October 2003, Volume 425, Issue 6958
- 570-571 It's a knockout
by David Warner - 571-572 Re-recording human memories
by Karim Nader - 575-576 Gas-bubble lesions in stranded cetaceans
by P. D. Jepson & M. Arbelo & R. Deaville & I. A. P. Patterson & P. Castro & J. R. Baker & E. Degollada & H. M. Ross & P. Herráez & A. M. Pocknell & F. Rodríguez & F. E. Howie & A. Espinosa & R. J. Reid & J. R. Jaber & V. Martin & A. A. Cunningham & A. Fernández - 576-576 Hepatitis A virus link to atopic disease
by Jennifer J. McIntire & Sarah E. Umetsu & Claudia Macaubas & Elizabeth G. Hoyte & Cengiz Cinnioglu & Luigi L. Cavalli-Sforza & Gregory S. Barsh & Joachim F. Hallmayer & Peter A. Underhill & Neil J. Risch & Gordon J. Freeman & Rosemarie H. DeKruyff & Dale T. Umetsu - 577-584 Smad-dependent and Smad-independent pathways in TGF-β family signalling
by Rik Derynck & Ying E. Zhang - 585-592 Plant recognition of symbiotic bacteria requires two LysM receptor-like kinases
by Simona Radutoiu & Lene Heegaard Madsen & Esben Bjørn Madsen & Hubert H. Felle & Yosuke Umehara & Mette Grønlund & Shusei Sato & Yasukazu Nakamura & Satoshi Tabata & Niels Sandal & Jens Stougaard - 593-595 Dodecahedral space topology as an explanation for weak wide-angle temperature correlations in the cosmic microwave background
by Jean-Pierre Luminet & Jeffrey R. Weeks & Alain Riazuelo & Roland Lehoucq & Jean-Philippe Uzan - 595-599 Fermi-liquid breakdown in the paramagnetic phase of a pure metal
by N. Doiron-Leyraud & I. R. Walker & L. Taillefer & M. J. Steiner & S. R. Julian & G. G. Lonzarich - 599-602 Temperature-induced valence transition and associated lattice collapse in samarium fulleride
by J. Arvanitidis & Konstantinos Papagelis & Serena Margadonna & Kosmas Prassides & Andrew N. Fitch - 602-605 Understanding and tuning the epitaxy of large aromatic adsorbates by molecular design
by M. Eremtchenko & J. A. Schaefer & F. S. Tautz - 605-609 Growth of early continental crust by partial melting of eclogite
by Robert P. Rapp & Nobumichi Shimizu & Marc D. Norman - 609-612 Large Cretaceous sphenodontian from Patagonia provides insight into lepidosaur evolution in Gondwana
by Sebastián Apesteguía & Fernando E. Novas - 612-614 Ultraviolet vision in a bat
by York Winter & Jorge López & Otto von Helversen - 614-616 Consolidation during sleep of perceptual learning of spoken language
by Kimberly M. Fenn & Howard C. Nusbaum & Daniel Margoliash - 616-620 Dissociable stages of human memory consolidation and reconsolidation
by Matthew P. Walker & Tiffany Brakefield & J. Allan Hobson & Robert Stickgold - 620-624 Environmentally mediated synergy between perception and behaviour in mobile robots
by Paul F. M. J. Verschure & Thomas Voegtlin & Rodney J. Douglas - 624-628 Regulation of neuroblast competence in Drosophila
by Bret J. Pearson & Chris Q. Doe - 628-633 Basal body dysfunction is a likely cause of pleiotropic Bardet–Biedl syndrome
by Stephen J. Ansley & Jose L. Badano & Oliver E. Blacque & Josephine Hill & Bethan E. Hoskins & Carmen C. Leitch & Jun Chul Kim & Alison J. Ross & Erica R. Eichers & Tanya M. Teslovich & Allan K. Mah & Robert C. Johnsen & John C. Cavender & Richard Alan Lewis & Michel R. Leroux & Philip L. Beales & Nicholas Katsanis - 633-637 The Wnt/β-catenin pathway regulates cardiac valve formation
