2021, Issue 2
- 201-208 Digital platforms business model: role, value and data management
by Giuseppe Richeri - 209-216 The made in Italy imaginary in the digital platforms era
by Giovanni Cocconi - 217-226 The Rai version 2.0: the uncertainties of technology
by Patrizio Rossano - 227-237 Culture statistics at EU-level. Towards more information, visibility and harmonization
by Marta Beck-Domzalska - 239-256 Public subsidies, quality and efficiency the case of Italian Theatres
by Eugenio Bini & Vincenzo Patrizii - 257-265 The existing EU framework: a cornucopia
by Jean Paul Simon - 267-284 The European Audiovisual Single Market and its paradoxical outco- mes. From Google’s monopoly of the online advertising to the Tokio 2021 Olympic Games become invisible
by Giacomo Mazzone - 285-300 RAI License fee: raison d’être and events of a purpose tax
by Luciano Flussi - 301-306 Italian music market’s transformation across streaming and new talents
by Enzo Mazza - 307-309 Italian audiovisual production and digital platforms: great opportunities and some risk
by Giancarlo Leone - 311-312 Paolo Baratta. Il Giardino e l’Arsenale. Una storia della Biennale
by Antonio Lampis - 312-313 Annalisa Cicerchia. Che cosa muove la cultura. Impatti, misure e racconti tra economia e immaginario
by Francesca Neri - 313-314 Lucio Argano. Guida alla progettazione della città culturale: rinnovare le geografie, il design, l'azione sociale, la pianificazione nello spazio urbano
by Pietro A. Valentino
2021, Issue 1
- 3-5 Nota introduttiva
by Alessandro F. Leon - 7-9 Introductory note
by Alessandro F. Leon - 11-14 The research in the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage activities
by Alessandra Vittorini - 15-27 Repertory of projects submitted for the European Year for Cultural Heritage 2018 (EYCH)
by Luca Introini - 29-45 The EYCH 2018 impact on the policy leaders perception
by Alessandro F. Leon - 47-59 The EYCH 2018 impact on the CCI in Italy
by Francesca Allegra - 61-70 The European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 impact on cultural participation
by Annalisa Cicerchia - 71-76 Assessing the EYCH impacts. A marginal note
by Francesca Neri - 77-86 Culture and economy after COVID-19: selected topics for public discussion
by Marco Causi - 87-97 A flashback and different visions: the European Year of Cultural Heritage
by Margherita Console & Andrea Troisi - 99-111 EYCH 2018, a European success drawn by Italy
by Cristina Loglio - 113-122 Italian cultural festivals: The post-pandemic stake
by Oliviero Ponte di Pino & Giulia Alonzo - 123-129 Inhabiting culture
by Rossella Tarantino - 131-140 In memory of Luigi Covatta
by Bruno Zanardi - 141-142 Celebrazione di un quarantennio
by Luigi Covatta - 143-144 Economie du Cinéma (Giuseppe Richeri)
by Philippe Chantepie & Thomas Paris
2020, Issue 3-4
- 269-283 The cultural sector’s governance proved by COVID-19. A European comparison
by Celestino Spada & Pietro A. Valentino - 285-288 Introductory note
by Annalisa Cicerchia & Pietro A. Valentino - 289-291 Introductory note
by Annalisa Cicerchia & Pietro A. Valentino - 293-306 Measuring culture: how it started in the past century
by Carla Bodo - 307-322 From the cultural field to digital culture: time for cultural statistics
by Jutras Dominique & Philippe Chantepie - 323-335 The cultural heritage sector and economic statistics. Profiling contemporary cultural heritage practice in the nace codes
by Conor Newman & Elis Marcal & Susan Corr & Erminia Sciacchitano - 337-351 Setting a perimeter around the creative professions. A skill based proposal
by Mirko Menghini - 353-362 Tertiary education and cultural employment in CCS
by Antonio Taormina - 363-375 Measuring free digital services in a creative industries satellite account
by Carolina Arias Burgos - 377-395 AAA Data wanted. Combining creativity and methodological rigor to measure culture in cities
by Valentina Montalto - 397-412 A snapshot from the Creative Europe database 2014-2020. Projects, organisations, success stories, and policies
