2017, Issue 4
- 541-558 Audiovisual and cinema industry in Mexico
by Bruno Zambardino - 559-572 China: Towards the greatest cinema market in the world
by Giuseppe Richeri - 573-584 Cultural heritage in Italy and its public: a portrait by the numbers
by Annalisa Cicerchia - 585-594 Organization practies and cultural economics: a study about Mario Bertoncini
by Davide Bizjak & Luigi Maria Sicca - 595-598 The role of the CCIs in aiding sustainable development: a UNESCO debate
by Cornelia Dümcke - 599-599 Peter Bazalgette, Independent Review of the Creative Industries
by G.P. Manzella - 600-600 Francesco De Biase, Cultura e partecipazione. Le professioni dell'audience
by A. Taormina - 601-603 Paola Castellucci, Carte del nuovo mondo. Banche dati e Open Access
by C. Faggiolani
2017, Issue 3
- 333-340 Nota introduttiva / Introductory note
by Alessandro F. Leon - 341-352 Cultural heritage in the mixed economy
by Paolo Leon - 353-356 We, economists of after World War 2
by Innocenzo Cipolletta - 357-360 Remembering Paolo Leon
by Giuliano Amato - 361-366 Socialism Culture Economy
by Luigi Covatta - 367-374 Reason and genesis of an Association
by Giuseppe Galasso - 375-386 The thirty year birthday of the Italian Associazione per l'Economia della Cultura
by Carla Bodo - 387-394 Paolo Leon: reconsiling State, market and civil society
by Marco Cammelli - 395-400 Public sector reforms in the Italian cultural heritage
by Lorenzo Casini - 401-406 Changes in the nature of cultural organizations
by Pierpaolo Forte - 407-412 The MAXXI and the public-private relation
by Pietro Barrera - 413-422 Beauty and community: the economic individualism and the State as an antidote
by Francesco Scoppola - 423-436 Evaluating the public interventions as a question
by Pietro Antonio Valentino - 437-440 When culture generates (even) local development
by Giampiero Marchesi - 441-456 Cultural practices and participation in Italy. The new social groups profiles
by Annalisa Cicerchia - 457-462 Creativity in the public administration: new configurations
by Gian Paolo Manzella - 463-464 Ex libris: The NewYork Public Library. Film documentario Usa, 2017, h. 3,17 diretto da Frederik Wiseman
by M. Crasta - 465-465 Valentina Montalto, Carlos Jorge Tacao Moura, Sven Langedijk, and Michela Saisana, The Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor. 2017 Edition
by A. Taormina - 466-466 Luigi Maria Sicca, Rosario Diana e Giancarlo Turaccio, Risonanze. Organizzazione, musica, scienze
by I. Boncori
2017, Issue 2
- 153-164 Nota introduttiva / Introductory note
by Carla Bodo & Pier Luigi Sacco - 165-174 Health and Cultural welfare: A new policy perspective?
by Pier Luigi Sacco - 175-188 Cultural participation and health: Some medical and scientific evidences
by Enzo Grossi - 189-202 Arts and Health in the UK: No longer in the margins of public policy?
