June 2026, Volume 0, Issue 36
- 21-41 The Relationship Between the Health Services Price Index and The Real Effective Exchange Rate Index in Turkey: A Frequency Domain Causality Analysis
by Mustafa Ozer & Veysel Inal & Mustafa Kirca
June 2024, Volume 0, Issue 40
- 1-11 The Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) Approach for Determining the Factors Affecting the Achievement of Students with Low Socioeconomic Status
by Derya Topdağ & Ebru Çağlayan Akay - 12-21 The Impact of Sectoral Investment on Economic Growth: Evidence from Algeria using Static Panel Data Models
by Kamel Mahali - 22-34 Interaction Between Stock Exchange And Interest Rate in Turkey: A Hidden Cointegration and Asymmetric Causality Analysis
by Onur Şeyranlıoğlu & Çağlar Sözen & Ferhat İspiroğlu - 35-45 The Efficiency Hypothesis in Financial Markets: An Application over OECD Countries
by Derya Öz - 46-62 TOPSIS Method Approach in Ranking Coffee Bean Quality
by Fatih Boyar - 63-75 Trade Balance, Real Exchange Rate and Trade Policy Uncertainty in Türkiye: Evidence from the SVAR Approach
by Fatma Ünlü - 76-97 Algeria’s Path to Sustainable Economic Development: Is it on Track or Not?
by Bouazza Elamine Zemri & Sidi Mohamed Boumediene Khetib - 98-109 Determination of Criteria Affecting the Growth Performance of Manufacturing Industry Firms in Türkiye Using Quantile Regression
by Aycan Kulaksız Hacıbebekoğlu & Seda Bağdatlı Kalkan - 110-120 The Determinants of International Migration in the Context of Terrorist Attacks: A Panel Data Analysis
by Bengü Tosun & Murat Eren - 121-133 An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Research and Development Expenditures, Total Factor Productivity, and Economic Growth in Turkey
by Hamza Çeştepe & Sezin Şıklı - 134-150 Economic Factors Affecting the Collective Bargaining Agreement Coverage Rate in Turkey: Cointegration Approach
by Atilla Aydın - 151-164 Performance Comparison of Genetic and Machine Learning Algorithms in Crypto Markets
by Berna Yaman Şahin & Sema Ulutürk Akman - 161-171 A New Proposal for the Measurement of Criterion Weights in the Scope of Multi-Criteria Decision Making: Somer’s D-DEMATEL based Hybrid Approach (SDBHA)
by Furkan Fahri Altıntaş - 183-198 A Sectoral Application for Green Vehicle Routing Problem Optimization with Capacity Constrained and Heterogeneous Fleet
by Furkan Dişkaya & Sait Erdal Dinçer - 199-207 Dollarization and the Real Exchange Rate Nexus in Türkiye’s Economy
by Ahmet Metin Çamdibi & Server Demirci - 208-221 Forecasting Performance Comparison With Panel Data Models: Environmental Kuznets Curve Analysis
by Mücella Şahin & Turgut Ün
December 2023, Volume 0, Issue 39
- 1-9 Winter Rice Trend Analysis and Change Point Detection in Assam’s North Bank Plains Zone (NBPZ): A Non-Parametric Approach
by Rabijita Buragohain & Hemanta Saikia & Dhruba Das - 10-25 Analysis of Skills and Qualifications Required in Data Scientist Job Postings Based on the Pareto Analysis Perspective Using Text Mining
by Erkan Işığıçok & Sadullah Çelik & Dilek Özdemir Yılmaz - 26-36 Asset Allocation with Combined Models Based on Game-Theory Approach and Markov Chain Models
by Salih Çam - 37-48 NARDL Yönteminin Kripto Para Birimlerine Yönelik Bir Monte Carlo Simülasyon Analizi
by Abdülsamet Aça & Kemal Dinçer Dingeç - 49-64 Key Macroeconomic Variables under Exchange Rate Volatility: Time-Varying Causality in the Presence of Structural Breaks and Nonlinearity
