May 2012, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 375-397 Can state tax policies be used to promote entrepreneurial activity?
by Donald Bruce & John Deskins - 399-418 The latent demand for bank debt: characterizing “discouraged borrowers”
by Mark Freel & Sara Carter & Stephen Tagg & Colin Mason - 419-430 Leveraged buyouts, private equity and jobs
by Kevin Amess & Mike Wright - 431-447 The impact of firm and industry characteristics on small firms’ capital structure
by Hans Degryse & Peter Goeij & Peter Kappert - 449-465 Seasoned equity offerings by small and medium-sized enterprises
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-François L’Her & Jean-Marc Suret - 467-480 Gender, borrowing patterns and self-employment: some evidence for England
by Vania Sena & Jonathan Scott & Stephen Roper - 481-494 Explaining loan rate differentials between small and large companies: evidence from Switzerland
by Andreas Dietrich - 495-513 Tax policy and entrepreneurship: empirical evidence from Sweden
by Åsa Hansson
April 2012, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 265-269 An overview of entrepreneurial activity in nonprofit organizations in the international context
by Domingo Soriano & Miguel-Ángel Galindo - 271-281 Non-profit organizations, entrepreneurship, social capital and economic growth
by Sahar Bahmani & Miguel-Ángel Galindo & María Méndez - 283-301 The capital gap for small technology companies: public venture capital to the rescue?
by Itxaso del-Palacio & Xiaotian Zhang & Francesc Sole - 303-320 Drivers of non-profit activity: a cross-country analysis
by Edward Nissan & Maria-Soledad Castaño & Inmaculada Carrasco - 321-331 Long-term care, dependence and the third sector
by Francisco Escribano Sotos & Isabel Pardo García - 333-349 The impact of education, experience and inner circle advisors on SME performance: insights from a study of public development centers
by Domingo Soriano & Gary Castrogiovanni
February 2012, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 139-145 Valuing an entrepreneurial enterprise
by David Audretsch & Albert Link - 147-163 Financing new venture exporters
by Allan Riding & Barbara Orser & Martine Spence & Brad Belanger - 165-177 Job satisfaction and self-employment: autonomy or personality?
by Thomas Lange - 179-196 Strategic alliances by venture capital backed firms: an empirical examination
by Haizhi Wang & Robert Wuebker & Shu Han & Michael Ensley - 197-215 Partnering with universities: a good choice for nanotechnology start-up firms?
by Jue Wang & Philip Shapira - 217-230 SMEs and regional economic growth in Brazil
by Túlio Cravo & Adrian Gourlay & Bettina Becker - 231-258 Determinants of self-employment survival in Europe
by José Millán & Emilio Congregado & Concepción Román - 259-263 Erratum to: Determinants of self-employment survival in Europe
by José Millán & Emilio Congregado & Concepción Román
January 2012, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-11 The entrepreneuring family: a new paradigm for family business research
by Lorraine Uhlaner & Franz Kellermanns & Kimberly Eddleston & Frank Hoy - 13-13 Erratum to: The entrepreneuring family: a new paradigm for family business research
by Lorraine Uhlaner & Franz Kellermanns & Kimberly Eddleston & Frank Hoy - 15-31 The role of family ownership in international entrepreneurship: exploring nonlinear effects
by Salvatore Sciascia & Pietro Mazzola & Joseph Astrachan & Torsten Pieper - 33-49 Entrepreneurial orientation in family firms: a generational perspective
by Cristina Cruz & Mattias Nordqvist - 51-65 Organizational learning and entrepreneurship in family firms: exploring the moderating effect of ownership and cohesion
by Shaker Zahra - 67-84 Entrepreneurial orientation in long-lived family firms
by Thomas Zellweger & Philipp Sieger - 85-101 Innovativeness in family firms: a family influence perspective
by Franz Kellermanns & Kimberly Eddleston & Ravi Sarathy & Fran Murphy - 103-119 Family governance practices and teambuilding: paradox of the enterprising family
by Marta Berent-Braun & Lorraine Uhlaner - 121-138 Parental role models and the decision to become self-employed: The moderating effect of personality
by Simone Chlosta & Holger Patzelt & Sabine Klein & Christian Dormann
November 2011, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 393-396 Introduction to special issue of Small Business Economics on female entrepreneurship in developed and developing economies
by Zoltan Acs & Elena Bardasi & Saul Estrin & Jan Svejnar - 397-415 Institutions and female entrepreneurship
by Saul Estrin & Tomasz Mickiewicz - 417-441 How do female entrepreneurs perform? Evidence from three developing regions
by Elena Bardasi & Shwetlena Sabarwal & Katherine Terrell - 443-464 Whose business is it anyway?
