- 432 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre Forschungsbericht 2024
by Institute of Economics
- 431 Kampf an falschen Fronten - Verbrenner-Aus, Gebäudeenergiegesetz (GEG) oder Brennstoffemissionshandelsgesetz (BEHG)?
by Thomas Wein - 430 Existiert Wettbewerb beim Laden von Elektrofahrzeugen in Deutschland?
by Mats Petter Kahl & Thomas Wein - 429 Data Observer – A guide to data that can help to inform evidence-based policymaking
by Joachim Wagner - 428 Digitalization Intensity and Extensive Margins of Exports in Manufacturing Firms from 27 EU Countries - Evidence from Kernel-Regularized Least Squares Regression
by Joachim Wagner - 427 Cloud Computing and Extensive Margins of Exports - Evidence for Manufacturing Firms from 27 EU Countries
by Joachim Wagner - 426 Robots and Extensive Margins of Exports - Evidence for Manufacturing Firms from 27 EU Countries
by Joachim Wagner - 425 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre Forschungsbericht 2023
by Institute of Economics - 424 Estimation of empirical models for margins of exports with unknown non-linear functional forms: A Kernel-Regularized Least Squares (KRLS) approach Evidence from eight European countries
by Joachim Wagner
- 423 Equal before the (expressive power of) law?
by Luise Görges & Tom Lane & Daniele Nosenzo & Silvia Sonderegger - 422 Exports and firm survival in times of COVID-19 – Evidence from eight European countries
by Joachim Wagner - 421 Big Data Analytics and Exports - Evidence for Manufacturing Firms from 27 EU Countries
by Joachim Wagner - 420 Can worker codetermination stabilize democracies? Works councils and satisfaction with democracy in Germany
by Christian Pfeifer - 419 Was the German fuel discount passed on to consumers?
by Mats Petter Kahl - 418 Unions as insurence: Employer–worker risk sharing and workers‘ outcomes during COVID-19
by Nils Braakmann & Boris Hirsch - 417 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre Forschungsbericht 2022
by Institute of Economics
- 416 Second job holding in Germany – a persistent feature?
by Philipp Lentge - 415 Online Channels Sales Premia in Times of COVID-19: First Evidence from Germany
by Joachim Wagner - 414 The wage elasticity of recruitment
by Boris Hirsch & Elke J. Jahn & Alan Manning & Michael Oberfichtner - 413 Fading Shooting Stars – The Relative Age Effect, Misallocation of Talent, and Returns to Training in German Elite Youth Soccer
by Lukas Tohoff & Mario Mechtel - 412 The first 50 contributions to the Data Observer Series – An overview
by Joachim Wagner - 411 How to Reach the Land of Cockaigne? Edgeworth Cycle Theory and Why a Gasoline Station is the First to Raise Its Price
by Mats Petter Kahl & Thomas Wein - 410 Website premia for extensive margins of international firm activities Evidence for SMEs from 34 countries
by Joachim Wagner - 409 Firm survival and gender of firm owner in times of COVID-19 Evidence from 10 European countries
by Joachim Wagner - 408 Uncovered workers in plants covered by collective bargaining: Who are they and how do they fare?
by Boris Hirsch & Philipp Lentge & Claus Schnabel - 407 How to Limit the Spillover from the 2021 Inflation Surge to Inflation Expectations?
by Lena Dräger & Michael J. Lamla & Damjan Pfajfar - 406 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre Forschungsbericht 2021
by Institute of Economics
- 405 Distributional Effects of Carbon Pricing by Transport Fuel Taxation
by Leif Jacobs & Lara Quack & Mario Mechtel - 404 Non-Base Compensation and the Gender Pay Gap
by Boris Hirsch & Philipp Lentge - 403 Is the Word of a Gentleman as Good as His Tweet? Policy communications of the Bank of England
by Michael J. Lamla & Dmitri V. Vinogradov - 402 The Hidden Heterogeneity of Inflation and Interest Rate Expectations: The Role of Preferences
by Lena Dräger & Michael J. Lamla & Damjan Pfajfar - 401 The Good have a Website Evidence on website premia for firms from 18 European countries
by Joachim Wagner - 400 Of housewives and feminists: Gender norms and intra-household division of labour
by Luise Görges - 399 With a little help from my website Firm survival and web presence in times of COVID-19 – Evidence from 10 European countries
by Joachim Wagner - 398 The transition from School to Post-Secondary Education – What factors affect educational decisions?
