February 2016, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 86-112 Risk and risk-based capital of U.S. bank holding companies
by Thomas Hogan & Neil Meredith - 86-112 Risk and risk-based capital of U.S. bank holding companies
by Thomas L. Hogan & Neil R. Meredith
December 2015, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 245-284 Efficiency impact of convergence bidding in the california electricity market
by Ruoyang Li & Alva Svoboda & Shmuel Oren - 285-316 The effects of network regulation on electricity supply security: a European analysis
by Michael Schmidthaler & Jed Cohen & Johannes Reichl & Stefan Schmidinger - 317-350 Welfare effects of compulsory licensing
by Jacob Seifert
October 2015, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 125-168 Obelix vs. Asterix: Size of US commercial banks and its regulatory challenge
by Diego Restrepo-Tobón & Subal Kumbhakar & Kai Sun - 169-193 Demand response in adjustment markets for electricity
by Claude Crampes & Thomas-Olivier Léautier - 194-217 How EU sector-specific regulations and competition affect migration from old to new communications infrastructure: recent evidence from EU27 member states
by Wolfgang Briglauer - 218-243 Strategic behavior in the German balancing energy mechanism: incentives, evidence, costs and solutions
by Sebastian Just & Christoph Weber
August 2015, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-25 Telephony choices and the evolution of cell phones
by Michael Thacker & Wesley Wilson - 26-52 Do control rights determine the optimal extension of liability to investors? The case of environmental policy for mines
by Ben White - 53-73 Work environment and moral hazard
by Anthony Marino - 74-96 Interactions of emission caps and renewable electricity support schemes
by Christoph Böhringer & Manuela Behrens - 97-123 State funeral regulations: inside the black box
by Jerry Ellig
June 2015, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 219-238 Two-stage auction and subscription pricing for awarding monopoly franchises
by Hung-po Chao - 239-272 Using deferrable demand in a smart grid to reduce the cost of electricity for customers
by Wooyoung Jeon & Alberto Lamadrid & Jung Mo & Timothy Mount - 273-299 The capital structure of a firm under rate of return regulation: durability and the yield curve
by G. Fellows - 300-324 Using discrete choice experiments to regulate the provision of water services: do status quo choices reflect preferences?
by Bruno Lanz & Allan Provins - 325-338 The cost of regulation: More stringent staff regulations and nursing home financial performance
by John Bowblis
April 2015, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 117-145 Risk and regulation in water utilities: a cross-country comparison of evidence from the CAPM
by Roger Buckland & Julian Williams & Janice Beecher - 146-182 Have customers benefited from electricity retail competition?
by Xuejuan Su - 183-200 Weak versus strong net neutrality
by Joshua Gans - 201-217 Prices based on current cost or historical cost: How different are they?
by Timothy Tardiff
February 2015, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-28 Testing regulatory regimes for power transmission expansion with fluctuating demand and wind generation
by Wolf-Peter Schill & Jonas Egerer & Juan Rosellón - 29-57 Overusing a bypass under cost-based access regulation: underinvestment with spillovers
by Keizo Mizuno & Ichiro Yoshino - 58-77 Consumer benefits of reforming a state-dominated industry
by Heechul Min - 78-98 The political economy of energy tax differentiation across industries: theory and empirical evidence
by Niels Anger & Christoph Böhringer & Andreas Lange - 99-116 Voluntary agreements and private enforcement of environmental regulation
by Christian Langpap
December 2014, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 237-260 Level of access and infrastructure investment in network industries
by Marc Bourreau & Pınar Doğan & Romain Lestage - 261-291 Pipeline congestion and basis differentials
by Matthew Oliver & Charles Mason & David Finnoff - 292-317 Contingent certificate allocation rules and incentives for power plant investment and disinvestment
by Christoph Weber & Philip Vogel - 318-343 Subsidies for renewable energy in inflexible power markets
