March 2009, Volume 96, Issue 2
- 95-112 Backward integration and collusion in a duopoly model with asymmetric costs
by Pedro Mendi - 113-136 The critical discount factor as a measure for cartel stability?
by Lisa Bruttel - 137-147 A note on cartel stability and endogenous sequencing with tacit collusion
by Marc Escrihuela-Villar - 149-168 Task assignment and organizational form
by Kerstin Puschke - 169-188 Uniqueness and comparative statics of Nash equilibrium in a tariff retaliation model
by Siu-kee Wong - 189-191 Kornai, J.: From socialism to capitalism. Eight essays
by Mario Ferrero
January 2009, Volume 96, Issue 1
- 1-17 Fiscal counter-cyclical rules and their conflicting implications for growth and welfare
by Dimitrios Varvarigos - 19-40 Inequality and growth: the roles of life expectancy and relative consumption
by Takeo Hori - 41-62 Consumption externalities with endogenous time preference
by Yasuhiro Nakamoto - 63-78 Economic growth, structural change, and search unemployment
by Martin Zagler - 79-86 A note on internal and external reference in efficiency wage models
by Erkki Koskela & Ronnie Schöb - 87-89 Saccomanni, F.: Managing international financial instability. National tamers versus global tigers
by Erich Streissler - 91-93 Wolf, H.C., Ghosh, A.R., Berger, H., and Gulde, A.-M.: Currency boards in retrospect and prospect
by Carsten Hefeker
December 2008, Volume 95, Issue 3
- 187-187 JoE adopts a new electronic submission system
by Giacomo Corneo - 189-212 Ownership relations in the presence of cross-shareholding
by Erik Dietzenbacher & Umed Temurshoev - 213-231 Partial privatization in mixed duopoly with price and quality competition
by Koji Ishibashi & Toyokazu Kaneko - 233-253 Price regulation, product location, and welfare
by Noriaki Matsushima - 255-270 Reaggregation and firm-level inference in multiplant technologies
by Steven Buccola & Rolf Fare - 271-276 McChesney, R. W.: Communication revolution: critical junctures and the future of media
by Valentino Larcinese
November 2008, Volume 95, Issue 2
- 93-120 For how long to tie your hands? Stable relationships in an unstable environment
by Ferdinando Colombo & Guido Merzoni - 121-147 Union-oligopoly bargaining and entry deterrence: a reassessment of limit pricing
by Rupayan Pal & Bibhas Saha - 149-166 Timing of endogenous bargaining over costs and firms’ locations
by Juan Bárcena-Ruiz & F. Casado-Izaga - 167-177 Existence, uniqueness and some comparative statics for ratio and Lindahl equilibria
by Wolfgang Buchholz & Richard Cornes & Wolfgang Peters - 179-181 Galí J: Monetary Policy, Inflation, and the Business Cycle: An Introduction to the New Keynesian Framework
by Christian Merkl - 183-185 Deke, O.: Environmental policy instruments for conserving global biodiversity
by Charles Palmer
October 2008, Volume 95, Issue 1
- 1-23 Participation incentives in rank order tournaments with endogenous entry
by Timothy Mathews & Soiliou Namoro - 25-53 Piracy and limited liability
by Ming Chang & Chiu Lin & Dachrahn Wu - 55-74 The role of location choice in strategic export promotion policy: capital liberalization incentives of exporting countries
by Kazuharu Kiyono & Fang Wei - 75-82 On the willingness to pay to reduce risks of small losses
by Christophe Courbage & Béatrice Rey - 83-86 Goyal, S.: Connections: an introduction to the economics of networks
by Paolo Vanin - 87-91 Cigno, A. and Werding, M.: Children and Pensions
by Carsten Schröder
September 2008, Volume 94, Issue 3
- 199-221 Macroeconomic effects of an indirect tax substitution
by Ramón Torregrosa - 223-229 Relative deprivation, wealth inequality and economic growth
by Baochun Peng - 231-240 Complementarities and costly investment in a growth model