by Katja Seidel - 397 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre Forschungsbericht 2020
by Institute of Economics
- 396 Organised Labour, Labour Market Imperfections, and Employer Wage Premia
by Sabien Dobbelaere & Boris Hirsch & Steffen Mueller & Georg Neuschaeffer - 395 Export boosting policies and firm behaviour: Review of empirical evidence around the world
by Stjepan Srhoj & Vanja Vitezic & Joachim Wagner - 394 Why abandoning the paradise? Stations incentives to reduce gasoline prices at first
by Thomas Wein - 393 Privacy Paradox – Economic Uncertainty Theory and Legal Consequences
by Sarah Geschonke & Thomas Wein - 392 Impact of Cross-Border Competition on the German Retail Gasoline Market – German-Polish Border
by Mats P. Kahl - 391 Markups and Concentration in the Context of Digitization: Evidence from German Manufacturing Industries
by John P. Weche & Joachim Wagner - 390 Cartel behavior and efficient sanctioning by criminal sentences
by Thomas Wein - 389 Market definition of the german retail gasoline industry on highways and those in the immediate vicinity
by Christoph Kleineberg - 388 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre Forschungsbericht 2019
by Institute of Economics
- 387 Birds, Birds, Birds: Co-worker Similarity, Workplace Diversity, and Voluntary Turnover
by Boris Hirsch & Elke J. Jahn & Thomas Zwick - 386 Transaction data for Germany’s exports and imports of goods
by Joachim Wagner - 385 Export Scope and Characteristics of Destination Countries: Evidence from German Transaction Data
by Joachim Wagner - 384 Exchange rate pass-through to import prices in Europe: A panel cointegration approach
by Antonia Arsova - 383 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre Forschungsbericht 2018
by Institute of Economics
- 382 A Sample Selection Model for Fractional Response Variables
by Jörg Schwiebert - 381 A Bivariate Fractional Probit Model
by Jörg Schwiebert - 380 Firm wage premia, industrial relations,and rent sharing in Germany
by Boris Hirsch & Steffen Mueller - 379 The fall and rise of market power in Europe
by John P. Weche & Achim Wambach - 378 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre Forschungsbericht 2017
by Institute of Economics - 377 Shortening the potential duration of unemployment benefits and labor market outcomes: Evidence from a natural experiment in Germany
by Inna Petrunyk & Christian Pfeifer
- 376 Offenlegung von CO2-Emissionen und Klimastrategien der CDAXUnternehmen – eine statistische Analyse erklärender Faktoren am Beispiel der CDP-Klimaberichterstattung
by Katharina Rogge & Markus Groth & Roland Schuhr - 375 Verdrängungspreise an Tankstellen?
by Christoph Kleineberg & Thomas Wein - 374 200 Jahre „On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation“ – Eine historische Einordnung und Würdigung
by Markus Groth & Laura Schäfer & Pia Scholz - 373 It pays to be active on many foreign markets Profitability in German multi-market exporters and importers from manufacturing industries
by Joachim Wagner - 372 Productivity premia for many modes of internationalization - A replication study of Békes / Muraközy, Economics Letters (2016)
by Joachim Wagner - 371 On the Heterogeneity of the Economic Value of Electricity Distribution Networks: an Application to Germany
by Marius Stankoweit & Markus Groth & Daniela Jacob - 370 Firm size and the use of export intermediaries A replication study of Abel-Koch, The World Economy (2013)
by Joachim Wagner - 369 Multiple import sourcing First evidence for German enterprises from manufacturing industries
by Joachim Wagner - 368 Active on many foreign markets A portrait of German multi-market exporters and importers from manufacturing industries
by Joachim Wagner - 367 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre Forschungsbericht 2016
by Institute of Economics
- 366 Trademarks, Comparative Advertising, And Product Imitations: An Untold Story Of Law And Economics
by Tim W. Dornis & Thomas Wein - 365 Intra-good trade in Germany: A first look at the evidence
by Joachim Wagner - 364 A cross-sectoral analysis of climate change risk drivers based on companies’ responses to the CDP’s climate change information request
by Markus Groth & Annette Brunsmeier - 363 Collusive Upward Gasoline Price Movements in Medium-Sized German Cities