by Annalisa Cicerchia & Anna Conticello - 413-424 Culture for a sustainable development: from theory to evidence
by Fabio Bacchini & Pietro Antonio Valentino - 425-436 Museum data for regional policies. Addressing center-periphery issues
by Paolo Ferri & Marco Sottilotta & Luca Zan - 437-448 Public contributions and economic impact measures for the Turin Book Fair
by Piervincenzo Bondonio & Giovanna Segre - 449-463 The cultural crowdfunding in Italy. Promoters and projects performance analysis
by Milena Cassella & Francesco D'Amato & Cristina Sofia - 465-475 International culture statistics 2000 to 2020. A personal review
by Simon Ellis - 477-489 Settori culturali e creativi nell’Europa post- Covid-19. Effetti della crisi e raccomandazioni politiche
by Annalisa Cicerchia - 491-500 Arts, Entertainment and Recreation in New York City: Recent Trends and COVID-19 Impact
by Annalisa Cicerchia - 501-509 Using Wikipedia to investigate the impact of COVID 19 on cultural Heritage. A preliminary analysis on Louvre and Colosseum
by Fabio Bacchini & Roberto Iannaccone & Pietro A. Valentino - 511-511 Luigi Maria Sicca (a cura di), O l’impresa o la vita. Storie organizzative ed epiche, Quinta edizione, Milano, Egea, 2020
by Annalisa Cicerchia - 511-513 Antonio Capitano (a cura di), Riaprire i sipari. Rilanciare il settore della cultura dopo la pandemia da Covid-19: riflessioni e proposte per la ripartenza
by Celestino Spada
2020, Issue 2
- 113-117 Il mercato dell’arte e lo spazio socioculturale
by Raffaella Frascarelli - 119-123 Art Market and Sociocultural Space
by Raffaella Frascarelli - 125-141 Art Publics and Art Market
by Raffaella Frascarelli - 143-153 Decentralising the Arts
by Alessandro Philip Maiano - 155-161 As Clear as Mud. An investigation of the Contemporary Art Market
by Stefano Rabolli Pansera - 163-172 The Italian Ecosystem of Major Private Organizations of Contemporary Art
by Alfredo Valeri - 173-190 A better governance of cultural institutions: the reform of state museums
by Antonio Lampis - 191-203 An Italian Vision of the Art Market
by Mariolina Bassetti & Giulia Centonze - 205-209 Economic and Aesthetic outcomes: The Case of Hirst’s and Büchel’s Vessels
by Raffaella Frascarelli - 211-220 The Australian Indigenous Art Within the Global Art Markets. Why Does it Matter the Discourse of its Authenticity?
by Bev Munro - 221-225 The Rolling Snowball
by Francesco Arena - 227-229 The Role of a Lifetime
by Solene Guillier - 231-244 Galleria Continua. The Renaissance Model. A conversation with Lorenzo Fiaschi
by Lorenzo Fiaschi & Raffaella Frascarelli - 245-252 Global Art Market. Art Basel Model and the Future. A conversation with Marc Spiegler
by Marc Spiegler & Raffaella Frascarelli - 253-257 Cultural festival: from lockdown to a new beginning? The Covid-19 impact on the 2020 summer events
by Oliviero Ponte di Pino & Giulia Alonzo - 259-260 Luca Dal Pozzolo, Esercizi di sguardo. Cultura e percezione del quotidiano
by Francesca Neri - 260-261 Francesco De Biase (a cura di), Rimediare ri-mediare. Saperi, tecnologie, culture, comunità, persone
by Antonio Taormina
2020, Issue 1
- 3-14 The cultural sector and the COVID-19: emergencies and the future
by Celestino Spada & Pietro Antonio Valentino - 15-22 Introductory note
by Guido Ferilli - 23-34 Exploring the Rise of Cultural Industries in China. Selective industrial policies and economic performancies towards a knowledge-intensive economy
by Lorenzo Compagnucci & Mattia Tassinari & Francesca Spigarelli & Marco R. Di Tommaso - 35-44 Overview of Creative Industries in Japan
by Kazuko Goto - 45-57 Historical Origins and the Evolving Significance of Korea’s Creative Industries
by Thomas Andersson & Waldemar Andersson - 59-77 2019 Televisions and audiovisual media services in Europe in the EAO researches
by Celestino Spada - 79-83 Verso un «new normal» dei musei post-COVID 19: quale ruolo per il digitale?