by Maria Thompson - 241-259 Habit formation in an endogenous growth model with pollution abatement activities
by Masako Ikefuji - 261-274 Persistent high ambition and substance abuse: a rationalization of a vicious circle
by Amnon Levy & João Faria - 275-277 Seabright, P., von Hagen, J. (eds.): The Economic Regulation of Broadcasting Markets. Evolving Technology and Challenges for Policy
by Ralf Dewenter - 279-282 Stimmelmayr, M: Fundamental Capital Income Tax Reforms—Discussion and Simulation Using ifoMOD
by Viktor Steiner - 283-286 Florio, M. (ed.): Cost–Benefit Analysis and Incentives in Evaluation—The Structural Funds of the European Union
by Giacomo Corneo
July 2008, Volume 94, Issue 2
- 105-124 Why is the public sector more labor-intensive? A distortionary tax argument
by Panu Poutvaara & Andreas Wagener - 125-141 An elasticity approach to equilibrium and preference concentration in the Hotelling game
by Corrado Benassi & Alessandra Chirco - 143-166 Commitment, first-mover-, and second-mover advantage
by Michael Kopel & Clemens Löffler - 167-176 Merger profitability in mixed oligopoly
by José Méndez-Naya - 177-189 Implicit contracting with a (potentially) reliable agent
by Oliver Gürtler - 191-194 Bénassy, J.-P: Money, Interest, and Policy. Dynamic General Equilibrium in a Non-Ricardian World
by Neil Rankin - 195-197 Eichengreen, B: Global Imbalances and the Lessons of Bretton Woods
by Albrecht Ritschl
June 2008, Volume 94, Issue 1
- 1-30 Competition and product cycles with non-diversifiable risk
by Tapio Palokangas - 31-62 Innovation, imitation and multinationalisation in a North–South model: a theoretical note
by Debasis Mondal & M. Gupta - 63-86 IMF’s assistance: Devil’s kiss or guardian angel?
by J. Brandes & Tobias Schüle - 87-89 Doyle, J.: Extending Mechanics to Minds. The Mechanical Foundations of Psychology and Economics
by Salvatore Rizzello - 90-94 Ekelund, R. B. Jr, Hébert, R. F., and Tollison, R. D.: The Marketplace of Christianity
by Stefano Zamagni - 94-99 Galasso, V.: The Political Future of Social Security in Aging Societies
by Robert Fenge - 99-101 D. N. DeJong and C. Dave: Structural Macroeconometrics
by Uwe Hassler - 101-104 J.E. Roemer, W. Lee, and K. Van Der Straeten: Racism, Xenophobia, and Distribution. Multi-issue Politics in Advanced Democracies
by Michele Bernasconi
April 2008, Volume 93, Issue 3
- 223-265 Migration dynamics
by M. Moretto & Sergio Vergalli - 267-291 Unfair contests
by E. Feess & Gerd Muehlheusser & M. Walzl - 293-304 Individual best response in the repeated Cournot model
by Miguel Aramendia - 305-311 Whinston, M. D.: Lectures on Antitrust Economics (Cairoli Lecture Series)
by Justus Haucap - 311-317 Lee, E., and Vivarelli, M. (Eds.): Globalization, Employment and Income Distribution in Developing Countries
by Elena Meschi - 317-319 Binmore, K.: Playing for Real. A Text on Game Theory
by Philipp Wichardt
March 2008, Volume 93, Issue 2
- 109-144 The quest for status and endogenous labor supply: the relative wealth framework
by Walter Fisher & F. Hof - 145-176 Creation of jobs and firm-sponsored training in a matching model of unemployment
by Naoki Shintoyo - 177-202 Diffusion with variable production lead times
by Chung-Yi Tse - 203-214 Comparative statics for state-contingent technologies
by Robert Chambers & J. Quiggin - 215-217 McCarty, N., Poole, K. T., and Rosenthal, H.: Polarized America. The Dance of Ideology and Unequal Riches
by James Galbraith - 218-221 Checchi, D.: The Economics of Education. Human Capital, Family Background and Inequality
by Ludger Wößmann
February 2008, Volume 93, Issue 1
- 1-29 Analysis of vertical separation of regulators under adverse selection
by T. Ida & M. Anbashi - 31-58 Extracting the information: espionage with double crossing
by S. Ho - 59-79 Unionized labor market and licensing by a monopolist