by Orvika Rosnes
October 2014, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 123-151 Idiosyncratic risk and the cost of capital: the case of electricity networks
by Dominik Schober & Stephan Schaeffler & Christoph Weber - 152-182 Service quality, scale economies and ownership: an econometric analysis of water supply costs
by François Destandau & Serge Garcia - 183-206 The impact of socio-economic background on satisfaction: evidence for policy-makers
by Judith Clifton & Daniel Díaz-Fuentes & Marcos Fernández-Gutiérrez - 207-225 Ownership unbundling of natural gas transmission networks: empirical evidence
by Christian Growitsch & Marcus Stronzik - 226-236 Safe harbor input prices and market exclusion
by Dennis Weisman
August 2014, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-22 The Desirability of forgiveness in regulatory enforcement
by Arun Malik - 23-50 Experimental comparison between markets on dynamic permit trading and investment in irreversible abatement with and without non-regulated companies
by Luca Taschini & Marc Chesney & Mei Wang - 51-79 The impact of regulation and competition on the adoption of fiber-based broadband services: recent evidence from the European union member states
by Wolfgang Briglauer - 80-111 Credit unions and risk
by David Ely - 112-121 Guaranteed return regulation: a case study of regulation of water in California
by Michael Crew & Rami Kahlon
June 2014, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 233-258 Access regulation and the transition from copper to fiber networks in telecoms
by Marc Bourreau & Carlo Cambini & Pınar Doğan - 259-280 Using the allocation of emission permits for strategic trade purposes
by Christos Constantatos & Eleftherios Filippiadis & Eftichios Sartzetakis - 281-304 Interest group incentives for post-lottery trade restrictions
by Adrienne Ohler & Hayley Chouinard & Jonathan Yoder - 305-328 The costs of zoning regulations in retail chains: the case of the City Planning Act of 1968 in Japan
by Mitsukuni Nishida - 329-351 Progressive entry and the incentives to invest in alternative infrastructures
by Marc Bourreau & Joeffrey Drouard
April 2014, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 115-137 Productivity throughout regulatory cycles in gas utilities
by Ariel Casarin - 138-174 The doctor will be with you ... shortly?
by Lindsey Woodworth - 175-193 The effect of regulatory scrutiny: Asymmetric cost pass-through in power wholesale and its end
by Frieder Mokinski & Nikolas Wölfing - 194-208 Did the introduction of a nodal market structure impact wholesale electricity prices in the Texas (ERCOT) market?
by J. Zarnikau & C. Woo & R. Baldick - 209-232 Regulation, renegotiation and capital structure: theory and evidence from Latin American transport concessions
by Alexander Moore & Stéphane Straub & Jean-Jacques Dethier
February 2014, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-33 The determinants of federal and state enforcement of workplace safety regulations: OSHA inspections 1990–2010
by Juergen Jung & Michael Makowsky - 34-56 Regulated price reforms and unregulated substitutes: the case of residential piped gas in Argentina
by Ariel Casarin - 57-74 Fixed-mobile integration
by Steffen Hoernig & Marc Bourreau & Carlo Cambini - 75-93 Optimal access regulation with downstream competition
by Tina Kao & Flavio Menezes & John Quiggin - 94-113 Regulation and financial disclosure: The impact of plain English
by Tim Loughran & Bill McDonald
December 2013, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 237-250 On the performance of endogenous access pricing
by Kenneth Fjell & Debashis Pal & David Sappington - 251-286 Emissions trading, point-of-regulation and facility siting choices in the electric markets
by Yihsu Chen & Andrew Liu - 287-307 Investment coordination in network industries: the case of electricity grid and electricity generation
by Felix Höffler & Achim Wambach - 308-338 An experiment on emissions trading: the effect of different allocation mechanisms
by Veronika Grimm & Lyuba Ilieva - 339-360 The warnings puzzle: an upstream explanation
by Timo Goeschl & Johannes Jarke - 361-388 How predictable are environmental compliance inspections?
