July 2012, Volume 106, Issue 3
- 195-219 Collusive behaviour under cost asymmetries when firms compete in supply functions
by Aitor Ciarreta & Carlos Gutiérrez-Hita - 221-232 Stackelberg leadership with product differentiation and endogenous entry: some comparative static and limiting results
by Krešimir Žigić - 233-249 Does timing of decisions in a mixed duopoly matter?
by Tamás Balogh & Attila Tasnádi - 251-266 Precautionary saving in the presence of labor income and interest rate risks
by Jingyuan Li - 267-282 On some classes of normed and risk averse preferences
by Walter Briec & Qi Liang & Hermann Ratsimbanierana - 283-285 Graham, Carol: The pursuit of happiness. An economy of well-being
by Pier Porta - 287-289 Backhouse, R.E., Bateman, B.W.: Capitalist revolutionary. John Maynard Keynes
by Elke Muchlinski
June 2012, Volume 106, Issue 2
- 99-118 Walras’ theory of capital formation: an intertemporal equilibrium reformulation
by Galeazzo Impicciatore & Luca Panaccione & Francesco Ruscitti - 119-132 Selecting a unique competitive equilibrium with default penalties
by Cheng-Zhong Qin & Martin Shubik - 133-152 On the interaction between public and private capital in economic growth
by Alberto Bucci & Chiara Del Bo - 153-181 Corruption, growth and ethnic fractionalization: a theoretical model
by Roy Cerqueti & Raffaella Coppier & Gustavo Piga - 183-193 Feenstra, R.C.: Product variety and the gains from international trade
by Wilhelm Kohler
May 2012, Volume 106, Issue 1
- 1-26 Relaxing competition through quality differentiation and price discrimination
by Fabian Herweg - 27-43 Envy and pricing of quality in adverse selection
by Kangsik Choi - 45-74 Specialized advertising media and product market competition
by Lola Esteban & José Hernández - 75-82 Endogenous cost asymmetry and insufficient entry in the absence of scale economies
by Arijit Mukherjee - 83-93 Interim efficient auctions with interdependent valuations
by Serkan Kucuksenel - 95-96 Neyapti, B.: Macroeconomic institutions and development
by Jesus Crespo Cuaresma - 97-98 Duffie, D.: Measuring corporate default risk
by Andreas Löffler
April 2012, Volume 105, Issue 3
- 199-224 Firm heterogeneity, credit constraints, and endogenous growth
by Jürgen Antony & Torben Klarl & Alfred Maußner - 225-246 Social status, human capital formation and the long-run effects of money
by Hung-Ju Chen - 247-262 Decreasing marginal impatience in a two-country world economy
by Ken-ichi Hirose & Shinsuke Ikeda - 263-279 Unsafe sex, AIDS and development
by Xue Qiao - 281-283 Shapiro, I.: The real world of democratic theory
by Antonis Adam - 285-287 Cimoli, M., Dosi, G. and Stiglitz, J. E. (eds.): Industrial policy and development. The political economy of capabilities accumulation
by Francesco Bogliacino
March 2012, Volume 105, Issue 2
- 101-127 On the role of consumer expectations in markets with network effects
by Irina Suleymanova & Christian Wey - 129-143 Location of public and private firms under endogenous timing of choices
by Juan Bárcena-Ruiz & F. Casado-Izaga - 145-160 Sequential bargaining, external effects of agreement, and public intervention
by Margrethe Aanesen - 161-190 A comparison of cardinal tournaments and piece rate contracts with liquidity constrained agents
by Kosmas Marinakis & Theofanis Tsoulouhas - 191-193 Duménil, G. and Lévy, D.: The Crisis of Neoliberalism
by Alberto Chilosi - 195-197 Soos, K. A.: Politics and policies in post-communist transition. Primary and secondary privatisation in central Europe and the former Soviet Union
by Caroline Vincensini
January 2012, Volume 105, Issue 1
- 1-27 Should we transfer resources from college to basic education?