by A. Mukherjee & U. Broll & S. Mukherjee - 81-93 Optimal fiscal policy in an endogenous growth model with public capital: a note
by T. Tamai - 95-100 Roemer, J. E.: Democracy, Education, and Equality
by Günther Rehme - 100-105 Alesina, A. and Giavazzi, F.: The Future of Europe: Reform or Decline
by Andrea Boltho - 105-107 Balcerowicz, L. and Fischer, S. (Eds.): Living Standards and the Wealth of Nations. Successes and Failures in Real Convergence
by Jürgen Bitzer
December 2007, Volume 92, Issue 3
- 209-228 Identifying the dynamic home market effect in a three-country model
by J. Suedekum - 229-262 Returns to skills, incentives to study and optimal educational standards
by M. De Paola & V. Scoppa - 263-274 State-owned enterprises as indirect instruments of entry regulation
by A. Brandão & S. Castro - 275-280 A new interpretation for the precautionary saving motive: a note
by M. Menegatti - 281-292 Biased Technical Change and Parallel Neutrality
by Walter Briec & Nicolas Peypoch - 293-295 Acemoglu, D., and Robinson, J. A.: Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy
by Bruno Amable & Stefano Palombarini - 295-298 Santiso, J.: Latin America's Political Economy of the Possible. Beyond Good Revolutionaries and Free-Marketeers
by Katja Hujo - 298-300 Williamson, J. G.: Globalization and the Poor Perophery Before 1950
by Nikolaus Wolf - 300-302 Besley, T.: Pricipled Agents? The Political Economy of Good Government
by Charles Blankart
October 2007, Volume 92, Issue 2
- 103-135 Labour Demand, Wage Mark-ups and Product Market Integration
by Torben Andersen & Jan Skaksen - 137-166 On a Uniform Turnpike of the Third Kind in the Robinson-Solow-Srinivasan Model
by M. Khan & Alexander Zaslavski - 167-196 How Politicians Make Decisions: A Political Choice Experiment
by Enrique Fatas & Tibor Neugebauer & Pilar Tamborero - 197-204 Anderson, J., and Neary, P.: Measuring the Restrictiveness of International Trade Policy
by Johannes Bröcker - 205-208 Paarsch, H. J., and Hong, H.: An Introduction to the Structural Econometrics of Auction Data
by Veronika Grimm
September 2007, Volume 92, Issue 1
- 1-10 Why is there Corporate Taxation? The Role of Limited Liability Revisited
by Johannes Becker & Clemens Fuest - 11-19 A note on corporate taxation, limited liability, and asymmetric information
by A. Miglo - 21-50 Delegation and Information Sharing in Cournot Duopoly
by Bernd Theilen - 51-65 Partial Privatization in a Differentiated Mixed Oligopoly
by Kenji Fujiwara - 67-88 Rock Paper Scissors
by Bryan McCannon - 89-91 MacKenzie, D.: An Engine, Not a Camera. How Financial Models Shape Markets
by Christian Schlag - 92-97 Tornell, A., and Westermann, F.: Boom-bust Cycles and Financial Liberalization
by Barbara Fritz - 97-99 Swinnen, J. F. M., and Rozelle, S.: From Marx and Mao to the Market. The Economics and Politics of Agricultural Transition
by Bernard Chavance - 100-101 Kornai, J.: By Force of Thought. Irregular Memoirs of an Intellectual Journey
by Giacomo Corneo
July 2007, Volume 91, Issue 3
- 211-243 The Impact of Cost Changes on Industry Entry and Exit
by James Prieger - 245-262 Process R&D and Product Line Deletion by a Multiproduct Monopolist
by Ping Lin - 263-272 Endogenous Timing in a Mixed Duopoly: Price Competition
by Juan Bárcena-Ruiz - 273-295 Resolving Indeterminacy in Coordination Games: A New Approach Applied to a Pay-as-you-go Pension Scheme
by Luigi Bonatti - 297-299 Kemnitz, A.: Immigration, Unemployment and Domestic Welfare
by Karin Mayr - 299-304 Bacharach, M.: Beyond Individual Choice. Teams and Frames in Game Theory
by Daniel Krähmer - 304-309 Santarelli, E. (Ed.): Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Innovation. The Dynamics of Firms and Industries