by Rod Fisher - 203-212 The health and wellbeing benefits of public libraries
by Daniel Fujiwara & Ricky N. Lawton & Susana Mourato - 213-218 NEA and Grant-Making for Health-Related Programs
by Kevin V. Mulcahy - 219-226 Culture and health in France: at the core of public policies
by Carla Bodo - 227-236 The Finnish way to arts for well-being
by Jaana Erkkilä-Hill - 237-246 Experimental cultural statistics: UNESCO World Heritage Sites
by Annalisa Cicerchia - 247-252 Music is healthy
by Annalisa Bini - 253-264 MediCinema: When movies become therapy
by Francesca Medolago Albani - 265-274 Turin as a laboratory of a new cultural welfare
by Sendy Ghirardi - 275-280 The social and community theater between culture and health
by Alessandra Rossi Ghiglione - 281-286 The Pole of irregular arts in Turin
by Roberto Mastroianni - 287-292 Performing arts and health in Emilia-Romagna Region
by Antonio Taormina - 293-298 Dance Well: pas de deux with Mr. Parkinson
by Susanne Franco - 299-304 Laughter makes good blood: clown-therapy and health
by Lucia Agrisani - 305-312 «The Art Care»: Visual Arts and Disease
by Martina De Luca - 313-322 Health, Wellbeing and Cultural Participation: Between Narratives and Indicators
by Annalisa Cicerchia & Emanuela Bologna - 323-323 National Endowment for the Arts, The National Endowment for the Arts Guide to Community-Engaged Research in the Arts and Health, 2016
by S. Bodo - 324-324 Marco Tutino, Il mestiere dell'aria che vibra
by A. Taormina - 325-327 Marina Valensise, La cultura è come la marmellata
by A.F. Leon - 328-328 Errata corrige
by Economia della Cultura
2017, Issue 1
- 3-13 Nota introduttiva / Introductory note
by Giovanni Ruocco & Pierluigi Montalbano & Pietro Antonio Valentino - 15-26 Back to the future? Democracy beyond the forms of political modernity
by Giovanni Ruocco - 27-36 Common goods as «objects» of appropriation in the history
by Ennio Igor Mineo - 37-50 The debate on common goods: An economic critique
by Pierluigi Montalbano - 51-80 Culture as commons: from the definitions to forms of governance and government
by Pietro Antonio Valentino - 81-94 Cultural heritage and status of «commons»: An incorporation really necessary?
by Stefania Mabellini - 95-100 In defense of the National Endowment for the Arts
by Carla Bodo - 101-120 The public of Fondazione Teatro dell'Opera di Roma: Dimension, Dynamics and Features
by Elena Alessandrini - 121-130 Crowdfunding in Arts and Culture: from funding to engagement
by Alfredo Valeri - 131-136 Towards an expanded concept of welfare definition. Cultural welfare projects of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano
by Antonio Lampis - 137-144 Intervista ad Hasan Bakhshi, Come calcolare il valore economico della creatività (e farla prendere sul serio)
by Gian Paolo Manzella - 145-146 AA.VV., La formazione al management culturale. Scenari, pratiche, nuove sfide, Antonio Taormina (a cura di)
by M. Giusti - 147-148 How to measure the economic value of creative industries (and take them seriously)
by G.P. Manzella
2016, Issue 4
- 483-490 Nota introduttiva / Introductory note
by Giuseppe Richeri - 491-506 A new phase in the industrialisation of culture: content selection and treatment by data
by Vincent Bullich - 507-525 Big data and Big GAFA. Thoughts on the data economy
by Juan Carlos Miguel de Bustos - 525-534 Big Data on television production and distribution: the Netflix case
by Giuseppe Richeri - 535-544 Big data in systems of Tv programmes and advertising audience measurements
by Angelo Amoroso - 545-556 Big data and privacy protection
by Bertil Cottier - 557-572 Culture as a pillar in sustainability: the best is yet to come
by Jordi Pascual - 573-586 Rome Civic Museum Network: Visitor's Identikit
by Roberta Biglino & Valeria Amantini - 587-588 Mimma Gallina e Oliviero Ponte di Pino, Oltre il decreto. Buone pratiche tra teatro e politica
by A. Taormina
2016, Issue 3
- 361-364 Nota Introduttiva / Introductory note
by Stefano Balassone & Celestino Spada - 365-378 Publishing and audiovisual in the Italian cultural and creative industry
by Pietro Antonio Valentino - 379-384 Companies dimension, the main limit to development of the audiovisual industry in Italy
by Riccardo Tozzi - 385-388 Italian audio-visual companies: problems and paradoxes
by Carlo Degli Esposti - 389-394 The Italian cartoon industry. Companies and resources of the international and global markets
by Claudio Curcio - 395-398 Typology Of Products, Size Of Companies, Comparison With European Countries And US, Training, Italian Authors Working For Foreign Companies
by Alfio Bastiancich - 399-402 Book publishing in Italy: market and critical issues
by Alessandro Monti - 403-412 European Union and the audiovisual
by Francesca Medolago Albani - 413-420 Tools & rules. Technological Innovation and Legislative Innovation in European Publishing
by Piero Attanasio - 421-432 Audiovisual production resources: crisis, prospects, problems
by Giuseppe Richeri - 433-444 Digital Revolution in the Cultural Industries. The Regulation of a Schumpeterian Cycle
by Philippe Chantepie - 445-456 Cultural industries in the digital age: creative or technological?
