- 0236 How Selectivity Shapes Selection
by Claudio Schilter - 0235 Assessing the Value of Incomplete University Degrees: Experimental Evidence from HR Recruiters
by Andrea Diem & Christian Gschwendt & Stefan C. Wolter
- 0234 Minimum Wages in the Apprenticeship Market: Adverse Effects on Labor Demand?
by Michael Doersam & Henrika Langen - 0233 Works Councils and Apprenticeship Training: Heterogeneous Works Councils, Heterogeneous Effects?
by Kathrin Weis & Samuel Muehlemann & Harald Pfeifer - 0232 AI Adoption and Workplace Training
by Samuel Muehlemann - 0231 Environmental Awareness and Occupational Choices of Adolescents
by Patrick Lehnert & Harald Pfeifer - 0230 Gender Norms, Occupational Choices, and the Innovation Gender Gap
by Andreas F. Buehler & Patrick Lehnert & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0229 Locked-in vs. Locked-out: Can Detracked Classes Increase Education Equality?
by Valentina Sontheim - 0228 Competitive Peers: The Way to Higher Paying Jobs?
by Claudio Schilter & Samuel Luethi & Stefan C. Wolter - 0227 Classroom versus workbench: Labour market effects of firm-based learning
by Samuel Luethi - 0226 When patience pays off - evidence on cultural determinants of post-compulsory education achievement
by Samuel Luethi & Stefan C. Wolter - 0225 Firms' training processes and their apprentices' education success
by Pontus af Buren & Jurg Schweri - 0224 The virtues of going virtual
by Daniel Goller & Chiara Graf & Stefan C. Wolter - 0223 Apprenticeship Input Demand Cyclicality of R&D and non-R&D Firms
by Samuel Muehlemann & Gerard Pfann & Harald Pfeifer - 0222 Classroom rank in math, occupational choices and labor market outcomes
by Enzo Brox & Maddalena Davoli & Maurizio Strazzeri - 0221 No Graduate Left Behind: Resource Configurations Enabling a Successful Labor Market Entry
by Patricia Palffy & Luc Sandfort & Martin Schneider & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0220 Unpacking Financial Literacy in Switzerland: Demographic Heterogeneity, Self-Perception Gaps, and Financial Fragility
by Maddalena Davoli & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0219 Minimum Wages and Human Capital Investment: A Meta-Regression Analysis
by Hristos Doucouliagos & Katarina Zigova - 0218 Empowering refugees: The role of comprehensive training programs in labor market integration
by Chiara Maria Zisler & Eric Bettinger & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0217 Beggars cannot be choosers: The effect of labor market tightness on hiring standards, wages, and hiring costs
by Carolin Linckh & Samuel Muehlemann & Harald Pfeifer - 0216 Are parents an obstacle to gender-atypical occupational choices?
by Stefan C. Wolter & Thea Zoellner - 0215 Students' grit and their post-compulsory educational choices and trajectories: Evidence from Switzerland
by Janine Albiez & Maurizio Strazzeri & Stefan C. Wolter - 0214 The impact of hiring costs for skilled workers on apprenticeship training: A comparative study
by Manuel Aepli & Samuel Muehlemann & Harald Pfeifer & Jurg Schweri & Felix Wenzelmann & Stefan C. Wolter - 0213 How Scary is the Risk of Automation? Evidence from a Large Survey Experiment
by Maria A. Cattaneo & Christian Gschwendt & Stefan C. Wolter - 0212 Pathways to Prosperity: The Roles of Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills in Employer Quality and Early Career Earnings
by Mahdi Gholami & Samuel Muehlemann - 0211 Intergenerational Mobility of Education in Europe: Geographical Patterns, Cohort-Linked Measures, and the Innovation Nexus
by Sarah McNamara & Guido Neidhoefer & Patrick Lehnert - 0210 The Effect of Postsecondary Educational Institutions on Local Economies: A Bird's-Eye View
by Patrick Lehnert & Madison Dell & Uschi Backes-Gellner & Eric Bettinger
- 0209 "This time it's different" Generative Artificial Intelligence and Occupational Choice
by Daniel Goller & Christian Gschwendt & Stefan C. Wolter - 0208 Reaching for gold! The impact of a positive reputation shock on career choice
by Daniel Goller & Stefan C. Wolter - 0206 A, B, or C? Question Format and the Gender Gap in Financial Literacy
by Maddalena Davoli - 0205 Curriculum Updates in Vocational Education and Changes in Graduates' Skills and Wages
by Andreas F. Buehler & Patrick Lehnert & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0204 Opening doors for immigrants: The importance of occupational and workplace-based cultural skills for successful labor market entry
by Chiara Zisler & Damiano Pregaldini & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0203 How negative labor supply shocks affect training in firms: Lessons from opening the Swiss-German border
by Caroline Neuber-Pohl & Damiano Pregaldini & Uschi Backes-Gellner & Sandra Dummert & Harald Pfeifer - 0202 The employment effects of raising negotiated minimum wages for apprentices
by Carolin Linckh & Caroline Neuber-Pohl & Harald Pfeifer
- 0201 Does Ethnic Diversity in Schools Affect Occupational Choices?
