June 2009, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 296-311 Access charges under two-tier pricing
by Joan Calzada - 312-330 The political economy of state-level adoption of natural resource damage programs
by Amy Ando & Wallapak Polasub
April 2009, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 111-134 Access regulation and the adoption of VoIP
by Paul Bijl & Martin Peitz - 135-153 Technology adoption decisions under a mixed regulatory system of tradable permits and air pollution fees for the control of Total Suspended Particulates in Taiwan
by Chao-Ning Liao - 154-178 The threat of regulatory environmental inspection: impact on plant performance
by Kjetil Telle - 179-200 Competition schemes and investment in network infrastructure under uncertainty
by Keiichi Hori & Keizo Mizuno - 201-221 Technology and incentive regulation in the Italian motorways industry
by Luigi Benfratello & Alberto Iozzi & Paola Valbonesi
February 2009, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-18 All you can drink: should we worry about quality?
by Daniel Flores - 19-44 The deregulation of international trucking in the European Union: form and effect
by Francine Lafontaine & Laura Malaguzzi Valeri - 45-69 The impact of license regulation on the number of recreation trips: is it worth considering?
by Abdulbaki Bilgic & Wojciech Florkowski - 70-95 Demand estimation and market definition for broadband Internet services
by Mélisande Cardona & Anton Schwarz & B. Yurtoglu & Christine Zulehner - 96-109 Stipulated settlements, the consumer advocate and utility regulation in Florida
by Stephen Littlechild
December 2008, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 195-219 The regulation of audiovisual content: quotas and conflicting objectives
by Claude Crampes & Abraham Hollander - 220-250 Towards a complete real-time electricity market design
by Richard O’Neill & Emily Fisher & Benjamin Hobbs & Ross Baldick - 251-281 Implications of CO 2 emissions trading for short-run electricity market outcomes in northwest Europe
by Yihsu Chen & Jos Sijm & Benjamin Hobbs & Wietze Lise - 282-298 Strategic incentives under vertical integration: the case of wireline-affiliated wireless carriers and intermodal competition in the US
by Paul Zimmerman
October 2008, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 95-118 Product innovation, signaling, and endogenous regulatory delay
by James Prieger - 119-143 Taxes and subsidies to change eating habits when information is not enough: an application to fish consumption
by Stéphan Marette & Jutta Roosen & Sandrine Blanchemanche - 144-163 Economies of density, scale and scope in the water supply and sewerage sector: a study of four developing and transition economies
by Céline Nauges & Caroline Berg - 164-194 Municipal aggregation and retail competition in the Ohio energy sector
by Stephen Littlechild
August 2008, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-26 The effectiveness of FERC’s transmission policy: is transmission used efficiently and when is it scarce?
by Andrew Kleit & James Reitzes - 27-52 The impact of restructuring and deregulation on gas rates
by Vladimir Hlasny - 53-74 Competition in telecommunication networks with call externalities
by Edmond Baranes & Laurent Flochel - 75-85 Regulating a risk-averse firm under incomplete information
by Chifeng Dai - 86-94 Bounding consumer surplus by monopoly profits
by T. Beard & Michael Stern
June 2008, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 237-252 On the use of labels in credence goods markets
by Olivier Bonroy & Christos Constantatos - 253-282 Regulation and efficiency in transition: the case of Romanian banks
by Gabriel Asaftei & Subal Kumbhakar - 283-298 Guaranteeing quality in the EU: who gains most?
by Chris Hudson & John Hudson - 299-317 Efficiency losses from overlapping regulation of EU carbon emissions
by Christoph Böhringer & Henrike Koschel & Ulf Moslener - 318-337 Do elected public utility commissioners behave more politically than appointed ones?
by Troy Quast
April 2008, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 133-158 Productivity at the post: its drivers and its distribution
by E. Grifell-Tatjé & C. Lovell - 159-178 Electricity sector reform in developing countries: an econometric assessment of the effects of privatization, competition and regulation
by Yin-Fang Zhang & David Parker & Colin Kirkpatrick - 179-200 Downstream price-cap regulation and upstream market power
by James Reitzes - 201-235 Business regulation and labor market performance around the world
by Horst Feldmann
February 2008, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-3 Corporate governance, the role of markets and regulation: introduction
by James Bicksler & Michael Crew & Daniel Krasner & Jeffrey Smith - 5-19 Regulatory disclosure via the internet: does it make financial markets more efficient?