by Oğuz Tümtürk - 65-75 This research discusses the causal relationship among the exchange rates, 10-year bond yields, and Central Bank policy rates with regard to the countries known as the Fragile Five (F5) by comparing them to global indicators such as gold, Bitcoin price, and the Volatility Index (VIX). The study takes into consideration the bond yields, exchange rates, and interest rates of Türkiye, India, Indonesia, South Africa and Brazil in terms of their causal relationship with one another. The study also identifies some causal relationships among gold, bitcoin, and VIX with each other as global indicators by using the Toda Yamamoto approach to the Granger causality test. This study has arrived at the conclusion that a causal relationship exists between exchange rates and interest rates for Türkiye, Indonesia, and South Africa but not for Brazil or India. VIX is the most significant variable, as it is affected by seven different variables, including policy rates and different exchange rates. In addition, none of the variables are seen to Granger cause bitcoin’s price
by Emin Karataş & Ayyüce Memiş Karataş - 76-88 Co2 Emisyonlarını Etkileyen Faktörlerin Zamanla Değişen Katsayılı Parametrik Olmayan Panel Veri Modelleri ile Analizi
by Selahattin Güriş & Sevcan Çağlayan - 89-100 Greenhouse Gas Emission-Based K-Means and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis : The Case of the G20
by Mutlu Tüzer & Seyhun Doğan - 101-111 Analysis of the Relationships between Compulsory Health Spending, Doctors, Hospital Beds and Hospital Stays for Turkiye
by Esra Nazmiye Kılcı - 112-128 A Comparison of Forecasting Performance of PPML and OLS estimators: The Gravity Model in the Air Cargo Market
by Gizem Kaya & Umut Aydın & Burç Ülengin - 129-146 The Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve: An Application For Türkiye
by Havva Koç - 147-160 Do Shocks Permanently Affect Ecological Balance Per Capita in Brazil, South Africa, and New Zealand?
by Mehmet Erdoğmuş - 161-171 A Comparative Perspective on Multivariate Modeling of Insurance Compensation Payments with Regression-Based and Copula-Based Models
by Övgücan Karadağ Erdemir - 172-182 Determining the Relationship Between Capital Adequacy Ratio and Financial Ratios with Panel Data Analysis: A Study on the Turkish Banking Sector
by Batuhan Medetoğlu - 183-199 Convergence of Military Expenditures in MENA Countries: Evidences from a Fourier Panel Unit Root Test with Multiple Breaks
by İbrahim Sezer Belliler
June 2023, Volume 0, Issue 38
- 1-77 Testing Linear and Nonlinear Relationships Between Foreign Direct Investment and Fossil Energy Consumption in Fragile Five Countries
by Ali Çelik - 19-34 Which Factors Drive The Resource Efficiency in Circular Economy? A Panel Data Regression Analysis
by Gonca Yılmaz - 35-52 Investigating the Relationship Between Financial Development and Income Inequality in Developed and Developing Countries: An Application of Canonical Correlation Analysis
by Çiğdem Yılmaz Özsoy - 53-73 Production Losses Due to Technical Inefficiency: A Panel Data Analysis on the Case of BRICS-T Countries
by Nadide YiÄŸiteli - 75-86 Semi-Parametric Modeling of Churn Confounding Competing Risks Using Time-Dependent Covariates Among Mobile Phone Subscribers in Kenya
by Ndilo B. Fwaru & Leonard K. Alii & Jerita J. Mwamb - 87-104 Predicting Countries’ Development Levels Using the Decision Tree and Random Forest Methods
by Batuhan Özkan & Coşkun Parim & Erhan Çene - 105-126 The Impact of News Related Covid-19 on Exchange Rate Volatility:A New Evidence From Generalized Autoregressive Score Model
by Deniz Erer - 127-148 Why Can Smes Not Adopt Green Innovation? An Assessment Via Fuzzy ISM-MICMAC-DEMATEL
by Seda Yıldırım & Gözde Koca & Özüm Eğilmez - 149-170 A Study on Interregional Determinants of Infant Mortality Rate in Turkey with Spatial Econometric Analysis
by Ahmet Koncak & Gökhan Konat - 171-198 A Quantitative Spatial Exploratory Analysis on Fast Consumer Goods, Shopping Trips, and Discount Supermarket Revenues: The Case of Istanbul
by Mete Başar Baypınar & Cem Beygo & Gökalp Köseoğlu & Elifsu Şahin & Burcu Aksoy Sertbakan - 199-221 Evaluating the Dynamics Affecting Tolerance Toward Migrants in Türkiye Using Statistical Analyses
by Hatice Gül Bozdeveci & Özlem Yorulmaz - 223-241 A New Programming Language for Data Science: Julia