by Pierre-Jean Benghozi - 457-466 Guizhou, Southwest China: cultural challenges in ethnic villages
by Kuang Han Li - 467-476 The Italian art of XX century and the cultural diplomacy. The Farnesina Collection
by Greta Alberta Tirloni - 477-478 Luca Dal Pozzolo, Aldo Garbarini in conversazione con Francesco De Biase, Oltre la sindrome del Vilcoyote. Politiche culturali per disegnare il futuro
by A. Taormina
2016, Issue 2
- 225-240 Paolo Leon and cultural economics
by Marco Causi - 241-244 I met a courteous wise man
by Celestino Spada - 245-248 Nota introduttiva / Introductory note
by Annalisa Cicerchia - 249-260 Culture and development. The Global Quest for Indicators
by Annalisa Cicerchia - 261-268 Cooperation towards development: the biased value of culture
by Mercedes Giovinazzo - 269-284 Is culture a key factor in the European Union's macro-regional strategies?
by Pietro Celotti & Maria Giulia Settanni & Nicola Brignani & Andrea Gramillano - 285-300 Culture in danger - Culture as a danger. Cultural heritage at the frontline of recent worldwide conflicts
by Anna Dal Maso - 301-314 Culture and economy: numbering and encoding
by Françoise Benhamou & Philippe Chantepie - 315-322 Creativity, young people and culture for urban regeneration in Italy
by Leonardo Punginelli & Luigi Ratclif & Mario Santercole - 323-334 African comic authors and the publication in the framework of the social communication
by Sandra Federici - 335-340 Conflict-affected countries in MENA region. Training and emergency management tools
by Bijan Rouhani - 341-346 The Indicator Framework on Culture and Democracy. An innovative project of the Council of Europe
by Giulia Masini - 347-352 When risk and heritage create a team
by AbdelHamid Salah El-Sharief & Amira Sadik Aly El-Sayed & HebatAllah AbdelHamid - 353-354 UNESCO, Reshaping cultural policies-2005
by C. Bodo - 355-356 Simona Bodo, Silvia Mascheroni e Maria Grazia Panigada (a cura di), Un patrimonio di storie
by C. Da Milano
2016, Issue 1
- 1-2 Ricordo di Trezzini
by Economia della Cultura - 3-14 Nota Introduttiva/Introductory note
by Carla Bodo & Mariagrazia Bellisario - 15-20 EU: a new role of culture in the intermediterranean cooperation
by Silvia Costa - 21-24 The MiBACT engagement
by Antonia Pasqua Recchia - 25-30 Cultural rights and reception policies
by Leoluca Orlando & Andrea Cusumano - 31-36 From medieval Cordoba to the Charter of Palermo: rethinking and rebuilding the reception of migrants, dialogue between cultures and respect for diversity
by François de Bernard - 37-40 Knowledge and religious illiteracy
by Alberto Melloni - 41-48 Governing cultural diversity. Common goods, shared experiences, spaces for exchange
by Riccardo Pozzo & Vania Virgili - 49-56 The Mediterranean and the UNESCO. The intangible cultural heritage and cultural diversity' notions as factors of sustainable development
by Elena Sinibaldi & Emilio Cabasino - 57-62 A new «cultural dividend» for Mediterranean development policies
by Maurizio Carta - 63-68 Culture and sustainable development in the Mediterranean: the Italian perspective
by Vincenzo De Luca - 69-78 Towards a renewed cultural cooperation in the Mediterranean region
by Giovanna Tanzarella - 79-86 Cooperation in the Mediterranean: lessons from the cultural sector
by Mercedes Giovinazzo - 87-92 Mobility, social-cultural policies and new perspectives between Europe and the Mediterranean Sea
by Dora Bei & Luigi Ratclif - 93-98 Ancient theatres as expression of Mediterranean complexity, cultural joint of globalization
by Roberto Albergoni & Carlo Bianchini - 99-106 The intermediterranean cooperation in the field of music
by Francesco Giambrone & Angela Fodale - 107-112 The present contemporary dance situation in the Mediterranean
by Gerarda Ventura - 113-120 Italy and inter-Mediterranean cooperation in the visual arts
by Cristiana Perrella & Ludovico Pratesi - 121-124 The challenges in film coproduction in the Mediterranean area
by Pierre Emmanuel Lecerf - 125-132 Cinema and Audiovisual in the Euromed public space. Challenges and critical points
by Bruno Zambardino - 133-148 Culture, economic development and social mobility in Italy: the territorial gaps
by Giulio Guarini & Tiziana Laureti & Giuseppe Garofalo - 149-164 Social and economic impacts of culture in ECoC Italian candidate cities
by Annalisa Cicerchia - 165-170 Marseille, welcoming city?