by Marisa Hidalgo-Hidalgo & Iñigo Iturbe-Ormaetxe - 29-43 Relative consumption and majority voting: supplementing Oates’ “Decentralization Theorem”
by Inga Hillesheim - 45-62 Wage discrimination and antidiscrimination policy in unionized industries
by Minas Vlassis & Nick Drydakis - 63-91 A new model of income distribution: the κ-generalized distribution
by Fabio Clementi & Mauro Gallegati & Giorgio Kaniadakis - 93-96 Harcourt, B. E.: The illusion of free markets
by Stefano Zamagni - 97-100 Dasgupta, D.: Modern growth theory
by Carine Nourry
November 2011, Volume 104, Issue 3
- 199-217 Price leadership in a homogeneous product market
by Daisuke Hirata & Toshihiro Matsumura - 219-238 Over- and under-investment according to different benchmarks
by Friedel Bolle - 239-263 ‘Just one of us’: consumers playing oligopoly in mixed markets
by Marco Marini & Alberto Zevi - 265-280 Compensating for unforeseeable damages in torts
by Jeong-Yoo Kim - 281-285 Cowell, F.: Measuring Inequality. London School of Economics Perspectives in Economic Analysis
by Carsten Schröder
October 2011, Volume 104, Issue 2
- 99-126 Friedman meets Becker and Mulligan in a monetary neoclassical growth model
by Been-Lon Chen & Yu-Shan Hsu & Chia-Hui Lu - 127-137 On the growth and welfare maximizing allocation of public investment
by Pantelis Kalaitzidakis & Vangelis Tzouvelekas - 139-158 Competition among the elites, property rights protection and economic performance
by Shiyuan Pan - 159-190 Does free trade promote environmental technology transfer?
by Takeshi Iida & Kenji Takeuchi - 191-194 Bowles, S. and Gintis, H.: A cooperative species—human reciprocity and its evolution
by Werner Güth - 195-197 Hall, R.: Forward-looking decision making: dynamic programming models applied to health, risk, employment, and financial stability (The Gorman Lectures in Economics)
by Michael Burda
September 2011, Volume 104, Issue 1
- 1-24 Quality uncertainty and time inconsistency in a durable good market
by Evrim Dener - 25-47 On the microeconomics of diversification under learning
by Jean-Paul Chavas - 49-89 Strategic managerial delegation and cross-border mergers
by Yasuhiko Nakamura - 91-94 Quadrio Curzio, Alberto and Miceli, Valeria: Sovereign Wealth Funds. A complete guide to state-owned investment funds
by Lilia Costabile - 95-97 Akerlof, G. and Kranton, R.: Identity Economics. How our Identities affect our Work, Wages and Well-Being
by Frank Neher
July 2011, Volume 103, Issue 3
- 203-219 Commodity tax structure under uncertainty in a perfectly competitive market
by Laszlo Goerke - 221-251 Pigouvian tax, abatement policies and uncertainty on the environment
by Donatella Baiardi & Mario Menegatti - 253-270 Fair play in contests
by Nicolas Eber - 271-287 Excessive entry and the integer constraint with many firms: a note
by Francisco Galera & Pedro Garcia-del-Barrio - 289-291 Taylor, Lance: Maynard’s revenge. The collapse of free market macroeconomics
by Patrick Minford - 293-295 Kenneth R. French, Martin N. Baily, John Y. Campbell, John H. Cochrane, Douglas W. Diamond, Darrell Duffie, Anil K. Kashyap, Frederic S. Mishkin, Raghuram G. Rajan, David S. Scharfstein, Robert J. Shiller, Hyun Song Shin, Matthew J. Slaughter, Jeremy C. Stein, Rene M. Stulz: The Squam Lake Report—Fixing the Financial System
by Gianandrea Goisis
June 2011, Volume 103, Issue 2
- 107-131 Separating complements: the effects of competition and quality leadership
by Matteo Alvisi & Emanuela Carbonara & Francesco Parisi - 133-147 Commitment and excess capacity with licensing: an old debate with a new look
by Aniruddha Bagchi & Arijit Mukherjee - 149-169 Quality distortions in vertical relations