by Damiano Pregaldini & Simone Balestra & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0200 Berufliche Bildung als Innovationstreiber: Ein lange vernachlässigtes Forschungsfeld
by Uschi Backes-Gellner & Patrick Lehnert - 0199 Central Exams and Adult Skills: Evidence from PIAAC
by Lisa Leschnig & Guido Schwerdt & Katarina Zigova - 0198 The response of public education spending to changes in student cohort sizes
by Samuel Luethi & Maria Zumbuehl - 0197 What wages do people expect for vocational and academic education backgrounds in Switzerland?
by Maria A. Cattaneo - 0196 "The double-dividend of training" - Labour market effects of work-related continuous education in Switzerland
by Stefan Denzler & Jens Ruhose & Stefan C. Wolter - 0195 Much ado about nothing? School Curriculum Reforms and Students' Educational Trajectories
by Maurizio Strazzeri & Chantal Oggenfuss & Stefan C. Wolter - 0194 Apprenticeships
by Uschi Backes-Gellner & Patrick Lehnert - 0192 The Role of Occupational Skill Sets in the Digital Transformation: How IT Progress Shapes Returns to Specialization and Social Skills
by Fabienne Kiener & Christian Eggenberger & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0190 Sitting next to a dropout: Study success of students with peers that came to the lecture hall by a different route
by Daniel Goller & Andrea Diem & Stefan C. Wolter - 0189 The Earth is Not Flat: A New World of High-Dimensional Peer Effects
by Aurélien Sallin & Simone Balestra
- 0193 How Middle-Skilled Workers Adjust to Immigration: The Role of Occupational Skill Specificity
by Damiano Pregaldini & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0188 Different degrees of skill obsolescence across hard and soft skills and the role of lifelong learning for labor market outcomes
by Tobias Schultheiss & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0187 The Role of Fields of Study for the Effects of Higher Education Institutions on Regional Firm Location
by Tobias Schlegel & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0186 Train drain? Access to skilled foreign workers and firms' provision of training
by Maria Esther Oswald-Egg & Michael Siegenthaler - 0185 Is being competitive always an advantage? Degrees of competitiveness, gender, and premature work contract termination
by Samuel Luethi & Stefan C. Wolter - 0184 The consequences of EU eastern enlargement on human capital accumulation and wages in Germany
by Bernhard H. Wittek & Samuel Muehlemann - 0183 Social Norms and Gendered Occupational Choices of Men and Women: Time to Turn the Tide?
by Patricia Palffy & Patrick Lehnert & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0182 "Too shocked to search" The COVID-19 shutdowns' impact on the search for apprenticeships
by Daniel Goller & Stefan C. Wolter - 0181 "Against all odds" Does awareness of the risk of failure matter for educational choices?