by Deborah Agostino & Michela Arnaboldi & Eleonora Lorenzini - 85-101 Naples, the Metro of the Three As A. conversation with Ennio Cascetta and Achille Bonito Oliva
by Ennio Cascetta & Achille Bonito Oliva - 103-104 Maurizio Vivarelli, La lettura. Storie, teorie, luoghi
by Roberta Montepeloso - 103-105 Agostino Riitano, Artigiani dell’immaginario. Cultura, fiducia e cocreazione
by Antonio Taormina
2019, Issue 4
- 467-471 Nota introduttiva
by Flavia Barca & Celestino Spada - 473-476 Introductory note
by Economia della Cultura - 477-489 Beijing+25: Tacking Stock and Actualizing Section J through Transnational Collaboration
by Claudia Padovani - 491-503 Gender gaps in cultural and creative sectors in Europe. Stereotypes, good practices, possible strategies
by Flavia Barca - 505-522 Women in Culture and Creative Sector in Croatia
by Aleksandra Uzelac & Barbara Lovrinic & Suncana Franic - 523-530 Women and creative networks in the italian cinema (2004-2016)
by Mariagrazia Fanchi & Matteo Tarantino - 537-546 Language and gender between grammar and culture
by Monia Azzalini & Giuliana Giusti - 547-558 Feminine from family to the public space
by Barbara Belotti & Maria Pia Ercolini - 563-568 The Opera house system in Middle East and North Africa
by Paolo Petrocelli - 569-577 SouthMed WiA: An EU project on Women in Audiovisual sector. Closing the gender gap in front and behind the camera in Southern Mediterranean
by Paola Parri - 579-583 Women in Beijing+25 and in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A Comparison
by Claudia Padovani - 585-598 The social action of European women composers: research, teaching and dissemination path
by Milena Gammaitoni - 599-609 Writings throwaway, Women, cinema, cultural industries and the neglect
by Lucia Cardone - 611-612 Luca Bizzarri (a cura di), Il ritorno a casa degli Ulissi. Le professioni al tempo della rigenerazione urbana
by Federico Bomba
2019, Issue 3
- 287-302 Introductory note
by Maria Grazia Bellisario - 303-306 Il futuro del paesaggio: oltre la Carta nazionale del paesaggio
by Ilaria Borletti Buitoni - 307-312 Vanguard cities of the Neoanthropocene
by Maurizio Carta - 313-322 Urban Regeneration: a new way of thinking about the city
by Alessandro Bianchi - 323-332 Dynamics of Periphery: Reconnecting Energies of Space and Society
by Jörg Schröder - 333-348 Landscape in the Well-Being measures
by Annalisa Cicerchia - 349-356 The Landscape and the Economy
by Pietro A. Valentino - 357-370 The environmental, cultural, social and economic dimensions of the landscape. A look at current experiences on the threshold of the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention
by Maguelonne Déjeant-Pons - 371-382 New interpretative scenarios for the evolution of Italian landscapes
by Antonio Di Gennaro & Antonello Migliozzi & Marco Marotta - 383-392 Re-establishing the local identities patchwork
by Paolo Castelnovi - 393-408 Free and charged attendance at Italian museums. Recent empirical evidence and implications
by Roberto Cellini & Tiziana Cuccia - 409-418 Three questions about the landscape management to the Soprintendenti of Cultural Heritage Ministry
by Maria Grazia Bellisario - 419-426 CoE Committee of Ministers References texts on the European Landscape Convention
by Maguelonne Déjeant-Pons - 427-436 The landscape management in the territory of the Vineyard Landscapes of Piedmont
by Roberto Cerrato & Elisa Gandino & Carola Giacometti - 437-446 AtlasFor: a showcase for Heritage and «Active Landscape»