by Pio Baake & Vanessa Schlippenbach - 171-187 A note on Stackelberg competition
by Ludovic Julien - 189-193 Posner, R.: The Crisis of Capitalist Democracy
by Carles Boix - 195-197 Caballero, R. J.: Specificity and the Macroeconomics of Restructuring
by Leo Kaas - 199-202 Baumol, W.J.: The microtheory of innovative entrepreneurship
by Marco Vivarelli
May 2011, Volume 103, Issue 1
- 1-38 Banks with market power, sectoral structure and the big push
by Soon Ryoo - 39-58 A two-country model of trade and growth with intersectoral knowledge spillovers
by Takumi Naito & Ryoji Ohdoi - 59-82 On economic growth and minimum wages
by Luciano Fanti & Luca Gori - 83-99 Stochastic technology shocks in an extended Uzawa–Lucas model: closed-form solution and long-run dynamics
by A. Bucci & C. Colapinto & M. Forster & D. La Torre - 101-103 Duffie, Darrell: How Big Banks Fail and What to Do about It
by Angelo Baglioni - 105-106 Anand, V.K.: Employment Role of Micro-Enterprises in Himachal Pradesh
by Srikanta Chatterjee
April 2011, Volume 102, Issue 3
- 193-215 Conditions for indeterminacy and thresholds in neoclassical growth models
by Franz Wirl - 217-235 Global restrictions on the parameters of the CDES indirect utility function
by Bjarne Jensen & Paul Boer & Jan Daal & Peter Jensen - 237-262 Social norms and the indirect evolution of conditional cooperation
by Christian Traxler & Mathias Spichtig - 263-273 Coordination between a sophisticated and fictitious player
by Bryan McCannon - 275-286 On the rationalizability of observed consumers’ choices when preferences depend on budget sets and (potentially) on anything else
by Ennio Bilancini - 287-289 Bardhan P.: Awakening Giants, Feet of Clay: Assessing the Economic Rise of China and India
by Donatella Saccone - 291-293 Feenstra, R. C.: Offshoring in the Global Economy
by Philipp Harms
March 2011, Volume 102, Issue 2
- 97-110 Limited liability and the risk–incentive relationship
by Jörg Budde & Matthias Kräkel - 111-122 Consumer surplus and the reform of network industries: a primer
by Lidia Ceriani & Massimo Florio - 123-136 Validity of the “Principle of Maximum Product Differentiation” in a unionized mixed-duopoly
by Joaquín Andaluz - 137-156 Strategic sourcing for entry deterrence and tacit collusion
by Yutian Chen - 157-169 Spatial price discrimination in the unidirectional Hotelling model with elastic demand
by Stefano Colombo - 171-179 The bargaining set in strategic market games
by Nicholas Ziros - 181-183 McDonald, P.: The Invisible Hand of Peace
by Vittorio Valli - 185-187 Skedinger, P.: Employment Protection Legislation
by Michael Neugart - 189-192 Dutt, A. K. and Radcliff, B.: Happiness, Economics and Politics: Towards a Multi-Disciplinary Approach
by Andreas Knabe
January 2011, Volume 102, Issue 1
- 1-27 Optimal patent length and breadth in an economy with creative destruction and non-diversifiable risk
by Tapio Palokangas - 29-55 The effects of consumption externalities in an R&D-based growth model with endogenous skilled and unskilled labor supply
by Takeo Hori - 57-75 Macroeconomic implications of a sharing compensation scheme in a model of endogenous growth
by Chia-ying Liu & Juin-jen Chang - 77-87 Correlated risks and the value of information
by Louis Eeckhoudt & Alban Thomas & Nicolas Treich - 89-92 James, H.: The creation and destruction of value
by Enrico Colombatto - 93-96 Touffut, J.-P.: Changing Climate, Changing Economy
by Wolfgang Buchholz
November 2010, Volume 101, Issue 3
- 199-212 A signalling model of school grades under different evaluation systems
by Maria De Paola & Vincenzo Scoppa - 213-230 What role should public enterprises play in free-entry markets?