by Maria Alejandra Cattaneo & Stefan C. Wolter - 0180 Insights into the Economic Benefits of VPET for Individuals: Theoretical and Empirical Results for Researchers and Practitioners
by Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0177 The Contribution of Vocational Education and Training to Innovation and Growth
by Uschi Backes-Gellner & Patrick Lehnert - 0176 Beyond Windfall Gains: The Redistribution of Apprenticeship Costs and Vocational Education of Care Workers
by Eric Schuss
- 0179 Open Labor Markets and Firms' Substitution between Training Apprentices and Hiring Workers
by Manuel Aepli & Andreas Kuhn - 0178 Brain Drain from Vocational to Academic Education at Upper-Secondary Level? An Empirical Analysis for Switzerland
by Katharina Jaik - 0175 Noncognitive Skills in Training Curricula and Nonlinear Wage Returns
by Fabienne Kiener & Ann-Sophie Gnehm & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0174 The Importance of Proportional and Fixed Hiring Costs in Search and Matching Models
by Mehrab Kiarsi & Samuel Muehlemann - 0173 Does updating education curricula accelerate technology adoption in the workplace? Evidence from dual vocational education and training curricula in Switzerland
by Tobias Schultheiss & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0172 IT Skills, Occupation Specificity and Job Separations
by Christian Eggenberger & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0171 The effect of business cycle expectations on the German apprenticeship market: Estimating the impact of Covid-19
by Samuel Muehlemann & Harald Pfeifer & Bernhard Wittek - 0170 High-Ability Influencers? The Heterogeneous Effects of Gifted Classmates
by Simone Balestra & Aurelien Sallin & Stefan C. Wolter - 0169 Private tutoring and academic achievement in a selective education system
by Maria Zumbuehl & Stefanie Hof & Stefan C. Wolter - 0166 Tertiary Education Expansion and Regional Firm Development
by Tobias Schlegel & Curdin Pfister & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0165 Proxying Economic Activity with Daytime Satellite Imagery: Filling Data Gaps Across Time and Space
by Patrick Lehnert & Michael Niederberger & Uschi Backes-Gellner & Eric Bettinger - 0164 Innovation Effects and Knowledge Complementarities in a Diverse Research Landscape
by Patrick Lehnert & Curdin Pfister & Dietmar Harhoff & Uschi Backes-Gellner
- 0191 Is Technological Change Really Skills-Biased? Firm-level Evidence of the Complementarities between ICT and Workers' Education
by Thomas Bolli & Filippo Pusterla - 0168 Investigating the image deficit of VET: occupational prestige ranking depending on the educational requirements and the skill content of occupations
by Aurelien Abrassart & Stefan C. Wolter - 0167 The Benefits of Adult Learning: Work-Related Training, Social Capital, and Earnings
by Jens Ruhose & Stephan L. Thomsen & Insa Weilage - 0163 Information Provision and Preferences for Education Spending: Evidence from Representative Survey Experiments in Three Countries
by Maria Alejandra Cattaneo & Philipp Lergetporer & Guido Schwerdt & Katharina Werner & Ludger Woessmann & Stefan C. Wolter - 0162 Competition, Institutions and Company-sponsored Training
by Tina Hinz & Jens Mohrenweiser - 0161 Innovation Effects of Universities of Applied Sciences: an Assessment of Regional Heterogeneity
by Tobias Schlegel & Curdin Pfister & Dietmar Harhoff & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0160 Horizontal Mismatch and Vocational Education
by Juerg Schweri & Annina Eymann & Manuel Aepli - 0159 IT skills in vocational training curricula and labour market outcomes
by Fabienne Kiener & Ann-Sophie Gnehm & Simon Clematide & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0158 The Value of Specific Skills under Shock: High Risks and High Returns
by Christian Eggenberger & Simon Janssen & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0157 Local Norms Describing the Role of the State and the Private Provision of Training
by Andreas Kuhn & Juerg Schweri & Stefan C. Wolter - 0156 Populist Manipulation or Personal Beliefs? A Study of the Divergent Perceptions of the Social Order in Switzerland
by Aurelien Abrassart & Stefan C. Wolter
- 0155 Training in the Great Recession - Evidence from an Individual Perspective
by Daniel Dietz & Thomas Zwick - 0154 Education expansion and high-skill job opportunities for workers: Does a rising tide lift all boats?