by Pedro Faria
June 2007, Volume 91, Issue 2
- 107-128 Relative Emission Standard versus Tax under Oligopoly: The Role of Free Entry
by Sajal Lahiri & Yoshiyasu Ono - 129-149 Optimal Environmental Policy Differentials in Open Economies under Emissions Constraints
by C. Withagen & R. Florax & A. Mulatu - 151-176 Competition with Congestible Networks
by Pio Baake & Kay Mitusch - 177-200 Signal Jamming in Pretrial Negotiation with Multiple Defendants
by Jeong-Yoo Kim & Joon Song - 201-203 Jokisch, S.: The Developed World's Demographic Transition
by Monika Kerekes - 203-207 Griffin, R. C.: Water Resource Economics. The Analysis of Scarcity, Policies, and Projects
by Mark Oelmann - 207-210 Enders, W., and Sandler, T.: The Political Economy of Terrorism
by Regina Bernhard
May 2007, Volume 91, Issue 1
- 1-40 Economic Growth and (Re-)Distributive Policies in a Non-cooperative World
by Günther Rehme - 41-67 Preferences for Educational Status, Human Capital Accumulation, and Growth
by Koichi Kawamoto - 69-96 Endogenous Growth Cycles
by Yuichi Furukawa - 97-100 Cohen, D.: Globalization and its Enemies
by Enrico Colombatto - 100-105 Calvo, G.: Emerging Capital Markets in Turmoil. Bad Luck or Bad Policy?
by Philipp Harms
April 2007, Volume 90, Issue 3
- 221-253 The Performance of Public and Private Enterprise under Conditions of Active and Passive Ownership and Competition and Monopoly
by Johan Willner & David Parker - 255-294 Dynamic Incentive Contracts in Multiple Penalty Systems with No-commitment to Tenure-track Auditing
by Hsiao-Chi Chen & Shi-Miin Liu - 295-312 Policy Bias Equivalence under Common Agency
by Mike Felgenhauer - 313-318 Warsh, D: Knowledge and the Wealth of Nations. A Story of Economic Discovery
by Wolfram Schrettl - 318-321 Hatton, T. J., and Williamson, J. G.: Global Migration and the World Economy. Two Centuries of Policy and Performance
by Sabine Jokisch
March 2007, Volume 90, Issue 2
- 117-142 Capital Controls, Public Debt and Currency Crises
by Shigeto Kitano - 143-166 On Income Velocity of Money, Precautionary Money Demand and Growth
by Jana Hromcová - 167-192 Average-cost Pricing, Increasing Returns, and Optimal Output: Comparing Home and Market Production
by Yew-Kwang Ng & Dingsheng Zhang - 193-214 On the Social Desirability of Patents for Sequential Innovations in a Vertically Differentiated Market
by Luca Lambertini & Piero Tedeschi - 215-218 Gintis, H., Bowles, S., Boyd, R., and Fehr, E.: Moral Sentiments and Material Interests – The Foundations of Cooperation in Economic Life
by Bettina Rockenbach - 218-220 Quadrio Curzio, A., Fortis, M. (Eds.): Research and Technological Innovation. The Challenge for a New Europe
by Mariacristina Piva
January 2007, Volume 90, Issue 1
- 1-27 Sequential versus Bundle Auctions for Recurring Procurement
by Veronika Grimm - 29-43 Welfare Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: Cost Saving vs. Signaling
by Arijit Mukherjee & Udo Broll - 45-85 Economic Growth with Imperfect Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
by Ryo Horii & Tatsuro Iwaisako - 87-107 A Closed-form Solution of the Uzawa-Lucas Model of Endogenous Growth
by Dirk Bethmann - 109-111 Hölscher, J., and Tomann, H. (eds.): Globalization of Capital Markets and Monetary Policy
by Falko Fecht - 111-116 Aghion, P., and Griffith, R.: Competition and Growth. Reconciling Theory and Evidence
by Peter Funk
December 2006, Volume 89, Issue 3
- 197-222 Optimal Design of Pension Rule with Flexible Retirement: The Two-Type Case
by András Simonovits - 223-244 Physical Search
by Klaus Kultti & Antti Miettunen & Juha Virrankoski - 245-266 The Le Châtelier Principle in the Theory of International Trade
by Udo Kreickemeier - 267-284 Higher Pollution Damage, More Lenient Environmental Policies?