by Reyes Aterido & Mary Hallward-Driemeier - 465-492 Only the lonely? The influence of the spouse on the transition to self-employment
by Berkay Özcan - 493-512 Gender differences in the impact of banking services: evidence from Mexico
by Miriam Bruhn & Inessa Love
October 2011, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 269-275 Candidate gene studies and the quest for the entrepreneurial gene
by Matthijs Loos & Philipp Koellinger & Patrick Groenen & Cornelius Rietveld & Fernando Rivadeneira & Frank Rooij & André Uitterlinden & Albert Hofman & A. Thurik - 277-304 Lending technologies, lending specialization, and minority access to small-business loans
by Karlyn Mitchell & Douglas Pearce - 305-324 Workforce age and technology adoption in small and medium-sized service firms
by Jenny Meyer - 325-339 Geography, knowledge spillovers and small firms’ exports: an empirical examination for The Netherlands
by Cees Beers & Gerben Panne - 341-361 SMEs in Argentina: who are the exporters?
by Gianmarco Ottaviano & Christian Volpe Martincus - 363-392 Dependent self-employment as a way to evade employment protection legislation
by Concepción Román & Emilio Congregado & José Millán
September 2011, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 131-140 Steven Klepper: Recipient of the 2011 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research
by Pontus Braunerhjelm & Bo Carlsson - 141-154 Nano-economics, spinoffs, and the wealth of regions
by Steven Klepper - 155-165 Small business survival and sample selection bias
by Hanas Cader & John Leatherman - 167-185 Entrepreneurship and the theory of taxation
by Magnus Henrekson & Tino Sanandaji - 187-204 New Zealand’s perfect storm of entrepreneurship and economic development
by Howard Frederick & Erik Monsen - 205-218 Evaluating guarantee fees for loans to small and medium-sized enterprises
by Chau-Jung Kuo & Chin-Ming Chen & Chao-Hsien Sung - 219-234 Entrepreneurial intentions in the third age: the impact of perceived age norms
by Teemu Kautonen & Erno Tornikoski & Ewald Kibler - 235-254 International patterns of ownership structure choices of start-ups: does the quality of law matter?
by Qianqian Du & Ilan Vertinsky - 255-268 Entrepreneurship, export orientation, and economic growth
by Jolanda Hessels & André Stel
July 2011, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-21 Serial entrepreneurship: impact of human capital on time to re-entry
by A. Amaral & Rui Baptista & Francisco Lima - 23-37 Relationship between individualist–collectivist culture and entrepreneurial activity: evidence from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor data
by María-José Pinillos & Luisa Reyes - 39-57 Operationalizing opportunities in entrepreneurship research: use of data envelopment analysis
by Sergey Anokhin & Joakim Wincent & Erkko Autio - 59-72 Noisy selection model and the evolution of firm size and within-firm earnings distributions: a unified approach
by Serguey Braguinsky & Atsushi Ohyama - 73-86 The spatial demography of new plants: urban creation and rural survival
by Jean-Pierre Huiban - 87-106 Entry and innovation: an analysis of the fabless semiconductor business
by Margherita Balconi & Roberto Fontana - 107-130 Capital Structure Decisions During a Firm's Life Cycle
by Maurizio La Rocca & Tiziana La Rocca & Alfio Cariola
May 2011, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 377-382 Entrepreneurial dynamics and regional growth
by Marcus Dejardin & Michael Fritsch - 383-400 Why does the effect of new business formation differ across regions?