by Münevver Turanlı & Ünal Halit Özden - 243-264 Health Econometrics Research: A Bibliometric Analysis from 1991 to 2020
by Ebru Çağlayan Akay & Merve Ertok Onurlu & Özlem Ergüt - 265-288 Analyzing the Relationship Between Financial Failure and KPI Score: An Application in the SASB Transportation Sector
by Buse Öktem - 289-305 The Effect of Psychological Empowerment on Employee Performance: The Mediating Role of Psychological Ownership
by Hilal Tanyıldızı & Ebru Doğan
December 2022, Volume 0, Issue 37
- 1-25 Improving Forecast Accuracy Using Combined Forecasts with Regard to Structural Breaks and ARCH Innovations
by Daud Ali Aser & Esin Firuzan - 27-52 Performance Evaluation of G20 Countries’ Fight Against COVID-19 Using Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Methods
by Seda Karakaş Geyik & Mehmet Hakan Satman & Gülin Kalyoncu - 53-68 Hybrid Approaches in Financial Time Series Forecasting: A Stock Market Application
by Canberk Bulut & Burcu Hüdaverdi - 69-84 Global Uncertainty and Exchange Rate Volatility
by Oğuz Tümtürk - 85-105 The Validity of The Neo-Fisher Effect in The Period of Explicit Inflation Targeting: An Econometric Analysis on Turkey
by Sevda Yapraklı - 107-127 Chasing Volatility of USD/TRY Foreign Exchange Rate: The Comparison of CARR, EWMA, and GARCH Models
by Yakup Arı - 129-148 A Sudden Stops in International Capital Flows: The Case of Turkey
by Emine Ebru Er & Cihan Tanrıöven - 149-169 The Asymmetric Relationship Among Food Prices, the Exchange Rate, and Oil Prices in Turkey
by Hüseyin İçen & Nimet Melis Esenyel İçen & Buğra Polat - 171-198 Investigating the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Economic Activities Using Multidimensional Scaling and K-Means Clustering Analysis
by Muhammet Atalay - 199-211 Association Rules Mining on Retail Data
by Hatice Dağaslanı & Özlem Deniz Başar - 213-235 The Impact of Democracy on Environmental Degradation in OECD Countries
by Neslihan Ursavaş - 237-256 A Review on the Interaction Among Gold, Equity, Currency Markets, and the Volatility Spillover Effect During the Post-2000 Era in Türkiye
by Nazan Şak & Hatice Gökçen Öcal Özkaya - 257-282 Analyzing the Efficient Market Hypothesis with the Structural Break and Nonlinear Unit Root Tests: An Application on Borsa Istanbul
by Müge Özdemir
June 2022, Volume 0, Issue 36
- 1-20 Risk and returns are the most important parametres in stock analysis. Therefore, the literature contains several studies to identify variables that affect risk and return. The effects of these variables on risk and return may asymmetric. This study analyzes the asymmetric effects of financial ratios of companies on their risks. The short and long-term asymmetric effect of the increase and decrease in financial ratios on risk is reviewed by the Panel-Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (Panel NARDL) model. In the study used the 2005Q1 from period 2019Q4 data of 15 companies listed in the Nonmetallic Mineral Products sector is used. Beta coefficient, as a proxy for systematic risk, is employed as the dependent variable ratio of current ratio, total debts ratio, cash-to-cash cycle, return on equity, and market value book value are the independent variables. According to the analysis results was found an asymmetrical relationship between the risk of companies and current ratio, cash-to-cash cycle and market-to-book value in the long term. But, no asymmetrical relationship is observed between risk and return on equity and total debt ratio; rather, the relationship is symmetrical. In the short-run, there was no asymmetrical relationship between risk and financial ratios. The achieved results are important in explaining the factors that effects stock movements
by Kubra Yilmaz & Suleyman Kale - 43-62 Does Change over Time the Causal Relationship between Economic Growth and Foreign Trade in Turkey?