by Bouwe Dijkstra & Daan van Soest - 285-289 Buti, M., and Franco, D.: Fiscal Policy in Economic and Monetary Union. Theory, Evidence and Institutions
by Piergiovanna Natale - 289-291 Pestieau, P.: The Welfare State in the European Union – Economic and Social Perspectives
by Christian Toft - 291-294 Sheridan, K.: Planning Japan's Economic Future
by Sebastien Lechevalier
November 2006, Volume 89, Issue 2
- 95-113 Uniformity Requirement and Political Accountability
by Matthias Wrede - 115-128 Government versus Opposition: Who Should be Who in the 16th German Bundestag?
by Dinko Dimitrov & Claus-Jochen Haake - 129-163 Technological Innovations and the Interest Rate
by Emanuel Leao & Pedro Leao - 165-185 Fiscal Policy and Exchange Rates
by Barbara Annicchiarico - 187-190 Bertola, G., Foellmi, R., and Zweimüller, J.: Income Distribution in Macroeconomic Models
by Cecilia García-Peñalosa - 190-192 Fenge, R., and Pestieau, P.: Social Security and Early Retirement
by Elsa Fornero - 192-195 Yoshida, C., and Woodland, D.: The Economics of Illegal Immigration
by Silke Uebelmesser
October 2006, Volume 89, Issue 1
- 1-36 “Itô's Lemma” and the Bellman Equation for Poisson Processes: An Applied View
by Ken Sennewald & Klaus Wälde - 37-58 Management Ability, Long-run Growth, and Poverty Traps
by Shiro Kuwahara - 59-74 A Note on Ad Valorem and Per Unit Taxation in an Oligopoly Model
by Lisa Grazzini - 83-85 Tachibanaki, T.: Confronting Income Inequality in Japan. A Comparative Analysis of Causes, Consequences, and Reform
by Sven Steinmo - 85-90 Ross, D.: Economic Theory and Cognitive Science: Microexplanation
by Oliver Kirchkamp - 90-93 Blair, R. D., and Cotter, T. F.: Intellectual Property: Economic and Legal Dimensions of Rights and Remedies
by Roland Kirstein
September 2006, Volume 88, Issue 3
- 211-241 Patent Enforcement, Innovation and Welfare
by Uday Sinha - 243-261 Delegating Infrastructure Projects with Open Access
by Keizo Mizuno & Tetsuya Shinkai - 263-283 Can Allowing to Trade Permits Enhance Welfare in Mixed Oligopoly?
by Kazuhiko Kato - 285-305 Parallel Neutrality
by Walter Briec & Robert Chambers & Rolf Färe & Nicolas Peypoch - 307-311 Aglietta, M., and Reberioux, A.: Corporate Governance Adrift. A Critique of Shareholder Value
by Alberto Chilosi - 311-314 Coolen, A.C.C.: The Mathematical Theory of Minority Games. Statistical Mechanics of Interacting Agents
by Damien Challet
August 2006, Volume 88, Issue 2
- 103-129 Relative Wealth, Consumption Taxation, and Economic Growth
by Wen-ya Chang - 131-158 On the Effects of Redistribution on Growth and Entrepreneurial Risk-taking
by Christiane Clemens & Maik Heinemann - 159-178 Growth Volatility and Technical Progress: A Simple Rent-seeking Model
by Charles Leung & Sam Tang & Nicolaas Groenewold - 179-201 Current Account, Capital Formation and Terms of Trade Shocks: a Revisit of the Harberger-Laursen-Metzler Effect
by Hung-Ju Chen & Chen-Min Hsu - 203-205 Siebert, H.: The German Economy – Beyond the Social Market
by Ronnie Schöb - 205-207 Boyd, R. and Richerson, P.: The Origin and Evolution of Cultures
by Serge-Christophe Kolm - 207-209 Heer, B., and Maußner, A.: Dynamic General Equilibirum Modelling. Computational Methods and Applications
by Marco Missaglia
June 2006, Volume 88, Issue 1
- 1-19 Budget Incidence Reconsidered
by Udo Ebert & Georg Tillmann - 21-48 Splitting Leagues
by Matthias Kräkel - 49-68 Endogenous Timing in a Mixed Oligopoly with Foreign Competitors: the Linear Demand Case