by Arne Neukirch & Thomas Wein - 362 Job Characteristics and their Effect on the Intention to Quit Apprenticeship
by Katja Seidel - 361 Apprenticeship: The Intention to Quit and the Role of Secondary Jobs in It
by Katja Seidel - 360 Trade costs shocks and lumpiness of imports: Evidence from the Fukushima disaster
by Joachim Wagner - 359 The Lumpiness of German Exports and Imports of Goods
by Joachim Wagner - 358 Exporting and Workforce Skills-Intensity in the Egyptian Manufacturing Firms: Empirical Evidence Using World Bank Firm-Level Data for Egypt
by Ahmed Fayez Abdelgouad - 357 An intersection test for the cointegrating rank in dependent panel data
by Antonia Arsova & Deniz Dilan Karaman Örsal - 356 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre Forschungsbericht 2015
by Institute of Economics
- 355 Relevance and Detection Problems of Margin Squeeze – The Case of German Gasoline Prices
by Christoph Kleineberg & Thomas Wein - 354 US Policy Spillover(?) - China's Accession to the WTO and Rising Exports to the EU
by Karsten Mau - 352 Marktbeherrschung im Tankstellenmarkt Fehlender Binnen- und Außenwettbewerb an der Tankstelle? Deskriptive Evidenz für Marktbeherrschung
by Arne Neukirch & Thomas Wein - 351 Environmental regulation and sustainable competitiveness: Evaluating the role of firm-level green investments in the context of the Porter hypothesis
by Jana Stoever & John P. Weche - 350 Does green corporate investment really crowd out other business investment?
by John P. Weche - 349 Meta-analytic cointegrating rank tests for dependent panels
by Deniz Dilan Karaman Örsal & Antonia Arsova - 348 Trade Dynamics and Trade Costs: First Evidence from the Exporter and Importer Dynamics Database for Germany
by Joachim Wagner - 347 Climate change related risks, opportunities and adaptation actions in European cities – Insights from responses to the CDP cities program
by Markus Groth & Maria Brück & Teresa Oberascher - 346 25 Jahre Nutzung vertraulicher Firmenpaneldaten der amtlichen Statistik für wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Forschung: Produkte, Projekte, Probleme, Perspektiven
by Joachim Wagner - 345 Unfair Wage Perceptions and Sleep: Evidence from German Survey Data
by Christian Pfeifer - 344 Share of exports to low-income countries, productivity, and innovation: A replication study with firm-level data from six European countries
by Joachim Wagner - 343 R&D activities and extensive margins of exports in manufacturing enterprises: First evidence for Germany
by Joachim Wagner - 342 A survey of empirical studies using transaction level data on exports and imports
by Joachim Wagner - 341 All Along the Data Watch Tower - 15 Years of European Data Watch in Schmollers Jahrbuch
by Joachim Wagner - 340 Kombinierte Firmenpaneldaten – Datenangebot und Analysepotenziale
by Joachim Wagner - 339 Drug Prices, Rents, and Votes in the German Health Care Market: An Application of the Peltzman Model
by Anne Maria Busch - 338 Drug Prices and Pressure Group Activities in the German Health Care Market: An Application of the Becker Model
by Anne Maria Busch - 337 Life satisfaction in Germany after reunification: Additional insights on the pattern of convergence
by Inna Petrunyk & Christian Pfeifer - 336 Credit constraints and the extensive margins of exports: First evidence for German manufacturing
by Joachim Wagner - 335 Die Relevanz von Klimawandelfolgen für Kritische Infrastrukturen am Beispiel des deutschen Energiesektors
by Markus Groth & Jörg Cortekar - 334 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre Forschungsbericht 2014
by Institute of Economics - 333 Hidden climate change related risks for the private sector
by Annette Brunsmeier & Markus Groth
- 332 Trademark Rights, Comparative Advertising, and “Perfume Comparison Lists” – An Untold Story of Law and Economics
by Tim W. Dornis & Thomas Wein - 331 Migration as an Adjustment Mechanism in the Crisis? A Comparison of Europe and the United States
by Julia Jauer & Thomas Liebig & John P. Martin & Patrick Puhani - 330 On the Robustness of Minimum Wage Effects: Geographically-Disparate Trends and Job Growth Equations
by John T. Addison & McKinley L. Blackburn & Chad D. Cotti - 329 The Impact Of The German Autobahn Net On Regional Labor Market Performance: A Study Using Historical Instrument Variables