by Jean François Chougnet - 171-174 DARB 1718: Contemporary Art and Culture Center in Old Cairo
by Reem Hatem - 175-180 The MEDNETA project from heritage to artistic creation
by Sofia Avgerinou-Kolonias - 181-186 The ARCHEOMEDSITES Project
by Michele Colavito - 187-194 Managing Palestinian cultural heritage: between threats and opportunities
by Osama Hamdan - 195-198 HOLOGRAMME: a Tuniso-Sicilian cross-border cultural project
by Fatma Fekih-Ahmed Kilani - 199-202 Dichiarazione finale di Palermo
by Economia della Cultura - 203-206 Palermo Final Declaration
by Economia della Cultura - 207-216 Carta di Palermo 2015
by Economia della Cultura - 217-219 Francesco Erbani, Pompei, Italia
by A.F. Leon - 220-220 Maria Rosaria Napolitano e Vittoria Marino (a cura di), Cultural heritage e made in Italy
by D. Bizjak
2015, Issue 3-4
- 321-328 Nota Introduttiva/Introductory note
by Economia della Cultura - 329-340 Landscape and territory as factors of identity and development
by Angela Barbanente - 341-350 Landscape plan as a cultural event
by Francesco Erbani - 351-366 Cultural policies for local development. Aims,means, first resulte
by Francesco Palumbo - 367-376 Recent innovations in cultural legislation in the Puglia Region
by Silvia Pellegrini - 377-386 Cultural policies and local development: theory and practices
by Pierluigi Montalbano & Pietro Antonio Valentino - 387-406 The role of creative and cultural enterprises in local development processes
by Aldo Bonomi - 407-418 Local resources and economic devolopment processes
by Raffaele Colaizzo - 419-432 Italy's National Catalogue of Cultural Heritage: a new hub for new objectives
by Laura Moro - 433-446 Twenty Years of Changing Employment Patterns in the Cultural Professions
by Marie Gouyon & Frédérique Patureau - 447-466 Creativity and culture in the Apulian Region development policies: a selection of experiences between 2005-2015
by Elena Alessandrini - 467-486 The Environmental and Cultural System of the Valle d'Itria: a promising evolution
by Gianfranco Ciola & Filomena Tanzarella - 487-494 Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding: ideas, collectivism and resources
by Madel Crasta - 495-496 Francesco De Biase (a cura di), I pubblici della cultura. Audience development, audience engagement
by A. Taormina
2015, Issue 2
- 171-178 Introductory note / Note d'introduction
by Economia della Cultura - 179-188 The Recorded Music Market in Germany 2003-2014
by Peter Tschmuck - 189-210 The Italian book publishing industry in the years 2005-2015
by Riccardo Fedriga - 211-222 Audiovisual production in Spain. Fewer resources, same problems, new challenges
by José M. Álvarez-Monzoncillo & Antonio Baraybar-Fernández & Javier López-Villanueva - 223-230 The cultural exception: strength and weakness in the French cinema industry
by Benoît Danard - 231-244 Between industry and culture: Québec and Canada's broadcasting policy
by Sylvain Lafrance & Eloi Lafontaine Beaumier - 245-254 The Chinese video game industry in the Internet age
by Minyu Shi & Wenjun Deng - 255-268 Technological innovation and R&D. The disregarded dimension of the creative industries: the case of book publishing
by Pierre-Jean Benghozi & Elisa Salvador - 269-276 The European Union copyright policy: culture, oblivion and enchantment for the cultural industries in the European Commission Strategy
by Alain Strowel - 277-284 «World Cultural Heritage» between the contradictions in economic theory and tragedies in the news
by Amedeo Di Maio & Elina De Simone - 285-296 In search of economic balance in an opera house. The Teatro La Fenice case