by Paola Vallaro - 447-452 Educating to the landscape
by Martina De Luca - 453-458 Earthquakes in a museum? A contribution from Bologna on an issue crucial to the whole country
by Emanuela Guidoboni - 459-460 Andrea Maulini, Comunicare la cultura, oggi
by Antonio Taormina
2019, Issue 2
- 161-164 Nota introduttiva / Introductory note
by Marco Causi - 165-172 Digital challenge for copyright and regulation
by Marco Causi - 173-186 New challenges of intellectual property rights protection in Europe
by Françoise Benhamou - 187-192 Droit d'auteur reform: an insider tale from the European Parliament
by Silvia Costa - 193-200 Digital and cultural industry, there is room for collaboration
by Enrico Bellini - 201-208 Copyright and Digital Innovation
by Fabio Bassan - 209-220 European copyright, competition and innovation policy in the creative sectors
by Piero Attanasio & Liliana Del Plato & Giulia Marangoni - 221-232 National Theaters in Italy: what role, what perspectives
by Lucio Argano - 233-246 Art Therapy as Model of Social Innovation in Health Care: four Italian experiences
by Emanuela Macrì & Lavinia Pastore - 247-256 Reflections on performig arts and audiovisual employment in Italy
by Antonio Taormina - 257-262 Measuring the impact of «shared accommodation» in city tourism. New data on Italian cities and regions
by Dirk Schmücker & Ulf Sonntag & Nadin Kaboth & Ryan Zidago - 263-270 From local to global: Innovations, trends and strategies in tourism
by Luigi Abete & Bernabò Bocca & Paolo Ermini - 271-276 Some aspects of the editorial system in Italy
by Oliviero Pesce - 277-277 Simona Turbanti, Strumenti di misurazione della ricerca. Dai database citazionali alle metriche del web
by Paola Castellucci - 278-280 Maurizio Vivarelli, La lettura. Storie, teorie, luoghi
by Roberta Montepeloso
2019, Issue 1
- 1 Ricordo di Andrea Emiliani
by Economia della Cultura - 3-14 The historic company as a factory of culture: between Heritage and contaminations
by Madel Crasta & Elisa Fulco - 15-28 L'impresa storica come fabbrica di cultura: tra Heritage e contaminazioni
by Elisa Fulco - 29-42 The value of corporate museums and archives in the company life. The role of authenticity and of Corporate Social Responsibility
by Chiara Paolino - 43-48 Museimpresa's network and company archives and museum as a contemporary museum model
by Giancarlo Gonizzi - 49-62 From corporate social responsibility to companies supporting the territory: the Hubruzzo Foundation
by Roberto Di Vincenzo & Simone D'Alessandro - 63-76 Pirelli industrial humanism between Milanese polytechnic culture and «Fabbrica Bella»
by Antonio Calabrò - 77-86 Brandscape. Heritage policies and the roots of a company future: the Lavazza case
by Stefano Trinchero & Simona Busso - 87-92 The Molteni Museum Heritage strategies and the staging of quality
by Francesca Molteni & Peter Helfti - 93-98 ilCantastorie. Banco di Napoli Historical Archives and museum. When marketing becomes local marketing
by Alessia Esposito - 99-108 Design Grand Tour: knowing the Italian design through companies' museums and archives
by Francesca Appiani - 109-116 Cultural Heritage and Industrial Tourism in the Marche Region. The impact of the historic industry and manifacturing companies in enhancing industrial tourism
by Alessandro Carlorosi & Carlo Maria Pesaresi & Sabrina Dubbini - 117-128 Culture and cultural policies in time of crisis. The emblematic case of Spain