by Adam F. L. Hurlstone & Anna-Pavlina G. Haramis & Erno Wienholds & Harry Begthel & Jeroen Korving & Fredericus van Eeden & Edwin Cuppen & Danica Zivkovic & Ronald H. A. Plasterk & Hans Clevers - 637-640 A receptor kinase gene of the LysM type is involved in legumeperception of rhizobial signals
by Esben Bjørn Madsen & Lene Heegaard Madsen & Simona Radutoiu & Magdalena Olbryt & Magdalena Rakwalska & Krzysztof Szczyglowski & Shusei Sato & Takakazu Kaneko & Satoshi Tabata & Niels Sandal & Jens Stougaard - 643-643 New perspectives
by Paul Smaglik - 644-644 Italian biotechnologists organize
by Francesco Lescai & Marco Quarta - 644-644 Nuts & Bolts
by Deb Koen
October 2003, Volume 425, Issue 6957
- 437-437 Mosquito production mooted as fast track to malaria vaccine
by Declan Butler - 438-438 China plays cards close to its chest over manned space shot
by David Cyranoski - 438-438 Ion-powered probe set for year-long Moon trek
by Geoff Brumfiel - 438-438 NIH 'roadmap' charts course to tackle big research issues
by Erika Check - 439-439 Adviser gears up to bring scientists to matters of state
by Geoff Brumfiel - 439-439 Harvard heralds fresh take on systems biology
by Erika Check - 440-440 Wellcome to fund publication in open-access journals
by Declan Butler - 440-440 Research council plan for Europe gets up steam
by Alison Abbott - 441-441 China takes centre stage for liver proteome
by David Cyranoski - 441-441 Planck makes permanent posts
by Quirin Schiermeier - 444-449 Across the great divide
by Jim Giles - 451-451 How scientists can help to protect US homeland
by Charles E. McQueary - 451-451 Outline for a European Research Council
by Carol Featherstone & Kai Simons - 453-453 A magical history tour
by Robert L. Bettinger - 454-454 Thinking of apes
by Andrew Whiten - 454-455 The cry of the food critic
by Mark Woolhouse - 455-455 A hobbit-forming show
by Henry Gee - 457-457 Gene autonomy: Positions, please..
by Niall Dillon - 459-459 Floods of record
by Chris Paola - 460-461 Dangerous liaisons
by William R. Heath & Francis R. Carbone - 461-463 Twisting the body into shape
by Ian C. Scott & Didier Y. R. Stainier - 463-464 Mirrors in Flatland
by Rasmita Raval - 464-467 Backchat at the synapse
by Patricia C. Salinas - 467-468 Molecules squeezed and stroked
by Steve Granick & Zhiqun Lin & Sung Chul Bae - 468-469 Partners united
by Matthew Freeman - 469-470 The hippo hypothesis
by Michael E. Rothenberg & Yuh-Nung Jan - 471-471 Patricia S. Goldman-Rakic (1937–2003)
by Eric J. Nestler - 473-474 Captivity effects on wide-ranging carnivores
by Ros Clubb & Georgia Mason - 474-474 A microsensor for trinitrotoluene vapour
by L. A. Pinnaduwage & A. Gehl & D. L. Hedden & G. Muralidharan & T. Thundat & R. T. Lareau & T. Sulchek & L. Manning & B. Rogers & M. Jones & J. D. Adams - 475-479 Binary switches and modification cassettes in histone biology and beyond
by Wolfgang Fischle & Yanming Wang & C. David Allis - 480-484 Evolution of complex life cycles in helminth parasites
by Geoff A. Parker & Jimmy C. Chubb & Michael A. Ball & Guy N. Roberts - 485-487 Programmable computing with a single magnetoresistive element
by A. Ney & C. Pampuch & R. Koch & K. H. Ploog - 487-490 Controlling anisotropic nanoparticle growth through plasmon excitation
by Rongchao Jin & Y. Charles Cao & Encai Hao & Gabriella S. Métraux & George C. Schatz & Chad A. Mirkin - 490-493 Enantiospecific electrodeposition of a chiral catalyst