by Tobias Schultheiss & Curdin Pfister & Ann-Sophie Gnehm & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0153 Wages and employment: The role of occupational skills
by Esther Mirjam Girsberger & Miriam Rinawi & Matthias Krapf - 0152 Girls' preferences for STEM and the effects of classroom gender composition: new evidence from a natural experiment
by Damiano Pregaldini & Uschi Backes-Gellner & Gerald Eisenkopf - 0151 The Strength of Gender Norms and Gender-Stereotypical Occupational Aspirations Among Adolescents
by Andreas Kuhn & Stefan C. Wolter - 0150 Modernization of Vocational Training Curricula and Technology Adoption in Firms: A Descriptive Analysis with German Data
by Christian Eggenberger & Simon Janssen & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0149 From Dreams to Reality: Market Forces and Changes from Occupational Intention to Occupational Choice
by Katharina Jaik & Stefan C. Wolter - 0148 Parental Involvement and the Intergenerational Transmission of Economic Preferences and Attitudes
by Maria Zumbuehl & Thomas Dohmen & Gerard Pfann - 0147 Gender, competitiveness and study choices in high school - evidence from Switzerland
by Thomas Buser & Noemi Peter & Stefan C. Wolter - 0146 Are Apprenticeships Business Cycle Proof?
by Samuel Luethi & Stefan C. Wolter - 0145 How do apprentices moderate the influence of organizational innovation on the technological innovation process?
by Christian Rupietta & Johannes Meuer & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0144 Do Preferences and Biases predict Life Outcomes? Evidence from Education and Labor Market Entry Decisions
by Uschi Backes-Gellner & Holger Herz & Michael Kosfeld & Yvonne Oswald - 0143 Supply Shocks in the Market for Apprenticeship Training
by Samuel Muehlemann & Gerard Pfann & Harald Pfeifer & Hans Dietrich
- 0142 The Relative Importance of Personal Characteristics for the Hiring of Young Workers
by Peter Hoeschler & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0141 Employment of R&D personnel after an educational supply shock: Effects of the introduction of Universities of Applied Sciences in Switzerland
by Patrick Lehnert & Curdin Pfister & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0140 Fix the Game, Not the Dame: Restoring Equity in Leadership Evaluations
by Jamie L. Gloor & Manuela C. Morf & Samantha Paustian-Underdahl & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0139 The native-migrant gap in the progression into and through upper-secondary education
by Stefan C. Wolter & Maria Zumbuehl - 0138 The Development of Non-Cognitive Skills in Adolescence
by Peter Hoeschler & Simone Balestra & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0137 So similar and yet so different: A comparative analysis of a firm's net costs and post-apprenticeship training benefits in Austria and Switzerland
by Luca Moretti & Martin Mayerl & Samuel Muehlemann & Peter Schloegl & Stefan C. Wolter - 0136 Another piece of the puzzle: Firms' investment in training as optimization of skills inventory
by Harald Pfeifer & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0135 Gender, willingness to compete and career choices along the whole ability distribution
by Thomas Buser & Noemi Peter & Stefan Wolter - 0134 Where Does the Good Shepherd Go? Civic Virtue and Sorting into Public Sector Employment
by Adam Ayaita & Filiz Guelal & Philip Yang - 0133 You get what you 'pay' for: Academic attention, career incentives and changes in publication portfolios of business and economics researchers
by Adam Ayaita & Kerstin Pull & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0132 Additional Career Assistance and Educational Outcomes for Students in Lower Track Secondary Schools
by Bernd Fitzenberger & Stefanie Licklederer - 0131 Firms' knowledge acquisition during dual-track VET: Which sources are important for innovativeness?