by Hiroaki Ino & Toshihiro Matsumura - 231-246 Optimal privatization in a mixed duopoly with consistent conjectures
by John Heywood & Guangliang Ye - 247-265 Ad valorem versus unit taxes: monopolistic competition, heterogeneous firms, and intra-industry reallocations
by Philipp Schröder & Allan Sørensen - 267-275 Tax effects on equilibrium locations
by Stefano Colombo - 277-282 Risk aversion and self-insurance
by Kangoh Lee - 283-286 Grandville, Olivier de La: Economic Growth: A Unified Approach
by Wolfram Schrettl - 287-291 Touffut, J.-P.: Does company ownership matter?
by Mirella Damiani
October 2010, Volume 101, Issue 2
- 103-124 Why are firms sometimes unwilling to reduce costs?
by X. Wang & Jingang Zhao - 125-131 Inferior factor in Cournot oligopoly
by Koji Okuguchi - 133-148 The sunk-cost effect and optimal two-part pricing
by X. Wang & Bill Yang - 149-167 Switching costs, consumer heterogeneity and price discrimination
by Nicoletta Corrocher & Lorenzo Zirulia - 169-183 Collusive behavior under a leniency program
by Ikuo Ishibashi & Daisuke Shimizu - 185-191 A note on the endogeneity of the price of utility within the consumer’s static profit function
by Robert Sproule - 193-195 Standing, G.: Work after globalization
by Marina Della Giusta - 197-198 Guy, F.: The global environment of business
by Francesco Bogliacino
September 2010, Volume 101, Issue 1
- 1-19 Technological choices and unemployment benefits in a matching model with heterogenous workers
by Samir Amine & Pedro Lages Dos Santos - 21-47 Illegal immigration in a heterogeneous labor market
by Theodore Palivos & Chong Yip - 49-72 Subsidy design: wealth versus benefits
by Simona Grassi & Ching-to Ma - 73-95 Malmquist and Törnqvist productivity indexes: returns to scale and technical progress with imperfect competition
by W. Diewert & Kevin Fox - 97-98 Boldrin, M. and Levine, D. K.: Against intellectual monopoly
by Martin Peitz - 99-101 Castle, J. L. and Shephard, N.: The methodology and practice of econometrics
by Giampiero Gallo
July 2010, Volume 100, Issue 3
- 191-216 Longevity and environmental quality in an OLG model
by Pierre-André Jouvet & Pierre Pestieau & Gregory Ponthiere - 217-233 About optimal harvesting policies for a multiple species forest without discounting
by Adriana Piazza - 235-245 A simple model of foreign brand penetration under monopolistic competition
by Toru Kikuchi - 247-263 On R&D spillovers, multiple equilibria and indeterminacy
by Been-Lon Chen & Angus Chu - 265-280 Collusion in homogeneous and heterogeneous tournaments
by Oliver Gürtler - 281-282 Jespersen, J.: Macroeconomic Methodology. A Post-Keynesian Perspective
by Hajo Riese - 283-286 Iqbal, Z. and Lewis, M. K.: An Islamic perspective on governance
by Mehmet Bac
June 2010, Volume 100, Issue 2
- 95-115 Labour mobility and the redistributive effects of trade integration
by Carlo Devillanova & Michele Maio & Pietro Vertova - 117-140 Dynamic analysis of outsourcing
by Tadashi Morita - 141-163 Consumption taxation, social status and indeterminacy in models of endogenous growth with elastic labor supply
by Jun-ichi Itaya & Naoshige Kanamori - 165-183 A class of changing elasticity of substitution production functions
by Jürgen Antony - 185-188 Gintis, H.: The Bounds of Reason. Game Theory and the Unification of the Behavioral Sciences
by Jean-Robert Tyran - 189-190 Jastram, R. W.: The Golden Constant
by Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur
May 2010, Volume 100, Issue 1
- 1-18 Technology adoption under hidden information
by Dominique Demougin & Anja Schöttner - 19-32 Product liability and the virtues of asymmetric information
by Florian Baumann & Tim Friehe - 33-49 Do cost efficiency gap and foreign competitors matter concerning optimal privatization policy at the free entry market?