by Joachim Möller & Marcus Zierer - 328 Ownership Structure and Firm Performance in the Egyptian Manufacturing Sector
by Ahmed Fayez Abdelgouad & Christian Pfeifer & John P. Weche Gelübcke - 327 Working time, satisfaction and work life balance: A European perspective
by Stephan Humpert - 326 Labor Demand and Unequal Payment: Does Wage Inequality matter? Analyzing the Influence of Intra-firm Wage Dispersion on Labor Demand with German Employer-Employee Data
by Arnd Kölling - 325 World Market Access of Emerging-Market Firms: The Role of Foreign Ownership and Access to External Finance
by Horst Raff & Natalia Trofimenko - 324 The levelling effect of product market competition on gender wage discrimination
by Boris Hirsch & Michael Oberfichtner & Claus Schnabel - 323 International Knowledge Spillovers: The Benefits from Employing Immigrants
by Jürgen Bitzer & Erkan Gören & Sanne Hiller - 322 Kosten eines Tarifabschlusses: Verschiedene Perspektiven der Bewertung
by Michael Gold - 321 Wann wird negative Reziprozität am Arbeitsplatz akzeptiert? Eine quasi-experimentelle Untersuchung
by Gesine Stephan & Sven Uthmann - 320 Fixed-term contracts and dismissal protection. Evidence from a policy reform in Germany
by Lutz Bellmann & Hans-Dieter Gerner & Christian Hohendanner - 319 Betriebliche Suche und Besetzung von Arbeitsplätzen für qualifizierte Tätigkeiten in Niedersachsen - Gibt es Defizite an geeigneten Bewerbern?
by Knut Gerlach & Olaf Hübler & Wolfgang Meyer - 318 Before-after differences in labor market outcomes for participants in medical rehabilitation in Germany
by Sebastian Fischer & Inna Petrunyk & Christian Pfeifer & Anita Wiemer - 317 Der deutsche Taximarkt - das letzte (Kollektiv-) Monopol im Sturm der „neuen Zeit“
by Annika Pape & Thomas Wein - 316 Reconsidering the impact of family size on labour supply: The twin-problems of the twin-birth instrument
by Nils Braakmann & John Wildman - 315 Climate change adaptation strategies within the framework of the German “Energiewende” – Is there a need for government interventions and legal obligations?
by Markus Groth & Jörg Cortekar - 314 Labor Law Reforms and Labor Market Performance in Egypt
by Ahmed Fayez Abdelgouad - 313 Still different after all these years. Extensive and intensive margins of exports in East and West German manufacturing enterprises
by Joachim Wagner - 312 A note on the granular nature of imports in German manufacturing industries
by Joachim Wagner - 311 Value pluralism, trade-offs and efficiencies
by Nikolai Hoberg & Stefan Baumgärtner - 310 Exports, R&D and Productivity: A test of the Bustos-model with enterprise data from France, Italy and Spain
by Joachim Wagner - 309 Preventing Margin Squeeze: An Unsolvable Puzzle for Competition Policy? The Case of the German Gasoline Market
by Thomas Wein - 308 Firm age and the margins of international trade: Comparable evidence from five European countries
by Joachim Wagner - 307 Auslandskontrollierte Industrie- und Dienstleistungsunternehmen in Niedersachsen: Performancedifferentiale und Dynamik in Krisenzeiten
by John P. Weche Gelübcke - 306 New Data from Official Statistics for Imports and Exports of Goods by German Enterprises
by Joachim Wagner - 305 A note on firm age and the margins of imports: First evidence from Germany
by Joachim Wagner - 304 Determinants and interactions of sustainability and risk management of commercial cattle farmers in Namibia
by Jessica Ingenillem & Joachim Merz & Stefan Baumgärtner - 303 A note on firm age and the margins of exports: First evidence from Germany
by Joachim Wagner - 302 A note on quality of a firm’s exports and distance to destination countries: First evidence from Germany
by Joachim Wagner - 301 Determinants of Using Fixed-term Contracts in the Egyptian Labor Market: Empirical Evidence from Manufacturing Firms Using World Bank Firm-Level Data for Egypt
by Ahmed Fayez Abdelgouad - 300 Liability Rule Failures? Evidence from German Court Decisions
by Annika Pape - 298 Extensive Margins of Imports and Profitability: First Evidence for Manufacturing Enterprises in Germany
by Joachim Wagner - 297 Is Export Diversification good for Profitability? First Evidence for Manufacturing Enterprises in Germany
by Joachim Wagner - 296 Exports and Firm Profitability: Quality matters!