by Michael Fritsch & Alexandra Schroeter - 401-418 Creative destruction and regional productivity growth: evidence from the Dutch manufacturing and services industries
by Niels Bosma & Erik Stam & Veronique Schutjens - 419-442 New firm formation and employment growth: regional and business dynamics
by Rui Baptista & Miguel Preto - 443-460 Linking net entry to regional economic growth
by Marcus Dejardin - 461-483 Start-ups and employment dynamics within and across sectors
by Martin Andersson & Florian Noseleit - 485-501 Individual foundings and organizational foundings: their effect on employment growth in The Netherlands
by Sierdjan Koster - 503-516 New business formation in a rapidly growing economy: the Irish experience
by Michael Anyadike-Danes & Mark Hart & Helena Lenihan
April 2011, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 249-270 Turbulence in growing and declining industries
by Rui Baptista & Murat Karaöz - 271-279 Incumbent innovation and domestic entry
by Oliver Falck & Stephan Heblich & Stefan Kipar - 281-298 Career motives and entrepreneurial decision-making: examining preferences for causal and effectual logics in the early stage of new ventures
by Jonas Gabrielsson & Diamanto Politis - 299-321 Group lending and the role of the group leader
by Remco Eijkel & Niels Hermes & Robert Lensink - 323-335 The growth process of informal enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa: a case study of a metalworking cluster in Nairobi
by Tetsushi Sonobe & John Akoten & Keijiro Otsuka - 337-351 The shadow of death: analysing the pre-exit productivity of Portuguese manufacturing firms
by Carlos Carreira & Paulino Teixeira - 353-363 The direct employment effects of new businesses in Germany revisited: an empirical investigation for 1976–2004
by Yvonne Schindele & Antje Weyh - 365-376 University spillovers and new business location in high-technology sectors: Spanish evidence
by Manuel Acosta & Daniel Coronado & Esther Flores
February 2011, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 123-134 Enacting entrepreneurship research in a pioneering, provocative and participative way: on the work of Bengt Johannisson
by Chris Steyaert & Hans Landström - 135-150 Towards a practice theory of entrepreneuring
by Bengt Johannisson - 151-155 A polymorphism associated with entrepreneurship: evidence from dopamine receptor candidate genes
by Nicos Nicolaou & Scott Shane & Georgina Adi & Massimo Mangino & Juliette Harris - 157-168 Economic impact of a private sector micro-financing scheme in South Dakota
by David Benson & Aaron Lies & Albert Okunade & Phanindra Wunnava - 169-186 Racial differences in self-employment exits
by Taehyun Ahn - 187-208 The advantage of experienced start-up founders in venture capital acquisition: evidence from serial entrepreneurs
by Junfu Zhang - 209-222 Financing the entrepreneurial decision: an empirical approach using experimental data on risk attitudes
by Julie Elston & David Audretsch - 223-234 Who skims the cream of the Italian graduate crop? Wage employment versus self-employment
by Carolina Castagnetti & Luisa Rosti - 235-247 Entrepreneurial strategy making, resources, and firm performance: evidence from China
by Zhongfeng Su & En Xie & Dong Wang & Yuan Li
January 2011, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-14 Public knowledge, private knowledge: the intellectual capital of entrepreneurs
by Albert Link & Christopher Ruhm - 15-32 Entrepreneurship, job creation and wage growth
by Nikolaj Malchow-Møller & Bertel Schjerning & Anders Sørensen - 33-46 Teams developing business ideas: how member characteristics and conflict affect member-rated team effectiveness
by Maw-Der Foo - 47-64 A model to study the organizational culture of the family firm
by Manuel Vallejo - 65-83 R&D investment and financing constraints of small and medium-sized firms
by Dirk Czarnitzki & Hanna Hottenrott - 85-100 Employment stability in newly founded firms: a matching approach using linked employer–employee data from Germany
by Claus Schnabel & Susanne Kohaut & Udo Brixy - 101-121 The survival and success of Canadian penny stock IPOs
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-Marc Suret
November 2010, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 377-398 A theory of serial entrepreneurship