by João Duque & Inês Pinto - 21-53 Mergers and acquisitions as a response to the deregulation of the electric power industry: value creation or value destruction?
by John Becker-Blease & Lawrence Goldberg & Fred Kaen - 55-86 Founders versus non-founders in large companies: financial incentives and the call for regulation
by Darius Palia & S. Ravid & Chia-Jane Wang - 87-116 Board monitoring, firm risk, and external regulation
by Ivan Brick & N. Chidambaran - 117-131 Corporate governance as religion
by Donald Kempf
December 2007, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 209-223 The role of excess capacity in determining market power in natural gas transportation markets
by R. McAfee & Philip Reny - 225-245 Oligopoly equilibria in electricity contract markets
by James Bushnell - 247-257 Effective regulation versus tacit collusion in the long-distance market: an empirical analysis
by Simran Kahai & David Kaserman - 259-285 Minimum safety standard, consumers’ information and competition
by Stéphan Marette - 287-311 Regulation—the corridor to liberalization: the experience of the Israeli phone market 1984–2005
by Reuben Gronau
October 2007, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 105-129 Economic reforms, efficiency and productivity in Chinese banking
by Subal Kumbhakar & Dan Wang - 131-151 Regulatory and environmental effects on public transit efficiency: a mixed DEA-SFA approach
by Beniamina Margari & Fabrizio Erbetta & Carmelo Petraglia & Massimiliano Piacenza - 153-172 Capacity-based versus time-based access charges in telecommunications
by Joan Calzada - 173-193 Regulating internal markets for hospital care
by Rosella Levaggi - 195-207 Are input prices irrelevant for make-or-buy decisions?
by Philip Gayle & Dennis Weisman
August 2007, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-16 Optimal environmental regulation based on more than just emissions
by Arun Malik - 17-36 Timing of environmental inspections: survival of the compliant
by Sandra Rousseau - 37-65 Voluntary development of environmental management systems: motivations and regulatory implications
by Toshihiro Uchida & Paul Ferraro - 67-85 Worksharing, access and bypass: the structure of prices in the postal sector
by E. Villemeur & Helmuth Cremer & Bernard Roy & Joëlle Toledano - 87-104 An economic analysis of consumer class actions in regulated industries
by Ingo Vogelsang & Nishal Ramphal & Stephen Carroll & Nicholas Pace
June 2007, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 235-260 Incentives for sabotage in vertically related industries
by David Mandy & David Sappington - 261-287 The 2001-3 electricity distribution price control review in the Netherlands: regulatory process and consumer welfare
by Paul Nillesen & Michael Pollitt - 289-312 Deregulation, news releases, and price discovery
by Manfen Chen & Rohan Christie-David & William Moore - 313-334 An experimental analysis of the effects of automated mitigation procedures on investment and prices in wholesale electricity markets
by Lynne Kiesling & Bart Wilson - 335-353 The effect of deregulation on environmental research by electric utilities
by Paroma Sanyal - 355-355 X-factor updating and total factor productivity growth: the case of peruvian telecommunications, 1996–2003
by Jeffrey Bernstein & Juan Hernandez & Jose Rodriguez & Agustin Ros
April 2007, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 125-149 Nodal pricing of electricity: how much does it cost to get it wrong?
by Richard Green - 151-184 A cost-benefit assessment of wholesale electricity restructuring and competition in New England
by Matthew Barmack & Edward Kahn & Susan Tierney - 185-208 Regulating advertisements: the case of smoking cessation products
by Rosemary Avery & Donald Kenkel & Dean Lillard & Alan Mathios - 209-233 Can self regulation work?: a story of corruption, impunity and cover-up
by Javier Núñez
February 2007, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-35 How good are supply function equilibrium models: an empirical analysis of the ERCOT balancing market
by Ramteen Sioshansi & Shmuel Oren - 37-55 The potential for underinvestment in internet security: implications for regulatory policy
by Alfredo Garcia & Barry Horowitz - 57-81 Pollution abatement with limited enforcement power and citizen suits
by Christian Langpap - 83-107 Can consumers enforce environmental regulations? The role of the market in hazardous waste compliance
by Sarah Stafford - 109-123 Pricing access in network competition
by Sue Mialon
November 2006, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 233-260 Should merchant transmission investment be subject to a must-offer provision?