by Leonard Wang & Tai-Liang Chen - 51-67 Can domestic unions gain from offshoring?
by Giuseppe Bognetti & Michele Santoni - 69-83 The effects of stochastic wages and non-labor income on labor supply: update and extensions
by W. Chiu & Louis Eeckhoudt - 85-89 Ng, Y.-K.: Increasing returns and economic efficiency
by Andreas Wagener - 91-93 Visser, H.: Islamic Finance
by Martin Schreiner
April 2010, Volume 99, Issue 3
- 193-209 Takeovers and cooperatives: governance and stability in non-corporate firms
by David Kelsey & Frank Milne - 211-237 Regulation through a revenue contest
by Haldun Evrenk & E. Zenginobuz - 239-250 The employment contract when the firm can utilize a free resource
by Mikko Mustonen - 251-266 Quantity-setting games with a dominant firm
by Attila Tasnádi - 267-276 Location equilibrium with asymmetric firms: the role of licensing
by Toshihiro Matsumura & Noriaki Matsushima & Giorgos Stamatopoulos - 277-282 Tax effects in a model of spatial price discrimination: a note
by F. Casado-Izaga - 283-285 Lüdemann, E., Schütz, G., Woessmann, L. and West, M. R.: School accountability, autonomy and choice around the world
by Nicole Schneeweis - 287-289 Posner, R. A.: A failure of capitalism
by Sebastian Dullien
March 2010, Volume 99, Issue 2
- 97-116 Human capital accumulation, fertility and economic development
by Akira Yakita - 117-140 Effects of patent length on R&D: a quantitative DGE analysis
by Angus Chu - 141-171 Identification, screening and stereotyping in labour market discrimination
by Maarten Vendrik & Christiane Schwieren - 173-184 On duality and the benefit function
by Jean-Paul Chavas & Michele Baggio - 185-188 Roberto Scazzieri, Amartya Sen and Stefano Zamagni: Markets, money and capital
by Bertram Schefold - 189-191 Samuel Cameron: The economics of hate
by Clemens Hetschko
February 2010, Volume 99, Issue 1
- 1-28 “Tell me what you need”: signaling with limited resources
by Josepa Miquel-Florensa - 29-51 Tax-mix, public spending composition and growth
by Gustavo Marrero - 53-64 A note on external habits and efficiency in the AK model
by Manuel Gómez - 65-92 On locally optimal programs in the Robinson–Solow–Srinivasan model
by M. Khan & Alexander Zaslavski - 93-95 Shahid Yusuf: Development economics through the decades. A critical look at 30 years of the world development report
by Giacomo Luciani
December 2009, Volume 98, Issue 3
- 189-201 The welfare effects of entry: the role of the input market
by Arijit Mukherjee & Udo Broll & Soma Mukherjee - 203-219 Privatization and entries of foreign enterprises in a differentiated industry
by Toshihiro Matsumura & Noriaki Matsushima & Ikuo Ishibashi - 221-233 Price cap regulation of a dominant firm facing competition
by Kevin Currier - 235-246 Necessary and sufficient conditions for the optimal number of firms
by Jingang Zhao - 247-255 Competition (sorting effect) may favour a monopolist
by Marco Alderighi - 257-259 Christensen, B.J. and Kiefer, N.M.: Economic modeling and inference
by Christian Aßmann - 261-266 Cohen, D.: Three Lectures on Post-Industrial Society
by Guy Standing
November 2009, Volume 98, Issue 2
- 97-118 Does entry improve welfare? A general equilibrium approach to competition policy
by Bertrand Crettez & Marie-Cécile Fagart - 119-136 Dynamic efficiency of Cournot and Bertrand competition: input versus output spillovers
by Jeroen Hinloopen & Jan Vandekerckhove - 137-153 Ecological dumping under foreign investment quotas
by Yasuyuki Sugiyama & Muneyuki Saito - 155-175 Consumption tax and economic growth in an overlapping generations model with money holdings
by Akihiko Kaneko & Daisuke Matsuzaki - 177-179 Frey, B.: Happiness. A revolution in economics
by Luigino Bruni - 181-184 Cargill, T. F., Sakamoto, T.: Japan Since 1980
by Sebastien Lechevalier - 185-188 Michl, T.R.: Capitalists, workers, and fiscal policy
by Mario Sportelli
September 2009, Volume 98, Issue 1
- 1-24 Stable market structures from merger activities in mixed oligopoly with asymmetric costs
by Yoshio Kamijo & Yasuhiko Nakamura - 25-43 Mixed ownership in a mixed duopoly with differentiated products
by Bibhas Saha - 45-66 Commitment to a strategy of uniform pricing in a two-period duopoly with switching costs
by Yuncheol Jeong & Masayoshi Maruyama - 67-75 Trade and technology transfer in a vertically differentiated industry
by Dyuti Banerjee & Sugata Marjit - 77-88 The French first employment contract: efficient screening device or Kleenex contract?