by Jose Plehn-Dujowich - 399-416 Small business strategy and the industry life cycle
by Martie-Louise Verreynne & Denny Meyer - 417-431 When do venture capitalists collaborate? Evidence on the driving forces of venture capital syndication
by Christian Hopp - 433-448 Country v sector effects in equity returns and the roles of geographical and firm-size coverage
by Lieven Moor & Piet Sercu - 449-465 Does banking consolidation worsen firms’ access to credit? Evidence from the German economy
by Christian Schmieder & Katharina Marsch & Katrin Forster-van Aerssen - 467-497 Investment–cash flow sensitivities, credit rationing and financing constraints in small and medium-sized firms
by Leonardo Becchetti & Annalisa Castelli & Iftekhar Hasan
October 2010, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 245-254 Josh Lerner: recipient of the 2010 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research
by Pontus Braunerhjelm & Simon Parker - 255-264 The future of public efforts to boost entrepreneurship and venture capital
by Josh Lerner - 265-281 Staging of venture capital investment: a real options analysis
by Yao-Wen Hsu - 283-298 Economies of scale and the demand for money
by Paul Natke & Gregory Falls - 299-317 Health insurance and job creation by the self-employed
by Aparna Mathur - 319-333 Top management team characteristics, R&D investment and capital structure in the IT industry
by Hsiang-Lan Chen & Wen-Tsung Hsu & Yen-Sheng Huang - 335-355 Is banking competition beneficial to SMEs? An empirical study based on Italian data
by Mariarosaria Agostino & Francesco Trivieri - 357-375 Determinants of capital structure in Irish SMEs
by Ciarán mac an Bhaird & Brian Lucey
September 2010, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 129-135 Growth beyond Gibrat: firm growth processes and strategies
by Erik Stam - 137-152 One or more growth processes? Evidence from new Italian firms
by A. Bonaccorsi & S. Giannangeli - 153-168 Firm size, age, industrial networking, and growth: a case of the Korean manufacturing industry
by Younsuk Park & Jaeun Shin & Taejong Kim - 169-189 Generic strategies and firm performance in SMEs: a longitudinal study of Austrian SMEs
by Karl-Heinz Leitner & Stefan Güldenberg - 191-202 Gibrat’s law and persistence of growth in Greek manufacturing
by Georgios Fotopoulos & Ioannis Giotopoulos - 203-226 What happens to gazelles? The importance of dynamic management strategy
by Simon Parker & David Storey & Arjen Witteloostuijn - 227-244 Gazelles as job creators: a survey and interpretation of the evidence
by Magnus Henrekson & Dan Johansson
July 2010, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-18 Genome-wide association studies in economics and entrepreneurship research: promises and limitations
by Philipp Koellinger & Matthijs Loos & Patrick Groenen & A. Thurik & Fernando Rivadeneira & Frank Rooij & André Uitterlinden & Albert Hofman - 19-33 Perceptions regarding strategic and structural entry barriers
by Clemens Lutz & Ron Kemp & S. Gerhard Dijkstra - 35-52 Labour market institutions, learning and self-employment
by Nikolaj Malchow-Møller & James Markusen & Jan Skaksen - 53-69 Pecking order and debt capacity considerations for high-growth companies seeking financing
by Tom Vanacker & Sophie Manigart - 71-92 Start-ups by the unemployed: characteristics, survival and direct employment effects
by Marco Caliendo & Alexander Kritikos - 93-112 Using Transaction Cost Economics to explain outsourcing of accounting
by Patricia Everaert & Gerrit Sarens & Jan Rommel - 113-128 Credit guarantees and SME efficiency
by Antonio Garcia-Tabuenca & Jose Crespo-Espert
May 2010, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 355-373 Gibrat’s law and the learning process
by Mercedes Teruel-Carrizosa - 375-390 The institutional environment and the number of bank relationships: an empirical analysis of European SMEs
by Ginés Hernández-Cánovas & Johanna Koëter-Kant - 391-412 Economic creativity and innovation implementation: the entrepreneurial drivers of growth? Evidence from 63 countries
by Leslie Williams & Stephen McGuire - 413-431 Downsizing in the German chemical manufacturing industry during the 1990s. Why is small beautiful?