by Gert Brunekreeft & David Newbery - 261-290 Proactive planning and valuation of transmission investments in restructured electricity markets
by Enzo Sauma & Shmuel Oren - 291-315 Designing environmental policy: lessons from the regulation of mercury emissions
by Ted Gayer & Robert Hahn - 316-342 X-Factor updating and total factor productivity growth: the case of peruvian telecommunications, 1996–2003
by Jeffrey Bernstein & Juan Hernandez & Jose Rodriguez & Agustin Ros - 343-357 A comparison of embedded and forward-looking local loop cost estimates for small rural telephone companies in Illinois
by James Zolnierek - 358-387 Proactive planning and valuation of transmission investments in restructured electricity markets
by Enzo Sauma & Shmuel Oren
August 2006, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 119-139 Stability of supply function equilibria implications for daily versus hourly bids in a poolco market
by Ross Baldick & William Hogan - 141-158 Information regulation: Do the victims of externalities pay attention?
by Felix Oberholzer-Gee & Miki Mitsunari - 159-178 Supply-side effects of the 150-hour educational requirement for CPA licensure
by John Jacob & Dennis Murray - 179-198 Factors that determine the cost-effectiveness ranking of second-best instruments for environmental regulation
by Raúl O’Ryan - 199-216 Should uniform pricing constraints be imposed on entrants?
by Steffen Hoernig - 217-231 Incentive regulation in local telecommunications: The effects on price markups
by Sarah Eckenrod
July 2006, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 5-44 An Agency Perspective on the Costs and Benefits of Privatization
by David Martimort - 45-61 Enforcement and Information Strategies
by Lars Hansen & Signe Krarup & Clifford Russell - 63-84 Strategic Regulation Policy in the Internet
by Østein Foros & Hans Kind & Lars Søard - 85-97 Price-cap Regulation of Airports: Single-till Versus Dual-till
by Achim Czerny - 99-115 Deregulating Network Industries: Dealing with Price-quality Tradeoffs
by Stefan Buehler & Dennis Gärtner & Daniel Halbheer
May 2006, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 239-264 Incentive Regulation of Prices When Costs are Sunk
by Lewis Evans & Graeme Guthrie - 265-281 A New Approach for Regulating Information Markets
by Robert Hahn & Paul Tetlock - 283-302 On Pollution Permit Banking and Market Power
by Matti Liski & Juan-Pablo Montero - 303-317 Competition and Price Dispersion in International Long-distance Calling
by Sean Ennis - 319-332 Consumer Resistance Against Regulation: The Case of Health Care
by Peter Zweifel & Harry Telser & Stephan Vaterlaus - 333-342 Enhancing Vertical Efficiency Through Horizontal Licensing
by Anil Arya & Brian Mittendorf
March 2006, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 127-150 Exceptions to the Rules: Variances from Regulatory Standards
by Anthony Marino - 151-165 Pricing Discretion and Price Regulation in Competitive Industries
by Alberto Iozzi & Roberta Sestini & Edilio Valentini - 167-193 A Merchant Mechanism for Electricity Transmission Expansion
by Tarjei Kristiansen & Juan Rosellón - 195-210 Assessing the Degree of Spot Market Integration for U.S. Natural Gas: Evidence from Daily Price Data
by John Cuddington & Zhongmin Wang - 211-224 Regulatory Federalism and Workplace Safety: Evidence from OSHA Enforcement, 1981–1995
by John Bradbury - 225-233 Optimal Environmental Tax and Level of Privatization in an International Duopoly
by Shuichi Ohori
January 2006, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 5-22 Discrete Choice Analysis of Demand for Broadband in Japan
by Takanori Ida & Toshifumi Kuroda - 23-67 The Effects of Public Ownership and Regulatory Independence on Regulatory Outcomes
by Geoff Edwards & Leonard Waverman - 69-102 Worksharing and Access Discounts in the Postal Sector with Asymmetric Information
by Joan Calzada - 103-122 Access Regime Design and Required Rates of Return: Pitfalls in Adjusting for Inflation and Tax Effects
by Kevin Davis
November 2005, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 235-258 Mobile Termination: What is the “Right” Charge?