by Gulcin Kendirkiran & Furkan Emirmahmutoglu - 63-76 Using The Analytic Hierarchy Process For Store Manager Selection: A Real Case Study
by Eylem Acar & Gulcan Karpuz Enucuk - 77-92 Applications of “Under the Pillow” Gold in Turkey
by Server Demirci & Selahattin Guris & Levent Cinko & Turgut Un & Saban Kizilarslan - 93-110 Spatial Econometric Models and The Analysis of the Determinants of Internal Migration in Turkey
by Suna Tatli & Ferda Yerdelen Tatoglu - 111-136 Factors Affecting Innovation in OECD Countries
by Umut Akdugan & Nilhun Dogan - 137-152 Can We Increase Health Expenditure Per Capita Through Higher Economic Growth? Empirical Evidence from Turkey
by Esra N. Kilci - 153-185 An Empirical Analysis of Product Concentration and Income in High-Technology Exports
by Devran Sanli & Aziz Konukman - 187-203 K-Means Cluster Analysis Based on Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide Emissions: The G20 Example
by Seyhun Dogan & Ebru Dogan & Mutlu Tuzer - 205-233 Hybrid Ranking Proposal Based on Spatial Econometrics: An Example of European Economic Freedoms
by Serkan Cahit Dinc & Necati Alp Erilli - 257-282 Does the Foreign Trade-Driven Competitive Power of Transition Economies Converge Toward that of EU14 Countries? Evidence from Fourier Panel Unit Root Test with Sharp and Smooth Breaks
by Oguzhan Ozcelik
December 2021, Volume 0, Issue 35
- 1-18 Analysis of The Conversion of CO2 Emissions in European Countries with the Fourier Cointegration Test
by Baris Erkan Yazici - 19-32 Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network of Turkey's Housing Sales Value
by Burcu Yaman Selci - 33-57 Comparative Analysis of the Volatility Structure of Cryptocurrencies
by Fatih Kazova & Ayça Büyükyılmaz Ercan - 59-81 The Examination of Convergence Regarding to Inclusive Growth between the Nuts Level 1 Regions In Turkey
by Semanur Soyyigit & Sevgi Elverdi - 83-109 Gender Inequality and Social Pressure: Analysis on the Life Satisfaction Survey of the Turkish Statistical Institute
by Sema Uluturk Akman - 111-128 The Relationships between Foreign Direct Investment, Trade Openness, and Economic Growth: The Case of Selected Countries and Turkey
by Suna Sahin - 129-145 Examination of Unemployment in the Framework of Hysteresis and Natural Rate in OECD Countries: Evidence from Alternative Panel Unit Root Tests
by Melike Dedeoglu - 147-179 Comparative Analysis of Count Data Regression Models on Factors Affecting Infant Mortality
by Sibel Selim & Gizem Kilinc - 181-203 The Effects of Migration on Growth and Unemployment in Developed Countries: A Panel Autoregressive Distributed Lag Analysis
by Ismail Hakki İscan & Tugba Demire - 205-220 Exchange Rate Volatility in the Covid-19 Period: An Analysis Using the Markov-Switching ARCH Model
by Havva Koc
June 2021, Volume 0, Issue 34
- 1-11 Ekonometrik Okuryazarlık ve Ekonometri Eğitimi
by Selahattin GÜRİŞ - 13-36 İstatistik Dersi Sınav Kaygısı Üzerinde Etkili Olan Faktörlerin İncelenmesi: Üniversite Öğrencilerine Yönelik Bir Araştırma
by Sema Ulutürk Akman - 37-56 Financial Performance Evaluation of Airline Companies with Fuzzy AHP and Grey Relational Analysis Methods
by Enes Ellibeş & Gökçe Candan - 57-72 The Determinants of Child Labor in MINT Countries: Dynamic Panel Data Analysis