by Mehmet Bac & Serife Genc - 89-92 Pecchi L., Piga G. (eds.): Revisiting Keynes. Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren
by Alberto Chilosi - 93-95 Goldin, C. and Katz, L.F.: The race between education and technology
by Marco Leonardi
July 2009, Volume 97, Issue 3
- 189-215 Skills, sunspots and cycles
by Francesco Busato & Enrico Marchetti - 217-232 Inequality, unemployment, and endogenous growth in a political economy with a minimum wage
by Toshiki Tamai - 233-250 The age-dependent value of time: a life cycle analysis
by Guang-Zhen Sun & Yew-Kwang Ng - 251-263 Unsuccessful patent application and cooperative R&D
by Arijit Mukherjee & Achintya Ray - 265-272 Payoff dominance and risk dominance in the observable delay game: a note
by Toshihiro Matsumura & Akira Ogawa - 273-275 Riddell, R.C.: Does foreign aid really work?
by Tobias Pfutze
June 2009, Volume 97, Issue 2
- 97-119 Intertemporal monopolistic pricing of non-durables
by Franz Wirl - 121-140 Global environment and dynamic games of environmental policy in an international duopoly
by Akihiko Yanase - 141-163 Optimal ownership in joint ventures with contributions of asymmetric partners
by Marco Marinucci - 165-183 Escalating penalties for repeat offenders: a note on the role of information
by Tim Friehe - 185-187 Kolm, S.-C.: Reciprocity—An Economics of Social Relations
by Christian Thöni
May 2009, Volume 97, Issue 1
- 1-18 Entrepreneurial competition and its impact on the aggregate economy
by Katsuya Takii - 19-40 On the growth and welfare effects of monopolistic distortions
by Lutz Arnold & Christian Bauer - 41-65 Explaining the nonlinear effects of financial development on economic growth
by Fu-Sheng Hung - 67-93 The effect of corruption on capital accumulation
by Shuanglin Lin & Wei Zhang - 95-96 Neck, R. and Sturm, J.-E. (eds.): Sustainability of public debt
by António Afonso
April 2009, Volume 96, Issue 3
- 193-222 Effects of coordinated strategies on product and process R&D
by Elena Cefis & Stephanie Rosenkranz & Utz Weitzel - 223-239 On the efficiency of indirect taxes in differentiated oligopolies with asymmetric costs
by X. Wang & Jingang Zhao - 241-261 Mobile phone termination charges with asymmetric regulation
by Pio Baake & Kay Mitusch - 263-276 Secrecy and fairness in plea bargaining with multiple defendants
by Jeong-Yoo Kim - 277-288 Optimal saving in the presence of two risks
by Mario Menegatti - 289-293 Van Praag, B. M. S. and Ferrer-i-Carbonell, A.: Happiness Quantified. A Satisfaction Calculus Approach
by C. Weizsäcker