by Joachim Wagner - 295 What makes a high-quality exporter? Evidence from Germany
by Joachim Wagner - 294 Credit constraints and margins of import: First evidence for German manufacturing enterprises
by Joachim Wagner - 293 Waiting to start a business venture. Empirical evidence on the determinants
by Dirk Oberschachtsiek - 292 Low-productive exporters are high-quality exporters. Evidence from Germany
by Joachim Wagner - 291 Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre Forschungsbericht 2013
by Institute of Economics
- 299 Law versus Economics? How should insurance intermediaries influence the insurance demand decision
by Annika Pape - 290 Subsistence and substitutability in consumer preferences
by Stefan Baumgaertner & Moritz A. Drupp & Martin F. Quaas - 289 Human Capital Diversity and Entrepreneurship. Results from the regional individual skill dispersion nexus on self-employment activity
by Dirk Oberschachtsiek - 288 Risk or Resilience? The Role of Trade Integration and Foreign Ownership for the Survival of German Enterprises during the Crisis 2008-2010
by Joachim Wagner & John P. Weche Geluebcke - 287 Credit constraints and exports: A survey of empirical studies using firm level data
by Joachim Wagner - 286 Competition through Cooperation? The Case of the German Postal Market
by Toufic M. El Masri - 285 Are New German Postal Providers Successful? Empirical Evidence Based on Unique Survey Data
by Toufic M. El Masri - 284 Cost Containment and Managed Care: Evidence from German Macro Data
by Andree Ehlert & Dirk Oberschachtsiek & Stefan Prawda - 283 Credit Constraints, Foreign Ownership, and Foreign Takeovers in Germany
by Joachim Wagner & John P. Weche Geluebcke - 282 Extensive margins of imports in The Great Import Recovery in Germany, 2009/2010
by Joachim Wagner - 281 Ramsey discounting of ecosystem services
by Stefan Baumgaertner & Alexandra M. Klein & Denise Thiel & Klara Winkler - 280 Likelihood-based panel cointegration test in the presence of a linear time trend and cross-sectional dependence
by Antonia Arsova & Deniz Dilan Karaman Oersal - 279 Georg von Charasoff´s Theory of Value, Capital and Prices of Production
by Thomas Huth - 278 Do outliers and unobserved heterogeneity explain the exporter productivity premium? Evidence from France, Germany and the United Kingdom
by Yama Temouri & Joachim Wagner - 277 Foreign Ownership and the Extensive Margins of Exports: Evidence for Manufacturing Enterprises in Germany
by Horst Raff & Joachim Wagner - 276 Gender Differences in Life Satisfaction and Social Participation
by Stephan Humpert - 275 Political Expenditure Cycles and Election Outcomes Evidence from Disaggregation of Public Expenditures by Economic Functions
by Soeren Enkelmann & Markus Leibrecht - 274 Government Popularity and the Economy First Evidence from German Micro Data
by Soeren Enkelmann - 273 Unraveling the Relationship between Presidential Approval and the Economy - A Multi-Dimensional Semi-Parametric Approach
by Michael Berlemann & Soeren Enkelmann & Torben Kuhlenkasper - 272 The Economic Determinants of U.S. Presidential Approval - A Survey
by Soeren Enkelmann & Michael Berlemann - 271 Obama and the Macroeconomy Estimating Social Preferences Between Unemployment and Inflation
by Soeren Enkelmann - 270 Does Cultural Heritage affect Employment decisions – Empirical Evidence for Second Generation Immigrants in Germany
by Anja Koebrich Leon - 269 Religious Activity, Risk Taking Preferences, and Financial Behaviour: Empirical Evidence from German Survey Data
by Anja Koebrich Leon & Christian Pfeifer - 268 Religion and Economic Outcomes – Household Savings Behavior in the USA
by Anja Koebrich Leon - 267 Environmental Protection of Foreign Firms in Germany: Does the country of origin matter?
by John P. Weche Geluebcke & Isabella Wedl - 266 The Role of extensive margins of exports in The Great Export Recovery in Germany, 2009/2010
by Joachim Wagner - 265 Model choice and size distribution: a Bayequentist approach
by John-Oliver Engler & Stefan Baumgaertner - 264 The death of German firms: What role for foreign direct investment?
