- 31 The persistent decline in unionization in western and eastern Germany, 1980-2004: What can we learn from a decomposition analysis?
by Joachim Wagner & Claus Schnabel - 30 Regional growth strategies: fiscal versus institutional governmental policies
by Ingrid Ott & Susanne Soretz - 29 Economies of Scope in European Railways: An Efficiency Analysis
by Christian Growitsch & Heike Wetzel - 28 Do exporters really pay higher wages? First evidence from German linked employer-employee data
by Thorsten Schank & Claus Schnabel & Joachim Wagner - 27 Markteintritte, Marktaustritte und Produktivität Empirische Befunde zur Dynamik in der Industrie
by Joachim Wagner - 26 Governmental activity and private capital adjustment
by Ingrid Ott & Susanne Soretz - 25 International Firm Activities and Innovation: Evidence from Knowledge Production Functions for German Firms
by Joachim Wagner - 24 Nachhaltige Entwicklung durch endogeneUmweltwahrnehmung
by Ingrid Ott & Susanne Soretz - 23 The (Parlous) State of German Unions
by John T. Addison & Claus Schnabel & Joachim Wagner - 22 Works Councils, Labor Productivity and Plant Heterogeneity: First Evidence from Quantile Regressions
by Joachim Wagner & Thorsten Schank & Claus Schnabel & John T. Addison - 21 Betriebliche Mitbestimmung vier Jahre nach der Reform des BetrVG: Ergebnisse der 2. Befragung der Mitglieder des Arbeitgeberverbandes Lüneburg Nordostniedersachsen
by Corinna Bunk - 20 The Strength of Vertical Linkages
by Jan Kranich - 19 Geographische Restrukturierung internationaler Wertschöpfungsketten Standortentscheidungen von KMU aus regionalökonomischer Perspektive
by Jan Kranich & Ingrid Ott - 18 Handwerksreform 2004 – Rückwirkungen auf das Ausbildungsverhalten Lüneburger Handwerksbetriebe?
by Thomas Wein & Wiebke B. Röber - 17 Mehr Wettbewerb im Handwerk durch die Handwerksreform?
by Wiebke B. Röber & Thomas Wein - 16 Politikrelevante Folgerungen aus Analysen mit wirtschaftsstatistischen Einzeldaten der Amtlichen Statistik
by Joachim Wagner
- 15 Firmenalter und Firmenperformance Empirische Befunde zu Unterschieden zwischen jungen und alten Firmen in Deutschland
by Joachim Wagner - 14 German Works Councils and Productivity: First Evidence from a Nonparametric Test
by Joachim Wagner - 13 Arbeitsrechtliche Schwellenwerte und betriebliche Arbeitsplatzdynamik: Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel des Schwerbehindertengesetzes
by Lena Koller & Claus Schnabel & Joachim Wagner - 12 Who are the workers who never joined a union? Empirical evidence from Germany
by Claus Schnabel & Joachim Wagner - 11 Exporte und Produktivität in mittelständischen Betrieben Befunde aus der niedersächsischen Industrie (1995 – 2004)
by Joachim Wagner - 10 Der Noth gehorchend, nicht dem eignen Trieb Nascent Necessity and Opportunity Entrepreneurs in Germany Evidence from the Regional Entrepreneurship Monitor (REM)
by Joachim Wagner - 9 Strongly rational expectations equilibria with endogenous acquisition of information
by Gabriel Desgranges & Maik Heinemann - 8 Exports, foreign direct investment, and productivity: Evidence from German firm level data
by Joachim Wagner - 7 Associations` Agreement and the Interest of the Network Suppliers - The Strategic Use of Structural Features
by Thomas Wein - 6 On the Effects of Redistribution on Growth and Entrepreneurial Risk-Taking
by Christiane Clemens & Maik Heinemann - 5 Endogenous Redistributive Cycles An Overlapping Generations Approach to Social Conflict and Cyclical Growth
by Christiane Clemens & Maik Heinemann - 4 Exports and Productivity: A survey of the evidence from firm level data
by Joachim Wagner - 3 Is the Market Classification of Risk Always Efficient? - Evidence from German Third Party Motor Insurance
by Reimund Schwarze & Thomas Wein - 2 Excludable and Non-excludable Public Inputs: Consequences for Economic Growth
by Ingrid Ott & Stephen J. Turnovsky - 1 Nascent and Infant Entrepreneurs in Germany. Evidence from the Regional Entrepreneurship Monitor (REM)
by Joachim Wagner