by Jay A. Switzer & Hiten M. Kothari & Philippe Poizot & Shuji Nakanishi & Eric W. Bohannan - 493-497 Episodic sediment accumulation on Amazonian flood plains influenced by El Niño/Southern Oscillation
by Rolf Aalto & Laurence Maurice-Bourgoin & Thomas Dunne & David R. Montgomery & Charles A. Nittrouer & Jean-Loup Guyot - 497-501 Boundary-layer mantle flow under the Dead Sea transform fault inferred from seismic anisotropy
by Georg Rümpker & Trond Ryberg & Günter Bock & Desert Seismology Group - 501-504 The oldest articulated chondrichthyan from the Early Devonian period
by Randall F. Miller & Richard Cloutier & Susan Turner - 504-507 Temperature excludes N2-fixing heterocystous cyanobacteria in the tropical oceans
by Marc Staal & Filip J. R. Meysman & Lucas J. Stal - 507-512 Jelly belly protein activates the receptor tyrosine kinase Alk to specify visceral muscle pioneers
by Hsiu-Hsiang Lee & Audra Norris & Joseph B. Weiss & Manfred Frasch - 512-516 Jeb signals through the Alk receptor tyrosine kinase to drive visceral muscle fusion
by Camilla Englund & Christina E. Lorén & Caroline Grabbe & Gaurav K. Varshney & Fabienne Deleuil & Bengt Hallberg & Ruth H. Palmer - 516-521 Molecular identification of a danger signal that alerts the immune system to dying cells
by Yan Shi & James E. Evans & Kenneth L. Rock - 521-525 Differential regulation of EIN3 stability by glucose and ethylene signalling in plants
by Shuichi Yanagisawa & Sang-Dong Yoo & Jen Sheen - 526-531 Role of visual pigment properties in rod and cone phototransduction
by Vladimir Kefalov & Yingbin Fu & Nicholas Marsh-Armstrong & King-Wai Yau - 531-535 Haem can bind to and inhibit mammalian calcium-dependent Slo1 BK channels
by Xiang Dong Tang & Rong Xu & Mark F. Reynolds & Maria L. Garcia & Stefan H. Heinemann & Toshinori Hoshi - 535-539 Staphylocoagulase is a prototype for the mechanism of cofactor-induced zymogen activation
by Rainer Friedrich & Peter Panizzi & Pablo Fuentes-Prior & Klaus Richter & Ingrid Verhamme & Patricia J. Anderson & Shun-Ichiro Kawabata & Robert Huber & Wolfram Bode & Paul E. Bock - 541-541 Physics temps
by Paul Smaglik - 542-543 Going multidisciplinary
by Myrna Watanabe
September 2003, Volume 425, Issue 6956
- 331-331 UK public opposes government on transgenic crops
by Jim Giles - 331-331 Gates steps up war on malaria with donation of $168 million
by Declan Butler - 332-332 Report raises hopes for grand network of US ecology centres
by Rex Dalton - 332-332 Vaccine claim lifts company's stock but angers researchers
by Erika Check - 333-333 SARS triggers biomedical shake-up in China
by David Cyranoski - 333-333 Secret garden opens up to public
by David Cyranoski - 334-334 Open-access row leads paper to shed authors
by Declan Butler - 335-335 DNA lab welcomes Dalai Lama to Tibetan science community
by Erika Check - 335-335 Cosmologists cluster to plot course towards dark energy
by Geoff Brumfiel - 338-339 Too hot to handle
by John Whitfield - 340-342 Lost for words
by Glenn Murphy - 343-343 Global project needed to tackle coffee crisis
by Fernando E. Vega & Eric Rosenquist & Wanda Collins - 343-343 Feynman put a personal spin on physics
by R. W. D. Nickalls - 343-343 The public has its own view of what is a risk
by Emmanuelle Schuler - 345-345 Learning to evolve
by Kevin N. Laland - 346-346 Biologists become clock-watchers
by John Palmer - 346-347 A dangerous world?
