin - 121-122 Rape as an adaptation
by Jerry A. Coyne & Andrew Berry - 122-123 Amassing the case for the defence
by Douglas Palmer - 123-124 Unfinished portrait of the artist
by John Nash - 124-124 Science's stall in the global market-place
by Norman Myers - 125-125 A century of cognitive decline
by Bruce A. Yankner - 127-127 The song of the Neanderthal
by Mark W. Tiedemann - 129-130 Life's downs and ups
by Douglas Erwin - 130-131 Schrödinger's sheep
by Wojciech H. Zurek - 131-133 A chorus line
by Emilio Salinas & Ranulfo Romo - 134-135 Too hot to melt
by A. Lindsay Greer - 135-137 Moving in mysterious ways
by Alison M. Condliffe & Phillip T. Hawkins - 137-138 Pushing electrons around
by Mark Ratner - 138-138 Love is not puffed up
by Amanda Tromans - 139-140 The Antarctic connection
by Richard G. Gordon