by Tommaso Valletti & George Houpis - 259-287 Regulation of State-Owned and Privatized Utilities: Ukraine Electricity Distribution Company Performance
by Sanford Berg & Chen Lin & Valeriy Tsaplin - 289-308 Cost Savings From Generation and Distribution with an Application to Italian Electric Utilities
by Giovanni Fraquelli & Massimiliano Piacenza & Davide Vannoni - 309-326 Environmental Externalities in the Presence of Network Effects: Adoption of Low Emission Technologies in the Automobile Market
by Eftichios Sartzetakis & Panagiotis Tsigaris - 327-343 Asymmetric Regulation of Access and Price Discrimination in Telecommunications
by Martin Peitz
September 2005, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 127-128 Introduction: Environmental Regulation
by Michael Crew & Anthony Heyes - 129-140 On Efficiency of Decentralized Environmental Regulation
by Mitch Kunce & Jason Shogren - 141-155 Environmental Regulation and the Eco-Industry
by Maia David & Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné - 157-179 Using Revealed Preferences to Infer Environmental Benefits:Evidence from Recreational Fishing Licenses
by Lori Bennear & Robert Stavins & Alexander Wagner - 181-204 Enforcing Emissions Trading when Emissions Permits are Bankable
by John Stranlund & Christopher Costello & Carlos Chávez - 205-223 Optimal Allocation of Tradable Pollution Rights and Market Structures
by Dafna Eshel
July 2005, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 5-21 The Need for Regulating a Bayesian Regulator
by Semih Koray & Ismail Saglam - 23-46 A Model of Final Offer Arbitration in Regulation
by Juan-Pablo Montero - 47-67 Regulation of Mobile Telephony across the European Union: An Empirical Analysis
by Lukasz Grzybowski - 69-90 Efficiency Measurement in Network Industries: Application to the Swiss Railway Companies
by Mehdi Farsi & Massimo Filippini & William Greene - 91-113 Price Regulation and Public Service Obligations under International Arbitrage
by Giorgio Matteucci & Pierfrancesco Reverberi
January 2005, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 235-262 24/7 Hourly Response to Electricity Real-Time Pricing with up to Eight Summers of Experience
by Thomas Taylor & Peter Schwarz & James Cochell - 263-280 Privately-Negotiated Input Prices
by David Sappington & Burcin Unel - 281-308 Price-Cost Margins and Profit Rates in New Zealand Electricity Distribution Networks Since 1994: the Cost of Light Handed Regulation
by Geoff Bertram & Dan Twaddle - 309-330 The Practice Boundaries of Advanced Practice Nurses: An Economic and Legal Analysis
by Michael Dueker & Ada Jacox & David Kalist & Stephen Spurr - 331-351 Deregulation and Productivity: The Case of Spanish Banks
by Subal kumbhakar & Ana Lozano-Vivas
November 2005, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 123-154 Regulating Service Quality: A Survey
by David Sappington - 155-175 Self-Sabotage
by David Sappington & Dennis Weisman - 177-202 How to Turn an Industry Green: Taxes versus Subsidies
by Susanne Dröge & Philipp Schröder - 203-224 Optimal Time-of-use Access Charges
by Poletti Stephen
September 2005, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 5-24 Incentive Contracts for Infrastructure, Litigation and Weak Institutions
by Alfredo Garcia & James Reitzes & Juan Benavides - 25-46 Price, Programming and Potential Competition in US Cable Television Markets
by Scott Savage & Michael Wirth - 47-65 Sequencing Lifeline Repairs After an Earthquake: An Economic Approach
by Marco Casari & Simon Wilkie - 67-79 Strategic Firm Behavior Under Average-Revenue-Lagged Regulation
by Kevin Currier - 81-94 Mission Impossible !? On the Harmonization of National Allocation Plans under the EU Emissions Trading Directive
by Christoph Böhringer & Andreas Lange - 95-113 The Financing of Regulatory Agencies
by Stephan Marette & John Crespi
August 2004, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 239-262 The Case of the Missing Pollution Haven Hypothesis
by Daniel Millimet & John List - 263-285 Incentive Regulation and Telecommunications Service Quality