by Christian Rupietta & Harald Pfeifer & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0129 Class Size in Early Grades, Student Grit and Later School Outcomes
by Jana Gross & Simone Balestra & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0128 Do migrants prefer academic to vocational education? The role of rational factors vs. social status considerations in the formation of attitudes toward a particular type of education in Switzerland
by Aurelien Abrassart & Marius R. Busemeyer & Maria A. Cattaneo & Stefan C. Wolter - 0127 Wie weiter nach der obligatorischen Schule? Bildungsentscheidungen und -verlaeufe der PISA-Kohorte 2012 in der Schweiz
by Maria Zumbuehl & Stefan C. Wolter - 0124 Only the brave? Risk and time preferences of decision makers and firms' investment in worker training
by Anika Jansen & Harald Pfeifer & Julia Raecke - 0121 Information Advantages of Training Employers Despite Credible Training Certificates
by Jens Mohrenweiser & Gabriele Wydra-Somaggio & Thomas Zwick
- 0126 Die Berufsbildung in der Pole-Position. Die Einstellungen der Schweizer Bevoelkerung zum Thema Allgemeinbildung vs. Berufsbildung
by Maria A. Cattaneo & Stefan C. Wolter - 0125 Wie viel darf es kosten und wer soll es bezahlen? Einstellungen der Schweizer Bevoelkerung zu Fragen der Finanzierung des Bildungswesens
by Maria A. Cattaneo & Stefan C. Wolter - 0120 Subjective completion beliefs and the demand for post-secondary education
by Johannes S. Kunz & Kevin E. Staub - 0119 Teacher Literacy and Numeracy Skills: International Evidence from PIAAC and ALL
by Bart H.H. Golsteyn & Stan Vermeulen & Inge de Wolf - 0118 Lost in Transition: The Influence of Locus of Control on Delaying Educational Decisions
by Katharina Jaik & Stefan C. Wolter - 0117 Regional Innovation Effects of Applied Research Institutions
by Curdin Pfister & Miriam Koomen & Dietmar Harhoff & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0116 The more they spend, the more I earn? Firms' training investments and post-training wages of apprentices
by Hans Dietrich & Harald Pfeifer & Felix Wenzelmann - 0115 The more, the better? The impact of instructional time on student performance
by Maria A. Cattaneo & Chantal Oggenfuss & Stefan C. Wolter - 0113 The retention effect of training – portability, visibility, and credibility
by Daniel Dietz & Thomas Zwick
- 0122 Veraenderungen in der gruppenspezifischen Nutzung von ganztaegigen Schulangeboten - Laengsschnittanalysen fuer den Primarbereich
by Jan Marcus & Janina Nemitz & C. Katharina Spiess - 0114 The role of paternal risk attitudes in long-run education outcomes and intergenerational mobility
by Mathias Huebener - 0112 Occupational Tasks and Wage Inequality in West Germany: A Decomposition Analysis
by Miriam Koomen & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0111 Ten Facts You Need To Know About Hiring
by Samuel Muehlemann & Mirjam Strupler Leiser - 0108 Reducing university dropout rates with entrance tests – self-fulfilling prophecy or high quality students
by Mirjam Strupler Leiser & Stefan C. Wolter - 0107 The Relative Importance of Type of Education and Subject Area: Empirical Evidence for Educational Decisions
by Curdin Pfister & Simone Tuor Sartore & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0106 Occupational Specificity: A new Measurement Based on Training Curricula and its Effect on Labor Market Outcomes
by Christian Eggenberger & Miriam Rinawi & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0105 Layers of co-existing innovation systems
by Johannes Meuer & Christian Rupietta & Uschi Backes-Gellner
- 0123 The Impact of High School Exit Exams on Graduation Rates and Achievement
by Katherine Caves & Simone Balestra - 0110 Analyzing educational achievement differences between second-generation immigrants: Comparing Germany and German-speaking Switzerland
by Johannes S. Kunz - 0104 Firms' method of pay and the retention of apprentices
by Miriam Rinawi & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0103 Labour market transitions after layoffs: the role of occupational skills
by Miriam Rinawi & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0102 Heterogeneous effects of pupil-to-teacher ratio policies - A look at class size reduction and teacher aide
by Simone Balestra & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0101 Are the education policy preferences of teachers just a reflection of their occupational concerns?
by Chantal Oggenfuss & Stefan C. Wolter - 0100 Shooting for the Stars and Failing: College Dropout and Self-Esteem
by Peter Hoeschler & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0098 Absenteeism in Apprenticeships: What Role Do Works Councils Play?
by Harald Pfeifer - 0097 Benefits of Apprenticeship Training and Recent Challenges - Empirical Results and Lessons from Switzerland and Germany
by Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0096 Does Private Tutoring Work? The Effectiveness of Private Tutoring: A Nonparametric Bounds Analysis
by Stefanie Hof
- 0095 The Costs of Recruiting Apprentices: Evidence from German Firm-Level Data
by Samuel Muehlemann & Harald Pfeifer & Felix Wenzelmann - 0094 Labor Market Effects of Adult Education Vouchers: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment
by Dolores Messer & Guido Schwerdt & Ludger Woessmann & Stefan C. Wolter - 0093 Positive Effects of Ageing and Age-Diversity in Innovative Companies - Large Scale Evidence on Company Productivity
by Uschi Backes-Gellner & Stephan Veen - 0092 Der Einfluss der Internationalisierung auf die arbeitsmarktorientierte Bildung
by Samuel Muehlemann - 0091 Heterogeneous Returns to Education Over Wage Distribution: Who Profits the Most?