by Sarah Stafford
October 2013, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 121-155 Flexible mandates for investment in new technology
by Dalia Patino-Echeverri & Dallas Burtraw & Karen Palmer - 156-176 Pollution standards, technology investment and fines for non-compliance
by Carmen Arguedas - 177-196 Optimal regulation of lumpy investments
by Peter Broer & Gijsbert Zwart - 197-214 Inefficiency in Japanese water utility firms: a stochastic frontier approach
by Michelle Phillips - 215-236 Medicare payment generosity and access to care
by Christopher Brunt & Gail Jensen
August 2013, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-3 Market-based approaches to environmental regulation: Editors’ introduction
by Michael Crew & Anthony Heyes - 4-29 Vehicle choices, miles driven, and pollution policies
by Ye Feng & Don Fullerton & Li Gan - 30-52 Community-based incentives for environmental protection: the case of green electricity
by Grant Jacobsen & Matthew Kotchen & Greg Clendenning - 53-79 Who should bear the administrative costs of an emissions tax?
by John Stranlund & Carlos Chávez - 80-102 Prices versus quantities: environmental regulation and imperfect competition
by Erin Mansur - 103-119 Understanding the effectiveness of environmental offset policies
by Robert Hahn & Kenneth Richards
June 2013, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 229-247 Motivating energy suppliers to promote energy conservation
by Leon Chu & David Sappington - 248-264 Overriding consumer preferences with energy regulations
by Ted Gayer & W. Viscusi - 265-283 Incentive effects of paying demand response in wholesale electricity markets
by Hung-po Chao & Mario DePillis - 284-304 An econometric assessment of telecommunications prices and consumer surplus in Mexico using panel data
by Jerry Hausman & Agustin Ros - 305-338 Approximations in power transmission planning: implications for the cost and performance of renewable portfolio standards
by Francisco Munoz & Enzo Sauma & Benjamin Hobbs
April 2013, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 115-146 Testing the effects of self-regulation on industrial accidents
by Stephen Finger & Shanti Gamper-Rabindran - 147-167 Price effects of independent transmission system operators in the United States electricity market
by Theodore Kury - 168-195 Competition enhancing regulation and diffusion of innovation: the case of broadband networks
by Harald Gruber & Pantelis Koutroumpis - 196-213 The NOME law: implications for the French electricity market
by Anna Creti & Jerome Pouyet & María-Eugenia Sanin - 214-228 Empirical study of broadband adoption using data from the 2009 Residential Energy Consumption Survey
by Trevor Roycroft
January 2013, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-30 Does industry self-regulation reduce pollution? Responsible Care in the chemical industry
by Shanti Gamper-Rabindran & Stephen Finger - 31-59 Does vertical separation reduce cost? An empirical analysis of the rail industry in European and East Asian OECD Countries
by Fumitoshi Mizutani & Shuji Uranishi - 60-89 Access regulation with asymmetric termination costs
by Torben Stühmeier - 90-111 Determinants of the premium in forward contracts
by Christian Redl & Derek Bunn
December 2012, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 225-241 Capture or contract? The early years of electric utility regulation
by Thomas Lyon & Nathan Wilson - 242-263 Does eco-certification boost regulatory compliance in developing countries? ISO 14001 in Mexico
by Allen Blackman - 264-286 Environmental quality and welfare effects of improving the reporting capability of citizen monitoring schemes
by Timo Goeschl & Ole Jürgens - 287-307 Competition and regulation with product differentiation
by Raffaele Fiocco - 308-335 Merchant and regulated transmission: theory, evidence and policy
by Stephen Littlechild
October 2012, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 115-134 Designing optimal gain sharing plans to promote energy conservation
by Leon Chu & David Sappington - 135-158 Using real-time electricity data to estimate response to time-of-use and flat rates: an application to emissions
by James Cochell & Peter Schwarz & Thomas Taylor - 159-179 Withholding investments in energy only markets: can contracts make a difference?