by Roger Cox - 347-347 Unnatural causes
by Alison Abbott - 351-352 Professional secrets
by Craig R. Roy - 352-353 Cosmic waves in the lab
by Rod Boswell - 353-355 To be and not to be
by Haifan Lin - 356-357 Ship reverses out of bottle
by Avelino Corma - 357-359 The rules of attraction
by Len Neckers & Yong-Sok Lee - 359-360 Spintronics gets a magnetic flute
by Jonathan Sun - 360-360 Light touch on the rudder
by Tim Lincoln - 361-361 Water gate
by N. Michele Holbrook & Maciej A. Zwieniecki - 362-363 Edward Teller (1908–2003)
by John Maddox - 365-365 Anthropogenic carbon and ocean pH
by Ken Caldeira & Michael E. Wickett - 366-366 Sharp shift in diet at onset of Neolithic
by Michael P. Richards & Rick J. Schulting & Robert E. M. Hedges - 367-373 Bending-related faulting and mantle serpentinization at the Middle America trench
by C. R. Ranero & J. Phipps Morgan & K. McIntosh & C. Reichert - 374-376 A test of general relativity using radio links with the Cassini spacecraft
by B. Bertotti & L. Iess & P. Tortora - 376-380 Uniform resonant chaotic mixing in fluid flows
by T. H. Solomon & Igor Mezić - 380-383 Microwave oscillations of a nanomagnet driven by a spin-polarized current
by S. I. Kiselev & J. C. Sankey & I. N. Krivorotov & N. C. Emley & R. J. Schoelkopf & R. A. Buhrman & D. C. Ralph - 383-385 Video-speed electronic paper based on electrowetting
by Robert A. Hayes & B. J. Feenstra - 385-388 A combustion-free methodology for synthesizing zeolites and zeolite-like materials
by Hyunjoo Lee & Stacey I. Zones & Mark E. Davis - 388-390 An Arctic mammal fauna from the Early Pliocene of North America
by Richard H. Tedford & C. Richard Harington - 390-393 Volunteering leads to rock–paper–scissors dynamics in a public goods game
by Dirk Semmann & Hans-Jürgen Krambeck & Manfred Milinski - 393-397 Cytosolic pH regulates root water transport during anoxic stress through gating of aquaporins
by Colette Tournaire-Roux & Moira Sutka & Hélène Javot & Elisabeth Gout & Patricia Gerbeau & Doan-Trung Luu & Richard Bligny & Christophe Maurel - 397-402 ER–phagosome fusion defines an MHC class I cross-presentation compartment in dendritic cells
by Pierre Guermonprez & Loredana Saveanu & Monique Kleijmeer & Jean Davoust & Peter van Endert & Sebastian Amigorena - 402-406 Phagosomes are competent organelles for antigen cross-presentation
by Mathieu Houde & Sylvie Bertholet & Etienne Gagnon & Sylvain Brunet & Guillaume Goyette & Annie Laplante & Michael F. Princiotta & Pierre Thibault & David Sacks & Michel Desjardins - 407-410 A high-affinity conformation of Hsp90 confers tumour selectivity on Hsp90 inhibitors
by Adeela Kamal & Lia Thao & John Sensintaffar & Lin Zhang & Marcus F. Boehm & Lawrence C. Fritz & Francis J. Burrows - 411-414 A micrococcal nuclease homologue in RNAi effector complexes
by Amy A. Caudy & René F. Ketting & Scott M. Hammond & Ahmet M. Denli & Anja M. P. Bathoorn & Bastiaan B. J. Tops & Jose M. Silva & Mike M. Myers & Gregory J. Hannon & Ronald H. A. Plasterk - 415-419 The nuclear RNase III Drosha initiates microRNA processing
by Yoontae Lee & Chiyoung Ahn & Jinju Han & Hyounjeong Choi & Jaekwang Kim & Jeongbin Yim & Junho Lee & Patrick Provost & Olof Rådmark & Sunyoung Kim & V. Narry Kim - 419-423 A structural state of the myosin V motor without bound nucleotide
by Pierre-Damien Coureux & Amber L. Wells & Julie Ménétrey & Christopher M. Yengo & Carl A. Morris & H. Lee Sweeney & Anne Houdusse - 423-427 Electron cryo-microscopy shows how strong binding of myosin to actin releases nucleotide
by Kenneth C. Holmes & Isabel Angert & F. Jon Kull & Werner Jahn & Rasmus R. Schröder - 429-429 True grit
by Paul Smaglik - 430-433 Northern England: Rising star
by Paul Smaglik
September 2003, Volume 425, Issue 6955
- 225-225 Europe offers grants to young stars
by Jim Giles - 225-225 Drug companies snub antibiotics as pipeline threatens to run dry
by Tom Clarke - 226-226 California laboratory mourns loss of H-bomb pioneer
by Jonathan Knight - 226-226 Software mogul turns to mouse for genetic atlas of the brain
by Rex Dalton - 227-227 Worm genes harnessed to tackle snail fever
by David Cyranoski - 227-227 Chemists seek image overhaul
by Helen Pearson - 228-228 Academics sidelined in battle against computer worms
by Declan Butler - 228-228 African institute ready for meeting of mathematical minds
by Tom Clarke - 229-229 Galileo gears up for swansong as crash-landing looms
by John Moore - 229-229 Flight veteran embraces NASA's science wing
by Tony Reichhardt - 232-233 Switched on to RNA
by Jonathan Knight - 234-236 Spare me the lecture
by Kendall Powell - 237-237 Nothing new under the Sun?