by Simone Balestra & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0090 Differences in Initial Training and Wages of Japanese Engineering and Retailing Companies - Who Pays for Higher Training Costs?
by Uschi Backes-Gellner & Shiho Futagami & Silvia Teuber & Andrea Willi - 0089 Combining knowledge stock and knowledge flow to generate superior incremental innovation performance - Evidence from Swiss manufacturing
by Christian Rupietta & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0088 Are multinational teams more successful?
by Hartmut Haas & Stephan Nuesch - 0087 Which firms train disadvantaged youth?
by Jens Mohrenweiser - 0086 Invest in the best or compensate the weak? An empirical analysis of the heterogeneity of a firm's provision of human capital
by Samuel Muehlemann & Romy Braendli & Stefan C. Wolter - 0085 Kann man mit dem öffentlichen Beschaffungswesen Lehrstellen fördern?
by Mirjam Strupler Leiser & Stefan C. Wolter
- 0109 Hiring Costs for Skilled Workers and the Supply of Firm-Provided Training
by Marc Blatter & Samuel Muehlemann & Samuel Schenker & Stefan C. Wolter - 0084 Duale Berufsbildung wird unterschaetzt. Akademiker starten nicht immer von der Poleposition
by Uschi Backes-Gellner & Sara Brunner - 0083 The effect of labor market regulations on training behavior and quality: the German labor market reform as a natural experiment
by Anika Jansen & Mirjam Strupler Leiser & Felix Wenzelmann & Stefan C. Wolter - 0082 How do companies adjust their organization to national institutions: evidence from matched-pair engineering companies
by Silvia Teuber & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0081 The returns to occupation-specific human capital - Evidence from mobility after training
by Barbara Mueller & Juerg Schweri - 0080 Training Participation of a Firm's Aging Workforce
by Christian Pfeifer & Simon Janssen & Philip Yang & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0079 Learning for a bonus: How financial incentives interact with preferences
by Uschi Backes-Gellner & Yvonne Oswald - 0078 Educational diversity and individual pay: The advantages of combining academic and VET graduates in the workplace
by Simone N. Tuor Sartore & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0077 The structure of hiring costs in Germany - evidence from firm-level data
by Samuel Muehlemann & Harald Pfeifer - 0076 Revisiting system theories in Strategic Human Resource Management - A set-theoretic analysis of high performing firms in the UK
by Johannes Meuer & Henric van der Ent - 0075 Apprentice pay in Britain, Germany and Switzerland: institutions, market forces, market power
by Paul Ryan & Uschi Backes-Gellner & Silvia Teuber & Karin Wagner - 0074 How firms' participation in apprenticeship training fosters knowledge diffusion and innovation
by Christian Rupietta & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0073 Recruitment and Apprenticeship Training
by Jens Mohrenweiser - 0072 When a Door Closes, a Window Opens? Long-term Labor Market Effects of Involuntary Separations
by Simone Balestra & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0071 How Acid are Lemons? Adverse Selection and Signalling for Skilled Labour Market Entrants
by Robert Wagner & Thomas Zwick
- 0099 Monopsony power, pay structure and training
by Samuel Muehlemann & Paul Ryan & Stefan C. Wolter - 0070 Competing in the Higher Education Market: Empirical Evidence for Economies of Scale and Scope in German Higher Education Institutions
by Maria Olivares & Heike Wetzel - 0069 Beurteilung von Hochschulen anhand der Arbeitsmarktfähigkeit ihrer Absolventen und Absolventinnen: Eine Analyse der Schweizer Universitäten
by Andrea Diem & Stefan C. Wolter - 0068 Individual policy preferences for vocational versus academic education: Microlevel evidence for the case of Switzerland
by Marius R. Busemeyer & Maria Alejandra Cattaneo & Stefan C. Wolter - 0067 The Effects of Training on Own and Co-Worker Productivity: Evidence from a Field Experiment
by Andries De Grip & Jan Sauermann - 0066 The Use of Bibliometrics to Measure Research Performance in Education Sciences
by Andrea Diem & Stefan C. Wolter - 0065 Reverse Educational Spillovers at the Firm Level
by Uschi Backes-Gellner & Christian Rupietta & Simone N. Tuor - 0064 Apprenticeship: between theory and practice, school and workplace
by Paul Ryan - 0062 Heterogeneous Wage Effects of Apprenticeship Training
by Kathrin Goeggel & Thomas Zwick - 0061 Effects of Training on Employee Suggestions and Promotions in an Internal Labor Market
by Christian Pfeifer & Simon Janssen & Philip Yang & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0060 What drives the intentions of crafts apprentices to change their employer or occupation? An empirical study in the crafts sector
by Robert Wagner & Maximilian Wolf - 0059 Quereinsteiger in den Lehrberuf am Beispiel der schweizerischen Berufsbildung
by Stefanie Hof & Mirjam Strupler & Stefan C. Wolter - 0058 Part-time work and employer-provided training: boon to women and bane to men?