by Frederic Murphy & Yves Smeers - 180-203 Optimal monitoring of credit-based emissions trading under asymmetric information
by Ian MacKenzie & Markus Ohndorf - 204-222 Competition with asymmetric regulation of mobile termination charges
by Edmond Baranes & Cuong Vuong - 223-224 Jeff D. Makholm: The political economy of pipelines
by Hendrik Finger
August 2012, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-38 Regulation of network infrastructure investments: an experimental evaluation
by Bastian Henze & Charles Noussair & Bert Willems - 39-51 Pigouvian taxes and the Varian’s mechanism in dynamic settings
by Francisco Candel-Sánchez - 52-72 The impact of state regulations on nursing home care practices
by John Bowblis & Judith Lucas - 73-94 Regulation, privatization, and airport charges: panel data evidence from European airports
by Volodymyr Bilotkach & Joseph Clougherty & Juergen Mueller & Anming Zhang - 95-114 Economies of scope in electricity supply and the costs of vertical separation for different unbundling scenarios
by Roland Meyer
June 2012, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 293-314 Sabotaging cost containment
by Debashis Pal & David Sappington & Ying Tang - 315-336 Regulatory design and incentives for renewable energy
by Alfredo Garcia & Juan Alzate & Jorge Barrera - 337-357 Taxes, minimum-quality standards and/or product labeling to improve environmental quality and welfare: Experiments can provide answers
by Anne-Célia Disdier & Stéphan Marette - 358-379 Setting trigger price in emissions permit markets equipped with a safety valve mechanism
by Akira Maeda - 380-401 When do firms support environmental agreements?
by Ana Espínola-Arredondo & Félix Muñoz-García
April 2012, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 181-200 An empirical analysis of incentive regulation and the allocation of inputs in the US telecommunications industry
by Nongluk Buranabunyut & James Peoples - 201-215 Bottleneck co-ownership as a regulatory alternative
by Federico Boffa & John Panzar - 216-237 FDI and environmental regulation: pollution haven or a race to the top?
by Baomin Dong & Jiong Gong & Xin Zhao - 238-268 On the social optimality of make-or-buy decisions
by Markos Tselekounis & Dimitris Varoutas & Drakoulis Martakos - 269-291 Minimum quality standard regulation under imperfect quality observability
by Min Chen & Konstantinos Serfes - 292-292 Erratum to: Behavioral economics: implications for regulatory behavior
by James Cooper & William Kovacic
February 2012, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-18 Regulatory economics and the journal of regulatory economics: a 30-year retrospective
by Michael Crew & Paul Kleindorfer - 19-40 Regulating regulators in transitionally competitive markets
by David Sappington & Dennis Weisman - 41-58 Behavioral economics: implications for regulatory behavior
by James Cooper & William Kovacic - 59-79 The World of Regulatory Influence
by Jeffrey Macher & John Mayo - 80-99 Pricing the use of capital-intensive infrastructure over time and efficient capacity expansion: illustrations for electric transmission investment
by Richard Schuler - 100-119 Economies of scale for broadband in rural United States
by Victor Glass & Stela Stefanova - 120-138 Effective monitoring and mitigation in the organized wholesale electric power markets
by Jeffrey Mayes & Howard Haas & Joseph Bowring - 139-154 Evaluating wind-following and ecosystem services for hydroelectric dams in PJM
by Alisha Fernandez & Seth Blumsack & Patrick Reed - 155-180 Competitive electricity markets with consumer subscription service in a smart grid
by Hung-po Chao
December 2011, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 219-236 Portfolio risk management and carbon emissions valuation in electric power
by Paul Kleindorfer & Lide Li - 237-260 The impact of carbon cap and trade regulation on congested electricity market equilibrium
by Tanachai Limpaitoon & Yihsu Chen & Shmuel Oren - 261-278 New approach to estimating the cost of common equity capital for public utilities
by Pauline Ahern & Frank Hanley & Richard Michelfelder - 279-302 Do environmental audits improve long-term compliance? Evidence from manufacturing facilities in Michigan
by Mary Evans & Lirong Liu & Sarah Stafford - 303-323 Response of industrial customers to hourly pricing in Ontario’s deregulated electricity market
by Wai Choi & Anindya Sen & Adam White
October 2011, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 111-140 Optimal transmission switching: economic efficiency and market implications
by Kory Hedman & Shmuel Oren & Richard O’Neill - 141-159 Enforcement and environmental quality in a decentralized emission trading system