by Süreyya İmre - 73-102 Mathematical Study of the Verhulst and Gompertz Growth Functions and Their Contemporary Applications
by Cemil İskender
December 2020, Volume 0, Issue 33
- 1-11 On Weibull-Pareto Distribution in Censored and Uncensored Data Structures
by Kamil Alakuş & Necati Alp Erilli - 13-31 Hanehalkı Tüketim Harcamalarının Mikroekonometrik Analizi: LAD-LASSO Yöntemi
by Kadriye Hilal Topal & Ebru Çağlayan Akay - 33-50 Türkiye’de Sanayi Üretiminin Sağlık Harcamalarına Etkisi
by Ayhan Aytaç & Umut Akduğan - 51-63 Para Arzının Konut Kredilerine Etkileri: Türkiye Örneği
by : Levent Çinko - 65-82 Kültürel Zekâ: Beş Büyük Kişilik Modeli Bağlamında Bir Araştırma
by Funda İşleyen & Ebru Doğan - 83-98 Örgütsel Yalnızlık Algısının Örgütsel Bağlılık Üzerindeki Etkisi: Bankacılık Sektöründe Bir Araştırma
by Sema Yolaç & Beril Omuz
June 2020, Volume 0, Issue 32
- 1-14 Yükselen Piyasa Ekonomilerinde Ticari Açıklık, Finansal Gelişme ve Ekonomik Büyüme: Bir Panel Nedensellik Analizi
by Feyza SERT & Seyhun DOĞAN - 15-33 OECD Ülkelerine Ait Çeşitli Enerji Tüketimleri ve Ekonomik Büyüme Arasındaki İlişkinin Panel Eşbütünleşme Analizi ile İncelenmesi
by Yıldırım Demir & Çetin Görür - 35-47 FED ve TCMB Politika Kararları Arasındaki Stratejik Etkileşimin Testi: Toda-Yamamoto Yaklaşımı
by Metin Tetik & Görkem Kara - 49-68 Çevresel Kuznets Eğrisi Hipotezinin Sektörel Açıdan İncelenmesi: Türkiye Örneği
by Volkan Öngel & Gözde Bozkurt & Hasan Sadık Tatlı - 69-83 Türkiye’de Ekonomik Güven Büyümeyi Etkiliyor mu? RALS Birim Kök ve Eşbütünleşme Yaklaşımı
by Mehmet Aydın & Yunus Emre Turan - 85-96 Environmental Kuznets Curve in D8 Countries: Evidence from Panel Cointegration
by Hüseyin İçen
December 2019, Volume 31, Issue 0
- 1-16 Yükselen Piyasa Ekonomilerinde Ticari Açıklık, Finansal Gelişme ve Ekonomik Büyüme: Bir Panel Nedensellik Analizi
by Mehmet Zeki AK & Veysel İnal - 17-28 Türkiye’nin Turizm Geliri Serisinin Durağanlığı: Fourier KPSS Durağanlık Test
by Eda FENDOGLU & Esra CANPOLAT GOKCE - 29-52 Dış Kaynak Kullanımı Kapsamında İstihdam Edilen Çalışanların Kariyer ve Yetenek Yönetime Dair Bir Alan Araştırması
by Mehmet GÜLER - 53-62 Elektrik Tüketimindeki Dalgalanmalar Geçici mi Yoksa Kalıcı mı? Türkiye İçin Amprik Bir Analiz
by Oktay KIZILKAYA & Gökhan KONAT - 63-75 AB Ülkelerinin Yakınsaması: Suradf ve Surkss Birim Kök Testi
by Gökhan KONAT & Mustafa Gökçe & Fatma Kızılkaya - 77-93 Ülke Kredi Notlarını Etkileyen Faktörlerin Çeşitli Sınıflandırma Analizleri ile İncelenmesi
by Ayşe Mine ÖRENDER & Selay GİRAY YAKUT - 95-106 TedKüreselleşme ile birlikte her geçen gün daha kompleks bir yapı halini alan tedarik zincirleri ile birlikte belirsizlik ve riskler artmaktadır. Bu durumun bir sonucu olarak işletmeler karşılaşmış oldukları risklerin etkilerini azaltmak ya da ortadan kaldırmak için risk yönetim faaliyetleri uygulamaktadır. Bu çalışma kapsamında ilk olarak tedarik zinciri performansı, tedrarik zincirinde risk ve risk yönetiminin amaçları konularında literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Bu araştırmada işletmelerin tedarik zinciri risk yönetim faaliyetleri ile işletme performansı arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Bu bağlamda tedarik