by Oleg Badunenko - 433-444 Information asymmetry and small business in online auction market
by Chia-Hung Sun & Kang Liu - 445-463 Testing a model of signals in the IPO offer process
by David Williams & W. Duncan & Peter Ginter - 465-482 Relationship lending and SME financing in the continental European bank-based system
by Ginés Hernández-Cánovas & Pedro Martínez-Solano
April 2010, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 221-241 The effect of clusters on the survival and performance of new firms
by Karl Wennberg & Göran Lindqvist - 243-259 Collateral, relationship lending and family firms
by Tensie Steijvers & Wim Voordeckers & Koen Vanhoof - 261-276 Intergenerational transmissions in immigrant self-employment: Evidence from three generations
by Lina Andersson & Mats Hammarstedt - 277-291 Resources access needs and capabilities as mediators of the relationship between VC firm size and syndication
by Ernst Verwaal & Hans Bruining & Mike Wright & Sophie Manigart & Andy Lockett - 293-308 Changes in the banking system and small business lending
by David Vera & Kazuki Onji - 309-321 Microfinance, subsidies and local externalities
by Leonardo Becchetti & Fabio Pisani - 323-338 Patterns of ethnic self-employment in time and space: evidence from British Census microdata
by Ken Clark & Stephen Drinkwater - 339-353 Economic performance of Brazilian manufacturing firms: a counterfactual analysis of innovation impacts
by Sérgio Kannebley & Júlia Sekkel & Bruno Araújo
February 2010, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 105-125 The missing link: knowledge diffusion and entrepreneurship in endogenous growth
by Pontus Braunerhjelm & Zoltan Acs & David Audretsch & Bo Carlsson - 127-146 The role of clustering in the growth of new technology-based firms
by Elicia Maine & Daniel Shapiro & Aidan Vining - 147-166 Process innovations and firm productivity growth
by María Rochina-Barrachina & Juan Mañez & Juan Sanchis-Llopis - 167-185 Gender and field of study as determinants of self-employment
by Thomas Leoni & Martin Falk - 187-201 Corporate taxes and the demand for labor and capital in developing countries
by Rodrigo Cerda & Felipe Larrain - 203-220 Resource dependency and institutional theory perspectives on direct and indirect export choices
by Jolanda Hessels & Siri Terjesen
January 2010, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-12 Entrepreneurship, developing countries, and development economics: new approaches and insights
by Wim Naudé - 13-29 Entrepreneurship and structural economic transformation
by Thomas Gries & Wim Naudé - 31-51 High-growth entrepreneurial firms in Africa: a quantile regression approach
by Micheline Goedhuys & Leo Sleuwaegen - 53-63 Informal firms in developing countries: entrepreneurial stepping stone or consolation prize?
by John Bennett - 65-79 Entrepreneurship and welfare
by Jagannadha Tamvada - 81-91 Entrepreneurship and income inequality in southern Ethiopia
by Ayal Kimhi - 93-104 Credit constraints, entrepreneurial talent, and economic development
by Milo Bianchi
December 2009, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 375-395 Gender differences in business performance: evidence from the Characteristics of Business Owners survey
by Robert Fairlie & Alicia Robb - 397-411 A comparison of new firm financing by gender: evidence from the Kauffman Firm Survey data
by Susan Coleman & Alicia Robb - 413-425 Ethnic enclaves and the earnings of self-employed Latinos
by Michael Aguilera - 427-439 Latina entrepreneurship
by Magnus Lofstrom & Timothy Bates - 441-453 Firm racial segregation and affirmative action in the highway construction industry
by Justin Marion - 455-466 The impact of education histories on the decision to become self-employed: a study of young, aspiring, minority business owners
by M. Thomas - 467-484 Racial segregation in the public schools and adult labor market outcomes: the case of black Americans
by Gregory Fairchild - 485-496 The impact of institutional sources of capital upon the minority-oriented venture capital industry
by Timothy Bates & William Bradford
October 2009, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 257-272 Testing a model of exploration and exploitation as innovation strategies
by Emmanuelle Fauchart & Max Keilbach - 273-291 Allocation and productivity of time in new ventures of female and male entrepreneurs
by Ingrid Verheul & Martin Carree & Roy Thurik - 293-302 Union power, entrepreneurial risk, and entrepreneurship
by Vesa Kanniainen & Mikko Leppämäki - 303-318 The importance of equity finance for R&D activity
by Elisabeth Müller & Volker Zimmermann - 319-333 Are the determinants of capital structure country or firm specific?
by Maria Psillaki & Nikolaos Daskalakis - 335-351 Evaluation of credit guarantee policy using propensity score matching
by Inha Oh & Jeong-Dong Lee & Almas Heshmati & Gyoung-Gyu Choi - 353-373 The influence of family ownership on SME performance: evidence from public firms in Taiwan
by Wenyi Chu
August 2009, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 129-130 In Partnership with The Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research
by Zoltan Acs & David Audretsch - 131-140 Scott A. Shane: winner of the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research
by Per Davidsson & Johan Wiklund - 141-149 Why encouraging more people to become entrepreneurs is bad public policy
by Scott Shane - 151-163 Screening item effects in estimating the prevalence of nascent entrepreneurs
by Paul Reynolds - 165-187 Internationalisation of technology-oriented firms in Germany and the UK
by Helmut Fryges - 189-206 Defending against rival innovation
by Richard Arend - 207-227 Absorptive capacity and R&D tax policy: Are in-house and external contract R&D substitutes or complements?