by Alessio D’Amato & Edilio Valentini - 160-176 On the sufficiency of regulatory enforcement in combating piracy
by Dyuti Banerjee - 177-197 Quality upgrades and bypass under mandatory access
by João Vareda - 198-218 Fixed-to-mobile call substitution and telephony market definition in Korea
by Hongjai Rhee & Minsoo Park
August 2011, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-40 Social welfare issues of financial literacy and their implications for regulation
by Oliver Williams & Stephen Satchell - 41-61 Towards equilibrium offers in unit commitment auctions with nonconvex costs
by Ramteen Sioshansi & Emma Nicholson - 62-81 The effect of output specification on the optimal policy design for electric utilities
by Sergio Jara-Díaz & Francisco Ramos-Real - 82-109 Dynamic pricing of electricity in the mid-Atlantic region: econometric results from the Baltimore gas and electric company experiment
by Ahmad Faruqui & Sanem Sergici
June 2011, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 223-251 Locational-based coupling of electricity markets: benefits from coordinating unit commitment and balancing markets
by Adriaan Weijde & Benjamin Hobbs - 252-272 Optimal pricing and capacity choice for a public service under risk of interruption
by Fred Schroyen & Adekola Oyenuga - 273-292 Imperfect legal unbundling of monopolistic bottlenecks
by Felix Höffler & Sebastian Kranz - 293-312 Price-cap regulation of congested airports
by Hangjun Yang & Anming Zhang - 313-331 Strategic manipulation of a pollution permit market and international trade
by Julien Bueb & Sonia Schwartz
April 2011, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 111-142 The design of voluntary agreements in oligopolistic markets
by Rinaldo Brau & Carlo Carraro - 143-168 License scheme: an optimal waste management policy under asymmetric information
by Takayoshi Shinkuma & Shunsuke Managi - 169-193 Life insurer efficiency and state regulation: evidence of optimal firm behavior
by Steven Pottier - 194-220 Appropriate contract durations in the German markets for on-line reserve capacity
by Sebastian Just - 221-222 Alfred E. Kahn (1917–2010)
by Timothy Tardiff
February 2011, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-28 Modeling welfare loss asymmetries arising from uncertainty in the regulatory cost of finance
by Ian Dobbs - 29-49 A dynamic perspective on minimum quality standards under Cournot competition
by Stefan Napel & Gunnar Oldehaver - 50-67 Is fixed-mobile substitution strong enough to de-regulate fixed voice telephony? Evidence from the Austrian markets
by Wolfgang Briglauer & Anton Schwarz & Christine Zulehner - 68-88 Demand response in wholesale electricity markets: the choice of customer baseline
by Hung-po Chao - 89-110 The interaction between universal service costing and financing in the postal sector: a calibrated approach
by Christian Jaag & Urs Trinkner
December 2010, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 227-257 Price cap regulation: what have we learned from 25 years of experience in the telecommunications industry?
by David Sappington & Dennis Weisman - 258-273 Incentive regulation, service quality, and standards in U.S. electricity distribution
by Anna Ter-Martirosyan & John Kwoka - 274-291 On the interaction between imperfect compliance and technology adoption: taxes versus tradable emissions permits
by Clara Villegas-Palacio & Jessica Coria - 292-312 Public interest versus regulatory capture in the Swedish electricity market
by Russell Smyth & Magnus Söderberg - 313-326 Against the stand-alone-cost test in U.S. freight rail regulation
by Russell Pittman - 327-367 Index
by M. Crew
October 2010, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 113-143 Toward a combined merchant-regulatory mechanism for electricity transmission expansion
by William Hogan & Juan Rosellón & Ingo Vogelsang - 144-166 Improving the econometric precision of regulatory models
by Subal Kumbhakar & Alan Horncastle - 167-179 Mandated self-regulation: the danger of cosmetic compliance
by Paul Calcott - 180-192 Technological progress in particulate removal equipment at U.S. coal burning power plants
by Allen Bellas & Ian Lange - 193-225 Household response to dynamic pricing of electricity: a survey of 15 experiments
by Ahmad Faruqui & Sanem Sergici
August 2010, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-26 Incentive regulation and investment: evidence from European energy utilities
by Carlo Cambini & Laura Rondi - 27-48 The productive effect of transport infrastructures: does road transport liberalization matter?