by Giorgio Brunetti - 297-302 «My Iran»: History and stories in dialogue
by Marta Morelli & Silvia Mascheroni - 303-304 Terry Flew, Global Creative Industries
by G.P. Manzella - 305-305 Orietta Rossi Pinelli (a cura di ), La storia delle storie dell'arte
by M. De Luca - 305-307 Alessandro Monti, Il MAXXI a raggi X. Indagine sulla gestione privata di un museo pubblico
by A.F. Leon
2015, Issue 1
- 3-9 Nota Introduttiva / Editor's Note
by Economia della Cultura - 11-22 Why we should measure, what we should measure
by Annalisa Cicerchia - 23-46 Outcome indicators for the cultural sector
by Marco Ratti - 47-56 L'impatto sociale che vorremmo
by Luca Dal Pozzolo - 57-64 From GDP to Wellbeing: the measurable contribution of culture
by Luca Bergamo - 65-80 ECoC: impatti, sfide del- la valutazione. Il caso italiano
by Roberto Albano & Alessandro Bollo - 81-90 Garanzia d'insequestrabilità per le opere d'arte nel diritto internazionale
by Mario De Simoni - 91-104 I terremoti salveranno i centri storici minori dall'abbandono?
by Gian Ludovico Rolli - 105-108 Cultural investments: from economic development to social cohesion
by Claudio Bocci - 109-118 I programmi europei per la cultura: finalità, opportunità e impatto
by Cristina Da Milano - 119-126 Periferie urbane e partecipazione sociale: l'esperienza di Corviale
by Maria Grazia Bellisario - 127-132 Un progetto per Bologna città metropolitana
by Antonio Taormina - 133-140 Come valutare l'impatto della cultura in carcere: l'esperienza anglosassone
by Carla Bodo - 141-144 L'impatto sociale del dialogo tra calcio e cultura
by Paolo Serafini - 145-154 Qualche definizione da esperienze mirate all'innovazione culturale
by Alessia Zabatino - 155-156 Luigi Maria Sicca e Luca Zan (a cura di), Management arti culture. Resoconto del primo anno del GSA Accademia italiana di economia aziendale
by Economia della Cultura
2014, Issue 3-4
- 277-282 Nota introduttiva
by Economia della Cultura - 283-294 Earthquakes and towns: a long-term picture
by Emanuela Guidoboni - 295-302 Reconstructions: the extemporariness as a rule
by Roberto De Marco - 303-320 Risk Map, Guidelines and some recent laws: a critical approach
by Pietro Petraroia - 321-334 Pompei since the Irpinia earthquake in 1980 up till now: costs and strategies
by Salvatore D'Agostino - 335-346 Marche 1997: A coordinated pathway from damage to restoration
by Mario Canti & Maria Luisa Polichetti - 347-356 The 1997 earthquake in Umbria: ups and downs of a project. A dialogue
by Letizia Abbondanza & Bruno Toscano - 357-372 The works of art diaspora. The Abruzzo case
by Valentina Valerio - 373-384 Emilia 2012. The Repository Centre for recovered art works in Sassuolo
by Stefano Casciu & Marco Mozzo - 385-394 L'Aquila 2009. Urban planning in emergency and the primer of degradation processes
by Antonello Ciccozzi - 395-406 Seismic prevention applied to the architectural heritage: rules and fiscal deduction
by Francesco Doglioni & Michele Bondanelli - 407-420 What's a performing arts funding mechanism for?
by Fabio Donato - 421-428 What's the Catalogue of Hard Earthquakes in Italy
by Emanuela Guidoboni - 429-438 The Seismic Risk Map of monuments in Sicily and Calabria
by Carlo Cacace - 439-444 La televisione: come la vedo, come l'ho fatta
by Angelo Guglielmi - 445-447 Francesco Giambrone, Politiche per la cultura in Europa. Modelli di governance a confronto
by C. Bodo - 448-450 Simone Verde, Cultura senza capitale. Storia e tradimento di un'idea italiana
by G.A. Tirloni
2014, Issue 2
- 137-140 Nota Introduttiva
by Economia della Cultura