by Yuanzhu Lu - 69-85 Optimal Intervention Policies for a Small Monetary Economy
by Theodore Palivos & Chong Yip - 87-91 Reply to J. E. Roemer's Review of Kolm, S.: Macrojustice: The Political Economy of Fairness
by Serge-Christophe Kolm - 91-93 Vela Vellupillai, K.: Computability, Complexity and Constructivity in Economic Analysis
by Janette Walde - 93-96 Gui, B. and Sugden, R.: Economics and Social Interaction. Accounting for Interpersonal Relations
by Giulio Zanella - 96-101 Alesina, A. (ed.): Institutional Reforms. The Case of Colombia
by Manfred Nitsch
April 2006, Volume 87, Issue 3
- 209-240 Dynamic Analysis of Imitation and Technology Gap
by Hitoshi Tanaka - 241-255 Endogenous Time Preference, Inflation, and Capital Accumulation
by Liutang Gong - 257-280 Limits to Investment Exhilarationism
by Srinivas Raghavendra - 281-293 A Note on Franchising and Wage Bargaining
by Thomas Grandner - 295-301 McKinnon, R.: Exchange Rates Under the East Asian Dollar Standard. Living with Conflicted Virtue
by Cecilio Tamarit - 301-303 Mirowski, P.: The Effortless Economy of Science?
by Bertram Schefold - 303-306 Guesnerie, R.: Assessing Rational Expectations 2. `Eductive' Stability in Economics
by Maik Heinemann - 307-308 Non-convex Technologies and Cost Functions: Definitions, Duality and Nonparametric Tests of Convexity (Journal of Economics 81(2):155–192)
by Walter Briec & Kristiaan Kerstens & Philippe Vanden Eeckaut
March 2006, Volume 87, Issue 2
- 99-126 Do Distortionary Taxes Always Harm Growth?
by Tetsugen Haruyama & Jun-ichi Itaya - 127-157 What Determines the Finance-growth Nexus? Empirical Evidence for Threshold Models
by Michael Graff & Alexander Karmann - 159-180 Flexible and Committed Profit Sharing with Wage Bargaining: Implications for Equilibrium Unemployment
by Erkki Koskela & Rune Stenbacka - 181-193 The Complete Welfare Effects of Cost Reductions in a Cournot Oligopoly
by Donald Smythe & Jingang Zhao - 195-197 Razin, A., and Sadka, E. in cooperation with Nam, C.: The Decline of the Welfare State. Demography and Globalization
by Luca Beltrametti - 197-200 Gersbach, H.: Designing Democracy: Ideas for Better Rules
by Bryan Caplan - 200-204 de Haan, J., Eijfinger, S., and Waller, S.: The European Central Bank, Credibility, Transparency, and Centralization
by Bernd Hayo - 204-207 Challet, D., Marsili, M., and Zhang, Y.: Minority Games: Interacting Agents in Financial Markets
by Stefan Reimann
January 2006, Volume 87, Issue 1
- 1-14 Ordinary Shares and Managers
by Roland Strausz - 15-28 On the Emergence of Intra-industry Trade
by Toru Kikuchi & Koji Shimomura & Dao-Zhi Zeng - 29-53 Innovation, Imitation and Intellectual Property Rights: A Note on Helpman's Model
by Debasis Mondal & Manash Gupta - 55-71 When a Loser Gains: Free Riding in the Innovation of Network Goods
by Amihai Glazer & Vesa Kanniainen & Mikko Mustonen - 73-87 A Method for Transitive and Additive Multilateral Comparisons: A Transitive Bennet Indicator
by Kevin Fox - 90-93 Stern, N., Dethier, J., and Rogers, F.: Growth and Empowerment. Making Development Happen
by Luuk van Kempen - 93-96 Welfe A.: New Directions in Macromodelling
by Pierre Malgrange - 96-97 de Aghion, B. A., Morduch, J.: The Economics of Microfinance
by A. Makame
December 2005, Volume 86, Issue 3
- 197-228 Non-Routine Tasks, Restructuring of Firms, and Wage Inequality Within and Between Skill-Groups
by Hartmut Egger & Volker Grossmann