by Anna Bottasso & Maurizio Conti - 49-69 Decoupling in electric utilities
by Timothy Brennan - 70-85 An empirical study of broadband diffusion in rural America
by Victor Glass & Stela Stefanova - 86-109 Divestiture policy and operating efficiency in U.S. electric power distribution
by John Kwoka & Michael Pollitt & Sanem Sergici
June 2010, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 219-242 Is a little sunshine all we need? On the impact of sunshine regulation on profits, productivity and prices in the Dutch drinking water sector
by Kristof Witte & David Saal - 243-265 Inefficient arbitrage in inter-regional electricity transmission
by Derek Bunn & Georg Zachmann - 266-286 Impact of government-sponsored pollution prevention practices on environmental compliance and enforcement: evidence from a sample of US manufacturing facilities
by Abdoul Sam - 287-315 EU-type carbon emissions trade and the distributional impact of overlapping emissions taxes
by Thomas Eichner & Rüdiger Pethig - 316-325 Green promotes the dirtiest: on the interaction between black and green quotas in energy markets
by Christoph Böhringer & Knut Rosendahl
February 2010, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-22 The geographic distribution of environmental inspections
by Heather Eckert & Andrew Eckert - 23-41 Imperfect verification, appeals, and limited liability
by Chifeng Dai - 42-69 Market power in the Spanish electricity auction
by Aitor Ciarreta & María Espinosa - 70-97 Deregulation, competition and consumer welfare in a banking market: evidence from Hong Kong
by Chun-Yu Ho - 98-106 Greenhouse gas policy and California electricity prices
by Carl Danner
December 2009, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 219-246 Standards and the regulation of environmental risk
by Brent Hueth & Tigran Melkonyan - 247-273 The influence of facility characteristics and permit conditions on the effectiveness of environmental regulatory deterrence
by Dietrich Earnhart - 274-285 The complete incremental cost test for cross-subsidies with a sub-modular cost function
by Edward Pearsall - 286-307 Market discipline in the Brazilian banking industry: an analysis for the subordinated debt holders
by Helder Mendonça & Renato Villela Loures - 308-323 Does yardstick regulation really work? Empirical evidence from Japan’s rail industry
by Fumitoshi Mizutani & Hideo Kozumi & Noriaki Matsushima
October 2009, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 107-126 Access pricing and investment: a real options approach
by Fernando Camacho & Flavio Menezes - 127-153 Optimal expansion of the power transmission grid: why not?
by Thomas-Olivier Léautier & Véronique Thelen - 154-177 Supply function equilibria of pay-as-bid auctions
by Pär Holmberg - 178-198 License prices for financially constrained firms
by Roberto Burguet & R. McAfee - 199-217 Regulatory effects on the market penetration and capacity of reliability differentiated service
by Isamu Matsukawa
August 2009, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-28 Is environmental regulation bad for competition? A survey
by Anthony Heyes - 29-43 Pricing inputs to induce efficient Make-or-Buy decisions
by David Mandy - 44-59 An experimental investigation of soft price caps in uniform price auction markets for wholesale electricity
by Christian Vossler & Timothy Mount & Robert Thomas & Ray Zimmerman - 60-82 Allowing communities to trade in imperfectly competitive pollution-permit markets
by Dafna Eshel & Richard Sexton - 83-93 The effects of air quality regulations on the location decisions of pollution-intensive manufacturing plants
by Simon Condliffe & O. Ashton Morgan - 94-106 Environmental taxes and industry monopolization
by Lambert Schoonbeek & Frans Vries
June 2009, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 223-245 A modified yardstick competition mechanism
by Georg Meran & Christian Hirschhausen - 246-274 Mobile termination and collusion, revisited
by Felix Höffler - 275-295 The benefits and costs of ethanol: an evaluation of the government’s analysis
by Robert Hahn & Caroline Cecot