by Chunrong AI & Salvador Martinez & David Sappington - 287-301 Optimal Regulation of Private Production Contracts with Environmental Externalities
by Philippe Bontems & Pierre Dubois & Tomislav Vukina - 303-320 Privatizing Monopolies in Developing Countries: The Real Effects of Exclusivity Periods in Telecommunications
by Scott Wallsten - 321-351 Price Squeezes in a Regulatory Environment
by Jan Bouckaert & Frank Verboven
September 2004, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 119-139 Market Failures in Real-Time Metering
by Timothy J. Brennan - 141-163 Settling Utility Rate Cases: An Alternative Ratemaking Procedure
by Zhongmin Wang - 165-176 Regulatory Compliance with Costly and Uncertain Litigation
by Mark Raymond - 177-187 Forced Freebies: A Note on Partial Deregulation with Pro Bono Supply Requirements
by Maarten Pieter Schinkel & Jan Tuinstra - 189-199 Minimum Quality Standards under Asymmetric Duopoly with Endogenous Quality Ordering: A Note
by Naoto Jinji & Tsuyoshi Toshimitsu - 201-229 Default Service Auctions
by Colin Loxley & David Salant
July 2004, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 5-21 Toward a Synthesis of Models of Regulatory Policy Design with Limited Information
by Mark Armstrong & David E. M. Sappington - 23-40 Utility Regulation and Risk Allocation: The Roles of Marginal Cost Pricing and Futures Markets
by Simon Cowan - 41-68 Wild Bids. Gambling for Resurrection in Procurement Contracts
by Aleix Calveras & Juan-Jose Ganuza & Esther Hauk - 69-84 Risk and Capital Structure in the Regulated Firm
by Gianni De Fraja & Clive Stones - 85-104 Controlling Pollution with Relaxed Regulations
by Carmen Arguedas & Hamid Hamoudi
May 2004, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 223-242 Competition and Regulation in Franchise Bidding
by Nicola Doni - 243-270 The Financial and Operational Impacts of FERC Order 636 on the Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Industry
by David Finnoff & Curtis Cramer & Sherrill Shaffer - 271-295 The Case for International Coordination of Electricity Regulation: Evidence from the Measurement of Efficiency in South America
by Antonio Estache & MartÌn A. Rossi & Christian A. Ruzzier - 297-322 Privately Owned Railways' Cost Function, Organization Size and Ownership
by Fumitoshi Mizutani
March 2004, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 115-141 Regulation, Local Monopolies and Spatial Competition
by James J. Anton & Paul J. Gertler - 143-167 Theory and Application of Linear Supply Function Equilibrium in Electricity Markets
by Ross Baldick & Ryan Grant & Edward Kahn - 169-186 Regulation and Investment under Uncertainty: An Application to Power Grid Interconnection
by Jean-Daniel Saphores & Eric Gravel & Jean-Thomas Bernard - 187-214 Let's Get Physical! Or Financial? A Study of Electricity Transmission Rights
by Brian T. Kench
January 2004, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 5-37 Two-settlement Systems for Electricity Markets under Network Uncertainty and Market Power
by Rajnish Kamat & Shmuel Oren - 39-58 Taking the Lab to the Field: Experimental Tests of Alternative Mechanisms to Procure Multiple Contracts
by Anders Lunander & Jan-Eric Nilsson - 59-80 The Market Response to Restructuring: A Behavioral Model
by Faye Steiner - 81-104 Optimal Price Rules, Administered Prices and Suboptimal Prevention: Evidence from a Medicare Program
by Avi Dor
November 2003, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 271-291 Collusive Long-Run Investments under Transmission Price-Caps
by Hogendorn, Christiaan - 293-314 The Emergence of Market Power in Emission Rights Markets: The Role of Initial Permit Distribution
by Maeda, Akira - 315-327 The Effects of Emissions Standards on Industry
by Farzin, Y H - 329-357 Measuring the Impact of Asymmetric Information: An Example from Energy Conservation
by Settle, Chad & Tschirhart, John - 359-372 Business Demand for Broadband Access Capacity
by Duffy-Deno, Kevin T - 373-378 Estimating Telephone Demand with State Decennial Census Data from 1970-1990: Update with 2000 Data