by Patricia Corredor & Enrique Bustamante - 129-134 The fashion archives' role in the vocational training for little and medium companies
by Claudia D'Angelo - 135-142 The Vitra Design Museum: From Industry to Culture
by Mateo Kries - 143-150 Fashion and Heritage. Cristóbal Balenciaga
by Igor Uria Zubizarreta - 151-152 Paola Dubini, Con la cultura non si mangia (falso!), Idòla
by Pietro A. Valentino - 152-154 Maria Rosaria Napolitano, Angelo Riviezzo, Antonella Garofano, Heritage Marketiung. Come aprire uno scrigno e trovare un tesoro
by Valentina Martino
2018, Issue 4
- 411-418 Nota introduttiva / Introductory note
by Annalisa Cicerchia - 419-432 Cultural Heritage Participation. Engagement models, evidence for the EU
by Victoria Ateca-Amestoy - 433-450 Local impact of cultural investments. An application for Southern Italy
by Sergio Alessandrini & Andrea Billi & Elisa Valeriani - 451-464 Cultural heritage and landscape as determinants of well-being
by Annalisa Cicerchia - 465-478 Beyond celebrations and divisions: re-politicizing heritage dissonance in Europe
by Visnja Kisic - 479-490 2018 EYCH - A laboratory for cultural innovation
by Erminia Sciacchitano - 491-508 The impact of cultural policies in Apulia. Factual and counterfactual assessment on touristic attractiveness
by Raffaele Colaizzo & Marco Letta & Pierluigi Montalbano - 509-520 Events and sustainable mobility: a model based on cluster analysis
by Cecilia Chirieleison & Alessandro Montrone & Luca Scrucca - 521-532 Taste museums. A travel through food, art and culture
by Federica Lo Prete - 533-542 Art in hospitals
by Carla Bodo - 543-550 Archives, Heritage and digital. The Polo del '900 in Turin for the EYCH
by Alessandro Bollo - 551-566 Negotiating instrumental and realist perspectives in European Heritage Research
by Christopher Whitehead & Susannah Eckersley & Gönül Bozoğlu - 567-568 Luca Dal Pozzolo, Il patrimonio culturale tra memoria e futuro
by Francesca Neri
2018, Issue 3
- 261-268 Nota introduttiva / Introductory note
by Ludovico Solima & Fabio Viola - 269-274 Videogames to know art and culture
by Antonio Lampis - 275-290 Gaming for the museums. The MANN experience
by Ludovico Solima - 291-300 Videogames as a XXI Century social and artistic expression
by Fabio Viola - 301-310 Artist' videogames and videogames for learning
by Maria Stella Bottai - 311-320 GameTale: Facilitating the Design of Gameful Museum Experiences
by Daniela De Angeli - 321-330 Audience Development and Audience Engagement strategies of cultural organizations: the role of Gaming
by Alessandro Bollo - 331-346 The museum and the new publics. Videogame as a new communication resource
by Daniel Sánchez - 347-358 The role of gaming in the museums' digital storytelling strategies. An exploratory study
by Armando Papa & Pasquale Sasso & Mario Tani - 359-376 The management of the Italian lyric and symphonic Foundations. 2016 data and trends 2006-2016
by Italo Scotti - 377-390 Get to know the cultural audience in Italy. Analysis and methods for innovation
by Silvia Cacciatore - 391-398 Venice, Netflix and the role of theatres: films between present and future
by Bruno Zambardino & Giulia Elena Berni - 399-402 Cesare De Michelis. In memoriam
by Pietro Antonio Valentino - 403-404 Al sapere servono merito e autonomia: non soldi pubblici
by Cesare De Michelis - 405-406 Renato Quaglia, Bravi, ma basta! Su certe premesse, promesse e catastrofi culturali