by John P. Weche Geluebcke & Chiara Franco - 263 Are low-productive exporters marginal exporters? Evidence from Germany
by Joachim Wagner - 262 Export market exit and firm survival: theory and first evidence
by Sanne Hiller & Philipp J.H. Schroeder & Allan Sorensen
- 260 The Impact of R&D Activities on Exports of German Business Services Enterprises: First evidence from a continuous treatment approach
by Joachim Wagner - 259 Base Salaries, Bonus Payments, and Work Absence among Managers in a German Company
by Christian Pfeifer - 258 Lingering illness or sudden death? Pre-exit employment developments in German establishments
by Daniel Fackler & Claus Schnabel & Joachim Wagner - 257 Productivity and the Product Scope of Multi-product Firms: A Test of Feenstra-Ma
by Horst Raff & Joachim Wagner - 256 Is innovative firm behavior correlated with age and gender composition of the workforce? Evidence from a new type of data for German enterprises
by Christian Pfeifer & Joachim Wagner - 255 Cluster Policy as a Development Strategy. Case Studies from the Middle East and North Africa
by Maximilian Benner - 254 Firmendatenbasiertes Benchmarking der Industrie und des Dienstleistungssektors in Niedersachsen - Methodisches Konzept und Anwendungen
by Joachim Wagner & John P. Weche Geluebcke - 253 The Great Export Recovery in German Manufacturing Industries, 2009/2010
by Joachim Wagner - 252 Daten des IAB-Betriebspanels und Firmenpaneldaten aus Erhebungen der Amtlichen Statistik – substitutive oder komplementäre Inputs für die Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung?
by Joachim Wagner - 251 Credit constraints and exports: Evidence for German manufacturing enterprises
by Joachim Wagner - 250 Productivity and the extensive margins of trade in German manufacturing firms: Evidence from a non-parametric test
by Joachim Wagner - 249 Foreign and Domestic Takeovers in Germany: First Comparative Evidence on the Post-acquisition Target Performance using new Data
by John P. Weche Geluebcke - 248 Characterizing commercial cattle farms in Namibia: risk, management and sustainability
by Roland Olbrich & Martin F. Quaas & Stefan Baumgaertner - 247 Exports, R&D and Productivity in German Business Services Firms: A test of the Bustos-model
by Alexander Vogel & Joachim Wagner - 246 Innovation and Exports of German Business Services Enterprises: First evidence from a new type of firm data
by Alexander Vogel & Joachim Wagner - 245 Somewhere over the Rainbow: Sexual Orientation Discrimination in Germany
by Stephan Humpert - 244 Exports, R&D and Productivity: A test of the Bustos-model with German enterprise data
by Joachim Wagner - 243 Trading many goods with many countries: Exporters and importers from German manufacturing industries
by Joachim Wagner - 242 German multiple-product, multiple-destination exporters: Bernard-Redding-Schott under test
by Joachim Wagner - 241 Regulation of morally responsible agents with motivation crowding
by Joachim Fuenfgelt & Stefan Baumgaertner - 240 Foreign and Domestic Takeovers in Germany: Cherry-picking and Lemon-grabbing
by John P. Weche Geluebcke - 239 Modelling FDI based on a spatially augmented gravity model: Evidence for Central and Eastern European Countries
by Markus Leibrecht & Aleksandra Riedl - 238 Monetarismus mit Liquiditätsprämie. Von Friedmans optimaler Inflationsrate zur optimalen Liquidität
by Norbert Olah & Thomas Huth & Dirk Loehr - 237 Government Size and Business Cycle Volatility; How Important Are Credit Constraints?
by Markus Leibrecht & Johann Scharler - 236 Are private banks the better banks? An insight into the principal-agent structure and risk-taking behavior of German banks
by Frank Schmielewski & Thomas Wein - 235 Age and Gender Differences in Job Opportunities
by Stephan Humpert - 234 A utilitarian notion of responsibility for sustainability
by Joachim Fuenfgelt & Stefan Baumgaertner - 233 The Microstructure of the Great Export Collapse in German Manufacturing Industries, 2008/2009
by Joachim Wagner - 232 Age and gender composition of the workforce, productivity and profits: Evidence from a new type of data for German enterprises
by Christian Pfeifer & Joachim Wagner