by Merrick Moseley - 237-237 It's time for the US and Muslims to work together
by Dirie Ahmed - 237-237 Bomb dosimetry unlikely to change risk estimates
by Kenneth L. Mossman - 237-237 Bomb dosimetry unlikely to change risk estimates
by Kenneth L. Mossman - 239-239 Cosmological questions
by Martin Rees - 240-240 From Manhattan to Los Alamos
by Herbert York - 241-241 Building on nature
by Peter Forbes - 241-241 Life, the Universe and everything
by Nicholas Wade - 242-242 Climate forecasting: Possible or probable?
by Myles R. Allen - 243-244 Wires on water
by Peidong Yang - 244-244 Nanotechnology goes large
by Ed Gerstner - 244-245 MicroRNA is here to stay
by Philip N. Benfey - 246-247 Single atom lases orderly light
by Howard Carmichael & Luis A. Orozco - 247-248 Cues for migration
by René Bernards - 248-249 Fishing for the first plants
by Paul Kenrick - 249-250 Probing early atmospheres
by Stephen J. Mojzsis - 250-250 A tadpole's tale
by Amanda Tromans - 251-252 Deadly partnerships
by Steven A. Frank - 255-256 Delivery of pollutants by spawning salmon
by E. M. Krümmel & R. W. Macdonald & L. E. Kimpe & I. Gregory-Eaves & M. J. Demers & J. P. Smol & B. Finney & J. M. Blais - 256-256 Wide shear zones in granular bulk flow
by Denis Fenistein & Martin van Hecke - 257-263 Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs
by Javier F. Palatnik & Edwards Allen & Xuelin Wu & Carla Schommer & Rebecca Schwab & James C. Carrington & Detlef Weigel - 264-267 The formation of cluster elliptical galaxies as revealed by extensive star formation
by J. A. Stevens & R. J. Ivison & J. S. Dunlop & Ian R. Smail & W. J. Percival & D. H. Hughes & H. J. A. Röttgering & W. J. M. van Breugel & M. Reuland - 268-271 Experimental realization of a one-atom laser in the regime of strong coupling
by J. McKeever & A. Boca & A. D. Boozer & J. R. Buck & H. J. Kimble - 271-274 Quantum critical behaviour in a high-Tc superconductor
by D. van der Marel & H. J. A. Molegraaf & J. Zaanen & Z. Nussinov & F. Carbone & A. Damascelli & H. Eisaki & M. Greven & P. H. Kes & M. Li - 274-278 High-performance thin-film transistors using semiconductor nanowires and nanoribbons
by Xiangfeng Duan & Chunming Niu & Vijendra Sahi & Jian Chen & J. Wallace Parce & Stephen Empedocles & Jay L. Goldman - 279-282 High CO2 levels in the Proterozoic atmosphere estimated from analyses of individual microfossils
by Alan J. Kaufman & Shuhai Xiao - 282-285 Fragments of the earliest land plants
by Charles H. Wellman & Peter L. Osterloff & Uzma Mohiuddin - 285-288 Inferring the palaeoenvironment of ancient bacteria on the basis of resurrected proteins
by Eric A. Gaucher & J. Michael Thomson & Michelle F. Burgan & Steven A. Benner - 288-290 Patterns of predation in a diverse predator–prey system
by A. R. E. Sinclair & Simon Mduma & Justin S. Brashares - 291-294 The evolutionary inheritance of elemental stoichiometry in marine phytoplankton
by Antonietta Quigg & Zoe V. Finkel & Andrew J. Irwin & Yair Rosenthal & Tung-Yuan Ho & John R. Reinfelder & Oscar Schofield & Francois M. M. Morel & Paul G. Falkowski - 294-297 Predicted recurrences of mass coral mortality in the Indian Ocean
by Charles R. C. Sheppard - 297-299 Monkeys reject unequal pay