by Uschi Backes-Gellner & Yvonne Oswald & Simone N. Tuor - 0057 Works councils, collective bargaining and apprenticeship training
by Ben Kriechel & Samuel Muehlemann & Harald Pfeifer & Miriam Schuette - 0056 Wer hat Angst vor Schulwahl?
by Andrea Diem & Stefan C. Wolter - 0055 Corporate Ownership and Initial Training in Britain, Germany and Switzerland
by Paul Ryan & Karin Wagner & Silvia Teuber & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0054 Can a standardized aptitude test predict training success of apprentices? Evidence from a case study in Switzerland
by Michael Siegenthaler - 0053 The consequences of being different - Statistical discrimination and the school-to-work transition
by Barbara Mueller & Stefan C. Wolter - 0052 Career Entry and Success After Tertiary Vocational Education
by Regula Geel & Uschi Backes-Gellner
- 0051 Poaching and Firm-Sponsored Training
by Jens Mohrenweiser & Thomas Zwick & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0050 Differences between entrepreneurs and employees in their educational paths
by Uschi Backes-Gellner & Simone Tuor & Daniela Wettstein - 0049 Earning While Learning: Labor Market Returns to Student Employment During Tertiary Education
by Regula Geel & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0048 Wenn das Naechstgelegene die erste Wahl ist - Der Einfluss der geographischen Mobilitaet der Studierenden auf die Hochschullandschaft Schweiz
by Stefan Denzler & Stefan C. Wolter
- 0047 Occupational Mobility Within and Between Skill Clusters: An Empirical Analysis Based on the Skill-Weights Approach
by Regula Geel & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0046 Time - Even More Costly Than Money: Training Costs of Workers and Firms
by Simone Tuor & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0045 Good Occupation - Bad Occupation? The Quality of Apprenticeship Training
by Kathrin Goeggel & Thomas Zwick - 0044 Berufswechsel beim Uebergang von der Lehre in den Arbeitsmarkt
by Juerg Schweri & Barbara Mueller - 0043 Marijuana Consumption, Educational Outcomes and Labor Market Success: Evidence from Switzerland
by Donata Bessey & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0042 Kann man mit Gutscheinen die Weiterbildungsbeteiligung steigern? Resultate aus einem wissenschaftlichen Feldexperiment
by Dolores Messer & Stefan C. Wolter - 0041 Laufbahnentscheide im Lehrberuf aus bildungsoekonomischer Sicht
by Stefan Denzler & Stefan C. Wolter
- 0063 Skill obsolescence, vintage effects and changing tasks
by Simon Janssen & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0040 Dropping out and revising educational decisions: Evidence from vocational education
by Donata Bessey & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0039 Erfassung der Wirkung von Lehrerprofessionalitaet aus bildungsoekonomischer Perspektive
by Silvia Teuber & Uschi Backes-Gellner & Johannes Mure - 0038 Specificity of Occupational Training and Occupational Mobility: An Empirical Study Based on Lazear's Skill-Weights Approach
by Regula Geel & Johannes Mure & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 0037 Train to gain - The benefits of employee-financed training in Germany
by Harald U. Pfeifer - 0036 Are Firm Innovativeness and Firm Age Relevant for the Supply of Vocational Training? - A Study Based on Swiss Micro Data
by Spyros Arvanitis