by Garbacz, Christopher & Thompson, Herbert G, Jr
September 2003, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 119-133 Expert Advice and Regulatory Complexity
by Heyes, Anthony G - 135-159 On Intertemporal Subsidy-Free Prices and Economic Depreciation: Constrained Market Pricing Revisited
by Gunn, Calum - 161-173 Analyzing Gas and Electric Convergence Mergers: A Supply Curve Is Worth a Thousand Words
by Hunger, David - 175-211 Bidding in an Electricity Pay-as-Bid Auction
by Federico, Giulio & Rahman, David - 213-222 Vertical Integration and Competition Policy
by Hackner, Jonas - 223-241 Entry and Exchanges of Cost Information
by Armantier, Olivier & Richard, Oliver - 243-259 Pollution Abatement as a Barrier to Entry
by Helland, Eric & Matsuno, Mayumi
July 2003, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 5-33 Access to Pipelines in Competitive Gas Markets
by Cremer, Helmuth & Gasmi, Farid & Laffont, Jean-Jacques - 35-48 Honesty in Environmental Regulation
by Rodriguez-Ibeas, Roberto - 49-62 Optimal Pricing and Price-Cap Regulation in the Postal Sector
by Billette de Villemeur, Etienne & Cremer, Helmuth & Roy, Bernard & Toledano, Joëlle - 63-89 Regulation through Collaboration: Final Authority and Information Symmetry in Environmental Coasean Bargaining
by Rhoads, Thomas A & Shogren, Jason F - 91-110 Punishment in a Regulatory Setting: Experimental Evidence from the VCM
by Anderson, Lisa R & Stafford, Sarah L
May 2003, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 215-235 The Broadband Access Market: Competition, Uniform Pricing and Geographical Coverage
by Foros, Oystein & Kind, Hans Jarle - 237-255 How Large Are the Welfare Gains from Technological Innovation Induced by Environmental Policies?
by Parry, Ian W H & Pizer, William A & Fischer, Carolyn - 257-286 The Effect of Endogenous Regulation on Telecommunications Expansion and Efficiency in Latin America
by Gutierrez, Luis Hernando - 287-297 A Bottleneck Input Supplier's Opportunity Cost of Competing Downstream
by Degraba, Patrick - 299-319 The Post Office vs. Parcel Delivery Companies: Competition Effects on Costs and Productivity
by Mizutani, Fumitoshi & Uranishi, Shuji
March 2003, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 103-107 Introduction: What Role Can Experiments Play in Research on Regulation?
by Eckel, Catherine & Lutz, Nancy - 109-123 Discriminatory Price Auctions in Electricity Markets: Low Volatility at the Expense of High Price Levels
by Rassenti, Stephen J & Smith, Vernon L & Wilson, Bart J - 125-144 Asymmetric Demand Information in Uniform and Discriminatory Call Auctions: An Experimental Analysis Motivated by Electricity Markets
by Abbink, Klaus & Brandts, Jordi & McDaniel, Tanga - 145-165 Transactions Costs in Tradable Permit Markets: An Experimental Study of Pollution Market Designs
by Cason, Timothy N & Gangadharan, Lata - 167-191 The Demand for Water: Consumer Response to Scarcity
by Krause, Kate & Chermak, Janie M & Brookshire, David S - 193-205 Using Random nth Price Auctions to Value Non-market Goods and Services
by List, John A
January 2003, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 5-25 Self-Regulation, Innovation, and the Financial Industry
by Stefanadis, Christodoulos - 27-41 Assessing the Effectiveness of State Regulation and Enforcement of Hazardous Waste
by Stafford, Sarah L - 43-59 Cost Heterogeneity and the Potential Savings from Market-Based Policies
by Newell, Richard G & Stavins, Robert N - 61-91 Wholesale Spot Price Pass-Through
by Littlechild, Stephen C
November 2002, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 215-249 TELRIC Pricing with Vintage Capital
by Mandy, David M - 251-270 Technical Efficiency under Alternative Regulatory Regimes: Evidence from the Inter-war British Gas Industry
by Hammond, Christopher J & Johnes, Geraint & Robinson, Terry - 271-285 The Union Pacific/Southern Pacific Railroads Merger: Effect of Trackage Rights on Rates
by Karikari, John Agyei & Brown, Stephen M & Nadji, Mehrzad