zinciri riskleri ile risklerin etki dereceleri belirlenmeye çalışılmış ve uygulanan risk yönetim faaliyetlerinin işletme performansına etkisi araştırılmıştır. Veri toplama sürecinde, İstanbul ilinde faaliyet gösteren farklı sektörden işletmelere toplam 369 adet anket uygulanmış ve elde edilen veriler analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen bulgular ile yapılan analizler neticesinde tedarik kaynaklı ve bilgi işlem kaynaklı risklere yönelik risk yönetim faaliyetlerinin işletme performansını olumlu yönde etkilediği sonucuna ulaşılmış olup talep kaynaklı, lojistik kaynaklı ve çevresel kaynaklı riskler için istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir etki bulunamamıştır. Elde edilen bu bulgulara göre, tedarik kaynaklı risk faktörlerinin ve bilgi işlem kaynaklı risk faktörlerinin kontrol edilmesi işletmelerin tedarik zinciri performanslarını arttırmalarına önemli katkı sunucağı görülmüştür
by Gökhan YOLAÇ & Ahmet TUZCUOĞLU & Muhammet ŞAHİN
June 2019, Volume 30, Issue 0
- 1-20 An Evulation on Effect of Freedoms on Economic Performance with Structural Equation Modeling
by Kevser Tüter Şahinoğlu & Selay Giray Yakut - 21-31 The Analysis of Convergence of Inflation Rates of Goods and Services with General Inflation Rates in the Turkish Economy
by Melike Ecem Sertbaş - 35-48 Investigation of the Validity of Purchasing Power Parity Hypothesis with Fourier Unit Root Tests: The Case of Turkey
by Mücahit Aydın - 49-64 Evaluation of Factors Affecting Investment Decision Analysis Under Uncertainty Conditions with Fuzzy DEMATEL Approach
by Tuğba Yalnız & Gökçe Candan - 65-81 The Effect of Institutions and Human Capital on Economic Growth: The Case of Turkey
by Burcu Kuzören & Hamza Çeştepe & Hüseyin İçen
December 2018, Volume 14, Issue 29
- 151-168 Türkiye 2014-2016 Hayat Tablolarında Doğrusal-olmayan Büyüme Fonksiyonları Uygulaması
by Cemil İSKENDER - 169-197 Does Women Well-being Matter for Demand and Development of Children?
by Muhammed QASIM & Muhammed Abrar ul HAQ & Tarik HUSSEIN & Charagh ROSHAN - 247-268 Korumasız Faiz Parite Kuramı ve 2005-2014 Dönemi Portföy Yatırımlarını Türkiye’ye Çeken Finansal Faktörlerin Tespiti
by Hasan Hüseyin YILDIRIM & Bahadır İLDOKUZ
December 2018, Volume 14, Issue 28
- 9-30 Yenilenebilir Kaynaklı Enerji Tüketimi ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Avrupa Birliğine Ait Yeni Bulgular
by Abdullah Emre ÇAĞLAR & Çiğdem DEMİR - 31-43 Fisher Hipotezinin MINT Ülkeleri İçin İncelenmesi: Eşik Değerli Adl Eşbütünleşme Testi Yaklaşımı
by Muhammed TIRAŞOĞLU - 45-56 Markov Switching Autoregressive Model for WTI Crude Oil Price
by Çiğdem YILMAZ & Nilgün ÇİL - 75-141 Türkiye Nüfus Büyümesi ve Tahminleri: Matematiksel Büyüme Modelleri ve İstatistiksel Analiz İle Kuramsal ve Uygulamalı Bir Yaklaşım
by Cemil İSKENDER - 199-223 Examining the Connection amongst Renewable Energy, Economic Growth and Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Algeria
by Salah Eddine SARİ HASSOUN & Mohammed MEKİDİCHE & Mohammed Seghir GUELLİ
0000, Volume 14, Issue 28
- 57-74 Lojistik Regresyon Analizi ile Pisa Araştırmasında Öğrenci Başarısının Modellenmesi
by Recep BİNDAK - 225-246 Türk Sigortacılık Sektöründe Hayat Dışı Sigorta Şirketlerinin Etkinlik Analizi