by Sarah F. Brosnan & Frans B. M. de Waal - 300-306 cdx4 mutants fail to specify blood progenitors and can be rescued by multiple hox genes
by Alan J. Davidson & Patricia Ernst & Yuan Wang & Marcus P. S. Dekens & Paul D. Kingsley & James Palis & Stanley J. Korsmeyer & George Q. Daley & Leonard I. Zon - 307-311 Chemokine receptor CXCR4 downregulated by von Hippel–Lindau tumour suppressor pVHL
by Peter Staller & Jitka Sulitkova & Joanna Lisztwan & Holger Moch & Edward J. Oakeley & Wilhelm Krek - 311-316 The BTB protein MEL-26 is a substrate-specific adaptor of the CUL-3 ubiquitin-ligase
by Lionel Pintard & John H. Willis & Andrew Willems & Jacque-Lynne F. Johnson & Martin Srayko & Thimo Kurz & Sarah Glaser & Paul E. Mains & Mike Tyers & Bruce Bowerman & Matthias Peter - 316-321 BTB proteins are substrate-specific adaptors in an SCF-like modular ubiquitin ligase containing CUL-3
by Lai Xu & Yue Wei & Jerome Reboul & Philippe Vaglio & Tae-Ho Shin & Marc Vidal & Stephen J. Elledge & J. Wade Harper - 323-323 Working for peanuts
by Paul Smaglik - 324-325 Biomedicine meets engineering
by Virginia Gewin - 326-326 Europe chips in for training
by Ralf Jox - 327-327 Engineering your own path
by Ralf Jox & Virginia Gewin
September 2003, Volume 425, Issue 6954
- 109-109 Agony for researchers as mix-up forces retraction of ecstasy study
by Jonathan Knight - 110-110 US selects regional biodefence hubs
by Rex Dalton - 110-110 Brain protein project enlists mice in 'dry run'
by Alison Abbott - 111-111 Ministers appointed to engineer revival in Iraqi research
by Geoff Brumfiel - 111-111 Analysis pours cold water on flood theory
by Quirin Schiermeier - 112-112 Global effort to plot climate change
by Heike Langenberg - 112-112 US reflects on flying eye for transgenic crops
by Jonathan Knight - 113-113 Esoteric theorist lands starring role in Senate hearing
by Geoff Brumfiel - 113-113 Young guns shoot to the top in China's research revolution
by David Cyranoski - 116-117 Biotechnology at the bar
by Nicola Nosengo - 118-120 The ups and downs of lithium
by Helen R. Pilcher - 121-121 Computer's ability to verify proof is an illusion
by Derek Partridge - 121-121 Science and ethics must not be separated
by Paul Copland - 121-121 Safe home planned for Iowa herbarium
by Jack Lilien - 123-124 An ethical dilemma
by Hilary Rose - 125-126 Net losses
by John Shepherd - 126-127 The proof of the packing
by Neil Sloane - 127-128 The rise and fall of the Universe
by Peter Coles - 128-128 Science in culture
by Martin Kemp - 131-132 Spin control for asteroids
by Richard P. Binzel - 132-133 A toast to long life
by Toren Finkel - 133-136 Vortices and hearts
by John Clarke - 136-137 Father knows best
by Paul W. Sherman & Bryan D. Neff - 137-139 Inside the cosmic blender
by Alex N. Halliday - 139-140 Signalling silenced
by Edward M. Conway & Peter Carmeliet - 140-140 Take the intracellular train
by Magdalena Helmer - 142-142 Thomas Risley Odhiambo (1931–2003)
by Rachel Galun & Onesmo K. ole-MoiYoi - 145-145 Directed bending of a polymer film by light
by Yanlei Yu & Makoto Nakano & Tomiki Ikeda - 146-146 Widespread cloning in echinoderm larvae
by Alexandra A. Eaves & A. Richard Palmer