by Antonio Taormina
2018, Issue 1-2
- 5-10 Introductory note
by Francesca Cominelli & Sébastien Jacquot - 11-24 Touristic flows, emerging markets and geo-political challenges; the strategic positioning of Europe
by Angelo Battaglia - 25-36 Trends and transformations of digital oriented tourism companies, within the framework of the sharing economy
by Alfredo Valeri - 37-48 Intersector linkages betwen tourism and the creative industries. New opportunities in territorial development and product innovation
by Martha Friel & Armando Peres - 49-60 Fashion as Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Place: a Dialogue Still to Be Built
by Chiara Rabbiosi & Gianluigi Di Giangirolamo & Renato Medei - 61-74 When «places of memory» become «tourist destinations». Memory tourism in France: public speeches and new territories
by Anne Hertzog - 75-90 A country for travelers, a city for migrants. Urban regeneration, cultural heritage and community: new itineraries in Barriera di Milano, Turin
by Mariachiara Guerra - 91-106 2017-2022: Even in Italy Tourism is planned. Updating the new season in Italian policies of tourism
by Francesco Palumbo - 107-120 Regional Competitiveness Between New Tourism Policies and Territorial Aggregations. From the European to the infra-regional scale
by Alessia Mariotti & Francesca Biondi - 121-138 Statistics on tourism in Italy. A complex structure
by Maria Teresa Santoro - 139-150 The Italy's tourism information system: proposals for policy actions
by Pierluigi Montalbano & Guido Pellegrini - 151-162 Measuring the impact of «shared accommodation» in city tourism
by Dirk Schmücker & Ulf Sonntag & Philipp Wagner - 163-172 Gender Inequalities in the Entertainment Society
by Flavia Barca - 173-186 The culture social impacts. Evaluation practices supporting decisions
by Giovanna Sonda & Andrea Billi - 187-198 Cultural heritage in the budgets of the states: a theoretical-methodological proposal for economic evaluation from an international perspective
by Paolo D'Angeli & Gessica Martino & Stefano Maurizi & Marcello Minuti - 199-212 Political economy of turism in Florence
by Lorenzo Giudici - 213-220 Local food, wine heritage and destination marketing. Relaunching Valtellina alpine destination
by Monica Basile - 221-226 «... and now who will make the paper flowers?»
by Michele Mezza - 227-248 Musei autonomi e Sistema nazionale dei Musei: un primo bilancio di gestione
by Pietro Barrera & Flaminia Gennari Santoni & Mauro Felicori & Lorenzo Casini & Antonio Lampis - 249-250 Luc Boltanski et Arnaud Esquerre, Enrichissement. Une critique de la marchandise
by Anas Sanoussi - 250-251 Chiara Rabbiosi, Il territorio messo in scena. Turismo, consumi, luoghi
by Giangavino Pazzola - 251-254 Marco D'Eramo, Il selfie del mondo. Indagine sull'età del turismo
by Celestino Spada - 255-256 Lucio Argano, Alessandro Bollo, Paolo Dalla Sega, Organizzare eventi culturali. Ideazione, progettazione e gestione strategica del pubblico
by Antonio Taormina
2017, Issue 4
- 471-478 Nota introduttiva / Introductory note
by Giuseppe Richeri - 479-496 Hollywood in the 21st Century
by Janet Wasko - 497-510 The European Film Industry and the Gattopardo Syndrome
by Marco Cucco - 511-526 Complicating paradigms of media industry analyses: the case of Bollywood
by Tejaswini Ganti - 527-540 Between the small and the big screen: Nollywood and the burst of the «made in Nigeria» film and video production
by Alessandro Jedlowski