by Todd Watkins & Lolita Paff - 229-255 Does venture opportunity variation matter? Investigating systematic process differences between innovative and imitative new ventures
by Mikael Samuelsson & Per Davidsson
June 2009, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Janez Potočnik - 3-11 R&D in SMEs: a paradox?
by Raquel Ortega-Argilés & Marco Vivarelli & Peter Voigt - 13-33 Innovation and productivity in SMEs: empirical evidence for Italy
by Bronwyn Hall & Francesca Lotti & Jacques Mairesse - 35-58 Innovation success of non-R&D-performers: substituting technology by management in SMEs
by Christian Rammer & Dirk Czarnitzki & Alfred Spielkamp - 59-75 Is the R&D behaviour of fast-growing SMEs different? Evidence from CIS III data for 16 countries
by Werner Hölzl - 77-89 The roles of R&D in new firm growth
by Erik Stam & Karl Wennberg - 91-107 Effectiveness of R&D tax incentives in small and large enterprises in Québec
by Rufin Baghana & Pierre Mohnen - 109-128 Overcoming the double hurdles to investing in technology
by Erol Taymaz & Yeşim Üçdoğruk
April 2009, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 351-374 Building an integrative model of small business growth
by Johan Wiklund & Holger Patzelt & Dean Shepherd - 375-395 Are small firms less efficient?
by Chih-Hai Yang & Ku-Hsieh Chen - 397-407 Founding family leadership and industry profitability
by Trond Randøy & Clay Dibrell & Justin Craig - 409-424 Firm growth in industrial clusters of the United Kingdom
by Catherine Beaudry & G. Swann - 425-438 Determinants of growth in non-farm proprietor densities in the US, 1990–2000
by Stephan Goetz & Anil Rupasingha - 439-464 Financial development and the growth of cooperative firms
by Francesca Gagliardi
March 2009, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 233-239 Linking globalization of entrepreneurship in small organizations
by Domingo Soriano & Salvador Dobon - 241-257 Effects of IT knowledge and media selection on operational performance of small firms
by Sang Lee & Jinhan Kim & Yeonog Choi & Sang-Gun Lee - 259-276 The responsiveness of entrepreneurs to working time regulations
by Frank Stephen & David Urbano & Stefan Hemmen - 277-289 Job satisfaction and commitment in the entrepreneurial SME
by Gary Akehurst & José Comeche & Miguel-Angel Galindo - 291-301 The impact of knowledge management on innovation and entrepreneurship in the biotechnology and telecommunications industries
by Daniel Palacios & Ignacio Gil & Fernando Garrigos - 303-316 Critical success factors for e-commerce entrepreneurship: an empirical study of Thailand
by Terrence Sebora & Sang Lee & Nittana Sukasame - 317-330 Functional dependence and productive dependence of SMEs
by Joaquín Guzmán-Cuevas & Rafael Cáceres-Carrasco & Domingo Soriano - 331-350 Entrepreneurship and innovation in Ghana: enterprising Africa
by Paul Robson & Helen Haugh & Bernard Obeng
February 2009, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 121-128 The Diana Project: pioneering women studying pioneering women
by Carin Holmquist & Sara Carter - 129-144 Diana: a symbol of women entrepreneurs’ hunt for knowledge, money, and the rewards of entrepreneurship
by Elizabeth Gatewood & Candida Brush & Nancy Carter & Patricia Greene & Myra Hart - 145-152 The alert and creative entrepreneur: a clarification
by Israel Kirzner - 153-167 Risk attitudes of nascent entrepreneurs–new evidence from an experimentally validated survey
by Marco Caliendo & Frank Fossen & Alexander Kritikos - 169-190 Science parks: seedbeds of innovation? A duration analysis of firms’ patenting activity
by Mariagrazia Squicciarini - 191-206 The impact of public guarantees on credit to SMEs
by Salvatore Zecchini & Marco Ventura